How long does it take to stop drinking? How to get out of binge drinking

According to the observations of doctors, a person can remain in a state of binge drinking for a long time. It can be observed for several days, several months, sometimes up to six months. Binge drinking is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to delirium tremens, and in some cases, death.

There are many recommendations on how to quit binge drinking at home. You should be careful when using certain drugs and medications, as they can have side effects. It is better to withdraw from binge drinking at home under the supervision of a specialist, after a complete diagnosis. This will eliminate unpleasant consequences. To get rid of binge drinking at home, drugs for detoxification and strengthening the body, increasing immunity, and folk medicine are most often used.

Quitting binge drinking at home can be done only after talking with the patient, with his consent. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain. Breaking out of binge drinking at home is difficult, but possible. It is necessary to carry out the procedure gradually, in a gentle manner. The patient needs proper rest and sleep. The support of loved ones and family is very important, and contacts with drinking friends should be excluded during treatment and after. Removal from binge drinking at home should be gradual, so it will be easier for the patient to adapt to environmental changes. You may need the help of a psychologist, since this condition is often accompanied by depression, psychosis and neuroses.

How to get out of binge drinking at home? If the binge does not continue for a long time, you can help the patient yourself. Using common medications and folk remedies will help you get rid of binge drinking at home. Best removes toxins from the body activated carbon and alkaline solution. Purified water with lemon juice and salt will help relieve nausea and vomiting. You need to drink plenty of fluids for several days. When quitting binge drinking at home, it is recommended to maintain bed rest and proper sleep. The patient needs to distract himself from negative thoughts, do something pleasant, watch any movies. Walking in the fresh air and gentle physical activity are beneficial.

Home treatment for binge drinking includes blood purification solutions, vitamins, and herbal teas. There are many ways to eliminate hangovers and alcohol use. Several ways to relieve binge drinking at home:

Drink the juice of 1 lemon on the first day. For the second - from 2 lemons, and increase the dose to 7 days. Then reduce the rate in reverse order. Wash down the juice with plain water or tea to avoid damage to your stomach. This method is not suitable for gastritis or ulcers.

Give a cleansing enema with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Consume increased amounts of vitamin C in tablets and with foods: greens, rose hips, onions, lemons, oranges, lingonberries. It is useful to drink fruit drinks and fresh juices.

In case of severe poisoning, the drugs Reopoliglyukin and Riboxin must be administered intravenously. The first medicine helps cleanse the body of toxins. Riboxin helps strengthen the heart muscle. It is useful to introduce glucose to strengthen the general condition.

Drink tinctures of equal amounts of sage, rosemary, violet flowers, thyme and peppermint leaves. Add 15 drops to a glass of water and drink once a day. The tincture helps to quickly get out of binge drinking.

Include more fresh vegetables, sauerkraut, tomatoes or cucumbers in your diet. You can drink pickle juice to maintain electrolytes in your blood.

Breaking out of binge drinking at home includes a special diet. The most useful are fermented milk products, broths, cereals, strong tea, fruit drinks, and soups. To prepare a milkshake you will need 100 grams of milk, 10 grams of honey and 1 banana. Everything needs to be whipped until smooth in a blender. Honey reduces the effects of alcohol; bananas contain magnesium and potassium, which are necessary to strengthen the heart muscle. Milk can be replaced with kefir.

Broths are the best way to relieve binge drinking. Fatty broths made from poultry, beef or lamb bind alcohol in the blood and help sober up. Lemon tea speeds up the processing of nutrients and also quickly removes toxins from the body. For this tea you need to squeeze the juice from 2-3 lemons and dissolve in warm water. Lemon tea should be drunk without sugar 3-4 times a day. You can add silent honey to it.

Quitting binge drinking at home on your own

You can stop binge drinking at home using the “3 days” method. Within 3 days you need to completely give up alcohol, and then you can get out of the binge. One of the tips for getting out of binge drinking on your own is to completely give up alcohol and gradually cleanse the body.

How to get out of binge drinking on your own? The cleansing procedure at home should take place in the evening, on the eve of the hangover day.

In the evening you need to drink 0.5 liters of kefir and take activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. In the morning, the patient needs to drink 1.5 liters of any liquid: brine, mineral water, fresh juice or kefir. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, even beer. Then you need to take an Essentiale Forte capsule, 20 drops of Valocordin and 2 tablets of activated carbon.

A good remedy is glycerin, which, when taken, reduces withdrawal symptoms and creates the illusion that the patient is hung over. It also reduces intracranial pressure and heart rate. You need to buy 1 bottle of glycerin, dilute it with saline solution or distilled water so that you get 1 part glycerin to 2 parts water or saline solution. Drink 30-50 ml of solution 2-3 times a day.

