What to do after giving birth in the maternity hospital: advice for young mothers. The most frequently asked questions about the postpartum period

Many pregnant women feel that after giving birth they can finally forget about worries and relax a little. In fact, with the birth of a baby, the most exciting and important stage in life begins - motherhood. How will the first days after childbirth be? How to behave immediately after natural childbirth? When can you get up? How long will you have to wait until the baby is delivered? What else happens in the maternity hospital in the first hours after a natural birth or cesarean section?

How are the first hours after the birth of a child?

Immediately after giving birth, the young mother remains in the delivery room. If the delivery process went well, without complications, then the woman will be transferred to the postpartum ward within a couple of hours. During this period of time, the doctor will examine and interview the mother, and the medical staff will observe her condition. In some clinics, in agreement with the patient, they place an IV with medications that stimulate uterine contractions.

Possible ailments in the mother in the first days after childbirth

Despite the fact that childbirth is a completely natural process, a woman’s body is subjected to severe stress. Fatigue, dizziness, general weakness, and nervous tension often accompany the first days of motherhood and are not considered deviations from the norm. The first day after giving birth, a young mother should devote to rest and caring for the newborn (we recommend reading:). Immediately after the baby is born, the following may appear:

  1. pain, numbness at the suture sites (especially after cesarean section);
  2. fatigue;
  3. muscle pain;
  4. slight increase in body temperature;
  5. thirst and hunger;
  6. chills.

How long before you can get up?

The process of childbirth takes a lot of energy from a woman, and it is quite natural that she wants to give her overstrained muscles a rest. However, you should not lie around the clock without getting up - physical activity contributes to normal contractions of the uterus.

Of course, you can’t do exercises or actively engage in sports, but walking along the corridor and visiting the toilet and bathroom on your own is possible and necessary.

How long should you lie down? After an uncomplicated natural birth, a woman is allowed to get up after 6 hours. If the young mother feels well, the doctor will allow her to “walk” to the toilet herself even before this period expires, but for now you cannot visit the toilet room alone - you may suddenly feel dizzy and require emergency help.

If a caesarean section was performed, the woman will have to stay in the delivery room (or in the intensive care unit) for at least 24 hours after birth. A doctor will monitor the condition of the young mother during this period, the medical staff will carry out antibacterial therapy, blood loss will be corrected, and if necessary, intestinal function will be stimulated.

When do they bring the baby?

Almost every mother is worried about how soon her baby will be delivered to her. It all depends on the condition of the woman and baby, as well as on the policy of the maternity hospital. In some medical institutions, children are put to the breast after a natural birth, then the medical staff weighs, measures and dresses the newborns, and if the condition of mother and child is satisfactory, then from that moment they are in the postpartum ward together.

Some medical institutions allow mothers to rest for several hours after giving birth. During this period of time, the infants are monitored by a neonatologist, they receive the first vaccination (if the mother has given consent to vaccination). If a caesarean section was performed in the maternity hospital, the waiting time will depend on a number of factors:

  1. after a planned operation, the baby is brought in under local anesthesia and can be left with the mother immediately after birth;
  2. if surgery was performed under general anesthesia, mother and baby will see each other only when the anesthesia wears off (that is, no earlier than 3 hours);
  3. after an emergency caesarean section performed at night, the mother will be able to rest before meeting the newborn until the morning.

After the young mother has been transferred to the postpartum ward, she can already take a shower (for now only accompanied by a nurse). For genital hygiene, using soap on the first day is not recommended - it is better to rinse with warm water. Washing from front to back should also be done after each visit to the toilet.

Due to heavy postpartum discharge, you will have to change special pads or disposable mesh panties very often in the first days. In some medical institutions, the doctor may recommend using a diaper rather than a pad - this will make it easier for him to assess the amount of discharge and notice deviations from the norm in time.

Being in an “interesting position”, a woman gets used to eating what she wants. Having become a mother, she must carefully monitor her diet, because... not everything that an adult likes will be useful for a baby (following a diet is important only for those who plan to breastfeed). It is recommended to include the following products in the menu from the first days:

  • soup with low-fat broth or borscht (it is not recommended to eat cabbage from borscht);
  • boiled low fat beef;
  • pasta made from premium or 1st grade flour;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • rye crackers;
  • vegetables – stewed or steamed;
  • fruit drink;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • dried fruit compote;
  • warm tea with a little sugar added.

