Is ASD a miracle drug for all diseases? Price, where can I buy? During pregnancy and lactation.

Humanity has never stopped looking for a medicine that could be considered a panacea and that could cure all diseases, prolong life, and preserve youth. The drug ASD, despite the fact that it has not yet been recognized traditional medicine, is a real breakthrough. But for many reasons they do not want to recognize it in official medicine.

The history of the drug is shrouded in mysteries and secrets. Even if everything is complicated, confusing and not yet clear to most, we will try to tell how the first faction was created, what was used for this, what were the main goals of the invention of “living water”.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Where can I buy ASD 1f or find instructions for use for humans?

Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant of the first fraction, according to the inventor’s daughter O.A. Dorogova, ceased to be produced after the invention of purer and more effective fractions 2 and 3. The ASD-1F instructions are therefore also nowhere to be found.

Today you can only purchase the second and third factions. They are produced by several companies: Armavir Biofactory and NEC “Agrovetzaschita”. You can buy medications at a veterinary pharmacy.

2. What reviews are there about ASD 1?

There are a lot of reviews on the drug. The first ones were found in materials from the 50s. According to, the medicine actually cured complex diseases.

“For nine years, my daughters suffered from tuberculosis, no drugs helped. Then it was decided to ask A. Dorogov for help. The eldest took the drug for nine months. When examining the lungs, two large cavities and lesions disappeared.”

Secret order of the Kremlin or medicine for soldiers

Mid-Atomic Age – scary time in history, but full of hope for Dorogov. It was then that a medicine was invented, which was nicknamed “living water.”

In 1943, during the development of nuclear weapons, the government entrusted various laboratories of institutes and academies (there were more than several dozen) with a top-secret task, the purpose of which was to invent as soon as possible universal protective drug, which is able to withstand radiation and remove its consequences. Ideally, it should have been a product that could save human lives in extreme conditions, including wars.

For all its healing properties, the elixir should significantly increase protective properties body, be cheap, and not included in the scarcity group.

Serious, practically impossible goals and rigid boundaries have baffled most groups of scientists. But Dorogov and his laboratory of veterinary sciences were not afraid of difficulties. It was the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine that was entrusted with this super task. Development of the elixir began in 1945. And in 1947, the drug was already invented and named ASD - Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant.

The fame of living water grew very quickly. But there were also envious people here. Doctors, scientists - they were all surprised how a veterinarian could make medicine for people, and even call it by his last name. For a long time, despite the mass of medicinal properties, the medicine was not considered a drug for people. Anger, aggression, hatred of “colleagues” - the scientist experienced all this himself.

There is another guess why the government ordered the task of making this kind of elixir. Since it was a war time, the Soviet army needed strong, strong soldiers. And to make them more resilient and stronger, you need a miracle drug, which ASD turned out to be.

Why frogs?

The person who managed to make a big step in the medical field or even a breakthrough is Alexey Vlasovich Dorogov. He was a professor, veterinarian, candidate of veterinary sciences.

The first fraction of ASD was obtained from the tissues of river frogs. There are many stories among people about how local kids carried frogs to the scientist for a good reward. There is an assumption that Dorogov changed the raw materials and began to use animal meat and bone meal instead of frog tissue for the simple reason that local residents expressed obvious disapproval due to the disappearance of useful amphibians.

What was the veterinarian guided by when he decided to use frog tissue to make ASD? Most likely, when choosing raw materials, the scientist asked himself: which of the animals is most adapted to life in extreme conditions. In order to conduct such an analysis, veterinary knowledge alone is not enough. You need to understand zoology and physiology.

He considered amphibians and reptiles to be such animals. The choice fell on frogs, since they don’t care about heat and cold, dirt and dryness. In winter they freeze, and in spring they come to life, which means that they are able to survive in extreme conditions. They eat absolutely everything, live anywhere and everywhere (trees, water, earth). It is obvious that in extreme conditions their bodies produce special substances that help them survive and maintain vitality. Why not use this to human advantage?

The secrets of creating “living water”

He asked the guys to catch frogs. They brought him raw materials by the bucketful. The rest was up to the scientist. He was not an alchemist. But apparently he was pretty good at it. He was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating a medicine that could easily cope with all human ailments.

Hope for recognition, faith in one’s strengths and capabilities, a lot of accumulated knowledge, intuition, sleepless nights, days on end in the laboratory - all this contributed to the invention of, if not a panacea, then a very effective drug.

The scientist conducted one experiment after another, corrected errors and drew conclusions. Each time, the confidence that the path was correct increased. He had to do all sorts of things when processing frog tissue: he burned them, boiled them, boiled them. But as it turned out, everything ingenious is simple. Dorogov was helped in creating the product by a device used in the Middle Ages, similar to a moonshine still.

