How to treat a bump on the foot near the big toe using folk remedies: a selection of effective recipes. Causes and Treatments for Bumps on Toes

An urgent question is how to choose the right treatment for bumps on the legs using folk remedies, so as not to resort to surgical intervention. Such formations not only spoil the appearance, but also bring discomfort to a person. There are several types of formations, and they all differ in size and degree of pain. Traditional medicine offers various recipes for dealing with bumps on the legs, as well as special exercises. Any formation leads to deformation of the foot, which causes pain that significantly complicates the process of movement.

Getting rid of bumps on the legs can be done in different ways, but it is better to prevent the development of this disease.

What causes the disease?

Bumps on the toes and feet develop over a long period of time, so patients do not always focus on the problem. People think that the reason lies in narrow shoes. However, neoplasms always appear due to internal problems of the body. Provoking factors for the development of the disease include:

  • Previously appeared flat feet.
  • Getting injured.
  • Work in a certain position where a person has to stand on his feet for a long time.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, as a result of which a lump grows on the foot near the big toe.
  • High levels of urea in the blood, which appear due to reasons such as:
    • incorrectly composed diet;
    • use of diuretics;
    • increased physical activity that affects the functioning of the body.

Recognizing symptoms

When a person gets sick, they experience unpleasant sensations, among which the first to appear is redness in the area where the lump will be localized. Then an unpleasant prickly sensation appears on the feet when walking, after which their shape begins to change. A person’s performance decreases, he loses interest in the task, he quickly gets tired, even when he walks a short distance.

Folk remedies

The early stages of foot bumps can be completely eliminated with the help of traditional healers' recipes.

Even with small tumors, the patient must begin therapy to prevent the lump from growing. But before starting treatment measures, you should undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the factors for the development of the deviation. Traditional medicine is the safest treatment method and is therefore suitable for all patients. In addition to the main therapeutic complex, a special diet is prescribed to maintain the body.

Salt and honey as first helpers

Treatment of cones with folk remedies has long been practiced in medicine. The disease can be cured with salt. To do this, salt baths are taken for 14 days in a row, in which the feet are kept for a maximum of 15 minutes. More painful, but effective, are compresses of salt and honey, which are placed on the leg for 5 minutes. Such lotions are made for about 10 days.

Application of clay

This is a folk remedy that copes well with inflammatory processes and irritations, so the healing process will speed up. The recipe is as follows:

  1. A mixture of red clay and salt is mixed together with water. A few drops of turpentine are also added.
  2. Apply to the sore spot until complete recovery.
  3. After this, the compress is washed off and the feet are dried with a clean towel.

Using egg ointment

From eggs, vinegar, fat and turpentine you can make a healing ointment for bumps on your feet.

You can treat it at home using an egg and vinegar ointment. Recipe:

  1. a whole, unbroken egg is poured with vinegar and placed in a dark place for 14 days;
  2. after this, the egg is taken out and left on a clean, prepared plate, where 10 grams of turpentine and 20 grams of pork fat are added, which must be melted in advance;
  3. The mixture is rubbed into the affected areas once every 2 days.

Application of bile

To get rid of a lump at home, the pharmacy buys bird or animal bile, which is used to lubricate the tumors or make lotions for the patient at night. The cotton wool is moistened in the solution and applied to the affected area, while securely fixing the lotion with cellophane, and warm socks are put on top. This treatment lasts no more than 2 months, and the procedure itself is carried out daily.

Kerosene cream

To combat bumps on the legs, a recipe for a kerosene-based cream is prepared. The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. in any convenient container, mix 50 milliliters of kerosene with sunflower oil in approximately a 1:1 ratio;
  2. add 10 grams of soda and a ground quarter of a piece of laundry soap;
  3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into areas with neoplasm until the skin on the lump is completely dry.

Bodyagi ointment

To prepare the mixture, take 10 grams of bodyaga, 30 grams of crushed red pepper pulp, 125 ml of ethyl alcohol and 30 ml of ammonia, 30 grams of camphor. All ingredients are mixed until the mixture becomes homogeneous, after which the pit is lubricated overnight. The patient must ensure that the ointment does not come into contact with healthy areas, otherwise there is a risk of burns. After applying the mixture, the legs are bandaged and placed in a warm place.

Other recipes

Analgin and iodine are proven folk remedies for bumps on the legs. Recipe:

A mixture of analgin and iodine is used to treat the bumps on the legs until they completely disappear.

  1. for the mixture, take 6 tablets of the drug and mix them with 50 milliliters of iodine;
  2. the affected areas are treated with the solution 5-6 times a day.

A solution of 10 grams of bay leaf and 100 milliliters of ammonia also helps in treating foot bumps. The components are infused for a week, after which the neoplasms are lubricated twice a day. To remove a bump on the foot, propolis is also used, which is applied to the affected areas and wrapped in a warm cloth.

Hallux valgus is a fairly common problem that most often affects the phalanges of the big toes. Such a disease is not only a cosmetic defect. It also causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. So what does treatment for big toe bunions look like? What symptoms accompany the disease and why does it occur? The answers to these questions interest many people.

What is a bunion on the big toe?

A lump or bone at the base of the big toe is associated with a gradual deformation of the joint, as a result of which the bones of the phalanges of the fingers are displaced. It is worth noting that this disease is considered quite common. Mature women are most susceptible to it.

