Dhea description. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) from Natrol: Review of Supplements Available on iHerb

Supports Balanced Hormone Levels†
Promotes Healthy Mood†
Helps Maintain Health†
Helps fight aging†

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - multifunctional steroid hormone. DHEA acts on androgen receptors. In the hormonal metabolic chain of transformations, it is just two steps away from testosterone. Our bodies begin to produce DHEA when we are about seven years old, with peak levels occurring between 20 and 24 years of age. DHEA levels then begin to gradually decline by about 20% over ten years until the level reaches 10% of the maximum. This corresponds to an age of about 80 years.

DHEA is a substance that performs many functions. He is involved in wide range processes ranging from cellular energy to fat metabolism, muscle growth, sexual maturation, etc.

Bodybuilders can use DHEA effectively - intense training (and especially overtraining) reduces natural testosterone production. It is also possible that athletes who have previously used steroids could restore the body's natural production of testosterone with the help of DHEA.

Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of using DHEA in anti-aging therapy. A group of subjects over 35 years of age who took the drug for 6 months in an amount of 125 mg, upon further testing, found indicators corresponding to the biological age of 28 years.

Creates necessary hormones regulating the most important functions body.
-Promotes the synthesis of hormones that determine human sexual activity (estrogen and testosterone).
-Slows down the aging process, prevents the development of many modern diseases.
-Normalizes fat content in muscles.

It is the lack of DHEA (DHEA) that makes the body sensitive to age-related changes.

DHEA is widely used in natural medicine hormone in the fight against old age.

Scientists at the University of Maryland, USA, in the course of research that lasted over 15 years, discovered that the human body produces a special substance, the amount of which in the blood determines biological age person. To designate this substance, the letter abbreviation DHEA is used, in English the designation DHEA (pronounced: dee-eych-ee-ey) is accepted.

Modern science considers DHEA (DHEA) as a raw material from which the body creates the hormones it needs, which regulate the most important functions of the body. For example, DHEA (DHEA) helps the body synthesize hormones that determine human sexual activity (estrogen and testosterone); naturally preventing the accumulation of fat in tissues.

Normalization hormonal levels in men (increases sexual activity and spermogenesis) and women (delays the onset of menopause).
Prevents premature aging.

By consuming DHEA, a person is able to slow down the aging process; prevent, and in many cases reverse the development of many modern diseases.

Indications for use of DHEA:

Stress and depression (increases the body's resistance to stress).
Obesity (DHEA normalizes fat content in muscles, weight loss occurs without loss of appetite).
Prevention of tumors (including cancer).
Cardiovascular diseases(halves mortality from cardiovascular diseases).
Memory loss and Alzheimer's disease (protects brain cells from a number of degenerative diseases).
Osteoporosis (increases bone density and prevents osteoporosis in women and men).
Multiple sclerosis.

Amount of nutrients in one serving (1 tablet):

Calcium (calcium carbonate) - 50 mg
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - 25 mg

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, silica, stearic acid, gum, cellulose gum, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin.

Directions for use:
Take 1 tablet once daily with food. Attention!

Not for use by persons under 18 years of age.

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Consult a physician before using this product if you have been diagnosed with cancer. prostate gland, enlarged prostate, heart disease or low levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL); or if you are using other dietary supplements, prescription medications or over-the-counter medications.

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Some supporters food additives DEA is called the fountain of youth. This is probably not without exaggeration, but this hormone has already proven itself in the fight against some age-related diseases. Still required additional research to determine the true effects of DHEA and the groups of people who may most benefit from this supplement.

Dehydroepiandrosterone indications for use

– To improve adrenal function

– To relieve vaginal dryness during menopause

– To increase bone density

– To activate brain function and improve overall well-being in older people

– To strengthen the immune system

Forms of release of the drug Dehydroepiandrosterone

- Pills

– Capsules

Called the "mother of hormones," DHEA supplementation, or DHEA, is needed by the body to produce many types of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands, small organs located above the kidneys, as well as by the skin, brain, testicles and ovaries.

Women produce less DHEA than men. The production of this hormone decreases sharply with age in both sexes - by 70 years by 80% compared to 30 years of age.

The biological significance of this decrease remains unclear

Dehydroepiandrosterone how it works

This supplement is believed to stimulate weight loss, enhance sexual desire, strengthens memory and prevents the development of osteoporosis. However, all these claims remain unconfirmed. Research has shown that DHEA can improve general health in older adults (the mechanism of action is unclear), reduce the risk of heart disease, relieve symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus, help with diabetes, and stimulate the immune system.

Dehydroepiandrosterone main effect

DHEA may improve brain function and overall well-being in older adults. This supplement may also help reduce body mass index, reduce body fat, increase muscle mass. When used as a cream, DHEA may relieve vaginal soreness and discomfort during menopause. Some studies suggest that DHEA improves overall well-being, physical endurance, sex drive, and hormone levels in people with adrenal insufficiency

Some evidence of the supplement's immune-boosting effects comes from observations of older adults receiving flu shots. Their immune response to the weakened influenza virus was significantly enhanced after taking DHEA. It has been suggested that this substance may improve immune reaction in HIV-infected people.

