Fortune telling online for the near future in love. Tarot reading about life changes

Free fortune telling with Tarot cards online will help clarify controversial issues. We offer many options for free Tarot layouts: card of the day, fortune telling for a situation using one card, “Tree of Lovers” - a layout for relationships, “When will I get married”, fortune telling for infidelity, “Seven-pointed Star”, one of the most powerful layouts - “Secret” Priestesses" and others.

With our Tarot readings you can learn everything about love and finance, health and career. You will be able to get answers to questions that require a specific yes or no answer and will know whether your wish or expectation will be fulfilled. In addition, you will find forecasts for the future here, get a chance to take advantage of the help of horary numerology, and novice tarot readers will be able to understand the meanings of the Arcana of the deck.

Fortune telling for love using Tarot cards online

What could be more important than a relationship with your loved one! It is love that pushes us to accomplishments and exploits, and its absence deprives us of sleep and appetite. Century after century, poets talk about it, sometimes arguing, sometimes agreeing with each other. But the topic never ends...

By turning to Tarot readings for relationships and love, you can clarify issues of the heart. This layout on Tarot cards is called “Tree of Lovers”.

The layout on Tarot cards “For a loved one” is an excellent tool for clarifying a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is fortune telling for a girl (woman) planning to marry a specific man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the short- and long-term prospects of this union are considered and forecasts are given regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem associated with marriage, and if so, what are the circumstances that interfere with it and how to overcome them? There is a way to understand this - ancient fortune telling using Tarot cards.

Online Tarot spread “Will I get married” is a fortune-telling that will allow you to instantly and absolutely free consider the real state of affairs, understand the reasons for the disorder in your personal life and determine the next steps to correct them.

“The feelings of a beloved man for me” is a free online layout on a full Tarot deck, which allows you to predict the prospects of an alliance with a specific person. It is done for relationships that have already begun to form (or have prospects for this).

What could be more terrible than this uncertainty - “there was betrayal or there wasn’t”?! Such thoughts deprive you of sleep and appetite, make you lose faith in true love and fidelity... You need to get rid of such moods quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this free online fortune telling for treason using Tarot cards will give you a comprehensive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This tarot card reading is “What does he or she think of me?” – an effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are unsure or simply don’t know how your loved one treats you. This is a free online service that will help you navigate his attitude towards you at the moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Did you know that the mutual understanding of two people, especially when it comes to love relationships, depends to a large extent on their names? And that the degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot cards? On our website you can take a free online name compatibility test in love and marriage with your partner (or partner), which will tell you how the Tarot system interprets your names and how suitable you are for each other.

Fortune telling for the future - online Tarot spreads

Our life mainly consists of everyday life and little things, days run after days, forcing us to rush, think, do something, make decisions. How to live today so that tomorrow you won’t be offended, ashamed, or annoyed for it? The answer to this question is comprehensively given by the card of the day - Tarot and its magical power of predicting the future. In this case, the Tarot card turns out to be an objective advisor and friendly assistant.

Knowing forecasts for a few days is no less important than knowing a year or two ahead. After all, decisions need to be made every day. And having an idea of ​​the general atmosphere of the coming week, receiving advice or warnings for every day means getting the opportunity to think through your actions several steps ahead, predict events and, accordingly, choose the best ones from the many options for your actions. “Seven-pointed Star” is a free online fortune telling for the near future, which gives just such a chance.

A year is a long time. And a lot can happen during this time - great love and career take-off, moving and changing jobs. The “Circular Alignment” fortune telling will help you understand exactly what to expect from the next twelve months and what they will be marked by. You will go through the milestones of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand in one minute exactly how you should behave, what you should avoid and what to pay attention to. So, here it is - a free way to lift the veil of mystery, which every time appears before us in the form of hopes, fears and anticipations from the next life cycle.

The Celtic cross is a universal tool for resolving any issues. Celtic cross online and for free - a convenient opportunity to use it constantly. Ask your question mentally and make a layout. Everything is very simple - just a single click of the mouse and now you have a complete picture of the situation, covering all its aspects.

Tarot forecast by date of birth for the year is a proven method of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you how to correctly calculate the number of “your” Arcana, under the influence of which you will have to live over the next year. And then all you have to do is read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - will provide good food for useful thoughts. In a word, count, read and get ready to live another – maybe difficult, but perhaps, on the contrary, very successful – year of your life.