After 2 hours you need to eat the broth, preferably with dried bread. You definitely need to eat, otherwise you won’t have the strength to fight. You can take a cold bath or contrast shower to improve your tone. The patient is advised to lie down or engage in light physical activity.

After 4 hours, you need to take 2 tablets of activated carbon and 2 tablets of Essentiale Forte. If your heart hurts, take Valocordin. Then eat meat broth again, drink tea with honey and lemon and lie down to rest. When you come out of binge drinking on your own, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. This will speed up blood circulation and alleviate the condition. In the evening you need to take the medications again and eat. Take a contrast shower and go to bed. If the patient cannot sleep, give him a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm or sage.

On the third day you can move more and do what you love. The patient needs to drink liquid in the same amount and take medications 3 times a day. When you quit drinking at home, depression, panic, aggression and fear may occur. In this case, it is necessary to take sedatives, 1-2 tablets of Phenazepam or another sedative.

Withdrawal from binge drinking on your own It is strictly prohibited for acute psychoses, epileptic seizures, heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, migraines, and nervous disorders. You should seek help from a doctor if the patient has the following conditions: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, angina attacks, transient cerebrovascular accidents, stroke, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, acute pancreatitis, liver dysfunction and other diseases.

Breaking out of binge drinking at home can be used with short-term alcohol intake for several days. However, if binge drinking has been observed for a week or a month, it is worth contacting a narcologist for more effective treatment.

Good afternoon to everyone reading these lines.

How does this happen?

Beer is also “good” because you don’t need any reason to get drunk. For example, what is needed for vodka - an event, event, etc.

You can safely drink beer with or without reason - to quench your thirst, for your mood, for nothing to do while watching football ( this option is now being actively promoted by TV) and so on.

Often this system works like this: weekdays - from 1.5 to 3 liters ( work after all), and on weekends the gap is to the fullest. Case of beer? Yes Easy!

The morning begins with a “liter” of a hangover, then “for the mood”, at the end of the day 10 liters easily accumulate ( or even more), often all this is “polished” with vodka...

And so on for years! But at some point it is no longer possible to stop, Monday comes, and the binge continues.

Beer alcoholism has moved to a new stage - long drinking bouts. Which can last - a week, two, a month. Until a person either cannot drink himself or ends up in intensive care with severe alcohol intoxication.

Quitting a beer binge at home

Well, we figured out the definitions and reasons. It's time to stop drinking.

Is it really possible to do this at home?

I think yes! I will give you some sequence of actions to get out of a beer binge.

Attention! If you drink alcohol daily and for a long time, it is strictly contraindicated for you to suddenly give it up. If you want it urgently, then only with medication, and under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

My version of an independent and without medication way out of a beer binge

1. Is it necessary? You need to start with a strong desire to give up beer, and all alcohol in general (). You must understand what harm ( with his drinking bouts) apply to yourself and those around you - your wife or husband, your children, your parents. Think about how you would react if someone close to you drank the same way...

2. The right hangover. A very important point. After all, it is from this “moment” that the binge begins, or its continuation.

I agree with the majority opinion - you need to reduce the amount of alcohol gradually.

How to do it? For example, if during a binge, in the morning you drank a bottle of beer in one gulp, now try drinking water first, quench your thirst, and then beer, and stretch this bottle for an hour, two, three...

Also, drink beer when you feel really bad, just to get through it, and not to feel good like yesterday.

3. Reduce the amount of beer. You need to gradually reduce the dose you drink. Each day, the volume of beer consumed should be two times less than the previous one.

4. Long breaks between doses.
Don't drink all the beer at once. Let it be, a break of one, two hours.
The rest of the time, if you want to drink beer, drink water. Clean and not carbonated.

Can ( even better) make lemonade - water + lemon juice + honey, to taste.

Now you need water not only as a substitute for beer.

And you need to understand this, since it is very important for your body - water “washes out” all the poisons and toxins (that came with beer) from your body.

You really should “drink” water the way you used to do with beer.

5. Change of scenery. It would be great, at this moment, to go to a completely different place - where there are no drinking buddies, where there are no stalls with beer, etc.

6. Lie down. Physical and mental stress is contraindicated.
The body is rebuilding to a different mode, it needs to deal with internal problems, let it not waste energy on other activities.
Watch movies, read books, etc.

7. Help the body. For a long time, the body worked for wear and tear - the time has come to heal it. And for this you need vitamins, minerals, etc. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits and others.
Therefore, when you leave (when you feel more or less well), you need to really overeat with these healthy foods.

