Ligature-free braces: features, types and principle of operation. Ligature braces for a perfect smile

Ligature braces is a new and modern method of treating malocclusion. With the help of such structures it is possible to eliminate incorrect position teeth, dentition, jaws and normalize impaired organ functions oral cavity. Ligature braces are a great way to create perfect teeth and a beautiful smile.

What are ligature and non-ligature braces?

A ligature bracket system is a product consisting of ordinary elements. Serves to treat malocclusion and uneven teeth. A distinctive design detail is the ligatures - fastening the arch to the plates on the tooth.

Ligature braces

The entire system consists of the following elements:

  1. Braces are plates with clasps placed on each individual tooth. Dental glue is used to fix them. They are characterized by a special design. Their shape, size and location are thought out specifically according to the drawn up therapy plan and are marked in a special way so as not to be confused during the installation process.
  2. An arc is a wire that is pulled through the grooves in each of the plates. Since it strives to straighten, the teeth are pulled to the required place. To ease the patient's sensations, arches can be performed using elastic materials. As treatment progresses, they are tightened or replaced with others each time.
  3. Ligatures are a fastening element presented in the form of miniature wire or elastic rings. Their main task is to connect the two previous structural elements - arcs and plates.

Attention! Lingual braces are an invisible design, so they can be used by those who are embarrassed to use conventional braces or who have professional activity associated with constant exposure

Non-ligating braces (self-ligating) is a modern invention that can significantly reduce the duration of malocclusion correction. The design features unique sliding clamps, with the help of which the arch is replaced quickly, with minimal pain and discomfort for the patient.

In a self-ligating system, the arch is secured without blocking, resulting in the teeth moving with little force. Using the classical system, teeth are able to overcome high strength friction during movement, which is formed due to ligatures. But in a self-ligating design, this process is much more comfortable for the client, since there is no blocking of the arch, because it is only fixed.

Non-ligature braces

Materials from which braces are made


This material is the most durable and widespread. It is characterized by high reliability and high cost. The client can also choose non-ferrous metal. The most common choice is silver.


  • low price compared to other types;
  • greater efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • the metal structure does not lose color during the entire course of therapy;
  • shorter course of treatment.


  • not aesthetically pleasing;
  • Irritation and ulcers on the gums and lips may occur.


For the manufacture of the structure, special durable glass is used. Most often, adults use ceramics, since its color is invisible on the teeth.


  • attractive appearance;
  • small size, comfortable to wear;
  • staples do not stain when eating;
  • high structural strength, there is no risk of tearing off the teeth.

Ceramic braces


  • ceramic staples cannot be painted, and ligatures change color over time, so they need to be changed every month;
  • long duration of treatment;
  • Use only to fix minor problems.


Non-natural materials are used to make the bracket system. gem, but an artificial sapphire. This is a special type of ceramic, which is also called a single crystal.

  • spectacular shine and overall transparency;
  • high strength;
  • do not stain and do not fall out;
  • Possibility of ultra-reliable fixation to the teeth.
  • longer course of treatment;
  • wearing such designs leads to a serious allergic reaction;
  • sapphire bracket system cannot cope with serious problems bite


This modern analogue sapphire and ceramic designs.


  • colorless, invisible on the teeth;
  • not as expensive as sapphire and ceramic;
  • plastic is safe as it does not cause allergies.


  • change color when eating;
  • Plastic is a weak material, so braces can break easily.

Types of ligatures for braces


The elastic ligature on braces consists of rubber rings, which must be changed every time the arch is tightened. On average this is once a month. All elastic ligatures can be of different colors. The maximum force applied by elastic auxiliary elements to other parts of the bracket system is lost 2-3 hours after installation. Once the elastics have adapted to a new location, the decrease in their strength occurs more slowly.

Elastic band for braces


The ligature, made of metal, has the appearance of medical wire. It firmly connects the arch to the teeth. The design is highly rigid. It is not recommended to install it on initial stages bite correction. Such structures are replaced extremely rarely.