Dehydroepiandrosterone additional benefits

Men with high levels of this hormone perform better in physical endurance tests, which measure the condition of the heart during physical activity. This association, however, is not found in women. In fact, women who take DHEA have a slightly increased risk of heart disease.

The effect of DHEA has been studied in various diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections, ovulation disorders, myotonic dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, arterial thrombosis, heart failure and HIV infection. The research results are inconclusive.

Dehydroepiandrosterone instructions for use


DHEA supplements should only be taken to raise hormone levels to normal levels, not to exceed them. You need to start with low doses (5-10 mg per day for women, 25 mg per day for men) and slowly increase doses until the desired effect is achieved. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 mg. It is better to take supplements in the morning. Healthy people Under 50 years of age, DHEA is not required at all.

For vaginal discomfort associated with menopause, rub 10% cream into areas of 20 x 20 cm on both thighs once a day

– DEA is sold quite widely and freely, but its influence long-term use just unknown. Most experts believe that it can only be taken under medical supervision. Try to find a doctor who has experience using this supplement.

– Before you start taking DHEA, be sure to check whether you have prostate cancer (for men) or breast cancer (for women), since these types of cancer are affected by the level of hormones in the body.

– Be sure to check your DHEA levels in your blood and only use this supplement if they are low. After 3 weeks of supplement use, recheck to see if dosage adjustments are needed. After reaching normal level hormone supplementation requirement usually does not exceed 5-10 mg per week.

Side effects of Dehydroepiandrosterone

– Excessive use of DHEA may result in unpleasant symptoms such as acne, increased formation of sebum, growth of body hair in women, breast enlargement in men, deepening of the voice and changes in mood. One animal study showed an association between liver cancer and excessively high doses of DHEA.

Dehydroepiandrosterone warning

– Because DHEA is a hormone, use of this supplement may be associated with the development of certain types of cancer, such as breast or prostate cancer. All patients with these types of cancer or those at risk for cancer should not use DHEA.

- Remember! If you are sick, especially if you have adrenal dysfunction or thyroid gland If you are pregnant or nursing, or taking any medications, consult your physician before taking these supplements.

Labels for preparations made from wild yam sometimes state that the plant contains substances that are converted in the body to dehydroepiandrosterone or other hormones. In fact, this transformation is only possible in the laboratory, and not in the human body.

Dehydroepiandrosterone latest data

Although there is no evidence that DHEA prolongs life, this supplement may improve quality of life. In one study, older men and women who took DHEA reported improved overall health, better sleep, more energy, and a better ability to cope with stress. More than 80% of women and 67% of men responded positively to this supplement (less than 10% to placebo).

Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA, DHEA) (English: Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural steroid hormone, recognized as one of the main enemies of the aging body. In America DHEA deservedly called the “elixir of youth.” Meanwhile, he has a number of other positive qualities. What is this miraculous hormone and what is its value for the body? You can learn more about this from this article.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): hormone

DHEA is produced by the human adrenal glands and, in fact, is a precursor of sex hormones - in female body it turns into estrogens, and in men - into androgens. It is known that these hormones have a direct effect on the functioning of the entire organism as a whole and determine the biological age of a person. From the point of view of scientists, dehydroepiandrosterone plays a primary role in preserving a person’s youth.

In the body DHEA is mainly present in a liquid state, and its quantity can be easily determined using saliva analysis.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): synthesis in the body

It is known that synthesis dehydroepiandrosterone occurs most actively at the age of 20-25 years, and then its production begins to decline. Moreover, in women this process occurs more slowly than in men. So by the age of 50 synthesis DHEA decreases by 2 times in women and 2.5 times in men, and by the age of 70, production DHEA and completely decreases to 31% of the norm in women and to 22% of the norm in men. According to scientists, this fact explains the longer life expectancy of the weaker sex.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): properties

Useful properties DHEA is very diverse:

It is the raw material for the production of essential hormones;

Determines the level sexual activity person;

Reduces the amount of fat deposits;

Slows down the aging process of the body;

Reduces the risk of many serious illnesses, including cancer;

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): how to take

Reception DHEA is carried out only in order to maintain the amount of this hormone within the normal limits, and in no case exceed it. You need to start with a minimum dosage: 5 mg per day for women and 10 mg for men. Gradually increase the dose until the required level is achieved therapeutic effect, while the maximum permissible daily intake DHEA should not be more than 25 mg.

Exceeding the specified dose may cause liver damage. Although, according to doctors, even if the dosage is observed DHEA-therapy should be accompanied by additional intake of antioxidants -, and, which protect the liver from oxidation.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): contraindications

Despite the proven effectiveness, DHEA has some limitations in use as it may cause serious side effects in some people. We are talking primarily about the following categories of people:

Pregnant and lactating women;
men suffering from prostate cancer;
women diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancer.

In some cases, use dehydroepiandrosterone may cause unpleasant symptoms and in absolutely healthy people. These consequences include:

liver irritation;
the appearance of acne in men;
facial hair growth in women.