Over time, mom will be able to make her menu more varied. The main thing is to introduce new foods gradually, in small portions, in order to have time to monitor the baby’s reaction. In general, the diet of a nursing mother should comply with the principles of a healthy diet - light, small, without hot spices and seasonings, no allergens, smoked meats and canned food, and, of course, a complete abstinence from alcohol.

Breastfeeding and child care

If the condition of the mother and baby allows, then the newborn is put to the breast immediately after birth. The mother does not have milk yet, but the baby will have enough colostrum in the first hours of life - it contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition, early latching helps to establish lactation faster.

A newborn should be put to the breast upon immediate request. It is important to remember that a healthy baby will only cry if he is hungry. If a child constantly cries and refuses to breastfeed, you need to urgently show him to a neonatologist - perhaps something hurts him. The nurse will tell you in detail how to feed the baby correctly and what hygiene rules to follow.

Possible complications after childbirth in the first days

On the first day after delivery, medical personnel carefully monitor the condition of the postpartum woman in order to promptly identify and stop possible complications. The doctor will often enter the postpartum room and examine and interview new mothers. If the following signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. too much discharge - if the pad fills up faster than 1 hour on the first day after delivery, or a lot of clots appear, this is already considered a complication;
  2. the appearance of hemorrhoids - if they greatly bother the postpartum woman, she will be prescribed rectal suppositories containing an anesthetic;
  3. rashes on the face or redness of the eyes - usually this is not a cause for concern; rashes and dots on the skin appear with strong efforts when small capillaries burst (everything should go away on its own within 2 weeks);
  4. cracks in the nipples - if the nipples begin to hurt, the skin may be too dry, and a painful crack will soon form; this can be avoided by properly placing the newborn to the breast and using special creams to treat the nipples;
  5. impaired urination - if a woman was unable to urinate on her own within 5-6 hours after childbirth, she should definitely consult a doctor;
  6. pain in the perineal area - pain occurs even if there were no cuts or tears, but if stitches were applied, then the doctor will give recommendations for care and pain relief;
  7. pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen indicates that the uterus is contracting, these sensations may intensify during feeding, and if the pain is very severe, you should talk to your doctor about it.

Every expectant mother wonders what to do after giving birth, how to behave correctly, what to eat, how to take care of yourself and your baby. After childbirth is over, the postpartum period begins, which lasts from the moment the placenta is expelled until the woman’s body is completely properly restored immediately after childbirth and lasts approximately eight weeks.

This period has its own difficulties for both mother and baby. However, the birth process itself is over and the woman will finally be able to hold her baby in her arms.

Immediately after the birth, the woman’s body is still in a stressful state, however, despite this, it, although slowly, continues to recover. This process is quite lengthy, because the body has to completely rebuild. First of all, all excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues at the end of pregnancy is completely removed from the body of the woman who has given birth, thereby preparing the woman for childbirth, while the tissues loosen a little and at the same time they become more pliable to any stretching. About six liters of excess fluid accumulate and this is a rather heavy load on the entire body, and especially on the cardiovascular system.

In addition, all the internal organs, which for some time were compressed by the enlarging uterus, gradually return to normal. After childbirth, the intestines, lungs, liver, and stomach are straightened. In addition, the kidneys begin to work at full capacity, removing excess fluid from the body.

Every woman, expecting the birth of a child, begins to think about what needs to be done after childbirth and how to prepare herself for this process. After childbirth, a woman, in most cases, in addition to excess fluid in the body, also has a significant supply of fat, which is a certain layer necessary to protect the child.

Immediately after childbirth, the hormonal activity of the body subsides for a certain time, because in the last months of pregnancy the main certain hormones were produced only by the placenta, and after its immediate removal, only one hormone began to be produced, which stimulates the natural production of human milk. That is why, in the first days after childbirth, a woman experiences a rather low hormonal level, which is why almost all metabolic processes in the body are disrupted and a variety of mental disorders occur.