8. Calm down. If you experience severe irritability, you can brew tea from soothing herbs, such as lemon balm.

Here is a video to help you, which tells a good story about how to get out of binge drinking.

That's all I wanted to say about this, I'll add only one thing - according to my observations, if a person wants stop drinking, then he will come out of the binge and stop drinking, and if doesn't want- then no amount of decoctions, encodings or persuasion will help him.

Quitting a beer binge at home is quite possible, which I sincerely wish for you.

I hope my article will help you at least a little with this, I look forward to your comments.

Doctors know best how to get out of binge drinking. However, there are also folk remedies that help cope with the disease without turning to a narcologist or toxicologist. You need to understand that quitting binge drinking is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and you won’t be able to get rid of them instantly. But, we will look at how you can make getting out of binge drinking as painless as possible.

The difference between binge drinking and hangover

Before you can solve a problem, you need to acknowledge its existence. Many people justify their condition by blaming it all on a hangover. But a hangover binge differs in that a person is unable to deny himself the pleasure of drinking a glass, two, or sometimes a whole bottle. At the same time, the patient, and such a condition is rightly called a disease, does not understand how much he drank, does not control his condition, and sometimes does not even know where he is.

It is often impossible for a person to independently admit that a person has a problem, but others should come to the rescue. Relatives must do this. During the entire period of recovery from binge drinking, someone should be with the person. Otherwise, the success of this event is in question. He will direct all the strength that an alcoholic has left to searching for alcohol, and not to solving the problem. This is a feature of withdrawal syndrome. Relatives should prevent the consumption of alcoholic beverages while recovering from a drunken state.

The difference between a hangover and binge drinking is that with a hangover a person understands what is happening around him and is ready to consciously give up drinking alcohol. When binge drinking, a person’s perception of reality is distorted. The consequences of a hangover for the body are insignificant, it can even go away without a trace. Binge drinking causes damage to health, sometimes irreparable.

Favorable conditions for quitting binge drinking

Breaking out of binge drinking at home on your own is only possible if certain conditions are created for the person. First of all, we remove alcoholic beverages from the house. It would also be a good idea to remove medications containing alcohol (hawthorn tincture, for example). It will take at least 2 days for a person to break out of binge drinking. During this period, someone should always be with the patient.

Another necessary condition for quitting binge drinking at home is that the patient himself has the desire to do so. If there is no desire, you can use forceful methods. But in this case it will take much more time. In addition, using forceful methods, there is a risk of harming the patient’s health. Therefore, you must first make sure that the person understands the problem and wants to solve it. If the decision to quit the binge was unconscious, then you should not expect that an alcoholic who has quit the binge will last long without alcohol.

After a person has decided to quit binge drinking, he needs to be given a diet. The food consumed should neutralize the effects of alcohol and help restore the body. In addition to special nutrition, it is necessary to help the patient overcome the depression that is present when leaving the binge.

Breaking out of a binge, if the patient has a desire to stop drinking, is more effective than breaking out of a binge in a hospital.

Factors influencing the ability to break free from binge drinking

The success of this event depends on many factors, the main one of which is the duration of the binge. If an alcoholic, and the state of binge drinking is typical only for alcoholics, drinks for several weeks, then it is extremely difficult to get out of the binge on your own.

The amount of alcohol consumed is also important. If an alcoholic drinks alcohol in large doses every day, then you should not expect him to consciously make any decision, including the decision to quit the binge. When drinking alcohol excessively, a person ceases to understand what is happening around him.

Previous head injuries also affect the success of self-exit from a drunken state. If a person has previously had concussions accompanied by loss of consciousness, then alcohol very quickly clouds the mind. Such a person rarely manages to get out of binge drinking without the help of specialists.

The last factor that influences the successful outcome of this event is the quality of alcohol. Poor quality drinks damage health faster and often cause death for alcoholics.

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

In order for a person to quit binge drinking without the help of specialists, you need to think through all the actions. Most of the attention should be paid to preparation.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, you need to decide how the alcoholic will come out of the binge. Some argue that an alcoholic should be taken out of binge drinking gradually, gradually reducing the dose of alcohol consumed, while others insist that one should stop drinking abruptly. Both the first and second points of view have the right to exist.

In defense of abruptly giving up alcohol, we can say that this method helps to get out of binge drinking quite quickly. As for reducing the dose of alcohol, this method has two positive aspects. Firstly, for an alcoholic, the process of breaking out of binge drinking is more pleasant than when abruptly giving up alcohol. Secondly, the hangover syndrome is not so pronounced, which minimizes the likelihood of delirium tremens.

