Good appetite reasons. Excessive appetite: what to do if you constantly want to eat? The main causes of constant hunger

It’s sad, but more often than not, what provokes anxiety in us is not a reduced appetite, but, on the contrary, an excessive appetite. Therefore, we even accept the loss of the latter with pleasure. This situation is especially relevant for women who always dream of losing weight. But the fair sex does not always think about the fact that partial (hyporexia), and even more so complete loss of appetite (anorexia) is extremely dangerous to health. Depriving yourself of products important for life is fraught with, at a minimum, the occurrence of diseases gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). At most – fatal.

A good appetite is not a deviation from the norm, as many people mistakenly believe. On the contrary, doctors consider it an indicator of mental and physiological well-being. We will talk about the reasons for reducing food cravings, how to safely and effectively increase appetite, including in little ones.

Why you don’t want to eat, or reasons for loss of appetite

Our body is an almost ideal system, which, with the reasonable attitude of its “owner,” works almost without failures or errors. In this complex structure, each element is interconnected with others. Everything that happens to our body is due to the impact on it environment, not always favorable. It's the same with appetite. It cannot decline without reason, much less disappear completely. Therefore, the first step is to find and neutralize the root cause of the unpleasant condition.

The most common causes of decreased appetite in adults:

  • Violation of sleep and rest patterns.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Flaw fresh air.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers).
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Diseases with disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Anxiety, depression or frequent stress.
  • Some medications and therapies: antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics, cancer treatments, radiation therapy, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
Doctors call dehydration – insufficient water intake – one of the reasons for loss of appetite. You need to drink at least 5–7 glasses of filtered or bottled water per day, or mineral water. Liquids such as tea, juice, coffee or other drinks are not included.

How to increase your appetite: effective ways

Try watching this video, maybe it will help whet your appetite :))

1. Medicines

There is quite large number medications that can increase appetite. Not all of them are safe and harmless, so you should consult a doctor before using any of them. At a minimum, study the pharmacological action of the drug, contraindications and indications for use, as well as side effects. To the most effective means include:

  • Insulin.
  • Peritol.
  • GHRP peptides.
  • Anabolic steroid.
  • Pernexin elixir.
  • Elkar.
  • Primoblan depot.

Some of these medicines It can be used to increase a child’s appetite. Also not so pronounced, but tangible effect have such drugs and vitamins for children as Linex and Anaferon.

Some antidepressants can significantly increase appetite: Fluoxetine, Paxil, Cipramil, Amitriptyline, etc. They can only be taken as prescribed by a specialist and under his supervision.

2. Vitamins

Puzzled by the question of how to increase your appetite, do not forget about the benefits of vitamins. They are especially important for the body during the period of adaptation after an illness, with a weakened immune system or during the off-season - in early spring or late autumn. The most effective microelements and vitamins that increase appetite:

  • Iron preparations – Ferrum lek, Fenyuls, Sorbifer, etc.
  • Vitamin B 12.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

When raising a child’s appetite, it is preferable to use children’s vitamin complexes:

  • Multitabs.
  • Alphabet.
  • Pikovit.
It is not necessary to take vitamin tablets. Make up for the deficiency important components products will help in the body high content necessary substances. Vitamin B12 is found in dairy products, eggs, liver, kidney, meat and fish. Increased concentration ascorbic acid in rose hips, sauerkraut, currants, parsley and dill, bell pepper.

3. Traditional medicine recipes

Bitterness and acids taken immediately before eating help to increase appetite - preferably 20 - 30 minutes before meals. Necessary substances found in many medicinal herbs, fruits and berries:

  • Sour apple varieties.
  • Orange.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.).
  • Sauerkraut (you can drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of cabbage brine).
  • Lemon juice or pulp.
  • Wormwood decoction (1 tablespoon three times a day).
  • Dandelion root tincture (¼ cup three times a day).
  • Centaury infusion (one tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day).
  • Infusion from the series (one tablespoon 4 times a day).
  • A decoction of sunflower petals (2 to 3 tablespoons).
  • Honey (1 teaspoon on an empty stomach).

4. Fight bad habits

The myth that a person who quits smoking always gets better is not entirely a myth. Quitting cigarettes can really increase your appetite. Not only that, bad habit dulls our sensitivity to smells and tastes. Those who quit smoking often say that food has become much tastier, new taste sensations have appeared, and the previously blurred sense of smell has intensified.

5. Physical activity and being outdoors

This method is especially effective in restoring a child’s appetite. Parents often wonder why their child, who spends the entire day motionless at the computer or TV, almost never feels hungry. And this is quite normal. The body does not burn calories and does not need additional energy.

Take your child out for a walk, send him to the pool or water park, or go on a hike. And you will be amazed at how a tired baby with cheeks flushed from the fresh air will absorb his portion of lunch or dinner.

For adults, these indications are no less effective. Finally tear yourself away from your office chair or home sofa and spend the whole day in the fresh air. Start doing exercises, join a sports club, run around the house. The main thing is to start. Movement is truly life. And also vigor and... appetite!

6. Diet and diet

To increase your appetite, be sure to normalize your diet and the content of your diet. It is enough to follow a few simple but important rules:

  • Don't force yourself to eat large portions. Eat less, but more often. The best option– 5 – 7 times a day.
  • When preparing dishes, use natural appetite stimulants - spices and seasonings.
  • Set the table beautifully. Eat brightly colored vegetables and fruits, especially yellow and red ones. Science has proven that these colors stimulate the appetite.
  • Say a firm “no” to emergency snacks on the run. Each meal should become a small, pleasant ritual - leisurely, in a comfortable position and in a good mood.

7. Mental health status

Learn to relax and experience a sense of pleasure from life. Very often the reasons for loss of appetite are precisely frequent stress, anxiety, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life. If you can’t cope with the problems on your own, make an appointment with a good psychologist.

Still, don't rush to look effective way how to increase your appetite. To begin with, it is wiser to seek qualified help from a specialist. Atrophy taste sensations, decrease or complete absence appetite are clinical signs quite a lot serious illnesses. Self-medication can result in loss of precious time and irreversible development of the disease.

1) Consume more energy food, rich in vitamins, microelements (fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds, honey).

2) Start your meal with raw product, for example, salad. As a result, digestion and absorption of food will occur better and faster, and satiety will come from less of it.

3) Eat slowly, slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. As a result, you will be satisfied with 1.5-2 times less food.

4) Take food into your mouth in small portions, this ensures its thorough wetting with saliva, good conditions For chewing thoroughly and better digestion of saliva by enzymes.

5) Get up from the table feeling a little hungry. It should be remembered that saturation through the blood begins approximately 30 minutes after the start of a meal.

6) Find an interesting business or make a circle of good friends. At the same time emotional sphere will become full, you will remember about food only when you feel an appetite, and not by looking at the clock.

7) Focus on the right things daily nutrition To do this, eat on a schedule and do not skip meals to prevent strong feelings of hunger, which can cause subsequent overeating.

8) Try not to lengthen the periods between meals and plan what to eat next time and where to eat it; If necessary, take food with you.

9) If you feel very hungry, it is advisable to divide your meal into two stages with an interval of at least 30 minutes between them. By pausing after the first portion of food, you can determine the real need for subsequent food.

10) Master the Basics healthy eating, including product compatibility.

11) Eat in a pleasant environment, with good mood, not in a state of stress, otherwise food will become a way of distracting from an unfavorable state of mind.

12) Eat food without distracting your thoughts from food. At the same time, it is even advisable to meditate on the positive, healing effect of the food consumed.

13) Consume more monotonous foods at one time. For example, in your daily diet, include either one dish or products that go well together and complement each other: protein food with any greens and vegetables, or starchy foods with greens and vegetables. With this diet, satiety comes from less food, and it is absorbed much more efficiently.

14) Do not drink water or other liquids during or immediately after meals. As an exception, you are allowed to drink warm water if you feel like food is stuck in your stomach.

15) Eliminate sugar-containing foods from your diet or limit them as much as possible; Limit your consumption of potatoes, wheat, corn and products made from their flour (bread, rolls, pastries), as well as cereals due to their unpleasant effect on blood sugar levels and the subsequent feeling of hunger.

16) Cleanse the intestines and liver. As a result, food absorption will improve and the need for food will decrease by 20%.

10 foods that will help reduce or increase your appetite. Our consultant is the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva


1. Spices and seasonings, especially the artificial appetite stimulant - taste and aroma enhancer monosodium glutamate.

It is added not only to “ready-made” store-bought dishes and seasonings, but is also often abused in restaurants, especially fast food. It stimulates the appetite, but, according to many scientists, glutamate is not so safe. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse it.

2. Pickled vegetables, as well as spices, such as salt, mustard, horseradish.

Everything spicy and salty stimulates the appetite very well, causing increased production. gastric juice.

But the problem is that salt retains water in our body. We drink a lot, but not all of it comes out. Therefore, you need to be very careful with these stimulants: eat no more than one cucumber-tomato per day “for your appetite.”

3. Sour apples, sauerkraut, lemon juice, diluted with water. In general, everything is sour.

Like spicy and salty foods, sour fruits and vegetables stimulate the production of gastrointestinal juice. But not everyone can indulge in them. After all, acid can provoke gastritis, and in general, sour apples are not recommended for people with increased acidity stomach.

4. Sweets.

At first, they reduce your appetite due to a large release of sugar into the blood, but after an hour and a half you will want to eat even more.

5. Alcohol and coffee.

Even a glass of beer or wine will make you eat more than you want, as it also stimulates the production of gastric juice. A cup of coffee also increases your appetite.

If your appetite just disappears, it's serious signal. Reluctance to eat can be caused by taking medications (for example, antibiotics) or by a variety of illnesses:

gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

liver diseases;

depression, neuroses and other psychological diseases;

bacterial and viral infections(from colds to inflammation);

oncological diseases.


1. “Light” proteins - poultry, fish.

Proteins contribute to stable thermogenesis in our body, our expert explained. In essence, they “give” us constant temperature body, normal blood circulation and smooth digestion of food. That is, they provide high-quality satiety and energy distribution.

2. Muesli, oatmeal and other cereals coarse- sources of fiber. And also nuts and seeds.

Thanks to fiber, the digestion process slows down. That is, these products slowly and reluctantly release energy to the body, unlike the same sweets. Accordingly, the feeling of fullness lasts longer. Ideal for breakfast. Nuts are perfect as a snack.

3. Rough vegetables, that is, root vegetables, for example, carrots, beets, celery. And also legumes (sources of proteins) - beans, peas, lentils.

4. Bananas, containing not only pectin, fiber and starch, but also plain and complex carbohydrates, which are “slowly” consumed by our body, again preventing us from getting hungry quickly.

But be careful, all fruits contain a lot of fructose - a more harmless, but still analogue of sugar. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend eating them after 16.00. Especially for those who are on diets. It is better to snack on fruit during your second breakfast or afternoon snack.

5. Water, yoghurts, skim milk. In general, all liquids except alcohol and coffee.

In general, it is most beneficial to drink before meals, and not after - in this way we “deceive” the stomach, at least partially filling it, writes Medicforum.

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Increased appetite in women: causes and methods of struggle

As soon as you decided to eat less or decided to immediately move on to the hardest and most “reliable” method - stop eating dinner, your good intentions began to break down against the cruel truth of life. Hunger has claimed its rights over you, your body and your mind. Why is this happening?

Many of us have experienced this at least once. unpleasant phenomenon like increased appetite. It seems like you ate recently, but you didn’t feel full. Intellectually, we understand that an extra portion of food will lead to problems with our figure, but it is impossible to stop. This is an increased appetite, an incessant feeling of hunger.

Causes of increased appetite

To understand the causes of unhealthy appetite, it is important to understand how the hunger mechanism is formed.

Information about hunger enters the food center located in the hypothalamus of the brain in two ways:

  1. through nerve impulses from the stomach and intestines;
  2. through substances in the blood that signal a decrease in glucose levels.

Based on these signals, the brain makes conclusions about hunger or satiety. Various malfunctions in the hypothalamus lead to eating disorders.

Appetite disturbances may be caused by for various reasons. Some of them can be corrected independently, others require the intervention of specialists.

The main causes of constant hunger

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Many women experience increased appetite before menstruation. Most often this is due to hormonal imbalance, preparing a woman’s body for possible pregnancy and mood swings during this period. Not all women suffer from excessive appetite before menstruation; many do not notice any changes in eating behavior.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, appetite increases, as additional energy is needed to maintain a new life. During this period, it is important to maintain a balance in nutrition: with food, a woman needs to get sufficient quantity proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. If the balance is maintained and the woman adheres to a certain regime day, then abnormal cravings for food should not arise.
  3. Stress and depression, overwork and chronic fatigue. Common cause strong appetite under nervous stress, the desire to eat becomes stressful, since food is associated in our minds with pleasure. The increased release of cortisol (stress hormone) into the blood requires compensation in the form of additional energy. Many people experience stress constantly, which leads to appetite disorders. The body simply needs additional energy.
  4. . The hormone leptin, which is responsible for appetite, is produced during sleep. Lack of sleep slows down its production and the body strives to get it from food, which leads to an increase in appetite.
  5. Dehydration. The areas of the brain responsible for hunger and thirst are close. Therefore, lack of water is often perceived as hunger.
  6. Boredom, idleness. They make you want to eat something just like that, out of nothing to do. The solution in this situation would be interesting activity, walk, physical activity.

In my opinion, the main reason for increased appetite in women is stress and excessive emotional stress. We live in a world that is changing rapidly. We have to live in multitasking mode. We strive to be on time at work, in family, in social life. This mode of life keeps you in constant tension and is very tiring.

Very often, women, unfortunately, are not accustomed to putting themselves and their interests first. We care about loved ones, about family, about work. We care about the impression we make on others, but we don't care about ourselves. This all leads to a state of overwork.

A woman simply needs to find time for herself, even at the expense of other things and people. The driven horses are shot, but we drive ourselves every day.

Women need to learn to take care of themselves first. Learn on your own, with the help of all kinds of feminine practices, or with professional psychologist- it's up to you to decide.

You can cope with emotional stress and, at the same time, take care of your figure in classes.

They give an outlet for energy, and together with the energy we throw out negative emotions. Plus, we gain a toned body and self-confidence.

But if, regardless of the reasons listed above, you experience constant strong feeling hunger, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Only with the help of analyzes and research can we identify reasons big appetite health related, so it should not be ignored. Not at all necessary severe hunger- this is the cause of a serious illness, but its likelihood should be excluded.

If you suffer from persistent increased appetite, consult your doctor. I don’t want to scare anyone again, but self-medication in such a situation is not an option.

If you experience unhealthy hunger only before your period, then there is no reason to worry. This condition is normal, just like during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The only thing that can be advised in this case is not to indulge in sweet, fatty and salty foods.

Physical activity, daily routine, principles proper nutrition, positive emotions will help in cases where hunger is caused stressful situations, overwork, boredom.

The main thing is to understand the cause of unhealthy hunger; when you know the enemy in person, it’s easier to deal with him.

You have already identified the reason constant hunger at your place? Write to us in the comments.

Three meals a day good nutrition it may seem challenging task when you don't have a healthy appetite. A more motivating way to eat is to divide three main courses into five or six small portions.

As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase the quantity of these meals or add more ingredients to consume more calories throughout the day. For example, if you are eating a sandwich with meat, also include some vegetables and cheese to add more calories and nutrients.

Let's summarize:

Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large ones. As your appetite improves, you can begin to increase your portions and add more ingredients.

2. Eat nutrient-rich foods

People having poor appetite tend to consume empty calories such as candy, potato chips, ice cream and bakery products in order to gain weight. Although these types of foods may seem more appetizing and high in calories, they are a bad idea because they provide very little nutrition to the body.

Instead of consuming such foods, focus on foods that provide you with calories and wide range nutrients such as proteins and healthy fats. For example, instead of ice cream for dessert, you can have 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt with the sweetness of berries and cinnamon. Likewise, if you're craving pizza, you can make it at home and add more vegetables and protein for extra nutrients.

Let's summarize:

Reduce your intake of empty calories. Instead, focus on eating more nutritious foods that contain proteins. healthy fats and whole grains.

3. Add more calories to your meals

If you are concerned about how to increase your appetite, there is another way that will help increase your appetite and provide your body with enough nutrients throughout the day. You just need to add more calories to your diet.

One way to do this is to cook with high-calorie ingredients such as butter, nut oils, olive oil or whole milk.

For example:

  • Add 45 calories: Cook eggs with butter.
  • Add 80 calories: Cook oatmeal with whole milk instead of water.
  • Add 80 calories: add to salads olive oil and avocado.
  • Add 100 calories: Spread a little peanut butter on apple slices and use as a snack.

Simple supplements like these can further provide your body with healthier calories and increase your overall calorie intake.

Let's summarize:

When cooking various dishes add high-calorie ingredients to help you consume more calories throughout the day.

4. Make mealtimes an enjoyable experience.

How to increase your appetite easily and pleasantly? Cooking and dining with others can help stimulate your appetite more than eating alone. To make your food more appetizing, you can invite friends and family over for lunch/dinner. If they can't come and keep you company, try eating while watching TV.

These strategies can help take your attention away from food. The study found that eating with friends can increase food consumption by 18%, and eating while watching TV can increase food consumption by 14%. Having lunches and meals together, combined with entertainment, can help you enjoy food more and improve poor appetite.

Let's summarize:

If you eat with friends and family or eat in front of the TV, you can distract yourself from the food you are eating, which will encourage you to eat more of it.

5. Trick your brain with different plate sizes

How to improve your appetite by tricking your brain? If you have a poor appetite, the sight of large portions can make you feel overwhelmed and reluctant. The way to avoid these negative feelings is to trick your brain into thinking that you are still eating a small portion. You can do this by serving the food on a large plate instead of a small one.

Some studies have shown that increasing the size of your plate can make you eat larger portions of food. This happens even if you don't really like the food. In other words, you can eat more food if you serve it on a larger plate. This may increase daily consumption calories, especially if you eat high-calorie foods.

Let's summarize:

Eating larger plates can help you eat more.

6. Eat on time

Try planning out your daily eating schedule and setting a reminder for each meal to start eating regularly. A regular eating schedule is important to stimulate your appetite - this will help you consume enough calories and nutrients every day.

Let's summarize:

Scheduling and setting meal reminders can help you increase your appetite and keep track of your food intake.

7. Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast consumption per on a daily basis important when you want to increase your appetite and gain weight.

A review study found that skipping breakfast can cause you to eat less throughout the day, which has the opposite effect. Additionally, breakfast helps increase the body's thermogenesis effect, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day. It's good for your appetite.

If you're trying to eat more, eating breakfast every day is just as important as regular meals during the day.

Let's summarize:

Eating breakfast daily can increase your appetite and increase thermogenesis, which may encourage you to eat more.

8. Eat less fiber

It has been proven that a diet with high content fiber promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces calorie intake - this is especially useful for those who want to lose weight, but you just want to improve your appetite and possibly gain weight.

Although high fiber foods are recommended in balanced diet, they can slow down digestion and keep you feeling full longer. Therefore, you may want to adjust your fiber intake if you are wondering how to improve poor appetite.

To improve your appetite, increase your consumption of foods with low content fiber, and slightly reduce your intake of fiber-rich foods - this will help relieve the feeling of fullness in your stomach and may help you eat more throughout the day.

Let's summarize:

Reducing the amount of fiber in your diet may reduce the feeling of fullness in your stomach and encourage your intake more food during the day.

9. Drink your calories

Chugging calories can be a more motivating way to increase your calorie intake than chewing food when you don't feel too hungry. Practical way Drinking your calories means replacing some of your meals with nutritious, high-calorie drinks.

Smoothies, milkshakes and juices can be good drinks replacing some meals. Try making them with nutritious ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. You can also add good sources protein such as whole milk, yogurt or protein powder for extra calories and nutrients.

Let's summarize:

Drinking calorie-dense and nutritious drinks instead of some snacks throughout the day can help motivate you to consume your food.

10. Include healthy snacks

Eating large meals can be intimidating, while small, easy-to-eat snacks can be more convenient, making it less of an effort to increase your food intake. Snacks can also be helpful when you're on the go.

However, appetizers are not intended to replace main courses, but rather to complement them. Therefore, avoid eating snacks before meals because they may worsen your appetite.

Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

  • Fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges.
  • Protein bars or granola bars.
  • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit.
  • Olive oil and crackers.
  • Salty snacks such as popcorn or mixed dried fruits and nuts.

Let's summarize:

Eating small, healthy snacks throughout the day can help increase your calorie intake and increase your desire to eat.

11. Eat more of your favorite foods

How to increase your appetite - with what foods? When you have a dish in front of you that you know and love, you are probably much more inclined to eat it than a dish that you find unappealing. Research shows that if you can choose your food, you will be able to eat more and eat more often than if you don't have the ability to choose your foods.

To help you consume more of these foods, it's important to spend some time planning and preparing them ahead of time so you can always use them. However, if your favorite foods are unhealthy (for example, from fast food restaurants), you can try making them yourself or serving them with more healthy ingredients to make more nutritious.

Let's summarize:

Eat more of the foods you love. This will help you eat normally and stimulate your appetite.

12. Use herbs and spices

Another remedy that improves appetite is herbs and spices. Some foods can slow digestion and produce gas, which can lead to a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and decreased appetite.

A type of seasoning called carminative herbs and spices may help reduce bloating and flatulence, and improve appetite. They can also stimulate bile production to facilitate the digestion of fats.

Here are some examples of carminative herbs and spices that are classified as appetite-increasing foods:

  • fennel
  • black pepper
  • coriander
  • cinnamon

In addition to helping reduce the feeling of heaviness in your stomach, these herbs and spices can help make your meals more delicious and appealing. When your food has pleasant smell and taste, it can cause a good appetite.

Bitter tonics are another type of herbal preparation that can help increase appetite by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. Here is an appetite-improving herb that is classified as a bitter tonic:

  • gentian
  • Blessed Knikus
  • centaury

You can start supplementing with some of these herbs, spices, or bitter tonics by adding them to your meals or consuming them as teas or tinctures.

Let's summarize:

Some herbs, spices and bitter tonics are good for increasing your appetite, aiding digestion, reducing flatulence and making your food more palatable.

13. Increase physical activity

How to induce an appetite naturally without resorting to taking various herbs? During physical activity, your body burns calories to maintain energy levels. Physical activity can increase your appetite as your body needs to replenish the calories it burns.

One study involved 12 people who were exposed to... physical activity. During this period, they burned an average of 835 extra calories per day. In addition, scientists observed increased cravings for food in the subjects, from which they were able to replenish 30% of the calories burned during exercise.

You shouldn't expect to improve your appetite after your first workout, but if you are consistent and stick to a weekly workout schedule, your appetite will likely improve within just a few days.

Additionally, physical activity can affect several processes in your body that have been shown to stimulate hunger. These include an increase in metabolic rate and muscle mass, as well as changes in hormone production.

Let's summarize:

Physical activity can cause you to burn more calories and stimulate your appetite, increasing your metabolic rate and hormone production.

14. Limit drinks during meals

Drinking fluids before or during meals can negatively affect your appetite and cause you to eat less. Research has shown that drinking water before meals can reduce calorie intake and help with weight loss. This appears to affect older people more than younger people.

In contrast, avoiding drinking water or drinks before meals can increase calorie intake by 8.7%. So try to drink water at least 30 minutes before meals and see if your appetite improves.

Let's summarize:

Drinking water or other liquids consumed before or with meals can affect your appetite and cause you to eat less.

15. Some supplements may also help.

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can reduce your appetite. If you're wondering how to increase your appetite, consider including some of these supplements in your diet, which serve as appetite boosters when deficient:

  • Zinc: Lack of zinc in the diet can lead to loss of appetite and taste disturbances, which may contribute to a decreased desire to eat (see Zinc deficiency: symptoms in women and men).
  • Thiamine: Thiamine deficiency can lead to decreased appetite and increased energy expenditure during rest, leading to weight loss.
  • Fish oil: Some studies have shown that this natural preparation in the form of transparent gelatin capsules may help increase appetite and reduce feelings of fullness in women after eating.
  • Echinacea: This is a plant used to stimulate immune system and disease control. Research has shown that echinacea also contains compounds called alkylamines, which can stimulate your appetite. Details about beneficial properties and the use of echinacea you can find out here - Echinacea: medicinal properties and contraindications, use of echinacea.

Let's summarize:

Deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals can cause poor appetite. Taking certain supplements can help increase your appetite.

16. Keep a food diary

Keeping a food diary will help you keep track of what you eat and make sure you're consuming enough calories throughout the day. Writing down each meal and your hunger levels can also help you understand how your appetite is improving. Aim to write down every food item, meal, and snack you eat, no matter how small. When your appetite is poor, counting each calorie gives you an idea of ​​how well you are achieving your daily goal.

Let's summarize:

Keeping a food diary will help you track your food intake and improve your eating habits and appetite.

Let's sum it up

Many factors can affect your appetite, including physical illness, mental states, medications and vitamin or mineral deficiencies. However, small changes may have great value. You can try to increase your appetite by inviting people over for meals and cooking new recipes, and using spices, herbs and high-calorie ingredients to make food more appealing and nutritious.

Try to limit your intake of water and drinks before and during meals, and moderate your intake of high-fiber foods, as these may worsen your appetite. If you find that big receptions Foods are complex, motivate yourself to eat smaller meals more often and you will be able to increase your appetite.

Another trick is to eat your largest portion when you are hungry. The rest of the time, you can include smoothies and high-calorie drinks in your diet, which are easier to consume. If you're having trouble eating, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor, who can give you advice on how to increase your hunger and gain healthy pounds.



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