We make a notepad with our own hands. How to make a beautiful notebook with your own hands

If you want to make a cookbook out of paper, a notebook, or something in a book version with your own hands, then this master class is just for you. It will provide a detailed diagram of how to make the pages, assemble them, and secure them with a beautiful cover.

To make a notepad we will need:

Thick cardboard or Whatman paper in A4 format;
binding cardboard or any other thickness from 2 mm;
figured hole punch-border;
decorative paper for the cover;
scrap paper for the spine;
white threads;
glue “Moment Crystal”;
glue gun;
stationery knife;

First, decide how many pages your notebook should have. We will bend each A4 sheet in half, so one sheet will turn out to be two sheets. We divide it in half, draw it along the line with scissors, pressing it a little and bend it.

You can decorate sheets in various ways. You can darken the edges, cut corners, etc. In this master class, we cut off only one edge of each sheet with a curly border hole punch.

Now we assemble all the blanks, fold to fold, so that all the edges match and the sheets alternate - an openwork edge, and then a straight edge. It is best to press down all the sheets with something so that they do not move apart during further work. Now we divide the end side into 7 identical segments and draw perpendicular lines with a pencil. Along these drawn lines you need to make shallow cuts with a stationery knife. There should be small holes in the fold of each sheet.

We cut two strips of fabric measuring 3x10 cm. Take the first sheet and place the strips on both sides, leaving two holes at the edges. Cut a very long thread and thread it through a needle. We tie a knot at one end and start stitching from the top from the outermost hole. We continue to sew along the entire length. The end result is that the thread will pass directly over the strips of fabric.

Then we take the next sheet and stitch it in the same way, tightening the thread well. In this case, the fabric strips should always be on top of the new sheet.

After we have stitched all the sheets, tie a knot at the end. We stretch the strips of fabric and glue the ends to the cardboard on both sides.

Take scrap paper for the spine. Its length should match the length of the end part of the notebook. The width consists of the thickness of the notebook and two side lines 2 cm wide. Draw fold lines along the drawn lines.

Apply a thick layer of glue to the entire inside of the spine and glue it tightly to the end of the notebook. Let it dry for a while.

From thick cardboard we cut out two rectangles measuring 15x21 cm. From decorative paper we cut out the same number measuring 19x25 cm.

Stationery stores offer a wide variety of different notebooks. However, it is much more interesting to make a notebook for notes with your own hands, because handmade creativity allows you to get an absolutely exclusive item of the desired size, color and thickness.

By the way, if a loved one is planning a holiday, then a handmade diary made with soul and originally designed will be an excellent memorable gift.

About, how to make a stylish notebook from scratch from paper and glue and other available materials, we will tell you in this article.

Step-by-step instructions - making a notebook with your own hands from paper and glue

Notebooks with glue, that is, made using the technology of seamless binding of pages, are most popular in scrapbooking.

Such a notebook can be easily made with your own hands, and if you approach the creative process responsibly, then a homemade diary will be in no way inferior in strength to industrially manufactured products.

To make a notebook you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Watercolor paper. It is better to choose this one, since it is thicker and more pleasant to the touch compared to regular office paper;
    Gauze or regular medical bandage;
  • PVA glue is the best option for creativity. This inexpensive, environmentally friendly adhesive perfectly glues paper and cardboard, sets quickly, does not shrink strongly when drying, perfectly fills cracks and gaps, and ensures high strength of the adhesive seam. If PVA is not at hand, you can use regular silicate office glue for paper and cardboard.
  • Stationery clips, clamps or regular clothespins;
  • Glue brush;
  • Colored paper;
  • Thick cardboard for cover(ordinary packaging cardboard from an unnecessary box will do);
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Double sided tape.

Fold A4 sheets in half and stack them

We clamp the sheets and glue them

We make a cover from any sheets

The procedure for making a homemade notepad is as follows:

  1. Fold sheets of watercolor paper in half. We select their number depending on the desired thickness of the notepad;
  2. We fold the resulting blanks into an even stack, clamp them with clothespins or other available devices;
  3. Apply a bandage or gauze to the junction of the sheets, coat with PVA glue, and leave to dry for several hours;
  4. When the first layer of glue has dried, we glue the joint again, reinforcing the joint with gauze, and leave it to dry again;
  5. The base of the future notebook is ready, all that remains is to check the quality of gluing the pages and, if necessary, strengthen the connection with glue;
  6. Let's start preparing the cover. To do this, we cut out blanks from a sheet of cardboard using a stationery knife, the size of which on each side should exceed the size of the pages by 5 millimeters. We glue the resulting blanks onto a sheet of thick paper using double-sided tape;
  7. We decorate the inside of the cover using colored paper. It can be glued using either PVA glue or double-sided tape. The second option is more convenient and takes less time;
  8. We glue the block of pages with the cover - our notebook is ready! All that remains is to decorate the cover to your liking.


We offer you a selection of ideas and methods for original design of notebooks and diaries.

The scrapbooking technique allows you to use for decoration not only scrap paper and napkins for decoupage, but also everything that is at hand: magazine clippings, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, buttons, memorable elements, etc.

How to make a notebook out of paper without stitching or glue

You can also do it yourself mini notebook without glue and stitching.

This quick method is simply irreplaceable when you urgently need a notebook for notes.

To make a cute origami notebook without glue, you will need:

  • one sheet of A4 paper (preferably colored);
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.