Reasonable reduction in alcohol intake

To achieve a positive result, you need to properly reduce the dose of alcohol. Experts say that this method helps you get out of binge drinking in 3 days. Therefore, you should evaluate the amount of alcohol an alcoholic drinks during a binge. Then calculate how much you need to reduce the daily dose of alcohol so that after 3 days it equals zero. All alcoholic drinks except beer can be diluted with water.

You should not change alcoholic drinks while recovering from a drunken state. If an alcoholic drank vodka, then you should not switch to beer. As a result of such actions, you can expect a beer binge.

Drinking regime

A person who has come out of binge drinking, having properly organized the drinking regime, can independently detoxify the body. The basis of the drinking regime is water without gas. In addition to water, an alcoholic can drink fruit drinks and juices. We drink tea only with lemon and honey. The patient should also have brine on hand, preferably cucumber or cabbage. To put the nervous system in order, an alcoholic can drink herbal infusions. The best option is decoctions of valerian or motherwort.

Necessary medications when recovering from a drunken state

An alcoholic should have pills at hand that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The most affordable option is activated carbon. You need to purchase at least 2 plates. In addition to activated carbon or any of its analogues, pancreatin will be useful when coming out of a drunken state.

The liver takes the biggest hit during heavy drinking. Therefore, hepatoprotectors should be on hand when recovering from a drunken state. The most popular today is Essentiale Forte. Gepabene and Heptral are also popular.

The cardiovascular system also suffers during binge drinking. To restore it, an alcoholic needs to be given validol or valocordin.

If necessary, you can give medications that help get rid of insomnia. This is diphenhydramine or donormil. But sleeping pills belong to the group of dangerous medications. Therefore, it is advisable to take them under the supervision of a doctor. At home, it is advisable to drink herbal decoctions before bed that calm the nervous system. If this does not help, opt for those sleeping pills that are made from herbal ingredients.

When taking any medications, the dosage should be strictly observed. It is advisable to first consult with a doctor who will write a medication regimen for the alcoholic’s recovery from binge drinking.

Breaking out of binge drinking

So, what needs to be done in order to painlessly get out of binge drinking? Simple rules should be followed for 2-3 days. Throughout the entire period, someone should monitor the condition of an alcoholic recovering from binge drinking and, if necessary, consult a doctor. We bring to your attention a scheme for getting out of a drunken state, which involves a complete cessation of alcoholic beverages.

  • First of all, stop drinking alcohol. This should be done not on the first day, but in the evening of the previous day. Sleep will ease suffering. Therefore, it is advisable to go to bed as early as possible, after drinking water with mint. Dissolve 25 drops of mint in a glass of water. An alternative is mint tea.
  • In the morning, the patient’s first desire will be to have a hangover. You can't do this. Instead of alcohol, we drink large quantities of any drinks (water, kvass, brine, fruit juice, etc.). Carbonated water should not be consumed.
  • During the first day, we drink medications that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and cardiovascular system. If necessary, we take anti-vomiting medications. The approximate daily regimen for taking medications is as follows: activated carbon – 10 tablets, Essentiale Forte – 2 capsules, validol – 1-2 tablets, glycine – 10 tablets. But before taking medications, consult a doctor who will make adjustments based on the patient’s general condition, his weight and body characteristics. Women generally need less medication.
  • Vomiting is a normal occurrence when an alcoholic comes out of a drinking binge. This way the body cleanses itself. Therefore, on the first day there is no need to take medications for vomiting, unless this process is continuous and is not accompanied by pain.
  • The first day's diet includes broth. On this day you need to eat no more than 2-3 times. You can eat some bread with the broth, but not fresh and without crust. After meals, we take pills that normalize the functioning of the pancreas (pancreatin, for example). Even if an alcoholic has no appetite, he must eat.
  • On the first day, any exercise is contraindicated, even walking. An alcoholic must lie down. In addition to medications, we replenish the body with vitamin C and B6.
  • The second day is not much different from the first, but the patient should feel better. Under no circumstances should you have a hangover. You can take a short walk in the fresh air.
  • On the third day there should be no desire to drink. But the body is exhausted, because it spent all its energy recovering from the binge. Therefore, you should not expect that the alcoholic will feel better. On the contrary, depression appears. On this day you need to drink herbal infusions that restore the nervous system.

If this scheme does not work, consult a doctor.

How to deal with the consequences of binge drinking

Coming out of binge drinking is accompanied by headaches, aches, insomnia and nervous system disorders. You can only get rid of these symptoms by taking medications.


No-spa combined with analgin helps relieve headaches and aches. It is enough to drink 2 tablets of each drug 2 times a day. It is recommended not to swallow the tablets, but to chew them. But, if analgin has a tolerable taste when chewed, then no-shpa has a strong bitterness.

