“The Seven Cereals Diet” is all about cereals that burn fat. The most useful cereals for losing weight and removing fat from the body

Among all the problems modern humanity, the problem has found its place excess weight. There are more and more people suffering from this disease, and the reasons for this are obvious - poor nutrition. How to normalize your weight without consequences and maintain the desired result? Here nature has already taken care of us and given us a huge number of unique, healthy grains, semi-cereals, legumes... They will help you get rid of excess weight, cleanse and strengthen the body.

Porridge is a universal tool for weight loss. What miraculous properties determine its benefits?

  1. Satisfaction. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates, which long time provide our body with work. A lot of time and effort is spent on their assimilation, which is why the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time.
  2. Nutritional value. Each cereal is rich in vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for our body. Cereals can provide us with almost a daily dose useful substances. And this best prevention the so-called zhora. Often our body, not receiving enough useful components, gives us a signal about their shortcomings and demands to compensate for it. Then the “zhor” attacks; the person begins to eat a lot and everything, but often necessary vitamins never gets it, but extra pounds- easily.
  3. Low fat content. Cereals consist of a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, but their fat content is insignificant. This means that porridge is a low-calorie dish.
  4. Detox product. Porridges have an excellent cleansing effect. Removes toxins and wastes stagnant in the intestines from the body. Gently and carefully cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

List beneficial properties You can go on for a long time, but even after getting acquainted with the main ones, it already becomes clear that consuming cereals is simply necessary.

How to lose weight with cereals

In order to normalize your weight, you don’t have to torture yourself with strict diets. In this case, it is much more advisable to use cereals. There are several options for using them. The simplest, but perhaps not the most effective, is to simply replace potatoes, pasta, and morning sandwiches with healthy cereals. This method is for those who want to get rid of 1-2 extra pounds per month, strengthen and heal the body.

The second option is a cereal diet. Suitable for those who are in the mood for more radical weight loss. It involves eating exclusively cereals, in combination with vegetables, herbs and fruits. Unlike the previous option, the cereal diet is designed for a specific period from 3 to 5 days to two weeks.

The third option is a fasting day. This option will also bear fruit, but subject to regularity. The essence of this method is to give your body a rest 1 day a week and direct its strength to cleansing. On this day you can eat only a certain porridge and nothing else. This option can also be used when normal weight body, simply as a general health procedure.

How to spend fasting days

To get rid of accumulated kilograms, it is important that the gastrointestinal tract works smoothly. will clean and organize digestive system. It is most effective to unload on cereals, because cereals contain a lot of fiber, which serves as a “broom” for our intestines.

General rules for fasting days

So that your day passes with maximum benefit, avoid heavy meals for dinner, before fasting, and for breakfast after it. At this time, exclude fatty foods, fried foods, and alcohol. Drink a lot of water, it will help. On a fasting day, consume the suggested foods often, 5-6 times a day, in small portions.

What cereals are suitable for unloading

By and large, any grains can be used for unloading, except, perhaps, polished rice, since white rice, cleared of the bran part, and has little benefit. The leadership among cereals for unloading is divided into two: buckwheat and oatmeal.

Buckwheat is rich in iron and is easily digestible. Oatmeal contains vitamin E and B vitamins, and is also rich in fiber.

These cereals also have pleasant taste, they are easy to eat without adding spices and oil, which is important when losing weight.

If you want a strict fasting day, then you can’t add anything to the finished dish (salt, sugar, butter), but if at first it’s hard for you to eat such food, add a little salt, preferably sea salt, and just a little vegetable oil, it is better to use olive or flaxseed.

If you are using oatmeal, then be sure to take the one that requires cooking, flakes instant cooking, contains less fiber. Cook 300 gr. oatmeal and divide it into 5-6 equal portions, consume throughout the day.

For a fasting day, you don’t need to cook buckwheat at all; it would be better to soak it overnight. In the evening, pour 300 grams of buckwheat clean water, wrap it up and leave it until the morning. It will swell and become soft. Also divide it into 5-6 equal portions and enjoy.

With properly carried out fasting days, you can lose up to 2 kg per month. If you find it easy to unload, you can spend such days 2 times a week.

Cooking rules

There are several general rules, in order to properly cook the cereal:

  1. Cook porridge in water. Boiled with milk are not suitable for weight loss, they are different high content fat
  2. It is important not to overcook. Boiled cereal will not be beneficial, since the fiber and vitamins in it are destroyed. It’s better not to cook the cereal a little. You don’t have to boil it at all, bring it to a boil and leave it to steep under the lid.
  3. Add oil. Be sure to add a few drops of vegetable oil to the finished dish; it will not cause harm, but will help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  4. Less salt, more benefits. The best option is to cook porridge without salt, this promotes weight loss by removing excess fluid from the body.
  5. In order to cook the cereal, first soak it in clean cold water for 2-3 hours., then send it to the stove.

The weight loss process will become more effective if you do not just introduce cereal dishes into your diet, but exclude them from it bakery products, sugar, fatty meats, and starchy vegetables.

Replace these stop products with fresh vegetables, fruits, and add more greens to your menu.

