What is better Botox or fillers against wrinkles? Botox, Dysport, fillers: we discuss the pros and cons with a cosmetologist

For many representatives of the fair sex, facial beauty is a source of pride and significantly increases self-esteem. But sooner or later, all women are faced with the problem of wrinkles appearing on the skin of the face and neck; this is a natural and, unfortunately, irreversible process. Many women try not to attach importance to wrinkles, but often each new wrinkle on the skin causes a serious deterioration in their mood. Even though modern science I have not yet learned how to maintain youth and beauty throughout my life; there are already ways to restore visible evenness and elasticity to the skin. It's about O cosmetic procedures ah - facial contouring and botulinum therapy, better known as fillers or botox.

What is the difference between Botox and filler?

The names of these cosmetic procedures have long been heard, however, few people actually know what these procedures are. Actually the question is " Which is better: Botox or fillers?? is not entirely correct, since these procedures differ significantly from each other.

Contour plastic surgery (fillers) is a non-surgical method of influencing the skin, allowing for correction age-related changes by introducing micro-injections of a special substance into the voids. The injected drug most often consists of drugs based on concentrated purified hyaluronic acid. These drugs have a dense consistency, thanks to which they have a targeted effect on wrinkles, filling subcutaneous voids. Besides mechanical impact for wrinkles, hyaluronic acid preparations stimulate the body to produce its own collagen and elastin, resulting in a general improvement in the condition of the skin. The skin becomes firm, moisturized and elastic. It should be noted that the gel used for fillers is gradually absorbed by the body. After 6-24 months from the moment of administration, the gel dissolves and wrinkles return, but the effect of the procedure is partially preserved - in the form of a general improvement in the condition of the skin.

Botulinum therapy or Botox is a way to combat expression lines. Today, with botulinum therapy, cosmetologists, in addition to Botox, introduce analogues, for example, Dysport. The mechanism of action of this procedure is the effect of botulinum toxins on small subcutaneous muscles. Due to the drugs, long-term relaxation of the muscles that provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles is achieved, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and does not form wrinkles. The effect of the procedure lasts for 3-6 months.

Many people confuse these two procedures, but it is worth understanding that the difference is not only in the drug - filler or botox, but also in the mechanism of influence itself.

Is it possible to do Botox and filler at the same time?

When carrying out a complex of cosmetic procedures, it is allowed to use Botox and fillers at the same time, however, you should consult with specialists. It is preferable to do these procedures with an interval of 10 days: first, prepare the skin - cleansing, peeling, etc., then injections of botulinum toxins, and after another 10 days - injections of fillers. The exact timing depends on individual characteristics skin. You can get qualified advice from a cosmetologist and undergo a set of procedures to improve your skin condition by contacting clinic on Komarova. Here, after a consultation, individual medications for the procedure will be selected for you. You may be assigned how Botox and filler at the same time, or one of these procedures depending on your individual characteristics.

Injection specialists have great experience and high qualifications, so the session will take place for you with minimal discomfort, and you will see the result immediately. The clinic uses only modern drugs of the highest quality, which have earned high praise both among cosmetologists and their patients around the world.

1. Botox

Story: In 1980, American physician Alan Scott successfully used injections of botulinum toxin (abbreviated as Botox) to treat pathological contractions of facial muscles. Botulinum toxin was subsequently used to block neurological spasms and correct strabismus. And only after that cosmetologists figured out to use the drug to combat wrinkles.

How it works: The skin of the face is directly connected to the muscles. Therefore, with active facial expressions, wrinkles appear. Botox interrupts the “message” between the nerve and the muscle, causing it to stop moving. Due to genetic aging and under the influence external factors the skin fades and wrinkles become more pronounced. Botox blocks muscle function - facial activity is suspended, the skin rests and smoothes.

Procedure: Botox is injected with a short needle, after which the skin is either moistened with cool water or ice is placed on it. Do not massage injection sites in the first hours after the procedure. On the first or second day, it is not recommended to strain your facial muscles, stay in vertical position and don't sleep on your face.

You cannot go to the bathhouse or sauna; it is undesirable to drink alcohol in large quantities. The effect appears after approximately 14 days and lasts for 6 to 9 months. After 3 - 4 months, muscle mobility is partially restored. At reintroduction Botox effect lasts longer - up to a year. Muscle atrophy does not occur since the blood supply remains the same.

