Dihydroquercetin dosage. Dihydroquercetin dietary supplement! For blood vessels and the body as a whole

Dihydroquercetin, also promoted in Europe as Taxifolin, is a bioflavonoid medicine. I will consider its instructions for use in more detail.

What is the composition and release form of Dihydroquercetin?

The drug belongs to dietary supplements, it is produced in tablets and capsules. The active ingredients are dihydroquercetin, ascorbic acid and vitamin E. In addition, there are formative components. Dihydroquercetin is present in Siberian larch.

The product is sold without a prescription; it must be placed in a dark place, and it must be dry. The medicine must be put in a so-called secret place where children cannot enter.

The temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees. Dosage forms this means have different terms shelf life: tablets should be used within three years from the date of their factory production, and capsules are recommended to be sold within two years.

What is the effect of Dihydroquercetin?

Bioflavonoid agent Dihydroquercetin plant origin, it is obtained from the wood of a plant such as Siberian or Daurian larch. The drug has angioprotective, antitoxic, antioxidant, detoxification effects, in addition, it has a hepatoprotective and anti-edematous effect.

The product stimulates the processes of so-called regeneration directly in the gastric mucosa. Prevents lipid peroxidation, protects walls blood vessels from damage, in addition, it reduces swelling, has a hypolipidemic effect, as well as a diuretic effect.

The drug Dihydroquercetin inhibits the aging process of cells, as it prevents the damaging effects of the so-called free radicals, which slows down the development of many diseases.

The drug has a capillary protective (protects capillaries) effect, prevents destruction cell membranes, significantly improves the process of microcirculation, in addition, normalizes the level of not only cholesterol, but also triglycerides, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and reduces the risk of stroke, as well as heart attack.

The drug helps improve coronary blood flow, normalizes myocardial contractility, as well as the excitability and conductivity of the heart muscle. Some people slow down dystrophic processes in the eye tissue, slows down sclerotic phenomena, which, to some extent, increases the patient’s visual acuity.

Dihydroquercetin relieves inflammatory processes In addition, it has an anti-edematous effect. Has a beneficial effect on skin, while collagen synthesis in the skin improves and its elasticity increases. The drug eliminates rashes of acne and pustular origin.

At long-term use This remedy is less likely to cause exacerbations of respiratory diseases. Dihydroquercetin helps maintain immune system, contributes to more fast healing stomach ulcers or duodenum. In addition, it reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the body.

What are Dihydroquercetin's indications for use?

Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolin) instructions for use allow use in following situations, I will list them. Subject to availability bronchopulmonary diseases, as for example, with pneumonia, with obstructive bronchitis chronic course, with exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In addition, the herbal remedy is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of coronary artery disease, in particular, the medicine is effective in the presence of unstable angina, and it is also used for atrial arrhythmia.

What are the side effects of Dihydroquercetin?

Among the side effects of the drug Dihydroquercetin, allergic reactions may develop, their manifestation will be of a dermatological nature, in particular, a rash will appear on the skin, slight redness will occur, and swelling may occur.

What are the contraindications for use of Dihydroquercetin?

The instructions for use prohibit the use of Dihydroquercetin in only one situation, namely when the patient has increased sensitivity to any components of this herbal medicine.

What are the uses and dosage of Dihydroquercetin?

The herbal preparation is used enterally, that is, orally, tablets or capsules should be taken with a small amount of water. Usually when acute stage For diseases, it is recommended to use the drug in a dosage of 40 to 60 milligrams, the frequency of use can be four times a day.

During the period of convalescence (recovery), the dose of the herbal medicine is usually 20 milligrams; the medicine should be used four times a day. The course of therapy lasts three weeks or one month; if necessary, a second course may be required after consultation with a doctor.

Overdose of Dihydroquercetin

In case of an overdose of Dihydroquercetin, the patient must urgently perform gastric lavage, for this it is necessary to use boiled water. If the patient's condition does not return to normal, then it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor.

