Ideas for interesting events for any occasion. Open extracurricular event: forms and types

And again about love...

(philosophical round table)

Target: invite the 9th to reflect on love, its significance in the life of every person; contribute to the development of one’s own clear position on the issue under discussion and the formation of moral values ​​and correct life guidelines; develop a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Equipment: computer presentation, cards with sayings about love, picture of a flower, writing sheets, pens

Progress of the class hour:

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guests, guys, I am glad to see you today at our lesson. And I hope that you came to class in a good mood, with a desire to work actively and openly express your thoughts.

I ask each of you to come to me and take any of the offered squares: red, yellow, green or blue. And now those with red squares sit at table No. 1, yellow ones sit at table No. 2, green ones at table No. 3, blue ones at table No. 4. Please fold your squares in such a way that the letters written on them make a sentence. Who's ready to read it?

1.Love is the language of God that sustains our soul.

2. Love is a scary, but very desirable feeling, a willingness to devote your life to another.

3. True love is a miracle, because the life of another person becomes more important to us than our own.

4. If we love, then we double our lives, because we live, as it were, two lives: our own and our loved one.

Well, let these wise sayings become epigraphs for our lesson, which we will conduct in the form of a round table, the theme of which is: “And again about love...”. And I want to remind you of the rules for holding a round table:

1. Before you argue, think about what you will talk about and what you will prove.

2. Do not distort the words and thoughts of your comrades, do not interrupt, learn to listen.

3. When starting to argue, clearly state your points that you will prove.

4. Remember that the best way to prove is accurate facts, convincing arguments and clear logic of statements.

5. If your opinion has been proven wrong, have the courage to admit that your opponent is right.

2. Creating an emotional mood.

The fact that the topic of our round table is interesting to you is evidenced by a sociological survey conducted in class. Let’s read what the students of our school think about this topic.

What do these statements say? (Love has its own meaning for each of us, depending on what is important in life, what values ​​were laid down in the family)

Absolutely right, your thoughts can be confirmed by the statement of the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov:“Until now, only one undeniable truth has been said about love, namely, that this mystery is great.”

And now I want to introduce you to one parable that will serve as the beginning of our dialogue and, perhaps, will help answer the question: What does love bring to a person?

About love (parable)

They say that once upon a time all human feelings and qualities gathered in one corner of the earth. When Boredom yawned for the third time, Madness suggested: “Let's play hide and seek!” Feelings rejoiced at this proposal. Laziness was the first to hide; she took cover behind the nearest stone on the road. Faith rose to heaven, and Envy hid in the shadow of Triumph, who, with his own strength, managed to climb to the Top of the tallest tree. Nobility could not hide for a very long time, since every place that it found seemed ideal for its friends: a crystal clear lake - for Beauty, a crevice in a tree - for Fear, a butterfly wing - for Joy, a breath of wind - for Freedom! So, it camouflaged itself in a ray of sunshine. Egoism, on the contrary, has found a warm and cozy place only for itself. Lies hid in the depths of the ocean, and Passion hid in the crater of a volcano.

When Madness counted to 999,999, Love was still looking for somewhere to hide, but everything was already taken. But suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to take refuge among its flowers.

Million,” said Madness and began to search. The first thing it found, of course, was Lenya. Then it heard Faith arguing with God, and it learned about Passion by the way the volcano trembled. Then Madness saw Envy and guessed where Triumph was hiding. There was no need to look for selfishness, because the place where he hid was a hive of bees who decided to drive out the uninvited guest. So, everyone was found... But they couldn’t find Love. Madness searched behind every tree, in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally he decided to look in the rose bushes. Having parted them, it heard a scream. The sharp thorns of the roses hurt Love's eyes. Madness did not know what to do, began to apologize, cried, begged, asked for forgiveness and, in atonement for its guilt, promised Love to become its guide. And since then, when for the first time they played hide and seek on earth, Love is blind and Madness leads her by the hand...

3. The main part of the class hour.

- What feelings from the parable can you relate to the concept of love??

A person in love can experience all feelings from joy, happiness to envy, hatred and lies. After all, love is a mystery that no one has fully solved... But it rules the world. Rules them differently... Let this statement become the center of our round table discussion. Let it unite optimists and skeptics (distribution of roles: 2 tables - optimists, 2 - skeptics)

The domains of love are endless, but in order not to get lost in them, not to lose your bearings, I suggest you from time to time check your path with the sages who have comprehended something in this life.

Affirmation and refutation of opinions proposed for reflection.

So, opinion one: “Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world”(Gabriel Marquez)

Dear round table participants! Prove or disprove this statement. Give examples known to you that confirm its right to exist. It takes 5 minutes to write a thesis to defend or refute this statement.