After obtaining a strange-looking condensate, the scientist examined it and discovered that the liquid was endowed with toxic substances of the phenolic series. To remove toxins the doctor used egg white. This is how a substance appeared, which the inventor called Dorogov’s Antiseptic-Stimulant.

The first people on whom he studied the effect of his creation were other farm animals. The results were inspiring, the medicine turned out to be very effective - after its use, most of the animals recovered. ASD of the first fraction easily coped with intestinal and pulmonary pathologies, plague, ringworm, hoof rot, and foot rot. Detailed modern instructions for treating animals.

Dermatitis, eczema, scabies, and wounds, including sluggish wounds that did not heal for a long time, were cured especially quickly. So the inventor found out that ASD 1f has pronounced:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antiseptic;
  3. wound healing;
  4. immunostimulating;
  5. antibacterial;
  6. general strengthening properties.

The process of manufacturing the drug took place in the hungry 40s. Due to the fact that the scientist used eggs to cleanse the drug from toxins, the medicine turned out to be expensive. In addition, catching frogs has become quite problematic, especially in winter.

There is no limit to perfection

It was decided to improve and slightly change the drug. The doctor began by trying to separate phenols. When the liquid is separated and heated, all light and dirty fractions should float to the surface. But everything did not go according to plan, as it turned out, for good reason. During the next experiment, the scientist was called to a meeting. Dorogov turned off the heat and went to the authorities.

Arriving at the laboratory in the morning, he saw that a miracle had happened. Experiments that took a lot of time did not need to be continued. The liquid that was in the vessel cooled down and divided into two fractions. On top it was dark, almost black with high concentration toxic substances, and below - amber, almost red - the purest!

Having dealt with the separation of toxins, one more problem remained - raw materials. Long thoughts gave rise to an excellent idea - to use instead of frog tissues the carcasses of fur-bearing animals that are thrown away on fur farms, that is, waste. Later, the scientist tried to use other animal tissues for his medicine. But as it turned out, it doesn’t matter what animal tissue is used, the principle of operation of the ASD remains the same.

ASD 1F - what is it?

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is a product of dry distillation of animal tissue (meat and bone meal). During high-temperature sublimation, splitting occurs organic matter(proteins, fats, nucleic acids and carbohydrates) to low molecular weight components, which in their structure are similar to metabolites of cellular metabolism and, therefore, are inherent in a living organism. It is from low molecular weight components that every animal organism, in particular humans, is built.

The drug is devoid of and, it is well tolerated by the body and is not rejected by it.

1951 – the breach is broken, support from Stalin and Beria

For a long time, the medicine of the first fraction and the next two (second and ) were not recognized by medicine. In 1951, the inventor was issued copyright certificates. On March 17, 1951, the drug was approved for widespread use in medicine.

Dorogov spent all his time in the laboratory, conducting experiments, giving recommendations on the use of the elixir for the treatment of pathologies in humans and animals. He treated everyone for free.

After addressed to I.V. Stalin received a letter about the healing of two girls from tuberculosis, he gave green light for the treatment of ASD. He gave the go-ahead for the use of the drug and L.P. Beria. It was with the help of Dorogov’s invention that Beria’s mother was saved from a serious illness - uterine cancer with metastases to the lungs and liver.

The miraculous power of SDA is also its weak side

Everyone knew that the drug cured even the most dangerous ailments. But soon everything changed radically. L.P. Beria, who recently gave the go-ahead for a wide and official application ASD, turned to I.V. Stalin with a request to transfer the antiseptic stimulant and all its fractions to the category veterinary drugs. A similar request was made:

  1. a reduction in treatment time for almost all pathologies and, ultimately, a reduction in the number of medical personnel and a decrease in the production of many medicines;
  2. an increase in the average life expectancy of the disabled population by an average of 10-20 years, which can lead to stress on the Housing and Pension Funds.

Stalin approved the memorandum. All data on the healing of fatal illnesses, properties, and composition of the medicine were again classified.

The history of the drug is long, the path of invention is complex and thorny. The reasons for this government behavior are obvious. Who knows, maybe this is the fate of ASD, and maybe in the near future the drug will be officially recognized...

The medicine ASD is called the “elixir of life”; many people have already appreciated its effectiveness. But the drug is included in the group of veterinary medicines, official medicine has not yet recognized it.

ASD stands for antiseptic Dorogov stimulant

ASD - what is it?

The drug ASD is a natural product. Previously, they used frog skins for it, now they use meat and bone meal. Under the influence high temperatures organic substances begin to break down into low molecular weight compounds, which ensures the penetration of the drug through all barriers into the human body.

Release form and composition

The main active ingredients are adaptogens, these compounds are produced by cells immediately before death. The composition of ASD of any fraction contains carboxylic acids, aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons, purified water, amide derivatives, a sulfhydryl group and its compounds.