However, all these manifestations practically disappear after discontinuation. DHEA.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): reviews

Although drugs DHEA have been used for quite a long time, the controversy around them still does not subside. Many argue that the reception dehydroepiandrosterone in a positive way affected the well-being - energy appeared, resistance to stress increased, and the quality of sexual life improved. Bodybuilders note an accelerated growth rate of muscle tissue and a decrease in the amount of fat deposits.

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And I helped you Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ?

DHEA is a natural hormone produced primarily in the adrenal cortex that can be converted into the sex hormones testosterone or estrogen, depending on the body's needs. DHEA supplementation has powerful anti-aging effects, but data on the supplement's benefits is unreliable.


DHEA is a natural hormone that can be converted into either testosterone or estrogen, depending on the body's needs. DHEA supplementation has powerful anti-aging effects, but data on the supplement's benefits is not reliable. Also known as: DHEA, Progesterone, Hydroxyandrosterone, 3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one Not to be confused with: DMAE (a compound structurally related to choline), DMAA (stimulant)

Attention! DHEA supplementation is not approved in all sports leagues (currently listed as a prohibited substance by WADA).

There is a single reference, taken from a report (1998), that quality control of DHEA supplements was not carried out to the required level; current state production unknown. Is a testosterone booster. The supplement is more effective in combination with aromatase inhibitors.

Action of DHEA

  • Anti-estrogen


    Fat Loss

    Preservation of youth

    Increase testosterone

DHEA/DHEA: how to take

DHEA supplementation is effective when used by individuals over 40 years of age, in doses of 25-50 mg, long-term use 100 mg is safe in this population demographic. While the effectiveness of using DHEA in younger individuals to increase testosterone has not been established, 200 mg of this supplement is typically used for this purpose.

Origin and structure


For the first time in 1934, German doctors Adolf Buternandt and Hans Dannenbaum isolated DHEA in human urine. Confirmation of the substance as a urinary metabolite took place in 1943, and isolation from serum in 1954. Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, is the second most abundant circulating steroid in the human body, and serves as a substrate (precursor) for other androgens, such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), as well as estrogens, such as estrogen and 17β-estradiol. The substance is stored in the form of DHEA and its sulfated conjugate, DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, the most common circulating steroid) for further metabolism into more potent molecules. As a supplement, DHEA acts to alleviate the symptoms associated with DHEA decline (with aging, DHEA levels decline after age 30–40; in kidney failure, there is also a decrease in DHEA synthesis), and it is sometimes used to increase DHEA metabolites such as testosterone, for a short period of time.


The official name of DHEA is 3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one. The substance has a common skeleton with cholesterol, except for one side chain; the residues of the side chain are replaced by a ketone group.


The molecular formula of DHEA is C19H28O2. Its molecular weight is 288.43.

Biological significance of DHEA

Synthesis and metabolism of DHEA

Dietary cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone through the enzyme CYP11A1 and then converted to DHEA through the action of the enzyme CYP17 (P450c17), also known as 17-alpha-hydroxylase 17,20-lyase. DHEA is converted to DHEAS by DEA sulfate transferase and can be converted back through sulfatases, creating a large exchangeable DHEA:DHEAS "pool" circulating in the body for further metabolism. DHEA is usually synthesized in the adrenal cortex ( small glands above the kidneys) due to high localized expression of the second metabolite (CYP17). DHEA synthesis can occur in the testes, ovaries and brain, where circulating levels of DHEA are synthesized locally, independent of the rest of the body, where DHEA can reach concentrations 6-8 times higher than in systemic serum. DHEA is formed from cholesterol using two enzymes and is found in the highest concentrations in the adrenal glands. Starting from the DHEA:DHEAS pool, DHEA can typically be converted to androstenedione directly, via the 3β-HSD enzyme, and then multiple conversion pathways can follow. Androstenedione can be directed towards the most potent androgenic hormone 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or can be converted to testosterone and then become a substrate for the 5α-reductase enzyme, or, being a substrate for the 5α-reductase enzyme (to be converted to 5α-androstenedione) , be converted to DHT. Each conversion requires one pass through the 5α-reductase enzyme and one pass through the 17β-HSD enzyme (converting androstenedione to testosterone and 5α-androstenedione to DHT). If one of these androgens mentioned above is not a 5α-reductase substrate enzyme, then they can be used in place of the aromatase enzyme substrate and be converted to estrogens. Androstenedione will be converted to estrone and testosterone will be converted to estrogen; Both hormones with a 5α in front of them cannot be converted to estrogen, but estrone can be converted to estrogen by the same 17β-HSD enzyme mentioned above. In a sense, androstenedione and testosterone are bidirectional hormones and can be converted into more potent androgens (via 5α-reductase) or more potent estrogens (via aromatase). Androstenedione forms the start of this multidirectional pathway, but DHEA forms the reservoir from which androsterone is produced. DHEA, completely independent of the classical steroid pathways mentioned above, can be converted into bioactive DHEA derivatives, demonstrating another possible route for DHEA metabolism. DHEA can be converted to 7α-hydroxyDHEA via the enzyme Oxysterol 7α-hydroxylase (involved by CYP3A4/5), and this molecule can be converted to the beta form (7β-hydroxyDHEA), by 11β-HSD type 1. This is the same enzyme a pathway that can take androstenedione, and after isomerization into epiandrosterone, create 7α-hydroxyepiandrosterone and 7β-hydroxyepiandrosterone. Conversion of DHEA to 7α and 7β oxidized metabolites is not limited to steroidogenic tissues (testes, ovaries) or adrenal glands, and can occur in the brain, spleen, thymus, perianal skin, abdominal skin, intestine, colon, cecum and muscle tissue. Both 7α and 7β hydroxyDHEA can be further converted to 7-oxo DHEA, which is sometimes called 7-Keto ( trademark), through the same 11β-HSD enzymes. Simply put, DHEA can be converted into derivatives through the enzyme CYP7B1, and this process is irreversible. 7α- and 7β-conjugates can be converted into each other using 7-oxo (also known as 7-keto) as an intermediate. These DHEA metabolites take more active participation in immunological and inflammatory functions DHEA, as well as in some neurological functions. DHEA can form biologically active metabolites not only through androstenedione, but also independently of classical steroid synthesis.

