If your eye is leaking. Watery eyes - causes and treatment

Regardless of whether there are certain health problems of a physiological nature, the condition of watery and itchy eyes is familiar to many.

This is accompanied by certain inconveniences and discomfort. There are many reasons for eye irritation.

Although the process does not carry serious problems with health, it is worth knowing how to eliminate this problem.

In this article you can find out what are the reasons why your eyes itch and water, what to do, what drops, folk remedies can be used to eliminate such unpleasant phenomenon.

It is imperative to treat this problem, as this is clear evidence of certain disorders in the body. If you get rid of these symptoms, you can protect and protect yourself from various problems.

There can be many reasons for the occurrence and development of the disease, ranging from eye fatigue to more serious pathologies.

The scheme of action to eliminate this problem may be as follows - first aid, a course of treatment with folk remedies.

If such treatment does not produce any results, you should contact an ophthalmologist, who will determine the cause and refer you to a specialist for treatment of the disease that caused lacrimation.

Some of the main causes of eye irritation include:

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that the reasons for eye irritation can be different, ranging from exclusively everyday problems and ending with serious pathologies and health problems.

You can get rid of itching only by completely eliminating the causes this phenomenon . Very often, it is enough to carry out several treatment procedures with folk remedies and all unpleasant phenomena disappear completely. In some cases, it is necessary to completely change your overall lifestyle.

If the body is full of toxins and poisons, if a person eats food two to three times a day, drinks insufficient quantity water, the body automatically begins to feel unwell, which is often manifested by problems with the eyes.

Quite often, irritation occurs for the most trivial reasons.. Eyes often water outside in cool weather and in the wind or after long work behind the monitor.

In such situations, the problem can be solved by using special measures that can be classified as first aid for the eyes. Here are the most popular and effective measures to eliminate eye problems:

  • washing eyes with rose water. You will need to add 5 drops of solution to 30 ml clean water, mix and then rinse your eyes;
  • can be used castor oil – before going to bed, drop one drop into each eye;
  • It is worth checking your eyes for the presence of foreign objects . If so, you should rinse your eyes clean water or brewing black tea;
  • you can use eye wash with herbs on hand - chamomile, plantain, cumin infusion, aloe, rosehip.

If these measures do not give a positive result, you should consult a specialist, as this is evidence that the cause of redness and tearing of the eyes is much deeper.

The doctor will determine why an adult’s eyes water when they have a cold or why eye irritation occurs without any visible disruption in the body, and then prescribe effective treatment medicines or traditional methods.

Appeal to an experienced doctor should be mandatory, since the causes of eye irritation can occur against a background of very serious pathologies. Having ruled them out, you can begin treating your eyes at home.

The most effective methods of traditional medicine

If your eyes are very itchy and red, you should exclude physiological reasons in the form of foreign objects or injuries. If there are no such reasons, you can begin treatment at home using the following traditional methods of treatment.

This is an ideal treatment for swollen, red eyes that constantly shed tears.

You will need to take a spoonful of plant flowers, pour boiling water over it and leave for about an hour.

You can use it after filtering, making compresses on the eyes twice – in the evening and in the morning.. To do this, small pieces of gauze need to be moistened in the solution and applied to the eyes for 15 minutes.

After about 7-10 days, all problems disappear, as clover is excellent for treating eyes.

If your eyes are constantly watering, you need to take a tablespoon of cumin seeds and pour them into a glass boiled water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 25 minutes.

It is not necessary to strain the solution before use. Compresses are made on the infusion, also twice a day for 10-15 minutes.

To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of eyebright and cornflower to the decoction.. The composition is covered with a lid and infused for about 15 minutes. After this, the mixture is brought to a boil again and steamed for 20 minutes.

Everything is getting colder and cooler. The decoction should be instilled into the eyes, 3 drops approximately 8-10 times per eye. If the question often arises as to why your eyes water in the cold, you can use this method treatment. This is one of the most effective recipes for eye treatment.

Decoction for this plant helps a lot if a speck gets into the eye. You need to brew an infusion from a tablespoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and then add a few cornflower flowers. This solution is suitable for lotions.

When deciding what to do if your eyes are watery and treated at home, you can turn your attention to therapy with herbal decoctions. They can be used for eye hygiene and self-treatment at home.

