The use of apitherapy in the treatment of various diseases. Beekeeping products and their invaluable benefits

Apitherapy and treatment with bees has gained wide popularity all over the world, thanks to its natural methods healing the body. Many people go through it who want to get rid of serious illnesses, and just improve your well-being.

Apitherapy is quite successful method treatment of various human diseases, which is based on the use of live bees and bee products. Therapy applies to everyone age categories citizens, but has a number of contraindications for use.

According to historical data, the first mention of the medicinal properties of bee venom dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt. The waste products of these insects in those days were added to various ointments, and also used this product as an independent cure for the disease.

Primary sources also contain information that in Ancient Rus' was aware of the treatment bee venom. Many diseases were also successfully cured there by adding material processed by bees to various potions.

Reference! The technique received official recognition only in 1959. Since then, doctors from all countries began to widely recommend that their patients be cured with the help of apitherapy for all kinds of diseases: from a common runny nose to serious back pain.

Today this technique is widely popular in many parts of the world. Proven great benefit and the amazing effect of using all beekeeping products. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many medications based on these products, which can be easily purchased by anyone.

What bee products are used in apitherapy?

In apitherapy they are used following products beekeeping:

  • Bee venom. The most widely used method for getting rid of various diseases. The most active winged insects are selected. Using tweezers, the specialist carefully clamps the bee and points it towards right place on the body (where it is concentrated maximum quantity nerve endings and immune cells). As soon as the specimen touches the skin, it immediately bites and leaves its sting in the patient's body.
  • Honey. Bee delicacy contains a lot useful substances, vitamins, enzymes, acids and microelements, which have a beneficial effect not only on general health the patient, but also provide positive effect to his underlying disease. In this case, completely different honey can be used, regardless of its place of collection.

Help! Depending on the habitat of insects, honey can be chestnut, acacia, mountain, sweet clover, fireweed, angelica, buckwheat, sunflower, linden, flower or in combs.

  • Royal jelly. Considered the strongest antioxidant. Restores metabolism and microcirculation, increases the body's endurance and strengthens the immune system. Due to royal jelly, there is an accelerated removal of toxins from cells and the body. It can be found in many cosmetic products that are presented on the shelves of pharmacies and beauty salons.
  • Beeswax. It contains vitamin A, which is necessary for cell nutrition, so it can be found everywhere in creams and ointments. Wax is especially popular in binders cosmetics for facial care. It is good to use it to get rid of various skin diseases, inflammation and burns.
  • Dead bees. This medicine is made from dead bees. Used to restore weakened immunity, to cleanse the entire body of waste and toxins. Dead bee helps with various kinds inflammation, successfully restores blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Drone homogenate or jelly. Obtained by collecting drone larvae, from which yellowish or white liquid, containing huge amount proteins, hormones and vitamins. This treatment appeared relatively recently, but has become widely used in many health procedures.
  • Flower pollen. Pollen pollinated by different types of bees is beneficial. For health purposes, it is collected in places large cluster insects and is then used by adding to various compositions. This fee can be purchased separately at the pharmacy. Flower pollen is taken internally as a prophylactic to improve immunity and supply the body with useful microelements.
  • Perga. This is obtained most valuable substance by fermentation of honey and pollen. This is the so-called pollen pollen, which is collected by insects from plant flowers, and then placed by them in compacted honeycombs and filled with honey on top. In this case, there is completely no air in the cells, which creates a valuable vacuum.
  • Propolis or bee glue. This is a resinous substance that has a dark green or brown, and is produced by bees for the purpose of covering up cracks in honeycombs and disinfecting cells. Essentially, propolis is a sticky substance that insects collect from the spring buds of trees and modify its composition by secreting special enzymes.
  • Bee bar. Special beeswax for fixing honeycomb. It has a specific smell and is suitable for treatment wide range human diseases. This one is going most useful material in clean regions of the country, in taiga and forest areas.

Features of treatment with bee venom

The method of stinging a bee in a problem area on the body is the most universal and quickly effective for treatment various types pathologies. In addition to insect bites, inhalation of their poisons, introduction of medications into the subcutaneous layer, electrical introduction of necessary bee substances, supply of poison through ultrasonic influence on the problem area, rubbing of bee products into the skin, and use of special absorbable tablets in treatment are widely used.

Due to intradermal administration of preparations based on bee venoms, maximum permissible dosage, since the procedure itself is quite painful and a person can easily control his pain thresholds. At severe pain the specialist stops the injection, and this medicine is considered to be entered most correctly.

