What should the image of a business person consist of? Image of a business person: men and women

Fashion comes and goes, but the general principles of forming the image of a modern business person have not changed for more than a century. The external appearance of a commercial director should reflect his main qualities: communication and the ability to inspire trust, on the one hand, responsibility and reliability, on the other. After all, he, to a greater extent than other employees, conveys the values ​​of his company to clients. In other words, a commercial director needs to sell himself first.

Olga Sorokina,

consultant in the field of professional image and personal branding

In this article you will read

    Components of the image of a modern business person. Rules of the game for men

    Failure details in the image of a business person

Fashion comes and goes, but the general principles of formation image of a modern business person have not changed for more than a century. The external appearance of a commercial director should reflect his main qualities: communication and the ability to inspire trust, on the one hand, responsibility and reliability, on the other. After all, he, to a greater extent than other employees, conveys the values ​​of his company to clients. In other words, a commercial director needs to sell himself first. Therefore, I advise you to consider the costs of creating the image of a business person as an investment in professional success.

Components of the image of a modern business person

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First, here are some general tips. Even with a limited budget, a man should have at least two suits in his wardrobe: one for the spring-summer season, the other for autumn-winter. The universal color of the pair for the office is dark blue or dark gray (anthracite). The first symbolizes professionalism, leadership, authority, it is perfect for a special event; the second personifies conservatism, stability, dignity and is optimal for daily wear. But a black suit should be reserved for weddings and funerals; it is not recommended to wear it to the office.

The fabric does not have to be a single color, however, in a conservative business, only a chalk stripe is allowed, but contrasting stripes and even a checkered pattern are acceptable where there are no strict regulations regarding the appearance of employees. For example, a high school director or a professor at a clinic would look natural in such a suit. It is better for the commercial director to adhere to the company’s internal dress code, and if there is none, rely on the first person of the company.

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One more wish: do not skimp on a suit, choose models in accordance with your income and status. A top manager's suit should be made from high-quality worsted wool with a high degree of twist (above 100'S). The higher the degree of twist, the lighter the fabric and the better it holds its shape.

As for the cut, today's fashion is quite democratic: it allows both single-breasted and double-breasted jackets, and three-piece suits have appeared on the catwalks again. Keep in mind that a single-breasted jacket is slimming, while a double-breasted jacket adds solidity to tall and thin men. The presence of vents (cuts) on the back, as a rule, is determined by the country of origin: Germans, for example, consider it indecent to keep their hands in their pockets, so they often abandon vents altogether. However, such a suit looks good only as long as it is buttoned up and the man is standing. The slots are needed just to provide an elegant look to the sitter. Suit jackets with two buttons (the bottom button is not fastened) are considered more modern.

It is better to choose plain-colored shirts for business suits in light pastel colors: white, milky, blue, light lilac, always with long sleeves - it should be 1.5 cm longer than the sleeve of the jacket.

Important details: shoes and ties

If the dress code requires a tie, do not forget about the semantics of color: dark red symbolizes status and power, dark blue - stability and professionalism, yellow - intelligence, purple - individuality and nonconformism. High-status managers are better off wearing ties that are plain or with foulard (small repeating pattern) prints. Stripes are already a reduction in the level of conservatism, and designs such as Indian cucumbers are only suitable for a corporate party. When tying a tie, remember that its end should reach approximately the middle of the belt buckle. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to look ridiculous. If you want to stand out, place a beautifully folded pocket square in the breast pocket of your jacket. It must match the color of the suit and shirt, but cannot be made from the same fabric as the tie.

Pay special attention to shoes ( drawing). If you work in finance, insurance, the oil and gas industry, government agencies and want to emphasize your high status, choose classic-colored shoes: black or dark brown with closed lacing (“Oxfords”). In more democratic areas, where business casual is more common, you can afford “derby” (shoes with open lacing, in which the ankle boots are sewn over the vamp) and even “brogues” (shoes with a cut-off toe and perforation). If you are wearing brown shoes, then your belt and briefcase should also be brown. Choose belts for work with a discreet buckle so that it does not attract the attention of your interlocutor.

As for socks, there is no need to experiment. In summer, wear plain ones that match the color of your trousers, in winter, wear plain ones that match the color of your shoes. Bright fashionable socks will fit only into the image of a character from the sphere of show business. The height of the socks should be up to the middle of the calf: even if you sit down to tie a shoelace, no one should see the naked part of the body under the trouser leg.

Acceptable accessories in the image of a modern business person

The hours must match your income, otherwise they will confuse your image. You shouldn't buy watches that cost more than your monthly salary, but you should also avoid buying counterfeits.

For an executive in an ordinary office environment, a classic watch from a status Swiss brand would be optimal: strict, elegant, with a classic leather strap in black or brown. The case of such watches is often round, less often - square or rectangular; they are rarely massive and look sophisticated. Recently, an opinion has emerged that the “daytime” classic watch models that a man wears in the office should be changed to “evening watches” by the end of the working day. Manufacturers are paying more and more attention to external attributes: rose gold cases, diamond pave or diamond markers instead of numbers. This is becoming the norm for evening events.