Here are some of the most effective recipes for eye treatment:

These products are great for use at home. If you prepare infusions correctly and use them after consultation with your doctor, you can quickly eliminate various inflammatory processes and eye irritation in an elderly adult or in children.

To prevent inflammation and irritation in the eyes, you should carefully ensure that you do not get any foreign objects. It is equally important to protect them from temperature changes.

If you wear lenses, you must use them correctly and always use fresh solution.

If eye irritation and inflammation lasts more than two days, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. He will determine the cause of this pathology and immediately prescribe appropriate treatment.

For effective prevention eye pathologies and inflammation, it is worth eating foods rich in vitamin A. There is a lot of it in poultry, fish, yolks, and dairy products.

It is very important to undergo timely medical examination, since the cause of eye problems can be polyps, untreated rhinitis and sinusitis.

Application traditional methods treatment will help you quickly get rid of health problems.

Tearing eye is a problem that many people face.

The causes of this disorder can be both physiological and pathological.

Lacrimal mechanism. Physiology

Tears - fluid produced by the lacrimal glands located under the upper-outer edge of the orbit. A narrow strip between the back surface of the edge of the eyelid and the eyeball is called the lacrimal duct.

Through the excretory channels of tears accumulate at the inner corner eyes, where the lacrimal openings, called conjunctival sacs, are located.

They open the entrance to the tear ducts that carry tears into the lacrimal sac, ongoing to the nasolacrimal duct. It opens directly from the inside of the nose, so when some medications are instilled, sometimes a person can taste them.

After this, if necessary, movement of the eyelid tears transferred to the cornea. This happens to a person all the time, since without tear fluid the eye would not have the opportunity to wet itself. With its help, the flow occurs nutrients into the cornea.

Emotional state also influences this process. Strong feelings, such as fear, happiness and sadness cause excessive tearing, and this is normal. Tears can be a reflex reaction to shock, exposure to cold, or irritation of the mucous membrane during use. spicy seasonings or chopping onions.

Why do my eyes water in the evening, at night or after sleep?

IN evening time days There may be several causes of tearing.

  • One of them is having an allergy to pillow or bedding materials. In this case, lacrimation may last all night. You should be careful when choosing bedding and look at its composition.
  • During sleep, when a person sleeps, the cause of the problem of tearing eyes is psychological stress. Due to anxiety and stress, a person may have nightmares, as a result of which he begins to cry and profuse lacrimation occurs.
  • Morning tearfulness after sleep is caused by restoration processes tear film, which loses its properties during sleep.
  • There is an explanation for why tears flow while the body is still lying down. The main flow of tears occurs when you are in vertical position so when you're in horizontal position, this process becomes difficult.
  • In the evening, tears can be a consequence of yawning. It occurs during temperature overload and is needed to cool down a heated mind. That is why this process is most often observed before and after sleep, when a person needs to “reboot” the brain.

Photo 1. Yawning in a girl is a signal that the body is tired, dry eyes appear, and the person needs rest.

At the same time, the eyes water because the brain tells the body that the eyes are tired. Fatigue occurs due to dry eyes. This means that the body needs tear fluid, which will provide the eyes with the necessary nutrients.

What to do if you get tired while working at the computer or watching TV?

Working hard on a computer or watching an exciting movie on TV sooner or later very tired eyes. Why is this happening and what should be done? When a person looks at a digital screen, he automatically starts blinking less often. The tear fluid stops flowing and does not bring the eye the nutrients it needs, which is why dryness and fatigue appear.

Photo 2. Long work Working at the computer causes tiredness and tiredness, the eyes blink less often and become dry.

To make this happen less often, find time to do special gymnastics or just sit with me more often eyes closed. You should also regularly ventilate the room in which you are staying and humidify the air.

Important! If your eyes are prone to irritation, consult an ophthalmologist and carry them in your bag special drops for the eyes which he will advise you.

How does the visual organ react to the bright light of the sun outside?

Sometimes a person peers at one object for a long time and strongly concentrates his gaze on one place. As a result, the eye becomes dry and tears appear.

They may also suffer from this problem car drivers, as they are in constant tension, monitoring the situation on the roads.

  • Lack of potassium or B vitamins plays a big role in increased tear production under the influence external factors. In this case, the eye reacts to bright light; it simply cannot function properly and adapt to the changed lighting.

Attention! The need for additional potassium may occur when consuming large quantity salt, strong tea or coffee, sleeping pills and diuretics. Therefore, if a problem occurs try to reduce the amount of these products in your diet.

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Causes of tearfulness after a bath

A visit to the steam room is stress factor, at which they intensify metabolic processes, while the body gets rid of fluid and toxins.

  • Toxic poisoning can become the main factor in the appearance of increased lacrimation in the bathhouse. Such poisoning occurs due to the appearance of gases that are released when the insulation on the pipes is heated, due to low-quality stones, furniture, wood or plastic used in the bathhouse. In this case, it is worth changing everything that could cause this problem.

Photo 3. Conjunctivitis in a girl is expressed by severe redness of the cornea of ​​the eyes, lacrimation, and painful sensations.

  • Conjunctivitisinfectious disease, which appears after a steam room due to poor personal hygiene or dirty water. Symptoms of this disease appear the next day. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Demodectic mange. Frequent visit saunas and steam rooms lead to the activation of eyelash mites, which causes excessive lacrimation, redness, pus and eyelash loss. If such symptoms appear, you should also consult an ophthalmologist.

What causes tears at home?

The cause of teary eyes at home can be allergic reaction to the dust, hygiene products, air flavors; chronic diseases such as conjunctivitis, demodicosis, sinusitis, blepharitis, herpes, dacryocystitis and many others.

For these symptoms, doctors may prescribe ophthalmic solutions for instillation, but their independent use is unacceptable, since choosing the wrong medicine can lead to deterioration of the visual organs in general.

Can lenses affect lacrimation?

There are lenses with for different periods suitability, and for their correct use you need to carefully read it and Change lenses regularly and on time, remove them overnight and leave them in a special solution.

Besides, You should rest your eyes more often. To do this, remove your lenses periodically. throughout the day and do eye exercises.

What else causes tearing? In some cases, tearing and irritation - reaction to an unsuitable lens disinfectant solution. To solve this problem, it is necessary to replace it with a better one.

Sometimes my eyes water without special reasons. It becomes difficult for a person to go outside in both hot and cold weather. Eyes become swollen, red, itchy.

Why do my eyes water, what to do, how to prevent this phenomenon?

Why do our eyes water?

Tears are a protective function of the body. In this way, the body tries to protect the eyeball from possible damage. Tears wash away foreign particles, nourish the eyes, and protect against excessive drying.

The following factors can affect tearful eyes:

  • Temperature difference. The body shows protective function with sudden changes in temperature. After warm room, cold air outdoors can cause excessive lacrimation;
  • Bright sunlight. A violent reaction to sunlight often causes increased tearing;
  • Physiological disturbances in the functioning of the lacrimal canaliculi;

Spasm is the most common cause of tear duct obstruction. Changes in temperature reflexively cause a narrowing of the lacrimal canaliculus, causing the eyes to become watery.

What to do if your eyes water on the street cold weather? In this case, training the nasolacrimal canaliculus will help. The basis of this training is to prepare the face for temperature fluctuations. For 3-4 weeks you need to wash your face alternately with cold and hot water, be sure to finish cold. You can apply gauze swabs soaked in water of different temperatures to the eye area for a few seconds.

In windy weather, try to protect your face and eyes with a high collar and scarf; the hat should be lowered low to eyebrow level. Do not rush to immediately go outside from the entrance, wait a few minutes near open door. This way the body can quickly adapt to temperature changes.

On a sunny day be sure to use sunglasses, wear hats with visors. Wide brim hats will help protect against harsh sunlight. Try to stay in the shade of trees more.

Sometimes the cause of the spasm can be a blockage of the tear duct. The resulting plug must be removed in a timely manner, as it can calcify. The doctor will eliminate the problem by rinsing the tubule with a solution of furatsilin.

We look for and eliminate the causes of tearfulness

But sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the cause of teary eyes. The eyes water for no reason, the person feels discomfort, does not know what is best to do. The main reasons for this reaction of the body may be:

  • Eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, fungus. Often the diseases are accompanied by pain and souring of the eyes. Consult an ophthalmologist immediately.
  • Using someone else's, low-quality, expired eye cosmetics. Use proven cosmetics, consider their expiration date. Remember that cosmetics are intended purely for individual use.
  • Incorrectly selected glasses, lenses, improper care for them. Check your visual acuity regularly and do not wear lenses for longer than prescribed.
  • Allergy. Allergies can be caused by plants, dust, and pets. It is important to identify the allergen and eliminate contact with it as quickly as possible. Positive results Antihistamines are given in treatment.
  • Lack of potassium in the body. Balanced diet, vitamin preparations will help solve the problem.
  • Being in aggressive conditions (chemical production, hot shops).
  • Long work at the computer. It is important to take breaks from work and use special glasses to protect your eyes.

