Accounting for cash collection. Accounting for collection of funds What is collection in 1s

How to issue a cash order in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)


Arranging for cash withdrawal from the company's cash desk - it would seem that there is nothing complicated about it? But novice accountants also have questions here when it comes to real accounting situations. What to write in the base, what in the appendix... and so on.

Today in the lesson we will analyze the most common situations in practice in the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, edition 3.0.

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Let me remind you that this is a lesson, so you can safely repeat my steps in your database (preferably a copy or a training one).

So let's get started

An expense cash order (abbreviated as RKO or consumable) is a document with the help of which the issuance of funds from the organization’s cash desk is formalized.

The consumable form has a unified form KO-2.

The numbering of consumables begins anew every year from one and must be continuous: 1, 2, 3...

The recipient of the funds is required to present an identification document (for example, a passport), the details of which are entered into the cash register.

The consumable is signed:

  • head
  • chief accountant or a person authorized to do so
  • cashier
  • recipient of funds.

At the same time, if the manager’s signature is already on one of the documents attached to the order and authorizing the issuance of money, then his signature on the cash register is not required.

The debit order is not stamped, but the “Paid” stamp may be used to prevent the repeated issuance of money on the same order.

The cash receipt order is issued in one copy and remains in the cash register.

Registration of cash register in 1C

To issue a cash debit order in the program, go to the “Bank and Cash Office” section, “Cash Documents” item:

In the form that opens, click the “Issue” button:

The new document form opens:

Let's look at how to fill it out in different situations.

Payment to the supplier

03/01/2016 40,000 rubles (excluding VAT) were issued from the cash register to V.V. Petrov. as payment under agreement No. 48 dated 02/15/2016 for chairs according to delivery note No. 351 dated 03/01/2016.

Petrov V.V. acted on behalf of Supplier LLC in accordance with power of attorney No. 17 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identification document, Petrov V.V. presented a Russian Federation passport, series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of Moscow dated January 21, 2008.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Issuance to an accountable person

On 03/01/2016, 5,000 rubles were issued from the cash register to employee Anna Grigorievna Belkina for household expenses in accordance with the application written to her for the release of money for reporting dated 03/01/2016.

As an identification document for Belkin A.G. presented a Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of Moscow dated January 21, 2008.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Payment of wages

09/10/2016 senior cashier Fyokla E.B. issued to the cashier Plyushkina I.V. 104,400 rubles to pay wages to employees for August 2016 according to payroll No. 1 dated 09/08/2016.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Transferring funds to the bank

03/01/2016 Plyushkina I.V. received funds from the cash register in the amount of 100,000 rubles for crediting to the settlement account of Jupiter LLC in the bank "BANK GPB (JSC)".

As an identification document, Plyushkina I.V. presented a Russian Federation passport series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of Moscow dated January 21, 2008.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Repayment of the loan to the counterparty

On March 1, 2016, 450,000 rubles were issued from the cash register to Nesterenko L.P. as debt repayment according to loan agreement No. 56 dated February 20, 2016.

As an identification document Nesterenko L.P. presented a Russian Federation passport, series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of Moscow dated January 21, 2008.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form:

Other expenses

On 03/01/2016, 3,500 rubles were issued from the cash register to employee Nestor Ivanovich Ivashchenko as financial assistance.

Application for the issuance of financial assistance to Ivashchenko N.I. wrote on 03/01/2016.

As an identification document, Ivashchenko N.I. presented a Russian Federation passport, series 12 23 No. 345621, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of Moscow dated January 21, 2008.

Completed order in 1s:

Its printed form.

Good afternoon I work at an enterprise (general taxation system), the main activity of which is the provision of services. Payment for services occurs at different points in the city (these are not separate divisions), and the company's cash desk is located in the main office.

Tell me, is it possible to maintain several cash registers in 1C: Accounting 8, which would be completely separate, and at the same time, cash documents would be maintained with different numbers and prefixes.