Botox can:

* Smooth out horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
* Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows
* Wrinkles at the outer corner of the eye
* Wrinkles on eyelids
* Nasolabial folds
* Vertical wrinkles above and below the lips
* Neck wrinkles
* Raise eyebrows
*Lower eyebrows
* Eliminate sweaty palms, armpits and stop

2. Mesotherapy

Story: The technique appeared in France in 1952, its founder is Dr. Michel Pistor.

How it works: When performing mesotherapy necessary substances are delivered to the “object of influence” directly, directly to the problem area. Usually cosmetics do not penetrate deeply, and when taken orally, medications affect the entire body, and up to the right place Only a small part of the medicine reaches. As a result of a “target attack” the effect is achieved to the utmost short terms. Different compositions mesotherapy cocktail allow you to decide wide range problems. The effect is also enhanced by physical skin needle during the procedure.

Procedure: To achieve maximum effect you need to take a course of injections. It is usually divided into an intensive period (8 - 10 sessions once a week) and a maintenance period (1 - 2 sessions per month). As active substances Usually hyaluronic acid, trace elements, coenzymes, vitamins and amino acids are used. All components of mesotherapy cocktails are selected individually.

Each component is responsible for a specific skin problem. You can take either an express course (4 – 6 sessions) or comprehensive program(10 – 12 sessions). In both cases, 1 session is performed per week, which lasts no more than 30 minutes. No need to be afraid of pain - modern techniques Anesthesia will make the procedure comfortable and painless. For mesotherapy, the thinnest needles with a diameter of tenths of a millimeter are used, which practically do not damage the skin and do not leave marks or redness.

The effect appears after the first procedures: the skin comes to life, begins to “glow” from the inside, and there is no need to use large quantity cosmetics. There are “weekend” and even “lunch break” programs that give an immediate effect.

Mesotherapy can:

* Improve muscle tone
* Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and get rid of spider veins
* Even out skin color and structure, help with acne
* Stop hair
* Get rid of cellulite
* Consolidate and improve results plastic surgery
* Boost immunity

3. Fillers

Story: Previously, synthetic gels (acrylic, silicone) were used to add volume to tissues. The body did not always accept them; various complications arose. In the 90s, the Swedish company Q-MED created the drug Restylane, which contained hyaluronic acid, which was perceived by the body as its own. This is how fillers appeared.

How it works: To correct nasolabial and other pronounced folds, the same method is used as for lip augmentation - bio-gels based on hyaluronic acid are used (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Surgiderm, Newfil) or lipofilling is performed. In this case, the “filler” is its own adipose tissue patient, specially prepared for this purpose.

Procedure: Injections are given under local anesthesia using needles that leave no marks. The duration of the procedure depends on the amount of work. Gels do not cause allergies, inflammation and do not create seals around the injection site. Possible redness, itching, feeling of tension. A slight swelling or even a bruise may appear, but after a day or two everything goes away. After the injection, it is not recommended to visit the sauna or. The effect lasts 6 - 8 months. After lipofilling - from a year or more.

Fillers can:

* Fill deep expression lines
* Change the shape of cheekbones, chin and lips
* Adjust the relief, neck and décolleté
* Rejuvenate hands (lipofilling)
* Correct the shape of the arms and legs (lipofilling)
* Enlarge the buttocks (lipofilling)
* Complement this or that plastic surgery

Botox and fillers are widely advertised drugs for correcting imperfections in appearance. What should you choose? Which is better – fillers or Botox for lip augmentation? In order not to get confused about what you personally need, you need to clearly define what one and the other means are and for what purposes each drug is used.

Fillers are filler preparations designed specifically to eliminate wrinkles and skin folds by replenishing the volume of skin tissue. Contains collagen, polylactic and hyaluronic acids.

Botox (botulinum toxin) is a specially purified protein used to forcefully relax muscle tissue, the tension of which led (leads) to the appearance of wrinkles. They do not pump or fill anything; it only forcibly relaxes the muscle responsible for the appearance of hated folds on the face.


