Domestic “bear cub” - chow-chow: description of the breed, character, why is the tongue blue and what to feed? Chow Chow dog is a variety of the Chow Chow breed.

Chow chow- the oldest breed of dog, the birthplace of which is China. Once upon a time, these “shaggy lions,” as their name is translated, lived in a limited area, but today they are known and loved all over the world. Chow Chows are classified as Spitz dogs, despite the fact that their blood relationship with Tibetan Mastiffs has been proven.

Chow chow in all its glory

There are suggestions that the Chow Chow was originally used to protect livestock in Mongolia and Northern China. As the nomads moved their herds to the south, the dogs also explored new territories. The first silhouettes of dogs resembling chows were found in drawings dating back to 206 BC. e. This suggests that even then people were not indifferent to these strong and beautiful animals.

Shaggy lions gained particular love and popularity in China, outside of which they were not allowed to be exported for a long time. Chow chows were bred in monasteries, and the best representatives of the breed were sent to the emperor. There is a legend that one of the rulers of the Celestial Empire loved these dogs so much that he kept hundreds of them in his palace.

Luxurious dog - guard and shepherd

Europeans first learned about unusual dogs from the notes of the traveler M. Polo, and in 1781 the breed was described in detail in his book by the British naturalist G. White. The first club of Chow Chow lovers was formed in 1895, and the official recognition of the breed took place 10 years later.

Dogs began to be actively bred and sold. The working qualities of four-legged animals made them suitable for hunting small animals, guarding livestock, and transporting goods as part of dog teams.


The Chow Chow is admired for its luxurious exterior - a strong, muscular body, a thoughtful muzzle, and thick coat of amazing beauty.

Table 1. Main external characteristics of Chow Chow dogs.

In this case:

  • the eyes of the representatives of the breed are not very large, but seem very small due to their deep location;

The eyes of the Chow Chow are a subject of special concern for the owners of these dogs.

  • triangular ears - neat, shaggy and erect;
  • The tip of the nose is black as standard, with the exception of fawn and blue dogs, in which its color matches the tone of the coat.

This is interesting! The highlight of the breed is the dark blue color of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyelids. Because of this, she was even credited with being related to the polar bear, whose tongue is the same color. Newborn Chow Chows have a pink mouth that darkens over time.

Based on the structure and length of the coat, the Chow Chow is classified into:

  1. Longhair type. The coat of such dogs is thick and long, the spines are straight and standing vertically. The fur “collar” and “pants” stand out.
  2. Shorthair type. These include smooth dogs (from the English “smooth” - smooth). They are:
  • with a full undercoat and sparse guard hairs. Such dogs are soft and fluffy, without hanging mane or strands;
  • with short guard hair and the same undercoat. These chows, in comparison with other relatives, look more sleek.

Reference. Today, smooths are more popular among owners and breeders.


Chows live from 9 to 15 years. They have good health and rarely get sick, despite the fact that they have a predisposition to such pathologies as:

  • congenital myopathy– weak contractility of muscles, leading to their atrophy;
  • – a skin disease of allergic origin, causing severe itching;
  • turn of the century- an anomaly in which its edge is turned towards the eyeball. As a result of constant friction, the cornea becomes inflamed, which has serious consequences, including blindness.

To protect the dog from dangerous infections, at the age of 2-3 months he is given the first vaccinations, followed by revaccination. A week before the injection, puppies are given , and to prevent fleas and ticks, the dogs' fur is treated quarterly.

Chow chows are perfectly adapted to living at home, but are not suitable for aviary and outdoor keeping. The room where the dog lives must be spacious enough, otherwise, if household members constantly trip over the animal, it will grow up nervous and grouchy.

Chows are calm and reasonable homebodies. They are not prone to escape and are moderately active. To maintain normal physical shape, they should be walked at least 1 hour a day.

Behind the wool

The luxurious “fur coat” of the Chow Chow requires daily brushing with a massage brush, for at least 15 minutes. Twice a week, care should be more thorough, with deep combing with a metal comb and parsing. If you do this carefully, the dog will get used to it and will fall asleep from pleasure.

Chows are washed twice a year, and show dogs also before the show. It would seem that dense and dense fur quickly gets dirty, but in fact, to remove, for example, dirt after a walk, it is enough to wipe the dog’s paws, belly and sides with wet wipes.

The pet is cut only to prevent it from turning into a shaggy bear. The natural length of the coat remains almost unchanged along the body, but is greatly reduced on the paws. To maintain a neat appearance, the “hairstyle” needs to be thinned periodically. Only an experienced groomer can do this correctly.

Behind the claws

They are shortened as they grow, using a guillotine-type nail clipper. The frequency of the procedure depends on the speed of natural grinding of the claws. The paws of a dog walking on soft ground need more frequent care.

Behind the dog's claws needs careful care. and find out: How to trim a dog’s nails correctly? Why do dogs need their nails trimmed? How does a dog's claw work? What is the danger of long nails on a dog? What types of nail trimming accessories are there? What possible complications may arise during nail trimming?

Behind the eyes

The Chow's organs of vision are a subject of special attention. Regular care involves gently wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine or zoo eye lotion. The manipulation should be performed with a light, careful movement, from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye - a separate cotton pad. If the organs of vision are inflamed and discharge is flowing down the face, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.


There is no consensus on the chow chow feeding system. Adherents of a natural diet believe that there is no better food for a dog than food in the human sense. However, choosing a healthy and balanced diet for an animal is not as easy as it seems, especially if you take into account age characteristics and needs. It is also important to remember that representatives of the breed are prone to allergies, so it is better not to experiment with natural food, but to feed them ready-made premium quality diets.

Character and abilities

The dog is energetic and hardy, fearless and devoted to its owner, but is distrustful of strangers. Such a pet is ready to risk his life for the sake of a loved one, but he will not always obey him. By nature, Chows are calm, independent and freedom-loving, and also extremely stubborn. They are known for their tendency towards dominant behavior, selfishness and pride.

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The Chow Chow is a low-emotional breed. The highest manifestation of love for these dogs is considered to bury their nose in the owner and mutter like a bear cub, and they express joy with a couple of tail swings. Chows bark extremely rarely and always to the point: if a domestic lion uses its voice, then the situation requires attention.

Intelligence is average. The dog is curious, has a good memory, but due to its stubbornness it is difficult to train. She is not very sociable, as she is an introvert by nature. A small dog, as soon as it appears in the house, studies people, evaluates their behavior, attitude towards itself, and draws conclusions. The Chow will consider the owner only the one in whom he sees the leader, but will remain neutrally friendly towards the rest.

Relationships with children will not be easy. The chow is prepared to endure the importunity and tactlessness of little ones for only a short time. If this relationship is not regulated, the dog will avoid younger family members and is unlikely to make friends with them in the future. The dog perceives strangers with caution and distrust. A well-mannered dog will not show signs of irritation, but he will not allow himself to be scratched behind the ear in his own way.