YU. Smelnik, Kharkov

AnswersAnna SARAEVA

Yes, such an opportunity is provided in 1C: Accounting 8. To use it, you need to go to “Accounting Parameters Settings” (menu “Enterprise → Accounting Parameters Settings”) and on the “Other Analytical Accounting” tab, enable the option “Keep analytical accounting of funds by separate divisions” (Fig. 1), after Then save the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

A similar option must be enabled in setting up the enterprise’s accounting policy, see Fig. 1 (menu “Enterprise → Accounting policy → Accounting policy of organizations”).

By enabling the option in the accounting settings in the chart of accounts, account 30 will have one more subaccount, “Separate divisions” (Fig. 2).

Now regarding filling out cash documents. As a result of the changes made in the settings of the enterprise's accounting policy, in the cash outgoing and incoming cash orders for the organization for which the ability to maintain records by separate divisions was enabled, a new attribute “By separate division” will appear (Fig. 3). This way you will be able to indicate the cash desk you need in your cash documents. Filling in all other document details remains unchanged.

Thus, accounting in the information base will, as before, be carried out for one enterprise and at the same time you will have the opportunity to maintain several cash registers, but the numbering of cash register documents will be separate. In addition, you will be able to create a cash book separately for each cash register (Fig. 4).

PKO and RKO are the main documents that are used to reflect the flow of funds in the cash register. They are needed in almost any organization, and in this article I will tell you how to work with them in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program. In addition, we will talk about how to check the correctness of cash transactions and how to set a limit on cash balances in the cash register.

So, in order to reflect the receipt of funds at the cash desk, you need to go to the “Bank and Cash Desk” tab and select the “Cash Receipt (CCR)” item.

Add a new document using the "Create" button. In the form that opens, you must select the correct type of operation; the composition of the document fields that need to be filled in depends on this. We will reflect the transaction "Payment from buyer".

Then we select an organization (if there are several of them in the database), a counterparty (if necessary, create a new one), indicate the amount and account. We add a line to the tabular part and indicate the agreement, cash flow item, amount, VAT rate, settlement accounts. If the payment needs to be attributed to different contracts, you can add several lines. The “Base” field must also be filled out in order for this information to be reflected in the printed PQR form.

When posting a document, in our case, a movement is generated on the accounts Dt 50 Kt 62.

In order to reflect the expense of funds in the program, you need to select the “Cash withdrawal (Cash)” item on the “Bank and cash desk” tab.

In this document you also need to select the type of operation; we will consider the operation “Payment of wages according to statements”.

Select an organization and add a row to the table section. If a payroll slip has already been created, you need to select it, or you can create a new pay slip directly from the current document.

The list can be filled out automatically for all employees by clicking the appropriate button, or you can manually add the required people.

Click “Post and close”, the amounts in the “Cash Withdrawal” document are entered automatically based on the created statement. All that remains is to select the cash flow item in the field located under the tabular part.

This document creates the posting Dt 70 Kt 50.

I also recommend setting a limit in the program for cash balances in the cash register, which will be used when checking the correctness of cash transactions. If it is exceeded on any day, the program will report this. But this operation may not be performed by small businesses and individual entrepreneurs, who, in accordance with the new procedure that came into force on June 1, 2014, do not have the obligation to control the limit.

Everyone else needs to go to the “Main” tab, select “Organizations”, click the “More” button and “Cash balance limits”.

In the table that opens, click the “Create” button to indicate the limit and the date from which it is valid.

In order to check the correctness of accounting at the cash desk, you need to use the “Express check of accounting” processing, which is located on the “Reports” tab.

In the processing form, you must set the verification period, click the “Show settings” button and check the “Cash transactions” checkbox. Then click “Run check”.

The program will tell you if there are errors in this section of accounting, and will also provide information about them, if any.

If you still have questions, you can ask them in the comments to the article or on our forum.

And if you need more information about working in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, then you can get our book onlink.

Companies that work with budget funds must also take into account regulations governing cash transactions.

Individual entrepreneurs may not keep records of such cash transactions in 1C. But they are required to keep a book of income and expenses (KUDiR), since this document is not considered a cash document.

