Emergency contraceptives and features of their use. Emergency contraception

It happens that during sexual intercourse the condom breaks, so seminal fluid penetrates into the female body. Also, unwanted penetration of sperm can occur during rape. What should a woman do to avoid a deeply unwanted conception, should she really resort to such an unsafe method as abortion. There is a way out, and it’s not so dangerous. There are emergency contraceptive pills that are designed to prevent unnecessary conception and prevent the consequences of unprotected sex. But these drugs can be taken only in truly emergency cases, since frequent use is fraught with dangerous complications for the woman.

During intimacy, anything can happen - the condom came off, the COC was missed, or the partners simply forgot about protection. What should a woman do in such a situation to still avoid pregnancy?

  • A woman needs to immediately get out of bed so that the seminal fluid flows out of the vagina without reaching the female cell. But you cannot completely rely on such a method, because it does not guarantee one hundred percent reliability.
  • Immediately after sexual contact, you must take a bath and wash thoroughly with soap. This should be done in the first 10 minutes after sex. This action will help reduce the chance of conception by 10%. You can also syringe with something sour, for example, a lemon or vinegar aqueous solution. Such means lead to the creation of aggressive conditions for sperm in the vagina, but such douching must be carried out extremely carefully to avoid burn damage to the mucous tissues.
  • If a woman regularly takes any contraceptive drug, then you need to carefully study its instructions; usually it contains an algorithm for actions if you miss taking a pill.
  • If you had sex with an unreliable partner, then the woman needs to treat her genitals and vagina in the very next few minutes with products that prevent the development of STDs. Similar drugs include Miramistin, but the possibility of its use should be discussed with a gynecologist.

When will emergency contraceptives help?

Any means and categories of such contraception cannot be called completely safe and useful for the female body, and therefore they are resorted to only in extreme situations, when coitus has already occurred, or the woman has been raped, etc. In general, every emergency contraceptive is intended more for women living intimate life is quite rare, and also indispensable in unforeseen situations when sex occurred without protection.

Such medications are called post-coital, since they are used after the fact that sperm enters the vaginal environment. If sexual intercourse occurred before the onset of the ovulatory period, then a high dose of hormonal substances will prevent its onset and the woman’s given cycle will be anovulatory. If fertilization occurs, then emergency contraception will prevent the embryo from consolidating. Such medications contain a very high dose of hormonal substances, so such high-dose hormonal drugs should be taken as rarely as possible.

How does emergency contraception work?

The medicinal effect of emergency contraception comes down to such effects as suppressing the maturation of the female cell, preventing the cell from meeting the sperm and preventing its implantation into the uterine wall. Therefore, after taking the drug, a thickening of the cervical secretion occurs in the female body, which does not allow sperm to enter the uterus. Also, at the same time, high dosages of hormonal components prevent ovulation, so the cell does not come out and the sperm die safely.

If the sperm nevertheless penetrated the uterus, reached the cell and fertilized it, then under the influence of the hormonal components of the drug, hypotrophy of the endometrial layer occurs, which does not allow the zygote to gain a foothold on it, therefore, further development of pregnancy does not occur, and the embryo leaves the uterus during the next menstruation along with bloody discharge. The effectiveness of emergency contraceptives reaches fairly high levels, amounting to about 97-99%. But there are also pitfalls here. A high contraceptive effect is achieved due to the high content of hormonal substances, which do not have the best effect on the female body.

Types of contraception

Experts distinguish several categories of emergency contraceptives.

How to take emergency contraceptives

To get the proper effect from taking emergency contraception, you need to follow the rules for its use. When taking medications with levonorgestrel as an active ingredient (Postinor, etc.), you need to take into account that they should be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected intimacy. The first pill must be taken immediately, and the sooner, the higher the contraceptive effect. The second pill is taken after 12-16 hours. If a woman vomits, then she needs to take another Postinor tablet. If we talk about other drugs with levonorgestrel, for example, Eskinor F or Escapel, then they are taken once, one pill, also within a 72-hour period. The effectiveness of such drugs depends on how quickly the drug was taken after sex. Taking a day or less provides a contraceptive effect by 95%, after 25-48 hours - by 85%, and after 2-3 days - by only 58%.