Fillers are injectable fillers that lift wrinkles by filling the skin with volume, which smoothes it out. Fillers vary in composition, substance density, and durability.

Soft fillers are used for lips; they are denser and have high rigidity; they are used to add volume to the cheekbones and brow ridges.

There are many types of fillers, they differ not only in effect, but also clinical indications and contraindications. For a general understanding of the features of this cosmetic product In general, let's look at the example of the most popular type of preparations based on hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a water-binding substance. This is exactly what she does in the epidermis, and therefore is important means moisturizing the skin. Young skin contains hyaluronic acid in abundance. This natural component gives skin elasticity and eliminates the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Over the years, the skin begins to lose this component, accordingly the skin weakens, and a person’s natural facial habits begin to leave folds on the face, called wrinkles. This process is not fast, but it is natural and is guaranteed to lead to the appearance of deep wrinkles, while the lips and cheeks noticeably lose their volume.

Pros of hyaluronic acid injections:

  • acid is produced by biosynthesis;
  • it is a natural component of the skin, therefore it is biologically compatible and does not require laboratory testing;
  • does not accumulate in the skin, but is completely absorbed by the body;
  • the body does not perceive the filler as a foreign object.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid differ in the concentration of the main component in the composition and the size of the injected particles. This variability makes the drugs universal, capable of correcting almost any wrinkle. Various means are entered on different depths, this allows you to make the correction results ideal.

Basic fillers based on hyaluronic acid:

  • Restylane is a dermal filler based entirely on hyaluronic acid;
  • Juvederm similar drug, but with a lower concentration of the active substance;
  • Juvederm Ultra – lip and fine wrinkle corrector;
  • Juvederm XC – a denser filler corrects deep wrinkles and can add noticeable volume to the lips;
  • Radiesse and Sculptra - these drugs, in addition to their filler function, act as a catalyst for the natural synthesis of collagen in the skin. One of the most durable fillers.


Botox is very popular because it allows not only to correct facial wrinkles, but also to correct the facial habits that caused them. The main component of this cosmetic drug is botulinum toxin type A. When it enters a muscle, the drug blocks the possibility of transmission nerve impulses to muscle tissue.

Within a week after the injection, the product permeates muscle tissue, and the facial muscle stops moving and responding to brain commands. The effect lasts about 6 months, after which the muscle returns to its previous state. Firstly, after 6 months without movement, the skin naturally is smoothed out, secondly, the person cannot frown in his usual way, due to which the harmful facial habit disappears.

To get rid of a bad habit forever, cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure after a while. You must be very careful when choosing a specialist, because the wrong injection can cause strabismus nervous tics and a huge list of violations

In addition to facial correction, Botox is used to solve the problem excessive sweating, because it blocks the work of muscles that cause overheating and natural cooling by releasing moisture.

Contraindications for use

If fillers are mostly based on natural components of the skin, then Botox is a drug that changes the natural mechanics human body. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to components.
  2. Inflammatory processes and skin diseases at the injection site.
  3. Use of antibiotics and other medicines with accompanying contraindications.
  4. Chronic diseases that weaken the immune system.
  5. Pregnancy, lactation, hemophilia, myopia.
  6. Endocrine diseases.
  7. High tendency to form scars.

Complex therapy: Botox + fillers

Having understood the nature of the drugs, it becomes clear that the question: “Botox or fillers, which is better?” - is inherently incorrect. That's two different drugs having different therapeutic effect. In most cases for best effect they are used together: first, facial movements that lead to the formation of wrinkles are eliminated (facial habits are corrected using Botox), and if the desired result is not obtained, the skin is corrected with fillers (they fill in wrinkles and return the skin to its previous volume).

Botex and fillers are quite effective cosmetic preparations; when used together correctly, you can achieve impressive, rejuvenating results. The main thing is that the attending physician is an expert in his field. Now you know what each of the drugs is, and you will not be mistaken when choosing what you really need.

Based on hyaluronic acid. This determines the difference in the principle of action, effectiveness and other parameters of the procedures.

Operating principle

The most famous “elixir of youth”, Botox, works very simply - it freezes facial muscles. After the injection, the muscle relaxes and the skin area smoothes out along with it. This makes b Otox is an extremely effective remedy in the fight against expression wrinkles.