My eyes are watering: what to do if you have to work a lot and hard. In such cases, gymnastics for tired eyes will help. The exercises are very simple:

  • Watch moving objects without turning your head.
  • Roll your eyes clockwise for 30 seconds. Do a similar exercise in the opposite direction.
  • Blink your eyes for 10 seconds.
  • Look up, move your gaze down, into the distance, to the tip of your nose, then left, right. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Rub your palms vigorously. Cover your eyes with them for 30 seconds.

Older people often have watery eyes. This is due to decreased tone in the eye muscles. Will help improve your condition simple workout. You need to close your eyes tightly for a few seconds. Do 10-15 repetitions at least twice a day.

Traditional medicine for tearfulness

To treat red, swollen eyes that constantly water, use herbal infusions.

  • Clover infusion. Clover has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and general strengthening properties. Preparation of the infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of dried clover flowers with a glass of boiling water. Wrap tightly, leave for 1 hour, strain.
  • Infusion of calendula and chamomile. Calendula removes allergic symptoms, chamomile has anti-inflammatory, soothing properties. Dry, crushed grass must be taken in equal quantities and steamed with boiling water. The infusion is prepared at the rate of: 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 40 minutes.
  • Infusion of plantain leaves. Plantain has unique bactericidal and healing properties. Pour crushed plantain leaves (1 tablespoon) into two cups of boiling water. Leave for 2.5 hours.
  • Application of infusions: Gauze swabs it is necessary to moisten in infusions, squeeze lightly, apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes for 10 - 12 days.

Be sure to remember that if your eyes are watery, only a doctor can determine what to do. The main thing is to understand the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon and eliminate it. Healthy and clear eyes to you!

Ophthalmic diseases can manifest as lacrimation from one eye; treatment for such conditions depends on the cause of this symptom. When a person’s tear glands begin to work hard or the patency of the tear ducts is disrupted, fluid leaks from the eye. This can be observed in various pathologies.

Causes of lacrimation

It is necessary to distinguish natural lacrimation from pathological. This phenomenon can be observed in healthy person. The reason for the flow of tears can be exposure to cold, wind, eating hot food, or strong odors. This happens reflexively and is natural process. The reaction to the stimulus usually passes quickly.

But if lacrimation bothers you constantly and recurs frequently, then this may be a sign of pathology. This symptom is observed during inflammatory processes of the organ of vision, with damage to the lacrimal gland, with respiratory diseases and injuries.

You can select following reasons watery eyes:

  1. Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by allergies or viruses. At the beginning of the disease, one eye becomes watery, and then the damage spreads to the other. There is pain under the eyelids, itching, and redness of the sclera. There is a discharge that dries on the eyelashes in the form of crusts.

  2. . This is an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids that can affect one or both eyes. The patient is bothered by a pain, as if sand had gotten under the eyelids. Tearing occurs, purulent contents drain, which sticks the eyelashes together.
  3. Respiratory diseases (ARVI, rhinitis). The nasal and lacrimal passages in humans are interconnected. Therefore, during colds Fluid may leak from the eyes. Usually the tear flows from the blocked nasal passage.
  4. Sinusitis and sinusitis can cause watery eyes. This occurs due to pressure on the eye socket from accumulations of pus in the paranasal sinuses.
  5. Allergic reactions. Such manifestations may occur due to exposure to plant pollen, decorative cosmetics, animal fur. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the allergen enters the organ of vision; any contact with the irritating substance is sufficient.