Release form:

  1. Fraction ASD-2. A pale yellow solution with characteristic odor, dissolves completely in water, can be taken orally, used externally. The liquid is packaged in dark glass containers of 50, 100, 200 ml, packed in cardboard boxes.
  2. Fraction ASD-3. A viscous black or dark brown liquid, soluble in ethanol and oils, insoluble in water, has a very pungent odor. Suitable for topical use only. The solution is in a dark glass bottle with a volume of 50, 100, 200 ml, which is packed in a cardboard box.
  3. Dorogov candles. Suppositories contain 5 drops of ASD-2 and cocoa butter. Candles are packed in cardboard boxes of 10 pcs.

The ASD-3 fraction is included in the group of moderately dangerous drugs - in moderate doses it has therapeutic properties, if the dosage is exceeded, it can lead to poisoning.

ASD fraction 3

Price and where to buy

ASD is not registered as medicinal product, officially it is not suitable for humans, but is intended exclusively for treating animals.

You cannot buy it in regular pharmacies; you can buy it in veterinary pharmacies, pet stores, online stores.

The cost of the solution is 180–220 rubles. for 100 ml, candles cost 340 rubles.

ASD indications and scope of application

ASD is an adaptogen, antiseptic and immunomodulator, restores the functions of all systems. The solution is used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of various origins– the medicine helps eliminate problems of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine systems Yes, the product is used in gynecology, urology, and dentistry.

Indications for use:

  • bronchial asthma, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis;
  • varicose veins, arthrosis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fibroma, myoma, uterine and breast cancer, excessive vaginal dryness, mastopathy, infertility, hormonal imbalance;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • prostatitis, impotence;
  • damage to the organs of vision;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, large intestine, diseases duodenum;
  • renal pathologies, hepatitis;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors;
  • periodontal disease, stomatitis.
  • chronic hypertension.

Eczema is just one of the problems that ASD medicine fights.

ASD is recommended for use by people who are often exposed to hypothermia; the drug helps prevent the development of respiratory diseases, pulmonary pathologies, and respiratory diseases. The product is used to treat open wounds, dermatological rashes, fungal infections caused by Candida fungi.

ASD is also used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles, improvement of skin condition; the product is indispensable for weakened hair. Helps eliminate the initial signs of alopecia.

Indications for the use of suppositories are similar to solutions; they are especially effective for getting rid of cervical erosion, hemorrhoids, impotence, anal itching and polyps, to prevent the development of colorectal cancer. The main advantage of candles is active ingredients penetrate the bloodstream faster.

Pharmacological action

When adaptogens penetrate into tissues, they transmit information to damaged cells about the need to recover - mobilization of all hidden reserves body, strong immunity begins to actively fight foreign cells and pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug ASD does not have a direct effect on pathogenic microbes, but gives the body the strength and ability to independently fight pathogenic microflora.

The main medicinal properties of the drug:

  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increases the efficiency of enzymes, normalizes the functions of the digestive glands;
  • activates work immune system;
  • accelerates the regeneration process.

ASD medicine helps the body heal itself

The only drawback of the product is a very specific and strong smell; the solution smells like rotten meat. When trying to improve the aroma, the therapeutic qualities of the drug decrease.

Instructions for use of ASD

ASD for internal use should always be diluted with chilled water, milk or unsweetened tea. The drug should be taken half an hour before meals. For compresses, you can only use sterile gauze and parchment to prevent rapid evaporation of the solution.

Standard treatment regimen

On the seventh day you need to take a break, then drink 35 drops of the medicine twice a day.

Before using the medicine, you do not need to remove the protective rubber cap; you need to insert a disposable syringe, shake the container, draw required quantity solution, do not remove the needle from the lid. Enter medical drug into the water slowly to avoid foam.

Taking ASD orally

The standard regimen can be used for treatment various pathologies, but for some diseases there are certain features of administration. Drink medicinal solution you need to do it twice a day for 5 days, after which you take a three-day break.

ASD can make the blood thicker, to avoid this you need to eat daily sour berries, citrus fruits. Additionally, you should drink at least 2.5 liters clean water per day to quickly remove toxic waste.

External use of ASD

For psoriasis and others dermatological diseases, for the treatment of joints, you need to mix 5 drops of any fraction with 100 ml of flaxseed or olive oil. Soak the solution in a section of thin natural fabric, apply to the affected area, keep the compress until completely dry.

External use of ASD for certain diseases:

  1. For severe toothache, mix 5 drops of solution and 60 ml of water, soak cotton wool in the mixture, and apply to the inflamed gum.
  2. In case of fungal infections of the epidermis and nails, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with the ASD-3 fraction; they must first be washed with a soap solution.
  3. Inhalations for the treatment of respiratory diseases, rhinitis, colds - dissolve 10 ml of ASD in 1 liter of boiling water, breathe in the steam for 6-7 minutes.
  4. Douching for gynecological pathologies, thrush, venereal diseases. Dissolve 5 drops of the drug in 500 ml of warm water, carry out the procedure twice a day.