Attention! Using electrophoresis, it is not always possible to select the dosage for a particular patient, since the manipulation is completely painless and the person cannot talk about his feelings when the drug is administered.

Electrophoresis is maintained for approximately 15 minutes daily. To achieve results, up to 20 sessions are required.

What diseases does apitherapy treat?

Apitherapy generally has a positive effect on the entire body. When treating a specific disease, the patient’s overall well-being improves, his mood changes positive side, activity and love of life appear. For children, treatment methods using bee products are very useful in order to harmonize their psychological background. Apitherapy is used in the following specific cases:

  • for prostatitis in men of any age;
  • for neuralgic disorders;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • libido disorders, menopause;
  • dizziness, headaches and insomnia;
  • when your health worsens due to drug overdose;
  • alcoholism treatment;
  • respiratory problems and lung diseases;
  • joint problems, including arthritis and arthrosis;
  • varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • heart pathologies, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • poor vision and eye diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • systemic diseases.

Features of the treatment regimen with beekeeping products

Treatment with bee products should be carried out by an experienced apitherapist. To do this, he must use honey bees during their active honey collection season.

Important! Before treatment, a test for the patient’s allergic reaction must be carried out. To do this, you need to sting a bee in the lower back, and then leave the sting in the body for a few seconds. Within an hour, the doctor will understand whether the patient’s body is allergic to bee products or whether there are no negative reactions.

In addition to testing for an allergic reaction, at the request of the patient, a laboratory test blood and urine.

The specialist selects required quantity insects to bite the diseased area of ​​the body. But the first session always begins with the application of 1 to 2 individuals to the skin. Over time, the number of bees can reach 35 - 40. Everything is quite individual. After a bee stings, its sting is left under the skin for 10–15 minutes to completely pump out the venom.

There are 2 main treatment regimens: long and short. A short course includes 15–20 sessions of 5–10 stings per procedure. The duration of short sessions is no more than 2 - 3 weeks. This treatment regimen is selected for older people and people with weakened immune systems.

A long course consists of 15 – 20 procedures. Bees can sting up to 20 times at once. Typically, the duration of long courses of treatment consists of undergoing procedures for a month or 1.5 months. This technique is used to cure chronic diseases.

For example, prostatitis in men is treated by stinging foreskin at the first session there are 3 – 5 individuals, at the end of the procedural treatment their number increases to 40. At the end of the treatment, blood supply and blood flow noticeably improve, congestion completely resolve and the infection disappears.

Treatment with bees, video

Where and how are bee venom treatment procedures carried out?

Wellness procedures using the apitherapy method are carried out in specially equipped rooms equipped with all the necessary items for treatment. The room should be psychologically comfortable with good lighting, the doctor can, at the patient’s request, turn on pleasant relaxing music.

Depending on the complaints and points of influence on the body, the patient should take the most comfortable position, in which the doctor will also be as comfortable as possible when working. In this case, the patient can lie, sit, stand, or take a tilted position. The main thing is that there is convenience for both the patient and the doctor.

After the poison enters the body, the specialist waits a few seconds and removes the sting left by the bee. One procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. After removing the sting, the wound is smeared with Vaseline, and therapeutic effect poisons that have entered the body. For full effect a person should lie down for about half an hour. After this time and provided that the patient feels well after the manipulations, he is sent home.

Other methods of apitherapy are used in the same comfortable conditions for the patient, but other manipulations are used. For example, a massage with honey is performed by a specialist according to the following scheme: first, there are stroking movements at the site of the problem area, then, depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor performs sharper movements that directly affect the location of the pain.

Contraindications to the use of apitherapy

It is necessary to note the most important points which are observed during apitherapy sessions:

  • gradual increase in dosage;
  • During treatment courses, the patient should consume dairy and herbal products, which are rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • it is advisable to comply healthy image life, move actively, do not use alcoholic drinks and don't smoke;

After the procedure, the effect should be reduced for an hour physical activity. Before the procedure, on the contrary, you should actively move.

  • exclude smoked foods from the diet, fried foods, spices;
  • direct ones should be avoided sun rays and visits to baths and saunas;
  • if swelling or redness appears on the body after the next session, following procedure needs to be postponed for 2 - 3 days;
  • when decreasing blood pressure you should also wait a while with the next procedure;
  • to achieve maximum effect from the procedure, it should be carried out at the same time.