As for birds and other pets, a representative of the breed only recognizes those with whom he grew up since childhood. The rest will either be annoying competitors or the subject of hunting. Chow Chows have a special dislike for strange cats. Even a well-mannered dog is difficult to keep on a leash if a mustachioed “evil” appears on the horizon. The animal is delicate towards its owner. He will not impose himself and demand attention, but he will always “pity” the owner and sympathize with him when he sees that he is upset.

There will be no friendship...

Dog experts advise getting a Chow during puppyhood, when he is best socialized and adapts. It will be more difficult with an older dog. It is unlikely that it will be possible to retrain and re-educate him. In addition, experts do not recommend being rude or physically punishing your pet, even when it is at fault. This will kill trust and friendship, and will also seriously worsen mutual understanding with the dog. With proper attention, the Chow Chow makes an excellent companion - a family favorite, who will also be good as a guard and guard dog.

Education and training

Training representatives of the breed is fraught with difficulties, the cause of which is the stubbornness and waywardness of the pet. The dog follows commands reluctantly and slowly, sometimes with hesitation and heavy sighs. But this is really stubbornness, and not at all laziness or stupidity.

It will take a lot of endurance and patience from the owner to teach the dog the wisdom of obedience and good behavior. This will take a lot of time, but you should not lose enthusiasm and faith in the dog’s abilities. The results will certainly please you, but if at least once a person gives up on everything and turns a blind eye to the dog’s disobedience or neglect, the animal will remember this, feel its advantage and begin to use it to the maximum, including by demonstrating dominant behavior.

Where to buy a puppy and what to look for

Like any other pedigree dog, it is better to purchase a chow from a kennel where such animals are professionally bred. The price will depend on the class of the puppy and the titles of its parents. Thus, a pet for the soul (pet class) can be purchased for 5,000-10,000 rubles, and a dog for an exhibition career and breeding (show and breed class) will cost 35,000-50,000 rubles.

A puppy from the kennel must have:

  • veterinary passport with vaccination marks;
  • a puppy card of the established form, indicating the breed, nickname, brand, gender, date of birth, information about the parents and breeder. There must be an imprint of the seal of the club or kennel where the dog was purchased.

The best puppies come from professional breeders

Important meet the breeder, see the conditions in which the dogs are kept, ask for advice on caring for the puppy. Other circumstances should also be taken into account.

Animal age

The right breeder offers dogs for sale from 8-10 weeks and older. When it comes to show and breeding animals, it is believed that the older they are, the better: an older dog has socialization skills, and also allows the potential owner to evaluate show parameters.

He or she

When choosing a dog or bitch, you should take into account their gender characteristics of physiology and temperament.


  • heavier and larger;
  • has thicker and longer hair;
  • less sociable and stingy with emotions, but not fussy;
  • loves solitude, but always keeps the owner in sight.
  • more suitable for exhibitions, as it is larger in size and looks more impressive.


  • has an easy-going disposition, a more subtle and complex psyche;
  • smarter than a male;
  • becomes attached to a person faster and stronger;
  • active and inquisitive;
  • more emotional than male relatives.

The sexual behavior of male dogs is manifested by a clear desire for leadership from an early age. As the instinct awakens, the male will try to make cages and begin to mark the territory. If sexual intercourse is impossible, he may become irritated and show aggression.

It is noteworthy that viciousness and the habit of leaving marks are also characteristic of bitches during the period of heat, which lasts 21 days. This is a difficult time for both the dog and the owner. You will need to wash the apartment more often and more thoroughly, and be especially attentive to the animal during walks: nearby males are always circling around the female in heat, and the owner’s task is to protect the animal from annoying gentlemen in order to prevent accidental mating.


The color of a chow baby’s coat is often a different shade from its future “adult” color. This is due to the short length of the guard hairs and the characteristics of the puppy's undercoat. To understand what the dog's color will be, you should pay attention to the hair that covers the face (under the eyes) and paws.

The color of the puppies may subsequently change slightly.

Body Constitution

A newborn Chow Chow is a robust breed with a well-developed skeletal system. The proportions of his body can be assessed already at the beginning of life. Among other things, the wide base of the tail indicates the massiveness of the bones in the future.


It is important to carefully examine your dog's eyes. They should not show signs of inflammation.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the centuries:

  • the upper row of eyelashes should not be tucked inward, so as not to irritate the surface of the eye;
  • The lower eyelids should not droop too much, otherwise in the future they will turn out and become inflamed.


You can determine your baby's temperament as early as 5-6 weeks. Breeders know how to do this and will not refuse to test the cub in front of a potential buyer. You should refrain from purchasing a puppy that displays arrogance, anger or cowardice. The character of a pet matters whether it becomes a show dog or a family pet.


Chow-chow dogs look like teddy bears, but by temperament they are not toys at all, but serious and wayward animals. They will fit in better in a family without small children, accustomed to a leisurely and moderately active life. Due to their character traits, representatives of the breed are not recommended as a first dog, as they are more suitable for owners with experience.


Origin: China

Class: according to the FCI classification - group 5: Spitz and primitive breeds. Section 5: Asian Spitz and related breeds. No operational tests.

Usage: companion dog, guard dog.

Color: black, brown, white, red, blue, cream with shades, without any spots.

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - from 48-56 cm, females - from 46-51 cm; weight: males - up to 32 kg, females - up to 27 kg

Lifespan: 10-12 years

A serious, calm and reasonable dog, with appearance and habits reminiscent of a small lion, does not like to joke, and is quite capricious.

A Chow Chow can even ignore its beloved owner if his commands go against his own beliefs.

Chow chows are smart, but infinitely stubborn; in terms of learning ability, they are in seventy-seventh place out of eighty, which does not prevent them from making their own decisions.

The Chow Chow's watchdog qualities are excellent. Like , they are distrustful and unfriendly to strangers, be they humans or animals.

History of the breed

DNA analysis of modern Chow Chows has confirmed that these dogs are descendants of an ancient breed of dogs living in China.

For more than two thousand years, these dogs have been used as hunters and guards.

Descriptions of the chow chow are found in ancient manuscripts.

The purity of the Chow Chow was carefully maintained by the monks of Buddhist monasteries; they kept records of each mating, compiling pedigree books, and exchanged pets of their breeding to inject new blood.

Modern representatives of the breed have a slightly modified appearance, which was perfected by English breeders when these dogs were brought to England by merchants at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Character of the Chow Chow

  • The Chow Chow's lack of a sense of humor and the need for fun games with humans is one of the striking qualities of these animals.
  • Independence and a serious attitude towards everything can discourage an inexperienced owner, but in fact, dogs of this breed, like dogs, are ready to give their lives protecting their owner.
  • Even small puppies, charming and clumsy like all babies, do not like invasion of personal space and can be brought to a boil, trying to bring any of their ideas to life.
  • Communication with a Chow Chow requires the owner to have endless patience and respect for the interests of the dog; only then does a calm, well-mannered dog grow out of a stubborn, aggressive animal.
  • Pets living in the same territory as dogs of this breed are usually perceived by them calmly, and any stranger can cause an outburst of uncontrollable rage. That is why, when meeting or communicating with dogs or cats unfamiliar to the dog, the owner must put him on a leash and control his behavior.
  • The tendency to dominate in the family is often found in dogs of this breed, and it begins quite early, even in puppyhood. As in the case of, the owner must firmly suppress the chow chow’s attempts to impose his will, otherwise it will be very difficult to cope with an adult gloomy dog.

Important: Chow Chows grow and mature very quickly, so you shouldn’t delay socializing and training your puppy!


In the modern world, the use of Chow Chows is most often limited to a decorative function: beautiful dogs with the appearance of a lion or a bear attract the eyes of passers-by, and their blue tongue causes a lot of controversy.

There is a beautiful legend that the chow licked the roof of his mouth when God was creating him, which is why his tongue turned blue.

Interesting! In fact, Chow Chow puppies are born with pink tongues that turn blue as the dog matures.

As guards, the Chow Chow dog breed is successfully used to guard apartments and private courtyards.

This breed is not suitable for athletic people who lead an active lifestyle and enjoy hiking or cycling.

Chow chows are not very fond of sports activities, and even more so because they have a low energy level, so they prefer passive pastime.

How to choose a dog

You should take the purchase of a Chow Chow puppy very seriously, fully aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of this breed.

Even purebred Chow Chow puppies differ from each other in appearance, so if the owner plans to engage in a pet's exhibition career, then it is necessary to carefully study the pedigree and titles of the parents.

Typically, promising puppies do not have defects or shortcomings that are easily visible at two months of age.

The puppy should not have:

  1. Spotted tongue.
  2. Pink nose (in cream-colored puppies, a black nose may become spotted over time, and this is a disqualifying fault)
  3. Any malocclusion: underbite, overbite.
  4. Entropion or eversion of the eyelids.
  5. Uneven color (spots).
  6. Sagging of the lower eyelids, which may indicate incipient entropy.

For a successful exhibition career, it is advisable to purchase a puppy from a high-pedigree red female, and if the choice falls on a male puppy, then one must take into account that there is much more competition among them.

Consequently, the work and financial costs of maintaining a show dog are also an order of magnitude greater.

Important! Very often, puppies have a slightly different color than an adult dog, so you should pay attention to the color of the fur under the eyes, on the face and paws - in these areas it does not change with age.

Thick paws gathered into a ball, a thick base of the tail and fully set ears slightly tilted forward - these qualities should be present in a two-month-old puppy.

Temperament and character can also be determined at this age.

You should not take a timid, aggressive or overly arrogant baby, no matter how promising his appearance may be.

For the Chow Chow, temperament means a lot.

Features of care


Chow Chows have a thick coat with a developed undercoat, and during molting periods they shed intensively.

Thick fur, when water or dirt gets on it, rolls into tangles that pull the animal's skin, irritating it and causing pain.

Under the tangles, the skin may begin to swell. To avoid this, you need to comb the puppy daily, accustoming him to this procedure.


Accustoming to neatness should begin from the first day of a puppy’s life in a new home.

To do this, you should not use a place in the house covered with a diaper or sawdust, since an adult dog can use any textile for this.

The puppy must know that it is impossible to recover within the walls of the house, and the owner must take the baby outside after each awakening, feeding and during wakefulness.

There is no need to take long walks; after recovery, the puppy is brought home.

An adult Chow Chow needs longer walks, two or three times a day.

It is also worth taking a two-hour walk once a day. In crowded places it is worth putting it on your pet.

During the period of growth, there is no need to burden the baby with long runs, preventing him from jumping from heights.

Daily exercise and games with peers will strengthen his ligaments and serve to quickly socialize the pet.


The Chow Chow is not a very energetic dog, so many representatives of this breed tend to be overweight.

The owner should give the pet food containing two-thirds protein and one-third carbohydrates.

A growing puppy is fed four times a day until the age of six months, and the baby is given fermented milk products at one feeding, and porridge with meat at the other three.

Beef can be given to puppies both raw and boiled, and offal (liver, tripe) can be given boiled.

Be sure to add raw or boiled carrots and vegetable oil to the porridge.

An adult pet is fed twice a day, the amount of food is calculated individually based on the age, gender and physical activity of the dog.

Breeding dogs should receive a high-protein diet, where meat and offal make up 80%, and cereals and vegetables – 20% of the daily volume.

Important! Puppy and suckling bitches receive additional nutrition in the form of milk or fermented milk products, the number of feedings increases to four, starting from the second half of pregnancy.


Chow Chows are smart, but also very stubborn.


The formation of a Chow Chow dog ends by the age of two, so a male can be mated starting at 18 months, and a female is usually mated at .

Usually, for successful mating, they resort to the help of an instructor, since the bitch can show aggression towards the male.

The bitch is kept on a short leash, not allowing her to turn towards the male.

Before mating, be sure to walk the animals, since the bitch’s full intestines can lead to the absence of a lock.

The presence or absence of a lock does not affect fertilization, since ejaculation occurs almost immediately after mating begins.

Mating Chow Chows of different colors obeys the following rules:

  1. Two black Chow Chows can produce puppies of any color.
  2. Two red Chow Chows or a red and a brown will never produce black and blue puppies.
  3. Two browns will not produce black, blue or red puppies.
  4. Two blue parents will not produce black or red puppies.
  5. Blue and brown parents will not produce black and red puppies.
  6. Two cream parents will produce only cream puppies!

Chow-chow dogs (photo): wayward domestic lion

A serious, calm and reasonable dog, with appearance and habits reminiscent of a small lion, does not like to joke, and is quite capricious. A Chow Chow can even ignore its beloved owner if his commands go against his own beliefs. Chow chows are smart, but infinitely stubborn; in terms of learning ability, they are in seventy-seventh place out of eighty, which does not prevent them from making their own decisions. The Chow Chow's watchdog qualities are excellent; they are distrustful and unfriendly to strangers, be they humans or animals.

Height at withers: 46 - 56 cm

Weight: 20 - 32 kg

Black, red, blue, cinnamon, cream or white, often shaded but not spotted.

Abundant, dense, straight and distant. The guard hair is of a coarse structure, but with a soft fluffy undercoat. Particularly abundant hair forms a mane or collar around the neck and well-defined feathering on the back of the thighs.

The back is short, straight and strong. The loin is powerful. The chest is wide and deep. The ribs are well defined, but not barrel-shaped.

Set on high, lies tightly on the back. Mobile, very well pubescent.

Hind legs

Muscular. The hocks point straight down, with minimal angulation, producing the characteristic stilted gait.

Front paws

Perfectly straight, medium length, with strong bones. The shoulders are muscular and sloping.

Dark, oval shaped, medium sized and clean.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

The teeth are healthy and even, the jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular and completely scissor bite.

The nose is large and wide, the nostrils are developed and open. In most cases the lobe is black.

Small, thick, slightly rounded at the ends; Set wide and rigid, inclined forward towards the eyes and slightly drawn together.

The skull is flat, wide; well filled under eyes. The transition from forehead to muzzle is not sharply defined.

turn on

turn off


The Chow Chow is a large and strong dog whose appearance makes one think of both a bear and a lion. This proud, impossibly beautiful and somewhat stubborn creature is one of the most ancient dogs in the world, and the formation of its breed is owed to the Buddha himself. Despite their low ability to train and learn, Chow Chows are incredibly popular pets that can make anyone laugh and enjoy themselves. In addition, they are excellent bodyguards and protectors - brave, disciplined and principled.

Photo: mishko2007, Photo: Nicholas Haehn, Photo: Jorge Figueroa, Photo: altano, Photo: jeje62,


The Chow Chow is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. It is logical that these animals belong to the group of primitive dogs. Many DNA studies prove: the Chow Chow is a primary breed that evolved, like many other Spitz dogs, from real wolves in China and Mongolia - cold and dry lands.

An authentic Chinese bas-relief from 150 BC depicted a dog that was most similar to modern chow chows. It is known that the Chinese used these strong, loyal and hardy pets for hunting, guarding, reindeer herding and herding, and also as sled dogs.

It is believed that the most purebred and intelligent chow chows lived in Buddhist temples, where clergymen were involved in their breeding - they even kept stud books. Since China was a closed and autonomous country for a very long time, chow chows appeared in Europe only in 1785 thanks to travelers and sailors. For the first time for European society, Chinese dogs were colorfully described by the legendary traveler Marco Polo.

The Chow Chow dog breed made its debut in England in 1830. British breeders and specialized breeders could not help but pay attention to such impressive and exotic dogs, so they quickly began breeding and improving the breed. By and large, our chow-chow contemporaries owe their appearance and straightforward, persistent character to British dog breeders. It was they who turned these animals into decorative dogs that were fully adapted for life in a secular society. Despite this, Chow Chows have not lost their working and other specific abilities, which is especially important. Quite quickly they gained tremendous popularity despite their extremely low training abilities. Scientists at the University of British Columbia have proven that Chow Chows are one of the most incapable of learning dogs (77th place among 80 breeds).

Many believe that the Chinese bred the Chow Chow breed specifically for the purpose of eating their meat. This is not entirely true. In addition, the Chinese almost never eat dogs. It is known that in some Japanese villages it is customary to eat one-year-old chow chows specially bred for this purpose. The Chinese previously ate not purebred representatives of the breed, but mixes, which, however, was no less cruel.

The Chow Chow is the only dog ​​in the world with a blue tongue. According to legend, a curious animal licked the edge of the sky while God was creating the world. By the way, chow chows are born with a tongue of the usual pink color, but over time it darkens.


Chow chows cannot claim to be intellectuals. They are too straightforward and stubborn for mental feats. However, they are not hopelessly stupid. What Buddha's assistants lack in intelligence (you must admit, such a wonderful nickname cannot appear without a reason) compensates for it with devotion, attentiveness and a relatively high level of psychological adaptability. Like other Asian breeds, Chow Chows are accustomed to thoroughly studying the world of their owners - their habits, character, type of temperament. In this case, a certain curiosity helps the Chow Chow in the best possible way.

In order to make your pet smarter and more savvy, the Chow Chow owner must be as open and patient as possible in his relationship with the dog, respecting its subtle, but at the same time very direct and proud disposition.


All representatives of the Chow Chow breed, without exception, are characterized by a strong sense of ownership: of the house, of the territory, of the owner, of toys - of everything around. For example, if a dog walks on the lawn, then this well-groomed area belongs only to him.

The Chow Chow breed is not prone to too intense communication, as these dogs perceive any living creature as a competitor and rival. Of course, you can fight this, but only with early socialization and strict education. They save their love and devotion exclusively for their owners, ignoring everyone around them with some arrogance.

A well-mannered Chow Chow will never show aggression or timidity - it is a psychologically very confident dog that knows no fear; and who never panics. Perhaps this is why chow chows make ideal guard dogs. Their strong and resilient character is reflected in their excellent physique and athleticism.

Chow Chows are quite kind, but temperamental and stubborn. Sometimes their explosive impulsiveness is confused with aggression. In order for their behavior to be extremely smooth and consistent, the owner must take care of the proper amount of physical activity. Despite their decisive disposition, Chow Chows are very loving, so they highly value attention from their owner.


As we have already said, the Chow Chow dog breed does not particularly like communicating with strangers and other living creatures. But they are used to building close and trusting relationships with their owners - only under such conditions can these dogs demonstrate their love.

Although Chow Chows may appear aloof or sullen throughout the day and may not respond well to calls to socialize, they do not like having someone else dominate their territory and attract the attention of their beloved family.

It is known that these dogs have a very difficult time getting used to other animals in the house - primarily due to their selfish nature. A Chow Chow will never make friends with a cat, but it is possible with a dog, but only on the condition that the pets grew and developed together from the age of puppies. Chow Chows invariably tend to be extremely dominant, so if you want to keep your pet in the company of someone, it is better to get a dog of the same breed, but of the opposite sex.

Chow Chows can be somewhat aggressive towards strangers in the house - especially in the first moments of a guest's stay in the house. No, no, they won’t attack a person, but they can really scare you with their barking (by the way, these dogs’ vocals match their size). Chow-chow children are treated well and even with tenderness, but they just like to play, usually alone with themselves or with other dogs, so the dog will quickly get tired of the company of the baby.


Chow chows are very difficult to train, train and educate. This is due, first of all, to incredible innate stubbornness.

Many people think that Chow Chows are not able to carry out many commands because they do not have a good memory. Know that this is not true. These dogs have an excellent memory, they just use it selectively, remembering only what they really need, and not what they are forced to do. However, it is possible to overcome stubbornness.

Chow Chow puppies are quite obedient. You must take advantage of the moment and start training and education at a very early age. If you do not want to resort to the help of a professional trainer, then for basic training you will only need to learn a few commands with your pet. For example, "come to me!" and "you can't!"

The basis of learning in this case is also early socialization. By nature, Chow Chows are quite severe dogs with a straightforward character. But, of course, you can slightly adjust their disposition. Allow your Chinese pet to interact with other dogs as often as possible during walks, introduce him to the world, invite guests home, take your young Chow Chow with you on picnics. Under these circumstances, the pet will grow up to be quite sociable and open, will rarely show aggression and will allow you to feel calm during walks.

In addition, the owner must remember that the Chow Chow dog breed is known for its love of freedom and independence. These four-legged creatures will not tolerate excessive pressure from humans or, conversely, annoying tenderness. Try to dominate your relationship with the animal with respect and caution, otherwise this powerful pet will sit on your head and turn you into a servant. At the same time, you should not resort to aggression, too harsh punishments and shouting - be strict and reasonable, speak to the dog in a clear commanding tone.

Walking and exercise

Chow-chows, which are currently considered almost decorative dogs, have retained all their working and specialized qualities. They are incredibly strong, athletic and energetic. In order for their life to follow the correct natural rhythm and be harmonious, the owner must take care of regular walks.

The optimal walking regimen is two to three hour sessions a day. It is important to remember that during walking, representatives of the Chow Chow breed not only satisfy their natural needs, but also develop mentally. As you know, these dogs are very curious, so they strive to explore every bush, tree and stone on their way. This is especially important in the case of puppies or very young dogs.

Quite often, Chow Chows need long runs, during which nothing will hinder their movements. Therefore, the owner needs to try to find a sparsely populated place (forest, field, river bank) in order to allow the pet to frolic without a leash and collar.

Chow chows are very unique. They have a hard time remembering and assimilating commands, forcing the owner to repeat the same instructions a dozen times. On the other hand, they do not tolerate monotony. Experienced Chow Chow breeders argue that walking areas should be changed as often as possible, because dogs quickly get tired of the repetitive landscape. It is worth noting that games with chow chows should also be varied.

Chow Chow dogs are very clean. Their fanatical desire for sterility gave rise to many strange phobias. For example, these dogs are afraid to walk on grass covered in dew.

Chow chows are very clean. Their fanatical desire for sterility gave rise to many strange phobias. For example, these dogs are afraid to walk on grass covered in dew.


Pets of this breed not only carefully monitor personal hygiene, but also control their daily routine, not allowing themselves to overeat or get too tired during walks. In addition, their coat (both long-haired and short-haired dogs) has the ability to self-clean.

Despite the developed thick undercoat, the Chow Chow's coat is quite easy to care for. The special structure of the coat hair does not allow the fur to roll up and fall abundantly onto the ground and floor during seasonal molting (which traditionally occurs twice a year). These dogs need to be brushed once a week with a metal comb with rounded teeth, three to four times during shedding. During basic grooming of the coat, special attention should be paid to the mane, tail and other most furry areas of the body. Chow chows should be washed no more than two or three times a year.

The eyes are wiped with napkins and cotton pads moistened with water every morning. The claws usually need to be trimmed only once a month, because the Chow Chow’s nails are quite soft and wear well on the ground and asphalt during walks. Grinding is also facilitated by the special arched shape of the paws (the toes are gathered into a tight fist). Ears should be cleaned once a month using hygiene sticks and napkins.

Chow-chow and your apartment

Chow chows feel quite comfortable in city apartments, but the ideal option for keeping them would be a courtyard (of course, if you live in your own house). These dogs are born guards, so they will be able to fully reveal their potential outside in a kennel. However, even in an apartment, Chow Chows are accustomed to always keeping control of the front door. Despite the fact that these dogs love peace, quiet and solitude, they never lose their vigilance, watching over family members in order to protect them in case of danger. This circumstance must be taken into account when arranging a personal place for the Chow Chow to rest and sleep. Try to keep all rooms visible. The place itself should be clean, neat, moderately hard and elastic (an orthopedic base is desirable - for example, a children's mattress). It is very important to protect the Chow Chow's personal territory from direct exposure to sunlight.

What to feed a Chow Chow dog

Low-fat and nutritious dry food is ideal. However, the specific composition of the diet depends on the individual approach of the owner. The main thing is to avoid high levels of protein and fat in their balanced diet. Meat and sea fish (not perch or pollock!) are best given raw, cut into pieces. 150 - 200 g of cottage cheese is given daily, to which a little fermented baked milk or kefir is added. From time to time, cereals (buckwheat and rice) and leafy greens (cabbage, lettuce, parsley) are useful in small quantities. It is forbidden to cook bone broths, pork, and potatoes. It is best to serve chicken only of proven quality and boiled, as chow chows may be allergic to it.

The Chow Chow is a famous breed with a purple tongue. Such a dog cannot help but attract attention. His grace and independent appearance are reminiscent of a lion. Yes, and there is some external resemblance to the king of beasts.

Description and photo of the breed

The Chow Chow is a representative of the first, descending directly from the wolf. This became known thanks to DNA research. The dog's homeland is the Chinese and Mongolian steppes, where it has been known for two thousand years.

The first breeders of the breed were Buddhist monks. They not only bred Chow Chows, but also kept their pedigree, a description of their habits and character. To avoid degeneration of the breed, they exchanged dogs with other monasteries.

Did you know? The English naturalist Gilbert White first described the chow chow in Europe at the end of the 18th century. About 50 years later, British breeders were already hard at work selecting the breed, improving its characteristics. So we can say that the Chow Chow is in some way an English breed.

Already in the 19th century, English breeders had a hand and skill in the appearance of modern chow chows. It is believed, and not without reason, that data is practically resistant to learning. However, this circumstance in no way reduces the popularity of the breed.

Standard and appearance

The International Canine Organization, one of the recognized world leaders in the field of dog breeding, today recognizes more than 300 dog breeds, including the Chow Chow. The organization clearly defines the standards for each breed that should be followed.

Group: Spitz. Lifespan: 12-15 years.
  • flat, wide skull. Densely filled eye sockets, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead is unclear;
  • the color of the large nose depends on the color of the animal;
  • wide, not pointed and not very long muzzle;
  • lips black, with a blue tint;
  • scissor bite, well-developed jaws with straight teeth;
  • Normal sized oval shaped eyes. The color depends on the coat, but they are often dark;
  • Thick, small, widely set ears. Slightly mutually brought together and tilted towards the eyes;
  • a powerful, voluminous neck of normal length, sits firmly on the body with a slight slope.

Important! The Chow Chow's eyes are quite deep, which causes limited lateral vision. Therefore, it is better not to approach the dog from the side, only from the front.

  • straight, short and strong back with a powerful lower back;
  • wide, strong chest. The ribs are clearly defined;
  • the tail is connected high to the back and lies tightly on it.
  • the front ones are straight, of medium length. They have a powerful skeleton and sloping shoulders with developed muscles;
  • the hind ones are well developed. Hock joints point downwards;
  • paws are round, small, with good toe support.

Male height at withers- 48-56 cm. Height of the bitch at the withers- 46-51 cm. Weight- 20-32 kg. Characteristic signs: purple tongue, stilted gait. Vices: pigmentation of the nose, if the dog's color is not blue, the tongue is red, or has red spots. Significant vices- drooping ears.

Character traits

The animal is characterized by a discerning mind and a reserved attitude towards unfamiliar people. Properly raised, it is calm and has some independence and arrogance. But at the same time, the dog is very loyal to his owners, although he has a fair amount of arrogance. Breeders specializing in these dogs claim that the independent nature of the animal requires special treatment in training and training. Tolerance towards representatives of other species must be developed in very young puppies. In a family, she usually chooses the owner herself. She gets along quite well with other family members, but nothing more.

Important! Black or dark blue tongue-a sign that the dog is not purebred.

The dog will still leave some distance between himself and the “owner’s relatives”. He behaves normally with children if they do not allow themselves to be overly familiar. The dog does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself, and absolutely does not accept children’s pranks towards himself. The animal should be loaded correctly. It has a rather frisky temperament, although often hidden under the guise of phlegmatism. Therefore, physical activity and an active lifestyle have a beneficial effect on the dog’s character.

History of the breed

Among the many versions of the origin of the blue-tongued breed, the main one is this: Chow Chows appeared on the territory of China during the Tatar-Mongol invasions. , similar in appearance to lions, the Mongols presented to the Chinese emperor as a gift at the time of the conclusion of the peace treaty. The Tatar-Mongol tribes, in turn, received the dog even earlier, during clashes with the indigenous inhabitants of the territory of modern Siberia. Research and archaeological excavations confirm the hypothesis that in ancient times these animals actually lived in Siberia, and their ancestral home was the Arctic. DNA studies suggest the possibility of the origin of the breed from the polar wolf.

By the time interest in the dog in the imperial circle had cooled, it had already become quite widespread in China. Now even the poor could support her. Naturally, there could be no talk of any purity of the breed in such a situation. And perhaps today we would not see real chow chows if it were not for the Tibetan monks. Inner Mongolia, Tibet and the northern provinces of China are areas where ancient breeders raised black and blue dogs for many centuries.
They, as best they could, monitored the purity of the breed and improved it, meticulously compiling pedigrees. The dog arrived in Europe in the early 80s of the 18th century. In 1865, a puppy resembling a miniature lion was presented as a gift to Queen Victoria. He charmed the royal lady so much that English breeders - at that time the best in the world - got down to business. In 1895, the breed was officially registered, and the first club of “little lion” lovers was organized in Europe.

Did you know? Z. Freud, W. Disney, E. Presley, K. Gable - an incomplete list of celebrities who own chow chows.

Chow chow appeared on the territory of the former USSR in the thirties of the 20th century. Several dogs came to the country after the war from Germany. By the sixties, a certain population of the breed had formed, still extremely far from world standards. Only in 1976, a number of selected purebred puppies were brought from Germany to Leningrad. This date can be considered the beginning of the history of the purebred Chow Chow breed in the territory of the former USSR.
There are several versions of the origin of the name. The Chinese say that "chow" in translation from one of the local dialects means "an animal that can be eaten." As you know, the Chinese are of culinary interest, among other things. But the Chinese also use the word “kau”, which is very close in phonetics to “chau”.

It means "dog". Another word of Chinese origin is “chaow”. They are called strong, powerful dogs. This characteristic suits these dogs perfectly. There is also an English version that claims that dogs of this breed were transported on ships in special holds - “chow-chow”.

Wise choice and cost of a puppy

If you decide to purchase a Chow Chow, take your choice of puppy very seriously. In this situation, this will be a justified attitude towards the selection procedure. In large cities there are certified kennels specializing in these dogs. If you want to adopt a healthy puppy with all the characteristics of the breed, contact us there. Some breeders have a long-standing good reputation, there are not many of them, but they are well known in dog breeding circles. Find out how long a person has been practicing chow chow, talk to people who have dealt with him.

You should not take a puppy from the hands of strangers or look for a dog through advertisements in the newspaper or on the Internet. The best option would be a personal recommendation from the dog's owner. If he is satisfied with the dog and the characteristic features of the breed, then you can safely contact the breeder recommended by the owner of the chow chow. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the condition of its skin and ears. They must be clean, without signs of any dermatological diseases or dirt.
Nurseries and clubs that have a strong reputation among hobbyists are another option. Don't be afraid to seem like a layman among professionals. Do not hesitate to ask questions; your meticulousness in this situation will only benefit you. The fact is that some breeders take the candidacy of the puppy's future owner very seriously, and frivolity is usually not considered one of the virtues of a potential owner. And your detailed and meaningful questions, first of all, indicate a serious approach and attitude towards purchasing a dog.

Important! It is best to adopt a two-month-old baby, but a six-month-old is also possible. Problems may arise with an older animal.

Keep in mind that a healthy puppy with all the characteristics of the breed cannot be cheap. If you are offered a dog “cheaply” or at a discount, refrain from such a purchase. Go to the website of any reputable kennel to find out how much a chow chow costs. The price of a puppy depends on the characteristic features of the breed:

  • pet class - $200-250;
  • breed - $500-800;
  • show - $1200 and above.

Village house or apartment?

The dog feels quite good both in the house and in a city apartment. Of course, a house in the village has a number of advantages, such as space and fresh air, but there are also some negative aspects, for example. The dog does not bring dirt into the apartment; she loves cleanliness very much.
If the dog lives in a city apartment, it is necessary to take care of long walks and physical activity. In addition, the Chow Chow greatly values ​​its personal space. The dog is of medium size, so it will probably be uncomfortable in a one-room apartment. So think carefully before having a “little lion” in your dorm.

Features of dog care

This is not to say that the Chow Chow is a capricious dog. But her unusual appearance requires very careful attention. There is an opinion that dogs clean themselves and do not require additional procedures. This is partly true, but only if the dog leads an inactive lifestyle. The dog is extremely clean and usually does not bring dirt into the house. But you should still pay attention to some circumstances when caring for your pet.

Behind the wool

The long, thick coat requires careful regular grooming. The dog should be brushed frequently using a special metal brush. Sometimes animals, when growing up, experience increased salivation. This is normal, but it can cause the hair on the neck and shoulders to become wet. As a preventative measure, bathing with dry shampoo is used.

Did you know? There is a hypothesis that the chow chow came to Europe thanks to the famous traveler Marco Polo.

Behind the teeth, claws, eyes, ears

Examine the dog's mouth and teeth. An unpleasant odor from the mouth may indicate the development of the disease. Other signs of possible illness:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • yellow or brown plaque on teeth;
  • bleeding gums, touching them causes pain in the dog;
  • bumps and swelling of any origin are a reason to consult a veterinarian.
Teach your dog to brush his teeth. Gradual adaptation to the procedure should be accompanied by an element of play. Buy mouthwash at the pet store. Never use toothpaste intended for human use. It is better to use a paste for dogs containing chlorhexidine and hexametaphosphate. Choose a brush or sponge for cleaning your pet’s teeth based on his and your preferences. The main parameters that you should pay attention to are rigidity and ease of handling. Due to the special structure of the paws, the Chow's nails do not need to be trimmed as often as other dogs.
They themselves wear down perfectly when walking. Claws need to be trimmed only in winter and on dewclaws, since they do not come into contact with the ground. The condition of the claws should be examined periodically. Anomalies, such as clefting, may occur. If your dog doesn't walk much, his nails need to be trimmed. This must be done carefully, since nerve endings and blood vessels are located near the stratum corneum.

The eyes of the Chow Chow breed are a risk factor. Double eyelashes (distichiasis), entropion of the eyelids, retinal atrophy - this is an incomplete list of possible eye diseases characteristic of this breed. You should wipe them every morning with a hygienic liquid or a weak warm infusion of tea (you can sleep). A few simple tips for cleaning your pet's eyes:

  • Do not wash your eyes with tap water;
  • Use a separate swab to wash each eye;
  • use freshly prepared tea;
  • tea cannot be instilled, only washed;
  • After finishing the procedure, wipe your eyes with a dry cloth.

Important! Innate pride does not allow the dog to show that he is sick. Be attentive to him; the slightest change in behavior should alert you.

If your dog often walks in the company of his brothers, there is no need to clean his ears. As a sign of affection, dogs do this to each other themselves. If the dog lives without such communication, you need to take on this function. Inspection and cleaning are carried out twice a month. Purchase a special liquid for treating ears. The dog's auditory canal goes down, and not straight, like in humans, keep this in mind. If there is an unpleasant odor coming from the ears, you should take the animal to the veterinarian.


Physical activity

The dog is physically strong, and this strength requires an outlet. If you don’t stress the dog, his energy will still look for an outlet. Perhaps in a way you don't like. Therefore, don’t be lazy, walk your dog more and dose the load correctly. If your pet receives them in sufficient quantities, this will have a positive effect on his disposition.

Did you know? It wasn't until 1915 that it was illegal to eat chow chow in China.

The best option would be to go for walks with his friend, who is easier to find in the appropriate kennel club. If the dog is inactive and spends most of its time in the apartment, it becomes more capricious and wayward.

What to feed your chow chow

In order for the dog to grow healthy and look good, it should be properly groomed. Let’s say right away: it’s not cheap, a dog can’t eat much of what a person can eat. Some products that we use in everyday life, for example, processed foods, are absolutely contraindicated for pets. Your dog doesn't need a lot of meat and fish, but when you give him these foods, they should be the freshest possible.
Animal protein that is not fresh can cause serious liver problems. You should only use dry ready-made food to feed your dog, but they are quite expensive. Nutritional standards are indicated on the packages. The daily norm should be divided into three parts for an adult dog, and 5-6 for a puppy. If your dog has not eaten the entire portion of the food you prepared, it is better to remove the leftovers. Don't forget about water. It should always be fresh and in abundance.


Immediately after you take the puppy into your home, you should feed him the same food that he was fed in the kennel. This will reduce stress after a change of scenery for your dog.

  1. The feeding norm for a puppy is 4-6 times a day. Follow the recommendations of your veterinarian and the directions on dog packs regarding nutritional requirements. Chow chows should not be overfed. It is better to feed the baby after a walk, if for some reason this is not possible, then one and a half to two hours before it.
  2. Cottage cheese is very useful for puppies. You need to prepare it this way: pour 1 liter of kefir and 1 liter of milk into a saucepan. Place the resulting mixture on low heat. Stirring until the contents begin to curdle. There is no need to boil, it will be enough to heat until the protein coagulates.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a colander to drain the whey. When the cottage cheese has cooled to a lukewarm state, you can feed your pet. Rest assured, he will be pleased.
  4. It should be remembered that for dogs, variety in the diet is not at all necessary. Rather, on the contrary, many dogs do not like natural food, preferring food. Choose the feeding option that is most appropriate for your puppy and stick to it.
  5. Mix feeding with natural food and feed can be considered a good diet. Try to buy food that can be mixed with products of natural origin. You can cook porridge by filling the cereal with vegetable broth rather than water. A very good option is vegetable stew without salt. Try giving fish and meat, but pay attention to whether there is an allergic reaction to such products.
  6. Vitamins A, B and D are extremely important for dogs, especially during the growth period. Biotin and protein are also necessary for puppies. Look on food packaging for information about these elements. It is desirable that the protein content is at least 25%, and the fat content does not exceed 17%.
  7. Adjust the content of macro- and microelements, vitamins and nutrients in your pet's diet as it grows. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the relationship between the amount of food and the elements it contains and the weight and age of the dog.
  8. Carefully monitor the water for the dog in general, and for the puppy in particular. Control the quantity and quality of water in the container from which he drinks. This is a key point in the normal growth and development of a dog.

Important! Poor nutrition-the most likely source of health problems for Chow Chows. The dog was bred in monasteries for many centuries. And as you know, Buddhism does not allow eating living beings. It is unlikely that the monks violated one of the main precepts of Buddhism in order to feed the dog. So the chow genetically does not need large amounts of protein found in meat and fish. But the animal is very fond of fermented milk products - the same source of animal protein.


In addition to dry food of the highest quality, for full development, life and health, the animal needs the following products:

  • boneless beef and poultry;
  • meat by-products;
  • homemade fermented milk products;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • various cereals;
  • vegetables, both raw and boiled;
  • fruits.

Do not forget that food suitable for human consumption can be extremely dangerous for a dog. We simply do not notice in our diet the amount of synthetic additives, preservatives and other “achievements” of the modern food industry that are absolutely unacceptable for animal nutrition. So it is not recommended to feed your dog from a common table.

Training and education

There is a well-established opinion that Chows are practically impossible to train. This fact often scares off potential dog owners. In fact, this is not an entirely correct statement. Yes, indeed, there are certain difficulties caused by the independent nature of raising dogs. But if you have patience and approach this issue responsibly, you can easily teach your dog simple basic commands. It may take more time than doing the same activities with other dogs, but it is a necessary element of training.
You knew what kind of dog you were taking into your home, therefore, you should be prepared for some of its features. From puppyhood, a dog should be taught tolerance to representatives of other species. Clearly define the range of what the dog is allowed to do and strictly adhere to the established rules. If a puppy violates them, he must be punished. This does not mean at all that the punishment should be corporal, just calmly let him understand that this cannot be done.

Did you know? Niacin deficiency (vitamin PP)-the reason for a dog's blue tongue.

Raising a puppy is quite difficult. The process requires endurance and patience. Children under 13 years old should not do this on their own. The dog will be able to understand what is possible and what is not only if you explain everything to it correctly and clearly. There can be no talk of any nervous breakdowns or screaming. The dog is extremely capricious, and the result of such nervous escapades on your part may be a complete loss of contact with the animal. The key character trait of a dog is curiosity. Dogs are very attentive, can react adequately to sudden changes in the environment and adapt to it quite well.
In Tibet, the animal was used for protection, so they have a genetically embedded sense of distance, personal space, for which they are responsible. Anyone who violates this space, be it a stranger or an animal, will be perceived as a potential intruder. Chows absolutely cannot stand other animals. With proper upbringing, a dog can develop some semblance of tolerance, but no more.

Important!There is a short-haired variety of the Chow Chow.

She will only be friends with a similar individual of the opposite sex. If you decide to give your dog the right education, the best solution would be to join the appropriate club. There, your pet will be able to play with its fellow pets, and you will be able to receive professional help in training. And if you have a female, then the fact that you are a member of the club makes it possible to sell puppies on a legal basis.

Health and illness

The animal has a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. Among them:

  • diabetes;
  • eczema;
  • liver problems due to improper feeding;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • eye problems.
When choosing a puppy, carefully examine it for signs of these diseases. An adult dog should be examined regularly by a veterinarian. Chow chows live on average up to fifteen years, and it is up to you how much of the time allotted to him the dog will live a full life. If you want your dog to be healthy and playful enough for as long as possible, strictly follow the veterinarian’s recommendations. If the dog eats properly and you give it the necessary stress, then 15 years is not the limit for it. There are documented cases where representatives of this breed lived to be eighteen years old. Remember: there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Therefore, if you want to be a good owner for your pet, be patient. When raising a Chow Chow, it will be useful to you, but the result of such training will certainly please you.

The Chow Chow is a popular and well-known guard dog in our country, one of the most ancient breeds. The breed owes its origin to the Spitz group, but there is an opinion that it was not without an admixture of Tibetan Great Dane or.

History of the origin of the breed

DNA studies and analysis have confirmed that the Chow Chow is in fact one of the very first, so-called primitive breeds that evolved from the wolf. The homeland of the Chow Chow is the arid steppe zones in the northern regions of China and Mongolia, where the breed was known more than two thousand years ago. Purebred animals were kept by Buddhist monks, who not only carried out work on breeding the breed, but also kept journal entries that served as a kind of pedigree dogs. To carry out the renewal of blood, an exchange of producers was carried out between several monasteries.

This is interesting! The first mention of the Chow Chow in Europe dates back to 1785. The breed is described in a book of natural history authored by Gilbert White. And the dogs themselves appeared almost half a century later, from English breeders who carried out work to improve the breed characteristics.

Thus, it can be argued that today's Chow Chows are the result of many years of British breeding work, and not purebred Chinese dogs at all. Studies have shown that this breed has the lowest level the ability to learn and follow commands, which, however, does not make the chow chow less popular in our country.

Generally recognized breed standards

Today, there are uniform standards of the international canine organization FCI, which are recommended to be followed. The Federation recognizes more than three hundred breeds, including the Chow Chow. The standards spell out all the basic identical characteristics that distinguish a certain group. This description is represented by size, weight, height, coat length and color, body proportions, position and shape of ears and tail, as well as the character and temperament of the breed.


  • the skull is flat and wide, with good filling under the eye sockets and a not pronounced transition in the forehead-muzzle area;
  • the front part has a wide and large nose, the color of which varies depending on the color of the coat;
  • the muzzle is medium in length, wide, without a point;
  • lips and palate are black or blue-black;
  • the teeth are even, located on strong jaws, with a scissor bite;
  • eyes are oval, medium in size, clean, often dark or the same color;
  • the ears are small in size, thick, with a slight rounding at the tip, set wide apart, inclined towards the eyes, slightly brought together towards each other;
  • The neck is very powerful, of good volume, not shortened, set firmly on the shoulders, with a slight arch.


  • the back is quite short, but strong, straight, with a powerful lumbar region;
  • the chest is characterized by width and depth, with well-defined, non-barrel-shaped ribs;
  • The tail is set high, lying tightly on the surface of the back.


  • the front ones are absolutely straight, medium in length, with a characteristic powerful bone structure and muscular, sloping shoulders;
  • the hind legs are muscular, with hocks pointing downwards and minimal angles, causing a stilted gait;
  • paws are not large in size, round in shape, with good support on the toes.

Height at the withers: for a male - 48-56 cm in the shoulder girdle, for a female - 46-51 cm in the shoulder girdle.

In general appearance the dog is compact and strong, with a well-balanced body and tail lying flat on the back. The breed is unique in its characteristic stilted gait and purple tongue. Disqualifying faults may include any pigmentation on the nose (except for blue-colored dogs), as well as the presence of a red or pink tongue and red or pink spots on the tongue. The category of significant defects includes one or both drooping ears.

Main varieties of chow chow

According to appearance, as well as the type of coat, it is customary to distinguish two varieties worthy of attention and characterized by certain breed characteristics.

Longhair variety

A dog with such breed characteristics has abundant, fairly long and thick, straight, vertically standing hair. The surface coat is hard and elastic. The undercoat is characterized by softness, density and fluffiness. In the area of ​​the neck and withers there is long hair, forming a lush collar zone or the so-called mane. At the level of the forearm there are lush fringes. The back of the thighs is represented by “pants”. The tail section is luxurious and lush.

Faults may include sparse, soft, slightly wavy, short or slightly laying coat, as well as weak undercoat.
Defects include the presence of a short, wavy, close-lying coat, as well as a weak undercoat. There may be no decorative hair in the area of ​​the neck and withers, on the limbs or tail.

Shorthair variety

This variety is characterized by an exterior with a shorter and tighter coat, with a pronounced undercoat and weak expression of decorating hair, which is slightly longer in the area of ​​the neck and withers, as well as on the back of the limbs and in the tail.

Defects of the variety can be expressed by too long, loosely fitting hair, the presence of fairly pronounced decorative hair, as well as very sparse and soft hair. Artificial shortening of the hair, which changes the natural contours or appearance of the animal, is, as a rule, strictly punished.

Character of the Chow Chow

This is interesting! According to breed standards, the Chow Chow is characterized by a sharp mind, an independent disposition and an innate sense of dignity, which gives the animal an air of a certain aloofness.

An adult dog is distinguished by insight and restraint towards strangers, and deep-set eyes provoke limited lateral vision, so it is recommended to approach the animal from the front. The breed is positioned as calm, with an independent but loyal, arrogant and proud temperament, quite active, with a somewhat hypertrophied sense of self-esteem.

If we step back from the standardization parameters, then, according to experienced breeders, the Chow Chow is a dog with a special, unique and very independent character. These calm and sometimes phlegmatic dogs need proper training. A sense of tolerance towards other animals should be developed from puppyhood.. As a rule, in a family, a dog of this breed independently chooses its owner-leader, and is simply friendly towards the rest. Chow chow babies are treated quite tolerantly, but they cannot tolerate even innocent child abuse. Active and properly regulated loads have a positive effect on the compliance of a pet.

Home care rules

The Chow Chow breed is well suited for raising by both experienced dog breeders and beginners, but responsible and organized dog lovers who are able to devote a lot of time and effort to fully care for the animal.

How and how much to walk

The Chow Chow is not suitable for cycling, overcoming high barriers and jumping from heights, which is due to the peculiarities in the structure of the hind limbs, which are straightened and lack good shock absorption. However, walks should be long and fairly active, about three hours a day.

Features of hair care

The richness of the coat, consisting of long hair and thick undercoat, requires proper and regular care. A systematic combing procedure using an iron comb with long and sparse teeth or a special massage brush is mandatory. A peculiarity of the breed is the presence of periodic increased salivation in young dogs, which causes a characteristic wetting of the fur in the collar area. In this case, local hygiene procedures and dry shampoo are used.

It is recommended to wash the Chow Chow as needed, after combing and removing tangles. The best results are shown by using special Global-Vet shampoo with panthenol and aloe vera extract, as well as high-quality dry shampoos. Before bathing, it is advisable to protect your ears from water with cotton swabs. Hair dried with a hair dryer after water treatments must be carefully but extremely carefully combed.

Hygiene procedures

Important! After bathing, you need to carefully trim the hair, both between the toes and around the paws, as well as inside the ear, which will make the cleaning process easier. To give a rounded shape, it is advisable to trim the hair on the tips of the ears.

Nails are trimmed periodically, as well as hygienic cleaning of the ears, nose and eyes. It is advisable to trust the grooming of show dogs to professionals.

Health indicators

Due to the characteristic features of the body structure, the Chow Chow is susceptible to hereditary hip dysplasia, entropion and is susceptible to high temperatures. twice a year. The average life expectancy is ten years.



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