The drug ASD can be used for inhalation

To improve hair condition, prevent baldness, treat dandruff and seborrhea. Prepare a 1% solution - dilute 1 ml of antiseptic stimulant in 100 ml of water, rub into the skin every other day an hour before washing your hair. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to mix 5 drops of the fraction with 100 ml baby cream, rub the mixture twice a day until completely absorbed.

Application of ASD in oncology

ASD has become a real salvation for many people who could not recover from cancer for a long time. The drug does not destroy cancer cells, but quickly stops their growth, eliminates pain syndrome, consequences of intoxication after chemotherapy.

Gentle cancer treatment regimen

On the seventh day you need to take a break and take the medicine for another 2 weeks according to the specified regimen. Take a break for 7 days, continue treatment - the initial dose is 5 drops, it needs to be increased every day by 2 units. Continue therapy for 4 weeks. The medicine should be taken in the morning half an hour before breakfast, dissolved required dose ASD-2 in 35 ml of water.

For advanced forms, you can take 5 ml of solution twice a day, but this treatment regimen requires constant medical supervision, since such a dose of solution is considered shocking to the body.

Can ASD be used for HIV?

ASD activates protective functions, helps the body fight various foreign cells. But doctors have doubts about the advisability of using the drug in patients with a positive HIV status. The drug is an immunomodulator - these drugs are contraindicated in HIV-infected people.

But on the Internet you can find many positive feedback about the use of ASD for immunodeficiency. Treatment regimen: dissolve 1 ml of liquid in 45–55 ml of water, drink twice a day half an hour before meals. After 5 days of therapy, take a break for 48 hours. Additionally, it is recommended to take choleretic and diuretic drugs.

How to use candles

You can use 1–3 suppositories per day, it is better to place them immediately before bedtime; you should first empty your intestines and do a cleansing enema.

Instructions for using candles:

  1. IN anal hole for hemorrhoids and polyps, suppositories should be placed to a depth of 10 cm.
  2. The suppository should be inserted vaginally 3–4 cm.
  3. The duration of therapy is 10 days, after which you should take a break for 20 days.

For preventive purposes, a treatment course of ASD can be carried out twice a year.

It is better to administer ASD suppositories before bedtime

Contraindications and side effects

Many manufacturers claim that ASD is absolutely safe remedy, which has no contraindications. But this is not entirely true. The drug should be taken with caution when renal pathologies. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment with any type of fraction during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

ASD actively stimulates the central nervous system, which can cause severe overexcitation. Therefore, the drug is not used in pediatrics; it is contraindicated for nervous and cardiovascular pathologies in the acute stage.

At the initial stage, many patients experience deterioration in coordination of movement, disorientation in space, and unpleasant sensations in the epigastric zone. If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking ASD.

Sometimes when taking ASD, pain in the epigastric region may occur.

During treatment for ASD, any alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, development may occur severe complications– from poisoning to pathological changes in the tissues of the liver and kidneys.

Compatibility with other drugs

Clinical studies on the compatibility of ASD with other drugs have not been conducted. But those doctors who recognize the effectiveness of the drug recommend not to stop taking the main medications and use fractions as an auxiliary method of therapy.

Some experts believe that ASD neutralizes the effect of other medications, so it is best to take it 2-3 hours after taking the main medications.

1. We have obtained test solutions of three degrees of sensitivity, called SA-18-1, SA-18-2 And SA-18-3, which allow us to identify best degree purification of the drug different manufacturers. Look photo app.

2. We have developed ASD-2 tertiary treatment system. In fact, we received new modernized or activated ASD-2. It is unique in a number of ways. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, but note that its digestibility when taken orally is an order of magnitude higher. This has been confirmed by a number of experiments on living objects. In the future we will call our cleaned and activated ASD-2 drug ASD-A. In addition to post-purification, we were able to significantly increase its activity. Hence the name - ASD-Activated (ASD-A). Perhaps this is the first step towards getting ASD-1. For now, we can only safely note that ASD-A, this is no longer ASD-2. This indicates a whole series laboratory research. Currently ASD-A is being tested on volunteers and laboratory animals. So far, THANK GOD, the results are excellent. We promise to keep you updated on our research and look forward to your feedback.
From various sources we have received information that ASD-1 was received Dorogov purely by chance. Although, as it seems to us, any accident in science is natural. However, it should be noted that this was a preparation made not only from frogs, but also from other living creatures of marine origin. These were jellyfish. What could be the connection between frogs and jellyfish? It seems like nothing, but this is only at first glance. Let's remember how jellyfish sting when they touch your body floating in the sea. Now remember the sensations after fixing the frog in your hands. All the healing properties of frogs are concentrated in the substances of its skin and mucus. That’s exactly how jellyfish secrete a special substance. Perhaps it is in these secretions that the healing secrets are contained ASD-1. Unfortunately, this is in the past. Currently the main raw material for production ASD there is meat and bone meal, but there are definitely no frogs or jellyfish there. And once again we want to note that we in no way question the quality ASD-2 all manufacturers. Any differences in production can be both a minus and a big plus of these drugs. Quality can be assessed solely by its medicinal properties. We hope that only your feedback will help us all choose the best drug in terms of medicinal qualities.