Minor swelling at the site where the poison was placed is considered normal, since the body reacts to a foreign substance with some rejection followed by addiction. If bright red spots appear, dizziness and itching at the site of injection of the poison, the allergic reaction is relieved by taking heparin at a dose of 50 IU/kg.

Attention! Apitoxin, contained in bee venom, is potent substance, therefore, its use is contraindicated in some conditions and diseases.

Contraindications to the use of apitherapy are:

  • intolerance to bee venom (to check, an allergic reaction test is first performed);
  • critical days;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes;
  • skin and venereal diseases;
  • tuberculosis, both current and previously suffered;
  • previous hepatitis in any form;
  • after one month after vaccination;
  • renal, pulmonary or liver failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • any malignant tumors;
  • a number of mental illnesses;
  • children under 5 years old.

Apitherapy is becoming increasingly popular, both in our country and abroad. This technique Specialists, apitherapists, actively use it on their patients in their specially equipped offices. Bee venom and other beekeeping products have a lot of useful properties, some of which can be used not only externally, but also ingested. Apitherapy helps to cope with a person’s negative psychological background and cure a lot of serious ones.

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Apitherapy - use in medicinal purposes various beekeeping products. Honey itself, for example, has been shown to have antiseptic and antibacterial properties, as well as a substance known as propolis, which is produced by bees from the resin of trees and is used by them as a cementing agent for hives. Bee pollen has a high content of vitamins and minerals, while royal jelly is a reserve nutrients, created specifically for the uterus - has proven itself as an aphrodisiac that stimulates the production of hormones in the body. But perhaps most surprising and controversial are reports of the use of bee venom - administered through injection or directly through bee stings - to reduce symptoms such as pain and inflammation in chronic diseases.

Treatment with bee venom

Although it is considered poison by definition, bee venom contains, along with others active substances and the peptide melittin, considered a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. In the human body, melittin stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, a natural steroid with strong medicinal properties without any side effects inherent in synthetic steroids. When bee venom is injected into tissues already inflamed by the disease, the injection area becomes even more inflamed - an inevitable reaction to bee venom, but at the same time the activity of the body's own anti-inflammatory substances is activated. Since they are trying to eliminate the swelling caused by the poison, they should also help relieve the inflammation caused by the original disease.


The history of apitherapy goes back to the ancient civilizations of Greece and China. Already the ancient Greek doctors Hippocrates and Galen used bees for medicinal purposes, and apitherapy is mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran. Austrian physician Philipp Terse began conducting research on intentional bee stings in 1888 and wrote about the results in his work entitled "Report on the Mysterious Connection Between Bee Stings and Rheumatism." Nowadays, the number of doctors and non-professionals involved in apitherapy amounts to thousands.

Why is this method useful?

Raw, unprocessed (unheated and unfiltered) honey can be used topically as a wound-healing and anti-burn agent. Pollen is a highly effective dietary nutrient supplement that may also be helpful in healing seasonal allergies. The antimicrobial properties of propolis make it effective in the treatment of diseases of the larynx, colds and flu. Royal jelly, a product that has long been used in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetics, is used both for treatment vascular diseases, so painful conditions characterized by weakness and fatigue.

Venom therapy can help relieve pain and reduce swelling in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases. It is also used to treat various autoimmune diseases. Due to often exaggerated reports of significant weakening painful symptoms in multiple sclerosis, poison therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from this disease, and research has supported it healing effect. In addition, venom therapy can help relieve and relieve headache for migraines.


Most bee products are widely available and are either applied topically or taken orally. Bee venom is injected into specific areas of the body associated with the disease in question, or at the location of biologically active points, and is injected under the skin either by injection with a needle or directly through a bee sting. Sometimes similar treatment It is carried out by some doctors - and, by the way, only they have the right to administer it in the form of injections, but sometimes beekeepers and the patients themselves or their assistants practice apitherapy.

When treating with bee venom using stings, the bees used for this are kept in jars filled with honey; Each bee is removed with tweezers, placed in a special place on the patient's body and waited until it stings. After three to five minutes the insect is removed. The number of such procedures depends on the patient’s health status and the characteristics of his disease.

Injections are more expensive than using live bees, and it is not known whether the process of treating the venom reduces its therapeutic effect. On the other hand, bee stings are extremely painful, and the amount of venom injected cannot be standardized. Less painful method involves removing the stinger from the bee and applying it to the patient's skin.

Bee treatment or apitherapy is a field of medicine that includes treatment using any bee product: honey, bee venom, bee bread, propolis, dead fruit, royal jelly.

Treatment with bee stings has its own name, however, most often this procedure is also called apitherapy. She's like anyone else medical procedure, has its own indications and contraindications.

Bee venom in in moderation is a kind of medicine for humans. No wonder it has found application in production various medications. The poison contains more than 50 useful substances that spread in the blood after being stung. Bee venom increases hemoglobin levels, increases blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels.

Bee venom is called apitoxin - a substance beneficial to human health and necessary for bees for protection. This natural component, therefore practically does not cause allergic reactions. In the venom of elderly bees useful components more than young people. Useful properties apitoxin are expressed as follows:

The use of bees for treatment is common among beekeepers. They perform the procedure for themselves or provide services for money. In some apiaries, special houses for apitherapy have been built. It is not recommended to trust even the most experienced beekeepers, because they may not know all the intricacies of medicine.

Sessions are also conducted by certified apitherapists. At the same time insects are applied not to the sore spot, but to biologically active points. This is how the maximum positive effect is achieved. Experienced apitherapists know where these points are located.

When a bee stings, it pierces the skin with its sting and releases venom. At the same time, the person feels strong burning sensation at the site of the bite. The bee does not manage to remove the sting; it remains in the skin, and the insect quickly dies, since a small part of the body remains along with the sting. The wound is always too large and does not give the insect a chance of survival.

The burning sensation and pain after a sting do not go away immediately, the duration depends on individual characteristics body. Usually discomfort subsides half an hour to an hour after the bite. Swelling and redness may not go away for up to a day.

What diseases can be cured

Apitherapy covers a fairly wide range medical indications. Indications for the use of apitherapy:

  • joint diseases;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • varicose veins;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • eye diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • sexual impotence in men.

And this is an incomplete list of diseases. We can say that bee venom has beneficial effect for almost everything in life important systems person.


Before starting bee treatment, you need to make sure whether the person belongs to the category of people for whom apitherapy is contraindicated. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • stage of exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • state of elevated temperature;
  • bee venom intolerance or allergy.

If a person has no contraindications, he is given a test. To do this, use several stings as test stings and check the affected area the next day. If a rash develops and swelling is not within normal limits, then treatment is not recommended.

Treatment methods

A disease like multiple sclerosis, is treated with apitherapy. Bee venom contains apitoxin, which blocks the development of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is treated by many bee products, but bee venom helps the most. From 2 to 6 insects are placed in the lumbar area at a time. The procedure is repeated every other day. If the redness and swelling go away fairly quickly, you can repeat the procedure the next day. In general, the course should yield from 50 to 60 stings. After which you need to take a break.

Multiple sclerosis requires constant medical supervision. Bee venom will help you recover, but it won't be enough. Simultaneously with the course of apitherapy, you can take mumiyo, a propolis tincture. Thanks to the poison, memory is restored gradually.

Treatment with bee stings is prescribed for varicose veins veins. Insects are placed on inflamed veins. Bee venom contains peptides that have analgesic properties. Substances entering the inflamed node promote the resorption of blood clots, and the legs return to their previous state.

Bee stinging is used to treat and osteochondrosis. The sting occurs in the back area, in a sore spot. Treatment is targeted. Bee venom penetrates nerve endings spinal cord and eliminates pain. The effect is visible after several sessions.

Gout also treated with bee stings. You can be treated at home, and the effect occurs after several sessions. Insects are applied to the following areas: hips, shoulders, spine. Apitherapy helps reduce pain syndrome and reduce inflammation.

Apitherapy treatment is effective for prostatitis. This procedure can permanently rid a man of this disease. To treat prostatitis, more poison will be needed, so the bees need to be angered before the procedure. The session is held during the flowering of honey plants, when insects are constantly on the move, and they have more than enough energy. To further anger the bee, you can place it in a matchbox for a while. If you repeat the procedure several times, there will be no trace of prostatitis left. A specialist knows the places where bees should sting; it is better to trust him rather than conduct the sessions yourself.

At vertebral hernia The bees are seated on the lumbar region. This, of course, will not get rid of your hernia, but it will help relieve pain.

In addition to the listed diseases, treatment with bee stings is effective for some skin diseases, recovery period after a stroke, post-traumatic joint pain, respiratory diseases.

Bee stings improve immunity, increase general tone body, therefore apitherapy is indicated healthy people as a preventive measure.

So, now you know what bee treatment is called and what benefits it brings. You can treat this or that disease at home, however, it is better to contact an apitherapy center. Experienced specialists know where they are located biologically active points and how exactly you need to influence them.

Attention, TODAY only!

Treatment with bees is a technique that has been known since ancient times. Scientists have found texts written over two thousand years ago that talked about treatment with bee venom. This technique was used in Ancient Egypt, China, in ancient Greece (at least evidence of this can be found in the works of Hippocrates). In that era, bee venom was used to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Bee stinging was also actively used in Rus'. It is known that the healers of Ivan the Terrible and Charlemagne resorted to this method. And unlike many other methods traditional medicine, bee therapy received scientific basis and approval from official science - already at the end of the 19th century the first clinical studies were carried out.

Some people use the term “apitherapy” to mean treatment with bee venom (called apitoxin). But in fact, this technique is only one of the areas of apitherapy, which includes much more tricks. And they use not only poison, but also various products beekeeping, including propolis, honey, royal jelly, dead bee etc. Opponents of this trend argue that none of the methods used in apitherapy have yet been confirmed using evidence-based medicine. However, it should be remembered that the concept of evidence-based medicine itself appeared only in the 1990s. And at the same time, many methods and means successfully used in the official medical science and practice, have not received approval from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

Bee stinging began to be studied back in the 19th century, and in the mid-1950s, the Ministry of Health approved instructions on the use of this technique, general rules which has not undergone significant changes since then.

Various techniques apitherapy helps fight various diseases. But even bee stinging alone helps in the treatment of a very extensive list of diseases, from trophic ulcers and varicose veins to prostatitis and female infertility. But before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out tests: introduce poison in small doses and monitor the condition. If there are no allergies, you can proceed with further procedures. In general, for almost every product and every disease, their own treatment regimens have been developed, including precise dosage calculations. A certified specialist will introduce this scheme to the patient.

Bee stinging should not be done on your own, as it can be dangerous. A non-specialist cannot act on the points, since he does not even know their location. There is always a risk of getting into some kind of nerve center, which will lead to dire consequences. But at home (also after allergy tests), you can treat with honey, propolis, royal jelly, etc.

Treatment with bees (video)

For what diseases is apitherapy useful?

In fact, it is important to know that beekeeping allows you to obtain not only apitoxin, but also many other products, and each of them has its own scope of application. For example, bee venom itself fights diseases such as radiculitis and rheumatism, hypertension and migraine, and delays the development of thrombophlebitis. Interestingly, apitoxin is the only remedy that helps, if not completely cure psoriasis, then significantly slow down its development or reduce the degree of skin damage in all initially affected areas. Bee venom also helps with diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis, and with pathologies of joint tissues.

Other beekeeping products, for example, bee bread, are no longer used only to normalize blood pressure, but also to treat sexual disorders. It's amazing what bee venom and honey can cause allergic reactions, and bee bread cures allergies.

Royal jelly normalizes metabolic processes, reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and is used to prevent hypotension and angina pectoris. Beeswax helps get rid of problems associated with gastrointestinal diseases, promotes wound healing, and relieves toothache, serves as an effective prophylactic for influenza and sinusitis. Honey will also help you get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system and bronchial asthma.

Various apitherapy techniques help fight various diseases

Treatment with apitherapy largely depends on the properties of the honey itself. Although it is believed that honey on average contains about a hundred vitamins and microelements, different types This product has a different chemical composition. For example, buckwheat honey contains more mineral components than light varieties of honey. In particular, it contains more iron, so it is useful for anemia and anemia. Acacia honey copes with diseases of the cardiovascular system, and linden honey contains more B vitamins and carotenes, it has a stronger bactericidal effect, and it helps digestion better.

Bee venom and its properties

Bee venom is complex chemical composition, which may vary depending on the age of the bee. In any case, the composition includes proteins, polypeptides and other components. These bioactive substances must be treated with caution. Indeed, if apamin is beneficial for the nervous system, mellitin has antibacterial properties, and other peptides have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, the poison also contains proteins that are allergens. All these substances enter the blood simultaneously. Therefore, they cause allergies, sometimes quite severe, including asphyxia and fatal outcome, if the dose of poison is too large.

In addition, bee therapy is contraindicated when diabetes mellitus, for tuberculosis, for chronic kidney diseases, since it can only aggravate the situation.

Scientists currently believe that classical treatment bee stings are not the only thing effective application apitoxin. There is a theory that bee venom can replace antibiotics.

As already noted, the main component of apitoxin is mellitin - this is a peptide (that is, a protein with a small molecule) that consists of two dozen amino acids. Experiments have shown that it can kill bacteria while destroying the membranes of the microorganism. Moreover, it can act in this way even on those pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics. Unfortunately, scientists have found that there are two types of mellitin (they are even called differently), and one destroys not only bacteria, but also human red blood cells, and the second is safe for humans, but is also less effective against bacteria. Task genetic engineering— combine these two types of mellitine into one for further industrial use. And this is where it can begin new era in the history of apitherapy.

Treatment of prostatitis with bees (video)

Bee stinging, or apitoxin therapy

Treatment with bee stings is called apitoxin therapy, this is a key method of apitherapy in general. Apitoxin (that is, bee venom) is not always administered traditional way- through bites. Other methods are also possible, including injections, inhalations, application to the skin as an ointment, electrophoresis, etc. Apireflexotherapy is usually distinguished separately - in this case, bee venom is applied to biologically active points.

Even if a person is not allergic to apitoxin, bee stinging is a procedure that should only be performed by a qualified professional as it requires special care.

Russian science has priority in studying the effects of bee venom. Back in the 1920s, drugs based on apitoxin were developed in the Soviet Union (by the way, in the laboratory of the Kremlin hospital). Research was carried out in all subsequent years. By the way, at that time the possibilities of using apitoxin for the treatment of central nervous system pathologies were studied. First study abroad active ingredients bee venom was carried out in the 1960s, the first large-scale clinical experiments were already in the late 1970s, and at the end of the 1990s interest in this method increased, so perhaps it will soon receive confirmation from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine .

Bee stinging is a bit like acupuncture, especially if we're talking about about apyreflexotherapy. Indeed, in this case, you also need to know which points are responsible for what in the problem area. The difference is that with acupuncture it is necessary for the needle to be strictly at this point. Treatment with bee stings does not require such precision - the sting can be in the area surrounding this point, and it will still have an effect.

Even if allergy tests were carried out in advance, to be on the safe side, only one bee is used at the session for the first time, and it will have to leave the sting in the very safe place- between the shoulder blades. However, gradually the number of bees that bite the patient will increase. As a result, it can grow to 10-16 individuals per session. As already noted, for each disease the scheme is calculated individually. However, on average, the duration of the course is 10-15 sessions, and they are carried out every other day, since apitoxin acts during the day.

There are times when the course has to be repeated in order to achieve desired effect. The break between courses can be up to six months - for many chronic diseases this is quite a long period. In order for the bites to act faster, the stung area must be kneaded with a special bamboo stick to increase blood flow - this will help to quickly disperse the blood and, accordingly, the poison that enters there.

Some, as soon as they hear the name “apitherapy”, begin to be afraid pain. In fact, unlike wasp stings, bee stings are relatively easy to tolerate, although much depends on the pain threshold. In any case, in a couple of days there will be no trace of them left. If it's low pain threshold does not allow you to tolerate bites, you can use ointments or various drugs for external and internal use.

Properties and effects of bee venom

When a bee stings, a transparent substance with a bitter, burning taste is released - a secretion product special glands. This is bee venom that affects the body in a special way. It promotes the expansion of capillaries and small arteries, increases blood flow to internal organs. All this allows you to improve your metabolism. When this product enters the body, the process of synthesis of adrenal and pituitary hormones is enhanced. These are cortisone and cortisol, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. That is why apitherapy sessions help get rid of diseases associated with inflammatory processes.

How does apitoxin act in various pathologies? The answer to this question lies in the composition of the product. For example, high content amino acids help improve cognitive function of the brain in certain diseases of the central nervous system. Thanks to its composition, apitoxin helps to enhance the production of serotonin, the so-called joy hormone, which also has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. That is why it can be used to treat chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, increased anxiety and even depression.

The substances included in apitoxin help resolve blood clots, so this treatment will be effective for many cardiovascular diseases, including it can serve as a prevention of strokes. There's one more thing serious illness, which apitherapy combats more successfully than other methods. This is obliterating endarteritis. This chronic disease affecting peripheral blood vessels. Most often it affects young men. The components that make up the poison help relieve vasospasm, improve blood clotting, and relieve pain. The treatment of prostatitis is also based on the anti-inflammatory properties of apitoxin. For women, apitherapy is good because it helps fight disorders menstrual cycle, inflammation of the appendages, varicose veins. In general, bee venom reduces blood viscosity and blood clotting, so if you are prone to blood clots, it is often used as a preventive method.

In diseases of the spine, in contrast to the cases described above, it is important not only the fact that apitoxin enters the blood, but also its penetration into the areas that experience biggest problems. So in this case, either apyreflexotherapy or the use of ointments with local action. The effectiveness of bee venom in the fight against arthritis and gout is explained by the fact that it affects the production of cortisol, so there are possible different shapes application of this unique product.

Apitherapy also has a certain cosmetic effect, since it improves hair growth and normalizes skin condition.

However, apitherapy cannot be perceived as a panacea - it often serves as an addition to complex treatment with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic methods (as, for example, in the case of osteochondrosis).

When a bee bites you, this process is very unpleasant. Many people are wary of these insects.

Still, there are those, and there are many of them, who happily practice bee venom treatment.
This type of treatment is called apitherapy - when bee stings help a person recover from any disease.

Why do bee stings have a healing effect?
What diseases can be cured with the help of striped insects? To whom apitherapy cannot be indicated and why?

Natural syringe

The term “apitherapy” itself is translated as treatment with bees. Also stung by bees.

In fact, apitherapy treats diseases not only with bee stings, but also royal jelly, honey, wax, pollen.

Bites are only one type of this therapy.
The Ministry of Health in 1959 recognized the method of treatment with bees as official. They began publishing brochures on how to use bee venom for treatment. Gradually, a specialization appeared - apitherapist.
The method of bee stinging is also called apyreflexotherapy. This is due to the fact that with apitherapy, as with a procedure carried out with needles, the action is aimed at certain points on the body.

The apitherapist directs the bee to a certain point on your body to inject venom there.
That is, the bee is a real disposable natural syringe in which the miraculous medicine is stored.
A bee bites a person once. After being bitten she dies.
How does it differ from a wasp, which bites more painfully and can bite many times.

Naturally, a bee does not sting a person in order to cure him. Her sting serves as a weapon with which she protects herself and with which she attacks if she is in danger.
It’s curious, but only honeybees bite humans.
Drones have no poison or sting. Despite the fact that many people think that a bee attacks any people, this is not the case. A bee bites a person only when it is provoked into aggression or in self-defense. For example, bees are not happy with strong odors, fast moving people.
When a person is calm, the bee does not pay attention to him. The bee is usually provoked by strong smell perfume, cologne, sweat.

Bee weapon

A bee sting is like a dagger that is jagged. Due to this, when a bee bites, its sting remains in the skin of the stung person, it gets stuck. It comes out of the bee's belly and the bee dies.
The wasp has a smooth sting. Therefore, she can sting as much as she wants.

The bee stinger releases the venom for about ten to fifteen minutes as it exits the bee's body with a reservoir in which the venom is stored.

Bees also bite various natural aggressors, including insects and birds.

Few people are aware that when an insect bites, the bee remains alive.
Insects have a thinner coat, so the sting cannot get stuck in them.
If bee venom enters the human body in a small dose, it is not dangerous unless you are allergic.

At favorable outcome events, the poison should simply scare away. The bite site burns and swelling appears.
In the case of an allergy to bees, which 2% of people on the planet have, the poison can kill - a serious inflammatory reaction, after which Quincke's edema occurs.

If a bee bites a small mouse or bird, the victim will most likely die.
Bees inject approximately 0.3 – 0.8 mg of venom into the body of the victim. In summer the concentration usually increases.
The amount that is toxic to humans is 50 bites.

For a person to die from a bee sting, 0.2 g of poison is needed. This is approximately 250 to 500 bee stings.
When bee stings, the body gradually gets used to them, and the risk of allergies decreases. Due to this property, homeopathy came up with the method of apitherapy.

But the human body’s reaction to bee stings can be unpredictable.
Sometimes beekeepers who have worked for a long time and been stung by bees many times die from the sting of one.
This means that if you do not have an allergy to bees, you are not immune to the fact that it can develop at any time.

There is a dependence of the body's reaction to a sting on age, lifestyle, weight, and location of the bee sting.
Bees are extremely dangerous for children whose immune systems are still vulnerable.
But they should not be considered the worst enemies.

The appearance of the bee dates back to 60,000 years before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and with his appearance, the bee began to heal him.

Medicine consisting of poison

Apitherapy is carried out in two types of effects:
The first impact is reflexive. The apitherapist, using tweezers, turns the sting to the points that need to be affected.

On certain time the bee sting is left at the point of impact, after which the doctor removes it.
The second type of impact is biological.

Aptioxin, also known as bee venom, affects the human body.
Aptioxin contains only 240 types of substances. This is copper, magnesium, formic, hydrochloric acid, phosphorus and calcium, amino acids, stearins, carbohydrates, peptides.

    The most important peptides are:
  • cardiopeptide – has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • adolapine. It relieves pain. According to some reports, its analgesic effect is 80 times stronger than that of opium.
  • Mellitin. Its action is anti-inflammatory. He kills unnecessary for the body bacteria. Bactericidal effect the poison has an effect on coli, staphylococci, streptococci and many others.
  • apamin, action – tonic of the nervous system. The impact occurs on nerve endings, which are located in a person’s skin. Apamin stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, helps reduce cholesterol levels, and helps reduce blood clotting.

Acids in bee venom and histamine promote expansion blood vessels. The vessels become permeable, the pressure decreases.
Paralysis is treated with acetylcholine contained in bee venom.

Who do bees help?

    Apitherapy treats diseases such as:
  • Diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system:
    These include gout, arthrosis, neuritis, neuralgia, myalgia, polyarthritis, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, deforming osteoarthritis.

    Bee venom can remove sharp pains after the first session, bring back the joy of walking.
    Aptioxin is used as part of an ointment for radiculitis.

    There is evidence from scientists that bee venom helps form a new cartilage structure. As a result, patients suffering from a herniated disc located between the vertebrae are favorably cured with apitherapy.

    The results will also be favorable with treatment multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Bee venom can delay their development.

    It reduces the effect of autoimmune inflammation and has a beneficial effect on coordination of movements. Bee venom therapy helps restore a person's ability to move.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    Therapy with bee venom helps achieve good results when treating patients after stroke or paralysis.
    Apitherapy is suitable for patients with angina pectoris and arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins.
    Bee stings can also be used when bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.
    Aptioxin dilates the bronchi and thins mucus, helping to expectorate it.

Apitherapy is also used to treat female infertility and prostatitis.

Does it hurt?

In order to treat a person with bee venom, precautions must be taken. Therefore, treatment sessions with bee venom and bee products are conducted by a doctor with a diploma: acupuncturist or apitherapist.

You should not contact amateurs who simply deal with bees and try to heal a person with bee venom in free time, without a medical diploma.

In the case of an allergy, that person may not have the medical tools to resuscitate. Contact clinics specializing in apitherapy. It is advisable to undergo bee venom treatment in a comfortable room equipped with everything necessary.

The most important! Treatment with bee venom and bee products always begins with testing for human tolerance of bee venom.

How does the testing process work? The doctor places a bee on the patient's lower back.
A bee bites a patient, the doctor removes it. The bag with the sting must be kept for 10 seconds. After six to eight hours, the effect of aptioxin will appear.

The doctor should look at the effect of the poison after six hours and the next day.
Let's say the result is normal. Now you need to take the next biosample.
It is necessary to leave the sting under the skin for a longer period of time.

If the second test gave good result, the doctor carries out treatment.
How many bees to use at the same time in one session, the duration of the course of treatment will be determined by the doctor.
Everything will depend on how the diagnosis is serious and what was the body’s reaction to the bee venom.
For the disease “osteochondrosis,” the bee is planted along the spine. If you have arthritis, the site of the bite will be the sore joints.

For varicose veins - veins. If you have high blood pressure- the bee will be placed on cervical region spine.

The minimum total number of bees that need to be placed on the body is 56.
Maximum – 200 in summer, 250 in winter. In winter, the bee is not so active.
If the patient's body reacted positively to the first sting, this does not mean that he can be given more than 2 bees at a time. And some patients are given 30 bees at once.
That is, the first patient will be treated longer, and the other will complete the course in 10 sessions.
Does this procedure hurt?

Yes. But some people just have to endure this pain because they have to. Against the background of pain due to arthritis, osteochondrosis, bee sting- the least evil.

After apitherapy sessions, a person gets back on his feet and feels better.
The body gradually gets used to bee stings and it no longer hurts as much.

The pain lasts about 20 seconds, after which the bite site becomes numb. Before the bite, the doctor may place an ice cube on the skin to reduce pain.
After an apitherapy session, the patient may be weak, lethargic, and have a fever for some time.

You should not go to a session early in the day.
After treatment with poison, patients itch and swell. They are allowed homeopathic medicines so that the skin does not become irritated.

Treatment with bee venom is cumulative. The effect lasts for six months.
Doctors recommend taking the course 2 times a year.


Getting ready for treatment

While undergoing apitherapy, do not drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea, or eat citrus fruits, chocolate, or strawberries. Do not go to the sauna or bathhouse, or do physical activity.
Before a bee sting, do not eat much.



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