Archangel Uriel in Orthodoxy. Archangel Varachiel brings a blessing to a good person Archangel Varachiel helps with what

The first of the Archangels is the Archangel of the Heavenly Host, Michael.Archangel Michael is usually depicted with a sword in his hand. This sword marks the eternal struggle between good and evil. They pray to the Archangel during demonic temptations. His name is terrible for the forces of hell.

The second Archangel is Gabriel, his name means “man of God.” This is the Guardian Angel of the Virgin Mary . He is depicted with either a lily or a palm branch. He reveals to the world the secrets of God's Providence, strengthens people's faith, and gives the saints notice of the hour of their death, departure to another life.

The third Archangel is Raphael, which means “help of God.” This is the Archangel of healing, the Archangel-comforter, the Archangel-guide, especially for those in a foreign land. He appears on icons with a cup in his hands, with a cup of heavenly healings and God's mercy. Archangel is the patron of mercy. Archangel Raphael is called upon during severe fatal illnesses. They pray to Him when preparing to travel, so that He will make the journey and return safe. They also call upon him in severe sorrows, in moments of despondency and despair, which sometimes overwhelm a person.

The fourth Archangel is Uriel. His name means "fire of God." The Archangel holds a sword in one hand and a flame in the other. He enlightens with his light the minds of people to know the mysteries of God and understand the meaning of the Holy Scriptures, kindles love for the Lord in a person’s heart. Therefore, when we feel cold and insensibility in our souls, we must call on Archangel Uriel so that with his heavenly breath he will warm and revive our petrified hearts. Archangel Uriel is also the patron saint of repentant sinners. We need to pray to him to enlighten us with the true faith, strengthen Orthodoxy in us, teach us to love the Lord and our neighbors, and bestow the spirit of repentance - this basis of our salvation.

The fifth Archangel is Selaphiel, whose name means “man of prayer.” He invisibly teaches people prayer and himself prays with them. This Archangel is depicted with a burning candle and a censer in his hands.

The sixth Archangel is Jehudiel, “praise of God.” In one hand is his crown, in the other - a scourge. He encourages us to work for the glory of God. It awakens in us the memory of what we were given earthly existence for - eternal salvation. They pray to him to help us understand the will of God and to give us the strength to do it in everyday life.

Seventh Archangel - Barachiel, "blessing of God", he is depicted with flowers. Flowers are gifts of the Holy Spirit. This Archangel is primarily the patron saint of martyrs, confessors of the name of Christ and ascetics. He appears in moments of difficult trials and strengthens the strength of those who suffer for the sake of the Lord. The Archangel of blessings, he visits martyrs at the time of death, for the death of martyrs for Christ is a great victory.

Archangel Jeremiel is the Archangel of purity, helping us fight the passions nesting in the depths of our hearts. They pray to him during temptations, uprisings of passions, when a person is overwhelmed by unclean or blasphemous thoughts.

Any of us has tried to start some kind of business: be it learning a new language, preparing for an important text, driving for the first time in the winter season, or even mastering an unfamiliar culinary recipe. But nothing... It’s scary to take on something new, and every day you feed yourself “breakfast”, but you just can’t get ready, you’re afraid of something.

It is in such situations that you should turn to the saints for help. Prayer to Archangel Barachiel in Russian will help you in new endeavors.

Purpose and facts

Few people know about Saint Barachiel; the Holy Scriptures do not mention him. This is an archangel - a messenger of God's blessings. It is through him that grace is sent to all a person’s deeds and endeavors. It is important that the person praying radiates kindness, asks for blessings only for a good deed, and then the saint will hear the request. By turning to the messenger of God, you are under very strong protection.

There are very few icons with his image. Usually he appears before us with flowers in his hands or on items of clothing. Traditionally, these are roses. Flowers are a gift from God, a reward for people’s prayers, work, and self-sacrifice. Roses symbolize pleasure in Heaven, which is bestowed for decent and good deeds on earth.

This saint is associated with colors such as amethyst, lavender, and indigo. The saint is often depicted wearing these colors. And the season is winter. It is not for nothing that the day of remembrance of the angel Barachiel is November 21, on the eve of the onset of calendar winter. On the same date, the Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selathiel, Jehudiel and Jeremiel are honored.

What to ask for

The Holy Scripture says: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” And so we ask and ask the holy martyrs for blessings, but we receive nothing.

What is the reason? It is worth noting here that not every act will be given God’s blessing: you should not wait for the conception of a child who they want to use as an attribute to keep a husband in the family, or when a person engaged in creativity uses his talent not for the benefit of people, but for his own enrichment.

What to ask for? The Archangel will be able to help in situations such as:

  • Preserve family well-being
  • Help in any good endeavors (deeds)
  • Acquire a healthy habit (for example, going to bed early, finally playing sports, eating right, etc.).

Archangel Barachiel will turn his attention to any good undertaking, you just have to send him a request for help. With it you will be under very strong and reliable protection.

Texts for every day of the week

Before starting any business, you can turn to the holy angel with the following words of prayer:

If the matter is of high importance, you should turn to the saints every day for a week, on the same day with whom Barachiel is honored and commemorated. And finally, on Sunday, pray to Archangel Barachiel himself. Through him, the Heavenly Father will send blessings on your good deeds.