We often forget that the new is the well-forgotten old. Thermal sublimation of frog tissues with various additives, condensation of the resulting vapors into liquid, and separation of the resulting liquid into fractions were known long before the birth of Christ.
Doctors made a biologically active liquid from frog tissue, which they used to treat people and animals for almost all diseases.

In the 13th - 15th centuries in Rus', such a liquid was worth its weight in gold. In Europe, it was called the elixir of life, because it saved many peoples from extinction during numerous epidemics. But the wars in Rus' and the Inquisition in the West destroyed ancient knowledge!

Only legends have reached us about the “liquid of sorcerers.”
But Dorogov, contrary to general scientific skepticism, believed in them and recreated the medicine based on ancient recipes. This is how a drug appeared that had no equal and probably still doesn’t have one.

A.V. Dorogov created the so-called “biological bomb” - ASD F-1

Microdoses of this substance were treated for almost all diseases, except those that can only be treated surgically. With its help it would be possible to stop the production of 75 to 90% of all existing drugs! A platoon of soldiers guarded Dorogov and his laboratory tissue therapy, where the ASD F-1 was manufactured top secret (only I.V. Stalin and L.P. Beria knew). (...the pre-slaughter state of bio-raw materials is important. He also used additives from live jellyfish when creating the ASD F-1 (see "Top Secret", 3/91, p. 2). (.. A bioelectromagnetic field is formed in the ASD (from molecules DNA, their fragments, etc.), which helps eliminate a possible “energy hole” in the patient and reduce the harmful effects of geopathogenic zones on people). When leaving, all laboratory employees were searched to exclude unauthorized removal of the drug.

Oppressed by the regime of special secrecy in 1953, Dorogov sent a letter to the Minister of Health A.S. Tretyakov, where he proposed to openly train doctors in his technique of tissue therapy and create a specialized clinic for this.

But the innovative scientist received a verbal refusal. Until now, much remains unclear about the fate of the inventor and his drug. Suddenly, prosecutorial prosecution begins, under the pretext of illegal medical activities, Dorogov’s dismissal from VIEV and the closure of the tissue therapy laboratory he headed. It all ended on October 8, 1957, with the tragic death of Alexei Vlasovich not far from his home... (found in the morning, dying in the “red corner” of carbon monoxide poisoning).

What now? For more than 50 years, the drug ASD has existed after the death of its creator. It is quiet. It’s as if he doesn’t exist. In medicine, the use of ASD is not encouraged, but at the categorical request of the patient, it is not prohibited. Most doctors have never even heard of it. Many methods for using ASD F-2 and ASD F-3 for treating people have been lost, and the technology for creating that very “biological bomb” - ASD F-1 has been lost. The Armavir biofactory produces only the 2nd and 3rd fractions of the drug. And then, for the needs of veterinary medicine. Advanced doctors who use ASD F-2 at their own risk in their medical practice, convinced of wide range its application. Such difficult-to-treat diseases as psoriasis and neurodermatitis, tuberculosis and bronchial asthma, mastopathy and fibroids can be successfully corrected with the help of Professor Dorogov’s “living water”. At correct use ASD recorded normalization of the nervous and endocrine systems, a persistent increase in nonspecific immunity and sexual activity, and normalization of metabolism. It reduces obesity, eliminates sexual disorders, improves the condition of diabetics.

Doesn't this drug deserve to have its official use expanded?

Recently, a memo from L.P. was found in one of the NKVD archives. Beria to I.V. Stalin. It says:

“...due to the fact that the official medical use of the drug invented by Professor A.V. Dorogov. inevitably

It will lead to a reduction in treatment time for most diseases, and as a consequence, to a reduction in the number of medical personnel and to a decrease in the industrial production of many medicines;

Increase average duration the life of the disabled population of the USSR by an average of 15-20 years, which will lead to unreasonable loads on the Pension and Housing Funds,

I propose to transfer the drugs ASD F-1, ASD F-2 and ASD F-3 to the category of veterinary drugs...”

And Stalin’s resolution: “I APPROVED”

Revival of the drug ASD-2 A lot of work has been done over many years by specialists from Areal-Medical LLC together with followers of Dorogov’s case, namely his daughter O.A. Dorogova. and wife Deryabina Z.I. This made it possible to restore the original quality of ASD.