A young mother constantly thinks about what to do immediately after giving birth, but often cannot find the correct and unambiguous answer, because everything turns out by itself, and there is no clear, definite answer to this question.

After childbirth, the condition of the uterus is of great importance, because it is a rather large open wound. That is why the main task of the postpartum period is to take care not to introduce an infection into this wound.

During the postpartum period, the uterus is greatly increased in volume, its walls are somewhat stretched, and postpartum discharge comes out of it.

Gradually, the uterine cavity begins to clear, and the discharge changes its color and composition; if it acquires a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor, this indicates a purulent infection has formed, which is very dangerous after childbirth.

Naturally, every young mother should know about what can be done after childbirth and how to behave so that the rehabilitation process goes as quickly and less noticeably as possible. In the postpartum period, the first few hours after birth, which are the early postpartum period, are very important. This period requires very careful monitoring of the woman, because various unforeseen complications are possible, such as bleeding, which is why during this entire time the woman must be in the delivery room, under constant close supervision.

Immediately after giving birth, a woman experiences a feeling of relief, especially when the baby is placed on her stomach, and after a certain time it can be fed, because the feeding process will greatly benefit the mother and the child.

To ensure protection against infections, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the ward in the maternity hospital, as well as the room immediately after discharge home. In addition, it is necessary to provide the woman who gave birth with proper nutrition. A woman’s menu should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, because they are the main source of minerals and vitamins.

Also, a woman should know what not to do after childbirth, so as not to harm herself. You should not limit the amount of liquid you drink, because this affects milk production. In addition, you should not use contaminated linen, which is why it must be changed as it gets dirty. To prevent laundry from getting dirty so often, you need to place a small oilcloth on top of the sheet, covered with a diaper, which can be replaced with disposable diapers.

In addition, on the first day after childbirth, a woman is not recommended to get out of bed, even if the birth proceeded without any kind of complications. You should not be afraid to get out of bed, because the sooner a woman begins to get up after childbirth, the faster her body will recover.

Also, for a normal and quick recovery, a woman should know what is possible for a woman in labor after childbirth, so that she returns to a normal state much faster after childbirth.

To prevent cracks from forming on the nipples, through which infection can penetrate, you need to learn how to properly care for your breasts. It is necessary to wash your breasts very thoroughly every day with fairly warm water and soap, preferably boiled.

You need to change your underwear more often, and also wash your nipples before feeding your baby to avoid cracks and dry skin. In addition, in the maternity hospital it is necessary to learn how to properly care not only for yourself, but also for the child, in order to provide him with the necessary care.

Pregnancy and Childbirth are a serious burden for the body of any mother. After childbirth, significant changes occur in the body, but it must be said that the restructuring cannot happen instantly. The woman will feel some changes immediately, but quite significant changes will occur over the course of several more weeks. What needs to change?

The first days after childbirth (postpartum ward)

In the first days after childbirth, there may be hemorrhages in the eyes - red eyes, on the face - numerous bluish dots, similar to moles, which appear during the second

period of childbirth. If a woman pushes incorrectly (holds her breath, screams, pushes “in the face”) or has peculiarities of the vascular wall, during pushing there is an increase in pressure in the vessels of the head, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels in and around the eyes. What to do with such red eyes?

Cold tea compresses on the eyes (10 minutes each), done several times a day, will have a calming effect and speed up recovery, which will occur in a maximum of 6-10 days. In about a week, the hemorrhages on the face will also disappear.

Cramping pain in the abdomen appears, intensifying during breastfeeding, which are associated with normal postpartum contractions of the uterus, which should contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size. Painful contractions of the uterus are more typical for repeated births and for the birth of twins. In primiparous women, there may be no such pain and uterine contractions are painless. Painful contractions may be more noticeable during breastfeeding, as sucking releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.

After childbirth, in addition to reducing the size of the uterus, the mucous membrane of the uterus - the endometrium - must be restored. Therefore, immediately after childbirth, they appear from the genital tract. lochia- discharge of residual blood, mucus and tissue from the uterus. In the first three days after birth, they are usually bloody and as heavy (and sometimes more heavy) as during menstruation. Increased discharge when standing up and other movements is a normal process.

