Effective removal of atheroma without pain and stitches. Atheroma after removal surgery

Anyone who has a fatty tumor is wondering what the consequences are, what does the atheroma look like after removal? The procedure for removing atheroma can be carried out using different techniques - from classical surgery to modern electrocoagulation, radio wave, and laser methods. The consequences of the operation and the appearance of the skin depend on the qualifications of the surgeon, the characteristics of the patient’s body, the causes of the tumor and the method used.

After removal of atheroma, relapses or complications are possible if the doctor’s instructions are not followed.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma is a benign tumor localized in soft tissues. A compaction is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct. Externally, atheroma is similar to a cyst, as it consists of a membrane and a fatty substrate inside the capsule. A tumor forms on any part of the body where hair grows. The exception is the palms and feet, since there are no sebaceous glands there.

The causes of the pathology are considered:

  • mechanical injury;
  • mutations at the DNA level.

Only a doctor can detect atheroma during an individual examination. To ensure that the tumor is benign, a histological analysis of a biosample from the affected area is performed. It is possible to cure the pathology only surgically, since surgery allows you to excise all the affected tissue and the cystic capsule. If the mutated tissue is not completely removed, a relapse or malignancy may soon occur.

Removal methods

Technique for getting rid of atheromaDescription
Standard surgeryUnder general or local anesthesia, the skin is incised with a scalpel. The exposed atheroma is scraped out and disinfected. Afterwards, the wound is sutured. Duration: about an hour.
Laser therapyExcision of the affected tissue occurs with a laser under local anesthesia.
Radio wave removalApplicable to patients of any age. It is carried out by dissecting the tumor with a radio knife. The operation lasts no more than half an hour.
Electrosurgery with coagulationSimultaneously with the removal and curettage of the cyst, tissue cauterization occurs, which eliminates bleeding and infection of the wound.

If there is pain, swelling or temperature fluctuations after removal of atheroma, consult a doctor.

What to do after removal of atheroma?

Since tissue exudate with blood clots or ichor often accumulates in the wound in the first day after excision of the cyst, in order to avoid the development of infection, a pressure bandage is applied to the wound surface or drainage is placed. If the following symptoms appear after the operation, you need to contact a surgeon who will remove the atheroma:

  • temperature increased - 38 degrees or higher;
  • the place where the atheroma was hurts;
  • swelling appeared.

How to care for the wound after removal?

Care for the wound depends on how the operation was performed and what the atheroma looks like after the operation. With the classic technique, the doctor applies stitches, so it is necessary to treat the wound daily with a weak Betadine solution or other recommended antiseptic. Sutures are usually removed on the 7th–10th day. It is not allowed to wet the wound surface with water for up to several days. The crust comes off after 2 weeks.

The area where the atheroma was removed should be treated with a medical solution and protected from injury or infection.

If the operated area is located in a traumatic area, a bandage is recommended. Consequently, in the postoperative period it will be necessary to do dressings after removing the atheroma. If the tumor was located in the head and neck area, the wound is not bandaged. Despite the fact that the surface after laser and radio wave therapy of atheroma is less traumatized, doctors recommend the same postoperative care. But there is an option to use a special medical glue (“Dermobond”) instead of a bandage, which is applied for a week or two.

How long does it take to heal?

Usually, surgery to remove atheroma goes well and does not worsen if you follow the doctor’s recommendations. Therefore, complete healing and tissue regeneration occurs within 2–3 months, and the scar resolves after removal of the atheroma. This is explained by the benign nature of the formation, which is not prone to malignancy. But the tumor must be removed on time, as it can become inflamed and fester, which increases the risk of complications before and after surgery. This condition of the operated tissue increases the rehabilitation period, and the wound takes a long time to heal.

Scars, suppuration, and bleeding can disturb a person who has recently had atheroma removed.

How is atheroma removed surgically? Methodology of the procedure and how to behave correctly during the rehabilitation period?

What to do if atheroma occurs

Atheroma is a benign neoplasm. It is formed when the sebaceous duct is blocked and is filled with fatty secretion including epithelial cells. In a calm state, apart from a cosmetic defect, it does not bring suffering to its owner.