Installation of ligature bracket systems

The process of installing a brace system to correct pathologies in the bite is carried out in several stages:

  1. An orthodontist evaluates general condition dentition. If the doctor decides that braces can be used to solve the problem, he will refer the patient for orthodontic examination. It involves making a dental impression, performing panoramic images and x-ray of the skull. Thanks to the results obtained, it will be possible to accurately determine the treatment procedure and its timing.
  2. When all the preparations are over, the orthodontist proceeds directly to installing the structure. Correction of the bite began from the period when the first arch was fixed.
  3. Taking into account the selected type of bracket system, the specialist prescribes next appointment to replace ligatures and arches, and also notifies the patient about proper care for teeth and oral cavity.
  4. If the treatment is successful and the teeth are completely straightened, then the braces can be removed. But this is not the end of treatment. Instead of the previous design, the patient is given retainers. These are transparent plates made of plastic. Thanks to them, the teeth are perfectly fixed in the new position and do not return to their previous state.

Attention! To minimize the risk of disease, before installing the structure, it is necessary to carry out complete reorganization mouth

How does addiction work?

getting used to the installed structure lasts no longer than 30 days. This is an average figure, since the process of addiction takes individual character. There are situations when this period drags on for a longer period.

Attention! If, after installing braces, severe painful sensations, then painkillers are recommended.

Advantages and disadvantages of ligature braces

The following advantages of braces systems can be highlighted:

  1. You can use colored rubber bands, making the correction process fun for children and teenagers.
  2. Due to the elasticity of ligatures, it is possible to reduce discomfort when straightening teeth.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Efficiency and reliability.

Design disadvantages:

  1. Since the rings are in a state of constant tension, they lose their elasticity. For this reason, the elastic elements must be changed regularly.
  2. The correction process is carried out more slowly than with self-ligating braces, because when the teeth move, the arch overcomes friction.
  3. The arc is fixed motionless, which causes discomfort in the patient.
  4. Rubber bands may become stained by food coloring.
  5. The design is bulky, so it is difficult to care for.

Attention! If the patient has diseases such as periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, the installation of braces is contraindicated.

What is the difference between ligature and non-ligature braces?

Non-ligature braces (left) and regular braces (right)
  1. Ligature and non-ligature braces have a number of differences:
  2. Visits to a specialist – ligature – monthly, non-ligature – once every 2-3 months.
  3. The friction force indicators when moving teeth are high for ligature structures, while those without ligatures are minimal.
  4. Ligature structures are not installed for periodontal disease and periodontitis, which cannot be said about self-ligating ones.
  5. When installing ligature braces, it is necessary to remove healthy teeth, and non-ligature structures do not need this.
  6. The cost of ligature braces is lower (20-35 thousand rubles) than that of products without ligatures (35-45 thousand rubles.)

Caring for ligature braces

The effectiveness of therapy in most cases depends on psychological mood patient and from proper care behind the design, which is as follows:

  1. Application special paste, which serves to cleanse the system.
  2. Flossing after every meal.
  3. Regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations.

Ligature bracket systems are modern approach for the treatment of malocclusion in children and adults. They are different high efficiency, lack side effects and not at a high price. In addition, various materials are used for their manufacture, so that each patient can choose the best option.

Which braces are better - ligature or non-ligature? The choice between a time-tested classic and a highly advertised new product can be perplexing for anyone planning to correct their bite.

To understand how ligature and non-ligature braces differ from each other, we will consider in detail their design features and varieties.


The device got its name from the Latin word ligatura, which translates as ligament.

With the help of ligature ligaments, the power arc acting on the teeth is attached to the braces themselves - base plates glued to the teeth with special dental cement.

Orthodontists use two types of ligaments - transparent or multi-colored elastic bands and wires made of steel, aluminum or silver:

  1. The first ones do not fix the arch strongly enough; they are used in the initial stages of treatment to correct the position of individual crowns.
  2. The latter are suitable for more late stages and the final stage - correcting the bite and ensuring correct position upper teeth relative to the lower ones.