Aspirin also alleviates the condition. But this is not the best option, since it irritates the gastric mucosa, which is not in the best condition after a heavy binge. Therefore, experts recommend stopping taking aspirin.

If we talk about non-drug methods of getting rid of headaches and aches, then these are warm herbal baths, to which you can add sea salt.


Insomnia is the main problem when getting out of a drunken state. It entails mental disorders. Currently, pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that promote sleep. But they don't work instantly. Many, having not received the desired effect, begin to increase the dose, which ultimately leads to the opposite effect. The drugs begin to excite the nervous system. Therefore, sleeping pills must be prescribed by a doctor.

At home, it is better to use herbal decoctions to solve the problem of insomnia. It is strictly forbidden to drink Corvalol, Valoserdin and Valocordin when coming out of a drunken state. These drugs can significantly worsen the patient's condition. And taking phenazepam can lead to death.

Restoration of the nervous system

Multivitamins can help restore the nervous system. The vitamin complex must contain vitamins C, B1, B6. Experts say that after a long binge, sports vitamins can help quickly restore the nervous system. In addition to vitamins, which are contained in large quantities, they contain microelements and adaptogens.

Health. Medicines for alcoholism.(05/31/2015)

As for physical activity, it is also not clear what reaction to expect from a weakened body. On the one hand, this method is completely justified. During physical activity, blood flow improves, which speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, removes waste and toxins and decay products. But, as mentioned above, the body is weakened. Therefore, there is a risk of the same heart attack or stroke.

Another point worth paying attention to is blood viscosity. Binge drinking is characterized by the fact that some of the fluid from the vessels goes into the tissues. Accordingly, after a binge, the blood becomes thicker and it is much more difficult to push it through the vessels. Such a load on the heart will not go unnoticed.


It is possible to get out of a binge, especially a long and deep one, on your own. But it’s worth mentioning right away that it won’t be easy. The main thing is that there is someone nearby who can help a person cope with all the consequences of binge drinking. As for medications, you should not take into account the advice of people not related to medicine, even if they are given by a person who has independently stopped drinking. It is advisable to consult with doctors who will prescribe a medication regimen.

The first step on the path to getting out of a drunken state must certainly be a desire on the part of the alcoholic himself. Until he consciously says “I want”, he will not be able to stop drinking. If the binge lasted for weeks, then the person will need the help of specialists. During this time, changes occur in the body, and quitting the binge on your own becomes dangerous to your health.

How to get out of binge drinking at home: 3 features of binge drinking + 5 useful tips + 3 main mistakes.

A drunkard is a great grief in the family, a binge drunkard is simply a disaster that is difficult to compare with anything.

Perhaps people have some compelling reasons to ruin their lives and the lives of their loved ones by systematically drinking themselves to death, but I somehow seriously doubt it. The whole point is weakness and cowardice, and also a reluctance to take responsibility for one’s own actions.

Let's agree: I will tell you, and you will promise (no, not to me, but to yourself and your family, that they are worried about you), to finally leave such a strong friendship with alcohol.

This friendship will definitely not lead to anything good!

How to get out of a binge at home and how does a binge differ from a regular hangover?

Alcoholics find it difficult to evaluate themselves adequately. They rarely admit that they suffer from heavy drinking, attributing everything to a hangover and deceiving everyone: “Yes, I can stop whenever I want.”

You can not!

If, when you wake up the next morning, you can’t think about anything other than a glass of life-saving alcohol-containing liquid, then we’re not talking about drinking, but about binge drinking. Getting out of this state at home is oh so difficult.

1) Binge drinking and hangover - which is easier to get out of at home?

I think there are quite a few of my readers who have suffered from a hangover at least once. We are all living people, so it is not surprising that, while consuming alcohol, albeit usually in moderation, we once made a mistake and drank more than usual.

From the evening you felt great, had fun, enjoyed life, felt like the sea was knee-deep. And in the morning it’s the opposite: you feel disgusting and swear that you’ll never drink again.

A hangover (if it is, of course, a rare guest in your body) is not as scary and terrible a condition as binge drinking. This infection is similar to insanity, and the consequences of withdrawal are similar to.

Binge got its name because a person begins to consume alcohol every day, that is, in fact, he does not have time to sober up, because his body, poisoned by acetaldehyde, requires a new and new dose of alcohol.

Acetaldehyde is a toxin that a healthy liver can handle quite easily. But, if you have ruined your liver through heavy drinking, then get ready for all the delights of alcohol poisoning.

2) Binge drinking is a cunning enemy and in order to get out of it at home, you need to study it in detail

If you are reading this article and looking for advice for yourself and not for a loved one, you have serious problems. Binge drinking is a terrible disease that needs to be treated, not at home, but in specialized centers.