Excretion from the body

Androgens are typically converted to androsterone glucuronide, a water-soluble derivative of testosterone and DHT, and then excreted in the urine. It is not the only urinary metabolite, as most other steroid molecules can be excreted in urine, like DHEA.

DHEA: mechanisms of action

In addition to acting as a reservoir for steroid hormones (which exert their metabolic effects indirectly through other hormones), DHEA may also have direct effects. It has been shown that, by itself, active G-cytosolic membrane protein, when incubated with endothelial cells, can increase cGMP and nitric oxide levels through phosphoinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B. This result (increases in cGMP and nitric oxide) was observed in men, after daily intake DHEA supplements at a dose of 50 mg. DHEA may have a cardioprotective effect. Coadministration of androgen, estrogen, and progesterone antagonists (to determine whether these effects were mediated by these hormones) did not produce any antagonism inhibiting these effects. DHEA is presumed to be a direct agonist/activator, but a role for DHEA metabolites (7α-hydroxy, 7β-hydroxy, 7-oxo) cannot be ruled out. This receptor has a high affinity for DHEA of 48.7 pM, and is saturated in the range of 1-10 µM. This same G receptor can phosphorylate PKK1/2 and plays a role in stabilizing the apoptosis regulator Bcl - 2. Phosphorylation of PKK1/2 led to an increase in angiogenesis, which became noticeable when DHEA and albumin-bound DHEA were incubated. IN immune cells DHEA-S (sulfated version) also causes a dose-dependent increase in superoxide production in neutrophils (in humans) directly through PKC activation. A metabolite of DHEA known as 7β-hydroxy DHEA has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in vivo by attenuating the pro-inflammatory TNF-α response and modulating prostaglandin synthesis, thereby alleviating subsequent inflammation. DHEA also has androgenic and estrogenic activity, directly, without the need to be converted to androgens or estrogens; however, its actions are weak at the androgen and estrogen receptors. DHEA metabolites may also modulate these effects.

Exhaustion and adrenaline fatigue

Endogenous levels of DHEA and DHEAS, a sulfur-containing conjugate of DHEA, are thought to be significantly reduced in situations of adrenal fatigue.

Age dependence

DHEA and its conjugate DHEAS appear to be age-related and decrease with aging in both men and women. DHEA levels are relatively high after birth and decline rapidly until puberty, after which they return to supraphysiological levels that remain stable until approximately 25–35 years of age, after which they decline steadily. At age 70, DHEA levels are approximately 20% of levels at 25 years of age. Circulating DHEA levels of 4.1nmol/L, or 1500ng/ml, are generally considered to be the lower end of the range of average DHEA concentrations for young men (15-39 years). Many studies noting DHEA "deficiency" in older men use these measures to define deficiency. Supplemental DHEA to restore serum DHEA levels (50-100 mg per day) may not combat the common "side effects" of aging, such as loss of libido or decreased bone turnover, because in most cases, DHEA levels and symptoms we call " aging” are not related to each other. The decline in circulating DHEA levels with age, unlike the decline in levels or creatine that has been observed in some populations, was not indicative of a DHEA deficiency condition that required special monitoring and supplementation.