Preparations with gestagen and estrogen are taken according to the Yuspe regimen. This technique involves taking COCs, but in higher dosages. For the first time, take 2-4 pills no later than the third day after intimacy. The second dose of the same number of tablets is taken after 12 hours. Typically, combined oral agents such as Ovidon or Rigevidon, Silesta and Non-ovlon are used as fire contraception. The effectiveness of this method reaches 75-85 percent.

Mifepristone pills like Mifolian and Agesta, Ginepristone or Zhenale are recommended to be taken during the first 3 days. Take just one pill. An important condition is to have an empty stomach, so you can’t eat a couple of hours before and after taking the pill.

Adverse reactions

Emergency contraception due to a large dose of hormonal substances causes many side effects, which include nausea and vomiting reactions and intermenstrual bleeding, breast tenderness and migraine symptoms. If the patient already has varicose veins, then taking fire contraception can provoke blood clots. Also, adverse reactions often include menstrual irregularities and dizziness. Taking high-dose hormonal drugs often leads to menstrual disorders, when the patient's periods begin to last longer or become heavier.

Also, in response to taking fire contraception, allergic reactions and pain in the uterus and genital tract may develop. But adverse reactions occur only in a fifth of patients; the rest of the women tolerate the effects of this category of drugs more easily. If the instructions are followed, emergency contraception will help avoid unwanted motherhood.

The best emergency contraceptives

Doctors identify several popular fire contraception drugs that are most often used to prevent unwanted conception:

Contraindications for use

But such high-dose hormonal contraception has a number of specific contraindications, which include a long history of nicotine addiction and mature age after 35, and the presence of a hereditary tendency to thromboembolism. In addition, patients suffering from severe migraine pain, a predisposition to uterine bleeding, or advanced liver and biliary pathologies will have to abandon the use of emergency contraceptives. Also, the use of such contraception is not recommended for young girls (under 16), pregnant women, and lactating patients.

If completely unformed girls of puberty take such contraceptives, they will experience serious cycle disturbances, and in some cases, irreversible infertility may develop. Also, fire contraception is not recommended for lactose intolerance, Crohn's disease, unstable and irregular menstrual cycle, for hormonal-dependent reproductive tumor processes, as well as for women with a history of ectopic pregnancy.

Emergency contraception is a fairly serious category of drugs that are unsafe to take on your own, therefore a gynecological prescription and strict adherence to the rules of administration are necessary, then unwanted conception and further abortion can be avoided.

No method of contraception, with the possible exception of sterilization, is considered completely effective. In addition, there are cases of unprotected sexual intercourse, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, emergency contraception methods are a pressing topic in gynecology. There is even an International Consortium on the use of such methods, the recommendations of which are taken into account in our article.

Postcoital contraception can be used by any woman of fertile age - from the beginning of the first menstruation (menarche) to 1 year after the last menstruation (menopause).

Types of emergency contraception

To prevent unplanned pregnancy urgently in different countries, several methods are used:

  • taking a combination of estrogens and gestagens (Yuzpe method);
  • introduction of a copper-containing intrauterine device in a medical institution;
  • use of tablets containing gestagen;
  • use of progesterone antagonists (mifepristone).

In Russia, the last two methods are most often used (you can read about other types of contraception in). However, when asked which emergency contraception is best, scientists from the World Health Organization answer that it is an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) installed within the next 5 days. It is most effective in preventing pregnancy. However, this method is expensive, not available to all women, and is not recommended for adolescents and nulliparous women.

As a result of numerous studies by scientists involved in evidence-based medicine, it was concluded that the new generation of emergency contraception is the use of drugs containing 10 mg of mifepristone.

Effect of oral medications

Emergency contraceptive pills have been studied for the last 30 years and have proven to be effective and fairly well tolerated by women. These medications are used to prevent pregnancy during unprotected sex in the following cases:

  • there were no means of planned contraception;
  • there is a rupture or displacement of the condom (one of the means), vaginal cap, diaphragm;
  • two or more doses were missed in a row;
  • a timely injection of long-acting contraceptives was not given;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse ended with ejaculation in the vagina or on the skin of the external genitalia;
  • the spermicidal tablet used in advance has not completely dissolved;
  • error when determining “safe” days for ;
  • rape.