Muscle pain in different parts of the body may also bother a woman in the first days after childbirth. These pains are associated with the physical stress that a woman experiences during childbirth. These pains go away on their own within a few days.

Perineal pain and the discomfort associated with it - and this feeling is also normal, because it is unrealistic to expect that a 3-3.5 kg child will pass through the perineum without any consequences. Even if you avoided tearing during labor and did not have an episiotomy (an incision in the perineum), the area would still be stretched and compressed. The pain will go away in a few days.

In the case of an episiotomy, the pain may increase, especially when laughing, coughing, sneezing, or defecating. Like any wound, it does not heal immediately - it usually takes 5 to 7 days. At this time, the woman is forbidden to sit so that the stitches do not come apart. At the same time, they are allowed to sit on the toilet and perform regular sexual hygiene (after each visit to the toilet, you must wash the perineum with warm water, without soap, you should take a shower 2 times a day). While you are in the maternity hospital, your midwife and your doctor will examine your stitches for inflammation or other signs of infection. Sutures are usually removed on the 5th day.

In the first time after childbirth, only colostrum is released from the breast - a thick yellowish liquid, and milk appears on the 2-3rd day. By the 3rd day, the mammary glands often become hypersensitive, sometimes there is a bursting pain in the chest, there may be a feeling of thickening of the mammary glands. If there is significant breast engorgement, it is necessary to limit the amount of fluid consumed (but not less than 1 liter per day), increase the frequency and duration of feeding the baby. To prevent cracked nipples and when they appear, you will need the ointment BEPANTHEN, DEXPANTHENOL, SOLCOSERYL.

During the first days after birth there may be difficulty urinating. Some women have no urge to urinate; others feel the need but cannot empty their bladder. Despite all the difficulties, it is necessary that the bladder be emptied in the first 6-8 hours after birth. This is done so that the enlarged bladder does not interfere with normal contractions of the uterus after childbirth. As a last resort, if it is not possible to empty the bladder within 4 hours after birth, the woman may be given a catheter. After childbirth, you need to urinate every 4 hours, regardless of desire. Bladder function returns to normal after 3-7 days.

Reasons problems with stool There may be several factors, both physical and psychological. Establishing bowel function is rarely easy and quick; it will take several days.

Include more fiber in your daily diet: fermented milk products, beets, high-fiber fruits, dried fruits. This will soften the stool, but make sure that there are no allergens among the vegetables and fruits: remember that until milk comes in and lactation is established, you should not drink a lot of liquid. Try to move more if your condition allows. And don't worry about your stitches coming apart - they won't. Since before giving birth a woman often undergoes a cleansing enema, in the first 2-3 days, as a rule, there is no stool.

Immediately after birth, you cannot get out of bed on your own for 6 hours (only in the presence and with the help of a midwife), as there may be dizziness.

After childbirth the stomach looks overstretched and somewhat saggy and does not immediately return to its original shape, since muscles and skin need time to contract. In order to quickly return to your former shape, you can use breathing exercises (traditional gymnastics can only be performed 6-8 weeks after birth). Breathing exercises involve breathing with the stomach: as you inhale, inflate your stomach, while tightening the muscles of the perineum, and as you exhale, deflate it. Repeat 10-20 times, 4-5 times a day.

After caesarean section: On the first day after surgery, you are only allowed to drink water up to 2-3 liters per day. But already on the second day, the mother is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she immediately begins to lead an active lifestyle - gets up and walks, feeds her baby, unsweetened bread, meat-free broth are allowed. From the third day, after the cleansing enema, it is allowed to take boiled food (porridge, boiled meat, sour-milk products, cottage cheese, tea without sugar), but butter cookies, buns, fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited.

First week after birth

Ongoing vaginal discharge: Over the course of 1-2 weeks after birth, the discharge gradually turns watery pink, then brown and finally yellowish-white. During this period, you should use sanitary pads (not tampons: they can provoke inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages). The discharge may stop after two weeks, or may continue until the 6th-8th. If after the first week you notice the appearance of heavy bloody discharge, or discharge with an unpleasant odor, or an increase in temperature, you should consult a doctor. In this case, hospitalization and possibly uterine curettage may be necessary. You should also see a doctor if brownish or yellowish lochia continues to be discharged for longer than 6 weeks, as it may be the result of an infection, especially if accompanied by fever or pain or tenderness in the abdominal area.

Seam area After an episiotomy, they must be kept dry and clean. You can wash the external genitalia and perineum with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus. For the first 2 months after birth, get out of bed carefully, first turning on your side, avoiding a sitting position (this will reduce pressure on the perineal muscles), and feed the baby lying on your side or half-sitting; You can't lift weights.

The birth of a child is a very significant event for a woman, not only physically, but also psychologically. Firstly, childbirth itself exhausts the mother, and secondly, the production of hormones changes during and after childbirth. Therefore, it is natural that at this time it comes period of mental instability.

The most typical feeling in the first days after childbirth is elation, but in the days and sometimes weeks that follow, some women become sad, despondent, withdrawn and apathetic. It is worth noting that these are common emotions for the postpartum period associated with the normalization of hormonal levels. In this situation, close people (spouse, parents) should come to your aid and help you cope with negative emotions.

For 7 days after a cesarean section (before removing the sutures), the nurse daily treats the postoperative suture with antiseptic solutions (for example, iodine, potassium permanganate) and changes the bandage. The skin scar forms approximately 5-7 days after surgery; Already a week after a caesarean section, you can shower completely calmly. Just don’t rub the seam with a washcloth - this can be done in another week. Discharged from the maternity hospital in the absence of any complications on the 5-7th day after surgical delivery. Since pain in the scar area can persist for up to several weeks, it may be difficult for a woman to bend over, so it is easier to sit down by bending her legs at the knee and hip joints.

Remember that the body's recovery after childbirth usually takes about 6-8 weeks. However, the female body is individual. Therefore, each woman may experience the physical and emotional changes described above differently. Report any unusual or severe symptoms to your nurse or doctor.

Prepared by:

Ass. department obstetrics and gynecology Pavlyukova S.A.

Head postpartum department Dvornik E.V.

The first days after childbirth are an exciting period of time, associated with a lot of difficulties. The young mother is just beginning to get used to her new role. Let's look at this period, tell you about what is happening to the body, how you need to behave in the maternity hospital.

What happens after childbirth in the maternity hospital?

The first days after childbirth, like the entire early postpartum period, are often accompanied by complications. For the first 2 hours from the moment the baby is born, the woman is in the delivery room, waiting for the placenta to pass. If this happens, the young mother is transferred to the postpartum ward. At this time, she must be visited by a doctor who is interested in her well-being, conducts an examination, and evaluates her condition.

The first day after childbirth, the postpartum woman is allowed to rest. Often the newborn is separated from the mother. They bring the baby only to feed it. In the evening, the child is left in a separate crib in the room with his mother. The woman is given detailed recommendations, taught how to properly toilet the baby’s genitals, and told about the frequency of feedings.

What to do in the maternity hospital after childbirth?

The early postpartum period ends after 6-8 weeks from the moment the baby is born. The first days are characterized by increased contraction of the uterine myometrium, which leads to the appearance of lochia - bloody discharge from the vagina containing remnants of placenta and endometrial cells. This is how the uterus tries to cleanse itself and restore its previous size.

These days, mother must constantly monitor her well-being. Talking about how to behave after childbirth in the maternity hospital, doctors note that following all their recommendations and instructions is the key to a quick and successful recovery period. At the same time, it is worth spending time on yourself, while simultaneously establishing contact with the newborn, communicating and caring for him.

Nutrition of a woman in labor in the first days after childbirth

Meals after childbirth in the first days should be fractional. At the same time, the diet necessarily contains useful microelements and vitamins, which help restore strength after childbirth. It is worth remembering that with the birth of a baby, a woman must completely reconsider her diet, especially when breastfeeding. For such mothers, there is a large list of foods that are prohibited from being eaten from now on. Here are some of them:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • red berries;
  • citrus;
  • black bread;
  • coffee;
  • products containing preservatives and chemical additives.

What can a woman in labor do in the maternity hospital after giving birth?

After childbirth, food for the mother in the maternity hospital is selected taking into account the weakness of the female body. The menu is designed to restore your strength as much as possible. But it is practically nothing like what mom is used to eating at home. After the baby is born, relatives and friends use every opportunity to see the newborn as quickly as possible in the first days after the birth. But visits to the maternity ward are prohibited. Because of this, they are forced to pass on packages - mothers often ask to bring “homemade”. There is an approved list of products for the maternity hospital after childbirth, which includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products;
  • baked fruits (apples);
  • low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • sweet dried fruit compote;
  • light vegetable soup;
  • porridge: rice, oatmeal, millet.

Talking about what you can eat in the maternity hospital after childbirth, doctors remind:

  • meals should be every 4 hours;
  • portions are small;
  • it is necessary to monitor the water balance (at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day).

The first days after childbirth - baby care

After birth, a nurse begins caring for a newborn in the maternity hospital. It often happens that there are tears in the mother’s perineum, in which movements are limited. If the birth went well, then in the first days after birth, the nurse begins to show and teach how to care for the baby, starting with how to properly hold the baby in your arms. A necessary procedure is the toilet, which is performed daily. It includes:

  • washing;
  • treatment of the nose and eyes;
  • skin treatment;
  • washing;
  • treatment of the umbilical residue.

Feelings after childbirth in the first days

The first day after giving birth in the maternity hospital is accompanied by a feeling of harmony and joy, upon realizing such an important event. This fact is associated with an increase in the concentration of endorphins in the blood. They determine the mother’s high spirits and joy. But often this phenomenon can be overshadowed by the consequences of the birth process that a woman in labor may face. Among them:

  1. Difficulty in urinating. A woman should empty her bladder 8 hours after giving birth. If this does not happen, the organ will interfere with normal contractions of the uterus and the recovery process. When the act of urination is accompanied by pain, burning, or discomfort, you must inform your doctor.
  2. Spastic phenomena. They are caused by intense contractions of the uterine myometrium. Within a few tens of days after the birth of the child, the organ decreases in size by about 20 times. It is worth considering that pain may intensify during breastfeeding. This fact is due to the production of oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  3. Pain in the perineal area. Associated with injury and overstretching of the muscle fibers of the birth canal. After a few days they disappear on their own (3-4 days).
  4. Problems with stool. They are considered as a consequence of stretching the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which interferes with the normal act of defecation.

How is an ultrasound performed after childbirth in the maternity hospital?

An ultrasound after childbirth in the maternity hospital is prescribed to examine the uterine cavity. This study helps to assess the reproductive system and identify complications of the birth process at an early stage. A study is required if a uterine rupture is suspected. If there are none, the procedure is prescribed 3-4 days after the baby is born.

When carrying out manipulation, a transabdominal method is used - a study is carried out by placing a sensor on the anterior abdominal wall. Carefully examine the uterine cavity. Normally, it is slit-like and moderately expanded. Separately, the abdominal cavity is assessed for the absence of blood in it. If present, surgical intervention may be prescribed.

When is discharge from the hospital after childbirth?

One of the frequent questions of expectant mothers concerns directly how long they stay in the maternity hospital after childbirth. Doctors cannot give a definite answer to this. Each case is unique - restoration of the reproductive system occurs at different speeds. Factors influencing the discharge are:

  • method of delivery (natural,);
  • condition of mother and child;
  • no complications.

When the birth process had no complications, the baby and in the first days after birth, the mother and baby feel great, discharge from the medical institution can be carried out on the 3-4th day. When a caesarean section was performed, the woman is allowed to go home no earlier than 7-10 days. Throughout this period, the mother is under the supervision of doctors due to the high risk of developing postpartum complications (uterine bleeding).

The first days after childbirth at home

The first day after giving birth at home is accompanied by certain inconveniences. Due to the lack of experience, a first-time woman needs help and advice from loved ones. Doctors recommend thoroughly preparing for the arrival of a new family member. A separate corner should be equipped for the baby, with a crib in the center. The mother must fully comply with the recommendations and instructions of the doctors, which are issued on the eve of discharge.

What does a mother need after giving birth at home?

It is impossible to purchase everything at once. Because of this, many women in the process buy additional necessary things and accessories for child care. At the same time, we must not forget about ourselves. So, after giving birth at home, many continue to treat sutures and continue to take medications prescribed by the doctor. As for the things needed to care for a baby, the list goes on and on. At the same time, there are those that have the first necessity:

  • wet wipes;
  • scissors;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • pipettes;
  • creams and ointments;
  • diapers, undershirts.

Caring for stitches after childbirth at home

Before discharge, the treatment nurse tells the woman what to use at home. This procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day. Before performing it, toileting of the external genitalia is necessary. Brilliant green or a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic. In this case, you need to wash yourself with plain water after each visit to the toilet.

Caring for a child after maternity hospital

Caring for the child after discharge from the maternity hospital falls on the mother’s shoulders. It is important not to forget to carry out the toilet, which includes:

  1. Eye care. Using a cotton pad moistened with boiled water, wipe both eyes in the direction from the outside to the bridge of the nose.
  2. Washing. Carry out as necessary, after each act of defecation. – from front to back, definitely. Dry the perineum with a dry diaper using blotting movements.
  3. Treatment of the remaining umbilical cord. Use an alcohol solution, peroxide, brilliant green.
  4. Ear care. The cotton wool is rolled into a flagellum, moistened in sterile petroleum jelly and the ear canals are cleaned.
  5. Nose care. A dry flagellum made of sterile cotton wool.
  6. Nail care. It is necessary to cut the hair short so as not to cause pain. Use tweezers or special, small ones.

After giving birth, women literally count the hours until they are discharged from the hospital and dream of being home as soon as possible. And this is absolutely understandable - family and friends whom we have not seen for so long are waiting for us at home. A shower, our own bed and slippers await us. But at home, not only rest awaits us, but also many new tasks and responsibilities.

Cleaning, washing, cooking, ironing - and this is not the whole list of daily tasks. And it takes so much effort to care for a baby! What if there are also older children in the house?! In fact, there is no need to try to cover everything: therefore, in the first days after returning from the maternity hospital, it is very important for mother and baby to adjust the environment and get plenty of rest.

So, if everything is fine with you and the baby, you will be discharged from the maternity hospital in 3-4 days. During this time, the relatives have probably already managed to do a general cleaning, remove excess carpets, furniture and strong-smelling house plants from the room where the baby will now live, installed a crib and freed up space on the balcony for a stroller.

The first day at home after the maternity hospital brings real panic to new mothers, especially if this was their first birth. What should you do after the maternity hospital, what do you need to know, how to properly care for a newborn, what does a child need after the maternity hospital, and how to plan your own schedule? All these questions simply fall upon young mothers. But inexperience is not a problem. We will tell you what a mother needs after giving birth and how the baby’s first days after the maternity hospital should go.

A few days before discharge

You need to take care of your arrival home even before discharge. Make a list of shopping and things that your husband needs to do before you arrive. Many women believe that their husband will do everything necessary without additional advice. But it’s only obvious to you that any nursing mother needs black tea and milk, cottage cheese and boiled turkey, and any child needs a wet cleaning in the room and a crib... But even the most caring man can get confused, forget something or confuse something.

Your first tasks after discharge

After returning home, you just want to lie down and do nothing. Of course, you need to sleep both at night and during the day - fortunately, a newborn does this often and a lot, but there are some things that you can’t evade:

  • Call the children's clinic and report the new resident. You should now be visited by a doctor. Until the doctor arrives, find slippers for him (or buy disposable shoe covers), a notepad or notebook where you will write down information about the child’s care. The pediatrician will examine the baby, give some recommendations on some procedures and introduce the main rules of care;
  • You need to take care of redistributing responsibilities for the next few days. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the mother needs to rest more. What about cooking, washing and cleaning? Your loved ones will take on these responsibilities. Leave the cleaning and grocery shopping to your husband. Leave the cooking to your mother (let your mother prepare a large pot of soup and cutlets - so you don’t have to think about cooking for at least a couple more days) and laundry;
  • It is important to establish GW. For successful lactation you need to eat well, drink plenty of fluids, be less nervous, get plenty of rest, etc. Eliminate from your diet any foods that may trigger allergies. If your chest becomes empty, drink tea with milk, don’t be nervous and sleep more. There is no need to wash your breasts before each feeding - just take a shower once a day. And feed your baby in a position that is comfortable for you. There are also several simple rules, following which you can breastfeed your baby for a long time and without problems. First of all, this is only if there is a good reason for it. For example, if you need to leave home for several hours, or there is a lump in the chest (), which the child cannot “dissolve”. Secondly, correct attachment, you need to ensure that the child grasps the nipple correctly, otherwise cracks cannot be avoided. And thirdly, alternately changing mammary glands for feeding. That is, for 1 feeding, provided that there is no lack of milk, you need to give one breast, and the next feeding the other.

Microclimate for mother and child

On the first day at home after the maternity hospital, it is worth limiting the visits of relatives - the baby is adapting to the new environment, and unfamiliar faces can only add stress.

Doctors do not recommend walking in the first days of a child's life - his immunity is weak, he can get sick very easily. Do not overheat your baby - his cotton clothes should be only one layer warmer than your clothes. Prepare a room for the baby. First, ventilate it well. Secondly, do a wet cleaning. The baby needs it (and with soap only once a week. It is advisable to purchase a separate bath for the baby in advance) It is not at all necessary to boil the water for bathing. After bathing, dry the umbilical wound. , they should tell you at the maternity hospital. There is no consensus - some doctors are inclined to use hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green, others simply advise boiled water.

As for home clothes, newborns are usually kept in diapers most of the time, especially during sleep. Since the child cannot yet control his movements, it can be difficult for him to fall asleep; in this case, diapers are good helpers. But swaddling tightly is harmful (). And during short periods of wakefulness, the child should be dressed in undershirts and rompers. At normal room temperature, the cap should be put on only after swimming.

For 3-6 weeks, women who have given birth will experience postpartum vaginal discharge. But the bleeding should become less intense every day. After the disappearance of postpartum discharge, that is, approximately 2 months after birth, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. He should examine the cervix, which may have been damaged during childbirth, and also recommend contraception if motherhood is not in the immediate plans.

In the first weeks after giving birth, you may feel emotionally overwhelmed, confused, and unsure of your own actions. Believe me, this will pass with time, you don’t need to focus on your own mistakes, it’s better to find someone who can tell you what’s what.

Schools for pregnant women now provide a special service - a visit from a consultant on lactation and the first days of the baby. By inviting a specialist, you will avoid unnecessary hassle like “am I feeding him (bathing, swaddling) correctly?” Otherwise, do not hesitate to ask all your questions to the pediatric nurse from the clinic, and then to the local pediatrician (they are required to regularly visit newborns).


Now the priority is steamed vegetables and cereals, boiled lean meat. It is better to abstain from coffee at first. You should not consume carbonated drinks, as well as foods and dishes that lead to bloating. Fruits and fruit juices should be introduced into your diet gradually. Preference should be given to green fruits, as they are usually less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Parents' experiences

Sometimes absolutely natural phenomena cause panic in young mothers and fathers in the first days after the maternity hospital, especially if there is no one to consult with. Situations in which you should not worry:

  1. High temperature. In children, thermoregulation does not develop immediately, and if during feeding or crying the mark on the thermometer reaches 38 degrees, then after the baby calms down, it usually drops. Therefore, there is no need to panic if there is no cough or other cold symptoms.
  2. Skin condition. In the first weeks of life, she gets used to the environment, so peeling and redness are possible. You should not get carried away with baths with herbs and potassium permanganate; it is better to ask your pediatrician about a suitable moisturizer.

And finally, you need to do three things: register the child at the registry office, register him in the apartment and arrange maternity payments for yourself.

Let the husband find out what the deadlines are for registering babies (up to a maximum of 3 months) and obtaining assistance (half a year). This can be done before the birth, by preparing the necessary certificates in advance. Remember, a child can be registered with one of the parents without the knowledge and consent of everyone living in the apartment (even a privatized one).

So, of course, there are a lot of difficulties (but this is a positive experience), and if you do everything correctly, then in a few days all this will become a habit. Then the anxiety will subside, and you will be able to cover your usual household chores. Very soon you will remember with trepidation about these first days of your life with your baby.

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