Some patients complain that rubber bands and wires irritate the oral mucosa - the inside of the lips and cheeks. In addition, they need to be changed every month. Sometimes more often, since elastic fasteners tend to stretch and tear.


Other names are self-ligating, self-ligating. Their arch is fixed using a micro-lock with a lid, built directly into the braces. Manufacturers of the systems claim that correction of the arc position should be carried out no more often than once every two to three months. However, not all doctors share their opinion; some still insist on monthly monitoring.

The advertisement also promises a reduction in treatment time by 20-30% compared to ligature treatments. But according to the results of the series clinical trials, for correction different patients the same pathology was treated with ligature and self-ligating braces same amount time.

Another PR stunt - painless treatment. In promotional materials we're talking about that due to the absence of rubber bands and wires, it is possible to reduce the force pressure on the teeth. There is no friction force between the elastic and metal ligaments and the arch, which means the jaws do not suffer from additional stress.

This belief is true, but only if the arch in ligature braces was fixed by an incompetent doctor who completely or partially neglected the biomechanical features of the device. If the system has been adjusted correctly, there will be no excessive pressure.

Pain is possible when wearing both types of braces. This depends on the individual characteristics of the patients - in particular, on pain threshold and directly jaw anomalies.


Ligature and non-ligature braces are classified according to two main criteria.

By type of fastening

  1. Vestibular ones are installed on the outer - vestibular - surface of the tooth. This is the most common type.
  2. Lingual, so-called invisible braces, are attached to the inner - lingual - surface of the crown. They are invisible to others.

The cost of lingual systems is several times higher than the cost of vestibular ones. They are made to order for each patient, since the bases must clearly follow anatomical shape teeth. If the crowns are too low, it will not be possible to fix the lingual appliance.

According to manufacturing materials

  1. Metal - the most budget option. They cope with the most complex malocclusions - for example, with combinations of incorrect occlusion (such as jaw closure) and abnormal position of individual teeth in a row. They are made from stainless medical steel, nickel-titanium alloy, pure titanium. There are expensive models with gold plated. Minus - too noticeable to others.
  2. Ceramic ligature and self-ligating braces are selected to match the color of the tooth enamel. They are less noticeable than metal ones. They are quite strong, but they still don’t reach metal, so they are not designed to correct complex malocclusions.
  3. Devices made of transparent polycrystalline sapphire have an excellent aesthetic effect, but the operational characteristics of the material allow the use of braces only for mild forms of malocclusion - for example, only for patients with the wrong type of jaw closure, or for people who have several teeth in an abnormal position.

Comparative characteristics

Characteristics Ligature braces
Arc fixation method LigaturesMicro locks
Attaching braces To the vestibular and lingual surfaces of teeth
Materials Metal, ceramics, sapphireMetal, ceramics, sapphire
Correction frequency Once a monthManufacturers recommend once every 2-3 months
Painfulness of treatment IndividuallyIndividually
Duration of treatment From 14 months to 3.5 yearsAccording to the manufacturers - 20-30% shorter
Treatment effectiveness Corrects the most complex malocclusionsCan't cope with complex anomalies bite
The need to remove teeth before installing the device If the jaw is small and there is no room for 32 straight teeth, removal is inevitable.
Price From 9000 rublesFrom 25,000 rubles


    Arc fixation method.

    Some have ligatures, others have micro-locks.

    Ligatures are flatter, self-ligating, about 1 mm thicker due to built-in locks. In the first case, some discomfort is created by the ligatures, and in the second case, the braces themselves are of massive construction.


    Ligatures cope with the most complex anomalies, self-ligating simpler clinical cases.


    Replacing rubber bands and wires and correcting the position of the arch of ligature braces takes longer. Patients with self-ligating appliances spend less time in the orthodontic chair.

    It is more difficult to care for ligatures; elastic bands and wires increase the time of hygiene procedures.

    Designs with micro-locks are two to three times more expensive.

Which ones are better?

There is no clear answer to this question. In most cases, it is still better to use ligature braces, although for some patients self-ligating braces will be a more optimal option.