There is a subtype of Swiss status executive watches that are reserved for important visits and negotiations: such accessories are designed to demonstrate the wealth of the owner - they are made of exotic materials and have a variety of functions. But the currently popular sports models (massive, with large numbers on the dial, on steel or rubber bracelets) look strange when paired with an office suit. Their time is Friday, their place is next to jeans.

A business man is expected to have a briefcase to carry papers and possibly a laptop. Opt for a product made of high-quality leather that will keep its shape and look presentable. Do not create unfavorable contrasts: a tall and slender man will suit a briefcase-diplomat, while a man of heavier build will suit a briefcase made of soft leather with smoother shapes.

Pay attention to the rest of the accessories. There are not many of them: a wallet, a business card holder, a pen. Give preference to conservative colors (black, brown, dark gray, dark blue) and “business” brands - DuPont, Dunhill, Montblanc. Be sure to have a clean handkerchief in stock. Of the jewelry a man is allowed, only a wedding ring is allowed (everything else stays at home, especially signets). If you do not remove religious symbols under any circumstances, make sure that they are not visible when your shirt is open.

It is also important for a top manager to monitor the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. If you think that visiting a beauty salon is not appropriate for a man, then make it a rule to take care of your hands yourself.

Before an important meeting, you need to make inquiries about what kind of dress a potential partner wears: if you show up in full dress, and the interlocutor is in jeans and a shirt, there will be no contact.

Image of a business person. Style for ladies

It is clearly more difficult for a woman as a commercial director. On the one hand, she is obliged to justify the trust and organize the work professionally, on the other hand, to show the world a feminine appearance. To begin with, you should exclude from your business wardrobe everything that somehow suggests flirtation and romance: ruffles, flounces, frills, rhinestones, sequins, translucent fabrics, high stiletto heels, open-toe shoes, fishnet tights. One of my clients spent several years at the bank in the same position. Everyone was promoted except her. Moreover, there were never any complaints about the work. It seemed that she complied with all the requirements of the dress code, but she preferred tight-fitting, feminine suits, in soft pastel colors; her jewelry was too delicate and her bags were tiny. One could succeed in such an image if she were the director of a beauty salon, but in a bank such an appearance hindered her career ( table). I always encourage clients to take a close look at how industry leaders dress. Leading business publications regularly publish ratings of representatives of the profession, in addition, you can observe colleagues from other companies at forums and conferences. Study the style and image of a business person who has achieved significant heights. Typically, the most successful female executives have one thing in common: a preference for a business suit with a simple cut and conservative color. By the way, it makes sense to use a suit with a skirt more often: trousers subconsciously set men up for struggle and competition. The minimum hem length is only a couple of centimeters above the knee.

Successful women managers often choose shirt-style blouses, knowing that in this way they emphasize equality with men and business qualities.

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If your job requires you to communicate a lot with clients, use color semantics: a beige jacket will create a trusting atmosphere, but if you want to look like a reliable and competent partner, choose dark blue. Gray will speak about professionalism and focus on business. If you are guilty of something in front of a client, then you will make the necessary professional, but fragile impression by wearing a dark blue suit with a pink blouse. If you want to emphasize the intransigence of your position, add a purple scarf. You want to look natural and fresh - use green. Wear bright lipstick only if you want to convey something important.

Discreet, laconic jewelry, fixed hairstyle - no ringlets or curls playfully falling on the forehead. The emphasis in makeup is on the eyes, a classic manicure in light colors. Properly selected scarves will highlight the color of your appearance and create a message similar to a man’s tie. Minimalist in design, but elegant, necklaces made of precious metals, in the same color as the brooch, scarf clip, glasses frame, and bag fittings, support the classic look of a business woman.

In the shoes of a leader, the principle of the golden mean will come in handy. Flat shoes and ballet flats reduce the degree of conservatism, making a woman more earthly, and too high a heel indicates increased aggressiveness. The thickness of the heel should correspond to the massiveness of the calf. A thin glass heel is suitable only for those whom nature has blessed with chiseled legs. The ideal choice for a career woman is closed pumps with heels 5–7 cm high. For evening business events, an open heel is allowed.

As for tights, they should always be present in a business setting, even in the hottest weather in the southern climate. Black tights highlight all the imperfections of the legs and are suitable for girls with an ideal figure. Colored tights and tights with a pattern are unacceptable in an official setting.

A business woman's bag must be of a conservative color and hold its shape well. The bag should be large enough to accommodate A4 papers and everything needed for work. A feminine business briefcase looks great. It is better to prefer more economical but high-quality middle-class models to products from top brands.

And don’t give in to fashion trends: an eye-catching nail design, even if it’s beautifully executed, is for free time.

Failure details in the image of a modern business person

Recently, a girl approached me who, in anticipation of being appointed to the position of financial director, had actually been performing all of his duties for a long time. The client’s business wardrobe consisted of trousers and knitted blouses. As soon as, on my recommendation, she changed into jackets, she was almost immediately able to convince management of the need for an official appointment. The girl simply confirmed with her appearance what was already obvious. Indeed, unlike a jacket, where a rigid silhouette shoulder line symbolizes professionalism, a certain focus on results and the dynamics of the owner, knitwear seems to say: “I am soft and homely.” This is a great option for home, but not for work.

