What is text nausea? Optimal Keyword Density

Nausea text(or keyword density) - a special parameter for identifying keywords in content

One of the most important components when promoting any website is interesting and unique content with normal keyword nausea. It’s even better if the text is optimized, that is, it uses keywords, combinations of several words, sentences. This is what search engines respond to. If articles do not have keywords, search engines will not respond to them. But it is important that there are not too few or too many keywords and that they are evenly distributed throughout the text.

When optimizing content, there are only two possible mistakes: there are too few keywords (word combinations) or too many. In the first case, search engines can exclude such a resource from the search. In the second case, the site runs the risk of being filtered. Therefore it is believed that keywords should not appear more often than 2-7% of the total number of words.

There are two types of nausea:

  • Classical
  • Academic (most often used)

1. When determining classic nausea The amount of text doesn't matter. It is calculated by taking the square root of the number that determines the number of repetitions of a word. For example, if a word is repeated 9 times, then classic nausea will be 3. When optimizing, it should be taken into account that this indicator must be in the range from 2.64 to 7.

2. Academic nausea– an indicator of the level of naturalness of content, which is expressed as a percentage. In this case, both the frequency of repetition of words and their total number are taken into account. This is the type of text nausea that everyone uses.

To calculate academic nausea in relation to a word (most often a keyword), you need to divide the number of its repetitions by the total number of words.

T = / * 100%

Where KeyWord is the number of keywords, and SumWord is the total number of words.

For example, if the text has 300 words, and the word for which academic nausea is calculated is repeated 6 times, then the indicator will be = 2%. If the value is greater than 8%, search engines may identify the content as spam.

In addition, the concept of nausea extends not only to keys, but also to any other words. For example, if an article is written on the topic “installation of blinds,” then it may happen that the word “window” will have a higher academic indicator than the keyword phrase. As a result, for the query “installation of blinds” the relevance of the key will decrease significantly, and for queries containing the word “window” it will increase.

If the verification service indicates too high nausea in the finished text, it can be reduced by using synonyms. But in content that is written to order, practically nothing depends on the copywriter, since everything is decided by the customer. If it requires the inclusion of a certain number of keywords in the article, then the indicators cannot be optimized.

Hi all. The basis of the information site is quality articles. There are several criteria for assessing the quality of the material provided, which are used by search engines. The article will discuss a concept from the field of copywriting skills - text nausea, or what it means to be spammy in the text.

From experience. The author of one of the courses on creating a blog recommended using keywords a certain number of times in the article. Such texts should have reached the TOP of search engines, in his opinion, instantly. Text spamming was never mentioned.

The use of key phrases and words in the article should be natural; this makes the content optimized.

The concept of “nausea” in the text began to be used in 2006. The word speaks for itself - an overabundance of something. Specifically: text nausea - the frequency of use of a word in relation to the entire article, the density of the use of key phrases. Measured as a percentage. Don't assume that the lower the text vomit, the better for SEO. Not quite so, more on that later.

What are the types of nausea?

SEO specialists distinguish two types: classic nausea, academic text nausea.

Classic text nausea

It's simple here. Classic nausea is a coefficient equal to the square root of the number of the most repeated words in an article. Stop words are not taken into account. For example, I used the word “nausea” 9 times. Therefore the value is 3.

Academic document nausea

Academic nausea is more difficult. By definition, this is the ratio of the key and significant words of the article to the total volume, expressed as a percentage. Algorithms for calculating academic nausea vary among different services. You should adhere to the “correct” indicators to promote your site to the TOP and avoid filters.

Text spam rate

No one knows the exact meaning of text nausea. You can focus on your competitors. Open 10 delivery sites. Copy the articles and do it. Focus on averages. Thus, based on the analysis of TOP sites, optimizers calculated certain nausea norms.

Academic. Advego - 6-12%; Text - 50%.

Classic - no more than 7%.

How to Reduce Academic Text Nausea

Re-read the article. You will notice the frequent use of words yourself. After checking for spam, there are three options. Leave as is - with normal readings; increase the percentage of document nausea - so that search engines correctly take into account the article when ranking; and when indicators are obtained above the norm, it is necessary to put them in order.

If you work as a copywriter, the customer indicates the range of nausea that you need to fit into. Otherwise, the work will not be accepted and will be returned for revision. In those The task indicates the number of words (plus or minus), nausea indicators, and the percentage of uniqueness of the article. Don't forget about it, it must be on the level.