What to do if a growth has formed? The answer is simple - consult a dermatologist or surgeon. The doctor must confirm the diagnosis of “wen” and differentiate the neoplasm from carcinoma, distant metastasis or cyst.

The peculiarity of the formation is that it practically does not respond to conservative treatment; its removal is carried out in 99% of cases.

If it is small in size and lacks cosmetic and household inconveniences, the doctor may suggest choosing a wait-and-see approach and observing the behavior of the tumor.

If the lump has reached a significant size, has become inflamed and suppuration has begun, then the atheroma will have to be opened, followed by drainage of the sebaceous gland cavity.

Should I delete

Absolute indications for surgical intervention:

  • obvious cosmetic defect;
  • inflammatory process and suppuration;
  • if the tumor is located in the area of ​​large vessels or lymph nodes;
  • complication – abscess or phlegmon of nearby tissues.

Any surgical intervention is performed according to indications, and not for sporting interest. Including surgery to remove atheroma.

The operation to remove the growth lasts on average from 30 to 40 minutes, including anesthesia and suturing. This is a “one-day” operation that does not require hospitalization and a long recovery period.

Effective removal methods

The technique and methods for removing atheroma are determined by the doctor based on the age and wishes of the patient, the size and location of the tumor, concomitant diagnoses and the patient’s current condition.

Proven methods for removing atheroma:

  1. Removal using laser.

This technique is suitable for tumors in any location. After the procedure, there are no scars left, and the likelihood of infection is minimal. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

  1. Radio wave removal.

When excision of atheroma using radio waves, there is no contact of the equipment with the skin. At the same time, the vessels and adjacent tissues are cauterized, so the procedure is bloodless. The duration of the manipulation is 15 minutes.

  1. Electrocoagulation.

A special electrode is used for the procedure. In appearance it resembles a scalpel. The apex of the neoplasm is opened, the contents of the atheroma capsule and the capsule itself are removed. Currently, this method is rarely used, since it gives the maximum number of relapses of the disease.

  1. Classic surgery.

Excision of atheroma is carried out using a surgical instrument. The skin over the tumor is opened, the contents are squeezed out onto a napkin, and the capsule is removed. The risks of such a procedure are the possibility of bleeding and infection of the wound surface, the formation of postoperative scars.

How is the opening and excision operation performed?

Classic surgery for atheroma is performed at any time of the year. It is a gentle intervention and it is believed that rehabilitation after enucleation of the cyst takes little time.

Preparation for manipulation:

  1. A gentle diet on the eve of surgery.
  2. It is not advisable to drink or eat on the day of the procedure.
  3. Alcohol and nicotine are strictly prohibited.
  4. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any medications on an ongoing basis.
  5. The area of ​​the growth is treated with an antiseptic, and if the tumor is localized on the head, the hair is removed.
  6. The surgical site is anesthetized by injecting novocaine or lidocaine.
  7. The doctor makes a skin incision in the area of ​​the tumor. Opens the capsule of the cyst.
  8. The contents of the growth are squeezed out, the capsule is removed.
  9. The incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture. For this purpose, threads are used that will dissolve on their own within 1 week.
  10. The tumor tissue is sent for histological examination to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor.

Is it painful to remove atheroma?

The tumor should be removed only in a medical facility. No hairdressing or beauty salons are suitable for this.

According to WHO protocols, this type of intervention is carried out using local anesthesia. General anesthesia is not performed. Therefore, the question “does it hurt” during the intervention is inappropriate.

In some cases, pain medications are not recommended. But at the same time, the potential risk from painkillers and the risk arising from refusal to remove the tumor are assessed.

  • to remove carcinoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • blood pathologies;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • ascites;
  • pathologically low blood pressure.

The condition after removal may be accompanied by discomfort. But with a planned procedure it will be minimal. If a purulent process has developed, the patient will experience pain of moderate severity.