Here are a few features of binge drinking to understand whether you can quit it at home or not:

    Binge drinking can last different amounts of time for different people: a couple of days or a month.

    You must remember: the longer you take alcohol, the more difficult it will be for you to cope with body poisoning at home.

    If continuous drinking has been going on for several weeks, it is better to trust the doctors, otherwise the consequences may be the most unpredictable.

    Much depends on how much alcohol you consume per day.

    Even during a binge, you should try to control the amount of alcohol you consume. The higher the daily intake, the more difficult it will be to break out of the binge on your own.

    Having illnesses and injuries will only make your situation worse.

    If you have a number of health problems without drinking, if you have had to recover from head injuries and other serious problems, do not drink.

    You don’t have the head start that people with good health have; binge drinking will simply kill you, and if not, then you definitely won’t be able to get out of it at home.

5 tips on how to get out of a long binge at home

If you have been drinking continuously for a long time (more than two weeks), then get ready for the fact that it will be very difficult to break out of binge drinking at home. Will you suffer terribly? and it is better to have someone close to you at all times.

Useful tips to help you get out of a long binge:

    Don't suddenly stop drinking.

    Yes, no matter how scary it may sound, binge drinkers should not suddenly give up the consumption of ethanol, which their body requires.

    Just reduce your intake for three days until you reach zero.

    Drink plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic, of course).

    Your body is dehydrated and needs to detoxify. For this you need liquid, and in large quantities.

    The house should have large supplies of mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, kefir, tea (you should drink weak tea with added sugar and lemon).

    Food is your friend, don't reject it.

    When normal people drink, they also eat and have a snack. An alcoholic does not need a snack (the picture of snorting a drunk glass with a crust of bread, or even with a neighbor’s head, is not the imagination of writers and directors, this is the harsh reality of alcoholic everyday life).

    If you're trying to break a binge, start eating. It should be light, healthy food: soups, broths, eggs, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, etc.

    Medicines are not a luxury, but a necessity.

    It’s not worth experimenting with medications in large quantities, but activated charcoal for detoxification, aspirin, analgin, nosh-pa to relieve pain and spasms will not hurt.

    You can also drink herbal infusions: thyme, wormwood, centaury, peony, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, etc. Ask the pharmacist - they will give you what you need.

    If possible, save yourself with an IV.

    In hospitals, people are taken out of binge drinking with the help of IVs with saline solution.

    You won’t be able to do it yourself at home, but if you know a doctor, invite him to your home and take this chance to cleanse your body.

How not to try to quit binge drinking at home?

Often, people, trying to quickly get out of binge drinking, make mistake after mistake and further aggravate their situation and worsen their well-being.

What not to do at home when trying to break out of a drinking binge:

    One of the popular anti-hangover recipes is physical activity to improve blood flow and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

    But don’t confuse an ordinary hangover with coming out of a binge. Your body is already weakened, and your heart already has to cope with heavy loads.

    Don't kill him completely.

    Take a contrast shower.

    Your vascular tone is impaired due to excessive drinking.

    Stress in the form of hot and cold water can lead to the most terrible consequences - including a heart attack.

    Taking too many medications.

    It’s clear that you feel bad, all processes are disrupted, you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, everything hurts.

    To improve their condition, some begin to swallow painkillers and anti-hangover drugs by the handful, polishing it all with sleeping pills.

    It’s already difficult for the liver to cope with alcohol poisoning – don’t finish it off completely.

But the greatest danger lies in the fear of trusting doctors.

If you feel very bad, if vomiting and spasms do not stop, if the pain in your stomach, chest, head does not want to go away, if you feel like you are dying, call an ambulance immediately.

Delay in this matter threatens you with the loss of not your reputation, but your life.

How to quit binge drinking at home and continue to live a full life?

It was no coincidence that I began the article with a phrase about how terrible a tragedy befalls a family if a drunkard appears in it.

I had the misfortune to personally observe the picture that unfolded in the family of my close friend. Her uncle turned from an exemplary family man and kind, cheerful person into a drunken alcoholic, embittered with the whole world.

Then the whole family fought for him for almost a year - they asked, supported, and persuaded him to undergo treatment. But the man seemed not to hear anything, plunging into binges over and over again. He had ruined his health so much that it seemed that one more time, and he would no longer be able to get out of the state of alcohol poisoning.

At one point, his wife and children could not stand it and abandoned him, sending Uncle Mitya to his mother. There, the drinking bouts continued, despite all her requests and tears. The last and most terrible lasted 12 days. The man was unable to get out of it at home and had to be hospitalized.