Whatever advantages of certain orthodontic devices may not be promised by bright advertising brochures, you need to remember that it is not braces that treat, but the orthodontist. You can find information about trusted doctors with a good reputation on our website.

A beautiful smile, with teeth lined up in an even white row, pleases its owner, looks aesthetically pleasing and commands respect from others. Nature, unfortunately, does not give everyone such a smile; many of us have to resort to the services of doctors to correct the bite. Modern dentistry offers for dentition correction various systems braces. The variety of offers results in current issues about the competent choice of braces, which we will try to answer.

Types of bracket systems

Modern technical capabilities in the field of orthodontics make it possible to create various brace systems. Some of them have long been used to correct bites, others have gained recognition quite recently, but each has its own pros and cons. Experts classify models according to two criteria: type of design and type of material. For clarity, let's create a table:

Classification of orthodontic bracket systems according to design features implies the existence of ligature and non-ligature species. Pressure on the teeth in ligature models occurs with the help of wires or ligatures; in non-ligature designs, the straightening arc is attached to the teeth with clasps. Note that the ligature construction is used only in vestibular models.

Systems are produced by such manufacturers as Victory, Ormco, Spirit, Damon. The products of these companies are securely fixed to the teeth, resistant to deformation, and have high quality materials. Some models are produced in color.

The most popular among patients are non-ligation systems from Damon. A feature of products of this brand is the infrequent replacement of the arc. The domestic brand “Pilot” is also in demand, its products cost about 60 thousand rubles. However, there is a difference in the aesthetic characteristics of such braces, which is lower than that of Damon products. You can appreciate the advantages of colored ligature systems in numerous photos.

Description of self-ligating braces (ligature-free)

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Self-ligating braces are simplest system, consisting of clasps fixed on the teeth and connected to each other by a metal arc. Orthodontists consider self-ligating braces to be a high-quality alternative to the usual ligature braces systems that have been used for a long time.

A spring clip or a lock with a latch allows the entire structure to be more firmly secured to the teeth in non-ligature systems, but in the ligature version the arch is not blocked. The arc in the self-ligating system is fixed in special grooves, which allows it to move freely without blocking. For children, self-ligating braces remain the most optimal method bite correction.

How are ligature structures arranged?

The design of ligature systems consists of three main parts. Braces with ligature consist of the following elements:

Advantages of ligature-free braces

Relating non-ligature braces to high achievements orthodontics, experts believe that they are not suitable in all cases where bite correction is required. There are pathologies that require the use of other bracket systems. However, this does not detract obvious advantages ligature-free braces, the list of which includes:

  • comfort of wearing, ensured by smooth and smooth edges, smoothed corners;
  • minimal pressure on the dentition;
  • short period of adaptation;
  • short course of treatment due to low friction;
  • ease of care when toothbrush does not cling to hooks and locks;
  • for correcting malocclusion in case of periodontal diseases, ligature-free braces are ideal;
  • there are color models;
  • reducing the number of visits to the dentist (once every 2-3 months);
  • increased aesthetics.

Advantages of ligature systems

The spring arch is the main advantage of the ligature brace system. When installing the arch, the doctor stretches it across the entire dentition. Trying to return to the original position, she slowly but surely aligns the position of her teeth. In addition, braces with a ligature have other advantages:

  • certain types of malocclusion can be corrected only with the help of a ligature construction;
  • high positive prognosis for healing the defect;
  • the use of sapphire and ceramics, transparent rubber bands, which increases the aesthetic value of the product;
  • inexpensive installation cost, unlike self-ligating systems.

Which braces are better?

Let us turn to the opinion of orthodontists who claim that today best performance have self-ligating systems. Non-ligating braces are preferred by those patients who are very concerned about appearance. Reliability, strength, and optimal impact on the dentition inherent in self-ligating braces have been tested and proven by time.

  • The disadvantage of metal self-ligating braces is that they are quite noticeable, unlike other materials.
  • Ceramic and sapphire self-ligating models are durable and more aesthetically pleasing, but are inferior to metal systems in terms of reliability.
  • IN sapphire braces the light is not retained, and the products become invisible on the surface of the teeth.
  • Ceramic products are similar in their technical specifications on products made from artificial sapphires, but have a matte tint and differ from the color of tooth enamel. Both materials are not subject to staining during wear and retain their original color throughout the entire treatment.