(Participants in the round table present their position to those present, after which opponents express their opinions on what they heard)

Student’s message “About those who have become each other’s whole world”

Second opinion: “The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom” (A. Bret)

Student Message: Luxurious Gifts and Reckless Actions

Third opinion: “If you save love and are afraid to spend it in vain, then it will atrophy from inaction. And even when the opportunity arises, you take your love from the far shelf, shake off the dust from it... and there is almost nothing left of it” (K.G. Paustovsky)

Opinion four: “A man who loves one woman all his life should be sent to the doctor...” (B. Shaw)

Fifth opinion: “If you didn’t love, it means you didn’t live and didn’t breathe.” (V. Vysotsky)

To summarize our conversation, I suggest you guys choose from several options the one that seems right to you:

A. To love for me means to be loved.

B. To love means, first of all, to give, and not to take.

B. To love means to be interested in the life of the one you love.

Some of you believe that the main thing in love is the ability to give, caring not about oneself, but about another, the ability to self-sacrifice.What can you give to your loved one, what can you sacrifice?

I suggest that you draw up a kind of moral code for lovers. Do you agree?

Write down on sheets of paper briefly those laws and rules that lovers must observe. (On the board there is a statement: “Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, the highest moral value.” Underneath it is a figure of a flower (heart), onto which students stick their statements, saying them out loud)

4. The final part of the round table.

This is the end of our roundtable discussion... thank you for an interesting exchange in which each of you was honest with yourself and fair to others. One priest said: “Times are coming when only love will save us, learn to grow love in yourself, because we will be lost without love...”. Let's listen to the advice of the wisest.

Each educational institution has its own traditions and customs; in a mathematics school, there is probably a holiday dedicated to great scientists; literary critics do not consider it possible to forget about Pushkin. When deciding what events can be held at school, we must not forget about the patriotic education of schoolchildren, including in this concept knowledge of the history of their country.

It is known that events held in elementary schools are aimed at ensuring that children get to know each other and begin to communicate and make friends. In the first grade, tea parties are held, where children celebrate classmates' birthdays and play various games. Then the time comes for various competitions between classes, all this brings students together and allows them to feel involved in the events taking place at school.

During the school year, teachers can organize several themed evenings dedicated to all-Russian holidays, for example, on Victory Day, a paramilitary performance is organized with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the laying of flowers at monuments. There are many scenarios for such holidays, but each organizer can add his own ideas to them and bring them to life.

Of course, you need to draw up a plan for events held at school in advance so that they do not overlap each other, but are more or less evenly distributed over time. First of all, teacher-organizers must take into account the generally recognized holidays that are held every year on the same days, these are New Year, Victory Day, Knowledge Day, and others. Surely every school has its own memorable day, also celebrated every year.

For high school students, you can organize themed evenings; for example, an evening dedicated to the works of the classics will be very interesting, where girls will wear beautiful outfits of the corresponding era, and boys will appear as gentlemen in tails. In preparation for the holiday, students will learn poems by Pushkin and Lermontov, prepare several scenes from famous novels and learn to dance the waltz and minuet. It will be a nice and interesting literary evening, after which some students will become seriously interested in classical works.

It is advisable to include evenings dedicated to mathematics, physics and programming in the list of events held at school throughout the year. Modern life is impossible without the use of a computer, and the entire holiday program can be built on this. Using modern technology, high school students, together with advanced teachers, will create an amazing performance that will be interesting for all students. In the graduating classes there will probably be smart guys and girls who will figure out how to arrange a light show, select music for dancing and even costumes for the participants of the event.

It is necessary to promote in school healthy image life, so sports competitions will be a great event for young runners, athletes and gymnasts. You can even make a mini-Olympiad in which all schoolchildren involved in sports will compete. Such a holiday cannot be packed into one day, so it needs to be given at least a week, on the first day of which the opening of the games will take place, and on the last day there will be an awards ceremony for the winners and a big celebration with a concert, disco and fireworks.


Celebrations in a child’s life should not be limited to extracurricular activities. In order for school life to bring students joy and a sense of satisfaction from the new knowledge and skills they acquire, each lesson should also be held as a holiday.

Miniature “We are against AIDS”

Characters: Girl, Girl singing backup, Two boy rappers (in appropriate clothes), Good (in light clothes, white coat), Evil (in black coat).

Let's say no to bad habits

Leading: Bad habits are our insidious enemies, they give us pleasure and slowly poison our lives, causing great harm to our health.