Pharmacokinetics of DHEA

Bioavailability when applied topically

DHEA is usually sold in cream form for topical use on the skin. This product helps improve skin quality, but even with local application, the drug affects the blood and other parts of the body. In one study, 36 healthy older women (60-70 years old) applied 4 g of DHEA cream (10%) or gel (10%) to an area of ​​30 x 30 cm, and then compared the results with oral administration of 100 mg of DHEA. When administered orally, Cmax was 15.6 +/- 2.5 ng/ml (from baseline of 2.3 +/- 0.3) at Tmax 1 hour, measuring 5.7 +/- 0.5 ng/ml after 6 hours, and basic level was achieved after 24 hours. When using gel or cream, levels of 8.2 +/- 2.0 nmol/L and 8.0 +/- 1.2 nmol/L were observed after 12 hours, and gradually increased until 24 hours, then the study was stopped, serum concentrations increased after 18 hours. Interestingly, no difference in circulating DHEA levels was observed when using the cream or gel compared to the increase in testosterone or estrogen levels. It turned out that the use of the cream led to significantly more high concentration androstenedione for 24 hours, and topical application generally had a beneficial effect on androgen metabolism, in contrast to oral administration. Using the cream for more than 14 days has shown that the cream can affect the state of hormones better than the gel; There was no significant effect on DHEAS levels when applied topically. Topical administration is also associated with a significant increase in blood hormone levels over several days; although the potentiating effect may be due to the effects of topical application of DHEA, the duration of action of which was more than 24 hours. At 12 months, serum levels with daily use were similar to those measured after 28 days. Despite differences in kinetics, the overall bioavailability of topical cream and oral form, comparable to minimal differences in AUC, with the exception of DHEAS, which did not increase significantly with topical application. Higher levels of androgens when administered topically may be due to the enzymatic breakdown of androgens by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes, which are most abundant in gastrointestinal tract and liver. When measured in blood, the most abundant androgen was the metabolite ADT-G (androsterone glucuronide), accounting for 90% of all androgens; after application in women after menopause, the content reaches 70%. It is important to note the effect of ADT-G on women, since the synthesis of androgens DHEA in women is mainly carried out in peripheral tissues, and may be a more reliable biomarker of androgenic effects than circulating testosterone levels. Topical application has comparable bioavailability (percentage of entry into the bloodstream) compared to oral administration. When applied topically, DHEA acts more effectively on androgens, such as testosterone (has greater bioavailability), than when taken orally; and although there is no difference in the short term, DHEA cream appears to be more effective than gel.

Oral administration

Tmax of DHEA supplements at oral administration very unstable and constantly fluctuating. Many studies show that when used large dosages Tmax is about 1-3 hours, but Tmax values ​​of up to 7-12 hours have been reported. In young men (18-42 years), DHEA at a dose of 50 mg does not significantly change DHEA/DHEAS blood levels, while a dose of 200 mg may change these levels. In this same population, plasma testosterone and dihydrotestosterone did not increase significantly with DHEA, whereas serum ADT-G (androgen metabolite) increased in a dose-dependent manner, with an average of 24 hours of AUC values ​​increasing from 198ng / h / ml up to 603 (after using 200 mg).

Metabolism and metabolites

A metabolite of DHEA that exhibits notable anti-inflammatory properties is β-AET, otherwise known as androstene-3β, 7β, 17β-triol.

Impact on the body

Interaction with hormones


There is a pseudo-balance of DHEA with cortisol, as two opposing hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. Both hormones have some similarities, as the release of both is stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This ratio is related to the circulating levels of both substances; The “peak” action of cortisol occurs in the morning, then its activity decreases throughout the day, while DHEA is considered more stable, but its concentration also decreases; both substances are positively correlated in blood serum, with an increase in the content of one leading to an increase in the content of the other in healthy individuals. Interestingly, the decline in DHEA levels with age parallels the decline in cortisol levels, maintaining this balance; thus, the aging process cannot itself cause changes in balance. Because DHEA is more stable than cortisol, it appears to be a better biomarker of adrenaline activity. DHEA and cortisol exist in a ratio, and aberrations in this ratio are observed in disease states. An elevated cortisol:DHEA ratio (more cortisol, less DHEA) is seen in treatment-resistant depression, anorexia, bipolar disorder, and, to a lesser extent, schizophrenia. Using a 100 mg DHEA supplement for 6 weeks may reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, but is not as significant as complex treatment. Increased content DHEA, relative to cortisol, contributes to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. The cortisol/DHEA ratio is mainly dependent on the variability of the response to DHEA. One study of people with schizophrenia noted that more beneficial effects were seen in individuals with either higher cortisol levels relative to DHEA, or a more stable ratio. Other compounds that affect the cortisol ratio are DHEA—melatonin, which increases DHEA relative to cortisol, and L-theanine, which may be more effective when used in individuals with schizophrenia who have an elevated cortisol:DHEA ratio. There must be a balance between these two hormones, and DHEA may have quite a few benefits associated with "correcting" this ratio in the case of hypercortisolemia ( high content cortisol in the blood).

Testosterone (and androgens)

Short-term use of a 50 mg DHEA supplement may increase free testosterone levels in middle-aged men and prevent further declines in production during periods of high-intensity training.

Interaction with lipid metabolism and heart health

Endothelial and vascular health

It has been found that DHEA, together with G-protein, acts on the cytosol, which can cause a reaction through MAPK and phosphoinositol kinase/protein kinase B, which leads to an increase in cGMP. This receptor has a high affinity for DHEA (48.7); saturation is observed in the range of 1-10 μm, and its activation is associated with cardioprotective effects. Biomarkers of this receptor have been observed in vivo following 50 mg DHEA supplementation and also have cardioprotective effects. DHEA may have a direct protective effect on the endothelium (blood vessel walls), helping to maintain vascular health and functionality.