From the hospital, where Uncle Mitya’s body was cleared of acetaldehyde for a long time, he went for treatment. Almost on the verge of life and death, he finally realized that he had to stop drinking forever and more.

He hasn't drunk for 2 years now. During this time, Uncle Mitya made peace with his family, found a good job, and, in general, completely returned to life.

Alcoholism, even binge drinking, is not a death sentence.

Quitting binge drinking is a serious decision that will only improve your life!

How to cope with this condition, watch this video:

If you understand that you cannot cope with your problem on your own, then you should not look for advice, how to stop drinking at home, but ask for qualified help.

If you don’t do this, then sooner or later your addiction will simply kill you.

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Binge drinking is the consumption of alcoholic beverages for several days. This process is cyclical: a person gets drunk, falls asleep, wakes up with a severe hangover, which he gets rid of with another drink, and so on in a circle. With frequent and prolonged drinking bouts, we can talk about alcohol dependence. In this case, treatment should be started immediately. But what to do if your husband goes on a drinking binge, and how to treat it?

How to get out of a drunken state at home

Binge drinking is not a death sentence!

To begin with, you can try to get a person out of binge drinking at home. This process is not easy and requires the patient’s consent to treatment. You can stop binge drinking yourself at home in several stages:

  1. Refusal of alcohol.
  2. Gastric lavage.
  3. First aid for binge drinking is detoxification of the body.
  4. Refusal to relieve poor health with alcohol and eliminate hangover syndrome.
  5. Restoring water balance.
  6. The use of sedatives to normalize heart function.
  7. Strengthening the immune system.

You can use medications at home only after consulting a doctor.

Is it possible to get out of binge alcoholism in 1 day and what is the danger?

You can quickly cope with alcohol consumption if it lasted a short time, with the strong desire of the alcoholic himself and the support of relatives.

A quick way out of binge drinking at home can lead to serious mental consequences!

To get your husband out of binge drinking in one day, you need to know an important rule: you can urgently get rid of binge drinking at home only by detoxifying the body while simultaneously maintaining water balance. During this time, the alcoholic should drink as much as possible. If you treat yourself, without the help of doctors, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • on the first day it is better to give preference to mineral water without gases;
  • further, you can add berry fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, especially citrus fruits, teas, including green ones.

To quit binge drinking at home in 1 day you need:

  1. Completely give up alcohol and go to bed early in the evening.
  2. The morning of a binge will begin with a hangover. You can get rid of poor health with cucumber pickle or mineral water. If you have a hangover, you need to drink at least 1 liter.
  3. Then you should take a sorbent, for example, activated carbon.
  4. After half an hour, take the heart medicine.
  5. You definitely need to force a man to eat. It should be a light broth with meat, a small piece of bread, and always warm sweet tea.
  6. You need to end the morning with a contrast shower.
  7. At lunchtime you should take sorbents.
  8. Stopping binge drinking at home involves monitoring blood pressure. If it is normal, it means that the body has begun its work and the recovery processes have started.
  9. At lunch, the diet remains the same as in the morning. You can add a little sauerkraut and lemon to your tea. And be sure to at least a glass of water.
  10. After eating, you need to sleep. If you can’t fall asleep on your own, you can take a mild sleeping pill.
  11. After 6 pm it is necessary to take sorbents again. By this time, a person’s appetite improves. But the food should still be light. A body overloaded with alcohol will not be able to accept fried, fatty foods.
  12. Before going to bed, you should take a walk in the fresh air and take a warm bath with soothing herbs. To ensure sound sleep, you can take another sleeping pill.

As a rule, if a person has survived the first day, in subsequent days the craving for alcohol will only decrease, and the condition, on the contrary, will become better.

The most difficult time in 1 day is leisure. At this moment, family and friends should help the patient: do household chores with him, distract him from thoughts about alcohol.

How long does it take to exit?

You won’t be able to stop drinking and get out of a long drinking binge on your own instantly. It is difficult to predict how many days withdrawal from binge drinking at home will take. It all depends on several factors:

  1. How long did the alcohol binge last? The longer it is, the more difficult it is for a person to return to a sober lifestyle. A person can drink for several weeks, or even a month. In this case, rehabilitation will be long and difficult.
  2. What did the patient drink? After drinking high-quality alcohol, the body recovers faster than after drinking counterfeit alcohol. The most dangerous thing is a beer binge. A person considers the drink low-alcohol and drinks it in large quantities. Therefore, it is more difficult to get out of a beer binge.
  3. Presence of chronic diseases. In this case, the restoration of the house will take longer.

The most difficult thing for the patient is to survive the first few days. Most often, a person is irritated and may react aggressively to loved ones. Breakdowns often occur at this time. A person thinks that he will drink a little, but the drinking period may begin again.