Postoperative prophylaxis

There are no specific preventive measures against atheromatosis. But after removing the tumor, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations for caring for the wound surface. The patient’s task is to avoid wound infection and speed up the healing process.

Rules of conduct during the postoperative period:

  • do not wet the wound for 48 hours;
  • treat the wound area with aseptic solutions;
  • comply with general hygiene requirements.

Do not search online for how to remove atheroma yourself, or what type of intervention to choose. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination and, together with a surgeon, choose the technique that is right for you!

Involves an incision and sutures. After removal, the area of ​​atheroma is treated with a weak antiseptic solution. What to do after surgery to remove atheroma?

Proper care

The doctor makes dressings after removing the atheroma after removing a large cyst, when the formation is located in an area of ​​constant friction of clothing.

The dressing process takes 5 minutes. The doctor examines the wound, makes sure there are no complications, and gives the patient to the nurse.

  1. The seams under the bandage are treated with brilliant green in the morning and evening. No treatment required the next day.
  2. The bandage should not be wet. Temporarily refrain from washing the operated area.
  3. The use of pain medications is usually not required.
  4. Remove brilliant green from hair with diluted alcohol and vodka.
  5. After surgery to remove atheroma of the earlobe or scalp, you should not wash your hair for 4 days. Wearing a clean hat will prevent the wound from becoming infected.

What are the complications after removal of atheroma?

Postoperative complications are rare. The following complications are possible:

  1. Damage to blood vessels during surgery. The damaged vessel is sutured and coagulated.
  2. After removal of the atheroma, the temperature rises: pathogenic flora has appeared, and the postoperative suture has become inflamed. The doctor prescribes local and systemic antibiotics.
  3. A hematoma of the auricle after removal of atheroma appears due to damage to the blood vessels. Fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue. The doctor opens the hematoma, rinses it with saline solution, removes blood clots, drains it, applies a bandage, and prescribes a course of antibacterial therapy.
  4. After removal of the atheroma, a compaction remained. It resolves within a week. If the compaction remains after removal of the atheroma, repeated surgery will be required: the surgeon did not completely remove the contents.
  5. Relapse is also possible due to incomplete emptying of the cystic cavity.

How long does it take for atheroma to heal after removal?

Popovtsev M. A.


It takes three months for the scar to heal after getting rid of the cyst. The scar resolves almost completely

Doctors recommend treating atheroma in the initial stages and monitoring the operated area. If, after removing the atheroma, a lump remains, the suture has festered, or the temperature has risen, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Questions and answers

The operation takes no more than 30 minutes.

2. - Can atheroma become malignant?

Rarely. After surgery, the contents of the atheroma are sent for histological examination to exclude cancer.

The scars are practically invisible and resolve within a few weeks.

4. - How much does surgery to remove atheroma cost?

The cost depends on the size of the atheroma, the category of complexity, the method of removal and its location.

Clinic address

At the “Center for Modern Surgery”, phlebologist, surgeon, oncologist and head of the Center, Maxim Aleksandrovich Popovtsev, will consult, conduct diagnostics and perform surgery. The clinic is located at: Moscow, st. Poltavskaya, 2.

Skin. About 7-10% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Atheroma can occur at any age, although it is much more common in adults.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma is a tumor-like neoplasm that occurs due to blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Atheroma is essentially a cyst. That is, it is a cavity with contents, surrounded by a capsule. The contents of atheroma are represented by epithelial cells, sebaceous secretions, and crystals. Outwardly it looks like a thick whitish paste.

Atheromas occur in those areas of the body where sebaceous glands are concentrated in large numbers. This is the scalp, chin, parotid area, back of the neck, back, area of ​​the external genitalia.


The main function of the sebaceous glands is the production of sebaceous secretion. A secretion is produced in the end section of the gland, which is then discharged out through the excretory duct. When the duct is blocked, the contents accumulate in the gland without being able to escape. This is how a sebaceous gland cyst is formed - atheroma.

The following factors lead to the occurrence of atheroma:


Atheroma is not accompanied by any discomfort and does not impair a person’s quality of life. The neoplasm is more likely a cosmetic defect.