This is an online reading of fate. It contains about a dozen positions in which it answers in detail all the basic questions that concern every person when he tries to embrace and comprehend his life as a whole. Use it to determine your capabilities, find out what you can aspire to in your career or personal life, find out what echoes of the past influence your life now, understand what you shouldn’t “go for”, because it’s useless...

Fortune telling on the question and meaning of Tarot cards

The Horseshoe layout is the best way to get answers to specific practical questions. It is done on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, consists of 7 positions, which outline the prospects of the plan, possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that have not been resolved in the past and can still affect it, etc. This is a free online fortune telling that you can safely use whenever you have doubts or worries about some business, undertaking, or expectation.

Aura diagnostics on Tarot cards is a kind of emergency “ambulance” if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The layout considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the aura at the moment and gives recommendations on what to do if you have problems in this regard. The layout works online and can be used absolutely free.

Do you know what is the most truthful fortune telling on cards for the future? In this article you will get acquainted with some of the most popular and effective fortune telling on playing cards, which will help lift the veil of secrets and tell you what higher powers have in store for you.

Fortune telling with playing cards for the future - where to start?

If you decide to learn how to work with cards, then be prepared for a wonderful world to open up before you. Fortune telling with cards is a very exciting activity; if you can develop your talent, you will learn to accurately determine all future events. Remember, there are some rules that will help you achieve the most accurate result:

  • You can’t guess if you are sick, aggressive, angry. For women - if they are menstruating;
  • the best time for any fortune telling is,;
  • some experts insist that the most accurate answers can be obtained by working with cards on women’s days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) at night;
  • if you chose not, but a regular attribute, use a deck that no one has played before;
  • your magical attributes must be in a special house, it can be a special box, chest, case;
  • the working surface of the table must be covered with a dark, thick cloth;
  • most often the only auxiliary attribute is used - a candle;
  • if the cards do not want to give you an exact answer, you cannot immediately ask the question again, ask again, since such manipulations will simply anger higher powers.

If you are ready to find out your near future, you can proceed directly to fortune telling. Arm yourself with a deck of 36 cards, mix them well, then remove the top 5 cards with your left hand. Lay them out in front of you from left to right. Remove 5 again.

Place them under those that formed the first row. As a result, you should have 5 columns, each with three cards. The last one, 16, is located at the bottom.

After this, you can begin interpretation.


  • ace- well-being and success;
  • king- the appearance of a man;
  • queen- the appearance of a woman;
  • jack- help from a reliable friend;
  • 10 - receiving money;
  • 9 - relationship;
  • 8 - happiness;
  • 7 - drastic changes for the better;
  • 6 - a sudden meeting.


  • ace- making a profit;
  • king- a powerful man;
  • queen- mother's help;
  • jack- minor adversities;
  • 10 - monetary losses;
  • 9 - strong attraction;
  • 8 - news;
  • 7 - understanding, care;
  • 6 - sudden trip.


  • ace- receiving a large inheritance;
  • king- birth of a boy;
  • queen- birth of a girl;
  • jack- news;
  • 10 - a profitable deal;
  • 9 - successful negotiations;
  • 8 - receiving news;
  • 7 - troubles;
  • 6 - business trip.


  • ace- shock;
  • king- welfare;
  • queen- hostility;
  • jack- bluff, fraud;
  • 10 - condemnation;
  • 9 - illnesses;
  • 8 - disappointments;
  • 7 - troubles;
  • 6 - separation.

In addition, you should pay attention to.

Interpretation of Suits

Mix all 36 cards thoroughly, remove the top 9 and arrange them from left to right. See which suit has the most cards.

  • Peaks- various disappointments are possible.
  • Clubs- problems will affect all areas of life.
  • Hearts- a strong union (love or friendship).
  • Diamonds- receiving a large amount of money.

What to expect if you get 4 identical cards?

If you have chosen such card fortune-telling to determine the future, then be sure to see if 4 identical cards have fallen out. This may also tell you some information.

  • Four 6- a lot of difficulties and experiences, a feeling of helplessness.
  • Four 7- long trip, business trip, boredom.
  • Four 8- melancholy, depression.
  • Four 9- very good news.
  • Four 10- your cherished wish will come true.
  • Four Jacks- It is very dangerous to lend or borrow money from someone.
  • Four ladies- various chores.
  • Four Kings- luck will accompany you in everything.
  • Four Aces- Think everything over very carefully before making any decision.