What grains are used for weight loss

In addition to the above-mentioned buckwheat and oatmeal, other cereals are also effective for weight loss:

  1. Wheat cereal. Wheat is perhaps the lowest calorie grain. It removes fat from the body well, reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes blood flow in the body, promoting weight loss. Wheat porridge It is better to eat in the first half of the day, as it contains a lot of coarse fibers. As nice bonus By consuming wheat you will get healthy and strong hair and nails. You need to cook it in a ratio of 1/3 with water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Barley. Excellent breakfast – barley porridge. This is a whole storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Barley groats speeds up metabolism, reducing weight. It is better to eat it for breakfast, as it will keep you full for a long time. Barley porridge lowers blood sugar levels and gently solves digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea.
  3. Millet. According to its characteristics, millet groats are similar to wheat. Normalizes fat levels, rich in vitamins B, E and PP, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Millet is used for. If you use only it, then for short term you can lose up to 5 kg. If you dilute your diet with other foods, you will lose weight over a longer period of time.
  4. Corn grits. Another miracle cereal that promotes weight loss. In addition to a large amount of fiber and nutrients, corn porridge binds and removes free radicals from the body, promoting rejuvenation. Corn grits gently reduce weight. You need to cook it carefully, because it often burns, and cook longer than others, 15-20 minutes. Corn porridge Also great for breakfast.
  5. Pearl barley. Also effective for those losing weight, in one day pearl barley diet you can lose 1 kg, and in a week up to 4 kg. Barley is not inferior in fiber content, it lowers cholesterol and promotes gentle bowel movements. Please note that when cooking pearl barley porridge greatly increases in volume, 4-5 times. You need to cook it for about an hour.

Pearl barley is a grain that is suitable for a late dinner and will cleanse your body overnight.
In addition to pearl barley, buckwheat is good for dinner; it is easily digestible and satisfies the appetite.

It should be remembered that semolina, is the least suitable for diets, it has little coarse fiber, it is quickly absorbed and does not give satiety. It is more often used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cereal diets

All cereal diets can be divided into 3 types:

  • Mono-diet on cereals.
  • Classic.
  • Combined cereal.

Mono-diet involves eating only one type of porridge. It can no longer be observed three days, otherwise a deficiency of certain substances may occur. In 3 days you can lose 4 – 5 extra pounds.

The most popular mono-diets are based on corn, buckwheat and oatmeal.

The menu is simple. Soak 1 glass of cereal in the evening, put it in a thermos for second courses in the morning, pour boiling water over it, do not add salt, and leave to infuse. In an hour the dish is ready. Divide into 4-5 servings and eat throughout the day.

Classic diet. There are a lot of variations here. This is the method where porridges are supplemented with other products. This diet can be strict or not strict.

The most popular:

  1. Buckwheat diet.(Strict). For 10-14 days, only buckwheat is eaten 4 times a day. You can also drink up to 1 liter of 1% kefir. In two weeks of eating this way you can lose 6-8 kg.
  2. Oatmeal. This diet is less strict. Oatmeal is combined with fruit here. Sample menu for the day:
    • Breakfast: A serving of oatmeal.
    • Second breakfast: 100 grams of any fruit or berries, except banana and grapes.
    • Lunch: = breakfast.
    • Afternoon snack: Any fruit.
    • Dinner: 12 morning servings of oatmeal.
    • Second dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime): low-fat kefir.
  3. ). This option is the most loyal. This diet will improve and strengthen the digestive and immune system. It is designed for 7 days, during which you will lose up to 3 extra pounds. Approximate menu for the day:
    • Breakfast: barley porridge cooked in water, low-fat kefir, or 1 banana.
    • Lunch: Porridge, plate vegetarian soup, and a salad of fresh, seasonal vegetables.
    • Afternoon snack: any fruit (except banana).
    • Dinner: = breakfast, but without banana.

Combined cereal diets. Several types of cereals are combined here. This diet is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body. Here is one example.

Diet - seven days. Throughout the week, each day has its own cereal: wheat, millet, oatmeal, rice, barley, pearl barley. Throughout the day, you can only eat appropriate porridge and drink unlimited amounts of water. The last day is the exit, prepare a dish from a mixture of all cereals in equal parts, and eat it during the day. This diet is quite strict, but it brings the expected results. Weight loss up to 7 kg.

How to save your results

There is an opinion that losing weight is not difficult, but it is difficult not to gain back the lost kilograms after a diet. And it's true.

  1. The right way out. It is very important to exit the diet correctly. Don't load up on food. Enter familiar products gradually into your diet. For at least a week after the diet, you should refrain from fried, fatty, flour, and sweet foods, and it is better to avoid these foods in the future.
  2. Regular cleansing of the body. Even if the diet is over, but periodically carry out fasting days still necessary.
  3. Drink more water. Water will speed up your metabolism and allow you to maintain the results of your efforts.
  4. Love yourself and smile more. Remember that positive attitude and self-confidence will increase the effect of any diet. Change, improve, and know that you are always beautiful!
  1. Before deciding to go on a long-term cereal diet, consult a specialist doctor.
  2. Start the weight loss process with a thorough cleansing of the body (do it, or fast for 1-2 days).
  3. Don't deny yourself small pleasures. If you feel that you are having a hard time and you might break down, supplement your diet with your favorite fruits. Even if this slows down your weight loss process, it will help you avoid relapses.
  4. Motivate yourself. Losing excess weight will be much easier if you motivate yourself correctly. Buy a beautiful thing that is too small for you. Isn't this an incentive?
  5. Love yourself, no matter what shape you are in. Only from adequate love a desire for change is born in oneself.

Since childhood, everyone knows that porridge is very healthy. This is a constant breakfast in all kindergartens and schools; good parents stuff their children with it in the morning. But adults themselves do not always like to dilute their daily diet with this dish. In the meantime, it is precisely this food that normalizes the microflora of the stomach and saturates the body. a huge amount nutrients, allows you to last without snacks until lunch and fills you with vital energy for the whole day.