And finally, one last piece of advice. Break the rules! But only after mastering the art of observing them perfectly. Use slight deviations from the norm in extreme cases, as a secret weapon. Thus, a high-ranking female executive may prefer a more feminine silhouette if there are serious battles ahead in the board of directors, where she is in the minority. In addition, ladies with extremely tough characters sometimes try to soften the impression they make in this way. For men, there is an unspoken rule: even if the company has a strict dress code, when meeting with a client who prefers casual, you can choose a less formal look by wearing trousers and a sports jacket.

Olga Sorokina Graduated from MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, today she is a certified image consultant. Clients are career-oriented employees of Russian and international corporations. Official website - www.executive-image.ru

The life of a modern person is closely connected with his activities. Success in any business, and especially in business, depends on many factors. Some of them are difficult to influence. But there are also those that make it easier or more difficult to move up the career ladder. One of these factors is the overall appearance of a person and everything that is directly connected with it: hairstyle, clothes, accessories.

Residential image - what is it?

It's hard to deny the importance of first impressions. It is believed that an opinion about a person is formed in the first five seconds of communication. But during this time you can only say a few words. Our appearance speaks for itself - physique, accessories, style of clothing, hairstyle, general grooming - all this is a habitual image.

The influence on others through appearance cannot be underestimated. Those planning a career should learn how to look right in any environment. Matching the situation is one of the components of the image that business people adhere to. A formal suit at work, a tuxedo or evening dress at a reception, always appropriate accessories and a car that suits your status.

Components of a residential image

As mentioned above, the habitual image consists of many components. The other person is perceived as a whole image. Therefore, self-feeding technology requires the most conscious and thoughtful approach. Not a single element should stand out from the created image, so as not to create dissonance.

The residential image includes a number of elements:

  1. Features of the human figure. It is well known that subconsciously we endow a stranger with certain character traits, depending on the parameters of his body. Moreover, these characteristics may not correspond to reality at all. If you are planning a public career, then you should think about bringing your figure to the accepted standard.
  2. Clothing is one of the leading components - the correct formation of a business image depends on it.
  3. Hairstyle. This concept includes hair color, haircut, styling, cleanliness and healthy appearance. The head should be washed, the roots should be dyed, the haircut should be selected according to the type of face.
  4. Every element of the wardrobe. Accessories and surrounding things. You should pay special attention to them. The bag, watch, belt, jewelry must be of good quality and recognizable brands. The surrounding elements that create a residential image include a car, an office and the office itself with furniture.

Features of the image of a business person

Any person, whether he wants it or not, creates his own image and thereby broadcasts to others his position and attitude towards the world. There are quite a few professions in which success and career advancement directly depend on appearance. Or more precisely, from the ability to present oneself correctly and create a habitual image.

There are no unimportant things in business. Everything that surrounds a person works either for him or against him. The overall image of a business person will differ from the image of an athlete or an artist. It is distinguished by the special thoughtfulness of all elements, the overall restraint of the color scheme and discreet elegance. An important factor is the cost of the suit and accessories. The high cost of the image should not be obvious, but at the same time be quite noticeable.

Business image of men

A man engaged in business or pursuing a public career must consciously form the correct appearance. He should take into account all the necessary components in order to always be on top.

  1. Business attire is a suit combined with a shirt and tie. It is very important to choose a jacket and trousers that fit your figure. They should be slightly loose and of optimal length. The legs of the trousers should not expose the ankle, but at the same time they should not touch the ground. The sleeve of the jacket should reach the wrist bone, so that the cuff of the shirt is visible. The color should be chosen based on the season. For autumn-winter - dark, for spring-summer - light. Pure black and boiling white should be avoided - these shades are too specific.
  2. Business people wear long-sleeve shirts and a tie with their suits.
  3. Shoes must be appropriate for the season, with closed toes and always lace-up. Sneakers, moccasins, sports slippers with Velcro, and sneakers are not allowed.
  4. A business man should very carefully monitor the condition of his hands and especially his nails; dirty nails with burrs are unacceptable. Among the jewelry on your hands, a wedding ring and a high-quality expensive watch are acceptable.
  5. Hair should be well-groomed and neatly cut.
  6. For business documents and personal items, you should purchase a high-quality leather briefcase.

Business clothing for women and other features of the overall image of a business woman

For women pursuing a career, it is much more difficult to create a business image appropriate to the situation. Most often they have more choice, but this is often confusing. In addition, any lady wants to look quite feminine and at the same time feel comfortable in a work environment.