Externally, atheroma looks like a rounded skin formation, the size of which can range from several millimeters to centimeters. The skin over the atheroma is unchanged, has normal color and texture. The formation is dense to the touch and moves easily, since it is not fused to the underlying tissues. Atheroma is absolutely painless. On its surface it is often possible to visualize a point - the duct of the sebaceous gland.


The most likely complication of atheroma is its suppuration. This happens when the skin is injured and constantly rubs against clothing. Symptoms of suppuration of atheroma are:

  • Redness of the skin;
  • Swelling of the skin;
  • Soreness when touched;
  • Spontaneous opening of the atheroma with the outflow of thick purulent contents is possible.

Much less often, when the atheroma is damaged and inflamed, a subcutaneous abscess develops. This pathological condition is accompanied by redness and swelling of a large area of ​​skin and pain. At the same time, the body temperature rises, a feeling of weakness and weakness arises.

Atheroma is a benign skin formation; it cannot transform into a malignant process.

Treatment of atheroma

You should not hope that atheroma will go away on its own. As already mentioned, atheroma is a cystic formation with a cavity and a wall. No matter what ointments or gels a person applies to atheroma, its capsule will not dissolve. The only possible treatment is removal. In no case should you squeeze out or cut out the atheroma yourself, because it will not be possible to remove all the overgrown tissue. In addition, such manipulations can lead to infection in the skin and the development of purulent inflammation.

Surgical removal of atheroma

This is a traditional method for removing atheroma. The operation is performed only under local anesthesia. The surgeon cuts the skin in the area of ​​atheroma, after which he removes the cyst from the surrounding tissue. After removal of the atheromatous cyst, small sutures are placed on the subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin. Usually, preference is given to cosmetic sutures that dissolve on their own within ten days. A scar remains in the incision area, which disappears within two to three months.

Now laser and radio wave removal of atheromas are becoming increasingly popular; these methods have their undeniable advantages. But, for example, large atheromas can only be removed surgically.

Laser removal of atheroma

The essence of the method is the impact of a laser beam on an area of ​​skin. The atheroma is opened with a laser, the cavity is processed and the capsule is excised. At the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Laser removal is performed under local anesthesia and takes little time: approximately twenty minutes.

This method is usually used when removing small atheromas. Laser removal has its advantages. Firstly, the procedure is low-traumatic. And secondly, after removal there is practically no scar left.

Radio wave treatment of atheroma

This method of removing atheromas is carried out using a radio wave knife. The surgeon cuts the skin with a radio knife and removes the atheroma cavity. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and generally lasts no more than fifteen to twenty minutes.

At the end of the operation, an almost invisible scar remains. Radio wave removal (as well as laser removal) allows you to remove an atheromatous cyst with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues and bleeding.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

It is worth saying that atheroma removal is carried out in several ways. Such formations are most often removed by laser or surgical intervention, however, in addition to these two methods, there are some more.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma on the human body is a benign tumor or cyst that appears when the outlet ducts of the sebaceous glands are blocked. Education tends to manifest itself in any area of ​​the skin in both women and men.

However, most often atheroma occurs in those places where the largest number of sebaceous glands is noted. These areas can be the genitals, back, head, face, armpits or perineum.

The atheroma contains a lipid mass. Initially, the neoplasm is small, but over time it develops quite rapidly. Atheroma can be either multiple or individual.

As a rule, factors predisposing to the occurrence of atheroma may be:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  3. Poor living conditions.
  4. Hyperhidrosis.

In addition, such formations may be susceptible to infection. If this happens, the atheroma greatly increases in size, turns red and pus forms in it. At the same time, a person may complain about his health, about an elevated temperature. The contents of the tumor itself may come out.

Often, atheroma and lipoma are not distinguished, since they have similar manifestations and locations. However, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist who will take histological samples and carry out certain diagnostic methods.