Atherosclerosis and cholesterol

DHEA is able to lower lipoprotein levels by converting it to estrogen. Use of DHEA supplements in humans and animals has been shown to reduce lipoprotein levels. DHEA also reduces total cholesterol levels (LDL and HDL), regardless of pre-existing health status. Some studies have not noted a decrease in lipoproteins, and these studies have also not noted a decrease in both lipoproteins (theoretically). There were also no changes in estrogen levels. Several studies report inconsistencies and report an increase in estrogen without changes in lipoproteins. However, prospective studies of atherosclerosis have not demonstrated a relationship between DHEA/DHEAS levels and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. There is evidence that DHEA can significantly reduce lipoprotein levels, which may be mediated by effects on estrogen. LDL and HDL are reduced, however, clinically DHEA is still considered cardioprotective.

Impact on longevity


One study suggested telomere lengthening when using DHEA doses of 5-12.5 mg daily, while more high doses shorten telomeres. Apart from these studies, no other observations have been made regarding the additional effects of DHEA on telomere length.

Interaction with glucose metabolite

Human trials

Studies examining the effects of DHEA on glucose sensitivity have found improvements when using a dose of 50 mg per day for 6 months or longer in individuals aged 65 years or older with abnormalities in glucose processing. Studies also show improved sensitivity to. Administration of this dose to women with impaired glucose tolerance for 3 months resulted in a reduction in side effects over time, although there was no effect on glucose sensitivity. In one study, a dose of 25 mg per day improved glucose sensitivity in individuals without glucose intolerance, and a short-term study noted increased sensitivity to (but no improvement in glucose intolerance) due to increased binding of T lymphocytes to. One study using 10% DHEA cream reported reductions in fasting glucose (-17%) and fasting glucose (-11%). DHEA 25 mg daily in men with hypercholesterolemia has also demonstrated benefits regarding sensitivity to . Results from DHEA supplementation are dose dependent, and 1600 mg of DHEA daily in men did not show insulin-sensitizing effects. Some studies did not find significant improvements sensitivity to, when using 50 mg DHEA daily for 3 months in healthy older men with overweight, with low (less than 1500ng/ml) DHEA levels. In postmenopausal women, DHEA has not been effective; a combination of DHEA and physical exercise also do not contribute to the effectiveness of DHEA. Some studies, while reporting a null result, also noted trends toward decreasing levels and AUC. At least two studies noted a slight increase in levels with no change in serum glucose levels when using 50-75 mg DHEA daily, suggesting a trend toward resistance to DHEA, although the degree of resistance was minimal. The effects of DHEA on sensitivity are questionable.

Sexual dimorphism

Insulin-sensitizing effects are more present in men due to higher circulating androgens following DHEA supplementation. Androgen levels decrease with age, inversely related to sensitivity to; Sensitivity studies following DHEA supplementation, although lacking consensus, suggest that this remedy has more promise in men rather than women (although this may be due to fewer studies conducted in men).

DHEA/DHEA in bodybuilding

One DHEA trial was conducted on 9 men aged 23 +/- 4 years. It was found that use of DHEA supplementation at a dosage of 150 mg per day, for 6 of 8 weeks (1-2, 4-5, 7-8) did not cause an increase in circulating levels of testosterone and estrogen, and due to the loss of DHEA samples, serum levels could not be measured. 100 mg DHEA in 19-year-old (+/- 1 year) males resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in DHEA circulation, an increase in testosterone, and a decrease in markers of muscle breakdown. Another study of 19-22 year old men using 100 mg DHEA daily for 28 days noted an increase in circulating testosterone from 18.2 +/- 6.8 nmol to 25.4 +/- 8.1 nmol; An increase of 39% (free testosterone increased by 4%) in conjunction with football training did not affect weight skeletal muscles. Use of 40 mg DHEA in obese adolescents had no effect on muscle mass; 25 mg DHEA did not increase testosterone levels in young men, and muscle mass was not measured, but a dose of 1600 mg per day, for 28 days, reduced fat mass without changing weight, meaning muscle hypertrophy, without changing testosterone levels. 100-150 mg DHEA increases testosterone levels in most studies, but by itself, it does not lead to increased muscle mass. There are few studies combining effective doses of DHEA and weightlifting at a young age.

Effect of DHEA on fat mass and obesity


Several studies measuring rats' food intake in conjunction with DHEA found that DHEA reduced food intake by 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% of food weight. DHEA is involved in reducing intake fatty foods particularly at doses as low as 25 mg/kg body weight, or 4 mg/kg human equivalent body weight. Concomitant use with DHEAS causes a feeling of satiety after eating in humans. It is possible that DHEA may on its own reduce calorie intake, especially from fatty foods, which may contribute to any observed reductions in body fat.

Mechanisms of action

In a study of castrated and non-castrated rats, there were no differences in the effects associated with weight loss. Presumably, DHEA itself exerts its anti-obesity effects without being converted to testosterone. DHEA is involved in reducing the protein content of the PPAR receptor in fat cells, as well as sterol-sensing sequence element-binding protein and adipocyte lipid-binding protein. It has also been shown in rats that DHEA increases the expression of uncoupling proteins in adipocytes.


One study examining the effects of a very high dose of DHEA (1600 mg) noted a 31% reduction in fat mass compared to baseline, without significant changes in body weight.