Deformation is a long process. And if you notice the presence of changes in the early stages, then it is quite possible to correct the situation without the help of surgeons. Unfortunately, most patients perceive the disease as a minor aesthetic discomfort and seek help from a specialist in the later stages of the disease, when the deformity leads to pain, inflammation and restrictions in movement.

on the thumb: reasons for its appearance

In fact, there are many factors under the influence of which such a disease develops. Before considering the treatment of bunions on the feet near the big toe, it is worth understanding the main causes of their occurrence.

  1. First of all, it is worth noting genetic predisposition.
  2. As already mentioned, the deformity is most often diagnosed in women. Men make up only 2% of patients.
  3. The main risk factors include constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes, in particular, shoes with narrow toes and high, unstable stiletto heels.
  4. Excess weight can also provoke the development of deformity.
  5. Workers whose profession requires long periods of standing or walking are also often susceptible to this disease.
  6. One of the potentially dangerous factors is the presence of endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  7. Much more often, hallux valgus deformity is diagnosed in older people.

Bumps on the feet near the big toe: photos, symptoms and stages of disease development

Deformation is a chronic process. This disease can develop over several years. Today it is customary to distinguish several stages of the disease:

  • At the first stages, there is a slight displacement of the first phalanx towards the others. As a rule, at this stage there is no physical discomfort, and small bones on the feet are perceived only as an aesthetic defect.
  • At the second stage, very noticeable bumps appear on the feet near the big toe. The photo shows what this deformation looks like. In this case, not only the first, but also the second finger is deflected. Patients often complain of discomfort, which increases when wearing uncomfortable shoes, as well as prolonged standing, walking, and physical activity.
  • The third stage of deformation is characterized by severe pain. In this case, you can notice the curvature of all the toes. A person is constantly bothered by pain, which often occurs even at rest. This significantly limits freedom of movement. You can often notice inflammation of the affected joint, which is accompanied by swelling, severe pain and redness of the skin.

Briefly about early diagnostic methods

Of course, in later stages the lump under the big toe or on the inside of the foot is visually visible. But even in cases where the diagnosis leaves no doubt, X-rays of the foot are needed in three projections. This helps to establish the presence of deformation, determine its degree, and also see pathological bone growths, etc.

In some cases, computer planography is additionally performed. This is a fairly simple procedure in which a photo of the foot print is taken using a special platform. Such a study helps determine the degree of load on different parts of the feet.

In the early stages, the presence of deformity can be determined using computer podometry, which takes into account changes in a person’s gait. But biomechanical studies help diagnose pathology even during the preclinical stages of development. In any case, it is worth remembering that the correct diagnosis determines how effective the treatment of bunions on the big toe will be.

Is it possible to have hallux valgus?

Today, many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to treat bunions on the big toe with the help of medications. As already mentioned, this pathology is associated with gradual deformation of the joints, so there are no effective medications that can stop this process.

However, in some cases, complex therapy includes taking medications. They are mainly used to relieve pain, as well as to combat inflammation. Therefore, taking medications is a way to eliminate the consequences of bunions on the big toe.

The ointment used usually contains anti-inflammatory components. The most effective are steroid (hormonal) gels, ointments and creams, which quickly relieve redness and swelling, reduce pain and stop the further development of the inflammatory process, thereby alleviating the patient’s condition. But without other therapeutic measures, eliminating the deformity is impossible.

Conservative treatment methods

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat bunions on the big toe without surgery. Of course, conservative therapy is effective, but only if it was started in the early stages of the disease.

What does this treatment include? Complex therapy consists of many different activities. In particular, the doctor will create for you an individual set of gymnastic exercises that will strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot. There are also various orthopedic devices, which will be described below.

In addition, the treatment includes regular sessions. This helps improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Various methods of physiotherapy are also used, for example, phonophoresis, paraffin baths, electrophoresis with novocaine, etc., as well as spa treatment. If you are overweight, the specialist will recommend a diet. Of course, you will need to give up high-heeled shoes. The heel should be stable and low.

Gymnastics for hallux valgus

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the problem of bunions on their feet near the big toe. Gymnastics for such a disease is an important part of treatment, as well as prevention. To begin with, it is worth noting that the complex of physical therapy is selected by the treating orthopedist depending on the stage of development of the disease.

However, for the most part, these exercises are very simple. For example, many experts recommend walking barefoot as often as possible.

Here are some more effective exercises:

  1. For several minutes, alternately walk on your toes, heels, and the outside of your feet (but in no case should you lean on the inside of your foot, where the “bones” are located).
  2. Sit on the floor, lean on your hands, and stretch your legs in front of you. Now alternately pull your toes forward and then back.
  3. Throw a small object on the floor, such as keys or a pencil. Now try to lift it using your toes. There is another useful and simple exercise: try crumpling a piece of paper with your toes.

It is worth understanding that it will provide the desired effect only if you perform the exercises regularly.

Orthopedic devices to correct deformities

Conservative therapy must necessarily include the use of special orthopedic devices that ensure alignment of curved bones and joints, and also redistribute the load on certain areas of the foot.

In particular, special orthopedic insoles, intertoe cushions and instep supports, which can be worn with shoes, are considered quite popular. An orthopedic surgeon will tell you more about these devices and will select the most suitable model.

In addition, there are special orthopedic splints that are convenient to use: with their help you can fix the thumb in the correct position, thereby not only preventing further deformation, but also aligning the phalanges.

Are there effective folk remedies?

Is it possible to eliminate cones on the feet near the big toe at home? Folk remedies, of course, exist, but it is immediately worth noting that with their help it is impossible to eliminate the existing deformation. In any case, even in the early stages of the disease, consultation with a specialist is simply necessary: ​​without diagnosis and examination, it is impossible to create the correct treatment regimen.