  6. Dacryostenosis. The disease most often occurs in children and the elderly. The disease is a narrowing of the tear ducts. Usually the pathology affects one eye. There is tearing from the diseased organ of vision, the sclera is constantly wet. Sometimes a small amount of pus comes out.
  7. Dacryocystitis. This disease is a complication of dacryostenosis. Due to the narrowing of the duct, the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed. There is lacrimation and lacrimation. If you press your finger on the edge of the eyelid, pus is released. These symptoms are worse in cold or windy conditions.
  8. Uveitis. This is inflammation choroid sclera Watery eyes (one or two) are often observed. In this case, the sclera becomes red, visual acuity decreases.
  9. Keratitis. The disease is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye that occurs after injury or past infections. At the same time, vision deteriorates, increased lacrimation appears, and the eyes become very sensitive to light.

  10. Injuries. Eye watery eyes may be caused by mechanical damage, as well as prolonged exposure to bright light.
  11. Foreign body. Getting particles into the eye leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. In this case, lacrimation stops immediately after removal. foreign body.
  12. Blocked tear ducts. Usually occurs after inflammatory diseases, when adhesions form in the lacrimal canals.
  13. (xerophthalmia). This is a disease in which the secretion of the lacrimal glands is disrupted, as a result of which the cornea and conjunctiva dry out. IN initial stage This pathology may cause increased tearing.
  14. Trichiasis. This is the inversion of eyelashes into the eye, in which the hairs irritate the cornea. Reflex lacrimation is observed due to the constant impact of eyelashes on the eye shell. The disease occurs as a complication after inflammation (keratitis, blepharitis, trachoma).

  15. Age-related changes. In older people, the muscle tone of the eyelids deteriorates and tear ducts, because of this, the position of the lacrimal opening changes and the outflow of tears is disrupted.

We can conclude that the reasons for the release of tears from one eye are various pathologies. Only an ophthalmologist can figure out what exactly caused the lacrimation.

Diagnosis and treatment

First, the doctor performs a thorough examination of the eye. If no visible inflammatory processes, eyelash inversion, foreign bodies or consequences of injuries are detected, then additional examinations are prescribed:

  • radiography of the eye;
  • analysis of a colored nasolacrimal test (to check the patency of the lacrimal ducts).

If lacrimation is caused by a reaction to irritating substances, consultation with an allergist is required. If you suspect respiratory diseases, sinusitis or sinusitis, the patient is referred to an otolaryngologist.

Drug and physiotherapeutic treatment

The choice of treatment method depends on the cause of the pathology. If an inflammatory process in the eye is detected, antibiotics are prescribed. At the same time, eye drops are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory: Okomistin, Acular;
  • to relieve swelling and itching: Visin, Opcon-A, Nafcon-A, Lotoprednol.

If lacrimation is caused by allergies, then antihistamine tablets are prescribed orally and eye drops: Olopatadine, Patanol, Ketotifen, Azelastine. For xerophthalmia, the drug Artificial tear is used.

Physiotherapy is prescribed if lacrimation is caused by inflammatory process. You just need to remember that if there is excessive tear production, treatment with UHF is contraindicated. Apply following methods physiotherapy:

  • massage sessions (for senile changes in the tear ducts);
  • phototherapy (for xerophthalmia, blepharitis, keratitis);
  • electrophoresis (for keratitis);
  • magnetic therapy (for eyelid diseases and keratitis).

Surgical methods of treatment

In some cases they use surgical treatment lacrimation from one eye. Usually, after eliminating the cause of the disease, this manifestation stops. The following operations are carried out:

Surgical methods of therapy are used mainly for pathologies of the lacrimal ducts and entropion of the eyelids. Surgical intervention is more often used in the treatment of elderly people, since conservative treatment is not always effective.

Traditional methods of treatment

Patients often ask whether they can wash their eyes with decoctions or infusions to prevent tears from flowing. It is necessary to answer that first of all the cause of increased lacrimation must be established. Only after identifying accurate diagnosis You can use folk remedies. But they should be used only as an addition to the main treatment, on the advice of a doctor. The following home remedies can be recommended:

Recipes traditional medicine help in most cases if watery eyes are caused by eye fatigue. For inflammation, home remedies are combined with the use of medicinal drops and ointments.


Watery eyes from one eye may occur when various diseases. We must remember that this is only a symptom pathological condition. Therefore, it is not the flow of tears itself that needs to be treated, but the illness that caused such a manifestation. Once the cause is eliminated, excess tearing disappears.


- This is a fairly common complaint. Noticing that our eyes have begun to water, we are actually reacting to increased tear production. Lacrimation, when tears fill the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the eyeball and the eyelid) and literally pour out of the eyes, is truly an extraordinary condition. But in fact, tears are released constantly.