What are Dihydroquercetin analogues?

An analogue drug includes the drug Dikvertin.


It is recommended to coordinate the use of the herbal remedy Dihydroquercetin with the attending physician; the drug should be used only as prescribed by a qualified doctor.

- a drug with many positive effects

Advantages: versatile positive action

Disadvantages: no

Dihydroquercetin is a fairly popular drug that has a complex positive effect on the body. In this case, the hepatoprotective and vascular strengthening effects come to the fore. Also for this tool characterized by antioxidant, decongestant and detoxification effects. It is important to note that the drug slows down the oxidative processes of lipids that enter cell membranes, and this in turn significantly inhibits the aging process in cells, as well as the development various kinds internal diseases.

When describing the pharmacokinetics of this drug, one can come across such a definition as a capillary-protective effect. How does this process happen? First of all, it is expressed in the inhibitory effect of the enzyme hyaluronidase on the walls of blood vessels. And this leads to the fact that the heart muscle contracts better, its excitability and conduction processes improve. Interstitial pressure also stabilizes.

The use of this remedy helps to increase the stability of various kinds of biological barriers and membranes in the human body, and thus it begins to cope with diseases much faster and more effectively. And new diseases are not starting to catch on as actively. The drug is also characterized to a certain extent by a hypotensive effect and a slight sedative effect. Hypotensive effect is explained by the ability of this drug to bind to benzodiazepine receptors and extinguish thrombogenic potentials.

An important feature of this product is also its ability to neutralize free radicals, which are carcinogenic. In addition to absorbing free radicals and neutralizing them, the drug helps strengthen natural immunity body, mobilization of all protective forces the body during stress and adverse weather conditions.

It is noted that when using this drug, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus decreases, the acuity and quality of vision itself increases, and the eye system also becomes more stable in the presence of eye diseases.

Considering that the drug also has antifungal and bactericidal effect, it is quite capable of coping with various inflammatory processes. It also has a hepatoprotective effect, removes metabolic products and various types of toxic substances(slags).

Since the use of the drug helps the body produce natural collagen and elastane, it can be considered that it has a rejuvenating effect - although probably rejuvenating is a strong word, it simply helps human skin look younger.

The drug is good to take if you have the syndrome chronic fatigue. What it is is probably already known to everyone. When you use it, you really start to feel better, especially when you are treating a disease and you have to take a bunch of different tablets and injections.

Thus, the use of this remedy is very extensive and affects diseases of almost all organs and systems. Most often it is prescribed for acute respiratory infections, diseases nervous system, for example - neuralgia, neuritis, multiple sclerosis) for a number of gynecological diseases (colpitis, uterine fibroids, cervical erosion and others).

The drug is completely harmless and the only contraindication for use may be hypersensitivity to the components.

Video review

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Many people know that redox reactions occurring in the human body contribute to the formation of free radicals in cells. These substances destroy protective functions body and lead to premature aging. To fight free radicals, restore weakened immunity and prevent early aging apply . Currently, many herbal medicines have been developed this direction, one of which is Dihydroquercetin Evalar. Instructions for use note that it is biological active additive, which is a flavonoid natural origin, which has powerful antioxidant properties.

Active ingredient

Dihydroquercetin is very valuable substance. Some time ago, this flavonoid, which helps prolong youth and active life, was extracted from grape seeds, rose petals, ginkgo biloba stems and other expensive raw materials. For this reason, dihydroquercetin was rarely used and was not available to the mass consumer. But famous domestic pharmaceutical company Evalar managed to extract this substance from the wood of Siberian and Dahurian larches. As a result, the production was established, which became widely used for the prevention and complex treatment of many diseases.