Cash desk in 1C

The 1C program has many opportunities for complete and correct work with cash documents. First you need to select the appropriate type of cash document. To do this, go to the menu item “Bank and cash desk” and then select “Cash documents”

In the document you select the type of PKO (receipt cash order) or RKO (output cash order)

PKO (receipt cash order)

The cash book in 1C 8.3 offers a choice of ten types of cash registers for different introductory operations:

  1. Retail revenue;
  2. Payment from the buyer;
  3. Return from supplier;
  4. Return from an accountable person;
  5. Receiving cash from the bank;
  6. Obtaining a loan from a bank;
  7. Receiving a loan from a counterparty;
  8. Repayment of a loan by an employee;
  9. Repayment of the loan by the counterparty;
  10. Other arrival.

By the title you can immediately understand the essence of the document.

At the same time, the PKO document “Other receipt” is universal, but it should be used only as a last resort, if the receipt transaction is atypical.

RKO (expenditure cash order)

In many ways, this document is formed by analogy with the PKO. In 1C there are the following types of cash registers:

  1. Payment of wages
  2. Issuance to an accountable person
  3. Payment to the supplier
  4. Repayment of loan to the bank
  5. Return to buyer
  6. Cash deposit to the bank
  7. Payment of wages according to statements
  8. Payment to an employee under a contract
  9. Repayment of the loan to the counterparty
  10. Issuing a loan to a counterparty
  11. Collection
  12. Issuing a loan to an employee
  13. Payment of deposited wages
  14. Other expenses

Cash book in 1C 8.3

The cash book is formed on the basis of PKO and RKO, which were posted in one business day. As a result, we receive a report on cash transactions performed.

Advance report

This type of document is included in the “Cashier” block

It is filled out as follows:

In the “Advances” tab, we enter information based on the issued settlement settlement.

In the “Products” tab, enter data about the purchased goods or materials.

We enter payment for previously purchased goods in the “Payment” tab.

Payment for goods with payment cards

Acquiring (another name for the payment card payment procedure) is a modern and widespread method of paying for services or goods. In 1C, such an operation is carried out as follows:

To register cash register operations in 1C Accounting 8.3, the following documents are used: cash receipt and expenditure order. The journal for registering outgoing and incoming cash orders in 1C is located in the “Cash documents” item of the “Bank and cash desk” menu.

In order to create a new document, click on the “Receipt” button in the list form that opens.

The set of fields and transactions displayed directly depends on the value specified in the “Type of Operation” field.

Let's look at each type in more detail:

By default, the debit account is 50.01 everywhere – “Cash of the organization”.

Account cash warrant

To create cash settlements in the list of cash documents 1C 8.3, you must click on the “Issue” button.

The execution of this document is practically no different from receipt at the cash desk. The set of details also depends on the selected type of operation.

The only thing worth noting is that when choosing the type of salary payment transactions (except for work contracts), in the document you must select a statement for paying salaries through the cash register. The repayment documents also indicate the type of payment: repayment of debt or interest.

Cash balance limit

To set a cash register limit, go to the section of the same name in the “Organizations” directory card. We have it in the “More” subsection.

This guide indicates the limit amount and validity period. This functionality has made life much easier for accountants to comply with the law.

Cash book

The 1C:Accounting program implements the functionality of creating a cash book (form KO-4). is in the journal PKO and RKO. To open it, click on the “Cash Book” button.

In the report header, indicate the period (the default is the current day). If your program maintains records for more than one organization, it must also be indicated. In addition, if necessary, you can select a specific division for which the cash book will be generated.

For more detailed report settings, click on the “Show settings” button.

Here you can specify how the cash book will be generated and some of the settings for its design in 1C.

After you have made any changes to the settings of this report, click “Generate”.

As a result, you will receive a report with all cash movements at the cash desk, as well as balances at the beginning / end of the day and balances.

Cash inventory in 1C 8.3 Accounting

The procedure for conducting a cash register inventory is described in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 49 dated June 13, 1995.

Unfortunately, in the 1C 8.3 program there is no cash inventory report in the INV-15 form. This request has already been proposed to the 1C company. Perhaps someday they will finalize the program, but for now accountants have to take inventory of the cash register manually.

You can download the form and sample of filling out INV-15 at.

The fastest and most effective way to solve this problem is to order processing for the formation of INV-15 from a specialist. This processing will not only save a lot of time, but will also reduce the influence of the human factor, which will avoid errors.

Training video

See also video instructions for recording cash transactions in 1C 8.3:



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