The effectiveness of gynecological massage of the uterus for conception. Video: Acupressure of the genital organs

In China, thousands of couples who are unable to conceive a child resort to the help of massage therapists. Since ancient times, Chinese healers have been treating infertility not only with acupuncture, medicinal herbs, aromatic, light or heat therapy, but also with massage. They pass on their knowledge about which points on the human body can improve their health and even help them conceive a child from generation to generation.

Below at the House of Knowledge we will look at the main points on the body, by massaging which you can increase your fertility.

Basic massage points that increase the likelihood of conception.

There are several main massage points that distribute Yin and Yang energies throughout the body, have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, improve metabolism and increase the chances of successful conception.

For more convenient perception, pictures with their locations are presented below the description of the points.

The auricular triangular fossa and its effect on conception.

This hole is located in the inner upper part of the ear. Applying pressure to the triangular fossa can help stimulate the fallopian tubes and uterus. It is recommended to massage this area at any time, especially during stress.

Inner ear notch and increased likelihood of conception.

The inner ear notch is located just above the earlobe in a cleft between two cartilaginous areas at the lowest point inside the ear. It is used to treat the endocrine system and ovaries, which naturally increases the likelihood of conception. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to massage the inner ear recess once every 1-2 days.

Epang 11: reproductive points on the scalp.

Reproductive points are located on the scalp just above the forehead in the inner upper corner of the hairline above the eyebrow. These important points are associated with kidney energy, which helps regulate menstruation and other pelvic and reproductive functions.

Zigong point (Child's Palace) and its effect on conception.

This point is located approximately 10 cm below the navel and 7-8 cm to the side of the midline (near the ovaries). Stimulating Zigong points can relieve many common menstrual problems, including cervical stenosis, thereby promoting fertility.

Ren 3 is the central pole of the conception meridian.

Point Ren 3 is considered the northern star of the conception meridian. It regulates the functions of the kidneys, bladder, menstruation and prevents pelvic congestion and moisture. In addition, Ren 3 may help relieve endometriosis. This point is located on the midline, approximately 10 cm below the navel. For best results, massage her before ovulation (required) using circular (deep) movements. Many also use light, heat and magnetic therapy to treat this point.

Ren 4 - origin of the source of the conception meridian.

The Ren 4 point is located at the site of the uterus (approximately 10 cm below the navel). It is known for helping with conception and strengthening Qi energy. For maximum results, massage Ren 4 in deep circular motions between menstruation and ovulation.

Read also: Infertility therapy.

St-30 (Qi Rush) and its effect on conception.

This point is located in the lower abdomen, approximately 5cm away from the navel just above the pubic area. It is known for penetrating the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. To achieve maximum effect and increase the likelihood of conception, experts recommend using a circular massage of the St 30 point with light and thermal stimulation.

Ki-16 (Shu Vital Organs) and increasing the likelihood of conception.

Stimulation of Ki 16 can get rid of all energy blocks in the stomach that interfere with conception. To achieve the best results, this point must be massaged in a circular motion, using heat, magnets or light.

Kidney tonic (Yin) points and infertility treatment.

To tone the Yin kidneys, Chinese experts recommend massaging:

  1. Point KI 3 - Great Rabbi.
  2. Point Ki 6 - Shining Sea. It is used to cool the blood and treat heat problems in infertility.
  3. Point Lu 7 - Interrupted sequence. This point regulates the conception meridian and controls the water balance in the body.
  4. Point Sp 6 - Connection of three Yin. For all Yin channels (kidneys, spleen and liver) Sp 6 is the culminating point. It helps regulate menstruation, increasing the likelihood of conception.
  5. Point UB 23 - Posterior point of the kidneys. It is the main point of kidney energy, helping to tone both Yin and Yang energy.
  6. Point UB 52. This point is used to treat low libido, menstrual problems and impotence.

Read also: Herbs for conception.

Points that tonify the kidneys (Yang) and increase fertility.

To relieve the “cold uterus” and tonify the Yang kidneys, the following are used:

  1. Ki point 7. Used in the treatment of fallopian tube scars.
  2. Point St 36, which is primarily the point of the spleen and stomach. It is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. Point Du 4 or Gate of Life. It is located between the two kidneys, so it affects the uterus and strengthens Qi and Yang kidneys. Du 4 massage is also used to regulate problems associated with impotence and cold.
  4. Ren 6 point is used to combat fatigue.