Nothing specific can be attributed to the reasons that provoke atheroma. However, frequent skin trauma, severe sweating and hormonal imbalance in the body can cause this neoplasm. Because of this, the sebaceous glands can become clogged, which provokes the formation of such tumors, since the contents accumulate in the gland, causing it to increase in size.

What are the methods of fighting

There is an assumption that atheroma should not be removed. It is worth finding a way that will promote its resorption. These can be all kinds of medications, cauterizations, lotions. However, this opinion is not entirely correct. Similar and similar methods can lead to infection, which is very dangerous for the human body. Because of this, atheroma must be eliminated once and for life. As soon as it appears, it is important to remove it immediately, even if it does not cause discomfort, does not cause pain and is small in size. The smaller the tumor, the less noticeable the scar will remain.

Thus, several methods have been developed to remove atheroma. Experts most often resort to the method of eliminating the cyst with further suturing. After surgery, marks and scars from the formation sometimes remain on the body.

Radio wave removal of atheroma

Removing atheroma using the radio wave method is quite popular. It is important to emphasize that this procedure is performed by using special equipment that is capable of synthesizing radio waves into energy. Thus, this energy is aimed at eliminating the tumor, while it does not affect the tissues that are nearby. This procedure is performed without any contraindications. It also has a number of advantages:

  1. The atheroma is removed once and does not develop anymore (relapse is excluded).
  2. Upon completion of the procedure, no stitches are required.
  3. Minimal pain.
  4. Fast recovery.
  5. Maintaining ability to work.
  6. Aesthetic appearance.

In addition, the radio wave method does not involve tissue damage, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of scarring, which cannot guarantee removal with a scalpel.

The procedure itself to remove such a formation lasts approximately 10-20 minutes; local anesthesia is first administered. Initially, the formation is processed, and then it is studied using radio waves using a thin nozzle. Thus, radiation burns out the atheroma from the inside. After this, a small hole remains, which the attending physician treats with iodine and makes a bandage. After such measures, the patient can go home. However, when a large atheroma is removed, you need to stay in the hospital for some time.

Even if a small formation occurs, it is important to consult a doctor and eliminate the atheroma, since its radio wave removal will avoid the development of scars.

Laser radiation

Atheroma is often removed with a laser.

This method has also earned its popularity. It is indicated for those people whose disease is at an early stage. When the tumor is small, it is removed with a laser, after which the cavity is treated. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this method is the most gentle. Laser removal of atheroma is performed under local anesthesia, and the procedure itself lasts no more than 20 minutes.

If the operation is performed on the head, then there is no need to shave the hair in the damaged area. Once the laser has evaporated the tissue, the wound is treated with components that accelerate the healing process and antiseptics.

Surgical method

Removing atheroma by surgical intervention involves not only cutting out the contents of the atheroma, but also removing its capsule, since even if some of it remains, this can cause a relapse of the disease. This method is used if other chosen methods do not give the desired result. Before surgery is performed, anesthesia is given, and the removal itself is performed through a puncture in order to avoid the appearance of a scar. The operation begins with the administration of an anesthetic, after which an incision is made on the surface of the tumor. If the cyst has an opening, two incisions are made to enclose the opening. Next, the contents of the formation are cleaned out, the subcutaneous retina is stitched with a special suture, for which special threads are taken.

However, surgery has its drawbacks, which is that the procedure may leave a scar or scar. In addition, standard surgery involves contact with instruments, which can lead to infections. There is also a possibility of relapse of the disease.

The operation must be carried out at any stage; there is no delay. When the presence of pus and infection is established inside the atheroma, it is important to proceed to carefully opening it, eliminating the pus, and after that the sac, which is a cyst, is removed. Atheroma is located precisely on oily skin, which means following the rules of personal hygiene, using appropriate suitable products: a washcloth when bathing, which helps remove excess fat, scrubs, masks.

As mentioned above, atheroma is a benign neoplasm that can be treated at any stage of its development, not even taking into account its size. If you do not take timely measures and do not begin to fight the disease by resorting to surgical intervention, the cyst may begin to enlarge, become inflamed, and swell, which, in turn, can lead to further formation of pus.



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