Presenter 1: Today's concert will be held under the slogan “We live to bring goodness and beauty to the world.” Why do we live in this world? Of course, in order to bring goodness and light to all people. What should a real person be like?

Scenario of the festival “Me and the future of my country” at school

This festival is held in schools as a subject, elective or rhetoric course. As an academic discipline, rhetoric ensures the comprehensive development of an individual who is ethically minded and able to prove and express their thoughts.

Scenario of the meeting “We are friends of nature”

The goals of the meeting with nature are: to intensify the cognitive activity of students; develop children's creative abilities; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; organize family vacations; involve parents in participating in solving educational problems of the school and organizing family leisure.

Scenario for the meeting “My Forest”

The goals of the meeting in the forest: to show the beauty of nature; show the importance of forests in people's lives; teach children to take care of the country's wealth; culture of behavior; introduction to the profession.

“Home Alone” meeting scenario

Objectives of the meeting: promotion of knowledge on life safety issues; preparing children for the holiday season; activation of cognitive and creative activity of students; organization of family holidays.

Scenario of the meeting-competition “Know and be able” (SDA)

The presenter welcomes everyone and gives the floor to the guest of the meeting, the traffic police inspector. Inspector: People are anxious and restless creatures. They are always going somewhere, walking, flying - in general, they are constantly in a hurry, in a hurry, running.

It is useful to conduct such an activity at the beginning of the school year, in any of the primary classes. During the summer holidays, many children lived outside the city, rested in nature and might have forgotten how to cross the street correctly, in what place, etc.

Scenario of the meeting “If you want to be healthy!”

The song sounds: Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!
Try to forget about doctors
Wash your face with cold water,
If you want to be healthy!

Scenario for the health holiday “If you want to be healthy”

Leading: Today we will talk about how important it is to take care of your health. Schopenhauer also said: “Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Scenario for the meeting “In the Family Circle”

Presenter: You already know that we all live in a society. We are united by common goals, plans, and deeds. Our club is also a society. We have a common desire to meet, discuss various problems, get answers to questions that interest us, and show off our talents.

Scenario of the meeting “Our favorites”

Presenter: Guys, man began to domesticate animals a long time ago. Scientists examined primitive drawings, conducted numerous excavations and came to the conclusion that the domestication of animals began 15 thousand years ago. The first were wolves, then pigs, sheep, goats.

Scenario of the meeting “It’s good to know” (OBZh)

Presenter: Agree that when the sun is shining, we are always happy. We become cheerful and full of strength. The sun's rays contain ultraviolet radiation. When it gets on our skin, it produces vitamin D, which is very beneficial for the body.

Scenario of the meeting “How to behave correctly”

Presenter: A person needs to know a lot: how far away he should be when talking with different people, and how to address them, and how to behave at the table, how to dress, what behavior should be in public places.

Questioning students can be conducted in class. To ensure honest answers, promise to communicate the test results to everyone personally.

The light of love is the guiding star that helps our soul throw off the shackles of selfishness, envy, selfishness and gain freedom. The power of love is so great that it destroys darkness with its radiance, permeating the earth with the light of purity and joy, the hymn of eternal love...

All those present are divided into two teams using the game “Stream” as follows. Parents and children randomly get into pairs and start playing, after a while the leader claps his hands, and those who were in pairs go off to different teams.

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to implement them in practice and improve the qualifications of teachers. The most important condition for conducting open lessons is publicity, through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarity of extracurricular activities is their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of implementation, which helps to awaken children’s interest in the learning process and motivate them to independently learn a specific subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, broadening their horizons, and developing the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, and to diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren and help improve and maintain their health.

In our proposed classification of types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conduct.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own methods of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: the objects in it can vary, intersect, and be combined.

Educational extracurricular activities can take the following forms: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, show, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, fine art, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are carried out for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertaining leisure activities - competitions, games, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreational open extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games and hikes.

The age characteristics of students when choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's study this aspect of the problem.

Primary school

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in primary schools. Children of primary school are the most sensitive to learning new things; they require a clear demonstration of the proposed knowledge; in addition, junior schoolchildren have a very high level of learning.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, and excursions. An open extracurricular activity for grade 2 should take into account the insignificant practical experience of children of this age category and form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

High school

Children of senior school age are capable of longer static perception of material, of reproducing a larger amount of text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain-ring, tourist trips, and career guidance excursions.

Educational extracurricular activities

Considering that the primary task of the school is learning, let us take a closer look at educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of an educational nature contribute to in-depth study of material in certain subjects, systematization of acquired knowledge using non-traditional forms of presenting information.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of conducting an extracurricular lesson in mathematics is the practical application of knowledge acquired in class. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, and subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crosswords is a very exciting process that allows you to systematize acquired knowledge, develop logical thinking, and ingenuity.

Traveling to the land of mathematics gives children the opportunity to get closer to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject-specific problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Conducting excursions aimed at studying mathematics allows children to project book knowledge onto the world around them.

Theatrical productions, based on a script based on a subject such as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts about geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a set of open extracurricular activities held in the following forms: open lesson - extracurricular activity, game, competition, quiz.

Extracurricular activities in mathematics activate students and promote the formation of logical thinking. The most effective way to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections is: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will improve the level of humanities and mathematical knowledge; an excursion to nature to consolidate the skills acquired in natural history and mathematics lessons.

Practical significance of extracurricular activities on technology

This formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject “Technology”, the main goal of introducing it into the curriculum was the practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Considering that the school curriculum devotes a critically small number of teaching hours to the study of the subject “Technology,” extracurricular activities play a vital role in mastering this discipline.

The target orientation of this subject towards bringing theory and practice closer together allows us to talk about the peculiarities of conducting extra-curricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is the most important component in school. Work fosters personal qualities such as independence and responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular event on technology will demonstrate independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom and motivate their work activities. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify children’s inclination towards a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them in the future decide on their choice of profession.

Extracurricular activities on technology are held in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, game, competition.

Let's sum it up

Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows students to consolidate their knowledge in a particular subject. In addition, this form of conducting classes arouses great interest among the children. The teacher should plan extracurricular activities in advance. You can take help from students during the preparation process.

When the holidays begin, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, schoolchildren have a lot of free time, most of which they spend in front of the computer and TV. And it may not be so easy to tear your child away from the screen and monitor. What activities can be offered to schoolchildren to keep them interested, instead of electronic entertainment? There are quite a lot of them.

What will interest a younger student?

Among the cultural and entertainment events during the holidays, many can be organized by yourself, adding a little imagination.

A trip to the city zoo is an interesting event for younger schoolchildren, especially if the zoo hosts various holidays or celebrates animal birthdays. You can give a treat to the next birthday person every time as a gift.

Gather bored kids and play the most popular games from the childhood of parents and grandmothers: rubber band, bouncer, elephant, chains, edible-inedible and others.

To keep the kids from getting bored, parents can arrange the following activities during the holidays. You can invite your child’s friends to visit, together with their parents. Then you can arrange a family football match, as well as a darts battle or sack jumping.

A child’s participation in any group and games with peers will help develop communication skills, find common interests, and find best friends.

And if teachers come to an agreement with the management of various enterprises and take children there, the children will be very happy about this. Such events could be trips to a confectionery factory, ice cream production, a Christmas tree decorations factory, a bakery and many others. Children will see with their own eyes how a freshly baked bun is born, the flow of caramel or chocolate mass, and how deftly the machines and professionals operate in such factories. And glass blowers, together with artists, will amaze children with their skill and creativity, making Christmas tree decorations.

The camp is a godsend for busy parents

A child can be sent to a camp where he definitely won’t be bored among his peers, and parents won’t have to worry about his leisure time. School day camps often fill up during the summer. Carefully thought out cultural and entertainment events, trips, thematic scenarios for the personal and creative development of each child, active and intellectual games - all this will help you spend your time both usefully and fun.

In addition to school ones, there are now a lot of other thematic camps, from sports to language ones. In them, children not only relax in comfortable conditions, strengthen physically, but also learn foreign languages, learn to be successful and sociable, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Entire event scenarios are being developed for schoolchildren of different ages. Many guys remain friends after the camp, communicate with each other and strive to return to their favorite places next summer.

Week of master classes

Among school events, spending such a week or even one day will be very interesting. The idea of ​​the event is that during this week or several days, some lessons at the school will be taught by famous people, masters of their craft, and outstanding professionals. You can invite a famous athlete or coach to a physical education lesson, a real guide will teach you a history lesson, a real practicing physicist will tell you about physical phenomena, and a chemist will show you the most interesting experiments.

The pastry chef will teach the girls how to decorate cakes, and an experienced carpenter will give the boys a master class on creating miracles from wood. You can invite workers from the most interesting professions. Such lessons will be remembered by everyone without exception, and perhaps will influence the choice of a future profession.

Letter to the Future

Great idea for graduating class. High school students should compose a creative letter with predictions and wishes for the future, which they then leave at school or seal and hide until a certain date 5-10-20 years later. The letter is created in the form of a collage, newspaper, and decorated with photographs and drawings. The main thing is to capture on it the entire composition of the class with its characteristics, wishes and dreams. It is interesting to read such a letter at an anniversary meeting and compare real successes with planned ones. This will be a great motivation for each participant.

Alley of Fading Childhood

The most useful and noble of activities for schoolchildren. One spring day, high school students, together with the forestry department, plant the alley of their passing childhood and give it a name that reflects the character of the class. In the future, you can bring your children and even grandchildren to such an alley.

School years are a wonderful time between kindergarten and student years. Schoolchildren can no longer be amazed and amused like naive children; they can only be slightly pranked. And since they are cheerful people and are not averse to playing pranks on friends and teachers, you can more often organize such entertaining school events as KVN, fun festivals, all kinds of competitions and quizzes. For example, April Fool's Day on April 1 can be held according to a certain scenario.

Script for April Fool's Day

The whole school is preparing in advance for the event, so that on April 1 it will be possible to determine the winners in the competition for the funniest collage, decorate the corridors with funny posters, comic arrows and cartoons, and give funny names to all school classes and rooms.

On the front door of the school you can stick a notice “Do not enter without a smile”, call the dressing room “The Lost World”, the director’s office - the “Panic Room”, and the assistant principal’s office - the “Debriefing Room”. The teacher's room should be renamed "Terrarium of Like-Minded People", the chemistry room - "Drug Laboratory", the geography room - "Travel Agency", and at the first aid station write - "Whoever did not escape, we will cure him." The gym can be renamed "Eatery". At the entrance to the dining room write “Refueling Hall”.

The school assembly should also be special on this day. Each class will be tasked with lining up on a line according to special rules:

  • build by weight;
  • middle classes line up according to hair length;
  • senior classes - in alphabetical order;
  • graduates to build on the results of exams;
  • teachers line up according to height.

The team that completes this task faster will receive a reward.

You can come up with a lot of pranks, competitions, humor, and quizzes on April Fool's Day. At the end of the festival, the winning class is awarded the Young Comedian Challenge Cup, and the best participants are awarded tickets to a comedy film or comedy show. One condition - jokes should not be offensive, cheerful and funny.

A film about your class

Surely each of your classmates has videos or photos of interesting events from school life, and for graduation you can make a film from them about the entire class and about each individual. From the collected material you can edit a video about everyone growing up and growing up. This requires time and a creative, collaborative approach; the film can be voiced and told about each of your classmates. The work is not easy, but the result will exceed all expectations and will be of interest to everyone - teachers, parents, and, of course, the mature students themselves.

Let's go camping

When the dusty city causes irritation, and the soul yearns for unknown paths, high school students get ready to go hiking. These are unforgettable events for schoolchildren and not only. Whether it’s a 10-day route through the endless Carpathians or a weekend run through a nearby forest, a hike always leaves the best memories in your memory if you prepare for it properly. Merging with nature, learning about the world, broadening one’s horizons, developing endurance, mutual assistance, independence - the advantages of tourism can hardly be overestimated. Often teachers themselves organize school events that children simply adore. When going on a hike with classmates or friends, you should consider the main factors in preparing for an encounter with nature:

  • You will need shoes and clothing suitable for hiking.
  • You should stock up on any mosquito and tick repellent.

When going on a hike, you should not forget about a first aid kit with the most necessary medications, such as iodine and brilliant green, ammonia, potassium permanganate, a rubber tourniquet, sterile bandages and cotton wool, an antipyretic, validol, nitroglycerin, painkillers, medications for upset and cramps in the stomach .

Variety of events

When preparing for school events, you should remember that for any of them an interesting scenario must be invented. Nowadays, school parties have become very popular, the scenarios of which are based on interesting stories from favorite TV shows, films and cartoons, where well-known characters are involved. You need to organize fun events, come up with holidays that are not on the calendar, organize flash mobs and many other dance competitions with different dance styles.

KVN is a fun, exciting game that is quite suitable for schoolchildren. Who else but schoolchildren notices all the interesting events of school life? Only they, with their irrepressible imagination, will notice the funniest facts happening around them. KVN is more of a way of life, and if schoolchildren start playing it, they should feel like the most fun and resourceful.

Quest is one of the interesting activities during the holidays, it is a team game in which the guys are the main characters of an exciting plot and they have to get out of a confined space, solving puzzles, showing attentiveness and ingenuity.

There are a lot of events for schoolchildren, it’s impossible to list them all, the main condition is that the children should be interested, because each of them is an individual, albeit a growing one. Mobile, active or desktop intellectual - all these entertainments will not only brighten up your leisure time and keep you from getting bored, but will also help you acquire new skills that will be useful in adult life. The main thing is not to let your mind and body get lazy and continue to improve in the future, after leaving school.



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