Points for blood nutrition and infertility treatment.

  1. Lv 8 in the reproductive system helps treat moisture and regulates menstruation.
  2. Sp 6, as for the kidneys, is the culminating point, helping to regulate menstruation, increasing the likelihood of conception.
  3. St36, as for the kidneys, is the Yang point of the spleen and stomach, which is used in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

A point for dispersing blood stagnation and improving conception.

  1. Sp 10 is a point that helps treat clotting and cool the blood. Its massage is also carried out in the treatment of dark menstruation and uterine fibroids.
  2. UB 17 - used to cool hot blood, disperse stagnant blood and treat abnormal bleeding.

Points for changing humidity in the treatment of infertility.

  1. St-40 is used to treat accumulated moisture in the pelvic area, blocked fallopian tubes and polycystic ovary disease.

Massage points to stop uterine bleeding.

To stop uterine bleeding and increase the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to massage the points:

  1. Ki 8, which is used to treat uterine bleeding due to blood stagnation.
  2. Sp 8 must be massaged to stop bleeding in the uterus.
  3. Du 20 is a point on the head that helps relieve spleen insufficiency.

Points that increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and increase fertility.

  1. UB 23
  2. UB 31
  3. UB 33
  4. UB 52
  5. UB 34

Massage points that regulate the ovarian axis and increase the likelihood of conception.

The HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-testes) in the body is the thermostat for natural testosterone production. The GGN is used in virtually all aspects of hormonal regulation required for conception. To improve the regulation of the HPA, Chinese experts recommend using special meridians such as Lu 7 + Ki 6, Sp 4 + Pc 6, as well as Si 3 + UB 62 together with the points SP 6, Ren 3 and Ren 4 and Zigong.

Points to reduce elevated hormone levels and increase fertility.

To reduce excess levels of prolactin, you can use massage of the Yintang + Lv2 + Lv3 + LI 4 points, and to regulate the level of pituitary hormones - UB 2, UB 62 and Si 3.

Massage points of the upper abdominal cavity.

Massage points on the back.

Massage points on the legs.


Massage of the pelvic floor organs is a therapeutic and health-improving method that improves blood circulation, tissue metabolism and contractile function of the uterus, as well as eliminating congestion.

Massage is quite widely used in gynecology, it is prescribed for the presence of scars and adhesions, weak contractility, abnormal position of the uterus or prolapse, and is recommended for weakening muscles and ligaments, chronic inflammation in the tubes, peritoneum and tissue. The high effectiveness of massage for infertility has been proven; manipulation prepares the organ for subsequent pregnancy by stretching, increasing tone and eliminating tissue adhesions. This massage is used as a treatment for bending and displacement of the uterus; the course of procedures is usually long.

Experts note that manipulation has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, stimulates nerve endings and increases sexual desire, eliminates cycle disorders, dyspareunia and pain during menstruation. Most often, gynecological massage is used as a preparation for conception, since the changes that occur in the body after a long course help normalize hormonal levels and physiological processes in the reproductive organs.

Is it possible to do gynecological massage?

Gynecological massage is not a panacea for all diseases of the genital area, but can be useful for the following conditions:

  • algodismenorrhea;
  • difficulty conceiving;
  • dyspareunia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • cycle disruption;
  • decreased uterine muscle tone;
  • fibromatosis;
  • displacement, bending or prolapse of the uterus;
  • weakness of the uterosacral ligaments;
  • keloid scars and adhesions;
  • decreased libido, anorgasmia, vaginismus;
  • chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs;
  • stagnation.

Massage activates the work of the neuromuscular system of the female pelvic organs. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the specialist uses different methods of influencing the uterus: rubbing, stroking, kneading.


Sometimes therapeutic and restorative massage can worsen a woman’s condition, since it has quite a few contraindications.

To avoid complications, a massage session is not prescribed for conditions such as:

  • cervical erosion;
  • hyperthermia;
  • tumors of the ovaries and uterus;
  • acute inflammation of the reproductive and adjacent organs;
  • suspicion of a latent infectious process;
  • specific infectious processes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues;
  • suppuration in the pelvic organs;
  • pathologies of the lower intestines;
  • congenital anomalies of the uterus.