To fit into a work image, business clothing for women must meet the following parameters:

  1. You should maintain a calm color scheme: darker in winter, lighter in summer. Bright colors in clothing are only allowed in accessories, for example, a neckerchief.
  2. Clothes should not be see-through. If in doubt, look at the wardrobe detail towards the bright light. Choose thick, lined fabrics.
  3. Women do not have to wear a business suit, but they should pay attention to the overall appearance of the outfit - it should be fairly closed.
  4. In a work environment, bare shoulders, revealing necklines, miniskirts, too-tight trousers and other elements that make the image frivolous are unacceptable.
  5. Shoes should be selected with closed toes and heels. A heel is not a mandatory attribute of a business woman's image.

When creating a business-like image, a woman should pay enough attention not only to clothing, but also to the image as a whole:

  1. Hair should be natural color. If you use paint, shade the roots in a timely manner. It is acceptable to wear shoulder length loose hair as long as it is styled neatly, otherwise it should be tied up.
  2. Neat and discreet makeup for a business lady is a mandatory element of her image.
  3. Decorations should be small. Gold and precious stones should not be worn during the day, with the exception of a wedding ring. The ideal option is semi-precious stones and high-quality jewelry.
  4. The aroma of perfume should be soft and unobtrusive.
  5. A business woman's hands should be well-groomed, with a neat manicure. The decorative coating on the nails should be discreet.
  6. Choose your business accessories carefully.

The influence of body type on image

One of the most important elements of the overall image is bodily parameters. Unconsciously, we perceive and evaluate people based on their body type. A large person seems more significant and trustworthy. However, an overly large body is beginning to rather frighten and cause mistrust.

With the right selection of wardrobe, you can smooth out the first impression a little. It is worth striving for average parameters. If you are overweight, you should contact nutrition and sports specialists, this will help normalize it and definitely improve your business image. Fit and athletic people inspire the greatest confidence.

Perception of hairstyle and its influence on image

Hair is one of the most important elements of any person’s image. The visual perception of the interlocutor often begins with the head. Hairstyle plays a crucial role in creating the desired impression. It sets the main sound of the image and either harmoniously combines or creates strong dissonance.

Basic rules for a competent hairstyle for a business person:

  1. First of all, the hair must be clean. It is absolutely unacceptable to appear in polite society with a greasy, bad-smelling head. This is a sign of a careless attitude not only towards yourself, but also towards others. If you don’t have time for hygiene procedures at all, use dry shampoo.
  2. Hair should either be neatly trimmed or tied up. Long hair, for all its beauty, creates a completely frivolous and non-working image. You should carefully monitor your haircut and visit the hairdresser regularly.
  3. Gray hair can look very dignified, it adds solidity and confidence. If you prefer to paint over or tint your gray hair, regularly renew the color on your roots.

The importance of the right accessories for creating a business style

A business image consists of many elements. Of course, the main thing is clothes. But don't underestimate the importance of accessories. They are the ones who make the image complete. Properly chosen, they can greatly improve or completely ruin the first impression.

Business accessories include:

  • watch;
  • briefcase or ;
  • bag for other things;
  • pen;
  • glasses;
  • belt for trousers;
  • headdress and scarf;
  • cufflinks for men;
  • jewelry for women.

When choosing certain accessories for your work outfit, pay attention first of all to quality and style. Things should be laconic and at the same time look quite expensive. Rhinestones and excessive brightness are unacceptable. Products made from yellow gold are considered a sign of bad taste. The exception is the wedding ring.

The belt and briefcase should be made of genuine leather of a single color. It is advisable to have several sets of different colors that match the season and clothing. The frame of the glasses should, first of all, look harmonious on the face; medium-sized glasses fit best into a business image.

A watch is one of the most important business accessories. Don't buy cheap knockoffs of expensive brands. You can buy a high-quality replica from a trusted manufacturer, but it’s better to get the original. A watch is a status item, and having spent once, you will receive quality for many years.

When it comes to jewelry, follow the rule - less is more. Earrings, bracelets, beads and rings should be present in a business attire very sparingly. It is best to get by with a couple of elements, for example, discreet earrings made of silver metal and a small string of pearls. For a daytime wardrobe, it is advisable to make sets of high-quality costume jewelry, and leave items made of precious metals and stones for special occasions.

Errors in the formation of a residential image

Even fairly experienced business people can make mistakes when creating their corporate image. These flaws can be perceived as nice features, provided that they are few and not fatal.

Main mistakes when creating a business image:

  1. Lack of understanding of fashion trends. for all its considerable conservatism, it is subject to fashion trends. For example, a few years ago it was difficult to imagine a businessman with an unshaven face, but current realities are such that wearing a beard has become an element of style. However, trendy trends should also be avoided. This is especially true for accessories and colors.
  2. Inconsistency of style elements. Strict business style does not allow sporty relaxation or shocking brightness. Some relaxations are acceptable in the afternoon or during a business trip. For example, a combination of strict, smooth fabric and moccasins or sneakers would be a gross violation of business style. This also includes sports bags, excessively large and bright jewelry, and unnatural hair color.
  3. Failure to comply with hygiene standards. Social norms require a person to be clean. All parts of the body should be neat and well-groomed. Clothing should be changed when soiled, and underwear, socks and shirts/blouses should be changed daily. At any time of the year you should use deodorants or antiperspirants, but make sure that their smell does not mix with the aroma of perfume.
  4. Be careful when using perfume. Remember that your business partners may react to the smell in completely different ways, including allergies.
  5. For a business woman, a big mistake is completely ignoring or, conversely, being overly enthusiastic about makeup. Decorative cosmetics should softly and carefully emphasize facial features, but at the same time look as natural as possible.