The most important three card combinations

Below are particularly important combinations of 3 cards that will help clarify the interpretation of the layout and tell you some important information. If the suit is not indicated, this indicates that it does not play a role.

  • King of Clubs + 6 + Jack- long business trip.
  • Any card + Jack of clubs + any card- difficulties, difficulties, a lot of unrest are possible.
  • 8 clubs + 7 clubs + Ace of hearts- a quick wedding with your loved one.
  • Big card + 6 of clubs + big card- success, inspiration.
  • King + Queen + Jack (spades only)- you have a powerful patron, adult and domineering.
  • Diamond 7 + any card + 9 of spades- troubles in the family, possible illness of a relative.
  • Queen of Diamonds + Jack of Diamonds + 10 of Spades- appearance of unpleasant acquaintances, fraud, dishonest play.
  • Diamond 8 + diamond 9 + any card- be careful, even the closest person can betray you.

This kind of fortune-telling is very unusual, since, contrary to all the rules, it is recommended to do it in the morning, when you have not yet accumulated someone else’s or negative energy during the day, and are full of strength and energy. Mix the deck thoroughly, get rid of unnecessary thoughts, and then take out all the Aces, Kings, Queens, Volts and 10 of spades.

Pick up only selected cards, shuffle them and clearly ask the question. It is advisable to think it over in advance so that it is not ambiguous and can be answered as simply as possible. After that, take two cards from the ones set aside and place them in front of you. In this case, it does not matter at all what suit the dropped cards are, only which of them are in a pair plays an important role.

Interpretation of the result

  • Ace + Ace- good news awaits you, drastic changes that will lead to victory, fortune will be on your side.
  • Ace + King- you are under the negative influence of people around you, listen less to others and rely on yourself.
  • Ace + Queen- you have a very strong, powerful woman on your side who will lead you to victory.
  • Ace + Jack- you will have to work a lot on yourself to achieve what you want, but the end justifies the means.
  • Ace + 10- minor troubles in the family are possible, but in the financial sphere you will be at your best, large amounts of money are possible.
  • King + King- rely on the experience of an older friend who will give practical advice.
  • King + Queen- do not get involved in conflict situations, it will end very badly for you.
  • King + Jack- pay more attention to your loved ones.
  • King + 10- strong union, strong feelings.
  • Lady + Lady- problems in the professional field, but harmony in the family.
  • Queen + Jack- Be confident in yourself, this is the only way you can achieve something.
  • Queen + 10- time to relax, you can go on a trip.
  • Jack + Jack- minor troubles, as soon as you stop fussing and scattering, they will disappear.
  • Jack + 10- don’t try to change the world around you, because it’s not within your control yet.

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in its interpretation. Fortune telling is used to cast a horoscope for a specific period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: “What awaits me over the next 30 days,” “What awaits me this year,” etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed for a specific event. From the tarot reading you will learn the development, the evolution of your question. Sample questions: “Will we get married,” “Will anyone love me...”, “How will my career develop,” etc. For the layout, you need to draw 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be laid out either for an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question about an event, slope may mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolically represent 12 months. The further away the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this layout no more than once a week, or even less often.

Selecting a form. After you have selected all the cards, you will need to select a blank - a card representing you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, choose a form only according to your gender and appearance. If the card you have chosen for the blank is already in the spread, you will need to replace the card from the spread with the major arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

A shortened way of fortune telling for the future

This is a shortened version of the horoscope for the future; it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example as a daily forecast.

Sample questions: “How will such and such a matter end?”, “How will such and such an issue develop?”, “Will we be together?” and other questions that can be asked during the usual method of fortune telling. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso represents an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles on your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question concerns work, enterprise, career or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you arrange it for love, take the cups. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, process, take swords. If the question is about money, make the layout with pentacles.

There are many ways to find out your future. One of them is the use of an ancient prediction table. This method is simple and highly effective.

The essence of the method is that you simply close your eyes, and when you open them, fix your gaze on a certain number. The first number you see will determine your destiny. You can also just close your eyes and then point your finger at the screen. The number you land on will be the cherished determinant of your near future. The most convenient method is up to you to choose.

Table of predictions and its decoding

Below is the table itself. It contains numbers from 1 to 100. Each number symbolizes a different future fate. We recommend using this method no more than once a week. The table is most effective on the Full Moon, New Moon and on days such as February 29, December 31, January 1, solstice or equinox, and so on.