Also, massage should not be performed after established conception or the presence of its signs, during lactation, during menstruation and in the early postpartum period. If the massage is accompanied by severe pain or bleeding, it should be stopped immediately. Sometimes pain appears a certain time after the procedure, in this case it is necessary to inform the attending physician.

Where is uterine massage performed?

The procedure is performed by a competent doctor who knows the mechanism of how certain manipulations affect a woman’s body. He is usually qualified as an obstetrician-gynecologist, but a massage therapist trained to work with gynecological patients may also be qualified to perform the procedure. The specialist must carefully monitor the patient’s condition in order to promptly identify signs of a possible exacerbation of the pathology. To do this, the gynecologist periodically repeats the examination of the patient in order to monitor the reaction of the female body to the massage and monitor the dynamics of positive changes.

The procedure is usually done on a convertible massage table with footrests or in a gynecological chair. Manipulations should be carried out carefully and painlessly, with light movements. The patient is asked to lie down comfortably and relax the abdominal muscles. The massage is done with both limbs: one hand kneads the uterus from the vaginal side, and the second makes counter movements from the outer abdominal wall.

The doctor first teaches the woman the correct breathing movements and relaxation of the abdominal muscles during the massage. He explains to the patient the contraindications and possible complications of the procedure. The woman should have no signs of infectious processes, cervical erosion, abnormalities in vaginal smear and blood tests, and body temperature should be within normal limits.

The patient is asked to empty the rectum and bladder in advance, and wash the external genitalia with warm water and soap. During the manipulation, the doctor avoids the area of ​​the urethra and clitoris, trying to cause as much discomfort as possible while kneading the areas of adhesions and straightening the position of the uterus.

How is the procedure done?

Depending on the task that the specialist must solve, the woman needs to take different positions: for example, lie on her back or stand on all fours, leaning on her knees and elbow joints. The doctor performs manipulations with both extremities: the inner surface of the vagina is massaged with two fingers of the right hand, and with the second - the outer side of the abdominal wall.

The duration of one session is 3-12 minutes, and the duration of the course of treatment is usually from 10 to 30 procedures with a frequency of 7 days. The massage should not cause pain; all movements are performed softly and smoothly. If discomfort occurs, the doctor reduces the intensity of pressure or stops the massage. The patient’s body should be as relaxed as possible during the procedure, with her legs resting on special supports.

The woman is warned in advance that she can eat no later than two hours before the massage session, and before the procedure it is necessary to empty her intestines and bladder. Before the massage, the doctor must make sure that the patient does not have a cold and her overall health condition is satisfactory. The procedure is not performed if the woman is menstruating. Before the session, it is mandatory to take a smear from the vagina and cervix to detect bacterial and fungal flora, and blood for clinical analysis.

How effective is the procedure?

Gynecological massage of the uterus is an effective and painless way to eliminate congestion in the reproductive organs by stimulating lymphatic drainage and increasing blood circulation. Women note that after a course of procedures, their general condition significantly improves, algodismenorrhea disappears, the functioning of the intestines and ovaries is stabilized, and the cycle is restored.

The most common improvements recorded as a result of massage are:

  • elimination of congestion in the reproductive organs;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • acceleration of tissue metabolism and improvement of blood properties;
  • reduction of the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • normalization of urinary functions;
  • reduction of adhesions and scar changes.

In combination with physiotherapy and exposure to active points, blood circulation in the appendages is significantly improved, which leads to increased production of hormones and the ability to conceive. Gynecological massage improves the functions of adjacent organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor organs.


Infertility massage can effectively help with common gynecological problems. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and contact a highly qualified specialist. A full cycle of therapeutic and health procedures restores the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, but sometimes it is not enough and complex pharmacotherapy is necessary. Treatment with restorative massage sessions is prescribed only after a thorough diagnostic examination.

A physiotherapeutic procedure to accelerate conception is prescribed during the period of ovulation, this helps to increase the tone and elasticity of the uterus. Massage is effective as a comprehensive treatment for recurrent miscarriage. In the postoperative period, the procedure helps to get rid of the appearance of adhesions and keloid scars, which can subsequently hinder conception.

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Points (Fig. 84, 85):

Ren 4 Guanyuan(Guan-yuan).

Location: 2 transverse fingers above the pubis. Regular massage of the point for 30–40 seconds.

Sp. 6 Sanyinjiao(San-yin-jiao).

Location: 3 transverse fingers above the inner malleolus, on the posterior edge of the tibia.

