What is the best food to feed your dog? Nutrition for dogs of large and small breeds

Having a four-legged friend at home, the owner must realize that he has a huge responsibility for the life and health of the pet.

In addition, it is worth thinking about regular trips to the veterinary clinic, arranging a sleeping place, developing walking systems that should be carefully followed and, of course, proper nutrition. How to feed a dog? What to feed your dog at home?

If we are talking about dry complex fortified food, then in this case it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or breeder who will help you choose the optimal brand of food and calculate portions. Significantly more questions arise for those owners who plan to feed their pet regular food. Today in our article we will talk about feeding dogs at home.

Feeding dogs: fundamental rules

To date, perhaps an incalculable amount of research has been conducted regarding the proper nutrition of dogs, but on some issues leading experts cannot come to compromises. But still, despite this, there are basic rules for feeding animals:

Dry food and natural food

  1. metabolic disorders;
  2. ready-made feeds are enriched with vitamin complexes, and when mixing diets, the development of hypervitaminosis can be allowed;
  3. has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora.

What to feed your dog?

If the dog’s entire diet is broken down into percentages, then the diet of an adult healthy animal should look approximately like this:

  • Vegetables - 10-15%;
  • Fermented milk products - 20-30%;
  • Cereals - 25-35%;
  • Meat and offal - 30-50%.

The optimal option for a healthy diet is a diet consisting largely of dairy and meat products, and cereals and vegetables complement the missing elements. In this case meat and fish should be at least 50%, dairy products - 35%, and grains 10-15%.

An example menu shows that keeping a dog is a very expensive business and not everyone can afford to keep a four-legged friend. When getting a pet, a person must realize that a dog is not a herbivore; it constantly needs meat.

It is worth noting that dairy products do not need to be given every day, let’s say an interval of a day or two. These products can easily be replaced with poultry, fish or offal.

What is the best food to feed a dog? Important rules:

  1. You cannot combine meat products with dairy or vegetables in one meal;
  2. Fermented milk products should always be given separately;
  3. Meat products can be given to dogs raw or previously subjected to heat treatment;
  4. You can add a little vegetable oil and finely chopped herbs to the meat.

Daily requirement of vitamins and minerals for an adult animal


The key to proper metabolism, digestion and good health is water. The daily norm of fluid intake should be calculated according to the indicators 40 - 60 ml per kilogram of weight, if the ambient air temperature does not exceed 25 C. It is also worth noting that the daily intake of water includes liquids that are part of cereals.


Proteins are an extremely important material for the functioning of the body, intended for cell repair and division. This element is the only one of its kind that is not accumulated by the body, therefore, it should always be present in the diet. The dog’s body is capable of synthesizing a large number of macro- and microelements on its own, but a number of essential amino acids are included exclusively in protein foods. Complete sources of protein are meat, eggs and natural milk.

It is also worth noting that with natural food the pet should be provided with cartilage and bones, but taking into account the following nuances:

  • You should not allow your pet to gnaw on rib, tubular and other bones., which break and crumble into fragments under direct pressure. Otherwise, the consequences can be extremely unpredictable and sometimes tragic.
  • Bones should be fed exclusively raw.. Tested bone tissue becomes like glass; when chewed, it crumbles into many sharp fragments that can harm your pet.
  • You can safely give your pet produce spongy or porous bones (sternum and scapula).
  • During teething and while brushing your dog It is recommended to give sugar bones. The moslak should not fit completely into the dog's mouth. When your pet is playing with a bone, he should not be left unattended, since a dog that is playing can cause harm to itself if the bone gets stuck in its mouth.

We hope that our article was useful to you and you realized how important it is to approach your pet’s diet. Love your pet, pamper it, and it will repay you with boundless love and devotion, sharing with you all the joyful moments of life!

The main debate among dog lovers is dry food or natural food? It is comparable to the debate between vegetarians and meat lovers, and most likely will never be resolved.

Veterinarians give the right of choice to the pet owner. And if you are one of those who prefer to prepare food from natural ingredients, you need to clearly know what is allowed and what is better to exclude from the diet.

The cornerstone in the question of how to feed a dog natural food is the correct distribution of products and selection of the optimal volume

Before making a choice, keep in mind that switching your pet’s diet from one mode to another is undesirable and difficult. Firstly, this will have to be done gradually, and secondly, the dog may refuse the “new” food.

Needs and diet

To ensure normal metabolism, the daily nutrient intake requires protein, carbohydrates, fats and water. The selection of quantity and volume is individual, depending on age, weight, breed, season. On average, the amount of protein and fat should be half of the total food, the rest should be carbohydrates. Don't forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

The cornerstone in the question of how to feed natural food is the correct distribution of products and the choice of the optimal volume. Up to six months, the dog should eat food in the amount of 7% of its body weight; after a year, the volume should be halved.

As a rule, the straight menu is monotonous. Only the type of food and the order of distribution changes. Main ingredients: low-fat fermented milk products, lean meat and offal, vegetables and fruits. Cereal products are used as additives, which are not recommended to be given too much and often due to the harmful effects on the body. Carbohydrates contained in cereals are easily absorbed by the body and can disrupt the intestinal microflora.

What to feed your dog naturally

  • Low-fat meat dishes from chicken, turkey, beef. The meat can be given raw or scalded with boiling water. Do not feed pork to your pet. It is recommended to alternate with boiled sea fish. Liver, hearts, and lungs should be given no more than once a week.
  • Porridge. Give preference to buckwheat, rice and millet. Eliminate the rest.
  • Thermally untreated vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, carrots, fruits - apples. Greens (parsley, dill) are useful.
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are used as snacks and tasty additions. You should not pour milk to your dog - it is poorly digested and negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Menu for the day

So, a dog’s diet consists of three food groups. They must be included in your daily diet. Menu example:

Breakfast. After a walk, give your pet corn grits porridge (alternate weekly with other types). It can be cooked in water or broth. Then add the grated apple, but not the sweet one. In addition to easily digestible iron, this fruit contains various beneficial acids that prevent the development of obesity, liver and gall bladder diseases.

The third breakfast ingredient is cottage cheese, which can be flavored with fermented baked milk. Fermented milk contains more protein than meat. In addition, it is processed more quickly by the stomach and reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Dinner. The second meal must be expanded to four components: meat, buckwheat porridge, vegetables, bran.

The meat should be cut into not too small pieces. If your dog doesn’t particularly like raw food, it is recommended to pour boiling water over it for 3 minutes. Thus, the top layer will be boiled, and the middle will be raw.

From vegetables, choose carrots, a week later cabbage, after another time - beets, etc. Season with corn oil. It is better to mix small portions of bran with porridge. Also add herbs.

From vegetables, choose carrots, after a week cabbage...

Foods that should be excluded:

  • Sweets, coffee, tea - contain caffeine, which affects the heart and nervous system.
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, raisins, persimmons - in large quantities cause nausea and vomiting.
  • Potatoes and rhubarb have a detrimental effect on digestion.
  • Raw eggs and fish lead to a deficiency of vitamins or impede their absorption.
  • Onions and garlic cause anemia.

What to do if a person still cannot trust factory food? There is a solution - feeding dogs good old natural food prepared at home! This is exactly what we want to talk about, because if you cook it correctly, it will also become a real healthy treat for your pet. However, you need to remember what you should not feed your dog - this is also written below!


Dog feeding regimen

A dog's feeding schedule greatly depends on its age. And here it doesn’t matter what kind of diet you chose for your dog: natural, home-prepared or ready-made purchased. Question: How many times a day should a dog be fed is usually of interest to inexperienced novice breeders.

And the answer to it is:

  • 1 month old puppies are fed frequently - 6-8 times a day;
  • at 2 months – 5-6 times;
  • from 3 to 6 months – 3-4 times;
  • from 6 months to 1 year – 3 times; after a year, the puppy is transferred to the “adult” mode and fed 2 times a day.

Some breeders feed adult dogs three times a day. In principle, this is unnecessary, unless the dog has digestive problems and is on a special diet. There are also such cases: dogs are fed only once a day, but a large portion is given. Veterinarians strongly do not recommend organizing dog nutrition in this way. Most likely, the animal “will not guess” to divide the portion into two doses and will eat it all at once.

As a result, in 6-7 hours all the food will be digested and the pet will spend most of the day with an empty stomach. Even if the dog leaves something for himself “for later,” this food often spoils in the bowl. And eating spoiled food is fraught with serious problems.

Therefore, we strongly reject the scheme of feeding the dog once a day.

As for the volume of the portion that the dog should receive at one time, there is no definite answer. Each home diet is individual, and even seemingly identically prepared food may ultimately have different energy values. Therefore, when preparing dog food at home, you need to find out the nutritional value of the products used (written on the packaging), and also weigh them before cooking.

Knowing the weight of foods and their energy value, you can better calculate the serving size with the optimal amount of calories and figure out how to feed your dog correctly. And the veterinarian will be able to tell you the right amount of calories that your dog should receive, taking into account its breed and physical condition. In the future, you can divide the daily portion into two equal meals. Or give, for example, 1/3 of the volume in the morning, and 2/3 of the volume in the evening, or vice versa. Here everything will depend on the needs and desires of your pet: some have a stronger appetite in the morning, others in the evening.

Making a menu

So, let's assume you have decided on a feeding schedule. Now you need to decide what to feed your dog and select a list of optimal products that are best included in your dog’s natural diet. Please note that feeding dogs does not provide a lot of variety. It is enough to introduce some innovations into the diet infrequently, once or twice a week, or even less often. And several recipes for home cooking that will help make feeding your dogs easier, right now in the video below!

Which porridge is better?

They are most easily absorbed by the dog’s body and carry the maximum energy charge for it. You can sometimes use barley, wheat, corn or barley porridge. However, feeding dogs these types of cereals can cause digestive upset. Of course, this doesn't happen often, especially if you only use these cereals occasionally. However, remember that it is more difficult for the dog’s body to obtain useful substances from them.

It is recommended to dilute dog porridge with vegetables. They will supplement it with the necessary vitamins and antioxidants. Vegetables can be about 10-15% of the total volume of the prepared “dish”. Vegetables can also be cooked, although many dogs are not averse to gnawing on raw potatoes or carrots. The best vegetables to complement dog porridge are carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, peppers, and parsnips.

What about meat, poultry and bones?

It is the meat component that should prevail in the overall menu of your pet. Meat is protein and is a natural and natural food for dogs. Dogs eat raw meat with great pleasure. However, it is not recommended to give it due to the fact that it may be contaminated with helminth eggs or toxoplasma.

To protect your pet, raw meat must be refrigerated. But you can give it to food only when it is defrosted and reaches room temperature. Food that is too cold or too hot can harm your dog.

So what kind of meat should you feed your dog at home? Almost all meat is suitable for dogs, the main condition is that it is not too fatty. It is for this reason that pork is not recommended for dogs, at least its fatty parts. The best choice for four-legged friends is beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey; minced meat is not recommended. A completely ideal option is horse meat and venison, but the question is that getting such meat is not at all easy, and it costs quite a lot.

Meat by-products can replace part of the meat volume in the diet. Liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, and stomachs are readily eaten by dogs and make feeding the dog somewhat cheaper. To increase the nutritional value of a dog's diet, you can add meat, fish or bone meal to it. This ingredient is found in almost all dry dog ​​food.

As for bones, this product should not be on a dog’s menu.

Especially when it comes to tubular chicken bones or necks (they can be used for fat, but after the meat has been skinned, they should be removed). After all, fragments of such bones are very often removed by veterinarians from the gastrointestinal tract of our pets. And it’s very good if they manage to do it on time.

Bones that have the right to be in a dog’s diet are large beef bones with rounded edges or cartilage; they can also be given raw. Therefore, if you are one of those owners who believe that bones are “vital” for dogs, it is better to choose this option on the market.

Products from the table

Natural food for dogs should not mean that you feed your dog something that you can’t finish eating yourself. If you have chosen this type of feeding as a homemade diet, you must definitely cook for the animal separately! Table products are not suitable for dogs because they contain high amounts of salt, spices and fats.

The most you can offer your dog to eat is potatoes. Add boneless meat or fish and offer it to your dog. Borscht, soups, and pasta will not bring any benefit to your pet, but they often cause digestive upset. Veterinarians are categorically opposed to smoked, fried and spoiled food.

Prohibited products

What should a responsible owner not feed a dog? Under the ban, as you probably already guessed, you can find almost the entire amount of food on the table.

Inexperienced owners are especially warned not to include ingredients such as:

  1. Tubular bones (we already talked about them today).
  2. Sweets, pastries, cakes, candies. Some owners mistakenly believe that dogs love sweets, but they are most likely simply reacting to the colorful wrappers in which the candy is wrapped. Therefore, there is no need to succumb to provocations from the animal and give it sweets.
  3. Pickles and smoked meats.
  4. Baking.

And remember that the dog’s diet should be without salt and spices. Each product already contains a certain amount of salt, so dog food can only be added occasionally. But mineral supplements, vitamins and calcium, sold in pharmacies, must be added to your home diet.

Video “Feeding pets with natural food”

A very informative lecture on how to properly feed your pets to complete our review!

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During lactation, the body spends a lot of energy on producing milk; in addition, it now needs to share all the nutrients with the offspring, which means it needs a special diet. Proper feeding of a dog after birth is the key to the health of the mother and offspring.

The quality of milk directly depends on how complete the feeding of a whelping dog is. Normally it contains about 7% protein, 4% lactose and 8% fat, vitamins and minerals that come from food. The lack of any elements in the diet affects the quality composition, which in turn negatively affects the development of puppies and the condition of the mother.

The lactation period lasts on average 4-6 weeks. Until 20-25 days after birth, the secretory activity of the mammary gland increases, and then gradually decreases. Over the past decades, many studies have been conducted that have helped determine what nutrition a dog needs after birth at different stages of lactation.

Most minerals and vitamins do not accumulate in the body; if they are not supplied with food, they will not be present at all, neither in the body, nor especially in milk.

The diet should include the following products:

  • Lean meat, offal (hearts, liver, stomachs), fish (sea lean);
  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). You can cook cereals in water or milk.
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, kefir);
  • Vegetables and greens.

Dog's first meal after giving birth

Many people are interested in when they can feed their dog after giving birth. If the dog has eaten the placenta, it should be fed no earlier than 5-6 hours after the end of the birth. Just offer to drink water.

Some owners find eating the placenta disgusting or unhygienic. They do not allow the new mother to feast on the shapeless clot and act fundamentally wrong. Forget about prejudices, nature has thought out everything. First of all, the placenta is an easily digestible protein, rich in microelements and vitamins that the dog needs to produce complete colostrum. In addition, the placenta contains hormones that stimulate milk production. The only negative point is that in case of multiple pregnancy of a dog, eating all the placenta can provoke a disorder; for prevention, you can give activated charcoal by weight (1-2 tablets/10 kg).

Drinking plenty of fluids is a must

Drinking plenty of water does not mean that the dog will need to be forced to pour water into it after giving birth. The owner’s task is to provide the pet with liquid, nutritious food and ensure that clean drinking water is always freely available. You can offer your dog tea with milk, sweetened with honey.

Feeding a dog after giving birth by week of lactation

First week after birth

During the first three days after birth, your dog may have no appetite. Despite this, you need to offer food every 6-8 hours and make sure that at least a little is eaten. The best way to feed a dog after giving birth depends on the pet’s preferences, usually milk porridge or meat puree with vegetables.

As appetite is restored, the usual daily intake of food is increased by half and divided into 5-6 meals. The dog should be fed mainly liquid food: porridge with water or milk, sour milk, kefir or yogurt, provided that lactose is well tolerated. Vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced and given until the end of lactation. In some cases, natural restoratives are indicated, for example, royal jelly.

In the first 5-7 days after giving birth to a dog, it is better to replace meat with more easily digestible types of protein - low-fat sea fish, cottage cheese. Also, fresh vegetables and fruits are not given in the first week. It is recommended to introduce boiled meat products only from day 4-5; it should be lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef) or offal (heart, liver, stomach). The babies also get everything that the mother eats, so it is important to ensure that the puppies do not have a disorder; it is easy to notice by their dirty “butts” and tails.

2nd and 3rd week of lactation

The first week flew by unnoticed, what should you feed your dog after giving birth? Starting from the second week, the diet is made more varied. They introduce vegetables (cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets), and try giving fruits. If a dog is feeding 3-4 puppies, the amount of food is doubled. When feeding 8 or more babies, food is given at least three times more than usual. There should be 4-5 feedings per day.

4-6 weeks of feeding

Starting from the 4th week, the puppies begin to be fed and the amount of milk decreases. The amount of food the mother eats should also be reduced, and she should also be switched to three meals a day. Gradually reduce the amount of liquid.

When the last puppy is taken away, the mother is given a fasting day, kept on an almost starvation diet for 24 hours, water is limited and only 1/4 of the portion is offered. The next day, a third of the usual diet, then half, and so on for 5 days are transferred to normal feeding.

If the dog eats ready-made food

By ready-made food, we usually mean “dry” feeding the dog after giving birth. If owners plan to feed their pet dry food throughout lactation, there are several points to consider:

  • Premium and super-premium foods are distinguished by a wide range, which should include diets for pregnant and lactating bitches. To a greater or lesser extent, they are acceptable and meet almost all the needs of the body during this period;
  • You need to pay attention that the percentage of protein is in the range of 24-28%;
  • If the manufacturer does not produce special diets for nursing, use food for puppies;
  • Dry food requires a lot of moisture to digest, and even if the dog drinks a lot, there may not be enough water to produce the required amount of milk. Therefore, “drying”, especially in the first 2-3 weeks of lactation, is recommended to be soaked before feeding or replaced with liquid food from the same company
  • Fermented milk products, cottage cheese, and vitamin and mineral supplements are added to the diet.

What are the dangers of poor nutrition?

One of the most dangerous postpartum complications is eclampsia, a condition that occurs due to calcium deficiency in the body. The disease can appear both from the first days of lactation and at 3-4 weeks.

Dog owners often experience digestive disorders caused by feeding their dog dairy products after giving birth. In this case, give rice porridge, the doctor may recommend sorbents or probiotics. Milk or Vaseline oil most often helps to cope with constipation.

Against the background of poor nutrition, the mother and puppies may have reduced immunity, which is fraught with a wide variety of diseases. Skin diseases will become a very unpleasant problem, and various infectious diseases can lead to the death of the entire litter and are dangerous to the health of the nurse.

If you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor.

A nursing dog behaves calmly, does not worry, appetite and stool are normal, the owners do not note severe exhaustion. After a delicious lunch, the puppies do not squeak or fuss, but calmly fall asleep until the next feeding, gain weight and develop. These are all indicators that the diet meets all the needs of nursing mothers and babies.

Natural nutrition for pets is based on the consumption of meat and offal, medium-fat dairy products, vegetables and cereals, bran, and some unsweetened fruits. Contrary to the popular opinion of uninformed people, a natural diet has nothing to do with scraps from the owners’ table.

Unlike dry food, natural food retains all the nutrients - dry food is produced at high temperatures, which leads to the loss of some nutrients. Cheap food is made mainly from grains and soy, which can cause diseases and allergies in the animal. And with a natural diet, a product that causes a negative reaction can be replaced with another.

Preparing natural food for a dog takes time, but the result of such feeding will be a healthy and satisfied animal that receives the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as fiber (with the “Feed Bro!” food everything is much simpler - it is already ready for consumption). You just need to make the right diet for your dog.

Meat. What kind of meat does a dog need?

A dog's natural feeding diet is based on meat: it should make up 2/3 of the total diet, while only 1/3 should be left for plant foods. The meat does not have to be first-class, but its freshness is the main condition.

Meat your dog needs:

  • Beef, horse meat, lamb, rabbit;
  • Poultry - chicken and turkey. However, when giving offal of these birds, you should monitor the condition of the dog’s skin and digestion;
  • Frozen sea fish, boned. This product is an additional source of protein.

Meat products unsuitable for feeding dogs:

  • Raw bones - they are a source of helminths;
  • Tubular bones of a bird that can injure a dog’s mouth, as well as puncture the intestines or esophagus;
  • River fish and fish bones;
  • Fatty meat trimmings - this does not apply to cuts with cartilage and veins, which are healthy for your pet.

For more variety in natural nutrition, you can offer your dog beef knuckles, young veal ribs, beef tails and tracheas.

Rice, buckwheat and oats are used to feed dogs - they are easily absorbed by the animal's body. Feeding your pet corn, pearl barley and wheat porridge should be limited, since these grains provoke digestive upset, and the substances from them are not fully absorbed. Natural food for dogs includes porridge with the addition of meat and vegetables.

Advantages and features of some types of cereals:

  1. Buckwheat. Iron, magnesium, calcium and B vitamins are not destroyed after cooking. This culture contains a lot of plant proteins that are digested along with the carbohydrates of the porridge. Buckwheat has a positive effect on the dog’s metabolism and improves immunity. It is recommended to cook this cereal until it becomes crumbly.
  2. Rice absorbs harmful substances from the stomach and intestines, and also stimulates metabolism. It is preferable to feed your dog unprocessed (not steamed) rice, which retains a large amount of magnesium, calcium and iron. Boiled cereal is used to treat poisoning in dogs. It is recommended to cook the rice until fluffy, and after cooking, let it sit for 1 hour. Before cooking, rice is soaked for at least half an hour and the water is drained.
  3. Coarsely ground oatmeal is used to diversify your pet's diet - this porridge should not be the basis of a plant-based diet. Oats contain a lot of sodium and vitamins, but they are contraindicated in pets with urolithiasis.
  4. Wheat cereal is rich in starch and flour, so it should only be given to active dogs. The wheat kernel is not completely digested, but its remains cleanse the intestines well.
  5. Barley groats stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, but are not a complete food product for dogs.

Porridge for dogs is supplemented not only with vegetables, but also with meat - lightly cooked or raw. The meat should be placed in the bowl of porridge immediately before your dog eats it. No spices are added to the porridge; the finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

The dog's diet is supplemented with carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and sweet peppers, asparagus and cucumbers. Turnips, seaweed and tomatoes can be given to your pet only in limited quantities. Canned vegetables are not used to feed dogs. Garlic and onions are dangerous to the health and life of your pet.


Dairy products in a dog's diet serve as an additional source of protein. It is preferable to use products of medium fat content - cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9% and kefir with a fat content of no more than 3.5%. Kefir is well absorbed and normalizes digestion - it is recommended to be given to pets undergoing antibiotic treatment. Cottage cheese serves as a supplier of calcium, potassium, B vitamins and phosphorus - it is useful for dogs at any age. In addition to these products, your diet may include yogurt without fillers or additives.

Whey can be used to prepare porridges. Cheese should be strictly limited, as a large amount of it leads to addiction. Small cubes of low-fat cheese can be used as a reward or to mask medication.

  • Include low-fat cottage cheese in a natural diet for dogs. The low fat content of the dairy product interferes with the absorption of calcium;
  • Give milk to dogs that have not fed it since weaning;
  • Giving dogs processed cheese - it has no nutritional value;
  • Feed your pet fermented baked milk or Varenets - these products can cause fermentation in the stomach.

Please note that your dog should not be given meat and dairy products in the same meal. A combination of permitted fermented milk products is allowed. It is recommended to add egg yolks to cottage cheese as an additional source of microelements.

Dairy and lactic acid products fed to the dog must be natural and made without the use of dyes, emulsifiers, additives and vegetable oils.

Natural dog diet

Adult dogs older than 8 months are fed 2 times a day, based on this we formulate a diet.

First feeding option:

  • Monday - cottage cheese with the addition of kefir;
  • Tuesday - half portion of food "Feed Bro!" and half of boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal);
  • Medium - cottage cheese with the addition of one or two raw egg yolks (white is not needed, it is not digested and also slows down the absorption of vitamin B and disrupts metabolism);
  • Thursday - half portion of food "Feed Bro!" and half of boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal);
  • Friday - cottage cheese with the addition of kefir;
  • Saturday - sea fish (for example pollock, hake). Fish is necessary because it contains phosphorus for proper bone formation;
  • Sunday - half portion of food "Feed Bro!" and half of boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal).

For the second feeding, you can use the “Feed Bro!” meat food. without adding porridge.

How much food does a dog need per day?

The question “How much food should I give my dog?” individual. The age of the pet, its activity level and general condition are important. The general recommendation is that up to six months the weight of the fed products should be 7% of body weight, and after 6-8 months - 3.5% of body weight.

The total amount of daily food is calculated, and then divided by the number of meals - this is how the weight of one serving is determined.

So, a dog weighing 30 kg needs to be fed about 1 kg of food per day. Under the condition of two meals a day, the quantity of one serving is 500 grams.



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