The requirements for the quality of the drug were justified by A.V. Nikolaev, and Z.I. Deryabina, who also established that from a chemical point of view, the drug represents a complex mixture of inorganic nitrogenous substances (up to 15%) in the form of ammonium salts and organic substances, among which primary and secondary amines, fatty carboxylic acids, and their amides were identified and ammonium salts, choline esters of carboxylic acids. It was also shown that chemical composition The preparation depends mainly on the quality of the starting raw material - meat and bone meal, which must contain at least 50% protein and 12-15% lipids...

For the first time, research has been carried out at the modern level biological properties of the drug and the chemical composition of its organic compounds is determined - 5 main groups that provide its preventive and therapeutic effect. These active ingredients are determined by NMR spectrometry for each production batch and are indicated in the quality certificate. New ones have been developed to replace outdated technical documentation technical specifications(TU 9336-003-54935098-02) and instructions for use. The Areal Medical company has established industrial production of the drug using modern equipment manufactured according to a special project.

Only high-quality raw materials of animal origin with a protein content of more than 60% are used, due to which the drug contains a higher percentage of active ingredients. A high degree of purification guarantees the absence of ballast toxic substances (in particular free ammonia) and improved organoleptic properties.

At present (2004), the task of developing sound methods for determining the quality indicators of the drug ASD-2, which is an aqueous fraction of the condensate of thermal decomposition products of meat and bone meal and widely used in veterinary practice, continues to remain relevant....

To talk about ASD, its fate and how in demand it is now, we asked a person who has been working directly with ASD for more than 30 years, the daughter of the inventor, candidate of medical sciences, immunologist Olga Alekseevna Dorogova.

- How did production begin?

Initially, the drug was produced in small quantities in my father's laboratory. Since 1953, industrial production was established at the Akrikhin chemical and pharmaceutical plant. Since 1955 it has been produced at the Gusevsky creoline plant. In 1965, production was transferred to the Kashintsevskaya and Armavir biofactories.

- Recently, the drug ASD from Areal Medical LLC has appeared, and why is your name associated with it?

Until recently, the Armavir biofactory was the only manufacturer of the ASD drug. However, from year to year the quality of the drug produced steadily fell. There were numerous complaints about the quality of the drug. Most likely, this is due to a violation of production technology and the use of cheap, low-quality raw materials. Technical conditions and quality control methods are outdated. In addition, I categorically disagreed with the fact that the Armavir biofactory uses protein to produce the drug ASD plant origin from grains and beans. This is not ASD, but a mixture of ASD and Mitroshin liquid, obtained by heat treatment of meat and bone meal and grain. In this regard, the need arose to create an ASD drug that meets the requirements that the author, my father, once placed on it. For seven years, active collaboration continued between me and the specialists of Areal Medical LLC, namely, with professionals in high-temperature pyrolysis, biochemists, engineers, practitioners in medicine and veterinary medicine. Having received the first samples of the drug produced by Areal Medical LLC, my mother and I were very pleased with the result of many years of work to revive the drug ASD. Special thanks I would like to express my gratitude to Grigory Vasilyevich Kiryutkin and Zoya Ivanovna Deryabina (father’s wife and colleague, who worked from the moment the drug was studied and received) - those people who devoted most of their lives to working with ASD.

- As I understand it, the goal was to revive the former quality of the drug. So what has been achieved?

This enormous work culminated in the creation of a new production facility. New technical specifications, modern quality control methods have been developed and approved, in-depth research composition of the drug and the chemical composition of its active ingredients was determined. Many years of work resulted in the creation of a high-quality drug that corresponds to the prototype. Having received the first vials in my hands, I was very happy, because it corresponded to the ASD that I had known since childhood.

-So, the consumer can have no doubt about the quality of this drug?

Of course, because in the production of ASD 000 "Areal Medical" only high-quality raw materials of animal origin are used. corresponding to GOST. At the same time, additional cleaning frees the drug from ammonia and acids, which can cause inflammation and even tissue necrosis.

-Are there other drugs based on ASD?

Yes, a series of gel creams and targeted balms “ISeDora” have already been created and are widely used for the treatment and prevention of dermatitis and dermatoses of various etiologies.

Many people self-medicate with the drug ASD. Find recommendations on the Internet on how many drops to take for certain diseases. How do you feel about this?

This is a huge disaster, because everyone needs to choose their individual regimen, and not just take 10 drops of ASD 2 times a day. ASD almost always helps. It is non-toxic and unlikely to cause harm. But a knowledgeable doctor still needs to assess the patient’s condition and select treatment for him. Then the effect will not be 10 percent, but the maximum possible. In 2000, I patented the mechanism of action of the drug ASD and its treatment methods. Its production has already been established. The third fraction of ASD (for external use) again received a pharmacological article and is widely used in medicine.

- And the second - those drops that are taken orally?

Not on the list yet? - Not yet, they are officially approved only in veterinary medicine. And this is my biggest concern today - to restore the pharmaceutical article. After receiving it, I would be able to teach doctors how to treat people with ASD. There are many people who want it, specialists know the drug, see the effect of it and use it.

