Why do you dream that your friend gave birth? The meaning of sleep, the most complete interpretation of dreams according to the dream book. Why do you dream that your friend is pregnant? Dream interpretation

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Girlfriend With as a child dreaming to conception soon child, especially if the baby in dream chest If dreaming big child, then we should expect a replenishment either next year or at the end of this year. Previously, people thought that if dreaming girlfriend With as a child, That child will be born just at girlfriends. But the facts showed the opposite, child was born exactly the one who saw dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Girlfriend gave birth dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Girlfriend gave birth".For what dreaming Girlfriend gave birth in dream By dream book? Dreaming what's yours girlfriend produces baby and everything goes without complications - which means that in real life you will also be able to realize all your plans simply and safely, and nothing will overshadow the taste of your victory. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Why can dream birth baby By dream book Miller? Dream, in which the birth of a baby occurs, may foreshadow the receipt of an inheritance or good news. if you dreamed your birth baby, such dream promises a happy improvement in circumstances in your life, and perhaps uSee in dream like your friend or girlfriend gave birth baby, promises prosperity and happiness to the woman he sees. For those who want baby and can’t conceive, like this dream predicts the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If in dream yours girlfriends gave birth baby- you can please her: she will have a happy family life. Remember what baby You gave birth in dream. To explain why dreamed about it childbirth, it is important. Little newborn in dream, according to dream book, is a huge effort that you will have to make to implement your plans; big - success and prosperity in everything. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Had a dream their childbirth for a man, Give birth to baby or children in dream(for men) - renewal, major life changes; the emergence of a brilliant idea or plan. Had a dream childbirth at mom's or at girlfriends, Childbirth at my sister's, Aliens childbirth in dream- to an increase in the well-being of the woman seen; otherwise - excitement and anxiety. Aliens Childbirth in dream for a woman of childbearing age indicate extreme concern about motherhood issues. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    To me dreamed that's mine girlfriend gave birth baby boy. It was colored dream where we met girlfriend from the maternity hospital with her baby. There were a lot of her relatives and friends. Hello, my girlfriend dreamed about it dream what am I gave birth a boy from my boyfriend whom we have been dating for more than 5 years. In dream I gave birth outside of marriage. How can this be interpreted? dream?Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Often in dream a person’s family and close friends appear, whose appearance in the vision certainly affects the future. Why dreamed, What girlfriend gave birth- the main question to which several answers are given at once in this article. If in dream at girlfriends is born dead child, which means the expectations of the owner of the vision will be deceived. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    IN dream book Sivananda's birth child- a Hindu spiritual teacher interpreted this dream not clear, for an unmarried girl the birth of a baby in dream spoke of her promiscuity in real life. If such a dream dreamed married girl, this meant that her birth Dream, in which you see your friend or girlfriend gives birth child, promises happiness and well-being of the woman he sees. Accept childbirth in dream, for both women and men, a sign of purification and liberation from some oppressive burden. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    I'm 4 today gave birth in dream. I don't know the gender, but one child How child, the second is a little thin and smaller, and the third and fourth are generally tiny. But in dream Everything is fine with everyone. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant. dreamed what am I gave birth 4x children, i.e. 2 boys and 2 girls, and problems with childbirth there wasn’t, the only thing was that the pregnancy (belly) appeared overnight... something like this... why is this? I'm not married in real life children No. Marina 01/10/2016 at 11:32 am. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream your daughter gave birth baby, dream means a new stage in her life, some new beginning, the birth of a new business, activity, for example, this can will dream, if she enters a certain educational institution, gets a job or starts her own business. If in dream pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth baby boy or girl, son or daughter, is dreams-preparation for childbirth. They dream almost always and to all expectant mothers. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Gave birth child girlfriend dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Gave birth child girlfriend? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Sometimes future children are in dream in person, slightly matured. Dream Interpretation warns that such children require increased vigilance and special attention until they reach the age at which you need them dreamed about it.For what dream childbirth girlfriends, dream book connects with upcoming troubles. You may be faced with a great many additional obligations that cannot be delegated. You'll have to rake them out with your own hands. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreaming, What girlfriend gave birth, which means your next joint project has every chance of success. Girlfriend a childhood you haven't seen for a long time, dreaming to remind you of unfulfilled aspirations, to make you look at the world through the eyes of child. Dream Interpretation calls to throw off the ballast of negativity and try to find yourself again. If dreamed about it naked girlfriend, dream, unfortunately, will not bring her anything good. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-tolkovatel"

    If dreamed, What girlfriend pregnant. If you saw girlfriend pregnant in dream, although in fact this is not the case, for you this may portend an imminent marriage, childbirth or great strong love, as a result of which will appear child. According to dream books, see what girlfriend suddenly started give birth to and suffered greatly at the same time, it means that you have problems with the intestines or stomach. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Childbirth in dream: interpretations of different dream books. Interpretations dream book about birth baby differ, and therefore, you need to choose an interpretation that is suitable for the dreamer’s position and life situations. What means give birth in dream By dream book Medea? If a girl dreamed What girlfriend gave birth, then a joint business opened with her will bring excellent results. A relatively unfavorable interpretation gives dream book, if you dreamed that sister gave birth.Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it dream, in which it was necessary give birth baby(boy) right at home, which means peace and tranquility will reign in your home, and the house itself will resemble a full bowl. In dream to me dreamed what am I gave birth twins. Two boys, and gave birth easily, without feeling anything, although the doctors thought that I couldn’t give birth myself, and I might be able to die, but gave birth, And gave birth I'm in some kind of dorm. There were doctors there girlfriend, and I was lying on the bed with my boys, sleeping, and then it was as if one of my sons started walking, I was still surprised and... Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: Girlfriend gave birth baby. Nowadays, in our city there seem to be some abandoned tall brick buildings. I'm walking with my boyfriend, and in his arms child my classmate (in reality she is not married and not pregnant). To the entry: Why dreaming fish for a man. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about it ex-boyfriend. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream girlfriend gives birth, And childbirth are difficult, this may mean that a boy will be born. If pregnant girlfriend dies suddenly in dream during childbirth, then most likely baby there may be complications or congenital diseases. What if a pregnant woman girlfriend dreaming a man for whom childbirth– this is a very distant word. In fact, a young man may dream about his pregnant girlfriend or wife. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming Child in dream By dream book? I dreamed about it child- expect mutual love, strong friendship. If child cries - disappointment is coming, deterioration in well-being. I’m pregnant, soon childbirth-38 weeks. Today I dreamed that it’s my birthday, and then suddenly one of my girlfriends(me in dream only surrounded girlfriends) brought Mine to me baby(son) whom I don’t even remember how gave birth, he stood on his own legs, looked like his dad - dark, with brown eyes. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    For what girlfriend dreaming, gave birth girl in dream. If in mom dream become not you, but your friend or this, then girlfriend may have several positive Before. meaning of everything, this person deserves to wish you only the best and trust you. (62 comments) dreamed about it CHILDREN, see in dream CHILDREN dream book. Why pregnant dreaming that she gave birth? Dream Interpretation Birth child for what dreaming Birth child in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    To me dreamed that's mine girlfriend gave birth baby boy. It was colored dream where we met girlfriend from the maternity hospital with her baby. There were a lot of her relatives and friends. When she came out with the baby, everyone began to applaud, give flowers, and congratulate. Hello. Had a dream what my friends show me baby my newborn, I’m not happy, but I’m jealous and start to sob... Why would that be? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Give birth baby. if you dreamed, what do you gave birth baby, dream portends good profits. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Newborn child girlfriends in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    Had a dream birth of a girl ( childbirth, was born, was born child) - to witness the appearance / manifestation of something unforgettable, surprise will shock you. Had a dream, What girlfriend gave birth a girl - an unexpected betrayal on the part of those in whom you have invested your physical or moral strength; gossip and slander will make this period of life quite difficult. Hugging baby female - to stand up for unfamiliar people and their projects. "To me in dream dreamed, What gave birth a girl and a boy. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Newborn child girlfriends dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Newborn child girlfriends?See in dream a pregnant man is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and will give birth baby. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his baby to the whole world. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Pregnancy girlfriends dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Pregnancy girlfriends?Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. Dream acts as compensation by emphasizing the creative sides of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men give birth Not only children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: Girlfriend gave birth. Available only to usersI dreamed that I came to girlfriend,she was just discharged from the maternity hospital, gave birth boy, who is the father? baby She doesn’t say, she said it was a casual drunken affair. All her relatives were against her gave birth, they reproach her all the time that she dropped out of college because baby.And I was the only one who supported her and helped her. to the post: Had a dream What gave birth girl.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "cruisetour"

    Dream Interpretation girlfriend gave birth baby - Dream Interpretation girlfriend for what dreaming girlfriend in dream. Hello.Girl in dream for what dreaming interpretation according to dream book Magini. In reality I'm pregnant, I dreamed as if I already gave birth and I breastfeed the swaddled baby (and my breasts were larger than they actually are) And at that moment I notice that they want to take a picture of me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Do you have an idea that you " gave birth” mentally, while all that remains is to bring it to life! And it is from this place that your dream shows that the people who previously supported you in everything are not very enthusiastic about your idea. But dream says nothing about the consequences of your decision! Dream Interpretation- Birth of a girl. Under the influence of latent understanding (right) and involuntary (tablet) influence of a friend/acquaintances ( girlfriend) you have experienced a powerful shift in awareness of something ( childbirth own baby).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation- Unwanted child. Hello. All this impossible absurdity dreamed to you, it’s very logical and understandable. Look: you are oppressed by the thought that you need to make some important decision (pain), and you cannot postpone making it - there is no time. See in dream. Earth on the windowsill Child to kid cuts hair Girlfriend with a man's penis Combing the dead man's hair Black milk Black trees stand close Why sweep someone else's Net on the balcony Child in the burning coals the light turned on.

Often, a person’s dreams feature relatives and close friends, whose appearance in a vision certainly affects the future. Why you dreamed that your friend gave birth is the main question to which several answers are given in this article.

What if you dream about your friend giving birth?

Having seen in a dream that a friend has given birth, a person needs to remember as many details of this vision as possible. So, for example, if childbirth in a dream took place without complications, and the child was born healthy and strong, then everything will also be excellent in the dreamer’s endeavors. Any, even the most extravagant plans and undertakings, will result in significant success for the dreamer. A white streak awaits him ahead, and this productive time should be used to the fullest.

To dream that a friend is giving birth with difficulty or suffers greatly during the process is a sign of sudden difficulties that have arisen on the path to success. Such dreams mean that in the near future the owner of the vision is unlikely to be able to fulfill his dreams or achieve his life goals. If a friend dies during childbirth, then the plans are simply not destined to come true. Most likely, the dreamer will fail in everything he undertakes in the coming months.

If a friend gives birth to a stillborn child in a dream, it means that the expectations of the owner of the vision will be deceived. Perhaps the planned plans will not justify themselves, and the person himself will be devastated and disappointed.

Childbirth is a multifaceted symbol that can mean anything, depending on the details of the vision. Usually, a friend’s childbirth is interpreted as a sudden change in plans and in life in general that cannot be prevented. A person can only prepare for the coming shocks.

If a person watches his girlfriend’s birth from the side, it means that in the near future he will be able to relax, because all his endeavors will go well, and work will not take much effort. If the dreamer himself takes over the birth, then, on the contrary, he will have to work hard. Most likely, not a single decision made among friends and relatives will be possible without his participation.

If the owner of the vision is very upset because of the appearance of a friend’s child, it means that in real life there are strained and difficult relationships between these people. Perhaps a friend recently made some kind of mistake, which ultimately turned into an insult on the part of the dreamer. It is worth resolving the conflict situation as quickly as possible, since it can affect the future of friends.

A dream in which a friend, who is pregnant in real life, gives birth foreshadows an easy birth in real life. Many psychologists believe that such a dream is only a reflection of the dreamer’s subconscious anxiety about his friend’s condition. If in a dream a child is born dead and sick, you should warn your friend about possible complications during pregnancy.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a child cries loudly immediately after birth portends great success for the dreamer, especially in career terms. Often such a vision becomes a symbol of a future promotion or the start of running your own business.

Seeing a friend's newborn child in a dream, who seems weak and does not make any sounds, is a sign of minor but unpleasant problems. Perhaps minor troubles will shower a person from head to toe, forcing him to spend a lot of time resolving them.

If in a dream a person sees a friend’s water breaking, it means that in real life one should expect a lot of opportunities and prospects. You should take advantage of such luck, because using every such chance, a person can achieve great success. An even more positive interpretation is a vision in which the dreamer holds a friend’s newborn child in his arms. Usually such a vision predicts major successes and changes in life for the better.

Some psychologists interpret dreams about children as a desire to have a baby in real life. Perhaps it is time for a person to think about reproducing offspring.

Children in a dream are a predominantly positive sign, especially if a close person or friend becomes the mother of such a child. However, the dream must be interpreted with all seriousness, since sometimes small details of the vision hint not at life’s furor, but at trials that are about to become part of the present for the owner of the vision.

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream interpretation girlfriend gave birth

When we sleep, we often dream. If people appear in them, they are often our relatives, good friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Their appearance often has an impact on both the future fate of the dreamer himself and the person we dreamed about.

If you dreamed that your friend was giving birth, then such a vision will definitely affect your future life. The dreamer should remember all the details, because they will tell you what will happen in the future.

Birth of a new life

In the dream book you can find a lot of predictions about why your friend dreams of giving birth. Interpretations can be both positive and negative.

Opinions of interpreters

I dreamed about giving birth to a close woman

Before getting down to the question of why you dream that a friend gave birth to a child, it is worth understanding what the birth of a child in general means in different interpreters.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

Giving birth to children in a dream is always favorable. It is believed that a person will have a cloudless future, material well-being, and success.

It is possible that in the near future you will actually give birth to a child. If an elderly person dreams of a vision, it means that a new addition will occur to one of the dreamer’s family members.

If such dreams occur to a young man or to a girl who has not yet been married, then such people should be extremely careful about their reputation.

You risk committing actions that will result in public censure.

According to this dream book, such a vision may also promise an unexpected inheritance or other profit.

Symbolism of the birth of a child

Loff's interpretation

When a child is born, it is always a great mystery. Many peoples of the world consider this event sacred. If your dreams contain water, one of the symbols of birth, as it indicates amniotic fluid, then this dream should not be taken literally.

Perhaps the sleeping person will soon discover new talents in himself.

If your friend gave birth, then this person will open up to you from a new side.

Maly Velesov interpreter

When you dream of childbirth, it almost always means joy in real life. You just have to take a closer look at the process:

Gypsy interpreter

Seeing a child being born means material well-being, joy for the soul. If you gave birth to many boys and girls, then everything will work out in the best way.

If the birth was preceded by severe pain, or the baby was born dead or mutilated, it means that in reality the dreamer will suffer failure or grief. If you dreamed that another person was giving birth, then trouble would happen to him.

Prediction of the sorceress Medea Did you dream about childbirth? This means that in real life a new idea will come to you, a plan will appear.

Such a vision almost always promises you positive changes in the future.

The meaning of the birth event in men's dreams

Such dreams are very positive for men. When a man dreamer sees in a dream a girlfriend, a wife who gives birth to children, then a successful career and popularity among ladies await him. Moreover, the more children emerged from the womb, the greater the success will be.

A young girl who is about to give birth must carefully monitor her reputation.

Erotic interpreter

The esoteric interpreter is one of those who considers this topic most carefully.

This source will provide you with a lot of information that will relate to this issue:

Did you dream about giving birth? You will meet a person who will be your ideal soulmate.

A woman who gives birth in a dream will soon become pregnant in reality. A man who had a strange dream that he was having a child, whom he himself gave birth to, should be careful. Freud believed that his legal wife would find out about his extramarital affair with another woman, and the consequences could be very dire.

21st century interpreter

For a woman, a dream with a child that is born is favorable. The dreamer will be happy in marriage.

I dreamed about the birth of several babies - immeasurable happiness in everything, both in the family and at work.

I dreamed about the birth of several babies

According to this dream book, a friend gave birth, and you were present at the birth and received the baby - to an unexpected event, a wedding.

Often such a vision promises troubles around the house; unexpected guests may come to you.

Winter interpreter

This source believes that the vision in which a friend gave birth is a warning sign. It is believed that the dreamer should be extremely careful with her friend. At any moment it can seriously let you down.

Vanga's prediction

The Bulgarian seer believed that childbirth in a dream is always a sign of liberation from something. Are you having a painful birth, but the baby is ok in the end? This means that you have to go through trials and difficulties in order to achieve prosperity.

Dreaming of a quick, painless birth from a close woman

Do any of your friends die in childbirth? No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to establish contact with this person.

The birth of the baby was quick and painless - you will be able to find someone who will help you. You will shift some of your responsibilities and troubles onto him, and you will be able to breathe easy.

Friend's birth process

A vision in which you watch your friend's water break means that new perspectives and opportunities will open up for you. Fate will give you a chance, you should definitely take advantage of it.

If in a dream a friend gave birth, but in reality she is pregnant, then she will safely carry the child and will easily give birth to him.

I dreamed about the birth of a boy

Calmly watch your good friend give birth to a son or daughter - you will soon be able to relax. Your business will go uphill and you will rest on your laurels.

Taking care of your friend and her baby on your own means you will have to work hard. Soon you will have a lot of things to do.

The plot in which a friend gave birth to a boy, and the child immediately began to cry, is positive. It is believed that career growth awaits a sleeping person.

The child does not make a sound - minor troubles.

A friend gave birth to a girl or a boy, but the child died immediately after birth - minor difficulties await you that you have to overcome.

Experiencing negative emotions because a friend gave birth means that in reality there is an understatement between you and you have a strained relationship.

Girlfriend with child

Often such a vision promises the imminent birth of a child. If the child was a little older, then conception will occur after some time.

If ancient interpreters say that such a dream promises the addition of a friend to the family, then new dream books indicate that it is the dreamer who will become pregnant. If a man had a dream, then his girlfriend will soon report this interesting news.

A baby flying around a friend means that your child will be the life of the party.

In the land of dreams, sometimes quite extraordinary situations happen that make you think. What to expect if a friend gave birth in a dream? A dream in which a friend gave birth can promise both profit and loss. It all depends on the details that were present in the plot. For this reason, you should try to remember every little detail and take it into account when interpreting. If a friend gave birth to a boy in a dream, then you can count on receiving money. A person may even find a wallet on the street, so it is recommended to be attentive. When a friend gave birth to a girl in a dream, you should prepare for loss. Sometimes a dream portends surprise; most likely, a person will learn news that will shock him.

If you dreamed that your friend was giving birth, what is this for? The spring dream book advises to be careful in spending. There is a high probability of purchasing a low-quality product that will be impossible to return. For a young girl, a dream promises a quarrel with her lover, who will accuse her of treason. The dreamer needs to provide the young man with undeniable evidence of her innocence, otherwise he will leave her.

The winter dream book recommends that a person who saw a friend giving birth in a dream should be more careful with her. There is a high probability that she will betray the sleeping woman. If there was a lot of blood in the dream, then in reality the dreamer will learn that her close relative will soon become a mother. You need to congratulate her with all your heart, and not envy someone else’s happiness. A stillborn child promises minor troubles that will be easy to sort out.

What if you dream about your friend giving birth?

If you look through a family dream book, a friend has given birth, what is this for? A person needs to be careful, because in the near future they will try to deceive him. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to treat everyone with distrust. It is better to double-check all incoming information than to regret your own inattention.

If a man dreamed that several of his girlfriends gave him a child, in reality he will receive a profit. He can safely invest in dubious projects; they will bring him huge profits. It also makes sense to go to a gambling house and try your luck. There is a high chance of winning a huge jackpot, so don’t miss the chance.

When you dream that a friend gave birth to twins or triplets, you can hope for a decent cash flow. A person may be left an inheritance or win the lottery. A girl may hope that a rich admirer will propose to her. She should not hesitate for a long time, she must agree immediately. Otherwise, she will easily lose the opportunity to become rich. If the child was born dead, this means problems with relatives.

According to the 21st century dream book, a dream in which a friend gave birth to a child promises a woman troubles around the house. There is a high probability that she will have unexpected guests. As a result, her plans will remain unrealized, since she will need to devote all her time to people who have come from afar. If a friend gave birth to a kitten in a dream, an event will happen in reality that will greatly surprise the dreamer. However, she should not believe various speculations; it is better to analyze the situation, then everything will fall into place.

What does a friend foretell when she gives birth?

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a dream in which a friend gave birth to a boy foreshadows a test for a woman. She must pass it successfully, otherwise her financial situation will worsen. If in a dream a friend gave birth to a girl, then the dreamer will have troubles around the house. Most likely, she will start repairs that will last several months. The sleeping woman will not have enough time to finish it.

To understand why a friend who gave birth to a child dreams in a dream, you can open a modern dream book. He recommends not taking any action in the near future, but simply observing events. Thanks to this, it will be possible to understand who is the dreamer’s real friend, and who is just pretending to be him. If in a dream a friend gave birth to a snake, in reality you should be wary of such a person, since he can betray without really thinking about it. It is better to stop communicating with this woman and try not to interfere with her anymore. A dead child is a harbinger of not very good events.

If in a dream a friend gave birth to a puppy and was very proud of him, then in reality you can safely trust her with your secrets; she will not tell them to anyone. Moreover, such a dream suggests that a woman is a faithful friend on whom the dreamer can always rely.

A friend who gives birth to a child in a dream is a favorable symbol. Most likely, the dreamer will receive a profit, an inheritance, or her salary will simply be increased. A dream often does not pose any danger, so you should not be upset, it is better to tune in to a positive mood, then misfortunes will bypass you.



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