Once you realize all these benefits, you will definitely love porridge. And if they are also dietary, they will contribute to rapid and lasting weight loss without any harm to health.

Benefits for weight loss

Recently, nutritionists have increasingly suggested actively consuming cereals, which are good for health and allow you to maintain a slim and beautiful figure. If you're tired of dieting, it's time to switch to new level nutrition and include carbohydrates in the diet, which are so necessary for vital energy. What do they give to a starving body and how do they contribute to weight loss?

Here's what happens in this case:

  • a long-lasting feeling of satiety, which allows you to avoid snacking between meals;
  • providing the body with vital important substances, which excludes additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • cleansing of toxins, toxins, carcinogens, bad cholesterol, thanks to fiber, which is called a brush for the body;
  • increased performance and good mood by converting carbohydrates into useful energy;
  • supplying the body with plant proteins that help preserve muscle mass and not acquire stretch marks as a result of weight loss;
  • improvement of stomach function;
  • reducing fat intake;
  • acceleration of lipolysis, which allows the breakdown of already accumulated body fat and prevent the emergence of new ones.

So there is no doubt that porridge really helps you lose weight, and without any harm to your health. All that remains is to find out which cereal is best to choose for effective weight loss and how to properly prepare and consume this unique dish.


Despite the fact that porridges are very useful for losing weight, they do not always end successfully. They have their own contraindications due to the fact that the diet of such hunger strikes is poor in protein. Its deficiency negatively affects the functioning of many internal organs, which can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

Therefore, you should not use cereals for long-term and strict diets if available following problems with health and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • taking powerful medications;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus (exception - barley porridge);
  • celiac disease.

In addition, keep in mind that if you choose exclusively low-calorie cereals for your diet, it is recommended to reduce any stress on the body (physical, intellectual, emotional) to avoid exhaustion.

Pros and cons

To accept the right decision Whether you decide to lose weight on porridge or not, first evaluate all the positive and negative aspects.


  • removal of salts;
  • cheapness;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, polyunsaturated fats;
  • absence side effects;
  • cleansing the body;
  • health benefits;
  • prevention of oncology, cardiovascular diseases;
  • improving the functioning of the pancreas;
  • satisfying hunger.


  • high calorie content and high glycemic index may turn around reverse side- cases of weight gain rather than weight loss were noted;
  • Hunger strikes are difficult to bear.
  • ban on sweeteners;
  • low efficiency: very slow weight loss;
  • bland taste.

It’s tempting that there are many more pros than cons, but it’s precisely latest list need to be converted special attention to be able to get around them.

Calorie list

To make it easier for you to choose cereals for weight loss, you can use the following list. The calorie content per 100 grams of porridge cooked in water is indicated in brackets. The second digit in the fraction is the glycemic index. Both of these indicators are of great importance for weight loss. The lower they are, the better.

  1. Barley (76 kcal/55) - suitable even for diabetics, contains a lot of phosphorus, speeds up metabolism.
  2. (78/56) - like a sponge, it absorbs and then removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  3. (80/80) - natural source simple carbohydrates and plant proteins that provide quick saturation.
  4. (86/70) - eliminates rotting processes in the intestines, brewed from completely non-allergenic cereals.
  5. (88/50) is the leader in fiber content, which means it is the one that will efficiently cleanse the body of debris.
  6. Pea (90/35) - also contains a lot of fiber.
  7. (90/55) - in honorable second place among dietary porridges after millet, it is considered the most environmentally friendly, contains complex carbohydrates that satisfy hunger for a long time.
  8. (90/50) - stops the synthesis of fats, promotes their elimination, the leader among dietary cereals.
  9. (100/35) - combines fiber and vegetable protein, which is very important when losing weight.
  10. (105/45) - differs in that it is capable of adjusting lipid metabolism, so it is simply necessary in the diet to remove fat.
  11. (109/25) - although not the most delicious, but one of the most healthy.

This is the rating of healthy cereals that nutritionists offer us for effective and rapid decline weight without the slightest harm to health. All these cereals can be eaten as part of a diet or, and can also be included in breakfasts when organizing proper nutrition(which, by the way, is much more effective than any hunger strike).

Which is the best

The rating is, of course, good, but still, which cereal from this list is the best? How to choose it correctly in each individual case, in accordance with your individual characteristics? We invite you to pay attention to the following points.

  1. The lower the glycemic index, the slower the porridge is digested and the less fat the body stores in reserve. In this regard, pearl barley is optimal.
  2. The more vitamins and microelements it contains, the better. Many people know that the healthiest cereal is, again, pearl barley. Therefore, it is recommended to choose it for long fasts.
  3. The lowest calorie is barley, so it fits perfectly into any diet.
  4. If you listen to the opinions of nutritionists, then excellent results can be achieved with millet, which has a comprehensive effect on the body and has virtually no disadvantages. After it comes buckwheat.
  5. If you feel that excess weight is mainly due to slagging in the body, it is better to choose rice for weight loss, but you need to take cereals, which are much healthier than white ones.
  6. There are porridges that burn fat - wheat and millet.
  7. Diabetics can lose weight on barley, and allergy sufferers can lose weight on corn.

When choosing, consider your taste preferences. If, for example, you can’t stand pearl barley, then you shouldn’t go on a diet based on it just because it has the lowest GI and contains maximum quantity vitamins and minerals. You must like the dish, otherwise you will fall apart at the very beginning of the journey.