By the way, if you want to make money by writing articles, there are proven copywriter exchanges. Customers will definitely not scam you into them; all payments go through the exchange. If you just want to learn copywriting skills, read this article.

Methods for reducing academic nausea.

  • Replace frequently used words. When preparing to write an article, there is a semantic core, key phrases, queries. Queries can be expanded by replacing them with synonyms, similar words, writing in Latin, and abbreviations. This way, the audience reach will be larger and the spam rate will decrease. For example: WordPress, WordPress, WP.

There are services on the Internet for selecting synonyms. I use the following: synonymonline and TEXT.

  • Reduce the number of stop words. It doesn’t hurt, I even recommend checking the article for compliance with the information style of Glavred. The editor-in-chief will also help you get rid of verbal garbage. I use it regularly.
  • Increase document size. Doesn't always fit. By removing one “evil,” you can add another—the wateriness of the text. If you write an article to order, the number of characters is regulated by technical requirements. task.

I'm using the first option. You should replace with synonyms not just one high-frequency word that comes first after checking, but several.

How to reduce classic text nausea

From the definition of “classic” it is calculated from the most used word. Hence the conclusion: you can reduce the classic nausea of ​​the text by reducing the occurrence of this word. With a lengthy article, in any case, you will use the keyword more often. An increase in classic nausea is guaranteed. Therefore, I don’t pay much attention to this type of nausea. Of course, within reasonable limits.

How to Increase Academic Text Nausea

Search engines rank sites based on the user's query. Or rather, this is one of the points. If the article lacks thematic keywords, then the search engine will perceive it as not corresponding to the user’s request. Then you shouldn't wait for the TOP.

Therefore, the only way to increase the academic nausea of ​​the text is to increase the number of keywords. When performing semantic analysis of the text, ensure that the first ten lines are occupied by words that reveal the topic.

Check text for nausea online

Sitting on your own for a couple of hours, calculating the nausea indicators of a document is not at all reasonable, there is no point. To make the work of a webmaster and copywriter easier, there are many online services that allow you to analyze an article for spam in seconds. Here are some of them.


The most popular service for semantic text analysis. The result is actually given in a few seconds. There are no restrictions on the number of checks per day. Verification takes place on this page.

Paste the text into the field and click check. In addition to nausea, you will see basic statistics.

These are the indicators of one of the blog articles. Academic and classic nausea are within normal limits. This means there is no spam. The second table shows the semantic core. Check to see if the words and expressions are in first place.

The fourth table shows stop words. Many of them can be eliminated without harm to the article. The text will become more readable.


Nausea is displayed as Spaminess. The service uses its own calculation algorithm, so the values ​​are far from Adveg’s. I'm checking the same page as Advego. Spam level is 53%.

This is normal for TEXTa. From 30 to 60% of the text is considered SEO optimized and responsive.

I’ll move a little away from the topic of spam in articles. Texta's main function and advantage is . In the screenshot, did you notice that the uniqueness of the article being checked was 0.39%? Two sites are indicated: mine and another one. Conclusion: some idiot copied the article and posted it on his website without warning. At the bottom of the uniqueness check page there was another one.

I will contact Google and Yandex with a complaint about the copy-pastors. There were always enough people willing to take what belonged to others. We need to think about the safety of materials. In the future I will write about the measures taken and the results.

I took the article as an example by accident, and it was extremely successful. I wouldn't know that. The entire site should be checked for uniqueness.


First, general information about the article. Then in sections concerning semantics and text nausea.

There is an interesting diagram of text analysis according to Zipf's law,

There are also PR-CY, Istio, they are similar to the previous one.


Before publishing on the site, you should definitely check the text for nausea. For a significant excess, for overspam, the site may fall under the search engine filter. If you are a copywriter, you will finalize the article, achieving the requirements required by the customer.

As with anything, it takes practice. Make it a rule to write every day, even short articles of 300 words, over time the texts will be optimized and free of spam.

And most importantly, texts should be written not for the search robot, but for the user.

Good luck everyone! Write great articles and get to the TOP.

Every day, copywriters look more and more like overloaded mules who carry the entire burden of the worries of impudent customers on their shoulders. The client’s wishes regarding the nuances of the style of the ordered article, the number of characters or the chosen structure of the text are fully justified, but this is not all that comes to their mind. Now every second customer, offering a small payment for the work, for some reason thinks that a copywriter should replace his marketing department, salespeople and, especially, SEO specialists. Therefore, in those In tasks, such parameters as: , classic nausea, density of top kernel words, title, etc. are increasingly appearing.

Undoubtedly, such wishes for an experienced copywriter are doable, but the trend makes us think about future market standards. With such prerequisites, the hour is not long when SEO masters will turn into simple intermediaries between the customer and the copywriter who will do all the work to optimize the site. But the nature of any market is changeable, and those who are unable to quickly adapt immediately find themselves out of sight of “fat” clients. Therefore, despite the storm of indignation, let’s stop twisting our noses and figure out what they want from us, indicating what they want in the task percentage of academic nausea.

Academic document nausea

On various resources, including the popular Advego, we are told that academic nausea is the percentage of the most repeated keys to the total number of words in the text. All from the same sources, when writing texts, we are recommended a framework of 6-9% nausea for high-quality optimization of the article in search engines. But what does this mean and what is it for? In general, we understand that this is an indicator that the text is spammed with keywords and we know that overspam can force search robots to throw the article or the entire site into the filter.

I think there is no need to explain the consequences of the filter to anyone? But it is not at all clear why 6-9%, and by what formula this percentage is calculated. Personally, I have great doubts about the credibility of this indicator. First of all, because no user knows 100% how it is calculated. I will even say more - the Advego administration does not know what formula is used to calculate academic nausea.

The phrase “... is not commented on” on the screen attached above, in this case does not imply corporate secrecy, but simply ignorance. Another confirmation that attention to academic nausea is not necessary is the dozens of pages in the top search results on various topics. On them, very often this figure goes off scale beyond 10.11 and even 13%. I don’t hack rashly, but simply operate with data that can be easily verified.

The conventionality of academic nausea is also due to the peculiarities of ranking by search engines. We know that Google analyzes every period, comma, image and button. Therefore, the final statistics for the page will differ from those of the document posted on it. All of the above tells us two things: firstly, you should not adhere so strictly to the 6-9% framework, and secondly, this does not mean that the information is completely useless. If you still adhere to the specified values, then the risk of getting into the filter is significantly reduced, but it will also be more difficult to break into the top results due to texts.

Classic document nausea

With classic nausea, everything is simpler, because this is the coefficient of the most repeated key. There’s no need to add anything else here. Simply enter in the calculator the number of repetitions of the most frequent key, for example 43, press the “√” (square root) button, and get our coefficient. According to the example, it comes out to 6.56. Accordingly, with 36 words per text, the coefficient is 6, for 7 words - 2.64, etc. For beginning copywriters, the main thing is not to confuse the key with stop words, which are not taken into account when analyzing classic nausea.

Taking into account the pages revered by search engines, many SEO specialists agreed that a coefficient of 7 is optimal in the document. Indicators below seven will not harm the site, but, depending on other ranking facts, they may reduce the effectiveness of resource promotion. If you decide to exceed the recommended value, then you risk falling out of favor with the search engines, that is, in the filter.

Programs for checking text nausea

In order to quickly solve problems of optimizing a document or simply adjusting it to the wishes in the technical specifications, you should resort to the help of various programs. I will indicate the most famous and popular of them. Decide for yourself what to use, or ask the client what he uses to avoid controversial situations.

A clear interface, an unlimited number of checks and the minimum required list of indicators for the document.

When checking a document for an academic coefficient, uniqueness, spelling, number of characters, etc. are additionally checked. Checks without registration are limited in number per day. Nausea here is displayed as “spammed”, and is similar in principle to the academic calculation in Advego, but at the same time, it uses its own algorithm. It takes longer to check than in Advego, due to the check order established to unload the site.

A convenient service for quickly editing and checking text. Shows classic nausea, and also visually displays water content and a document map (word density). It works very quickly, without restrictions on checks.

Before publishing the text, it will not be possible to check it on this service, but a project that already has its own url is quickly checked. In addition to the number of characters, nausea and word density, the check will show you internal and external links, as well as the relevance of the title to the text.

There are also a number of programs that need to be downloaded for further work, but I don’t see the point in loading up the computer and myself to determine document nausea. The examples given are more than enough to solve this problem.