These are basic style mistakes; they create dissonance in the image, and others will no longer be able to take such a person seriously. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and remove anything that catches your eye. An impeccable business reputation and business image are the key to a successful career.

Who does not need to artificially create a business image?

For many people involved in the business sector, there is no particular need to create a business-like overall image. Enough comfortable and practical clothes and suitable accessories.

These include:

  • telephone consultants;
  • remote employees;
  • employees not directly related to working with clients;
  • student interns.

As already mentioned, the image of a modern business person is built on several pillars - appearance, speech, personal and professional qualities. In general, everything that allows us to talk about a person as an individual. Forming the image of a business person should take place in stages. And ultimately, every detail of your image should be in perfect condition.

1. Appearance. They greet you, as you know, by their clothes. And the first impression of you will begin to form as soon as you appear in sight. Therefore, it is important to remember several rules for a good external image of a business person:

·a tie must be a pairing for a suit. As an exception -

only sports jackets that can be worn with a T-shirt;

·a work suit, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man, should not be bright. Calm, warm tones are best;

· colorful blouses and shirts are a sign of bad taste;

· do not allow colors to be mixed in clothes. The shades should be combined with each other;

The best style for a business person is classic. But this does not mean that you need to wear everything strict and black. The modern fashion industry has given people many shades from blue to beige and brown;

· during the daytime you need to wear light-colored clothing. in the evening - dark;

·don't forget about accessories. But don’t hang yourself with a huge amount of decorations and unnecessary details so as not to look like a Christmas tree. A couple of elegant additions to the look will be enough;

· As for cosmetics for business women, the advice is the same for everyone - war paint can turn into aggression towards your person. Makeup should be natural and natural;

·your gestures, facial expressions and posture can also be interpreted as part of your external image. Behavior can also be included here. Calmness, tact and restraint are the main attributes of a business person’s body movement. A sense of self-control won't hurt either. If you are calm in your interactions with others, and your gestures are relaxed and at ease, you will gain the trust and predisposition of others.

2. Speech. A good external impression can be formed about a person, but until he opens his mouth. Just say a couple of wrong expressions and the first impression will be ruined. Therefore, it is important for a business person to be able to speak correctly:

· do not enter into a conversation if you do not know the topic being discussed. On the other hand, if you know what you are talking about, you can show it to your interlocutors;

· Respect your interlocutors. Listen carefully, be tactful and

·metaphors, images and various comparisons will be a wonderful decoration for your speech;

· try to tell only the truth and do not distort the information you have.

They will help you ten commandments of literate speech:

1. Know the subject of the conversation. The better you understand the topic of the conversation, the more interesting it will be.
2. Treat your interlocutor with respect. Respect affects so many things. This is increased attention to the interlocutor, as well as your appearance, hairstyle, mood, etc.

7. Avoid accents and mixing languages.

8. Do not abuse the privilege of a speaker: do not deceive your interlocutor, do not distort the truth.

9. Use the technique of dramatizing speech: speeding up and slowing down its tempo, raising your voice, changing its timbre.

10. Remember that your integrity, intelligence and humanity are powerful.

When conducting business negotiations, you should take into account that speaking too loudly can give the impression of imposing your opinion on your partner.

Quiet and slurred speech will demonstrate uncertainty in the matter, or maybe

to be, and in oneself, will cause constant questioning and clarification.

Speech that is too slow will lead to the idea that you are stalling for time, and too fast - that you are simply “talking” to your partner.

There is an opinion that a “secular” person who knows how to behave at a party, in a theater, in a restaurant, etc., must have a “well-spoken tongue” and constantly sprinkle witticisms and wisdom. It turns out that this is not the case. Let us remember what recommendations regarding conversation in society were given by the great A.S. Pushkin:

“...Without compulsion in conversation, touch upon everything lightly, with the learned air of an expert, remain silent in an important dispute and arouse the smile of ladies with the Fire of unexpected epigrams.”

Having learned to analyze your personal characteristics, having carefully studied them, you can consciously control yourself and polish your art of conversation and business relationships.

3. Professionalism. You can prove that you understand the field in which you began to make a career not so much with diplomas and certificates, but with your knowledge and actions. Do not discuss with others what you know and can do. Better prove to them with your achievements that you are a professional in your field.

There is a wonderful saying - first we work for our name, and then the name begins to work for us. The components of a business person's image are those areas in which you need to work hard so that they begin to work for your benefit. Human charm can be conditionally divided into several components - external attractiveness, leadership abilities, stress resistance, quick adaptation to a new environment and working conditions, self-confidence even among unfamiliar people, tolerance for opposition points of view. And if you decide to create an image for yourself as a business person, start with these qualities.