Spectrum of action

The primary function of Dihydroquercetin Evalar is to protect the body’s cells from negative internal and external influence. Since we have to fight free radicals, they are the main “enemy” objects. Moreover, if there is chronic diseases the number of free radicals increases significantly. As a result, they are destroyed healthy cells body, a person ages quickly. Experts note that dihydroquercetin is much superior to other flavonoids in terms of antioxidant activity.

But it doesn't end there positive qualities of this substance. Dihydroquercetin helps strengthen the walls of small blood vessels, that is, it has a capillary protective effect. This is very important property, since oxygen and nutrients enter tissue cells through capillaries.

Finally, due to the fact that dihydroquercetin helps normalize metabolism, the content of low-density lipoproteins - “bad” cholesterol - is reduced in the blood. As a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis becomes minimal.

Scope of application

Dihydroquercetin Evalar is taken as aid as part of complex therapy various ailments. But best of all, this dietary supplement helps with cardiovascular pathologies, as well as acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract. In particular, this herbal medicine is often used in conjunction with traditional medications for the treatment of bronchial asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia, bronchitis and other infectious and inflammatory lesions respiratory organs. The ability of dihydroquercetin to strengthen the walls of capillaries allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process much faster, relieve swelling and restore normal work lungs and bronchi.

Cardiac arrhythmias, arterial hypertension, ischemic disease hearts are another common area of ​​application for this dietary supplement. The capillary protective and antioxidant effect of dihydroquercetin helps improve blood circulation in the heart muscle. As a result, the heart rhythm is normalized, the risk of thrombosis is reduced, the frequency of angina attacks and the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction are reduced.

In addition, as a natural antioxidant, this herbal medicine has positive impact on the functioning of the visual organs, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and liver.

How to take?

Dihydroquercetin tablet is taken once a day with meals. One tablet contains 25 milligrams active substance.

Contraindications and side effects

Of the contraindications to taking the herbal medicine Dihydroquercetin Evalar, the instructions for use note only individual intolerance to its components, and there are practically no side effects. Known only rare cases occurrence of allergic reactions.

Dihydroquercetin from the Evalar company allows anyone to prolong their youth, physical activity, performance and feel the joy of life on for many years. This biologically active supplement is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but you should still consult your doctor before using it. Be healthy!

The drug, produced from environmentally friendly natural raw materials - the bark of Siberian and Daurian larches, is called “Dihydroquercetin”. Reviews from doctors about this unique dietary supplement optimistic - the product helps people, for a long time those experiencing chronic fatigue and malaise, regain health and feel full of strength.

Apart from excellent healing action this drug has another advantage - very affordable price. Domestic manufacturers, obtaining environmentally friendly extract from coniferous trees, have significantly reduced the cost of this process. More recently foreign companies produced dihydroquercetin from the exotic stems of ginkgo biloba, grape seeds and rose petals. The cost of one gram of this unique substance reached 1000 US dollars. Today, an identical drug of natural origin can be bought for a budget amount. But how do experts characterize it?

Composition of dietary supplement "Dihydroquercetin": instructions for use

Reviews from doctors about this dietary supplement are mixed. One group of specialists is confident in the strengthening and rejuvenating effect of dietary supplements, while the other claims that tablets or capsules only invigorate the short time, so it is difficult to track long-term dynamics of results. They produce strengthening prophylactic"Dihydroquercetin" domestic companies: "Evalar", "Pharma GMC PN", "RUSKAPS" and "Flavit".

Each capsule or tablet contains at least 25 mg of the active substance, which is a natural flavonoid - dihydroquercetin. The antioxidant complex “Dihydroquercetin Plus” (doctors’ reviews especially recommend it for older people), in addition to the main component, contains: 4 mg of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and 10 mg of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid). These substances in combination enhance the rejuvenating, decongestant and detoxifying effects of each other. Of the auxiliary components in tablets or capsules of the drug “Dihydroquercetin Plus”, manufacturers add: lactose ( milk sugar) in the form of a filler; methylcellulose and Tween 60 as emulsifiers; calcium stearate, which blocks the formation of lumps from active substances; titanium dioxide (dye). IN additional components The drug "Dihydroquercetin Evalar" contains additives that prevent clumping of the main components (calcium stearate and aerosil), as well as a filler - microcrystalline cellulose. Capsules or tablets that, along with linseed oil contains the rejuvenating medicine “Dihydroquercetin”, the instructions describe it as a complex of substances containing glycerin (E422) for plasticization, as well as food colors: Ponceau (E124) and caramel color (E150d).