What can you do to reduce or increase text nausea?

If you understand what academic and classical nausea are, then it will not be difficult for you to adjust their values. But I’ll still give a couple of examples to reinforce it.

An example of reducing classic nausea

An example of reducing academic nausea


Particularly attentive readers may have noticed that when even one word from the core is reduced, both nauseas change. You may have wondered why, in academic nausea, change several words instead of one. Indeed, you can change even one word, but if the AT indicator is too high, it will have to be reduced very much, which will entail its significance for search robots. To avoid this, it is easier to simultaneously reduce the number of several words at once.

If you have any questions about this topic, write them in the comments or to one of the contacts I have provided. I will be happy to answer.

First, let's figure out what kind of indicator this is. When you start writing an article for a blog or to order, you probably use some keywords so that the page gets into the TOP of search engine results for them. And you probably try to insert these keys more often so that search engines can determine exactly what to focus on and what the article is about.

So, when an article contains too many of the same words, it doesn’t turn out to be a very good read; it can literally make you “sick.” And this parameter can be measured.

There are two types of text nausea - classical and academic:

  1. Classical– the more repetitions of the same word in an article, the greater the classic nausea. Prepositions such as “and”, “a” and others are also counted.
  2. Academic– repetitions of the most commonly used words and phrases are taken into account.

In general, to make it clearer, if you “pound” the reader with a small vocabulary, use a lot of meaningless prepositions, you will get high classic nausea. And if you use the same words or phrases too often, academic nausea will increase. In this case, the percentage of the entire text is calculated.

Until recently, it was believed that to optimize an article it is useful to insert as many keywords into it as possible. Yes, it was good, but those days are gone. Now search engines consider such pages to be artificially over-optimized. Insert a deliberate number of keywords into your articles, and very soon your blog will be banned, or it will not get closer to the coveted TOP, but on the contrary, it will move away. And it is the nausea indicator that will show whether you observe decency when writing an article, whether you abuse any words. That's why this indicator is so important.

I think these concepts are not very clear yet. So I’ll show you with an example.

Checking and correcting text nausea

The most convenient way to check texts is in the service - it shows both types of nausea separately. So, go there, copy the desired text, paste it into the window and press the “ Check" As an example, I took a freshly written article on a medical topic, which just needs to be adjusted to the following requirements: academic nausea no more than 8, frequency of a single word no more than 2.5%. I advise you to adhere to these values ​​- my client is a well-known optimizer, he won’t give bad advice, but I won’t tell you his name. Classic nausea is not particularly required, but I try to stick to 3-5, preferably closer to 3.

So, I’m inserting the source text, written simply taking into account the keys (and there are 11 of them here). I will customize it to suit your requirements. Here is the result of the check:

As you can see, there is more academic nausea here than the required 8%. The service identified the most commonly used words in the text and displayed a list of them below. Therefore, to get the desired result, I just need to reduce the frequency of these words. These are the words “medicine”, “treatment” and “solution”. In addition, there is a combination “ointment solution”, but if I reduce the number of the word “solution”, then this combination will also become less common.

By the way, there are also grammatical errors shown here. Do not pay attention - medical terms are always considered errors. But it’s useful to look at what stood out there. Sometimes there actually is an undetected error.

So, I need to either replace these words with others - synonyms, or completely remove them from the article. It is clear that then their percentage will become smaller, and nausea should decrease. I fix it and check again.

It all took a couple of minutes, and here is the new result. I only replaced the most frequent words a couple of times, in one place I completely deleted them... As a result, I received an academic nausea of ​​7.9%, which is quite within the requirements. You can further lower it if you remove or replace the word “treatment” a couple of times. In addition, by manipulating here, you can bring exactly the right keywords to the top of the list, maintaining good performance.

In addition to academic nausea, I also got excellent classical nausea – it was 3.32, but now it’s 3. Naturally, when you reduce the frequency of words, classical nausea also decreases. But it can also be reduced by reducing the frequency of so-called stop words. These are prepositions and other short words that do not carry a semantic load. You will find a list of them below the test results:

You can reduce the number of stop words and reduce classic article nausea without affecting the academic. How you do this is everyone’s personal business. You can replace them with commas where possible, or rearrange sentences...