- So, the consumer can have no doubt about the quality of this drug?

Undoubtedly! Because in the production of ASD-2F by Areal Medical LLC, only high-quality raw materials of animal origin that comply with GOST are used. At the same time, the installation for producing the ASD drug was made according to a special project, the principle which was discovered by the father and preserved.

- What would you like to wish to consumers of the drug - ASD?

Buy the drug ASD-2F from Areal Medical LLC - this is a high-quality drug, where the authenticity of the drug is determined with great reliability, using modern methods. The drug ASD-2F produced by Areal Medical LLC, when used correctly, is non-toxic, has no contraindications, does not cause complications, and can be used with other drugs. This drug, in my opinion, is the highest quality and most effective product. The name of my father is dear to me and I am happy that finally a drug has appeared that is worthy of containing not only his name, but also corresponding to the quality, composition and effectiveness that he has been striving for for so long. Yes, I also want to draw the attention of buyers to a new product, more convenient to use and compact packaging of 20 ml, produced jointly by Areal Medical LLC and NVC Agrovetzaschita S-P LLC.

And the last thing I want to say: “Beware of counterfeits, do not buy the drug from dubious companies, ask for a certificate of conformity, this is the only way you can purchase certified and high-quality products.”

Many respected medical institutions We tested the ASD and made our conclusions. Here are just a few of them:

According to the department of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, 69 people were treated with ASD. Of these: with skin disease - 30 people, with cardiovascular hypertension - 13 people, nephritis and neuralgia - 6 people, with chronic pulpitis and peritonitis - 24 people. In all cases there was significant improvement the condition of the patients, and clinical cure - in 56 people.

In the clinic of the 1st building of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, 23 people were treated with the drug, of which 10 had a stable improvement, 10 recovered.

According to the clinic of the Centrosoyuz sanatorium: the drug ASD was used in dental practice in 693 patients various types dentistry, inflammation of the salivary gland, osteomyelitis, etc. 436 people recovered, the condition of 155 people improved significantly.

In the Central Hospital of the USSR Ministry of State Security, out of 15 cases, recovery occurred in 11.

In the clinic of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 1 out of 8 cases there was improvement in 5.

The Zagorodskaya clinic treated 12 people, and in all 12 cases of leprosy there was a significant improvement.

The value of the drug was certified by the director of the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Petrov (treatment of occupational eczema). Director of the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the USSR Ministry of Health Beloshapka said: “The institute used the drug ASD for the treatment of cancer patients for a year with a favorable result in some.”

Nikolai Kolechko. ASD-2. Treatment of impotence, cancer, gynecological and other diseases.

In this book, the author tried to collect all the methods of treating impotence, prostatitis, cancer, gynecological and dermatovenerological, as well as other diseases, accumulated over many years of practice. The main medicine used by the author is ASD fraction 2. Also considered complex techniques use of ASD-2 together with other folk and official medicine. I would like to note on my own behalf: you can drink ASD-2 if you have ailments of an unknown nature, as well as with the onset of ARVI or influenza. I myself was saved several times by a few drops of ASD taken at night, when a cough began or a sore throat began, and the next day an event was scheduled that could not be missed. In addition, ASD helps at various kinds of feasts - a couple of drops (the dose is selected individually according to sensations) in a quarter glass of water 3-4 hours before the feast - and not in any eye even after a couple of bottles of strong alcohol.

Of all the immunostimulants created by our scientists, the best fate went to the drug ASD-2, but not to its author. The drug ASD, fraction 2, is used to treat internal tumors, and simply ASD is used for external ones. The production of these drugs was mastered by industry in Ukraine and Russia - in the city of Armavir. These drugs are officially recommended for use in veterinary medicine. But they are sold in pharmacies, and people use them for their own treatment.

When the external tumor is smeared with ASD, it burns out and peels off in pieces. ASD is not recommended for internal use. But there is a known case when, having found nothing but ASD, a cancer patient got rid of lung cancer by using this drug with milk. It went on increasing up to 15 drops and back. I didn’t limit myself to milk so as not to destroy the walls of my stomach.

ASD-2 is the best remedy for lymphogranulomatosis and lung cancer, in the treatment of leukemia in children, and is also used for liver and pancreatic cancer. During treatment, it is imperative to exclude meat from food and avoid overdoses of medication; as well as its accumulation in the body. If poison (metabolic products) accumulates, an aversion to the drug will appear, then you need to go to minimum quantity drops to cleanse and gradually return to the previous level.

A. Dorogov recommended taking the drug 4 times a day. He recommended at 8,. At 12, 16 and 20 o'clock in the afternoon, the patient should take 5 drops of the medicine for 5 days. Then increase the intake to 10 drops. And so, increasing 5 drops every 5 days, bring the dose to 50 drops, which should be taken until recovery.