On the other hand, complex therapy may also include some folk remedies. For example, some experts recommend doing special medicinal foot baths every day. When preparing the solution, use a tablespoon of salt and 10 drops of iodine solution per liter of water.

There are many recipes for making compresses. For example, traditional healers recommend placing a cabbage leaf smeared with honey on the affected joint. It should be secured to the leg with a bandage and left overnight. A compress of burdock leaves smeared with turpentine also has a good effect. In addition, propolis and grated potatoes are considered quite effective.

It is worth noting that these agents have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. They help relieve pain and redness, but do not affect the deformation process in any way. And do not forget that before starting to use one or another traditional treatment method, you should consult a specialist about this.

Surgical intervention for hallux valgus deformity

Unfortunately, conservative medicine is not always able to eliminate cones on the feet near the big toe. Surgery in such cases is the only alternative. Surgical intervention is usually prescribed in the later stages of deformation or if conservative treatment does not give the desired effect and the process of bone deformation continues.

Today, there are more than 200 different methods of surgical elimination of such a defect. These can be operations on both soft and bone tissues. The choice of procedure depends on the degree of deformation, as well as the characteristics of the disease. For example, in some cases, bone growths are removed. Sometimes the doctor may additionally remove certain areas of the bone. In some cases, the surgeon restores the normal position of the bones and tendons, and then fixes them with special metal screws.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the complexity of the procedure performed. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and have appropriate prevention, the likelihood of a relapse is minimized.

Prevention of deformation

Of course, prevention in this case is extremely important, especially when it comes to people prone to this kind of disease. Therefore, doctors recommend avoiding exposure to risk factors. In particular, you should stop wearing uncomfortable shoes, and if you have a genetic predisposition, even give preference to special orthopedic models.

It is also important to monitor your body weight, since excess kilograms place additional stress on the joints of the foot. And don’t forget about proper foot care: regular warm baths, massage, gymnastics, walking barefoot, etc.

A bunion on the big toe (hallux valgus or hallux valgus deformity) is a widespread deformity of the foot, which is distinguished not only by a pronounced cosmetic defect, but also causes significant physical discomfort.

In the vast majority of cases, this pathology develops in women (98%). The risk of developing hallux valgus increases with age - before the age of 30, only 3% of people develop a bunion on the side of the leg, and after 30 years, the disease is detected in 9%.

Why does a bunion form on the foot?

Located on the inside of the foot at the base of the big toe, the bone formation commonly called a bunion or bunion is actually the thickened and protruding head of the metatarsal bone of the big toe.

Normally, all the metatarsal bones of the foot are parallel to each other, but if the load on the foot is incorrect, the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones of the big toe increases, and the big toe begins to gradually shift to the side (the head of the bone deviates outward, and the upper part of the toe - in the opposite direction ).

A change in the angle between the bones (valgus angle) causes a gradually progressive curvature of the big toe, leads to weakening of ligaments and muscles, provokes inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joint (bursitis) and deformation of the remaining toes.

At the initial stage, the deformity is not accompanied by painful symptoms, so changes are often perceived as a cosmetic defect.

Stages of the disease

Since conservative treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the disease, before treating bunions, it is important to determine the stage of the pathology. The stage of the disease is determined not by the size of the bunion, but by the size of the valgus angle.

  1. At the first stage, the valgus angle does not exceed 15 degrees. There are practically no unpleasant sensations, a small bump at the base of the thumb is visible outwardly, and redness of the skin in the area of ​​the bone may occur due to constant friction.
  2. At the second stage, the valgus angle does not exceed 20 degrees. Pain occurs occasionally, the tubercle increases in size, and there is swelling and inflammation of the joint.
  3. The third stage is characterized by a deviation of up to 30 degrees. The deviation of the big toe and the bunion on the side of the foot are clearly visible, sharp debilitating pain appears, and corns and calluses form under the toes.
  4. In the fourth stage, the angle increases by more than 30 degrees, pain is constantly present, and deformation of the other toes is observed.

Causes of deformation

The most common cause of bunions is wearing a certain type of shoe. Women suffer from this orthopedic problem due to their love for high heels, narrow toes of shoes or narrow pumps - such shoes cause increased stress on the foot and compress the front part of it. Thus, orthopedists noted an increase in the number of cases of thumb deformity in Japanese women after the Second World War, when, due to the fascination with American culture, it became fashionable to wear high-heeled shoes on the Japanese islands (before that, hallux valgus deformity was detected mainly in women from Europe and America).

Often shoes are not a cause, but a provoking external factor. If a bone has formed on the foot, the real reasons may be internal (the patient may have various diseases that lead to foot deformation).

Internal causes of hallux valgus include:

  • Flat feet. With this change in the shape of the foot, a lowering of the longitudinal and/or transverse arches is observed. The deformation of the metatarsal bones of the big toe is mainly affected by transverse flatfoot, in which the support of the forefoot occurs on the heads of the metatarsal bones, as a result of which these bones fan out and the big toe deviates outward. Similar changes occur with low arches.
  • Connective tissue dysplasia (refers to systemic diseases and is manifested by congenital weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus). This pathology includes hereditary pathological conditions of various origins, in which the development of connective tissue is impaired. Deviation of the thumb and the development of valgus deformity with dysplasia is associated with congenital weakness of the ligaments and adductor pollicis muscle.
  • Polyneuropathy, poliomyelitis and cerebral palsy, in which motor disorders are observed (peripheral flaccid paralysis of the limbs as a result of damage to the peripheral nerves, involuntary movements, etc.).
  • Rickets is a childhood disease characterized by a disorder of bone formation due to a lack of vitamin D during active growth of the body.
  • Arthritis. This term refers to various joint lesions that develop as a result of injuries, metabolic diseases, etc. They can be acute and chronic. With arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, the connective tissue is affected, which provokes displacement of the big toe.
  • Psoriatic arthropathy. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, which develops as a result of hereditary predisposition in 5-7% of patients. Inflammation of the joint of the big toe causes gait disturbance, increases the load on the foot and provokes deformation of the big toe.
  • Gout. This metabolic disease is accompanied by the deposition of crystals of sodium and potassium salts of uric acid in various tissues, as well as the formation of tophi (gouty “bumps”) around the joints.
  • Diabetes mellitus. It is an endocrine disease characterized by poor blood circulation in the extremities. The formation of a lump on the feet near the big toe in diabetes mellitus is provoked by increased load on the foot.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease of the connective tissue and musculoskeletal system, in which bone density decreases, their microarchitecture is disrupted, and fragility increases. Women have a 3 times higher risk of developing this disease than men.

The reasons for the appearance of bunions also include:

  • chromosomal pathologies and hereditary diseases (Down syndrome and Marfan syndrome), in which joint hypermobility is observed;
  • multiple sclerosis (is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is damaged);
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (is a hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities).

The development of bunions is also provoked by rapid growth during puberty (therefore, juvenile hallux valgus deformity is distinguished separately) and professional excessive strain on the legs (ballerinas, waitresses, athletes, etc. suffer from excessive stress on the foot)

Hallux valgus is a professional disease of ballerinas.

Signs of hallux valgus

The initial stage of the formation of a bunion on the foot is accompanied by the protrusion of a small tubercle at the base of the big toe, slight swelling and redness of this area. When walking, pain may be felt in the middle phalanges of the fingers. It is at this stage that treatment of bunions with the help of orthopedic products can give positive results, so you should not self-medicate - if symptoms of incipient deformity appear, you should consult, which will help you choose the appropriate treatment methods.

If left untreated, the disease steadily progresses and already at the second stage, a clearly visible growth forms in the area of ​​the metatarsal head, and a dry callus appears under the finger in the area of ​​the middle phalanx. The joint of the thumb is inflamed, so there is always swelling and aching pain of varying degrees of intensity (intensifies when walking).

A further increase in the valgus angle and displacement of the thumb is accompanied by keratinization of the skin in the affected area and the appearance of calluses under the third phalanx of the fingers. Patients suffer from sharp, debilitating pain not only in the big toe area, but also in the sole of the foot. The bone increases significantly in size, the remaining fingers begin to deform (become like a hammer).

Treatment with conservative methods

Treatment for bunions begins with replacing uncomfortable shoes with models with wide toes and without high heels.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the foot, the doctor may recommend:

  • Special gaskets for the joint capsule of the thumb (bursoprotectors). These pads protect the problem area from pressure and friction when in contact with shoes and, with regular use, reduce pain. The gel-fabric protector softens the skin thanks to a gel coating applied to the inside (the gel consists of mineral oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect). The silicone protector does not cause allergies, easily takes the required shape and returns to its original shape after use, and is hygienic (can be disinfected and washed with soap).
  • Insoles for big toe abduction. They are distinguished by the presence of a convexity on the outside and have a special limiter in the thumb area.
  • Spacer orthopedic products that fix the toe and change the distribution of load on the foot.

Spacer products include:

  1. Interdigital septum in the form of a ring for the first toe. It is distinguished by its anatomical shape, the ability to soften and protect the skin thanks to the vitamins included in the material. Separates the 1st and 2nd toes and moves the 1st toe to its original position. Does not slip off, can be washed by hand.
  2. Corrective bandage made of hypoallergenic plastic. Helps keep the thumb in the correct position. It is worn only during sleep (removed before getting up); in case of diabetes mellitus, use requires consultation with a doctor.
  3. Gel corrective pads that do not slip, protect against friction, prevent the formation of corns, and reduce pain when walking.
  4. Valgus fixators. They are worn on the big or second toe, on the big toe and foot (part of the foot is open), etc.

Treatment of bunions on the big toe with orthopedic products is carried out under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor.

If there is inflammation of the joint, the following are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They can prescribe Arthra (a drug that has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the destruction of cartilage), Meloxicam (relieves pain and inflammation), etc.
  • Corticosteroid injections into the affected joint.
  • Physiotherapy. Includes calcium electrophoresis, ozokerite-paraffin applications and hydrocortisone phonophoresis, carried out in a hospital setting.
  • Shock wave treatment, in which cartilage growth on the joint is reduced due to the destruction of calcifications. During the treatment, blood circulation in the surrounding tissues is restored and their elasticity is improved, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are strengthened, and inflammation of the joint is eliminated.

Therapeutic exercise, massage and traditional methods

How to treat a bunion with the help of physical therapy is explained in detail by the attending orthopedic doctor. Therapeutic gymnastics gives tangible results in the initial stages of the disease, but to achieve the desired effect it is necessary:

  • do exercises daily;
  • observe the required number of approaches (if you are tired, you can take a break, but if you need to repeat the exercise 5 times, do it exactly 5 times);
  • do not forget to perform unloading exercises after loading your legs.
  • Sitting on a chair, place your legs at a right angle, fully resting on your foot. Using only your toes, move your legs back and forth 8-10 times (the movement resembles moving a caterpillar).
  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward and rest your hands on the floor, and then bend your legs at the ankles one by one (10-15 bends for each foot).
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs and spread your toes as wide as possible, hold them in this position for 10 seconds, and then return your toes to their original position. Perform the exercise 10 times.
  • Place a small object on the floor (ideally a pencil or pen) and lift it with your toes.
  • Sitting on the floor, alternately bend and straighten your toes until you feel tired.
  • Place a sheet of paper on the floor and crumple it with your toes.
  • Place a bottle of water or a rolling pin on the floor and roll it with your foot (can be done either sitting or standing).