The process of making a mini-notebook is quite simple:

  1. Bend a sheet of paper in half lengthwise;
  2. We unfold the sheet and bend each of the two halves in half again towards the center;
  3. We turn the sheet over and repeat the same folds, but this time along the width of the sheet;
  4. We cut the sheet along the bend so that we get 8 identical rectangles, bent in the middle;
  5. We divide the resulting rectangles (future pages of the mini-notebook) into 2 parts;
  6. We take one rectangle from the first stack and measure 2.5 centimeters at the bend on each side. We put the entire stack together and make neat cuts on both sides according to the markings;
  7. We take one rectangle from the second stack and measure 2 centimeters at the bend on each side, put dots at these places and connect them into a segment. We fold the entire second stack together, iron it along the fold and make a neat cut using a stationery knife along the marked line;
  8. We take the first stack of rectangles, twist one side of the future pages into a tube and push it into the hole of the second stack;
  9. We straighten the pages - our mini-notebook is ready without glue or stitching. All that remains is to design the original origami notebook to your liking!


Undoubtedly, a notebook is an indispensable item. The need to record information may arise at any time. The store sells many different notebooks, but finding the right one for you can be difficult. In a homemade notebook, you can choose the thickness and size yourself, and make it fit perfectly into a non-standard bag pocket. A beautifully designed notebook can be turned into a profile for friends. Or use it as a personal diary, writing down your spiritual secrets there. In this case, a handmade notebook will help you relax and get into the right frame of mind. And notebooks are so nice to give as gifts.

To make a notebook you will need: 20 sheets of office paper, thick paper or colored cardboard, binding cardboard; wrapping paper, colored paper and ribbons, beads, paper flowers (for decoration).

For work you will need: pencil, ruler, glue (PVA, and moment Crystal), stationery knife, bandage, thread and needle, awl, knitting needle, work surface (it’s best to take a piece of linoleum).

The notebook will have 80 pages, size 11x15 cm.

Making the notepad base

Cut office paper crosswise. For the resulting halves, draw a fold line across with a knitting needle, then bend it using a ruler.

In the photo, the cut line is drawn as a whole, and the fold line is dotted.

Place the folded leaves one inside the other, 5 pieces at a time. You should have 8 “books”. If after folding the edges of the leaves stick out in different directions, cut them along a ruler with a knife.

Make holes along the fold line with an awl, stepping back from the edge 14.8 cm. The distance between the holes is 2 cm.

Sew the “book” with threads. The needle is inserted from the outside so that there are no knots between the pages of the notebook.

At the end of the work, secure the knot on the outside. In this way, 8 “books” are stitched.

Take the “book” and apply PVA glue along the seam made with a thin line. Place the next “book” on top and squeeze well. Glue the base for the notebook in this way. Make sure that the “books” lie on top of one another without distortion.

Cut a piece of bandage slightly shorter than the length of the workpiece and twice the width of the end. Lubricate the end with Moment glue, and place a bandage folded in half on top. Make sure that the glue gets into all the cracks between the paper. Dry the finished base for 1-2 hours.

Making a notebook cover

Cut out 2 endpapers (21x15 cm) from colored paper. Bend them across, with the colored side facing inward. To ensure an even fold, first draw a knitting needle along the fold line.

Glue the endpapers to the base with PVA glue.

From bookbinding cardboard, cut out 2 rectangles with sides 15x10.5 cm and one with sides 15x1.2 cm. From colored cardboard, cut out a rectangle with sides 26x17 cm.

Place a rectangle of cardboard, colored side down. Place binding cardboard on top. The margins from the edge are 1 cm. Place the spine between the pages in the middle. Secure the parts with a drop of PVA so that they do not move. Trim the corners of the cardboard.

Fold the edges of the colored cardboard inward and glue it to the binding cardboard.

Fold the cover along the folds several times. Glue a bookmark to the spine.

Insert the notebook base into the cover and close it. Mark the distance at which the cover is glued to the base. To prevent the notebook from fraying, the cover should protrude forward by 5 mm, at the top and bottom by 1-2 mm.

Glue the cover to the endpapers. The notebook is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it.

Please note that it is better to avoid voluminous decorations when decorating if you plan to carry a notebook with you because... they can come off.

How to make a notepad with your own hands. Second way

This notebook can be made in any size and for any number of sheets; you can insert tracing paper into the middle and make dividers.

You will need: paper, clamps, 3-gauge file, bookbinding cardboard, thread and needle, cotton tapes, sealant, kraft paper, glue stick, stationery knife, ruler, cardboard with a density of 300 g/m2 (spine), knitting needle, glue moment, fabric, decorative elements.

Making the notepad base

Fold the office paper as shown in the previous example.

Secure the folded side of the “book” with clamps so that there are no dents left, and place binding cardboard on both sides. Leave the structure for 4 hours (or better yet, overnight).

Open the clamps, tap the paper on the table to align the spine, and secure with 2 clamps as shown in the photo. Divide the length of the spine into 7 equal parts.

Make cuts with a file - small holes in the marked places. Please note that the width of the ribbons should be less than the distance between the holes.

Now you can sew the base.

Place the ribbons as shown in the photo.

Sew the first booklet with thread and fold the ribbons around it.

Place the next booklet on top and sew it with thread in the opposite direction.

In the places where you go around the tape, hook the thread to the thread of the previous notebook.

Also, hooking the thread, sew the 3rd booklet.

Now pass the needle through the thread between the 1st and 2nd booklets.

And tie a tight knot. All subsequent books have a knot tied at the edge.

When you sew a book, tie 2 knots at the end of the work.

Secure the workpiece with clamps between the cardboard so that the spine is even.

Apply sealant to the spine and spread it with a sponge.

Press the base as close to the spine as possible and leave to dry for several hours.

Glue a piece of craft paper onto the ribbons using a glue stick. It will give strength to the notebook and hide the protrusions of the tapes.



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