Having familiarized ourselves with the design features of various brace systems and studied their pros and cons, we can approach the issue of choice. Let's consider models regarding the patient's age.

Beautiful teeth can be called business card any successful person. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a good impression on a client or sexual partner if you have crooked or damaged teeth. But most importantly medical problems resulting from malocclusion. As state-of-the-art methods To correct the bite, non-ligature braces are used. We will try to understand why dentists call these structures “a new word in orthodontics” in our article.

Braces mean brackets made of ceramic or metal, which are installed on the inner or outer surface teeth. These plates are fastened together with special ultra-thin wires. They allow you to solve many orthodontic problems associated with poor alignment of teeth in the oral cavity. Braces are not only much more aesthetically pleasing than previously used plates. These devices are as comfortable as possible for the patient and can improve the bite of people of any age.

If a person doesn’t care much about the appearance of his teeth, does he need to correct his malocclusion? The answer is clear: yes! This is simply necessary to do in order to maintain health, since malocclusion has the following consequences:

  • Impaired chewing of food leads to problems at work digestive system and the appearance of chronic ailments;
  • uneven load on the teeth (some teeth “walk”, while others take on double the load) leads to destruction and early loss of teeth;
  • food gets into large spaces between the teeth, which injures the teeth and contributes to the development of caries;
  • malocclusion weakens mandibular joints and leads to their inflammation;
  • with a small jaw size, the teeth cannot fully erupt and grow above or below the place allotted to them.

The principle of operation of non-ligature braces

When talking about the advantages of ligature-free structures, you need to remember on what principle conventional braces operate. Their use is possible because the teeth of a person of any age can change their position. Thanks to a specially calculated and targeted effect, the teeth move in the desired direction. Braces create pressure on the dentition, causing the teeth to shift by about 1 mm per month.

Design of conventional braces

The basis of the design of conventional braces is the arch, which forces the teeth to accept the required form. The arch is attached to each tooth using special plates (braces). In conventional braces, the arch is fixed with special ligatures (elastic or metal). To achieve desired effect, the teeth have to overcome not only the resistance of the jaw muscles, but also the frictional force created by the ligature.

Design of non-ligature braces

Ligature-free braces are self-adjusting structures. The principle of their operation is physiological, as it is based on holding the arc with clasps of invisible clamps. This unique design allows the braces to slide freely along the teeth. In this case, minimal pressure is applied to the teeth, since they do not need to overcome the frictional force from the ligatures. In such devices, the archwire is attached to the teeth using a locking mechanism without the use of unnecessary locking. This free sliding is more physiological and allows you to correct the position of the teeth in a shorter time, without pain and discomfort. If traditional braces have to be worn for at least 2-3 years, then the period of wearing self-ligating varieties is reduced to one and a half years.

Advantages of a ligature-free braces system

Bite correction using ligature-free braces has a number of advantages compared to the use of traditional designs. Without rigid fixation, such brace systems do not disrupt the blood circulation of the tissues and do not destroy the periodontium. If oral hygiene is maintained, patients with these types of braces are minimally susceptible to caries. When using such modern methods bite correction, patients are maximally protected from various injuries to the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks and gums. Having such braces, patients are much less likely to go to the orthodontist for correction and examination.

What are the advantages of a ligature-free braces system in comparison with a traditional one? Let's consider the main advantages of this treatment:

  • external aesthetics;
  • safety of use due to the absence of reaction with saliva and the risk of damage to the mucous membrane;
  • quick addiction;
  • reduction of bite correction time and faster achievement of effect;
  • no need to remove permanent teeth;
  • quick installation and removal of the bracket system;
  • calculation individual program alignment for each individual tooth;
  • minimum painful sensations And quick adaptation patients due to gentle pressure on the teeth;
  • high degree of comfort and ease of oral care thanks to the miniature design and self-regulating systems;
  • fewer visits to the dentist (usually once every 2-3 months);
  • the possibility of installing this system for people with periodontal diseases.

