How long does it take to treat internal edema in newborns? Edema in infants: what do new parents need to know? Appearance of a newborn - Vellus hair on the body

Postpartum period For the baby it is stress, his body can react differently, which will certainly frighten the parents. One of these factors is swollen eyelids.

Is this normal, is there any reason to be wary? Why does a baby (one month old or older) have swollen eyelids on top or swelling under the eyes, how to help a newborn, what are the first actions of parents in this situation - we will talk about everything in detail in this article.

Swollen lower and upper eyelids - why does this happen?

Swelling of the eyes in a newborn during the first 5-7 days is normal. If they persist longer, then this should alert you. Let's look at the reasons that can lead to swollen eyelids in a baby.

Possible barley - an infection caused by staphylococcus. Inflammation strikes hair follicles, inflammation appears. At first it will be localized, but in the absence of treatment measures it can spread to the entire eyelid.

The appearance of barley is possible due to the following factors or conditions:

  • Diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Weakened immunity.

When a child has barley, the eyelid enlarges, begins to turn red, and the temperature may rise. The affected follicles fill with pus, swell, and then burst. After this, the baby usually feels better, swelling and fever go away.

Do not try to squeeze it out for your baby yourself. You can damage his eye and cause an infection. At professional treatment the disease usually resolves quickly, so parents need to call a doctor as soon as possible. For barley, the essence of therapy is instillation into the affected eye and treatment of the affected eyelid with dry heat.

Another common cause of swollen eyes in a newborn is. This infectious disease, manifested by profuse lacrimation, redness, high temperature. Conjunctivitis is treated simply, but if the process is started, it is possible serious complications, up to blindness.

If the films from the eyes are not removed, we may be talking about diphtheria conjunctivitis - serious illness. The child needs urgent hospitalization. Conjunctivitis with bloody discharge is a consequence of infection in birth canal gonococcus. The disease is usually easy to treat if the right measures are taken in a timely manner.

Swollen eyes in a baby may be a result of allergies. There can be a lot of factors that provoke it: food, medicine, animal hair, dust.

More often, children “outgrow” the allergy - after some time it disappears on its own.

But it is important to take measures that will help make the child feel better, otherwise the allergic reaction may turn into a more serious one. serious problems. You need to see a dermatologist. He usually prescribes antihistamines, special hypoallergenic diet nursing mother.

Possible following reasons swelling of the eyelids in a newborn:

  • Furunculosis. Usually accompanied by elevated body temperature. Needs treatment inpatient conditions, sometimes surgery is required.
  • Respiratory diseases. Swelling of the eyelids is possible with a cold. Be sure to call your child's pediatrician.
  • . Harmless reason, but in the fragile body of the baby it can cause allergies. More often, doctors recommend the use of antihistamines and ointments that relieve swelling.
  • Ptosis- inadequate development of the muscle responsible for lifting upper eyelid. The condition causes discomfort to the baby and requires medical intervention.
  • Swelling of the eyelids may be a consequence acute or chronic cardiac decompensation, renal, hepatic, venous, lymphatic insufficiency, hormonal disorders.

These conditions threaten the child's life and require urgent hospitalization.

What should parents of a baby do?

When passing through the birth canal, the baby encounters compression, pressure, and discomfort, so at first there may be swelling of the eyelids and the eye lumen narrowing to one degree or another.

This is considered normal if it goes away within 5-7 days. But if the swelling of the eyelids continues longer, and especially if there is additional lacrimation, elevated temperature, discharge of pus, redness, then It is important to contact your pediatrician as soon as possible.

The human eye is a very fragile mechanism. It is important that its treatment is timely and professional - otherwise there may be consequences, including complete blindness. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe necessary tests and adequate measures. You cannot self-medicate.

Note to parents: what do you need to know about eye diseases in children? Read about these diseases:

Help the baby

The necessary measures will depend on what caused the problem. For barley it is prescribed eye drops, ointments and physiotherapeutic procedures.

For conjunctivitis, instillations, tetracycline ointment and eye rinsing with chamomile decoction are indicated.

If you have an allergy, you need to visit a doctor and undergo appropriate tests to identify the allergen. Then treatment will be prescribed. Swelling may be a consequence various conditions: It is better to consult a specialist immediately.

You cannot self-medicate. If you are concerned about your baby's swollen eyelids, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Do not put blindfolds on your eyes. If your child has a stye, do not squeeze out the pus yourself, as the infection can spread and cause meningitis and other complications.

There are many reasons for a baby's swollen eyes. In any case, turning to a professional will help avoid a number of negative consequences.

Today, after the birth of a baby, a woman stays next to him. This is a very good trend for the reason that you can observe the child and notice the slightest changes in his condition. And often it is the parents who notice swelling in their child and begin to sound the alarm. Where does edema occur in newborns and how to deal with it?

Causes of edema in newborns

Immediately after birth

At birth, the baby experiences enormous physical activity, and as a result birth trauma Various swelling may occur, for example, cephalohematomas. They are noticeable immediately after birth and disappear during the first days of the child's life.

Edema also occurs when there is a Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus, diabetes mellitus or in serious condition mothers during pregnancy. These swellings are visible from the first minutes of the baby’s life and require immediate medical intervention.

Pathology may also be the cause of swelling in a newborn. intrauterine development, which can be called renal failure, necrosis of the renal tubules, as well as all kinds of infections. But all these types of edema appear in the baby from the moment of his birth.

During the first days of life

What can cause swelling on days 2-3 of life? It is precisely this kind of swelling that parents can notice in their newborn baby and bring them to the doctor’s attention. They can be either local or locally distributed.

The cause of local edema can be various conditions:

  • Fractures or dislocations resulting from birth trauma;
  • Damage skin in case of unsuccessful dressing;
  • Allergic reaction on the products that the mother eats;
  • Heredity;
  • Heart failure.

Local swelling usually increases over several days and then gradually subsides. They can be identified by characteristic feature– light pressure on the site of swelling leads to the appearance of a pit, which disappears very slowly.

Localized edema should be taken very seriously. They can be caused by serious diseases:

  • Stagnation of lymph - most often the baby’s feet, arms and hips swell;
  • Kidney failure – extends to the eyelids, frontal part, back and limbs.

Birth premature baby often accompanied by swelling. Due to a poorly formed vital system, the baby’s body is not able to regulate the water-salt balance.

What to do about edema in newborns?

Parents often panic when they see that something is wrong with their baby. Do not be alarmed, but it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination and find out the causes of the swelling.

First of all, you will need to take a blood test, which will indicate certain indicators, depending on the suspected cause of the swelling. Next, the doctor should prescribe an ultrasound internal organs to exclude heart, liver, kidney defects, as well as cerebral edema.

If the problem is cardiovascular diseases accompanying the whole family, it is best to visit a good cardiologist. Well, if your child has kidney problems, you should consult a pediatric urologist.

What to do if the doctor cannot determine the cause of swelling? In this case, additional examination is necessary, for example, you may need to check the baby’s blood for syphilis or other diseases that are not present in your family or area. Unfortunately, cases vary, but once the cause is identified, treatment is easy to prescribe.

If your baby feels well with swelling, there is no need to worry too much. The causes of edema in newborns have not been fully studied to this day. Follow all your doctor's instructions and stay healthy!

It is useful for expectant and young mothers to know about some features of appearance newborn children in advance.

If you are a young mother, then you imagine your newborn as a plump and smiling creature with cute folds on its arms and legs. Know that everything in life is not like that! Here's mom's first glance at newborn baby, and it seems to her that something is wrong with the baby: big head, tiny body, twisted legs and arms, blotchy skin.

Don't be upset if newborn baby Doesn't look at all like the baby in the picture. Babies are rarely born pink, plump and smooth. As a rule, newborns have some appearance features that disappear some time after birth. And to dispel doubts and fears, you just need to talk about it with a doctor in the maternity hospital.


Often a mother gets scared when she sees the non-standard shape of her head. newborn baby- flattened, elongated towards the top and, in general, more like an egg than a round head.

  • The baby's head is ovoid because during birth the bones of his skull align with the mother's birth canal. And since this passage is narrow, the head takes on an oblong shape. In just a few days, the newborn's head will become its usual round shape.
  • Do you think your baby's head is too big? It could be like optical illusion, so hereditary trait(if your family has big-headed relatives).
  • It happens that mothers are upset when a child is born completely bald, without a single hair on his head. But this does not mean at all that he will remain so. Hair may appear only by 7-8 months of life. However, the first hairs usually fall out. And by the time your baby is one year old, he will definitely have permanent hair.
  • Stroking the head newborn baby, mom feels soft depressions covered with thin pulsating membranes. This fontanelles- places on the bones of the skull that have not yet closed. As a rule, fontanelles drag on for a year, but if it happened earlier, then it means that individual feature baby's body.

In general, according to the observations of obstetricians and neonatologists, in lately Small babies are more likely to be born fontanel. Normal fontanel approximately 1-3 cm, but sometimes less. Many doctors believe that this is caused by a little higher dose vitamins that pregnant women receive during pregnancy. But even if fontanel started early, continue to give your child vitamin D.

Well, and perhaps the funniest thing that amazes mommy newborn baby, - this is a snake's tongue! The tip of the baby's tongue seems slightly forked, because the tongue seems to have fused with the bottom oral cavity and it is still difficult for him to stretch forward. Have no doubt: he will definitely do this during the first year of his life.


Often, although not always, looking at the baby’s eyes, a surprised mother wonders: why are they so blue, like the surface of the sea? Really, many babies are born with eyes blue color, but by 6 months the eye color will change to its own. And then mom will understand exactly who got the charming eyes.

Sometimes it happens that you can’t see at all newborn eye color because... he can't open them. This happens due to postpartum edema, if the head “stood” in the birth canal for some time. Don't worry, the swelling will go away by myself.

Sometimes swelling is caused by an eye infection, but in this case it is always accompanied by mucous or purulent-mucous discharge from the eyes. This is treated in the maternity hospital, and the swelling goes away without consequences.

What else can a baby surprise mommy with? squint. Which is not at all uncommon for newborns. Doctors attribute strabismus to weakness of the abductor muscle of the eye. By six months this condition goes away on its own.

It also happens that newborn eyes have a bright red color. For example, in the case of hemorrhage caused by a lack of oxygen during pregnancy or the fact that the child had a difficult birth. The vessels suffer greatly from a lack of oxygen, but then everything goes away without a trace.


AT BIRTH:WHEN WILL THE “DEFECT” DISAPPEAR? Elongated headNewborn baby is baldBy 7-8 months or later, depending on genes. The first hair falls out. By 1 year there will be permanent hairs, which may then darken.Fontanas - unfused bones of the skullBy 1 year or a little earlierForked tongue By 1 year


No matter how much the mother tries to say hello to the baby by taking his fingers. She is unlikely to succeed in this yet due to tightly clenched fists newborn. The pose, when the arms are pressed to the body, and the legs are twisted and tucked towards the stomach, doctors sublimely call the Buddha pose. All newborns are in this position, which is caused increased tone flexor muscles in the arms and legs.

Mothers should not have worries about this until 3-4 months. Up to this age, increased muscle tone- the norm. By 3 months, the child should begin to unclench and clench his fists, and try to grab the toy with his fingers. If this does not happen, then the problem will have to be solved with the help of a neurologist, who will prescribe massage, swimming, and gymnastics.

  • Take a closer look at the legs and arms newborn, mothers sometimes notice a bluish tint to their feet and fists. This is due to the fact that his blood circulation has not yet improved, and as soon as he moves more energetically, his feet and fists immediately turn pink.
  • Moms are worried that the baby’s feet are turned strongly inward or outward. Both are explained by muscle weakness in ankle joint. Such phenomena are caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during pregnancy. However, there is no need to worry about this, because such defects can be corrected very well with massage.
  • Sometimes milk comes out from your baby's swollen nipples. It turns out that this is quite normal phenomenon– as for newborns boys as well as girls. It's a hormonal crisis newborn. It is caused by the mother's hormones entering the baby's blood. Everything will go away by itself. But under no circumstances should you squeeze milk out of your nipples! Enough to put on them dry heat. The discharge appears on the 3-5th day of the baby’s life, lasts for a week and goes away.
  • Some young mothers looking at their newborns boys, their testicles are not found in their natural place. If this happens, it means that the testicle did not have time to descend into the groin before birth and got stuck in the canal. There is no need to be nervous until one year. If the situation has not changed, then the testicles are “hatched” surgically since they shouldn't be in abdominal cavity. The opposite situation also happens: the baby is born with large swollen testicles. This is caused by swelling of the lining of the testicle. It cannot be treated and goes away on its own, but the baby is being monitored by a surgeon.
  • Sometimes real panic is caused spotting from the vagina of girls, although there is nothing wrong with that. This is the same hormonal crisis that causes milk to leak from the nipples, and it also passes.
  • And one more “little thing” puzzles mothers – the belly button. The stump of the umbilical cord turned outward looks unaesthetic, but this is not for long. After 10 days it disappears, and the navel takes on the beautiful ornate shape of a sleeping snail.


Leather newborn baby does not immediately become beautiful: tender, smooth and pink. It may be frustrating at first. Red spots, fuzz, peeling, protruding blood vessels, birthmarks. Let's figure it out What should cause concern and what should not?

  • Sometimes a baby is born with bright pink skin, fluff and very a large number birth lubricant. All this is caused by immature skin newborn baby and goes away as you grow.
  • Moms shouldn't worry about skin flaking either. newborn. It turns out that after several baths, all the old epidermis peels off, and the baby’s skin is renewed.
  • Red spots with jagged edges should also not cause fear in parents. Sometimes this is a manifestation of an allergy caused by a malnutrition of the mother, and sometimes an allergic reaction to the waste products of microbes that colonize the baby’s sterile skin. In this case, you just need to drink well newborn, and the allergen will be eliminated from the body by itself.
  • Some babies are born with red spider veins. These so-called vascular nevi, although not terrible for the baby, do not go away with age, like brown birthmarks. Children also remain with port-wine and Mongoloid birthmarks for life. Red port-wine birthmarks occur in children of all nationalities. But Mongoloid blue spots, as a rule, appear in children of southern nations or Asians.
  • On the 3rd day of life, the skin newborns acquires a jaundiced color. If mom negative Rh factor, and the child is positive or the mother has blood group I, but the child has a different blood type and jaundice appears on the 1st day of life, then it is necessary additional examinations blood.


FEATURES OF A NEWBORN WHEN AND WHAT WILL CHANGE? Newborn's eyes: Most often blue at birthAfter six months they will acquire their permanent color.Newborn strabismus In six months Swelling and redness of the eyes of newbornsA few days after giving birthHands and feet of newborns: Blue feet and fists in a newbornIt will pass, just move a littleFeet turned inwardFeet turned outwardWith the help of massage it will go away by 1 yearHypertonicity of newborn musclesWith the help of massage it will go away by 1 year


After giving birth, the mother experiences feelings of great happiness. There is also physiological reason- change hormonal levels. She immediately falls in love with her baby without looking back. If the mother did not splash out happiness on the baby immediately after birth, then this is caused for various reasons, but not by sight newborn.

This often happens if newborn baby I was immediately taken away from my mother. Then this joy spreads to the medical staff, the doctors around them - how wonderful everyone is! Sometimes the connection begins to break down even during pregnancy: if a loved one has left the mother or she is immersed in some other problems.

In this case, it is advisable that mommy postpartum ward was with newborn baby. But if it is completely unpleasant for her to care for the baby, then it is very bad for him. Because from her hands the child “reads” the attitude towards himself. Then it’s better for mom to have someone else help her. Meanwhile, she herself slowly and gradually entered into this process.

Even if newborn not exactly attractive, for his mother he is super handsome. In schools for pregnant women, many mothers, watching educational films, are horrified appearance newborns. But as soon as their own baby is born, their point of view changes radically. Mine child becomes the most charming, despite all the features newborns.

Mothers are simply incapable of critically approaching newborn baby. They love him for who he is. However, a few hours after giving birth, anxiety may creep in for the mother. Why is the baby's head shape different? Why is his skin peeling? Where do the red spots come from? Mommy examines newborn and worries. But not because he is not handsome, but because she wants to help him. She already loves him very much!

“He is so cute, so small, so fragile,” says the mother and seeks support from the doctors. And this is understandable: she is already driven by the most powerful love in the world - maternal.

Often parents are faced with the fact that their baby’s eyes swell, bruises, bags and circles appear under them. Edema is an increase in the amount of water in tissues. The volume of water becomes larger in the extracellular space, which does not belong to the vascular bed. Edema is divided into general and local.

General swelling

If your baby's eyes are swollen, examine him carefully. There may be swelling on the arms or legs. You can establish swelling like this: pinch between your fingers skin fold child. If he has swelling of the tissues, then they will be dough-like, and in some there will be pits at the site of compression.

To rule out kidney disease, monitor your baby for fluid retention.

Measure your weight: if water is retained, it will increase. You also need to know how much fluid your baby needs on average. Check your urination frequency. If your child rarely goes to the toilet and the urine is cloudy, you should consult a doctor.

Fluid retention can occur as a result of health problems: cardiac decompensation, hormonal imbalance, renal, hepatic, venous or lymphatic failure.

If a child has nephrotic syndrome, the swelling will develop gradually. The weight will gradually increase. Swelling around the eyes will be noticeable first, then it will appear general swelling.

Swelling of the legs, general edema may be a consequence of heart failure, which appears as a result birth defect hearts. Also, fluid accumulation may occur due to rheumatic inflammation of the myocardium and severe anemia. Associated symptoms are shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs, rapid pulse. If your child has these symptoms, you need to see a doctor!

There may be other reasons for fluid retention in tissues: an inharmonious, unbalanced daily routine, sedentary image life, long stay in incorrect postures(leg to leg, for example), unbalanced diet(lack of protein causes general swelling), excessive consumption water and salt, allergic reaction to aspirin.

Local swelling of the eyes in newborns

Swelling around the baby's eyes appears due to conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids), allergies, or excessive crying.

The face swells if the child has an allergic reaction to medications, food products, cosmetics.

Causes of bags under the eyes in children

Many factors influence eye puffiness.

Genetics: As a rule, parents’ eyes also swell. Lack of sleep: if the baby sleeps little, then swelling of the periorbital tissue forms, which leads to undesirable consequences. Salt: Excessive consumption of salty foods also causes swelling, because it retains water in the body. Overwork: Quite often the eyes swell due to overexertion. ABOUT structural features of the eyes, very light skin: in some children, it appears through the “transparent” skin capillary network, which creates the effect of dark circles.

Diseases. Swelling of tissues can cause various diseases: kidney and urinary systems, heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, low level hemoglobin, metabolic disorder, increased intracranial pressure, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, respiratory infections, inflammation of the sinuses, conjunctivitis or nasal congestion associated with teething, problems with the tear ducts.

If your child has blue under the eyes, pay attention to his daily routine. Your child should sleep at least eight hours every day. Maybe for your child good rest it takes ten hours. Provide your baby sufficient quantity vitamins, walk a lot fresh air. Provided that the child feels light and comfortable, moves a lot and rests well, and does not cry, then the blue under the eyes will disappear.

If the baby wrong mode day, lack of sleep, he lacks oxygen and often cries, then the circles under his eyes will increase. Consult a neurologist. The child may need to undergo a course of calming procedures: baths with added sea ​​salt, herbal teas, oxygen cocktails. Make sure your child engages in health-improving activities to strengthen the immune system.

Reasons why a baby's eyes may become swollen

Quite often the eye small child may swell due to an insect bite. Especially if the eye swells when it is midge and mosquito season. You should not wait for the swelling to go away on its own. Eye swelling due to an insect bite is not just an irritation, but an allergic reaction to the insect bite. As is known, any allergic reaction, especially in infant, is quite dangerous and fraught with consequences. An allergic reaction to insect bites is the most frequent allergies which occurs in children. To avoid trouble, you should definitely consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the swollen eye and give necessary recommendations. You need to call a doctor urgently if this trouble is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

In addition, swollen eyes in a newborn baby may be a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process happening in the body. This could be a disease such as conjunctivitis. With this infection, the baby’s body temperature may increase, and the eyes may discharge purulent discharge. Swollen eyes in a small child may also be due to kidney disease. The child may need to be seen by an ophthalmologist, especially if the eyes swell frequently.

Inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct can also cause swollen eyelids in a baby. In this case, the doctor prescribes eye drops with antibiotics, which you need to administer to your child for several days. A baby's eye may also become swollen due to an incipient stye. Barley can occur due to the baby’s weakened immune system, when colds, diseases of the digestive system, with chronic diseases. You shouldn't wait until the stye will go away independently - consult a doctor for advice. In this case, the doctor will prescribe disinfectants and ointments.

Ptosis is a disease in which the levator muscle upper eyelid does not fully develop. At the same time this state may affect the eyes, causing the eyelids to appear puffy. A child needs a doctor’s help with this disease, as swollen eyes bring discomfort to the baby.

A small child may have swollen eyes after prolonged crying and prolonged sleep. This illness in this case should soon go away on its own. You can speed up the process of removing swelling from the eyes by using lotions with cool water or lotions with tea leaves.

The baby's eyes may be swollen due to postpartum drainage. This is due to pressure during movement along the birth canal. Within 2-7 days, the swelling of the eyelids goes away on its own. Sometimes swelling of the eyes can occur due to infections, in which case mucous discharge from the eyes or purulent discharge will be noticeable.

Swelling of the eyes infant may be due to an illness such as cardiac decompensation in chronic or acute form, in case of disruption of hormone production, lymphatic and venous insufficiency, in case of liver dysfunction. A baby may also have swollen eyes due to teething or increased intraocular pressure.

In any case, to identify the cause of swollen eyes in a small child, it is necessary mandatory consultation and needed mandatory inspection baby specialist. After all, the causes of swollen eyes can be different, sometimes not the most comforting. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and determine necessary treatment for your child. No matter how much you are advised, it is not recommended to self-medicate.



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