Decoding numbers:

1. Soon you will face a dilemma, a difficult choice.

2. Pay attention to the little things because they will make a huge difference to you over the coming week.

3. A fateful meeting awaits you.

4. Random receipt of money, finding a new source of income.

5. Strengthening or finding new love.

6. Someone around you will hate you and wish you harm.

7. Changes in your personal life, new friends, new love.

8. Quarrels with loved ones in the coming days.

9. Depression awaits you.

10. An unexpected turn of fate, which may or may not be pleasant.

11. Attacks from loved ones.

12. Unplanned cash expenses.

13. Travel, trip, change of scenery.

14. Luck in money.

15. Annoying problems.

16. Love triangle.

17. New opportunities, choosing a new path.

18. Avoid hasty conclusions and rash actions until you feel that you have achieved success in something extremely important.

19. Loss of strength, nervousness, fatigue.

20. Harmony with the outside world and with ourselves, finding an important balance.

21. Your decisions can cost you luck. For the next couple of days, try not to make hasty decisions.

22. Someone around you may become a lucky talisman for you for a while.

23. Be optimistic, because a small series of disappointments awaits you.

24. Learn from your mistakes in the next couple of weeks.

25. Diplomacy is your best friend for the rest of this week.

26. Your distrust of people can be both a salvation and a curse.

27. Serious internal contradictions are possible.

28. Be careful. Any risks or adventures can lead to fiasco.

29. Avoid expensive purchases until the end of next week. Big problems with finances may await you.

30. Betrayal.

31. The end of friendly, love relationships.

32. Health problems.

33. New pleasant acquaintances in the next two weeks.

34. Wait for inspiration.

35. The time has come or will soon come to take a good break from everyday problems.

36. Your dreams will move away from you.

37. Envy of the environment.

38. Good news, relief of worries.

39. There may be a period of uncertainty in the next two to three days.

40. New temptations, mistakes.

41. Discipline is most important to you now.

42. A small black stripe a couple of days long.

43. Your actions will carry special weight for many people until the end of the week.

44. You will miss your chance to win.

45. Relax and go with the flow.

46. ​​Do not share your plans and dreams with anyone, because in this case they will fail.

47. Perhaps it's time to get rid of someone from your circle. Someone was pretending to be your friend.

48. Don't chase two birds with one stone at the same time. Choose one path for yourself.

49. Changes in life.

50. There is a series of challenges ahead that can make you stronger.

51. Fate may take an unexpected turn for you. You will feel it immediately.

52. Seize every opportunity in the next couple of weeks.

53. Love is your salvation, your curse and your hope.

54. Among your priorities, there is one that is absolutely useless right now.

55. Circumstances may lead you astray, but do not lose your composure.

56. In the near future there will be new prospects in the financial sector.

57. Someone will wish you harm.

86. Random cash receipts. Good luck in business.

87. Stay close to those who value you.

88. Vanity is the path to the abyss.

89. Strict cost savings will help you stay afloat in the coming days.

90. Those from whom you do not expect it will wish you harm.

91. You can be taken advantage of.

92. Within two weeks you will have a chance to increase your authority among colleagues, partners, and friends.

93. It's time to put the house in order - throw away all the unnecessary trash.

94. Soon you will see a prophetic dream.

95. Great time for expensive purchases.

96. Expect causeless kindness from a stranger.

97. Believe only what you see for yourself, and not rumors.

98. There may be slight misunderstandings with loved ones.

99. It is possible to realize the meaning of life and set new goals.

100. The sixth sense will let you down, but exactly when is unknown.

Fortune telling using the prediction table is carried out for a period from 1 day to a year. In most cases, what is predicted comes true within a week, a month, a couple of months. If, for example, a fateful meeting did not happen in a couple of weeks, then you should not forget about it, because it could happen in a month or two. That is why clairvoyants and psychics recommend telling fortunes on the prediction table again only after the previous prediction is fulfilled.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling using tarot cards Zen Osho “Prediction” is a quick way to understand the situation, get advice or decipher a dream or vision in mediation. A commentary on the Zen philosophy card will help you understand the motives and conscious image that this card conveys.

Fortune telling with fortune cookies is a quick and easy way to find out what awaits you in the future and learn useful advice or warnings from higher powers. Our online fortune telling contains advice, predictions and warnings on various topics. Do you want to know what awaits you? Just click on the cookie to break it and get a fortune sheet.