In general, I try to adhere to the following framework:

  • academic nausea – no more than 8%
  • classic – 3-5, but I try not to go to 5.

What does this give in the end? I admit, until recently I did not engage in such optimization for myself personally, only for customers. But then we decided to try it - my wife corrected one of the articles on her blog, corrected it as described above, plus increased its relevance. As a result, the page, which was in position more than 100 in Yandex for more than a year, in a week moved first to 35, then to 25, then to 19th position, and now stands at 17th position in the search. After the next update, most likely, it will get to the TOP.

So now I understand the importance of this optimization method and use it. And I advise you.

By the way, besides, there are other services that can analyze your text. For example, . But when you check there, you will get different results - there is no division into classical and academic nausea, there is only a general figure. Comparing the same text on these two services, I came to the conclusion that Istio simply adds both parameters and divides them in half, and shows the average value. Therefore, I prefer to check on Advego to see both indicators.

Text sickness is a metric that measures how often a word is used in a text document. Please note: not only the frequency of words from is important, but also any other words used in the text. For example, in an article optimized for the query “installation of blinds”, the frequency of use of words from the key phrase will be lower than the frequency of the word “windows”. In this case, the relevance of the text to a given query will decrease, and, accordingly, the web page’s chances of ranking high will decrease.

There are two measures of nausea, and they are calculated differently.

Classic nausea

The classic nausea indicator is the square root of a number indicating the frequency of use of a word in a text. For example, if a word occurs 16 times in the text, its classic nausea is 4. In this case, the volume of the text is not taken into account.

The classic nausea index cannot be less than 2.64. Even if the word is used less than 7 times in the text, the square root in this case is taken from the number 7.

What should be the nausea of ​​the text? It is believed that the maximum acceptable value for classic text nausea is 7. If the value is higher than this figure, the text may be rated by search engines as spam.

Academic document nausea

What is academic text nausea? This is the ratio of the number of repetitions of the most used word in a document to the number of words in the entire text. It is measured as a percentage. In other words, academic nausea is a measure of frequency.

How is word frequency measured?

Frequency is a percentage. Let's denote it with the letter "H". The letters “KS” denote the number of repetitions of a word in different forms, taking into account changes in case, number, gender, that is, not only pure occurrences, but also morphological ones (see lesson “Key words”). The number of words in the entire text is “KST”. Then the formula for determining the frequency of a word will look like this:

KS: KST x 100 = H%

Example of calculating keyword frequency

Let’s take, for example, a short text about a wristwatch:

Swiss wristwatch

We are pleased to welcome you to the online store of Swiss wristwatches. Our catalog contains a wide selection of products from famous Swiss brands:

  • Tissot,
  • Candino
  • Omega,
  • Certina.

All wristwatches we sell come with a service center guarantee.

High quality watches, impeccable and durable operation of the mechanism, stylish design, special charm and elegance - owning such an expensive watch is truly prestigious!

Call us right now and you will become the owner of your favorite model of luxury wristwatch, men's or women's, and receive a ten percent discount.

Let’s determine the frequency of the key phrase “wristwatch”.

The total number of words is 76. Keyword occurrences are 5 (2 times - pure occurrences, 1 time - morphological, 2 times - diluted). We count each word from the keyword separately. The word “wrist” is repeated in different forms 5 times, the word “watch” (also in different forms) - 6 times. Let's find out their frequency:

“wrist” 5: 76 x 100 = 0.065 x 100 = 6.5%.

"hours" 6: 76 x 100 = 0.078 x 100 = 7.8%

We have “overspam” for both words. By the way, this could be determined even “by eye”, without calculations. Wristwatches just make me sick. How to reduce academic text nausea? You can correct the situation in one of two ways: you need to either increase the text or reduce the number of occurrences of keywords.

According to many optimizers, the frequency of keywords in texts should be within 3-5%, then nausea will be normal.

The given schemes for calculating frequency and nausea will be useful to you if you are unable to connect to the Internet and use the convenient text analysis service http://istio.com/rus/text/analyz/. It, like other similar services, will help you quickly and accurately determine the frequency of words and the classic nausea of ​​the material.

Experienced copywriters almost never calculate either frequency or nausea. They adhere to acceptable indicators at the level of intuition. As has been said more than once, you need to write for people. If it is easy and interesting for them to read your texts, then everything is fine with nausea in the articles.



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