Release form

The drug enters pharmacy chains in the form of: tablets of 250 mg or 320 mg; powders, packaged in 5 g (one dose for oral administration); capsules 180 mg; capsules enriched with grape seed extract 390 mg. The popular company Evalar packages tablets in blisters and cardboard packs of 20 or 60 pieces. The manufacturer "RUSKAPS" dihydroquercetin capsules (500 mg) with flaxseed oil packages 30 pieces in each box.

Action of the active substance

The main component of the drug, dihydroquercetin, is a flavonoid obtained from the wood of Siberian or Daurian larch. Crushed raw materials (particles up to 3 mm in size) are subjected to extraction with a food solution ethyl alcohol, boil with the addition activated carbon, then filtered and concentrated under vacuum.

Obtained in this way active substance has high bioefficiency and powerful antioxidant properties. It is widely used in medicine and chemical pharmaceutical production, perfumery and food industry. Dihydroquercetin is included in most dietary supplements prescribed for the prevention of: cardiovascular diseases(atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke, hypertension, coronary artery disease and heart failure); diabetes mellitus; dysfunction of cerebral circulation.

"Dihydroquercetin" is described in doctors' reviews as complex drug with antioxidant properties, which, firstly, slow down the oxidation process of free radicals; capillary protective effect that can protect cell membranes, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prolong their life. Secondly, the flavonoid has an anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which oxygen supply to cells improves, the development of inflammatory processes in the body slows down, and skin renewal is stimulated due to increased collagen synthesis. In addition, it accelerates tissue regeneration after injuries and burns, maintaining their elasticity.

Thirdly, the drug successfully performs a radioprotective function for parts of human body cells (proteins, membranes and nucleic acids) exposed to hydroxyl radicals; The dietary supplement has a hepatoprotective effect, helping to protect the liver by improving the functioning of cell membranes and the functioning of epithelial cells“biochemical laboratory” of the body, improving the synthesis and creating a reserve of proteins, phospholipids, bile salts and cholesterol. Thanks to phospholipids, the membranes of all cells human body retain plastic properties. Fourthly, the dietary supplement can have a detoxifying effect, helping to bind various poisons into stable forms and remove them from the body by activating capillary blood flow.


Experts call Dihydroquercetin “vitamin number one” for the heart and blood vessels. Instructions for use recommend using it for arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks, hypertension and atherosclerosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. This drug is also prescribed for nervous diseases: neuralgia and neuritis, neurasthenia and Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia(Alzheimer's syndrome) and multiple sclerosis.

In addition, doctors prescribe this drug for rejuvenation of the body, as a supporting agent for immunodeficiency (secondary), for allergic reactions of various etiologies or chronic fatigue syndrome. “Dihydroquercetin” makes it easier to tolerate: ARVI, otitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, as well as respiratory diseases - pneumonia and bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.

It is used in gynecological practice treatment: colpitis, mastopathy, vulvitis, fibroids, infertility, ovarian cysts or cervical erosion; for illnesses urinary system(including infectious diseases) - cystitis, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis; urological problems - prostatitis (chronic), erectile dysfunction and adenoma prostate gland; gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis, cholelithiasis and pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions stomach or duodenum; for rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis; skin lesions and diseases (furunculosis, herpes and psoriasis, dermatitis and trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, frostbite or burns).