The point is easily massaged clockwise for 10–20 seconds.

Ancient Russian soapy massage of the ovarian area

The ovarian zone is projected onto the area of ​​the sacroiliac joint. Usually, with gynecological problems in this place, when palpating, sensitive or painful seals are detected. The purpose of a soap massage is to remove these seals.

Take a bowl of warm water, “Baby” soap, and a towel. Soap your hands so that they slide freely over the skin, but the soap does not drip off them. Rub the lumbar region with stroking progressive movements of both hands. Movements are carried out from the middle of the sacrum to the sides. In this case, under the palm, seals of various sizes, round or elongated, may be felt, sensitive or painful when pressed. Stroking is carried out over these seals more often than in other areas. During massage, only minor painful sensations are acceptable. The duration of the massage on one side is 5–7 minutes. The massaged half of the lower back is wiped dry with a towel. The soap does not need to be washed off. Then carry out the same massage on the other half of the back. It is enough to massage once a week, but regularly, without interruptions, at regular intervals. Some time after the start of the massage, painful lumps under the skin in the area of ​​the sacroiliac joints should disappear, and the course of treatment can be considered complete.

Banking for infertility

Cups placed on the lower abdomen normalize the blood circulation of the organs located in the pelvic cavity (uterus, uterine appendages) (Fig. 86).

Placement of cups on the lower abdomen. Take 5 medical jars. Before placing the cups, carefully study the drawing and, in accordance with the indicated locations, carefully palpate the lower abdomen. Usually, with gynecological diseases, there are areas in this area that are sensitive to pressure. It is on them that the jars are placed. The first can is placed in the middle between the navel and pubis or slightly lower, then 2 cans - 2-3 transverse fingers above the inguinal fold. After 15 minutes, the cans are removed. Conducted once a week. Course - 10 times. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2–3 weeks.

Various types of gynecological massage are used to treat infertility: classical, acupuncture, segmental reflex and others. Massage in combination with drug treatment is quite effective against many gynecological diseases, but it gives the best results in the treatment of adhesions, infertility and miscarriage. According to statistics, gynecological massage helps a woman become pregnant in 85% of cases, of which in 70% after the first course.

Classic massage

Gynecological massage in its classic version has been used by obstetricians and gynecologists for more than 150 years. It helps to improve blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, eliminate congestion, increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus and its contractile function, eliminate adhesions, as well as displacement of the uterus and return it to its normal physiological position. A properly performed massage has a positive effect not only on the affected organ, but also on the entire woman’s body.

One massage course consists of 10 procedures, which are carried out every day or every other day. A properly performed procedure does not cause any pain. And only a gynecologist or a specially trained nurse-midwife should perform a massage.

Acupuncture massage

This method came to us from China about 30 years ago, although it has been successfully used in China for more than 2000 years. Modern research has shown that acupuncture, moxibustion or manual pressure on acupuncture points harmonizes the hormonal status of the body and increases blood supply to the reproductive organs. The method of acupuncture massage is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has proven itself in the treatment of various diseases of the female reproductive system, including infertility. Treatment is usually carried out over 2-3 months in several courses of 10 procedures with a break of several days.

If you're hesitant to get acupuncture because you're afraid of needles (although the skin piercing procedure is painless), ask your acupuncturist to show you points that are suitable for self-massage. For each woman they can be different, according to her diagnosis. We will suggest only two main points in the treatment of infertility that are suitable for everyone - this is the “Sea of ​​Qi” point (located two fingers width below the navel) and the “Source Support” point (located four fingers width below the navel).

Lie on your back, relax, close your eyes, breathe deeply. Press firmly with the middle finger of your hand (whichever is comfortable for you) first on one point for 5-10 seconds, then on the second point for the same amount. Concentrate on how the chi energy fills your lower abdomen. Repeat the series of presses for 10-15 minutes daily.

Segmental reflex massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist, neurologist and psychiatrist A.E. Shcherbak. Segmental reflex massage involves physical impact on reflex zones, which are connected to internal organs with the help of nerve endings. When exposed to massage, internal reflexes occur. Thus, it is possible not only to influence the tissue environment of the diseased organ, but also to stop the pathological process in it. This massage is also used for the prevention of diseases, and not only gynecological ones. The usual course consists of 20-30 procedures for 3-10 minutes. It is recommended to conduct 2-4 courses per year.