4. Patterns of behavior

Behavior patterns- this is a holistic complex of signs (speech, non-speech, behavioral) aimed at creating a certain image. The behavior model can be chosen consciously or formed spontaneously.

In everyday life, we perceive the behavior of another person as a holistic image. When expressing our position, we do it simultaneously through a variety of means. Thus, wanting to show sympathy for a person, we, as a rule, not only tell him about our feelings, but also convey them in soft intonations of the voice, in a friendly look. This complex of signs forms model behavior. The model is perceived as a single whole.

For example, authoritarian behavior includes peremptory judgments, a categorical tone, and characteristic gestures. By seeing a person behave in this way, we can anticipate some of his reactions and actions.

The integrity of the model is violated when its constituent elements contradict each other; for example, sad news, which is reported with an ironic intonation.

In life, each behavior model is embodied differently in different people. Most behavioral models in everyday life are not the object of special study, but among the many models there are those that are comprehended by people and become the subject of special study. This etiquette models (prescriptions) and strategic models.

Label models- rules of conduct prescribed for each profession. For example, the ethical requirements for a doctor and a diplomat differ. If we thoroughly know the ethical requirements, then the question arises: how to achieve this model, by what means? The answer to this question is provided by the strategic model.

Strategic models in fact, they represent recommendations on how to behave in order to achieve a particular goal. We invent a certain strategy of behavior, think about what words to say to our interlocutor in order to convince him that we are right, how to show him a readiness to cooperate, how to win his sympathy, etc.

The need to invent behavioral strategies is due to problems that arise in the process of communication. The effectiveness of the communication process depends on many factors of human nature. These include the psychophysical characteristics of a person, his mental characteristics, character traits and attitudes. Some factors are obvious and we take them into account automatically, while others require special consideration. It is much more difficult to identify and take into account the influence of a person’s internal positions on his behavior with a particular partner.

Let's consider one of the most important points that underlies many strategies - the communication partner's attitude towards himself. This is necessary because there are many difficulties hidden in the level of self-esteem, in the relationship between self-esteem and the assessment of others. For example, if a person notices from the gestures of others that their feelings do not correspond to his ideas, then he becomes upset. Patterns of behavior appear to protect one's own self, the so-called defense mechanisms. As a defense mechanism, insensitivity to critical remarks, transfer of one’s negative feelings to other people, and rationalization of one’s own unreasonable actions may appear. These reactions interfere with mutual understanding and interaction. In order not to make a partner feel threatened and not provoke him into psychological defense, we need to help the person understand how we perceive his actions. And here feedback plays a huge role. Feedback - it is the information we provide to others that contains our response to their behavior. Here are a few theses from the book of the Polish psychologist E.

Melibrude, which reveals the conditions for an effective feedback mechanism.

1. In your comments, try to touch first of all on the characteristics of your partner’s behavior, and not on his personality; try to talk about specific actions of your partner.

2. Talk more about your observations rather than the conclusions you reach. It is possible that with your help your partner will come to deeper and more correct conclusions. But if you still want to express your thoughts and conclusions, then do not create the illusion that your conclusions objectively reflect reality.

3. Try to be descriptive rather than evaluative...

4. When describing the behavior of another person, try not to use the categories “you always...”, “you never...”.

5. Try to focus your attention on specific actions of your partner in situations that took place very recently, and not on stories of the distant past.

6. Try to give as little advice as possible: it is better to express your thoughts, as if sharing thoughts and information with your partner.

7. When providing feedback to a person, try to emphasize what can be valuable to him, and not what can bring satisfaction to you personally. At the same time, you should try not to abuse the expression of feelings, not resort to emotional release, and try not to manipulate others. Feedback, like any form of help, should be offered rather than forced.

8. Try to give your partner such information and in such quantity that he will be able to use it.

9. Be careful to ensure that the moment for providing feedback is appropriate... It is important to choose the right time, place and situation for this. Often, in response to feedback, the partner reacts

deep emotional experiences. Therefore, you need to be very scrupulous and soberly assess the capabilities of your interlocutor.

10. Remember that giving and receiving feedback requires a certain amount of courage, understanding, and respect for yourself and others.”

In life, each behavior model is embodied differently in different people. Most behavior patterns in everyday life are not the object of special study, but among the many models there are those that are comprehended by people and become the subject of special study. Etiquette models are characteristic of every profession. If you thoroughly know the ethical requirements, then the question arises: how to achieve this example, by what means? The answer to this question is provided by the strategic model. Strategic models are actually recommendations on how to behave in order to achieve a particular goal. We invent a certain strategy of behavior, think about what words to say to our interlocutor in order to convince him that we are right, how to show him a readiness to cooperate, how to win his sympathy, etc. The need to invent behavioral strategies is due to problems that arise in the process of communication.
An important psychological idea that underlies the strategic model is the idea of ​​the need for self-presentation. The communication partner acts in accordance with his plans, based on his definition of the situation. In order for communication to proceed according to the desired plan, each of the participants in communication must “present himself” in accordance with his plan. We carry out self-presentation consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly.

Self-presentation in professional communication is extremely important. We should not forget that when choosing a model of behavior, we depend not so much on ourselves, but on many external circumstances. This does not relieve us from personal responsibility for our behavior. Model selection criteria

behavior: 1. Moral integrity. Despite our tendency to subjectively interpret morality in society, there are generally accepted approaches to explaining concepts such as honesty, justice and conscience. 2. Compliance with the law and the established order in society. 3. Taking into account the specific situation in which the person acts or finds himself by coincidence. 4. The goal that the individual sets for himself. 5. Self-critical assessment of one’s own capabilities for using a specific behavior model. Any copying of someone else's style is very dangerous. 6. Gender of the individual. It is recommended to exhibit those qualities that are expected from either women or men. Women and men have great potential for non-standard choice of behavior patterns, bringing their natural charm into communication, but they often forget about it. Women are usually in a more difficult position. After all, many men are reluctant to accept their leadership and are not at all impartial about their professional abilities.

Skillful use of criteria for choosing behavior models along with skillful entry into one’s life roles is one of the most important provisions of imageology. The choice of behavior model does not imply any insensitive standardization of human actions, i.e. lack of a lively temperament, original thinking, originality, and habits. The choice of a behavior model is the reproduction of such options that, in everyday communication, help an individual become sociable, and therefore attractive.

In the typology of behavioral models, it is possible to distinguish behavioral models in official and informal communication. Patterns of behavior can be active (aggressive) or passive (defensive). If we choose a certain model of behavior, a certain pattern, it is important to remember the constituent elements of this model. Ignoring some details or excessive emphasis on others will not give a holistic vision, but

accordingly, and adequate perception. The image of a person is formed in the process of other people’s perception of his appearance and manner of communication. These components, in turn, include many details, shades and nuances, the unique combination of which determines the overall impression of a person and, in particular, his image.

Body image

Each person has his own individual bodily constitution. Body language conveys much more information about us than we want it to. In turn, we can learn to understand this language and use it purposefully. If you are embarrassed about your body or are too critical of it, this attitude will affect your overall image. If you have a positive body image, if you accept your body as it is, then your image will benefit in many ways. To improve your body image, you need to work hard on your body. You need to remember that your body is constantly “conversing,” and the success of the image you create depends on how you use body and facial language. We must remember that our position and emotional reactions are controlled by habits, which is reflected in our appearance.

It is very important to remember your posture. You can change your posture and identify those habits, the manifestation of which can send signals that are detrimental to the impression made. If you learn to more accurately distinguish these signals, it will be easier to take adequate measures.
The face is the most expressive component of the image. In popular scientific literature, there is a unanimous recognition that it reflects a person’s physical and mental state, character and even the principles that guide his behavior. To be able to withstand life's trials, you need to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions through facial expressions. It is also important to remember the role a smile plays in communication. People nobly perceive smiles that express

affability or friendliness. A smiling face often arouses affection towards its owner. Imageology specialists distinguish three zones on the face: upper (forehead), middle (eyebrows, nose, eyes, lips) and lower (chin). Among these zones, the main source of information is the eyes. They have a special way of self-presentation - a look. Without seeing the eyes, we are at a disadvantage because without visual contact it is difficult to form a correct impression of it.


“One meets people by their clothes...” - this proverb briefly and comprehensively answers the question of the importance of clothing in creating an image. The ability to choose clothes for yourself, and even more importantly, to wear them, is an important part of image. Whether we like it or not, our clothes are visual multidimensional information, for example: about our economic capabilities, aesthetic taste, belonging to a professional class, and attitude towards people around us. Clothes are a kind of calling card. Your status, social role, thoughts and feelings - everything will be reflected in the suit. If a person has a “well-groomed appearance,” then he seems to radiate positive self-esteem. When choosing clothes, one cannot ignore its functional purpose: work, home, official reception, etc. Modern clothing requirements have become less stringent than they were before. The extent to which individuality and originality can be expressed again depends on the type of work. You can use your image to express your personality and add value to what you do.

Now businessmen dress on a whim, relying on their own taste, perhaps listening to other people's advice. No study will prove that a well-dressed entrepreneur makes more profitable deals, but we can vouch for the fact that every successful businessman

looks immaculate.

Thanks to the effect of accessories, a woman can always give her visual image a special charm. A very important element in the visual image is makeup. When turning to makeup, you need to be sure that you have artistic taste, a systematic vision of the image, and an objective assessment of your capabilities. A hairstyle makes a woman attractive and gives a man character.
The image of a person is a multi-voiced work. Its constituent components are the positions that have been presented. If you remove any of the components, then the entire composition of the image will be disrupted, and as a result, an attractive personal image will be destroyed. That is why it is very important not to miss a single element from the components of the image. Image is an external reflection of a human image, a visually expressive “slice” of his personal characteristics. Image building is about creating an attractive image. Doing yourself is the most difficult job. This is due to the fact that the image is a kind of brand name (the better it is presented, the higher the person’s reputation). It should be borne in mind that reputation is the key to solving many business and life problems.

Related information.