In all these cases, you need to take the medication as quickly as possible.

Two types of drugs are used:

  • medications based on levonorgestrel (progestin);
  • a combination of ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) and levonorgestrel (progestin).

Monocomponent products can be taken once after sexual intercourse or in two doses with a break of 12 hours. Combined drugs are taken twice. This allows you to reduce the single dose and reduce the likelihood of adverse events. You should take the drug as early as possible, because every hour of delay increases the likelihood of pregnancy. However, the effectiveness still lasts for 120 hours after coitus, and not 72 hours, as previously thought.

How emergency contraceptive pills work:

  • prevent or delay ovulation;
  • prevent the fusion of sperm and egg;
  • make it difficult for a fertilized egg to penetrate the endometrium for further development (although this statement has not been proven, and there is evidence that it is incorrect).

The effectiveness of levonorgestrel reaches 90%; combination drugs are less effective. No drug for emergency contraception is as effective as modern means for permanent contraception.

Safety of hormonal drugs

Possible unwanted symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina (not in the nature of menstruation);
  • change in the start date of the next menstruation (usually a week earlier or later than expected).

If your period is delayed by more than a week after emergency contraception, you must rule out pregnancy by purchasing a test at the pharmacy or consulting your doctor. Bleeding after administration is not dangerous and will stop on its own. Its likelihood increases with repeated use of tablets during one cycle. However, if it occurs in combination with delayed menstruation and abdominal pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This may be a sign of ectopic () pregnancy. However, it has been proven that taking postcoital contraception does not increase the likelihood of such an event. Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy before can also take these drugs.

To reduce the risk of vomiting, the use of combination drugs should be minimized, since levonorgestrel very rarely causes this side effect. If vomiting occurs within two hours after taking the medicine, you need to repeat the dose. In case of intense vomiting, antiemetic drugs (Metoclopramide, Cerucal) can be used.

If you experience a headache or discomfort in the mammary glands, you should use a regular painkiller (paracetamol, etc.).

Emergency contraceptive tablets have no contraindications as they are considered safe. They are not prescribed during an existing pregnancy, because there is no point in doing so. However, if pregnancy has not yet been diagnosed, taking levonorgestrel is harmless to the developing fetus. Levonorgestrel drugs are not able to terminate an existing pregnancy, so their effect is not similar to medical abortion. A normal pregnancy after emergency contraception can occur in the next cycle.

Serious adverse effects on women's health have not yet been reported following the use of levonorgestrel for postcoital contraception. Therefore, they are allowed to be used even without a doctor’s examination, including in many countries around the world they are sold without a prescription.

Use of hormones in special cases

  1. Emergency contraception during lactation is considered safe for both mother and baby. However, some doctors advise first feeding the baby, then taking the drug, periodically expressing milk over the next 6 hours without using it to feed the baby, and only then resuming feeding. It is better if this time is up to 36 hours. If less than 6 months have passed since the birth of the child, and the woman is breastfeeding and does not have menstruation, then it is possible that she does not need to use protection, since she has not yet ovulated.
  2. If more than 120 hours have passed since sexual intercourse, then the use of emergency contraception medications is possible, but its effectiveness has not been studied. In this case, emergency intrauterine contraception becomes preferable.
  3. If several unprotected contacts have occurred over the past 120 hours, then one dose of the pill will eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. However, it should be taken after the first such sexual intercourse.
  4. Emergency postcoital contraception can be used as often as needed, even during a single cycle. The harm from frequent use of such drugs has not been proven in large studies, and in any case, the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy is much more dangerous. However, it is much more effective and convenient to take oral contraceptives regularly or use other planned methods.

The most common emergency contraceptives

The most common drugs for post-coital contraception

  • Postinor;
  • Escapelle;
  • Eskinor-F.

One tablet contains 750 mcg or 1500 mcg of the hormone levonorgestrel; depending on the dosage, you need to take one or two tablets.