You can also perform exercises using multidirectional movements. To do this, pull your big toe up with your fingers, and at the same time press it down with muscle force. Fix your finger at one point, press for 3 seconds, take a break for 5 seconds. An exercise is performed in a similar way, in which the big toe is pressed to the floor with the help of the fingers and at the same time, with muscle effort, it is pulled upward.

Complex exercises include drawing with your toes. The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair, your back should be straight, your hands should be on your knees. Using your toes, the pen is lifted from the floor, pinched between the first and second fingers, and then a circle or other figure is drawn on the paper lying on the floor (the task can be gradually complicated by moving on to writing numbers and letters).

In addition to exercises, foot massage is recommended if you have a bunion. You can do it yourself, using caution.

  1. The deformed joint is grasped with two fingers of the right hand, and the tip of the thumb with two fingers of the left hand. Holding the tip of the finger, the finger should be turned with light movements of the right hand, first clockwise and then counterclockwise for 1 minute.
  2. Using your thumbs, rub the muscle fibers located between your toes, and then apply light pressure along each toe from top to bottom. The massage is carried out for 3 minutes on each foot.
  3. Using your thumbs, rub the thumb ligaments from top to bottom, pressing lightly on the ligament (perform movements for 3 minutes).
  4. Run your thumbs along the inside of your foot, lightly pressing on the muscles of your big toe (do this for 2-3 minutes).

Important: During the massage there should be no sharp pain, the movements are performed smoothly, the efforts increase gradually.

For bunions, you can also use traditional methods of treatment:

  • Foot baths with salt (100-150 grams per 3 liters of water) or herbs.
  • Mask for bones made of red clay. To prepare the mixture for 50 g. clay you need to take 50 grams. sea ​​salt, dilute these ingredients in a glass of water and add 7 drops of turpentine. This composition is applied to the bone and left until completely dry, and then washed off with warm water.
  • Ointment made from eggs, vinegar essence and pork fat. The shelled egg is infused in vinegar in a dark place for a week, then removed, mixed with fat and applied to the bone once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Folk remedies can only be used as auxiliary methods of treatment.

Surgical treatment

Conservative treatment methods help to stop the deformation process only at the initial stage of the disease. For severe deformation of the thumb (moderate to severe) in patients of any age, surgical methods are used for treatment.

There are a variety of surgical techniques that allow:

  • eliminate inflammation of the joint of the first toe;
  • reconstruct the bones that make up the thumb;
  • restore the arch of the foot;
  • balance the muscles around the joint and restore foot function.

How to treat a bunion with surgery depends on the type of deformity, the condition of the bones and soft tissues, complaints and the general health of the patient.

Surgery combines soft tissue surgery and osteotomy (bone cutting to correct deformity). The specific method of operation is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Scarf osteotomy is successfully used to eliminate moderate valgus deformity. This method allows you to:

  • displace the bone in the longitudinal plane and rotate part of the head of the metatarsal bone;
  • lengthen the bone if its longitudinal size is insufficient;
  • if necessary, shorten the bone;
  • move bone fragments towards the center of the foot;
  • move bone fragments down and back, thus reducing the load on the inside of the foot and the first phalangeal joint;
  • rotate bone fragments in the transverse plane when pronating the joints.

With a Scarf osteotomy, a small incision is made on the inside of the foot from the base of the toe towards the beginning of the metatarsal bone, a wedge is cut from the side of the first metatarsal bone (resembling the letter Z), after which the head of the big toe is shifted at the desired angle. In this case, the location of the thumb tendons changes, and the deformed joint capsule is separated from the outside. The bones are fixed with titanium screws, which do not require removal if there is no discomfort. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the recovery period takes from 3 to 6 weeks.

Immediately after surgery, weight bearing on the foot is allowed in a special device (orthosis), which reduces the pressure on the forefoot.

It is also possible to carry out:

  • Akin osteotomy, which can be proximal (the metatarsal bone is cut at the proximal end), distal (the bone is cut closer to the nail) and oblique (the bone is cut along the main phalanx). In this type of osteotomy, a bone wedge is removed from the base of the main phalanx, the finger is straightened and secured with a screw or staples.
  • Weil osteotomy is an oblique long osteotomy of the small metatarsal bones, in which the bones can be displaced in the medial (toward the center), lateral (longitudinal) and proximal directions. During the operation, the metatarsal head is returned to its normal position, longitudinal decompression is performed, and hammertoe deformity is corrected.
  • Schede-Brandes operations, in which a protruding bone is removed from the lateral part of the first metatarsal bone, then the proximal part of the main phalanx of the big toe is truncated, and a plaster splint is applied to the foot, which fixes the foot in the correct position.

These techniques do not affect the joint, so the mobility of the forefoot joints is maintained and improved.

If necessary, techniques aimed at creating joint immobility (arthrodesis) and chevron osteotomy can be used, during which the heads of the first and second metatarsal bones are brought together and the anatomical position of the foot is reconstructed.

If there are bunions on both legs, the operation can be performed on both feet simultaneously or one at a time.

In most cases, the patient can walk immediately after surgery. To reduce the load on the foot, special shoes are used (crutches are not required). It is recommended to wear post-operative shoes for 5 weeks.