Mesotherapy works differently. Mesococktails with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and other beneficial substances. They saturate the skin with everything it needs, moisturize it and stimulate the production of collagen, which gives the epidermis elasticity. Meso is done without injections - the drug is administered using ultrasound or laser.

By the way:Mesotherapy and b otox are used for hair - they protect it and saturate it with useful substances. IN Moscow Botox for hair is very popular.

Fillers are simply thick substances that fill wrinkles. They add useful substances For additional effect, but basically wrinkles are eliminated precisely due to their filling and smoothing of the skin. Fillers are also used to change the shape of the lips, nose and cheekbones, but this is no longer rejuvenation, but...

Bottom line: Botox relaxes facial wrinkles, fillers fill in skin folds, and mesotherapy simply improves the condition of the face and saturates the skin with useful substances.


The main indications for botulinum toxin injections are facial wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, crow's feet between the eyes and drooping corners of the eyes and lips. Usually Botox begins after 30-35 years, when pronounced wrinkles appear.

Mesotherapy is a more universal procedure. Since it improves the condition of the face as a whole, it is done for dry skin, small wrinkles, pigmentation and rashes. It is popular among women from 20 years old to old age.

Fillers perfectly fill wrinkles, but in the area of ​​active facial expression, for example, on the forehead, they can accumulate and migrate. They are much better used for the corners of the eyes and where there are few muscles, but wrinkles often appear. They also smooth out concave scars. Fillers usually begin to be injected after the age of 25-30, depending on the condition of the skin.

Result: Mesotherapy is used for general rejuvenation, and Botox and fillers are used for local rejuvenation, depending on the area of ​​the face.


There are very few contraindications to all three procedures. All of them are not carried out until the age of 18, with inflammatory processes on the face and during an exacerbation chronic infections. During pregnancy, it is also better not to expose the body to stress - botulinum toxin injections are especially not recommended.

With a penchant for education keloid scars Any injections are contraindicated, but non-injection mesotherapy is allowed.

Also a contraindication is an allergy - to Botox, or components of fillers and meso-cocktails.

Result: Contraindications to the procedures are almost the same.


Wide world practice proves that Botox serum - the best and effective remedy from wrinkles. Botulinum toxin completely smoothes out any facial wrinkles and makes the face smooth. Unfortunately, if administered incorrectly, the effect of a lifeless, doll-like face may occur. But an experienced cosmetologist will be able to rid you of signs of aging and completely preserve your facial expressions.

Mesotherapy does not give such a pronounced effect, but has a general positive action. It does not cope with deep wrinkles, but overall it refreshes and rejuvenates the face. The best option there will be a combination of mesotherapy with Botox or fillers - then the face will be fresher and more youthful.

Fillers are also very effective, but they cannot cope with deep expression wrinkles. In addition, if there is enough tissue in this area, fillers can create small, unsightly bumps in the skin.

Bottom line: Botox is most effective at treating deep wrinkles, but only in the area of ​​facial muscles. Fillers fill gaps in tissues well, and mesotherapy improves the condition of the face as a whole, but is ineffective in serious signs aging.

Duration of result

The effect of botulinum toxin lasts 8-10 months – exact time depends on the person's immunity.

The effect of mesotherapy will last from six months to a year, depending on how you care for your facial skin. True, it will take not one procedure, but a whole series of five to seven sessions.

The best fillers last longer six months, but on average the period is 4-5 months - during this time they are completely absorbed by the body.

Result: The effect of mesotherapy lasts the longest, the least - the injection of fillers.


A unit of the drug with botulinum toxin costs from 120 rubles. Correction of the forehead area usually costs from 5 thousand, crow's feet- from 3-4 thousand. The cost of the procedure will depend on the size of the affected area, that is, on the number of units of the drug.

Mesotherapy costs from 2.5-3 thousand rubles and more, also depending on the area of ​​treatment. Non-injection procedures are more expensive, starting from 5 thousand - this includes laser and ultrasound techniques. This is the cost full course, it varies depending on the number of sessions.

Prices for filler injections fluctuate - a small filling of wrinkles can cost 1-2 thousand, and a full contour plastic surgery– from 10 thousand.

Bottom line: All procedures have approximately the same cost.