Although these drugs are safe when taken once, they should be used with caution for the following conditions:

  • severe liver diseases with liver failure (liver cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • Crohn's disease;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • age up to 16 years.

Combined estrogen-progestin agents:

  • Microgynon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Regulon and others.

These are monophasic contraceptives, usually used for planned protection against pregnancy, but in emergency cases they can also be used for postcoital contraception. This method of emergency contraception is considered the most dangerous, since estrogens in the composition of the drugs have contraindications and quite a lot of side effects, which are intensified due to the high dosage of hormones: 4 tablets are prescribed twice with a break of 12 hours. The use of these drugs is especially undesirable in the following situations:

  • thrombosis of arteries and veins;
  • migraine;
  • vascular damage due to diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • severe diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • tumors of the reproductive organs;
  • period after injuries, operations, immobilization.

The main danger is increased blood clotting and the threat of blockage of arteries or veins by the resulting blood clots.

Non-hormonal postcoital contraception

Emergency non-hormonal contraception is carried out using products containing mifepristone. This is a synthetic substance that blocks progesterone receptors in a woman’s body. The mechanism of action of the drug includes:

  • suppression of ovulation;
  • a change in the inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium, which prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg;
  • If, however, implantation of the egg occurs, under the influence of mifepristone, uterine contractility increases, and the fertilized egg is rejected.

So, the main difference between mifepristone and levonorgestrel tablets for postcoital contraception is the ability to cause a “mini-abortion”, the death and release of an egg already implanted in the uterine wall. Indications for use are the same as for hormonal drugs - unprotected sexual intercourse.

Medicines containing mifepristone 10 mg:

  • Agesta;
  • Gynepristone;
  • Genale.

Emergency contraception with Zhenale is possible if you are sure that the woman is not pregnant. In addition, mifepristone should be taken with great caution in the following cases:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • changes in the blood (anemia, clotting disorders);
  • adrenal insufficiency or long-term use of prednisolone;
  • lactation, after taking the drug you should not feed your baby breast milk for 2 weeks;
  • pregnancy.

Mifepristone-based products can cause undesirable effects:

  • bloody discharge from the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • exacerbation of chronic adnexitis, endocervicitis,;
  • dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • weakness, fever, skin rash and itching.

Mifepristone-based emergency contraceptives cannot be used every month. It is strongly recommended to start using routine contraception. If, despite taking the pill, pregnancy does occur, it is recommended to terminate it, as there is a risk of damage to the fetus.

Mifepristone is a more powerful, but also more dangerous drug for preventing unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to take it only after consulting a doctor. The drug is available by prescription.

Contraception without pills

Let’s say right away that the effectiveness of the methods we will discuss is low, and the application is inconvenient. However, women should be aware of such methods.

In the first minute after ejaculation, while sperm have not yet penetrated through the cervical canal into its cavity, you can douche with clean water or with the addition of potassium permanganate, that is, potassium permanganate. Then you should immediately insert a suppository with a spermicidal effect into the vagina.

Of course, the effect of spermicides will be much better if you use them as expected - 10-15 minutes before coitus. Suppositories such as Pharmatex, Contraceptin T, Patentex oval and others are used.

Contraindications for local contraception:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia (colpitis);
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine device T Cu 380 A

It is recommended to use copper-containing IUDs, which release this metal into the uterine cavity. Copper has a spermicidal effect, and the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity prevents implantation of the egg if fertilization does occur.

The most famous remedies from this group:

  • T Cu-380 A;
  • Multiload Cu-375.

The second model is preferable because its soft shoulders do not injure the uterus from the inside, which reduces the risk of spontaneous removal of the IUD.

The introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • an existing pregnancy that the woman did not know about;
  • tumors and inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy;
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • individual intolerance;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • adolescence (up to 18 years);
  • abnormalities of the uterus, and other cases when the internal shape of the organ is changed.

So, the choice of means for emergency contraception is quite large. Some of them are more effective, but have more restrictions on their use, others are safe, but often do not have the desired effect. In any case, postcoital contraception is preferable to terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

After using any of the methods of emergency prevention of pregnancy, you must consult a doctor and choose an acceptable option for planned contraception. Emergency contraception should not be used regularly, also because of its low effectiveness.