Discomfort and moderate swelling after surgery persist in the forefoot for 3-5 months.

Complications and reoperations are extremely rare. The deformity does not return after surgery.


To prevent bunions from forming, people with increased stress on their legs are advised to:

  • before going to bed, take foot baths with sea salt or herbs to improve blood supply to the feet;
  • wear comfortable shoes (avoid models with narrow toes and limit wearing high-heeled models);
  • for flat feet, use orthopedic insoles;
  • eat right (monitor your weight if you tend to be overweight and follow a diet if you have gout);
  • perform physical exercises to maintain leg tone;
  • If you experience discomfort in the big toe area, visit an orthopedist in a timely manner.

Massage is also useful, helping to relieve the foot after stress during the working day.

How to get rid of a bone (bump) on your feet at home, is it possible to do without surgery? Let's look at folk remedies, recipes and reviews from readers of the newspaper "Vestnik ZOZH".

What are “bumps on the feet near the big toe”?

“Bumps” or “foot bones” are popular names. The pathology in which lumps form on the big toes is correctly called “transverse flatfoot.”

Hallux valgus (a bunion or a bunion on the foot) is an orthopedic defect that develops with age. Most often it occurs in women after 30 years of age. An irregular angle is formed between the phalanx of the first toe and the metatarsal bone. The bone deviates inward, the thumb outward, due to which a transverse growth appears.

The reasons for the appearance of “bones” are:

  1. Hereditary predisposition - weakness of ligaments and tendons.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes (very narrow or high heels).
  3. Professional stress on joints in people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet - athletes, hairdressers, etc.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Arthrosis of the joints.
  6. Foot injuries.
  7. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For example, diabetes.

How to get rid of a bunion on your foot? Video tips from Elena Malysheva.

What is the reason for the appearance of bunions on the feet: when we wear high-heeled shoes with a narrow toe or when, on the contrary, we walk in flat-soled shoes with absolutely no arch support, no supporting platform, no wide and stable heel, then the foot is flattened. Flattening always leads to deformation, which is called a “bump on the leg.” The finger moves, the protruding angle increases. The bone begins to grow compensatory, resulting in a lump. Hence chronic inflammation, the inability to wear normal shoes, pain at night, because it is just chronic inflammation, suffering, an abnormal life.
Bunions are practically a female problem due to wearing uncomfortable shoes that load the forefoot. The treatment algorithm is very simple. That is, he always starts with prevention, we wear heels as little as possible, we should wear comfortable shoes with low, stable heels.
The second thing you definitely need to do is keep your weight normal. Because excess weight adds, so to speak, a millimeter to your bump. This is a must!
One of the quite effective ways to treat bunions is putting on special bandages at night, which are put on the big toe and keep the foot in the correct position all night long.
Watch the video for more details:

What measures can be taken at home to get rid of bunions?

  • Reduce the load on the joint: change your lifestyle, change your shoes.
  • If the joint is inflamed, apply ice several times a day or take anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, etc.).
  • Contact an orthopedist and choose special orthopedic insoles.
  • Do special gymnastic exercises and massage. The massage should be aimed at restoring the muscular system involved in movement and relaxing the foot. We will give a set of exercises below.

Consult a surgeon or orthopedist. The doctor may suggest surgery to remove the bone.

How to get rid of bunions without surgery - doctor's advice.

A woman is bothered by the bones on her feet, near her big toes. The bumps on my legs grow and hurt. A woman asks specialists if it is possible to get rid of bunions without surgery.
Answered by general practitioner Gurevich V.G.

Exercises against bunions

The following exercises will help you get rid of bunions (bumps) on your feet and especially prevent their appearance:

  1. Alternately rotate your feet in one direction and the other
  2. Bend and straighten your toes
  3. Pick up objects from the floor with your toes: a pencil, a small ball, a handkerchief.

Recipe from the newspaper “Herald of Healthy Lifestyle” from Healthy Lifestyle 2013, No. 17 p.10.

If you have a bunion at the base of your big toe, a simple massage will help cure it. You need to steam your foot in hot water with laundry soap, and massage it with your thumb, as if driving it inside. After several weeks, the bone is greatly reduced or disappears. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 13, p. 29.

Folk remedies for a bone (bump) on the foot near the big toe.

These folk remedies help get rid of bumps on the feet near the big toe at home.

  1. Buy at the pharmacy bile, lubricate the protruding bones of the big toe with it. At night, make compresses: soak a cotton pad in bile, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in polyethylene and a warm rag, and put a sock on top. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Relieves pain well and resolves bumps on the legs in 20 minutes salt baths(100 grams of salt per 3 liters of water). After the procedure, massage in a circular motion.
  3. Analgin and iodine. Grind 6 analgin tablets and mix with 50 ml of iodine. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day.
  4. Crush 10 g into powder bay leaf, pour 100 ml of ammonia and place in a dark place for a week. Rub the sore spots on the feet with this solution 2 times a day.

Treatment of a bunion near the big toe without surgery at home.

The newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” provides folk recipes that helped readers cure bunions on their feet at home and avoid surgery.