In our world, people are greeted by their clothes literally all the time - when applying for a job, when concluding business deals, when entering university. Image plays a huge role in misleading your rivals or future partners. Therefore, it is best to create an image of a successful person before important meetings - it will definitely guarantee you half the success!

The image of a successful person lies not only in a person’s appearance. It contains many important details that help create a pleasant, deceptive first impression. And it’s up to you whether to maintain this impression throughout the acquaintance or not.

The image of a successful person for each occasion, profession or even personality consists of different components. But still, several main points are present in the minds of each of us:

1) Appearance.

As we noted earlier, people are greeted, of course, by their clothes. Therefore, appearance is very important when creating any image.

The image of a successful person implies a “successful” appearance - a snow-white shirt and trouser suit in perfect condition. If you don’t have one, and you have an important business meeting ahead, be sure to rent it! And the more expensive the suit looks, the better.

Don't forget about accessories. For example, a stylish expensive watch. Again, borrow one from someone if you don’t have one - expensive watches, as a rule, serve as an indicator of the high status of their owner.

But at the same time, show good taste. Hanging yourself with expensive trinkets from head to toe and sparkling with rhinestones on your clothes is more of a bad form than a stylish combination.

2) Self-confidence.

A self-confident person will a priori become successful. Even without creating an image, he will quickly move towards his goals and achieve the intended results.

If you are not a very confident person, be sure to practice in front of the mirror before an important event. Simple things like looking forward rather than at the floor, straight posture and a smile on your face will help you become a completely different person.

A little secret: when making business deals, you can even act a little overconfident, just a little. You just need to know your worth and stand firmly on your own, then you will definitely achieve your goal.

3) Successful habits

A successful person necessarily has some life rules that he strictly follows, and thanks to which he gets what not everyone gets.

A successful person always knows the value of time - both his own and that of others - so he always arrives on time. A successful person is always polite and courteous to others - this endears him to himself and expands his circle of trust among people. And, of course. A successful person has order in everything, starting from his appearance (which we have already written about), a tidy apartment and a clean car, ending with the order of thoughts in his head.

If you find it difficult to follow these rules, get yourself an organizer in which you will write down all the necessary things. This way you won’t forget about anything, you will do what you need to do first, and you will have more time for what you want - for yourself. And this is the privilege of a successful person.

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Business reputation and image are the first information that your potential partners, clients and employers have. That is why it is so important to know the components of a business image, as well as to understand the basic rules and techniques for building the reputation and image of a true professional.

In this article we will talk about the image of modern.

Ethics and image of a business person

The concept of business image appeared relatively recently - this term appeared in the second half of the twentieth century. At the same time, the first mass studies began on the influence of the image and style of a business person on the success of his business. Of course, the importance of an external image for businessmen, politicians and public figures was known much earlier - already in the Middle Ages, Nicollo Macchiavelli substantiated in his works the importance of forming an image (“mask”, “disguise”) that corresponds to the activity. It is important to understand here that the task of the image is to create a favorable impression and emphasize your positive qualities, and not to hide unprofessionalism, meanness or lack of moral principles, because sooner or later the truth is always revealed, and here no image will save you from the stigma of a hypocrite and a fraudster.

Etiquette and the image of a businesswoman are inextricably linked - after all, in order to make a favorable impression on business partners or clients, you will need not only professional skills, but also the ability to “present yourself” and behave organically in society, at official events, dinners, and corporate celebrations.

How to create an image of a business person?

Women's business image includes several components:

  • external attractiveness. Correctly selected clothes, hairstyle, makeup, well-groomed appearance - all this contributes to the formation of a positive external image;
  • professionalism. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of professional activity are also an integral part of the image. It is impossible to maintain the image of a businesswoman for a long time using only appearance and charm;
  • inner mood. Kindness, tact, attentiveness towards others, tolerance - these traits help you quickly “merge” into the desired social environment, establish friendly relations and make acquaintances;
  • speech and manners. A high-level professional must be able to communicate with people, know the rules of etiquette and follow them. Of course, top-class specialists can afford to be a little extravagant, but their activities will still be much more successful if they are guided by generally accepted standards of behavior;
  • entourage. The importance of accessories, small details and even the interior of an office or office is not inferior in importance to other components of the image. After all, it is based on the characteristics of a company’s office that its clients and partners draw conclusions about its success, efficiency and reliability;
  • biography. It would seem that what can be changed in your own life story? After all, you can’t bring back the past, and you can’t choose parents and relatives. Meanwhile, a business person has the right to independently choose what to hide from his past and what to present to the public.

To create a business image, a girl should first of all remember the need to harmonize the external, internal and professional components. You don’t have to wear a black, blue or gray pantsuit all the time – a couple of bright accents in your clothes won’t hurt. If you are not too confident in your own abilities to create an external image, contact a professional stylist or image maker for advice. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing clothes is your company and your own type of appearance. Choose 5-7 basic colors, and 4-5 additional bright shades. By mixing them together and creating different combinations, you will always be able to look fresh and fashionable, at the same time, without going beyond the business style.

You can see examples of clothing that help create an attractive business image in our gallery.



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