The lacrimal glands produce tears. The lacrimal gland is paired organ, which is located in a special recess in frontal bone under upper eyelid each of the eyes. The released tear falls under the lower eyelid, and when blinking it is distributed throughout the eye. Tears are released even when we sleep. Normally, up to 1 ml of tear fluid is produced per day. With profuse lacrimation (when tears, as they say, “flow in a stream”), up to 10 ml of tear fluid (2 teaspoons) can be secreted.

Tears flow into the lacrimal stream and along it into the lacrimal lake (at the inner corner of the eye), from where they enter the lacrimal canaliculi, through them into the lacrimal sac and are excreted through nasolacrimal duct V turbinate, where, ultimately, they moisturize the mucous membrane and evaporate. This system is called the lacrimal duct.

Why does a person need tears?

Tear fluid is comparable in composition to blood plasma, differing in that it contains more potassium and chlorine and fewer organic components. Tears are 99% water. Depending on our state of health, the composition of the tear fluid may change, so sometimes it is taken for analysis.

Main the functions of tears are:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx. Covering the eye with a thin film, tear fluid protects it from harmful effects external environment. When the aggressiveness of the environment increases (for example, in the presence of smoke in the air) or a foreign body (mote) gets into the eyes, lacrimation increases, and tears wash out of the eye what can cause harm to it;
  • antibacterial. The tear fluid contains the enzyme lysozyme, which can effectively destroy bacteria. Thanks to lysozyme, the eyes are reliably protected, despite constant contact with external environment;
  • anti-stress. With tears, hormones are removed from the body, the production of which the body responds to stressful situations. This is why tears are a typical reaction to strong emotional excitement: high concentration hormones can depress our psyche, and nature has provided the opportunity to get rid of their excess with the help of tears. It is no coincidence that people say: if you cry, it will become easier. The same mechanism is activated when there is an excess of adrenaline (so-called “tears of joy”);
  • Tears provide nutrition to the cornea, which is devoid of blood vessels.

Why do eyes water (causes of increased lacrimation)

Our eyes begin to water when we are exposed to conditions that can cause harm to our eyes. This is a normal reflex reaction. By increasing tear production, the body responds to:

    foreign body getting into the eye;

    smoke and corrosive gases;

    weather conditionsstrong wind, cold air, snow;

    bright light;

    excessive dryness of indoor air;

    some seasonings.

It is enough for conditions to normalize and your eyes will stop watering. However, along with the reflex reaction, there are also pathological causes lacrimation, For example:

    disruption of the outflow of tear fluid. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked, tear fluid cannot enter the nasal cavity, and accumulates in the eye. Similar condition may be due to injury or chronic diseases nasal passages (, chronic,). The fact that older people have watery eyes is usually explained by problems with the tear ducts. Increased sensitivity to cold can also be explained by this reason: when cold, the muscles contract, and if the tear ducts are narrowed, they can completely block, preventing the outflow of tears.

    excessive eye fatigue. If your eyes have to strain, they may start to water. Therefore, the cause of lacrimation may be incorrectly selected glasses or lenses; work that requires you to look closely, etc.

    lack of potassium and B vitamins. Deficiency of these substances leads to increased fatigue, drowsiness, and lacrimation. Deficiency may be caused chronic lack of sleep or active physical activity.

Diagnosis and treatment of lacrimation

If your eyes often water, you need to determine what is causing the watery eyes. If increased lacrimation is caused, first of all, you should stop contact with the allergen. In case of increased eye fatigue, it is useful to limit visual load, make it a rule to do eye exercises and take a course of multivitamins. But even in these cases, the most correct thing is to consult a doctor.

Lacrimation can be caused by a whole range of reasons (for example, a reaction to cold and narrowing of the tear ducts). To accurately determine the cause, you need to consult a specialist, and in many cases, laboratory or instrumental studies.

If lacrimation is caused by inflammation, the underlying disease is treated, for which, as a rule, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs eye drops. If lacrimation is caused by narrowing of the lacrimal ducts, surgical treatment may be prescribed.

Where to go if your eyes are watery

If your eyes are watery, contact the ophthalmologists of JSC " Family doctor"Doctors of this specialty provide consultations in all clinics of our network.



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