  • Lingonberry leaf infusion against salt deposits.
    If the cause of the bunion on the foot is salt deposition, then lingonberry leaf infusion It removes excess salts from the body well.
    1 tbsp. l. dry leaf, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Drink 100 g 2 times a day, in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment with this remedy is 2 months.
  • Treatment of bumps near the thumb with fish.
    If a bone grows on your foot, you need to put a piece of fresh river fish on it at night. Under no circumstances should you freeze the fish, just keep it in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 7 nights in a row. Then, for the next 7 days, rub fir oil into the growth. After 3 months, repeat the course of treatment. After this treatment at home, the bones stop growing, gradually soften, and the pain in the lumps disappears. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 6, p. 19.
  • Foot baths - salt + iodine
    A woman was quickly helped to get rid of pain in her bones by this folk remedy: pour warm water into a basin, add 3 tsp. soda and 7-8 drops of iodine. Take a bath for 20 minutes, then dry your feet and lubricate the bumps on your feet with 5% iodine. Wrap your feet in paper, put on woolen socks, and go to bed. The growths did not decrease, but the pain in the lumps disappeared. The woman has been doing such procedures for a month now. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 11, p. 13
  • Hungry saliva.

    Many women have pain in the bones of their big toes. A very simple folk remedy: when you wake up in the morning, rub saliva into the bump on your foot until it is dry. Do this for 10-15 days in a row until the pain disappears. It will disappear for 2-3 months, and then you will have to repeat it all again. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2000, No. 19, p. 16.
    If you smear the bumps on your big toes with hungry saliva, they will noticeably decrease over time. And if the bones start to hurt, then steam your feet in warm water and apply an iodine net to the sore spot. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2011, No. 12, p. 30.

  • How to get rid of bumps on your feet without surgery - doctor’s prescription (honey + salt).
    30 years ago, a reader had pain in the bones of her big toes to such an extent that she could hardly walk. The doctor at the sanatorium advised her of a recipe: mix honey and “Extra” salt in equal proportions, grind until white. Apply the prepared mixture onto pieces of plastic film and apply. Bandage it, put on socks. The woman repeated this procedure every evening at night for a month, and the bumps resolved. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 3, p. 33.
  • Earthworms - a recipe for bunions.
    You need to collect earthworms, rinse them with running water, put them in a clean, dry jar, close the lid and put them in a warm place for a day.
    We put the resulting mass of worms on a cotton swab and press it to the bone, wrap it with polyethylene and something warm. Repeat treatment 2-3 times. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 3 p. 30.
  • Treatment with felt boots.
    You need to wear felt boots, but only soft and wide ones, and walk around in them at home barefoot, both in winter and summer. At the same time, the veins are well massaged. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 1 p.36.
  • How to treat bumps on the legs with ficus tincture.
    Take 4 large ficus leaves, chop finely and pour 0.5 liters of kerosene. After 10 days the medicine is ready. Moisten a cloth in this tincture and apply to the problem area, fix for 10-15 minutes. The pain in the bunion goes away after several procedures. This folk remedy also helps with joint pain.

Translated from Greek, gout literally means “foot in a trap.” At all times, it was called differently: master's disease, royal disease, disease of aristocrats. It occurred to someone that this is a sign of genius. But no matter what this disease is called, today it is known for certain that it is gout, and the lump on the foot is nothing more than the deposition of uric acid salts. Very often, urates are deposited in the joint near the big toe, the toe changes its usual position and the bump in question appears. The lump is most often painful, restricts movement, and there is a problem with choosing shoes. This disease is dealt with by a rheumatologist. Medication Treatment is available to everyone; in particularly advanced cases, surgical intervention is required. But as an alternative, there are traditional medicine recipes.

External means

  • Bile can reduce the lump and relieve painful symptoms. You can buy it at a pharmacy or take fresh bile from animals or birds when slaughtering. You need to lubricate the lump with bile every day and soon it will begin to shrink.
  • Iodine-acetic rubbing helps dissolve salts. For one treatment, add five drops of iodine to a spoonful of table vinegar and immediately use for rubbing.
  • All folk medicine books have a recipe for fish compresses. It also says that this is a very effective remedy. Take a piece of fresh fish fillet, preferably river fish. Apply it to the bump, place a cotton pad on top, and secure with a bandage. Leave until morning. Do fish compresses for seven days in a row. Then rub fir oil into the cone in the evenings for seven days.
  • You can rub olive oil or butter into sore spots, this also alleviates the condition.
  • An ointment based on dissolved eggs in acetic acid. Pour vinegar over the egg and leave for two weeks. Stir and add 10 grams of turpentine and one spoon of melted pork fat. Mix everything again and leave for a day to infuse. You can be treated by smearing the lump every day.
  • Place the bay leaf in boiling water for a few minutes. Then take it out and apply it while still hot to the cone.
  • Pick an aloe leaf, wash it and dry it. Cut it into thin plastics and apply to the cone overnight. They say that several procedures are enough.
  • Take a small piece of propolis and knead it in your hands until it softens. Apply softened propolis to the sore spot and secure with a bandage.

  • For compresses you can use burdock or cabbage leaves. Pre-lubricate burdock leaves with turpentine, and cabbage leaves with honey, sprinkling salt on top. Apply a warming bandage on top. It is recommended to warm your feet before applying the compress.
  • Mix cosmetic clay with a few drops of turpentine and one spoon of sea salt. Apply the resulting mixture to the cones, this helps at the onset of the disease.
  • A mesh of iodine-dandelion tincture. Finely chop dandelion flowers (about one hundred grams), add a bottle of iodine to it and leave for two weeks. Draw a mesh on the joint every day.
  • If the bumps are very painful, a not exactly folk remedy, but quite effective, will help. Take analgin tablets, crush them to a powder, add enough iodine to make a liquid paste. Smear the cones with the resulting mixture.
  • We don't know how it works, but we couldn't ignore this method of treatment. In the morning, after waking up, lubricate the bumps on your feet with your saliva before you have drunk or eaten anything. Not entirely hygienic, but they say it helps.
  • In the evenings, do a honey massage. Beat the heated honey into the sore joint for about ten minutes. Then rinse off and put on warm socks.
  • Summer treatment. Pluck a few sorrel leaves, mash them with your fingers and immediately apply them to the pine cone. If you make oxalic compresses every day for a month, the lump will noticeably decrease.
  • Curd compresses will help relieve redness and pain. Apply fresh chilled cottage cheese to the joint and secure with a bandage.
  • A compress with garlic tincture relieves pain. Peel and chop three heads of garlic. Pour in half a liter of table vinegar. After half a month, make compresses with the tincture.
  • Mix well a spoonful of honey, mustard powder and soda. Warm your feet well and apply the resulting mixture to the joint. Secure the top with polyethylene and apply a bandage. Leave it on all night. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Foot baths for gout