What to choose

You should choose Botox if you:

  • over 30 years old;
  • suffer from noticeable facial wrinkles;
  • want to achieve a pronounced result;
  • not pregnant.

You should choose mesotherapy if you:

  • under 30 years old;
  • want to improve your complexion and skin condition;
  • you have a tendency to form keloid scars or are simply afraid of injections;
  • do not want to significantly change the contours of your face;
  • Your wrinkles are still very shallow.

You should choose fillers if you:

  • want to replenish lost volumes;
  • have pronounced wrinkles outside the zones of facial activity;
  • Are you afraid of allergies? ; a list of fillers, the doctor will easily select the one whose components you will not have a negative reaction to;
  • want to change the contours of your face.

Don't forget that these procedures are completely compatible with each other. – you can get rid of facial wrinkles with botox , improve skin color with mesotherapy and slightly correct the shape of the face with fillers.

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They asked - I write. The problem has been brewing for a long time - since my first year at university. It just so happened that I did not listen to my mother and constantly frowned, so quite early on I acquired an ugly “proud” wrinkle despite the overall smoothness of my skin as a whole. Someone with such a wrinkle lives their whole life and is fine with it, but it infuriated me, and at the same time I could no longer help but frown - it’s a habit.

To get rid of wrinkles, I went to my cosmetologist, candidate medical sciences with many years of experience, Elena Rifkhatovna Kuramshina. I don’t understand how some people go to do something important procedures to salon girls with an incomprehensible education, although it is the owner’s business.

I immediately tell her: “Inject Botox!” She looked at me, at the wrinkle, and explained that first I needed filler. And it turned out to be right, because Botox is for him similar drugs(botulinum toxins) do not get rid of wrinkles - they relax the muscle. And my wrinkles persisted even when I didn’t frown. It needed to be filled out.


The wrinkle is filled with filler. Filler is a thick gel that is injected under the skin. The doctor will definitely tell you about the drug he is going to administer, and you can decide whether you want to inject it or not. It is injected slowly and carefully with a syringe, while simultaneously forming it by pressing on the skin. It is not painful, since anesthesia is first applied to the skin. The wrinkle disappears immediately. But! The doctor must check whether new wrinkles will appear next to the main one after the changes. The doctor imitates the drawing of the eyebrows with his hands and sees whether any folds form. If yes, he injects the gel there too. Because if you leave them, then wrinkles will form in a new place. This means that the doctor did his job poorly.

An important nuance. Filler is not placed for life! This is not an implant. This gel consists of substances that are part of our skin (my filler was based on hyaluronic acid), so it dissolves over time. It lasts from six months to two years - depending on the characteristics of the body and physical activity. It lasts a long time for me.

After some time, the injection site begins to hurt, swells a little and turns red. This is normal - the skin was still damaged. This condition can last 2-4 days, then everything goes away and you just see smooth skin in the place where there was a nasty wrinkle.


2 weeks after the filler I was prescribed a botulinum toxin injection. In my case, Dysport was used. People usually call all drugs based on botulinum toxin Botox.

Please remember, Botox does not fill, enlarge or inflate anything! This is a drug that relaxes muscles, and nothing more. It was created primarily for medicinal purposes. First used in patients with strabismus to eliminate muscle spasm, then in neurology, in particular with cerebral palsy. And only later they began to use it in cosmetology, and very successfully.

The injection is carried out very quickly, also under anesthesia. However, the effect does not appear immediately. The drug takes 4-10 days to start working, at which time you find that you cannot move the muscle in which the drug was injected. I just couldn't bring my eyebrows together. At the same time, I could move my eyebrows as usual, but I could no longer bring them together.

The effect of the drug lasts 6-8 months. Then mobility returns. The advantage of it is that during its action you get used to not using this muscle. During this time, I lost the habit of frowning, and even when the effect of the drug wore off, I remained in the habit of not frowning, so I didn’t need to immediately run and inject Dysport again. But in theory, after some time the injection should be repeated so that the habit of frowning does not return.

Overall, I am pleased that I decided to have injections. I do not feel fear or horror of them, and if necessary, I will repeat it. I’m very glad that I live in a time when all this is available, and I don’t have to dance around with all sorts of strange creams, hoping for a miracle.



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