But for weakened patients, a milder regimen is recommended. For the first time at 8 o’clock in the morning, a person should drink only one drop of ASD-2 per 100 grams of water. The next day - 2 drops of medicine. And so, increasing the dose one drop at a time, on the 25th day of treatment the patient will already take 25 drops of medicine in a glass of water in the morning. Starting from the 26th day, the patient already takes the drug 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours, 15 drops at a time. After five days, the 4-time dose will remain, but the dose will be 20 drops per dose, after another 5 days the dose will increase to 25 drops, and after another 5 days - to 30 drops per dose. This regimen should be maintained until recovery.

According to Professor Aleutsky, Dorogov’s drug ASD-2 has the following pharmacological properties:

Antibacterial effect, while stimulating cells of the 1st line of the immune system, improving nutrition and tissue metabolism;

Has a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, increases the overall protective tone of the body;

Eliminates increased acidity (acetosis), almost inevitable in most pathological processes,

Relieves intoxication.

It is assumed that the effect of the drug is also realized through endocrine and neurohumoral functions. ASD-2 reduces the destructive effects of stress, activates energy metabolism and oxidative processes, normalizes the activity of cell membranes and tissue nutrition, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The antibacterial and antiviral activity of the drug is due to nitrogenous substances that are formed during high-temperature sublimation of meat and bone meal.

According to the research of Professor Aleutsky, ASD-2 is practically non-toxic, has no serious contraindications, and does not have a cumulative effect. It is easily combined with other methods and means of influencing the patient’s body, from traditional to folk. Due to the fact that cumulation and intoxication (even with long-term use of many months, naturally with short breaks) does not occur when treating patients with the drug ASD-2, then The indications for taking the drug are quite broad.

Taking the ASD-2 fraction can be combined with multicomponent herbal preparations (aqueous and vodka liqueurs), combine with potent herbs - hemlock, aconite, fly agaric. In this case, under control experienced doctor oncologist-phytotherapist!

In folk medicine, homeopaths and herbalists use ASD-2 primarily for the treatment of many oncological malignant diseases - cancer of the lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver, mammary glands, uterine body, and some others. According to Professor Aleutsky, encouraging results have been obtained in the treatment of cancer of the circulatory and lymphatic systems(leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis). The professor believes that ASD fraction- 2 (purified) can be used in the treatment of benign neoplasms - fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic mastopathy, adenoma prostate gland, nodular goiter, polyps of the stomach and intestines, cysts of the ovaries, kidneys, liver and a number of other tumors.

Therapy should be comprehensive - with ASD-2, simultaneously use herbal medicines from 15-20 medicinal herbs in the form water infusions and 40% alcohol tinctures, and also, according to indications, antitumor herbs - hemlock, aconite, etc. As for a cancer patient, herbal remedies - multicomponent herbal mixtures and medicinal herbs - should be selected individually in order to provide a multifaceted therapeutic effect on the body of a cancer patient: blood purifying, lymphatic drainage, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic , adaptogenic, etc.

In addition, in cancer patients, herbal mixtures will relieve intoxication, stop urological, dyspeptic syndromes and respiratory disorders, to a certain extent reduce painful sensations, improve the quality of life. It is important for herbal oncologists to remember that when conducting courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy Cancer patients should take only herbal infusions and medicinal herbs with blood purifying, hematopoietic, immunomodulatory and detoxifying effects. You cannot drink ASD, hemlock, fly agaric and other potent herbs at this moment! Against the background of herbal medicine with the above herbal infusions, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are completed with fewer side effects.

Treatment regimen for ASD - 2 (purified): start with 1-2 drops. 2-3 times a day, 1 hour after meals, drop into kefir or milk, if well tolerated - into water. Increase daily by 1-2 drops. and bring to 10-40 drops. 2-3 times a day. Then drink 10-40 drops. 2-3 times a day with kefir or milk for 1 - 3 months, more can be done individually.

Another option involves starting to take ASD-2 with 1 drop. x 3 times a day, increase by 1 drop daily. and bring to 40 drops. x 3 times a day, then gradually decrease to 1 drop. An option is short (shock) courses with a short break, but long-term use. Supervision by a doctor - oncologist is mandatory!

Each specific case must have its own individual option for taking ASD-2, which undergoes changes in the process of herbal treatment. There can be no dogma in treatment! It all depends on the professionalism of the oncologist-phytotherapist, his clinical thinking and experience. The author is categorically against it when various medical specialists and healers who do not have a medical education and have no idea what processes occur in the complex human body try to heal cancer patients with potent herbs and products of animal origin. There will be nothing but enormous harm in this case!

Contraindications- exacerbation peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, severe violations kidneys (CKD, glomerulonephritis in a serious stage), hepato-biliary system (active cirrhosis, liver dystrophy), pregnancy, individual intolerance.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs