Where should a ferret live at home? Caring for a ferret at home

Once on a walk or at your friends’ apartment you saw a ferret, he amazed you with his grace, playfulness, cheerfulness and curiosity. You are fascinated by his plasticity and magnificent appearance, flexible plump body, beady eyes, small paws and beautiful fur, it is simply impossible to resist and not fall in love with these miniature charmers.

It is interesting that in Russia the fashion for domestic ferrets has become widespread over the last 10-15 years, while in Europe they have been keeping domestic ferrets for the last 30-40 years. However, the leaders in the distribution of ferrets as pets are Japan and the United States.

Who is a ferret?

So, you want to get a ferret, let's find out in more detail what kind of animal this is.

The domestic ferret is a predator from the mustelid family and originates from the wild forest ferret that lives in the forests of Europe.

According to various sources, the ferret was domesticated from 1500 to 1000 years ago in the Mediterranean region and was used to catch rats and mice as well as cats. The advantage of ferrets was the peculiarity of the structure of their flexible body, which allows them to penetrate into the narrowest places that are inaccessible even to cats when hunting for rodents.

The domestic ferret has several names; it is called furo (from Latin name Mustela putorius furo), which translated from Latin means little thief, and from Greek means cunning. By the way, the name is correct, it very accurately reflects the character of the ferret, they are really cunning and smart and have great weakness to theft, many owners of ferrets note their tendency towards kleptomania. They love to steal and hide things that they consider valuable in their “holes” - secluded places in the apartment, as they say, in reserve for a rainy day.

In addition, the domestic ferret is often called a ferret. This name came to us from the Polish language, which is not surprising, since in our country the breeding of domestic ferrets began with animals brought from Poland.

There are also crosses of ferrets, for example, Honorik is a cross between a ferret and a mink, which are very rare and it is incorrect to call a domestic ferret that.

The domestic ferret has inherited a lot from its wild counterpart, this is primarily appearance, body structure, habits, color, which has several varieties and can vary from black to white.

Despite the fact that they are domestic, they are still hunters and are nocturnal. This means that during the day they like to sleep, while at night they become more active, which potential ferret owners should be prepared for.

In nature, wild ferrets dig holes in the ground, and the same habits are observed in domestic ferrets. If you like to grow plants at home, it is likely that the new inhabitant of the house will dig through all the pots of soil. Flower pots often break, so you will need to remove all house plants from the house or move them out of the ferret's reach.

The flexible body allows the ferret to penetrate very narrow crevices from which he may not be able to get out on his own, which poses a danger to his life. Therefore, to keep a ferret in an apartment, for its own safety, you will need to equip a special enclosure or a spacious cage in which the ferret will be kept while you are not at home. You can find out more about the conditions for keeping a ferret in an apartment in the article “Ferret in an apartment”. There you will find recommendations for creating all necessary conditions keeping a ferret in the space of your home.

Ferret behavior with other animals

Another feature of ferrets is their curiosity, which can lead to various troubles associated with injuries, poisoning, conflicts with dogs on the street and other dangers.

By the way, about the ferret’s relationship with other pets. If you already have a cat or dog at home, then you need to know that ferrets tend to be leaders in relationships with other animals. Ferrets are highly intelligent and quick-witted, which is why they exhibit strong leadership qualities.

If we talk about the relationship between a ferret and a dog, then the relationship between a ferret and a large dog is better guard breed, they become real friends, get along well with each other. WITH miniature dogs ornamental breeds relationships are more complicated, this is due to the fact that small dogs more excitable, and ferrets often offend them. Regarding hunting breeds dogs, then the situation here is more complicated, the fact is that a hunting dog can perceive a ferret as prey and even kill it. Therefore, the owners hunting dogs It is not recommended to own ferrets.

A domestic ferret and a cat, in this relationship, not everything is so simple; either loyal friendship or irreconcilable enmity, or complete indifference to each other can arise between them.

Much depends on the owner, to avoid jealousy and competition between pets for your love and attention, give each same amount time and encourage friendship between them.

The ferret's relationships with birds, rodents and reptiles are the most risky. IN natural conditions all of the listed inhabitants are prey for the ferret.

Of course, there are exceptions when ferrets are great friends with rodents, for example, rats, but it is still recommended to remove cages with birds, reptiles and rodents out of the reach of the ferret.

You should not get a ferret if you have small children. Ferrets have enough sharp teeth and claws, they can bite and scratch the child severely. Young children often perceive pets as toys, and while a cat or dog can patiently accept the child's various manipulations of itself, a ferret may react aggressively to the child's concern.

If your children are already grown up, or there are no children in your family, then the ferret is a completely safe pet, not more dangerous than a dog or cats.

Ferrets are playful and charming

Domestic ferrets are indeed very charming and playful, highly trainable and easily follow commands. They can be litter box trained like a cat. Ferrets are mostly silent, but to express joyful emotions they begin to hoot, hiss when displeased, and fluff their tail when excited. If the ferret is very frightened, he may make a specific bad smell, the smell is produced by the anal glands. It must be said that the ferret uses the secretion from the perianal glands in the most extreme cases, when all other defense methods have been tried. Despite the caustic
The smell of this secret is easy to remove, unlike cat marks. Therefore, it is better not to perform an operation to remove these odorous glands, since this operation is quite complex and requires the participation of a good veterinary specialist; an incorrectly performed operation can lead to serious complications and put the ferret's health at risk. The ferret's fur itself has a musky smell, many people love this smell, but there are those who simply cannot stand it, so before buying a ferret it is very important to talk to the breeder and visit the house where the ferret is kept to understand whether you like this smell or not.

Ferrets are beggars and great actors, and can be incredibly stubborn to achieve their goals. You will learn the secrets of raising a ferret in the article “Raising a Ferret”.

It is believed that ferrets should be owned by people who have already had experience caring for pets. Ferrets demand a lot of attention and strength on the part of the owner.

Domestic ferrets are suitable for active and energetic people, true animal lovers who may have to endure any inconvenience or sacrifice their sleep, peace and time to care for ferrets. After all, these nimble creatures are constantly on the move and retain their playful disposition throughout their lives. Families with small children, pensioners, and people who are often absent from home due to business trips should not have pet ferrets.

If you decide to get a pet ferret, it is advisable to get detailed advice from breeders or specialized clubs for breeding domestic ferrets in order to assess your capabilities for caring for your pet. After all, having weighed all the pros and cons, you will make a decision that you will not regret later. And do not forget that domestic ferrets can dispel any hints of depression and Bad mood. They share their energy and improve the mood of their owners. It is very interesting and pleasant to watch them, communicate with them and make friends.

Love animals and let communication with them color your life with joyful colors!

A ferret is an animal that prefers to live in burrows; a ferret can try to hide in any crevice and get stuck in it, so before you adopt a ferret, you need to take care of its habitat.

The ferret is a free-roaming animal, so don't confine him to one room or, worse, a cage, which can only be used for short-term housing, such as while cleaning or moving. But even then the cage must be spacious so that a drinking bowl, bowl, tray and sleeping area can fit in it.

Caring for a ferret not difficult, it is important to know some aspects of its maintenance in captivity, which we will discuss later.

Firstly, important aspect- This is raising a ferret. Rules of behavior should be taught to early childhood. For an offense, you can punish him, for example, take him by the scruff of the neck and shake him, with the words “You can’t!” or “Ugh!” The ferret has one of weak points- this is the nose, like many other animals, so a slight click on it will also be perceived as punishment. But, as you know, the coin has two sides, so in the process of raising a ferret you need to not only punish, but also reward, for example, for the fact that he went to the tray correctly, give him some fruit: a piece of banana, pear. We recommend that you refrain from feeding your ferret chocolate, candy or cookies; it is better to choose a diet of fruits and vegetables.

Also, in the process of caring for a ferret, you will have to trim its claws and bathe it. Hornets' claws grow very quickly, so they will have to be trimmed often. It is important to cut the claw correctly - the tip is cut off along a line that is parallel internal line claw, i.e. Only the downward growing hook is cut off. The main thing in this matter is not to damage the blood vessels. It is better to carry out bathing procedures no more than 1-2 times a month; during bathing, it is better to keep the ferret suspended under a tap or shower. Monitor the water temperature, which should be 37-38 degrees. It is worth noting that ferrets love to swim, so you can draw him a bath, put toys in it and let him swim, but do not forget about an island where the ferret could get out to rest. After washing, be sure to wipe with a dry towel, clean the ears and place it on a spread towel, where the ferret will dry itself.

If you are going to care for a ferret, then you also need to know that the ferret must be vaccinated against canine distemper, because the mortality rate from such a disease is slightly less than 100%. About possible other diseases, vaccines and side effects you need to consult your veterinarian.

In conclusion of the article about how to care for a ferret, I would like to say that if you are going to keep this animal at home, along with children and other pets, then we ask you to be vigilant and take care of the safety of both.

Don’t forget to play with your ferret, monitor his health, feed him on time, bathe him, and everything will be fine with him.

The ferret has become quite a popular pet - it is easy to care for, it has a friendly and playful nature, its fur does not cause allergies, the animal does not need tiring walks or special nutrition. Breeding ferrets can also be a good additional source of income.

Features of keeping ferrets in an apartment

Keeping a ferret at home is not a hassle. One has only to take into account the characteristics of the animal and its daily needs. You should buy a special cage for your ferret; they are sold in all pet stores. Keeping an animal in constant freedom has its drawbacks - the animal can chew through an electrical cable, climb into a secluded place and get stuck there, eat something dangerous and even fall out of a window.

Their curiosity is both a plus and a minus. The choir must be constantly monitored.

The average size of a cage for one adult animal should be about 60 x 80 x 50 cm. The larger the home, the better - in larger cages you can set up a separate playground, hang a hammock, and separate an area with feeding troughs. However, regardless of the size of the cage, ferrets should be allowed to walk around the apartment for two to three hours every day.

When choosing a cage, you should pay attention to the lock, the retractable tray of the cage and the ease of attaching feeders and drinkers.

The tray must be attached to the bottom of the cage so that the animal does not move it at will. A shelter house is also placed in the cage, where the animal can feel safe and rest. Cages with wooden parts are not suitable for keeping ferrets because ferrets chew the wood easily. Wooden parts They also absorb odors and take a long time to dry after wet cleaning.

The cage is placed in a bright place, but protected from drafts. Warm, but not near a heater. On summer period many breeders take the cages with the animals out onto the balcony. In this case, the cage should be in a shaded place - ferrets do not like straight lines. sun rays and are very sensitive to high air temperatures.

Ferret care

Keeping a ferret in an apartment involves daily care, which is not only about feeding and changing water. The health of your pet ferret directly depends on the cleanliness of the cage, so daily cleaning of the cage, drinkers, feeders, tray and bedding is necessary. Several times a week, the animal’s fur should be treated with special sprays or wipes for ferrets. They eliminate specific odors, excess fat, and add shine. It is better to comb the fur every day - it only takes a few minutes and gives your pet a lot of pleasure.

You need to bathe your animal no more than several times a year, using special shampoos. Every month the animal's claws are trimmed and its ears are cleaned. It is better to use ear drops or oil for this. They make the process easier and help soften earwax.

In good weather, you can go for a walk with the animal. Special harnesses have been developed for walking, but some also use harnesses for small breeds of dogs and cats.

Ferrets are equally happy about walks in winter and summer. They love to swim in the snow and dig holes. Walking in rainy, very cold, damp and windy weather is not recommended.

Feeding ferrets

The ferret is quite omnivorous at home. Some breeders prefer to feed the animal with specialized dry food, but most prefer natural food. When feeding, it is worth remembering that the ferret is a predatory animal, therefore the most suitable food for them of animal origin:

  • Poultry meat (duck, turkey, chicken, quail),
  • By-products,
  • Chicken or quail eggs,
  • Low-fat fish varieties
  • Seafood.

Stern plant origin They are of little interest, but sometimes ferrets like to feast on ripe fruits, sweet carrots, and nuts. The ferret should be fed twice a day, and clean and fresh water should be in the drinking bowl at all times. Fish should be given once every ten to fourteen days and not too much. The most preferred species are lean trout, cod or flounder. As a treat, the animals are given pieces of cheese or cottage cheese. Other types of dairy products lead to stomach upset.

Most often, a kind of minced meat and offal of birds, a small amount of fish, well-cooked cereals and vegetables are used for feeding.

You can also add vitamins here. This minced meat provides the animal with all the necessary nutrients and is convenient to prepare for future use.

Daily feed requirements

The daily food intake for males is approximately 250-300 grams, for females - about 150-180 grams.

Balanced and complete daily ration consists of:

  • boiled or fresh veal - ten grams for females and twenty for males,
  • boiled chicken kidneys, liver, heart, ventricles - forty grams for females and sixty for males,
  • cartilage - twenty grams for females and thirty for males,
  • chicken, duck or turkey fillet - thirty grams for females and forty for males,
  • fish - for females - forty grams, for males - sixty,
  • chicken fat - for females ten grams, for males - fifteen,
  • porridge - fifteen and twenty grams for females and males,
  • fresh chopped vegetables - five and ten grams for females and males,
  • fats of vegetable origin - five grams, regardless of the sex of the animal,
  • fishmeal - two grams,
  • feed yeast - two grams,
  • vitamin supplement - one gram.

Feeding dry food

Feeding dry food makes caring for the animal much easier. For those who have just purchased an animal, dry food - indispensable assistant. This is not only convenient and practical, but also allows you to balance your diet and provide it with all necessary elements. Designed for ferrets special feed, but you can also use premium food for kittens up to one year old. You should not give preference to fish feed or high content vegetables, lamb or beef. Best cast- chicken or turkey. As treats, they give fruits or vegetables, special bones or croutons for ferrets, which are also sold in stores, pieces of cheese or fresh chicken fillet.

Vaccinations and diseases

Ferret diseases are similar to those of any other domestic animal. Some of them are caused incorrect conditions housing and feeding, some are in the genes, and some diseases are transmitted through infections and bacteria.

The most common diseases are associated with improper feeding:

  • Avitaminosis,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Poisoning,
  • Obesity,
  • Dysbacteriosis,
  • Vomit.

TO frequent illnesses, not related to feeding include:

  • Increased salivation. Common symptom allergies or stuck in oral cavity subject.
  • Baldness of the tail. Sign hormonal disorder in the body.
  • Bloating. May be a symptom of a tumor or blockage in the intestinal tract.
  • Dry and hot nose. Sign high temperature. A common symptom of flu, colds and inflammatory processes.
  • Cough. The first sign of colds.
  • Dry and persistent cough. Indicates problems with the heart or lungs.

If you have any symptoms of illness, you should immediately contact veterinarian. Self-treatment may cause death.

Proper care and maintenance of a ferret is impossible without mandatory vaccinations from the plague. Bag - dangerous disease leading to immediate death. The causative agents of the disease are carried by people on clothes, shoes, and can also be found on vegetables or meat. If the animal is often walked and kept in an open-air cage during the summer season, and has contact with other domestic or wild animals and birds, it should be vaccinated against rabies. Before the start of the summer season, it would also be a good idea to get vaccinated against leptospirosis.

Before vaccinations, the ferret must be dewormed. The procedure is carried out two weeks before visiting the doctor.

After vaccination, the ferret should be limited to walking for two weeks, ensure maximum rest and exclude any water treatments.

Breeding ferrets at home

Having a ferret at home is not only a constant source of positivity and good emotions, but also an opportunity for good additional income. The cost of puppies, depending on color, starts from five thousand and can reach several tens of thousands of rubles.

To breed ferrets, you need a pair of healthy, tame, well-mannered ferrets. Offspring from such ferrets will be in greater demand than from biting or sick animals. When choosing breeders, you should also pay attention to age - females are ready for mating from 11 months, and males from 7. Ideally, a breeder needs two females. Frequent childbirth provoke rapid exhaustion and death of the animal. Males lose the ability to reproduce at the age of four to five years. This fact should also be taken into account when planning breeding. During mating, the female is placed in a cage with the male and left for a while.

A pregnant ferret needs a larger cage, a quiet, warm, shaded area. The cage must have a nest, shelter, feeders and drinkers. Pregnancy lasts about 40–43 days and ends with the birth of three to ten puppies.

The cubs remain with their mother until they are four weeks old, after which they are removed from the female, placed in a separate cage and vaccinated.

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications, the ferret’s birth proceeds quite quickly and all puppies are born within ten to twelve hours. On the first day or two, the cage with newborns can be covered with loose fabric to prevent any disturbance to the mother and cubs.

The diet of a female with cubs is practically no different from the diet of a pregnant female. It should be varied, complete, and all food should be fresh.

Per day, a nursing female ferret should receive:

  • boiled veal - 25 grams,
  • boiled offal - 60 grams,
  • turkey, duck or chicken fillet - 45 - 50 grams,
  • cartilage - 22-25 grams,
  • fish - 55 grams,
  • chicken fat - 6 grams,
  • porridge - 15 grams,
  • fresh vegetables - 5 grams,
  • vegetable fats - 5 grams,
  • cottage cheese - 6 grams,
  • feed yeast and vitamins - 2.5 grams each.

If there are more than ten puppies in the litter, the diet can be increased by 10-20 grams due to more poultry, fish and veal fillets.

If you have a weakness for ferrets and are planning to get your own pet, you need to consider important points concerning its maintenance, feeding and education. Therefore, let's answer the question of how to keep a ferret.

Ferret demands special care and conditions of detention

Before you get this pet animal, you need to prepare everything in the apartment for its occupancy and create comfortable conditions for its existence. It is imperative to know how to care for a ferret.

It is important to ensure that there are no open cracks or holes in the room. Access to balconies and window sills is also undesirable, because the ferret is not adapted to objective assessment heights due to his poor eyesight.

An animal can drown in the toilet if it looks in there out of curiosity. Your pet may come across harmful chemicals in the bathroom.

Watch the doors - you may not follow the trajectory of the ferret's movement around the apartment and accidentally hit it.

Even at home, animals tend to create hiding places. The ferret often scours the entire apartment in search of interesting things. In his opinion, such ordinary things as food, shoes, toys, and small valuables are entertaining. Don't expect to easily catch the contents of the cache - a ferret can hide things in a place that is difficult for humans to reach.

Ferrets should not be allowed outside unattended.

What is needed to keep an animal


The animal's home must meet certain parameters so that keeping ferrets is only a joy for you. The animal loves space and is a real fan of houses and hammocks. The cage dimensions should be a cube measuring 80 by 80 cm.

If the ferret feels free and comfortable in the cage, happily moving around it, then everything is in order with its dimensions. And if you see that the ferret is crowded and cannot find a place for himself, come up with something else.

Usually the cage contains a simulated hole, which closes the animal from human view and allows it privacy. You can build a hole from old rags. He also loves oblong pipes and dark cardboard boxes. In addition, the pet’s home usually contains a toilet, a bowl of food, a drinking bowl and the forest animal’s personal toys.

The preferred material for the cage is construction mesh. The ferret will not be able to break his teeth on it if he suddenly decides to gnaw on the cage.

Ferrets need a spacious cage


Caring for a ferret necessarily includes taking care of its personal hygiene. In the apartment, as usual, a cat litter box is used as a toilet for pets. It can be of any shape and size, the main thing is that your pet is comfortable and uses it for its intended purpose. It is advisable to secure the toilet firmly.

Installing litter boxes in other rooms will also help, since the animal is unlikely to run throughout the apartment to get to its tray in the cage.

A ferret's litter box can be of any suitable shape.

Taking Precautions

The ferret can be released from the cage and allowed to roam around the apartment. At home, it’s quite easy to put safety locks on cabinets and cabinets, and also to block the animal’s access to the windows. It is also better to remove fragile objects from the ferret’s habitat.

The animal in the wild leads active image life and is a predator. Therefore, his free movement around the apartment would be a completely logical way to maintain him. In addition, you will spend much more time together, which will bring you closer to your pet and help you train your ferret.

This pet is a clean animal. Cleaning up after it at home is not at all difficult. Moreover, ferrets do not tolerate dirty rooms, so the house must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt.

But such a life together with a ferret has significant disadvantages. Pets, especially when they are still small and actively teething, strive to chew on something. Their teeth are strong enough to noticeably damage objects and furniture made of plastic, wood, rubber and fabric. You should not let your ferret into the kitchen either, since the concentration of fragile objects and dangerous equipment for the animal there is extreme.

Ferrets constantly chew furniture and hide small objects


What pet doesn't like to play? Rattles for cats and dogs, squeakers, bags - all this will help diversify your pet’s leisure time. But you should be careful with toys made of thin plastic, rubber, latex and silicone. Due to the fragility of such a craft, a ferret can easily break the toy and swallow small parts of the substance scattered around the apartment.

But toys are nothing compared to a real friend. Get two ferrets at once, they will never be bored together.

How to keep an animal while you are away

At this time it is better to close it in a cage. Do not think that the poor animal will languish there for many hours waiting for you. The animal loves to sleep, so it spends about 18-20 hours in its “bed”.

A ferret can sleep up to 20 hours a day

Ferrets diet

In order for your pet to feel good and always be full of strength and enthusiasm, he needs to be fed properly.

The ferret eats:

  • dry food;
  • minced porridge;
  • raw food.

For those just starting to learn how to feed a ferret, the best option The main dish for the animal will be dry food. The food must be made specifically for ferrets or kittens.

Feeding is done approximately 7 times a day. This number may be scary, but ferrets eat very small portions, so there is nothing scary about it.

Before your animal can try new food, it’s better to read reviews about it on the Internet. This will protect you from buying low-quality food and protect your pet from poisoning.

Sometimes allow your pet to treat himself to treats from your table, but in small doses. Chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, fruits and vegetables are suitable as goodies for a ferret.

As you can see, feeding your ferret correctly is not that difficult.

Raw meat can infect your ferret with helminths

Animal vaccination

The first vaccination is usually carried out by the breeder immediately after the birth of the animal. These are types of vaccinations such as vaccination against plague and rabies. For the sake of safety, every animal is required to be vaccinated, even if you intend to keep it in an apartment for the rest of its life. Typically, dog vaccines are used to vaccinate ferrets.

If your pet is sick, do not rush to vaccinate him, but wait until he recovers. The same applies to estrus, pregnancy and lactation in females.

Before vaccination, it is important to cleanse the ferret’s body of helminths and check its fur for fleas and ticks. Vaccination against plague is carried out at the age of 4-6 weeks, and against rabies - at 12-14.

Be sure to get your pet a passport, because without it, the entire vaccination history will be lost. Information about vaccinations will be needed in case of pet illness or during routine veterinary examinations.

In the first days after vaccination, it is necessary to protect your ferret from colds, avoid walking outside, and do not allow your pet to interact with unvaccinated pets. After the period of time specified by the doctor, immunity will be formed, and then the animal will be able to fully enjoy its life.

Without vaccination, there is a high probability of an animal dying from viruses and infections.

Hygiene procedures for ferrets

To ensure that your pet is always healthy and has a neat appearance, you need to regularly carry out hygiene procedures.

Despite the fact that the ferret does not harm curtains and wallpaper with its claws, trimming its claws is mandatory. The fact is that overgrown claws are an obstacle to unhindered movement. If the animal lives in nature, then it constantly grinds them down in the process of digging holes. But your pet doesn’t even touch the ground, so in an apartment this must be done manually. The frequency of the procedure is once every three weeks.

Ferrets enjoy water treatments. The animal should be washed depending on the degree of contamination of its fur, but usually this is once or twice a week. It is more advisable to use a special shampoo for these animals, as it kills the specific odor that they emit sweat glands ferrets. But if you can’t find it, then buy a regular children’s one.

After the procedure, make sure that the animal is tightly wrapped in a towel and completely dried at home before going for a walk.

The ferret is a unique pet that can bring you a lot positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. Now you know how to ensure your animal is healthy and full life and give him your sincere love and care that he so needs.

Ferrets as pets are becoming more and more popular every year. But for our country, the ferret is still an exotic animal, unlike, for example, America, where more than 7 million people keep these animals at home.But a ferret at home is not only fun, fun, positive, but also a lot of responsibility, time, patience and careful care of the owner. Ferret owners probably know what is necessary for the happiness and health of their charges. But if you are just planning to get this exotic pet, it would be a good idea to find out what caring for a ferret involves and whether it is so difficult.

Ferret safety in the home

  • If a ferret appears in your home, carefully inspect all corners, walls, furniture, and household appliances for cracks or holes. To prevent your pet from getting into trouble, all openings where he can crawl must be closed. Flower pots, electrical wires, fragile items, cosmetics, detergents, medical supplies etc. should not be accessible to the pet.
  • Ferrets love to store supplies. They make hiding places and store food in them. And it is better to immediately close the places suitable for arranging caches, allocating one special corner for the animal where it will put its supplies. This way you can remove food stashes in a timely manner, preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • Ferrets are burrowing animals and love to dig. And they can dig anything: soil in flower pots, flour, cereals, washing powder etc. Of course, the animal should not have access to such things.
  • Always close kitchen and bathroom doors tightly. Having penetrated there, the animal can cause real chaos. And if the animal decides to examine the toilet or taste washing powder or other household chemicals, this could lead to tragedy.
  • The ferret should not have access to open windows, since the animal does not feel height well.
  • Ferrets are very playful and nimble. When they are roaming free, be extremely careful when closing doors to avoid pinching your pet.

Ferret cage

If you decide to keep a ferret in a cage, then it must certainly be so spacious that the pet can move freely in it and also play. Optimal sizes your pet’s housing is as follows: length – at least one meter, width – at least 50 cm, height – at least 80 centimeters.

The cage requires bedding on which the animal will rest. As such, you can use fabric (wool or flannel) or purchase special animal bedding made from cellulose from a specialized store. It is recommended to change the litter every week as it may smell unpleasant.

Hang something like a hammock and hanging toys in the cage. Rest assured, this will delight your pet.

It’s good if you can give the animal a separate room in the apartment. But he still needs a shelter or a hole where he can be in complete solitude.

Ferret house

A ferret, like a burrowing animal, must have a shelter house in its cage. It’s good if you can give the animal a separate room in the apartment. But he still needs a shelter or a hole where he can be in complete solitude.

The absence of a ferret house in a human home can lead to nervous disorder, exhaustion and even death of your ward. However, most likely the animal will find a hole for itself, somewhere in the sofa or behind a closet, without this it simply cannot exist. It is unlikely that this option will appeal to the other inhabitants of the apartment. Therefore, it is better to take care of a cozy house for your ferret in advance.

If the ferret lives in a cage and is only occasionally allowed to run around the apartment, it is better to attach a house in the form of a wooden box to the cage's lattice from the outside. This will increase precious living space. The size of the apartment should be such that the animal can stretch out completely without being constrained. The optimal length is at least half a meter, width and height are 30–40 cm. Unfortunately, such houses are rarely found on sale, so a homemade design will probably be the best option.

It is advisable to use thin boards and blocks rather than plywood; they do not suffer as much from moisture when washed. Chipboard is absolutely not suitable, not only because of the toxic phenolic glue, but also because of its poor water resistance. The connection is made with self-tapping screws; today they are sold galvanized and do not rust.

The entrance opening must be made at least 10 cm, and preferably towards the edge, so it will be more comfortable in the hole. There is no need to paint the inside of the house, but the outside can be coated with one layer of pentaphthalic or glypthal varnish. For bedding, place wool or cotton rags in the house. Wood shavings will also work, but large, without sawdust or wood chips and, of course, from hardwood, without resinous inclusions. Small sawdust of any type causes inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Paper with printing ink is also not an option; although the ferret is a predator, he likes to try everything he can get his teeth into.

When a ferret lives in a free-range house, the house for him can be on the floor, but in the quietest place, away from heating appliances, sunlight and drafts. Sometimes, a picky ferret just doesn’t want to go to a new home. Then try moving the house to where he prefers to relax most often. Please note that ferrets have a stronger sense of Feng Shui than humans.

A floor house can be made large and complex from several chambers connected by pipes, manholes, ladders, equipped with beds and passages and exits with different sides. Fantasy and design delights are not limited. You can make a grandiose structure that copies a human house, for example, with opening doors, windows, balconies, etc. Such a house is especially good if you have several ferrets. Hang a drinking bowl and a hammock near the house, and place a reliable, non-tipping bowl for food. Such a house, together with its nimble inhabitant, will serve as a real decoration for your apartment!

Ferret walking

It is safer for the animal and more convenient for the owners if the ferret lives in a cage. But in this case, he needs daily walks around the apartment, at least for 2-3 hours. Walks should be under the supervision of the owner, because a lot of dangers can await curious ferrets in the house, which cannot always be foreseen in advance. When leaving home, it is better for the owner to lock the animal in a cage.

Walking your ferret outside is not necessary, but it usually gives the animals a lot of pleasure. The pet is accustomed to winter walks, starting with a few minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. It is not recommended to walk your ferret in wet and windy weather.

They walk the ferret only on a harness.

And, of course, the animal must have the necessary vaccinations. Walking with an unvaccinated pet is dangerous, as the risk of catching a virus increases many times over. And don’t forget that after vaccination you need to quarantine (2 weeks).

For walks, try to choose places where dogs are not walked.

Ferret care: mandatory procedures

Ferret bathing

Ferrets are excellent swimmers, but not all animals like to do this. They bathe a trochee no more than once a month, and only when necessary, if the animal gets very dirty while out for a walk or at home. Frequent washing may cause an unpleasant odor because after contact with water sebaceous glands, which secrete an odorous secretion, begin to work in enhanced mode.

For washing, it is recommended to use a shampoo designed specifically for choreas. Baby shampoo or kitten shampoo will also work. Do not wash ferrets with dog shampoos. The wrong shampoo can cause itching. In addition, the animal may become more odorous.

When bathing, it is best to keep your ferret suspended under a tap or shower. And if the animal likes to swim, fill the bathtub with water about 20 cm. Don’t forget to create an island that the pet can climb on (you can use a regular bucket for this). Optimal temperature bathing water - about 40 C. During water procedures do not leave your pet alone, monitor its safety. When the ferret has swam, take him in your hands and follow the instructions for the shampoo, lather him. Lightly rub the skin and rinse off the shampoo. Make sure that water does not get into the ears. After taking water procedures, carefully dry the animal. If he actively resists, place him in a box with high sides, at the bottom of which place a towel or soft cloth. Give your ferret time to get ready.

To prevent the animal from catching a cold, there should be no drafts during bathing.

Ear cleaning

Earwax constantly accumulates in the animal's ears. If it is not cleaned, it will cause an unpleasant odor and inflammatory processes in the ears. In addition, there is a high probability of ear mites.

You need to clean your ferret's ears every 2-4 weeks. For the procedure use special remedy for cleaning ears for kittens and rabbits, hydrogen peroxide or solutions of Dioxidine and Chlorhexidine. A cotton swab is soaked in cleaning liquid and gently wiped outer ear. A swab that is too wet may leave fluid in the ear. In this case, take a dry one and blot these areas. The ear canal should not be touched when cleaning, even if you see wax there.

Nail care

A ferret's claws grow quite quickly. If left untrimmed, they will not only interfere with walking, but can also lead to injury. A ferret can get caught in curtains, blinds, or carpets and tear out a claw or dislocate a paw.

To care for claws, it is advisable to use a special nail clipper. The cutting line should be parallel to the inner line of the claw (only the downward growing hook is cut). Can't touch blood vessel inside the claw. Trimming nails is not the most pleasant procedure for a ferret, so distract the animal by smearing something tasty on its belly. You can read more about how to trim your ferret's nails

Ferret coat care

Ferrets' fur needs to be brushed once a week. A special soft brush is suitable for this, which will give the animal’s fur silkiness and shine. A coat that is not thick and silky enough indicates poor care.

Ferrets molt in spring and fall. The coat change lasts from 7 to 14 days. To facilitate the molting process, it is recommended to give wool vitamins.

Since the animals' fur is thick, it can be plucked. This will make it easier for the animal to shed and for you to clean up. A plucked animal will quickly grow new hair.

Cleaning will also help get rid of old fur. soft brush or a mitten.

Another way to get rid of fur that falls out during shedding is to vacuum the animal. If you have a vacuum cleaner with special attachments for animals and the “consent” of the pet, you will quickly remove excess hair.

Ferrets, like cats, lick themselves and swallow fur. Ingested hairballs accumulate in gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to intestinal obstruction. To remove hairballs from the stomach, during the molting period the animal is given a paste for removing hair from the stomach of cats (3 times a day, ¼ teaspoon).

Ferret dental care

Plaque, and then tartar, which, if not properly cared for, forms on your pet’s teeth over time, can lead to gum inflammation, tooth decay and bad breath. In this case, a veterinary specialist will help and conduct professional cleaning teeth and, if necessary, remove broken ones.

But to prevent similar problems, you need to take care of your ferret's teeth from the first days of his arrival in your home.

First, dental health depends on your ferret getting the right nutrition. The diet must include chicken necks and wings, which naturally help clean teeth. A ferret whose diet consists primarily of soft food has more problems with teeth than an animal that receives solid food. You can read more about what you should feed your ferret.

Secondly, at least once every 2 weeks, the animal needs to brush its teeth. This is done using a baby brush and paste intended for animals (“human” paste cannot be used). After squeezing a drop of paste onto the brush, carefully open the pet’s mouth and clean the entire oral cavity in a circular motion, focusing special attention chewing teeth. Do not press too hard on the brush, otherwise you may damage the animal’s gums.

In addition, chewing bones and other ferret-specific treats help remove plaque and prevent tartar. But you shouldn’t get carried away with these “goodies”, because for frequent use they are not intended.

It should be noted that dental problems in ferrets can also be hereditary. Often such animals have short noses and, due to the fact that there is little space in the mouth, the teeth grow unevenly.

Ferret vaccination

Canine distemper and rabies are diseases that require mandatory preventive vaccination.

Starting from the age of 2.5-3 months, young ferrets begin to lose antibodies obtained from mother's milk, accordingly become vulnerable to viral diseases. From this age they begin to be vaccinated.

At the age of 10-12 weeks, a distemper vaccination is given, and at 14-16 weeks, revaccination and rabies vaccination are performed. Then both vaccinations are performed every year.

Vaccinations are given only to absolutely healthy animals. Females cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy, nursing, or estrus.

As you can see, caring for domestic ferrets is not so complicated and is not much different from caring for “murks” or “bobbies”. At the same time, ferrets, as very active and ubiquitous animals, require more attention from the owner. After all, an animal cannot be in a cage all the time, and during walks you need to keep an eye on it.



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