Types of non-ligature braces

Modern non-ligature braces come in three types: metal and combined. Also, such devices are produced in two types: vestibular (external) and lingual (internal).

Metal braces

Metal braces are valued by experts for their reliability and simplicity. Metal structures are the most durable, but are inferior in aesthetics to ceramic products. However, many patients wear metal braces with pleasure, decorating them with bright colored ligatures. Such correction devices are made from steel, titanium or even gold. And although the price of such braces is usually affordable (excluding products made of gold), some patients find metal structures inconvenient for themselves. Dental structures from Damon 3MX, Damon Q, Smart Clip, In-ovation R are made from metal.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are especially suitable for those patients for whom aesthetics is extremely important. They are also called “invisible”. This type of design is one of the most modern, and it is they that are preferred by many specialists and patients. Such products can be color-matched to match any shade of tooth enamel. Such braces do not oxidize in the mouth, and wearing them does not cause any particular inconvenience to patients. The strength of these devices is provided by the addition of polycrystalline or monocrystalline metal to the crystals. The bracket systems Clarity SL, Damon 3, Damon Clear are produced from ceramics.

Ligature-free braces from various manufacturers

On modern stage developments in dentistry, the choice of self-ligating braces is quite large. Almost every serious manufacturing company has its own design of non-removable devices for bite correction. Let's look at the features of several of the most popular types of non-ligature braces.

  • are very aesthetic, as they are made from a material that is not noticeable against the background of the teeth. This design is leading and has several modifications.
  • (3MX, Q) are highly comfortable for patients, as they have a miniature size, smooth edges and an original lid. Patients quickly get used to long-term wearing such devices. These designs are used for complex forms of bite pathologies.
  • have unique devices that, thanks to snapping, allow you to ideally select the arc force. They have an excellent healing effect.
  • The In Ovation system has the most convenient locking mechanism and several modified options (lingual, ceramic, metal). Allows you to effectively control any tooth movements.
  • are considered the best views lingual constructions. They are made individually for each patient based on a computer image of a cast of his teeth and are invisible, as they are placed with inside teeth. This model is very compact and does not affect the patient’s diction in any way. The model is hypoallergenic, as it contains the addition of gold in its alloy.

How long do you wear braces?

Only an orthodontist knows about this. At the time of diagnosis, the doctor informs the patient about the expected period of wearing the proposed design. The duration of wearing correction devices is influenced by the type of deformity and individual characteristics patient (age, tooth mobility, oral health). During the correction process, the timing of wearing braces may often be revised.

Using the latest ligature-free braces, you don’t have to be afraid of inconvenience, pain or the unaesthetic appearance of your teeth. Just 20 years ago, this model of treating malocclusion was considered fantastic, and patients were forced to wear terrible bulky plates that did not allow a person to eat and speak normally. Thanks to the use of cutting-edge self-ligating braces, you can comfortably and painlessly correct a bite of any degree of complexity. According to experts, ligature-free braces have a bright future.

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The ligature braces system is a popular way to create an ideal dentition. There is a classification based on the material used as the basis of the structure, as well as a distinction based on the method of fastening. Ligature braces are a classic system that is preferred by most patients.


The ligature system is one of the foundations of orthodontic therapy. Most of the deviations associated with malocclusion, can be corrected precisely thanks to its installation. The design consists of connecting braces to an arch using a ring made of metal, which is called a ligature. In some cases, wire is used instead. Overall, this is a flexible mechanism that is capable of stably maintaining an arc in the hole of the element. The movement of teeth that are fixed with ligature braces occurs quite slowly due to overcoming great strength friction. To reduce it, elastic ligatures are often used.

The bracket system in question is:

  • Colored;
  • Transparent;
  • With decorative elements.

Metal ligature braces have a silver color system. With this type of braces, the fastening is reliable. However, if the structure is displaced, only a professional can make adjustments.

Existing types of ligature braces

The ligature bracket system is divided into types that differ in the material used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Ceramic. Distinctive feature- the design is almost invisible on the teeth, but the cost is many times higher than that of a metal-based competitor. Ceramic ligature braces can be polycrystalline, with excellent aesthetic properties, or monocrystalline. The latter are of high quality. The second name for braces is sapphire; each component of the structure is made of sapphire of artificial origin, which visually closely resembles a natural tooth.
  2. Combined/combined. Based on the name, it is clear that this is a combination of ceramic and metal elements.

Pros and cons of ceramics and metal as a base

The metal ligature bracket system is popular due to several parameters that distinguish it from other types:

  • High strength
  • Classic look.
  • Optimal cost for installation.

Disadvantages include visibility when smiling, as well as the need for frequent dental examinations - at least once every 30 days.

Ceramics as the basis of an orthodontic structure is practically invisible on the teeth and is of high quality material. However, the high cost and difficulty in removing braces affect the popularity of such systems. In addition, the material may become stained by colored foods.

The combination of ceramics + metal provides an aesthetic appearance of the structure, as well as a very affordable cost. “Minus” - with a wide smile, all metal fastening elements become noticeable.

According to data, today there are about 10 different systems based on ligature. In demand:

  • "Pilot";
  • "Victory";
  • "Tiger";
  • "Master".

Materials: metal, plastic, sapphire

Metal ligature braces are made from high-strength titanium, its alloy, and nickel. This design has low cost, promotes quick treatment Metal-based braces can help even with severe deviations.

Plastic-based systems are used quite rarely, even despite the low cost of the material itself and the ability to select a color that blends with the natural shade of the teeth. The reason for this is short term use of the structure due to low strength and allergen content. Plus, such ligature braces easily change color when consuming food with added dyes. There is a risk of destruction during therapy.

Invisibility, strength, resistance to staining - all these are sapphire ligature braces. But many users note not only their positive, but also negative characteristics. Not everyone can afford to purchase a design based on artificial sapphires. In addition, dentists do not recommend using them for treatment in children due to their strong adhesion to the teeth. During the removal process, the sensitive enamel of children's teeth can be easily damaged.

Gold and ceramics

Gold structures are a unique type of metal systems. The braces are based on medical steel, which is coated with gold plating. There is a misconception that installing such an orthodontic structure is a sign of luxury. The main goal of the developers is aimed at the use of gold braces by patients suffering from abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ceramic systems are distinguished by a combination of all the advantages of plastic and sapphire structures. These ligatures about which, in most cases, have only a positive connotation. These systems do not cause irritation during use and allergies. The cost of ceramics is much lower compared to sapphire designs.

When choosing braces, most patients are guided only by the financial side. However, the final decision should only be made by a specialist. In order to reduce the cost, you can combine existing options. A ceramic structure is placed on the visible part, and metal on the visually distant part.


Ligature braces are strictly prohibited for small children or complete absence teeth. In some cases, the dentist may advise postponing the procedure:

  • If you are prone to allergies.
  • If periodontitis is diagnosed.
  • In case of insufficient oral hygiene.
  • If the patient suffers from certain mental illnesses.
  • If the patient does not want to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Advantages of the ligature system in general

Ligature brace systems are characterized by high functionality and the ability to restore bite even with serious initial deviations. When installing such structures, you can be sure of good results therapy. It is noted that it is possible to use braces that are hardly noticeable when smiling, made of ceramics or artificial sapphires using transparent elastic bands. They have a lower cost compared to non-ligature systems.


The main disadvantages of bracket systems with ligature include:

  1. Frequent replacement elastic elements which lose their elasticity over time.
  2. When installing braces with rigid ligatures, unpleasant pain occurs.
  3. Bulky design, which can complicate hygiene procedures.
  4. Possibility of coloring elements with natural and artificial colors contained in food.
  5. The course of treatment lasts longer than when using self-regulating systems.

In addition, it is worth considering that installing ligature braces requires regular visits to the doctor, approximately once a month. In any case, the choice of the type of orthodontic structures should be based on the recommendations experienced specialist, after a thorough inspection and identification of the existing problem.



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