  • Prepare a decoction of 100 grams of sage in five liters of boiling water. Pour it into a container for a foot bath, cool slightly and immerse your feet. Hold until the water begins to cool.
  • A chamomile bath will relieve pain and reduce swelling. Brew one hundred grams of chamomile in ten liters of boiling water. Add 200 grams of sea salt to the broth. Cool slightly and take a foot bath for 30 minutes.
  • A bath of mullein decoction will help in treatment. To prepare it, boil one hundred grams of plant seeds in two liters of water for half an hour.
  • To reduce salt deposits, take baths every day adding three spoons of soda and ten drops of iodine to three liters of hot water.

Oral preparations

  • Lingonberry infusion removes salt from the body. Take one spoonful of lingonberry leaves, pour it into a thermos and brew it with a glass of boiling water. Leave it overnight. Divide into two parts and drink within one day.
  • In the spring, during the period of collecting birch sap, drink it all season. A very good remedy for gout.

  • In the summer, when wild strawberries are ripe, eat a glass of them a day. Drink strawberry juice. For the winter, dry strawberry leaves and brew two spoons in a glass of boiling water. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  • An infusion of blackcurrant leaves is very useful for this problem. To prepare it, brew 25 grams with half a liter of boiling water, strain after half an hour. Drink half a glass five times a day.
  • Instead of your usual tea, black or green, drink ginger tea. The result will not be long in coming.
  • In terms of its action, it can be compared to ginger tea from a series of teas. Drink it hot every day.
  • Make garlic tincture. Crush half a kilogram of garlic to a pulp and pour in a liter of alcohol. Leave in the sun for ten days. Strain and drink 30 drops in the morning, adding to milk or juice.

Therapeutic exercises for gout

  • Throw a piece of paper at your feet and, without bending over, try to crush it into a ball with your toes. Did it work? Now, holding it with your fingers, “give” the lump into your hands.
  • Once you have mastered the paper exercise, scatter the pens and pencils and collect them using your toes.
  • Stand on your heels and begin flexing and extending your toes. Do as much as you can stand.
  • Are you sitting in front of the TV? Don't waste your time. Start to master individual movements of each toe. Just move the thumb first, then the next one, and so on until the little finger. At first it will seem to you, What This impossible, But If train every day, at you Necessarily it will work out.
  • Go ahead Houses on tiptoe, ride By semi bottle or stick.

Nutrition at gout

Refuse from alcohol. Reduce consumption V food offal, fat fish, red meat, smoked meats, pickles, fatty soups, salty cheese, legumes.
Drink to two liters clean water And black tea replace on green.

If cone jumped up on forehead

Usually cone appears after blow. But V some cases she « grows up» on one's own, without all sorts of on That reasons. IN such situations need to contact To doctor And find out nature this neoplasms. Have V mind, This Maybe be manifestation serious diseases. But If yours cone « stuffed», let's try to you help.

  • First folk meanscold. Straightaway same attach To place bruise ice, Whichsomeday frozen product from freezers, or bottle With water. If at you preserved copper coin, attach her.
  • A piece cold meat, please note, Not frozen, A chilled, Also helps at bruises.
  • Attach To big shot grated potatoes. Only straightaway same, after Togo, How rubbed. Do potato compress every day And cone will disappear on eyes.
  • Apply every day on stuffed bump iodine mesh.
  • Withdraw bump will help gruel from grated onion Luke With adding salt. Apply her How compress.
  • Secure on big shot With with help adhesive plaster leaf plantain or piece cabbage sheet. Previously plantain remember fingers, A cabbage sheet slightly beat back.
  • Moisten piece flannel fabrics V salty solution, wrap it up V small polyethylene pouch And put his V freezer on some hours. Do some such blanks For compress. Then take it out bags With flannel And start apply To big shot, holding every, Bye Not will become warm up.

The first remedy for a bruise is ice.

  • Brassicas leaves finely cut, boil V small quantity milk. Lay out, Bye Not cooled down, on compress textile And attach To place blow on one hour. This compress Can do on next day after blow.
  • Warm removes swelling And resolves bumps. That's why For warming up Can use boiled egg or warmed up salt.
    whether There is opportunity, apply To bruised place fresh leaves thyme. He promotes healing.
  • Cut potatoes in half And alternately apply To big shot That one half, That another.
  • Fresh green parsley finely cut, fold V molds For ice, fill in water And freeze. If got hurt, take it icy cubes from parsley And apply their on bump.If You Very strongly hit head And at you appeared cone, watch out for his well-being. If you be sick, spinning head, Not passes weakness, Necessarily contact To doctor, This can be symptoms, indicating on injury head brain.

Video - How to treat bumps on the legs with folk remedies



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