Reviews from doctors advise taking “Dihydroquercetin” to maintain performance musculoskeletal system- for osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, as well as for endocrine disorders(hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, chronic form adrenal insufficiency). In addition, it is recommended for disorders visual function- glaucoma, retinopathy, cataracts, myopia and farsightedness.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose and interactions with other drugs

Due to natural composition of the described drug during clinical trials side effect not identified. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance any of the components of dietary supplements. But before taking Dihydroquercetin, doctors' reviews advise consulting with a specialist.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid taking the supplement. It is also not recommended to give the antioxidant complex to children under 12 years of age. If you take an excessive dose of dihydroquercetin, you must rinse your stomach and call a doctor. Negative Impact the effect of other drugs on the human body is reduced if they are taken in combination with the described dietary supplement.

Methods and dosage

In an adult, the intake rate of dihydroquercetin varies from 25 mg to 100 mg per day. Instructions for use of the drug recommend following minimum dose and take one tablet a day.

With increased mental and physical activity the dosage is increased multiple times, 4-6 times. In this case, take the dietary supplement 1-2 capsules (tablets) 2 times a day. After a two to three week course, you need to take a short break (1.5-2 weeks).

In case of a serious illness, when it is necessary to use Dihydroquercetin in complex treatment, reviews from doctors advise colleagues to prescribe:

  • to stimulate microcirculation of blood flow in blood vessels in heart diseases and circulatory system(arrhythmias, ischemia, heart failure, angina) - 50 mg (2 tablets) four times a day;
  • for hypertension - 50 mg three times a day;
  • for heart attack, stroke, acute renal failure,
  • for diseases respiratory system- 75 mg three times a day;
  • V rehabilitation period after suffered a heart attack or stroke - 100 mg twice a day;
  • for dysfunctions of the nervous system (migraines, VSD) - 125 mg once, repeated dose - no earlier than 2-3 hours later;
  • for visual disturbances - 50 mg twice a day;
  • after poisoning, smoking or exposure to radiation - 75 mg three times a day;
  • to increase therapeutic effect after physiotherapy - take 50-100 mg one and a half to two hours before manipulation.

Arguments of doctors approving the drug

Dihydroquercetin is one of the most active and effective representatives of the vitamin P group. Doctors often recommend it to people with chronic illness suffering from loss general tone body, feeling lethargic and not getting enough sleep.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Dihydroquercetin

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Dihydroquercetin

Flavonoid obtained from Siberian larch wood (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) and Daurian larch (Larix dahurica Turcz.).

Fine crystalline or amorphous powder from light yellow to yellow, odorless, slightly bitter taste.


Pharmacological action- decongestant, antioxidant, detoxification, capillary protective.

Inhibits the processes of lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, prevents the damaging effects of free radicals, inhibits premature aging cells and the development of various diseases.

Prevents the destruction of cell membranes and has a capillary-protective effect. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels (including capillaries), improves microcirculation, normalizes cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Improves coronary blood flow, myocardial contractility, reduces the area of ​​infection of the heart muscle, helps normalize excitability and conductivity. Shown to be effective in rheumatism, septic endocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Inhibits the development of dystrophic and sclerotic processes in the eyes, increases visual acuity. Inhibits inflammatory processes and has an anti-edematous effect. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, normalizes the synthesis of collagen/elastin in the skin (eliminates acne and pustular rashes, helps maintain the elasticity of the skin).

At long-term use prevents exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases and the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections. Helps maintain the functions of the immune system and has an antitoxic effect. It has gastroprotective activity: stimulates the regeneration processes of the gastric mucosa, prevents the development and/or promotes healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It has a hepatoprotective (antitoxic) effect, has radioprotective activity - it reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the body.

Application of the substance Dihydroquercetin

Bronchopulmonary diseases, incl. acute pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma (infectious form) in the acute stage; as part of complex therapy: IHD ( unstable angina), atrial arrhythmia (as part of combination therapy).



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