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. From this article you will learn how safe these methods are, how to use them correctly and what side effects there are.

Types of emergency contraception

  1. Copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD). It is installed for a long period (up to several years) only by a gynecologist no later than 120 hours after unprotected sex. Not recommended for women who have not given birth.
  2. Combined oral contraceptives (tablets) containing ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel in the required dosage (Yuzpe method). The product must be taken twice with an interval of 12 hours in the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  3. Progestin preparations are tablets containing a gestagen, levonorgestrel. The drug is taken in 1 or 2 doses. More precise recommendations are contained in the instructions for use of each specific manufacturer.
  4. Antigestagenic drugs are tablets containing a progesterone antagonist (mifepristone). The drug is taken once.

Duration of action

With the exception of the intrauterine device, which, once inserted over a long period of time, prevents the onset of unwanted pregnancy, hormonal emergency contraception works differently. The active substance of each of these drugs minimizes, but does not eliminate by 100%, the likelihood of pregnancy only once - at the time of administration.

Indications for the use of hormonal drugs

Hormonal emergency contraception is taken only in exceptional cases and no more than 2-3 times a year, since the changes in hormonal levels that they entail do not have the best effect on women's health. In most European countries, such tablets can only be obtained from a gynecologist's office if the doctor considers that it is relatively safe for the patient to take them, taking into account her state of health. In Russia and a number of CIS countries, emergency contraceptives are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Taking funds in this category is appropriate in the following cases:

  • rape has been committed;
  • the condom has slipped or broken;
  • the rules were not followed or hormonal contraceptives were missed;
  • similar situations.

Safety of emergency contraception methods

Each product has its own characteristics, which it is better to know about in advance.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Only a doctor can determine whether it is possible to use this method of emergency contraception in your case.

Contraindicated in the following cases:
  • you are one of the women who have never given birth;
  • you have inflammatory or infectious gynecological diseases.
Side effects:
  • discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • prolonged and heavy menstrual flow;
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

In rare cases, the IUD may suddenly fall out.

Hormonal emergency contraception (pills)

There are outdated drugs and new generation tablets with a more gentle effect.

Yuzpe method

Combined oral emergency contraception is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Rigevidon, Microgynon, Miniziston, Femoden, Regulon, Marvelon, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest.

Studies of the properties of the drug showed the following:
  • if ovulation occurs immediately after sexual intercourse, the effect of the active substances of the drug is reduced;
  • The Yuzpe method is less effective than taking progestin-only products.
  • liver diseases;
  • vascular diseases;
  • uterine bleeding for unknown reasons;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • endometriosis and similar problems.
Side effects:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • weakness and dizziness
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Progestin drugs

An obsolete method of emergency contraception. It is considered more dangerous to health than when taking antigestagenic drugs.

Trade names of drugs: Postinor, Levonorgestrel, Microlut, Norplant, Escapel, Eskinor-F.

Read the instructions. Consult your doctor before taking any of these remedies.

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • jaundice;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • expected pregnancy at a later date;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, malabsorption of glucose or galactose;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding (after taking the drug, you must take a break for 1 day).
Side effects:
  • uterine bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Antigestagenic drugs

Drugs in this category are effective for 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Compared to progestogens, they have a gentler effect on the body and have fewer side effects.

Trade names: Ginepristone, Agesta, Zhenale, Mensofta, Miropriston, Mifegin, Mifeprex Mifepristone, Mifolian, Pencrofton.

Read the instructions. Consult your doctor before taking any of these remedies.

The dose of the active substance in the drug determines the strength of its action. If more than 72 hours have passed since sexual intercourse, consult a doctor to help you choose the most suitable remedy for you.

  • age up to 16 years
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term or simultaneous therapy with glucocorticosteroids;
  • anemia;
  • any disturbances of hemostasis;
  • breastfeeding (you will need to take a two-week break after taking the drug);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Side effects:
  • uterine bleeding;
  • weakness, dizziness, headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Consequences of taking postcoital contraception

Failure of the menstrual cycle - a slight delay or its premature onset is often a consequence of taking such drugs. The risk of ectopic pregnancy also increases slightly.