No matter how wonderful and effective the method of gynecological massage is, it has contraindications that need to be clarified and discussed with the attending gynecologist. For example, any massage is prohibited in case of infectious, mental, sexually transmitted diseases, elevated body temperature, inflammatory processes of the skin, the presence of benign and especially malignant tumors.

An excellent gynecological self-massage is yoga or belly dancing. This “kneads” the internal organs, relieves congestion, and improves blood microcirculation. There are many known cases of pregnancy in women suffering from infertility within 4-6 months after the start of active exercise.

As you know, massage is one of the very common and most importantly effective methods of treatment for a large list of diseases. In some cases, it acts as a full-fledged independent method, while in others it is a component of complex therapeutic therapy.

One of the types of therapeutic massage is gynecological massage, prescribed for the treatment of infertility. The main goal of gynecological massage is to normalize and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and, in addition, stretch and possibly eliminate adhesions, and significantly increase the tone of the uterus. Thus, massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system, restoring its functions, which, in turn, helps eliminate the causes of female infertility. This type of massage has a relatively short history of use, but has managed to establish itself as a fairly effective method, and today it is used very widely.

Indications for gynecological massage

The list of diseases and pathologies for which gynecological massage is indicated is extensive, and many of them have a direct impact on a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child. Therefore, we can confidently say that one of the main indications for this type of massage is infertility. If we consider in more detail the indications for its use, we can highlight the following:

- weakness, as well as insufficient contractility of the uterine muscles;

The presence of various scar formations, as well as adhesions in the uterosacral and broad ligaments;

If the location of the uterus is incorrect - for example, it is prolapsed, bent, etc.;

Inflammatory processes that exist in the pelvic peritoneum;

Congestion of various types in the pelvis;

Painful and irregular menstruation, etc.

Gynecological massage procedure as a means of treating infertility

It should immediately be noted that gynecological massage should be performed exclusively by a specialist with the necessary medical qualifications. In addition, it requires a specially equipped massage table. It should have a movable headrest, a bolster and special footrests to support the patient’s feet. In some cases, modern models of gynecological chairs are used for massage. Thus, when prescribing a gynecological massage to a patient, you should definitely contact specialized medical centers.

In addition, the patient will need a preliminary consultation, since there is certain preparation for the procedure of this type of massage. In particular, the last meal should be at least two hours before the massage, it is not recommended to have sexual relations on the days of the massage, you should first empty your intestines (maybe several hours before), and empty your bladder immediately before the start of the session, etc. d.

The duration of one session may depend on the complexity and type of disease. Traditionally, the first session is about 10-12 minutes, and subsequent sessions can be longer. As for the length of the therapeutic course of massage for infertility, when prescribing it, the individual characteristics of the indications and contraindications are taken into account. In addition, the patient should be constantly monitored by her attending physician, who will adjust the massage prescription depending on its effectiveness. In some cases, a course of gynecological massage can last 10-30 sessions, and in some – up to 3-4 months.

It should also be noted that massage for infertility should under no circumstances cause pain in a woman. This may be a feeling of stretching, squeezing or displacement, which is typical for almost any type of massage. Pain syndrome can become an indication for canceling massage.

After completing the session, the patient should be in a lying position on her stomach or standing in a knee-elbow position for at least 10-15 minutes. Experts also strongly advise their patients, in order to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic gynecological massage, to lie on their stomach 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.


Like any medical procedure, gynecological massage prescribed for the treatment of infertility may have its contraindications. Therefore, the patient undergoes a thorough examination first. Among the main contraindications are the following:

- menstruation;

Elevated temperature,

Presence of infectious diseases;

Any forms of subacute and acute inflammation of both external and internal genital organs;

Chronic inflammation of the genital organs, as well as suspicion of a hidden infection;

Tuberculosis of the peritoneum and female genital organs;

Detection of neoplasms in the uterus and its appendages;

Trichomonas colpitis, as well as urethritis;

Concomitant intestinal diseases (entercolitis, colitis, etc.);

Suspicion that the woman is pregnant;

Two months after childbirth or abortion;

Breastfeeding period;

Congenital abnormal position of the uterus;

Presence of gonococci in vaginal discharge, etc.

In general, gynecological massage has proven itself to be an effective method in the treatment of infertility, which can be used in combination with other treatment methods. The main condition for its use is exclusively professional performance in a specialized medical center.



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