"Black List"

Some nutritionists believe that not all cereals are equally beneficial for weight loss. There is a separate “black list” of cereals that do not always have a positive effect on health. The facts are somewhat dubious, but they are still worth considering when organizing such diets.

  • Semolina

These are the remains from the finest grinding of wheat. It is low in vegetable protein and vitamins. Almost 70% of its composition is starch. It also contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that is difficult to break down and digest. It inhibits the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • White rice

It is also called an empty source of calories. There are few vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should opt for brown, wild and red varieties.

  • Instant oatmeal

Oatmeal can be harmful if you use finely ground flakes that boil in just 5 minutes. There is no fiber or anything else valuable here.

Application options

How exactly to use porridge for weight loss? You can arrange special fasting days, short-term or long-term hunger strikes, mixed or mono-diets. You can always choose an option to suit your needs.

  • Fasting days

It is recommended to eat 500 grams of porridge cooked in water per day. This volume must be divided into several (5-6) small portions. Welcome drinking plenty of fluids. In addition to one and a half liters clean water, you can drink 2-3 glasses. For such a hunger strike, it is better to choose the lowest-calorie cereals.

  • Diet for 3 days

You can choose a strict option when the fasting day menu is repeated. Losing weight will be stunning, but not everyone can withstand such a marathon. A more gentle option is to divide the same 500 grams of porridge per day, but you can add green ones to snacks or directly to the dish. Low-calorie salads made from fresh vegetables in small quantities are also allowed.

  • Diet for a week

The most popular version of the porridge diet is a weekly one. Here you can cook cereal in milk every other day. The list of permitted products is expanding: unsweetened fruit, non-starchy vegetables, a couple of times a week - a small piece of boiled chicken breast.

If you like the results, this diet can be extended for 10 and 14 days.

In addition, diets can be mixed or mono. The first option involves using different types croup For example, today you eat only pearl barley, tomorrow - millet, then - oatmeal, etc. A very convenient weight loss scheme, because it has a varied diet that you definitely won’t get tired of. Mono-hunger strikes are much more difficult to endure when you have to eat only one grain throughout the marathon. But, according to nutritionists, they are the most effective.

Now you know what dietary cereals can be used to prepare porridges as part of the diet. It remains to adopt a few nuances of such weight loss and select the appropriate recipes.

  1. Drink as much water as possible: up to one and a half liters per day.
  2. Start losing weight with a fasting day to test your strength.
  3. Do not immediately choose strict nutrition systems with long lists of prohibitions. Let it be some kind of mixed version at first.
  4. If you like the results, next time choose a monostarvation diet with a more limited diet.
  5. Grains will provide you with carbohydrates, so be sure to exercise to convert them into energy rather than stored fat.
  6. The main thing in preparing porridges for weight loss is not to add any sweeteners, salt, or any other ingredients to them. The recipe should be as simple as possible: water + cereal.
  7. If you can’t stand such a bland diet, you can cook the porridge in milk, or add a little salt, or add pieces of unsweetened fruit.
  8. Follow the recommended portion sizes to avoid overeating: for breakfast - 150 ml, for lunch - 300, for dinner - 200. For lunch you can eat fruit, for an afternoon snack - drink a glass of fresh juice, smoothie, kefir.
  9. Keep in mind that each cereal also has its own list of contraindications, as well as side effects that must be taken into account.

Remember: the better the quality of the cereal, the healthier the porridge will be and the faster the process of fat burning and weight loss will go. Therefore, please note that you should choose brown rice over white; natural oats, not an instant product in bags; dry, not canned, etc. Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.


And, finally, recipes that will form the basis of your diet for the period of weight loss.

Universal recipe

All diet porridge can be prepared according to one recipe. Moreover, you need to do this before going to bed, so that the next morning the dish is already waiting for you on the table.

  1. Rinse a glass of cereal.
  2. Pour 3 glasses cold water.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for the required time.
  4. Remove from the stove and wrap in something warm.
  5. Leave to rest overnight.

Cooking time depends on how well the cereal is cooked. If, for example, the oatmeal is ready in 10 minutes, then the barley will have to be kept on the fire for 30-40 minutes.

  • Oatmeal with milk (102 kcal)

Pour 50 g oatmeal 1.5 cups boiling milk. Cook for about 10 minutes.

  • Brown rice in the oven (89 kcal)

Soak 200 grams of brown rice in 600 ml of cold water in the evening. Leave overnight. In the morning, strain and add 400 ml of water again. Boil. Place the container in the oven for 40 minutes at 180°C.

  • Pea (90 kcal)

Rinse 200 grams of dry peas several times, add 1 liter of water, and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and refill with clean water. Bring to a boil. Cook for half an hour without a lid. In this case, you need to constantly stir and skim off the foam. To add flavor, add salt at the very end of cooking.

  • Buckwheat with milk (118 kcal)

Pour a glass of buckwheat with 2 glasses of cold water. Boil. Cook for 15 minutes. Strain, pour half a glass of 1% milk into the boiled cereal. Bring to a boil again. Cook for no more than 5 minutes.

Try to make eating grains part of your daily norm. Prepare porridges from them that promote weight loss. Choose those that you like, look for the lowest-calorie recipes, experiment. Discover these dishes from a completely new side. Few products contain carbohydrates for vital energy, and so many vitamins for health, and besides, they also take care of your figure. Forget about the hated breakfasts from childhood - now you create your own diet, on which your beauty depends.

There are many that are allowed to be consumed during diets, but not all of them can help burn fat. After all, in this matter, everything depends on the calorie content of the product, so before creating a diet, you need to look at the best low-calorie cereals for weight loss with the calories provided in the article.

Benefits of cereals

When losing weight, even the lowest-calorie cereals should not be classified as instant. Packaged products that only need to be poured with boiling water will bring absolutely no benefit. They contain significantly less nutrients than natural cereals.

Cereals, the list of which is provided below, are considered slow carbohydrates, which provide the body with satiety for a long time. Also beneficial influence provides fiber, vegetable protein and microelements contained in these cereals. They help improve intestinal function and are the best helpers in burning fat.

Now it’s time to find out what the lowest-calorie cereals for weight loss are. The table will help you quickly understand this issue and understand which porridge is best suited for a particular diet:

Name of porridge

Basic information

Calorie content per 100 g


Contains sufficient quantity vitamins, fats, proteins and other elements necessary for the body. Nutritionists recommend consuming buckwheat porridge even with obesity.

Able to remove toxins and waste from the body. Contains enzymes that help digest fats, proteins and amino acids.


Has a high fiber content, mineral salts, antioxidants and vitamins.

Rich nicotinic acid, manganese, zinc, protein and copper - elements that are often lacking in those losing weight.


Helps reduce blood cholesterol and stabilize fat metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the whole body.


Quickly and effectively breaks down fat cells, lowers cholesterol and removes toxins.

Rice (brown rice)

The cereal is distinguished by its content of vitamins of the entire B group. It also contains fiber, protein, starch and carbohydrates.

Pearl barley/barley

Very useful for people suffering from constipation. Provides the body with energy due to the vitamins and minerals contained in the composition.

It is not a dietary cereal, but it can be included in the list of low-calorie foods. Semolina porridge helps lose weight when consumed in moderation, and also cleanses the body well and improves metabolic processes.

By looking at low-calorie cereals for weight loss with calories indicated, you can easily create an ideal diet for yourself and lose excess weight within short time. And for those who cannot decide on the choice of cereal, below are options for effective diets.

The lowest calorie cereals can be bought at any grocery store, but you need to be able to choose the right product. A problem may arise if you want to lose weight with rice. After all, brown rice contains the least amount of calories, while white rice, on the contrary, is the most nutritious. And porridges such as wheat, millet and buckwheat have one peculiarity - it is almost impossible to gain weight from their regular use.

Porridge diets

The lowest-calorie cereals can be used in diets or simply to cleanse the body. Any cereal diet makes it possible not only to adjust weight, but also to get enough essential vitamins and microelements, significantly improving the condition of the body.

The cereals listed above are not that difficult to prepare. For cooking, you need to use only water, and adding sugar, salt and butter is not recommended, so as not to increase the calorie content of the dish.


With a purpose quick cleansing organism can be prepared using buckwheat. Rutin and iron contained in its composition make it possible to avoid anemia and replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. The cereal can be prepared by boiling or steaming. If you want to make it as tasty as possible, but low calorie dinner, then you can add boiled zucchini or carrots to the buckwheat, which contain a minimum amount of calories. But if you want to sit on buckwheat diet, then you can consider the following options:

  1. Two week cycle. For a couple of weeks you need to eat only buckwheat porridge. You can use it in unlimited quantities.
  2. Fasting day. Unlike the previous option, here you need to eat buckwheat only one day a week. At the same time, it is allowed to be filled with kefir or yogurt.


If you need to lose up to 2 kilograms, low-calorie milk porridge is ideal. That is, steamed oatmeal can be poured with milk and eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But if you need to lose more weight, you will have to limit yourself in consuming other foods, because oatmeal contains a considerable amount of fat.

The ideal period for losing weight by about 5-6 kilograms would be one week. In this case, it is necessary to consume the porridge in steamed form, and only berries or fruits can be used as additives (with the exception of high-calorie bananas and grapes). After weekly diet It is necessary to carry out fasting days (drink only water during the day). This way you can lose up to 15-20 kilograms in a couple of months.

Seven porridges

It is difficult to say which porridge is the lowest-calorie and healthiest, if you do not add any additional ingredients to it. After all, when you eat the same cereal for several days, it simply begins to get boring. Therefore, experienced nutritionists have developed another good diet, which includes as many as seven cereals. Unlike others, this diet does not harm the body, since it is saturated with all useful elements evenly.

For one week, you need to eat porridge in the following order (by day):

  1. Wheat.
  2. Millet.
  3. Milk oatmeal.
  4. Rice groats.
  5. Barley.
  6. Pearl barley.
  7. A mixture of all these cereals in equal proportions.

Millet porridge

The lowest calorie is, of course, millet. Its properties are very similar to wheat, but there are still some differences. According to people, thanks to a diet with such cereals, you can lose up to 5-6 kilograms per week.

When choosing cereals, it is recommended to pay attention to brightly colored grains, since they contain more useful elements. It is necessary to cook the porridge in water, maintaining a ratio of 1:3. You need to eat it all day, not in too large portions. Most optimal options is 5-6 meals. If desired, you can season the dish linseed oil or mix with dried apricots and sesame seeds.

Wheat diet

Most often, wheat is found on the table in the form of pasta, although in fact it brings more benefits in the form of cereals. Wheat has a particularly effective effect on the immune system, strengthening it, and also helps to lose extra pounds without feeling hungry during the day.

The wheat diet is best followed for a week. The cereal is cooked in water; adding salt, oil and spices is prohibited. To diversify the taste, you can complement the dish with steamed vegetables or fresh fruits.

During such a diet, professionals strongly recommend completely eliminating bananas, grapes and potatoes in any form from the diet, since these foods contain a lot of calories. It's best to drink green tea, improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach and appetizing, as well as low-fat fermented milk products and milk (homemade is recommended).

Losing weight with pearl barley

Pearl barley really works wonders for those people who often turn to diets. Its benefits are undeniable; it is famous for its fairly high fiber content, as well as its ability to saturate the human body for a long time. Barley has a large amount of antioxidants, which have great benefits for skin and hair growth. And properly prepared cereals do a good job of cleaning the intestines from feces.

You can lose those hated pounds with pearl barley in literally a week. It must be prepared without adding any oils or spices. The only allowed addition is lemon juice. You can sprinkle it on a dish, thereby giving it an even more attractive aroma and taste.

Corn diet

It will help you get rid of excess weight quickly and as effectively as possible. corn grits. It should be boiled in regular water in a ratio of 1:4. The finished porridge must be divided into approximately 6 doses, the time intervals between which should be the same.

Corn takes quite a long time to cook, but you can reduce this time if you pre-steam the grain a couple of hours before cooking. As people note, in literally three days you can lose about 4-5 kilograms.

Rice diet

Any rice cereal contains complex carbohydrates that saturate the body for a long time. A good advantage of rice is the fact that it does not have to be cooked at all. After all, such cereals can simply be poured with boiling water and left overnight. This method of cooking reduces the number of calories.

In order to get rid of the hated kilograms, it is recommended to eat only brown or brown rice, and if necessary, simply to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, you can also take white rice.

What's best for losing weight

The undisputed leader among cereals is millet. This cereal not only creates a barrier to the formation of new fat, but also favorably promotes its elimination. Millet nourishes the human body important vitamins E, B and PP, as well as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, thanks to regular consumption of such porridge, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your own health.

Low calorie dinner

It is useful to eat porridge for both breakfast and dinner. One of the best options is oatmeal. It can be eaten in the form of cereals or flakes, but in any case it must be cooked without salt and oil. And if you’re already tired of its taste because long-term use, then you can diversify and improve it by adding cinnamon, fruits or berries.

When we're talking about about changing their diet to combat extra pounds, many girls remember the benefits of cereals. They are often interested in weight loss porridges that burn fat.

It is no secret that this type of food remains extremely beneficial for the human body and helps normalize digestion while burning excess calories. However, how to prepare cereal so that it helps you get rid of a couple of unnecessary kilograms?

Useful properties and main types of cereals

From childhood, everyone was taught that porridge is a source of strength. The more you eat, the healthier your body will be. In fact, that's how it is. All thanks unique properties natural product.

There are not so few porridges that burn fat

Regardless of the type of cereal, all its types have similar properties and characteristics:

  1. The high content of complex saccharides allows you to create an energy reserve that is enough for for a long time;
  2. Since the digestion of porridge in the intestines occurs quite slowly, it is possible to provide a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  3. A smooth increase in the amount of glucose in the blood, which prevents imbalance in carbohydrate metabolism body. This point is especially important for people with pancreas problems ();
  4. All types of cereals remain the best natural source B vitamins and other important microelements;
  5. The low calorie content of the product makes it possible to consume it in a relatively large quantities no harm to the figure;
  6. The high content of fiber and pectin fibers in cereals contributes to rapid satiety and a long-term lack of desire to eat more. In addition, these substances perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins and previously undigested substances.

“Don’t miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore your immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

On at the moment The most popular and common weight loss porridges that burn fat are:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Millet;
  • Corn;
  • Linen.


This cereal can rightfully be called the “queen” in its segment.

Has many useful characteristics, the most important of which are:

  • Contains large percentage fiber, which helps normalize digestion;
  • Replenishes reserves of essential microelements and B vitamins;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure, improves the condition of nails, hair and teeth;
  • Helps normalize fat metabolism. Removes “bad” cholesterol and toxins from the body;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Oatmeal tops fat-burning porridges for weight loss because it has the most pronounced effect. It can slow down the absorption of new lipids and stimulate the destruction of those already present in the body. Thus, it is possible to qualitatively maintain the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body.

Buckwheat porridge

The main properties of buckwheat for losing weight are low-calorie

It is an excellent low-calorie product that replenishes iron and other essential micro- and macroelements in the human body. Significantly improves durability vascular wall To mechanical damage. Remains a good source of flavonoids, B vitamins and other organic substances.

Buckwheat is especially useful for people who suffer and want to lose weight. Prevents the progression of the disease. However, it is necessary to remember the low glycemic index of this product. If you follow a mono-diet using only buckwheat, you may experience a significant decrease in blood sugar.

Millet porridge

The main feature of this product is the ability to inhibit the absorption of lipids in the intestinal cavity. Thanks to this effect, fat metabolism is normalized throughout the body.

In addition, the cereal has the following properties:

  • Strengthens the immune system and the body's defenses;
  • Helps lower blood pressure;
  • Improves the condition of nails and hair.

The product should not be used by people with inflammatory diseases gallbladder and stomach. Excessive amounts can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. In all other situations, it is recommended to use cereals as a main dish or for.

Corn porridge

Like all other analogues, this product is an excellent source of fiber, B vitamins, manganese, iodine, magnesium and other trace elements. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the slightly higher quality of corn compared to other similar dishes.


Many recipes for weight loss porridges that burn fat use this product as a basis. Not all people like the specific taste of the finished dish, however, you need to know about great benefit which it carries.

flaxseed porridge is one of the fat-burning grains

Main feature flaxseed porridge is that it remains a natural source of phytoestrogens. Normalizes hormonal levels. It is recommended for use by women during menopause. In addition, the product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which take part in the normalization of lipid metabolism and remove “bad” cholesterol from the human body.

Whatever porridge a person chooses for himself, there will always be benefits. It’s hard to imagine how to fight extra pounds best product with fat burning properties.

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates, which play an indispensable role in the diet. Therefore, you should not exclude them even when losing weight. However, they often become undeservedly forgotten due to fears of increased calorie content.

But there are weight loss cereals that burn fat and thus have positive influence for healthy weight loss. The main thing is to know what cereals you can eat when losing weight and choose correct option with a low glycemic index and high fiber content.

Remember also that the serving should not exceed approximately 80 g when cooked. Of course, everything here is individual.

Legumes (peas)

Presentation of valuable nutrients in peas it is very competitive, in particular when losing weight. Pea porridge is great source, can satiate for a long time.

Legumes, in general, are low glycemic index foods. When choosing which porridge is the lowest in calories (for weight loss), pay attention to peas - they are characterized by a very low calorie content.

In addition, it contains relatively little fat, but a sufficient amount complex carbohydrates and proteins. Legumes will also help build and maintain muscle mass.

Why should oatmeal be present in the diet? Oatmeal contains many vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. It is even present in the diet of professional athletes!

An oatmeal mixture (the main one of which is oatmeal), containing complex carbohydrates, is useful as part of a healthy and delicious breakfast, which can be supplemented with protein (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), fruit or a handful of nuts.

After a plate of this cereal, you will literally get a boost of energy. Oatmeal can be eaten in the morning (for example, in the form of high-quality granola bars without glaze and hydrogenated oils) or as part of lunch with a serving of quality protein. Oatmeal is not very suitable for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Composition per 100 g:

  • more than 60 g of complex carbohydrates;
  • 7 g fat;
  • 13 g protein;
  • about 370 kcal.

How to cook?
Need to :

  1. 1/4 liter of water or semi-skimmed milk.
  2. 50 g oatmeal.
  3. 1 tsp butter.
  4. 1 tsp honey
  5. fruits and/or nuts.

Pour water/milk into the pan and add the cereal. Bring to a boil while stirring. After 10 minutes, when the mass becomes thick enough, sweeten with honey, transfer to a bowl, add butter, fresh/dried fruits or nuts. You can decorate with 2 tbsp. grated coconut

When choosing the healthiest cereals for weight loss, be sure to pay attention to quinoa, which can serve as a replacement for rice and other starchy side dishes. Among other things, the Incas prepared it into a slightly fermented alcoholic drink"Chicha."

Quinoa, due to its nutritional composition, belongs to the so-called. "superfoods"
From a nutritional perspective, quinoa is an excellent source of protein. According to some reports, it is assumed that this crop can even replace meat.

Quinoa contains 8 essential amino acids, which determine the nutritional value of proteins in food. In addition, this cereal contains the amino acid lysine, which, as a rule, is present in limited quantities in grain crops.

Of the microelements, this culture is rich in the following substances:

  1. Calcium.
  2. Magnesium.
  3. Manganese.
  4. Iron.
  5. B vitamins.
  6. Vitamin E.
  7. Copper.
  8. Zinc.
  9. Fiber.

Quinoa includes relatively low-calorie cereals.

  • 368 kcal/1539 kJ;
  • 14 g protein;
  • 64 g carbohydrates;
  • 6 g fat;
  • 7 g fiber.

Buckwheat may not be the most low-calorie porridge, but for weight loss it is an excellent product.
Buckwheat has a balanced composition of amino acids and is suitable for people sensitive to gluten. She is also important source carbohydrates and contains vitamins B1, B2, E, C and niacin.

Buckwheat has a detoxifying effect. Therefore, it is a product that can activate the process of losing weight. Buckwheat, as well as satiate for a long time.

However, it is important to know how to cook buckwheat porridge for weight loss. Actually, you shouldn't cook it. The preparation process is very simple and consists of the following: just wet it in the evening. It will be ready before morning!

Although dietary food does not involve the use of salt, oil and spices; it is unlikely that anyone will like bland food. Therefore, spices are allowed (in particular, hot pepper, promoting weight loss, and herbs) and not large number salt.

Other beneficial effects of buckwheat
Traditional medicine recommends this culture as part of healthy diet for everyone. It should be paid attention, especially to people who have problems with veins, varicose veins veins and hemorrhoids.

This cereal contains substances that can strengthen fragile capillaries and increase elasticity blood vessels. Additionally, it lowers unhealthy cholesterol levels and enhances the antioxidant effects of vitamin C.
Buckwheat, in general, improves immunity and is suitable for people suffering mentally and physically increased load.

Calories/energy and nutritional composition(per 100 g):

  • 318 kcal/1332 kJ;
  • 12 g protein;
  • 65 g carbohydrates;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 4.5 g fiber.

Polenta is a dish that came to us from Italian cuisine. It is a mixture of yellow cornmeal mixed with water. In our country, ordinary corn polenta is more common, from which porridge, pancakes or dumplings are prepared.

When deciding which cereals are good for weight loss, corn should not be ignored. Although this crop has a higher glycemic index, it is high in fiber and gluten-free.

Corn grains are characterized by a high content of B vitamins, which, in particular, are represented by the following vitamins:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • biotin (B3);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • folic acid (B9).