This fortune telling on domino bones allows you to find out events in the near and distant future. You can assign each bone to a day of the week and get a forecast for the week, you can find out how the situation of interest will develop step by step, from today's events to the denouement-finale in the future. The same bone can appear several times in a layout - this means that the event that the domino bone predicts will come true in the near future or that you should pay attention to its meaning.

One of the oldest games, Dominoes, is closely related to fortune telling, which was performed on dice with dotted numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or are about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?” To get your prediction, choose one of 28 dominoes.

Byzantine fortune telling is one of the variants of fortune telling using dice and diagrams. The cube is thrown onto the table three times and occupies one of its 15 sectors. For each throw, the table has its own interpretation for each segment. So, the first throw of the dice will show what awaits you in the very near future, the second throw - which events should be kept secret, and the third - what changes will soon enter your life.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “For good luck” shows how happy and self-sufficient you are. With the help of this layout, you will find out who or what contributes to your happiness, and what hinders you, what you need for happiness, and what the forecast for the next six months is for you. Concentrate and ask your question, then select 9 cards from the deck.

The “Seven of Angels” Tarot card layout is ideal for clarifying the situation, predicting the development of events in the future and analyzing the most important fateful events of the past. With the help of this virtual fortune telling, you can find out the reason for this or that situation, as well as find out how it will end. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling "Mokuso Zei" is one of the oldest national fortune telling in Japan. This fortune telling is similar to fortune telling using the I Ching book of changes, but instead of coins, ordinary bamboo sticks with symbols printed on them are taken - a dot or two dots. Depending on the sequence of dropped symbols, a figure is constructed, each of which has its own meaning. Ask your question and read the transcript given to you.

Tibetan fortune telling with Mo cubes, which originated in ancient Tibet and is rooted in the local Buddhist culture, like any fortune telling, is aimed primarily at predicting the future, identifying important nuances in the present, as well as explaining the events of the past that most influenced the current situation. Ancient Tibetan wisdom will tell you the right attitude to certain circumstances of your life and advise you on which area of ​​life it is advisable to pay attention to. Before starting this fortune-telling, it is advisable to undergo a relaxation meditation in order to perceive the decoding of the fortune-telling correctly.

Fortune telling with two dice “What will appear?” is aimed at showing the fortuneteller hidden but interesting nuances. Just one phrase of the prediction may contain great wisdom; if the answer is not immediately clear to you, perhaps you will soon understand what the decoding of the fortune-telling is all about. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling with two dice “Prediction” allows you to find out what awaits you, whether your wish will come true, or to get advice on action. Unlike simple fortune telling with three dice, here, in addition to the sum, the numerical value on each of the dice is taken into account. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling with three dice “For the future” is a simple fortune telling that predicts the near future, gives advice or warning, or shows nuances unknown to you at the present time that matter. To start fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question and click on the glass to mix the dice.

The Egyptian goddess Heket, depicted as a frog, helped women in labor and spirits in the afterlife. The layout itself resembles the possibilities of the direction of a frog's jump and is aimed at predicting fate and the future. The alignment will show events and nuances that interest you in the present, future and past, and fortune telling will also explain to you what benefits the situation and what counteracts the situation. Ask your question and choose five cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Your Light” card layout is intended to be brief. but from that no less informative forecast of the near and distant future. With the help of this online fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you, how events will develop, what surprise awaits you, and where everything will lead. The cards also give advice on how to behave in order to achieve a goal or avoid trouble. Before starting fortune telling, think about the person you will be telling fortunes about and select cards from the deck.

The “Intersection” Tarot card layout is focused on predicting and analyzing life situations that are important to a person. The essence of this fortune telling is to find out how fateful events manifest themselves in your life, how to understand an exciting situation, how to solve possible obstacles and what conclusions to draw for yourself. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question and then select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Endora “Oracle of Peace” is similar to the similar fortune telling “Four Winds”, but provides even more information related to the physical and spiritual spheres. Using this layout, you can find out the complete characteristics of a person in three time periods: present, past and future. A fairly universal layout that allows you to track the development of events, find out the reason for a particular action and situation, and also foresee what the situation you are interested in will lead to or what a person will do in the future.

Fortune telling on the Oracle of Endora “Oracle of the Four Seasons” is used in cases where it is necessary to find out the cause of the situation, how it formed in the recent past, what served as its foundation in the distant past, what development trends it has in the near future and how the matter will end in the distant future . You can also predict events specifically for the 4 seasons of the year, in which case four cards will characterize the actions, events and actions of the corresponding time of year. concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.



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