Interaction with the gastrointestinal tract

Nutritional Digestibility

A study done on aged rats given 0.5% DHEA in their diet for 13 weeks found slight decrease protein absorption in the intestine in the second week of treatment (-4%), while at week 6 this decrease was less pronounced. DHEA supplementation does not affect fatty acid absorption.

Colon cancer

Blood DHEA status is associated with colon cancer risk, with 13% lower DHEA levels and 21% lower DHEAS levels observed in confirmed cases of colon cancer, suggesting a relationship between DHEA and a reduced risk of colon cancer. Oxidized DHEA metabolites (metabolites that are not androgenic or estrogenic steroids) in Caco-2 cells (an in vitro model of intestinal cells) exhibit antiproliferative properties, and may inhibit the growth of carcinogens.

Impact on neurology

Mood and well-being

Several studies conducted in the past generally link DHEA supplementation to improved mood in older adults with low levels DHEA in the body. During double-blind placebo studies, improvements in well-being were observed in both the DHEA and placebo groups; DHEA is not expected to have any effect therapeutic effect on healthy people. Some studies have found no improvement healthy men, however, indicate that androgen deficiency may be a prerequisite. DHEA is believed to improve well-being by increasing levels of beta-endorphins, other neurosteroids in the body and brain associated with feelings of happiness. In the state of renal failure, circulating levels of DHEA are low, and are due to low adrenal gland activity rather than age-related decline. In this condition, DHEA supplementation is effective and improves mood and well-being, more than the placebo group. One study suggested that DHEA may also be useful in stable HIV-infected patients. This supplement is used to improve mood in people with kidney failure, but it is not effective in otherwise healthy people. In older men with androgen deficiency, DHEA does not affect mood.

Consequences of prostatitis

Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

FAP is a biomarker for measuring prostate hypertrophy and prostate cancer risk. When the level of FAP in the blood increases, it indicates that the risk of developing prostate cancer may be increased. Studies of DHEA supplementation in men measuring FAP found no increase in circulating levels of FAP when taken at 100 mg daily for a year or 6 months, and at 50 mg in the short term or for 6 months. In vitro, DHEA can increase the secretion of SAP in prostate cells only in the presence of cancer cells and to a lesser extent than other androgens such as testosterone. Although there are biological basis To explain why DHEA and its metabolites (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone) increase prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and the risk of prostate cancer, DHEA does not show these effects in men over 40 years of age without prostate cancer.

Prostate mass

In studies measuring prostate weight in rats using a low dose of DHEA over a long period of time, DHEA was not associated with increased prostate weight, despite increases in circulating testosterone and DHEA/DHEAS.

Interventional study (in humans)

In men

A review of 28 studies of DHEA in men found that in seven cases scientific hypothesis was not confirmed (31%), and in the remaining fifteen cases it was confirmed (69%); there are no studies that have noted harmful effects DHEA. Neutral studies have found no benefit of DHEA supplementation on male enhancement, and no effect on mineral metabolism bone or bone mass, there was also no effect on skeletal muscle mass. One neutral test performed at diagnosis multiple sclerosis, presented at a conference in Berlin, did not find a significant benefit for DHEA. Tests indicating beneficial effect, were conducted on hormonal status (androgens), lipid profile, mood and depression, joint pain, endothelial function (heart health), bone mineral density (only femurs), immunity, apparent sensitivity to and body composition. One Study Showed Benefit of DHEA for a Disease Condition hereditary edema Quincke. DHEA supplementation at a dose of 50-100 mg daily can reduce almost all aspects of "aging", but this evidence is disputed. The only topic that has been substantially researched is the treatment of renal failure with DHEA supplementation at a dose of 50-100 mg, which has a cardioprotective effect (at the endothelial level, helps reduce lipid levels) in men over 40 years of age.

In women

A review of 63 studies examining the effects of DHEA supplementation in women found no significant effects in 11 studies (17%) and found beneficial effects in 52 of them (83%). No negative findings were recorded in this review. Neutral studies (those that did not find a statistically significant benefit) included studies of body composition, physical performance, menopausal symptoms, bone mass, sensitivity, mood, immunology, cognition, and sexuality in kidney failure. The MS study mentioned above (in the section on men) also looked at women with the same null results. It was discovered positive influence DHEA on the skin when applied topically and orally, as well as the effects on lipid profile, heart health, bone mineral density, body composition, sexuality, mood, depression, sensitivity to , and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Some studies were excluded due to the specific nature of some painful conditions, such as kidney failure, anorexia nervosa, enlarged thyroid gland or lupus. In women, DHEA supplementation primarily supports heart health, but there is less evidence for this effect in men. However, there is much more evidence for the beneficial effects of DHEA on bone mineral density. Suggested that DHEA may be good preventive measure for osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Known related compounds


Androst-3,5-diene-7,17-dione is a metabolite of 7-keto DHEA and is synthesized when the single bond on the ring between carbons 3 and 4 is converted to a double bond. This converts 5-androstene to 3,5-diene; -en refers to a double bond, and -di refers to two. It is surprising that this natural metabolite is found in urine, since it is converted from 7-oxo (adding a double bond) and is formed in the body in the liver. Sometimes this metabolite is also referred to as 3-deoxy-7-keto DHEA. Regardless of the colloquial name, the extended chemical name for this molecule is (8R,9S,10R,13S,14S)-10,13-dimethyl-2,8,9,11,12,14,15,16-octahydro-1G-cyclopenta( a)phenafrine-7,17-dione This conjugate can competitively inhibit aromatase, with an IC50 of 1.8 nmol and a Ki of 0.22 nmol. This supplement has been scientifically tested on humans and is a powerful aromatase inhibitor.