In case of prolonged delay of menstruation (more than 7 days), prolonged pain in the mammary glands or lower abdomen, as well as excessive menstrual flow, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

After taking emergency contraception, it is necessary to protect yourself with a barrier method (condoms) until the onset of menstruation.

Features of emergency contraception

In this video, a gynecologist talks about the properties of emergency contraception methods and touches on their positive and negative properties.

Video source: Familia Medical Center

Emergency contraception (the names of the drugs will be given below) is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cases where other methods of protection were not provided for this. There are various options that a woman independently chooses for herself.

Operating principle

Products that belong to this category must be used for a short period of time after the end of sexual intercourse. Before starting intimacy, there is no need to use them, since the desired effect will not be achieved. However, even after the end of sexual intercourse, they should not be frequently abused, as they can cause considerable harm to women’s health.

The main principle of the action of emergency contraception is that the components included in the composition have a significant effect on the body, thereby preventing the egg from attaching to the uterus after fertilization, as a result, pregnancy simply does not occur.

The final result depends on the time when the woman took the drug. It can give the desired effect within 3 days. You will no longer need to use emergency contraceptive pills, since pregnancy will occur and everything will be pointless.

The effectiveness of these funds ranges from 70 to 98%. None of the manufacturers can give a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. In medical practice, there are cases when, after using the drug, the egg still attached to the uterus and pregnancy occurred. No negative effects of the drug on the fetus have been recorded. Deviations in development in children do not occur due to the fact that a woman used one of the methods of emergency contraception.


It is thanks to this method that it is possible to help a woman of childbearing age reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, and ultimately the number of abortions. Of course, it is better to choose the lesser of two evils. And if in the future you have to commit a kind of crime in the form of an abortion, then it is better to avoid pregnancy by all possible means.

There are cases when sexual intercourse occurs under duress, then various emergency contraception drugs are used as measures to protect against unwanted fertilization and against the psychological trauma that will be associated with this whole situation.

Therefore, it should be noted that fire protection should be used only in rare cases and after conventional means become ineffective. Thanks to these methods of protection, a woman can be more confident that pregnancy will not occur.

When to use

Many girls of reproductive age may need emergency contraception at any time. It is better to resort to these methods infrequently, but there are cases when you cannot do without them:

1. After voluntary sexual intercourse, in which the partners did not use other means of protection.

2. When standard contraceptive options fail partners:

  • condom slipping or breaking;
  • in case of incorrect use of the calendar method to prevent fertilization (it often happens that when calculating, partners incorrectly determine safe and dangerous days);
  • the man failed to interrupt sexual intercourse in time, after which the sperm ended up in the vagina;
  • missing more than three days of using oral contraceptives.

Any woman can use emergency contraception after sex. It is allowed to use these products during breastfeeding (it is necessary to maintain an interval of 8 hours between taking and feeding). It should be noted that hormonal drugs that help prevent pregnancy are not advisable for young girls and adolescents, since their hormonal background is not fully formed.

Hormonal agents with levonorgestrel

Emergency contraceptive pills, which contain a very high dose of progestogen, are taken differently. Some remedies will only need to be taken once, while others will need to be taken several times. This directly depends on the drug that will be used; this scheme will definitely be described in the instructions for use. It often looks like this:

  • the first pill, which contains a very large amount of the hormone, is drunk within 3 days after the end of sexual intercourse, and the other is not needed at all;
  • one tablet is taken for 3 days, and the second - half a day after taking the first.

The main representative of this group is familiar to many women - this is “Postinor” (the international name of the drug sounds like “Levonorgestrel”). This completely synthetic drug perfectly prevents the onset of fertilization, as it causes significant changes in the endometrium, so eventually implantation of the egg becomes impossible. An analogue of "Postinor" is "Escapelle".

Studies have shown that Postinor is effective in 85% of cases. On the first day of use after sexual intercourse, the effectiveness is 95%, if you use the product on the second day, then 85%, and on the third it is only 58%. Many doctors call this remedy “the medicine of the past”, as it causes very serious consequences.


This group refers to the best emergency contraception methods. These medications are also hormonal. To prevent fertilization, it is enough to take just one tablet. A woman must perform this procedure within three days after the end of the act of intercourse, which was not protected.

A fairly popular example of this category is Ginepristone. It is considered the best, since this modern drug is safer than the previous one, but there are still side effects and contraindications. The drug, depending on what phase of the menstrual cycle it was taken, actively inhibits ovulation or does not allow the fertilized egg to join the uterus. Other medications containing mifepristone are Agesta, Zhenale.

An alternative method of emergency contraception is to take several combined oral contraceptive pills at a higher than usual dose.

Their use should be carried out according to the following scheme: within twelve hours from the moment of intercourse, take tablets so that the total amount of ethinyl estradiol is 200 mcg, and levonorgestrel is 1.5 mg.

The main representatives of this category are the drug "Silest" and its main analogues - "Miniziston" and "Rigevidon".

It is not advisable to use this category of emergency contraception when breastfeeding. Women can simply stop this procedure, as the lactation period will be shortened. The product can also significantly deteriorate the quality and reduce the quantity of milk.

Intrauterine contraceptive method - copper-containing device

To prevent unwanted fertilization, you can resort to another option, namely, inserting an intrauterine device. In order to obtain this device, you must consult a doctor, and the procedure must be performed as quickly as possible after sexual intercourse has been completed. Often the period during which this remedy can be used is 5 days.

An intrauterine device is a small device made from copper and plastic. It significantly reduces the lifespan of the egg and also prevents it from attaching to the lining of the uterus after the fertilization process. The effectiveness of the spiral is 99%.


It should be noted that there are many entrenched myths about emergency contraception in society:

  1. After unprotected sexual intercourse, you can prevent unnecessary pregnancy using folk remedies. Of course, this is a myth. Any douching, physical activity or hot baths will not help in solving this problem, since sperm enter the uterus a few minutes after ejaculation. It should be noted that a minimal amount of sperm can be released during sexual intercourse.
  2. After using these drugs, the next time you conceive, the child may be born with developmental abnormalities. This is, of course, fiction. There are many emergency contraceptive medications available, and none of them affect subsequent pregnancies or fetal development.
  3. The drugs cause changes in the figure, as well as weight gain, this is a myth, and minimal weight gain can be caused by long-acting contraceptive methods.
  4. Components in this category are allowed to be taken continuously. This is still not true. These drugs are recommended for occasional use only, as they are not approved for use as long-term protection.
  5. The effect of emergency contraception on periods is deplorable. This statement is not entirely true, since the drugs do not completely disrupt the cycle, but can only cause a slight delay.

It should be noted that the sooner a woman uses this drug after unprotected intercourse, the much higher the chance of not getting pregnant. Experts say that this technique is an excellent backup option only when standard contraceptives do not work.


Since anyone can purchase emergency contraception without a prescription, you need to know who should not use it, so you must first consult with your doctor. The main contraindications may be:

  • age under 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased sensitivity, as well as an allergic reaction in a woman to the components that are part of the product;
  • severe liver failure.

Some drugs must be taken with caution if there are problems with the biliary tract, liver, Crohn's disease, chronic heart failure, lactation, and arterial hypertension.

Side effects

It also happens that women feel unwell after taking emergency contraception. What negative symptoms there are are described below:

  • nausea in 23-50% of cases;
  • dizziness in 11-17%;
  • 6-9% of girls vomit;
  • general weakness is observed in 17-29% of the fair sex.

Among the most common consequences of emergency contraception, uterine bleeding can also be noted. It may begin within a few days after taking the drug. For certain girls, on the contrary, there may be a delay of 5-7 days.

The reaction of each organism is absolutely individual. Allergic manifestations, soreness of the mammary glands and diarrhea also occur.

Women who decide to use a copper-containing intrauterine device may also experience side symptoms. Mainly, there is pain in the lower abdomen, exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages and blood discharge from the genital tract. It happens that the installation of a spiral is accompanied by perforation of the reproductive organ.

There are no folk remedies for emergency help, so you shouldn’t even look for them. Hot baths, lemon slices, and decoctions of bay leaves will not help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Before you start using emergency contraception methods, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The funds cannot be called completely safe. Before using them, it is recommended to determine the day of the menstrual cycle. For example, if sex occurred a few days after menstruation or a couple of days before its onset, then such drugs do not need to be used, since, most likely, ovulation simply did not occur. This process occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, but there are still exceptions.


  1. The use of drugs in this category is safe only at the very beginning of egg attachment. It is advisable to take the first dose, according to gynecologists, no later than eight hours after sexual intercourse, although the packaging indicates that there are three whole days for this.
  2. Not all drugs are completely safe for women’s health; they have many contraindications, so their use is allowed no more than 2 times a year.
  1. You must first select the time for taking the drug so that it is convenient to take a second dose, if necessary (for example, 21:00 and 9:00).
  2. To prevent unpleasant sensations such as vomiting and nausea, it is recommended to start taking tablets in the evening immediately before bed, during a meal, and wash them down with milk.
  3. During the period that lasts until the next menstruation, it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception.
  4. We must not forget that these options are intended for one-time use, and as a permanent contraception, it is recommended to choose a product after consulting with your doctor.
  5. If the expected menstruation occurs a week late, you should definitely contact your doctor to rule out pregnancy.

This method of contraception can hardly be called contraception, in the true meaning of this concept. After all, all methods of modern contraception are designed to prevent conception and unwanted pregnancy.

The essence of this method is completely different: to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and continuing its development. This is a kind of “micro-abortion”, since a real, but only very small, miscarriage occurs in the woman’s body.

Emergency contraception is resorted to in situations where:

  • rape has been committed;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse occurred;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse was performed incorrectly;
  • the condom broke or slipped off during intercourse;
  • other similar situations.

Emergency contraceptive pills

  • Gynepriston, Genale
    Modern postcoital drugs. Compared to the outdated Postinor, they are almost harmless, because they contain anti-progesterone, it is no less effective in preventing pregnancy, but this is not a huge dose of hormones, but a small dose of antihormone. There is no damage to the ovaries.
  • Escapelle
    A new means of emergency contraception. Recommended for use within 96 hours after unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective it is.
  • Postinor
    A hormonal drug from the “last century” for emergency contraception. The earlier the first tablet was taken, the more effective the effect.
    Postinor is an outdated drug containing a very high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, many times higher than the content of this hormone in oral contraceptives. This dose is a powerful blow to the ovaries. In addition to the fact that the existing pregnancy will be interrupted, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

Other emergency contraception

  • Mifegin
    A modern drug that can be used to perform medical (non-surgical) termination of pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation up to 6 weeks. To carry out this procedure, you must contact a gynecologist licensed to use this drug.
  • Intrauterine device
    Insertion of an intrauterine device in the first 5 days after sexual intercourse without protection. The spiral should only be administered by a gynecologist after examination and taking a gynecological smear.

    It is dangerous to insert an intrauterine device after rape, since this could lead to infection with sexually transmitted diseases, and this procedure facilitates the path of infection into the upper genital tract.


Unfortunately, many of you would rather run to the nearest pharmacy and purchase emergency contraception than go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Undoubtedly, this is a very convenient way to solve the “problem”. But you must be aware that you are playing with fire.

If an unexpected situation happens to you, try not to panic and pull yourself together. First, you need to go for an examination with a gynecologist. It may happen that you had an unfavorable day for conception and there will be no pregnancy. Therefore, do not grab the above-mentioned drugs first!

Even if you used emergency contraception on your own, you should definitely visit a gynecologist! The most unpleasant thing is that during unprotected sexual intercourse you could not only become pregnant, but also become infected with one of the sexually transmitted infections.

The doctor will conduct the necessary examination and take all the necessary tests. It is always better to be 100% confident in your safety, or otherwise prevent the development of a particular disease at its initial stage.

In addition to the usual examination, the gynecologist will monitor your menstrual cycle over the next months. If necessary, he will prescribe hormonal drugs that stimulate ovarian function.

To avoid such unforeseen situations in the future and maintain your health for the upcoming desired conception, I would recommend that all women reconsider their views on contraceptive methods and choose those with a reliability rate exceeding 80%.



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