They are necessary for normal operation organs and metabolic processes in the body.

Of the minerals that are worth attention, mainly:

  1. Iron.
  2. Magnesium.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Manganese.
  5. Selenium.

This - essential microelements, important for healthy blood, oxygen saturation of cells, maintaining appropriate levels of hormones, fertility and potency. You can add flavor to polenta with cheese, spices, tomatoes, etc.

Calories/energy and nutritional composition (per 100 g):

  • 350 kcal/1,465 kJ;
  • 8 g protein;
  • 77 g carbohydrates;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 4 g fiber.

Millet is the purified grains of millet, and is also one of the oldest cultivated plants.
When choosing which porridge is best for weight loss, do not lose sight of this culture.

Its characteristic features are:

  1. Excellent digestibility.
  2. Gluten free.

This crop is rich mainly in the following important substances:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron and other minerals and trace elements.

A positive aspect is the high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids(72-82%), in particular, essential linoleic acid. The disadvantage is that these lipids quickly become rancid, which causes the bitter taste of cooked millet.

Therefore, you should not store cereals for too long, and before cooking it is recommended to rinse hot water. IN Eastern medicine millet is used to treat the spleen and pancreas; a diet based on millet cereals is suitable for patients diabetes mellitus.

Calories/energy and nutritional composition (per 100 g):

  • 362 kcal/1514 kJ;
  • 11 g protein;
  • 73 g carbohydrates;
  • 4 g fat;
  • 8.5 g fiber.

The benefit of pearl barley for weight loss lies, first of all, in the content of B vitamins, which are important for all metabolic processes in the body. We should not forget about vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.

Among the minerals important role phosphorus plays a role in supporting bones and teeth, as well as magnesium, which protects against feelings of mental exhaustion. It is worth noting copper, selenium, manganese and zinc, which have a beneficial effect on the overall defense of the body.

Barley groats (unlike pearl barley, this is unpolished barley) are characterized by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and have positive effect on cardiovascular system.

Silicon is also worth attention, very useful microelement, which can accelerate the healing of wounds and fractures, strengthen blood vessels, hair, nails and bones.

Pearl barley is also valuable for weight loss because, in addition to containing the substances mentioned above, it has a positive effect on digestion. In addition, it improves bile production and liver activity.

Including pearl barley in the diet is effective way stimulate intestinal peristalsis and general metabolism, cleanse the body. So if you are trying to get rid of extra pounds, pearl barley is an excellent choice.

Spelled is visually similar to barley groats. However, we are talking about high-quality wheat, the grain of which is cleared of the hard covering layer. Spelled has high content protein, important minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus) and B vitamins. It also contains higher levels of healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

Spelled is one of the oldest cultivated cereals that has not been cultivated, thanks to which it has retained many valuable substances.

Spelled contains more digestible nutrients than regular wheat groats. This culture helps strengthen the pancreas and spleen, and is suitable for weakened digestion. But it contains gluten.

Like barley, spelt supports weight loss, detoxification and healthy digestion.

Spelled is a good source of the following::

  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B3;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

Calories/energy and nutritional composition (per 100 g):

  • 351 kcal/1473 kJ;
  • 16 g proteins;
  • 68 g carbohydrates;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 7 g fiber.

Rice is very healthy food. Moreover, he .

Have you ever wondered why the Chinese or Japanese have such slender figures? The answer is simple - they often eat rice.

This culture is an excellent basis for compiling dietary ration. If you love rice and often include it in your menb, your choice is right. The definite disadvantage is that a diet consisting only of these grains is a bit boring. Therefore, rice can be supplemented with spices, fruits...

This diet will help you lose those extra pounds fairly quickly.
Rice and diet are related terms. This grain contains a lot of fiber, which swells in the stomach, gradually releasing carbohydrates.

The glycemic index of rice, however, is low. Therefore, after consuming it, there are no fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

The disadvantage of the rice diet lies in the fact that if taken radically, the body may become deficient in some important nutrients. It is primarily a protein that the body needs to function properly. Thus, the radical diet should not last more than 10 days.

When deciding which cereals you can eat while losing weight, pay attention to basmati rice, which has a very low glycemic index.

Singer's diet

Rice diet singer Dara Rawlins successfully tried it on herself. She claims to do a rice detox once a month. For a 3-day diet once a month, your body will thank you, being able to regularly get rid of harmful substances.

Flax for healthy weight loss

The good thing about flaxseed is that it can be consumed in dozens of different ways, depending on what works best for you. But it is important to know that the seeds should be chewed thoroughly or (best) first crushed or ground.

Otherwise, flax-seed will pass through digestive tract completely intact, and will not show any effect. In crushed form, it can be added to absolutely all dishes.

Flaxseed snack with banana:

  1. 2 tsp flaxseed.
  2. 1 tbsp. chia seeds.
  3. Unroasted cocoa.
  4. Water.
  5. 1 ripe banana (with brown spots possible).

Mix both types of seeds in a bowl with cocoa and add water. Leave for 30 minutes to swell. You can soak the seeds overnight if you are preparing porridge for breakfast. If the resulting mixture is too dense, add water. Mash the banana with a fork and mix it with the settled flax.

The taste of flaxseed is practically neutral and, therefore, its use is as versatile as possible. It can be combined with salty and sweet, mixed with dough for home baking.

However, it should be remembered that the high fiber content requires sufficient fluid intake, otherwise, flaxseed will cause the body more harm than good.



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