Nutrient interactions

Aromatase inhibitors

Since DHEA is a metabolic precursor for both androgens and estrogens, the combination of DHEA with anti-aromatase theoretically acts as a substrate of androgenic status. One study examining DHEA as an aromatase inhibitor (AI) found that in combination, DHEA produced a greater increase in testosterone than when taken alone (combination: 8.5 nmol/L increase; DHEA: 3.5 nmol/L s; atamestane: 4.9 nmol/l). The interaction of DHEA with MA also reduces the inevitable surge of estrogen by 2/3 times, which is observed when taking DHEA.

DHEA overdose

Taking 50mg DHEA per day for 52 weeks in postmenopausal women is not associated with any significant toxicity or side effects and is generally considered to be a therapeutically effective dose, with no side effects in the long term. Lower doses (25 mg) for more long periods time (2 years) are also considered safe.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a multifunctional steroid hormone. Some call it the hormone of youth. This is probably not without exaggeration, but this hormone has already proven itself in the fight against some age-related diseases. DHEA levels in the body naturally decline after age 30. By monitoring and promptly adjusting the level hormone DHEA into the organization at any age, we resist the occurrence of painful conditions that are associated with age-related changes. Healthy people under 50 do not need DHEA at all.

DHEA should only be taken to raise hormone levels to normal levels, not to exceed them. You need to start with low doses (5-10 mg per day for women, 25 mg per day for men) and slowly increase doses until the desired effect is achieved. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 mg. It is better to take supplements in the morning.

For vaginal discomfort associated with menopause, rub 10% cream into areas of 20 x 20 cm on both thighs once a day.

To improve the quality of eggs in women over 40 years of age with reduced ovarian reserve, dosage: 25 mg 3 times a day. Start taking at least 3 months before conception (3 months is the egg gestation cycle). Discontinue if pregnant (or IVF). Do not take the hormone if you have been diagnosed with PCOS or adrenogenital syndrome(VDKN).

Method and dosage

  • DHEA is sold widely and freely, but the effects of its long-term use are simply unknown. Most experts believe that it can only be taken under medical supervision. Try to find a doctor who has experience using this supplement.
  • Before you start taking the hormone, be sure to check to see if you have prostate cancer (men) or breast cancer (women), as these types of cancer are affected by hormone levels in the body.
  • Be sure to check your DHEA blood levels and only take this supplement if they are low. After 3 weeks of supplement use, recheck to see if dosage adjustments are needed. Once normal levels of the hormone are achieved, the need for supplementation usually does not exceed 5-10 mg per week.

Facts and tips for use

Labels for preparations made from Wild Yam sometimes state that the plant contains substances that are converted in the body to DHEA or other hormones. But this transformation is possible only in the laboratory, and not in the human body. Although there is no evidence that dietary supplements prolong life, this supplement may improve quality of life. In one study, older men and women who took the drug reported improved overall health, better sleep, more energy, and a better ability to cope with stress. More than 80% of women and 67% of men responded positively to this supplement (less than 10% responded to placebo).

Medicinal properties

Called the "mother of hormones," DHEA is a supplement needed by the body to produce many types of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands, small organs located above the kidneys, skin, brain, testicles and ovaries. Women develop less money than men. The production of this hormone decreases sharply with age in both sexes - by 70 years by 80% compared to 30 years of age. The biological significance of this decrease remains unclear

This supplement has been proven to stimulate weight loss, increase libido, strengthen memory and prevent the development of osteoporosis. However, all these claims remain unconfirmed. Studies have shown that the drug may improve general well-being in older adults (the mechanism of action is unclear), reduce the risk of heart disease, relieve symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus, help with diabetes, and stimulate the immune system.

Effect on the human body

Instructions for use indicate that dietary supplements can improve brain function and general well-being in older people. This supplement can help reduce body mass index, reduce the proportion of body fat, and increase muscle mass. When taken as a cream, it can relieve vaginal soreness and discomfort during menopause. Some studies suggest that DHEA improves overall well-being, physical endurance, sex drive, and hormone levels in people with insufficient adrenal function. Some evidence of the supplement's immune-boosting effects comes from observations of older adults receiving flu shots. Their immune response to the weakened influenza virus was significantly enhanced after taking the drug. It has been suggested that this substance may improve the immune response in HIV-infected people.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Men with high levels of this hormone perform better in physical endurance tests, which measure the condition of the heart during physical activity. This association, however, is not found in women. Women taking DHEA have a slightly increased risk of heart disease. The drug has been studied for various diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, erectile dysfunction, bacterial infections, ovulation disorders, myotonic dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, arterial thrombosis, heart failure and HIV infection. The research results are inconclusive.

Price in pharmacies

The price of DHEA in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about DHEA preparation, instructions for use include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.



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