Is there a difference in treatment between women and men?

Alcohol subjugates both men and women. Moreover, female alcoholism is more progressive. There are several reasons for this:

  • physiological characteristics of the female body. It contains less water, which means that alcohol is absorbed faster but eliminated more slowly.
  • emotionality and tendency to stress and worries;
  • complexes.

Therefore, if a woman starts drinking, it can be for a long time.

In general, the methods for getting a woman out of binge drinking are similar to getting rid of a man’s addiction. But this process is long and complex. If a man, after he decides to stop drinking, has a stable remission within 4-5 days, a woman can relapse even after a week in the presence of provoking factors.

During and after treatment, a woman needs constant support. She cannot be left alone with her thoughts.

Is it possible to get out of a drunken state against your will?

Treating binge drinking at home is effective if the person agrees to it. But what if he categorically does not want to give up alcohol? There are ways to get an alcoholic out of binge drinking against his will. To help with binge drinking, decoctions and infusions of herbs and spices are used, which cause an aversion to strong drinks. Their combined use with alcohol causes severe poisoning. The patient thinks it is from alcohol. So gradually he begins to be afraid of drinking.

Read more about this in the article “How to get a person out of binge drinking without his consent?”

Main methods of treatment

There are several ways to get a person out of binge drinking. Which one to choose depends on the patient’s condition.

Treatment with medications

The medication method is the most aggressive method for the body to cure binge drinking. But sometimes you can only deal with it using these methods.

Treatment is as follows:

  1. First of all, sedatives are prescribed. Aminalon is considered one of the safest. It can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, as it has virtually no side effects.
  2. Pantothenic acid will also help you get out of binge drinking and get rid of a nervous state, and cope with stress. This medicine for binge drinking can only be used after consultation with a specialist.
  3. After a long period of heavy drinking, IV drips must be included in the treatment. They contain a large number of components, in particular, antidepressants and vitamins. They improve the functioning of the body, restoring the functioning of organs faster.

Droppers are given in the morning, when the person has just woken up. He begins to have a hangover, he feels unwell, and the administration of drugs will help him cope with the attack faster.

To find out how to get rid of a binge using medications, read the article “Removing from a binge using medications.”

Traditional methods

There are many ways to quickly quit binge drinking at home. The best remedy for binge drinking is infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a gentle effect on the human body. Here the effectiveness depends on the wishes of the patient himself.

Naturally, treatment at home lasts much longer, but the method is the safest, compared to medication:

  1. To combat nervousness, use valerian, thyme, and lemon balm. You can buy a ready-made infusion or brew sachets of herbs yourself.
  2. Glycerin helps cope with hangovers. It is diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 and drunk 50 ml per dose.
  3. Mint helps with headaches.
  4. A decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort strengthens the immune system.

Patient in hospital

Long-term binge drinking is treated according to an individually selected scheme.

The advantages of combating binge drinking in a hospital include the control of doctors, the absence of alcoholic friends, strict administration of drugs at a precisely defined time, and the ability to quickly respond in case of complications.

It is also important how to get rid of binge drinking in the hospital:

  1. First of all, detoxification is carried out.
  2. Drugs that improve metabolism, sedatives, psychotropics, and diuretics are prescribed.
  3. If necessary, consultations with other specialists are prescribed. In particular, if the reason for drinking strong drinks is psychological problems, the patient is sent to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Calling specialists to your home from private clinics

If alcohol addiction is in a mild stage, you can withdraw from binge drinking with a visit from a narcologist. Urgent withdrawal from binge drinking at home involves installing a drip with saline solution, which will help remove toxins from the body, and an injection of vitamin B1. The narcologist will schedule further treatment at home. He will provide advice on how to get out of binge drinking at home.

How much urgent relief from cravings costs depends on the package of services and costs on average from 3 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

Does an ambulance come out when you're drinking?

The ambulance is designed to respond to emergency calls. Detoxification is not such a thing. An ambulance will come to your home only if the alcoholic develops psychosis () or a chronic disease worsens. But even in this case, they will not be able to hospitalize him in a hospital without consent.

Complications and consequences of improper exit from a drunken state

Long-term alcohol consumption and withdrawal from binge drinking can quickly lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of all organs. Blood pressure surges and migraine attacks may begin. Often breaking off a binge is accompanied by depression and insomnia.


Recovery from binge drinking involves boosting your immune system. You need to eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries. Additionally, vitamin complexes are taken.

How to make it easier to get out of binge drinking and recover after a long period of drinking alcohol, read the article “Recovering the body after binge drinking.”


For more information on how to cope with long-term alcohol consumption at home, watch the video:

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