Texts in Russian. If you want to download the prayer service to your computer or print it, check out.








Prayer to Saint Barachiel is a very strong daily protection for you and your endeavors. It is appropriate to light candles when praying. When used correctly, you will bring calm, grace and peace to your home.

Here are some useful rules when praying with a candle:

  • Place it in front of the icon in a small candlestick or simply on a saucer, secured with wax;
  • It is better to choose a certain day in the week and light candles throughout the house, turning off the lights;
  • If candles are brought from trips to a monastery or other holy places, they can be used more than once. Extinguish them a few minutes after completing your prayers. The cinders should not be thrown away - bury them in the ground or water.

When praying to this saint, it is preferable to light purple candles. This will help you better establish contact with the saint and receive help in business.

Prayers to Archangel Barachiel will help in your good deeds, because he is the messenger of God. The manual for the writing of icons states about him:

Good luck to you! Peace in the heart and prosperity in the soul!

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Archangel Barachiel blesses people for new deeds and conveys rewards for good deeds from the Lord. Find out what requests you can make to him and how to do it correctly.

In the article:

Archangel Barachiel - the sphere of responsibility of the blessing archangel

Archangel Barachiel is mentioned much more often in the Orthodox tradition than in the Catholic tradition. This is an archangel who brings divine blessings to people. Through him, the Lord sends blessings to all the deeds of people. Of course, you can only receive a blessing for a good deed, at least one that will not harm others. This same archangel brings rewards to those who deserve it.

The name Barachiel is not found either in the Bible or in the Gospel. This archangel became famous thanks to apocryphal sources of Enoch and the records of the Catholic monk Amadeus of Portugal. Since the 15th century, it began to be revered by Catholics, and two centuries later, Dmitry of Rostov transferred it to the Orthodox Lives of the Saints. In Catholicism, his veneration ceased at the same time.

Archangel Barachiel

Barachiel was one of three divine messengers who appeared to Abraham near the oak tree of Mamre. He predicted the birth of the baby Isaac to him and his wife. Barachiel confirmed that the salvation of the entire human race will be given by God in Paradise. He patronizes all pious families, as well as purity of soul and body.

There are very few iconographic images of this archangel. He is usually depicted with flowers in his hands or on his clothes. Most often these are roses. In the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior there is a bronze sculpture of the Archangel Barachiel, where he is traditionally depicted holding roses in his hands. Roses have their own symbolism - they mean bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is promised to every believer who renounces sinful temptations. Roses also symbolize bliss after death, as well as after receiving a well-deserved reward from God in the world of the living.

Several Russian ships of the 18th and 19th centuries were named after Barachiel. His day is November 21, and this day is dedicated to all ethereal heavenly forces. The holiday of Barachiel is celebrated simultaneously with the day of many other heavenly entities close to people. It corresponds to the planet Jupiter and the month February.

The colors of this archangel are purple, lilac, violet and blue. It is these colors that candles can be lit during rituals in which there is an appeal to him. It is better to spend them on Saturday - this is the day of Barachiel. If you are creating talismans or using stones in magical work, amethyst, quartz and aquamarine are dedicated to him. Among the Tarot arcana, it corresponds to Barachiel.

What does Archangel Barachiel help with and what requests should you make of him?

Icon of Archangel Barachiel

So, Archangel Barachiel - what does he help with, what and how to contact him? This is the archangel who brings blessings from God to man. You can ask him for help before starting absolutely any business - no matter what you mean, starting to work on your own business or preparing for an exam. Divine blessing will help you both start and complete your business with a successful outcome.

This archangel patronizes all people who help the church financially and also do charity work. It doesn't matter who you help - the church, homeless animals or orphans. Barachiel listens to your prayers especially attentively. He is always ready to bring them to God if your faith is strong.

Not every resident of our country has opportunities for charity. And yet, what is important here is not the size of the donation, but a sincere desire to help others. You can help without money. If you feed homeless animals, give alms to the poor, participate in Christian volunteer programs, for example, to restore churches, Archangel Barachiel patronizes you no less than any of the Russian philanthropists.

Barachiel not only blesses, but also rewards believers according to God's command. He is in charge of everything that you should receive for your prayers, daily work and actions that are correct from the point of view of Christian morality. If you think that you have not received what you deserve, turn to the archangel in prayer and attract his attention. You will probably get either what you deserve, or a sign that will tell you why this is impossible.

Archangel Barachiel is also the patron saint of families that can be called pious. If your family is like this, but some kind of grief has happened, you can turn to this archangel with prayer to change the situation for the better. He can help you conceive a child if you sincerely want to continue your family line, improve relationships with your husband’s or wife’s relatives, and also have the opportunity to adequately support your family.

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel - text

A prayer to Archangel Barachiel can be read at any time before starting absolutely any important task:

Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to make a good start, correcting my careless life, so that I may please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen.

The prayer to Archangel Barachiel can also be read to acquire a useful habit. If you're determined to go to bed early, exercise, or eat healthy, that's a good start. Divine powers will help you establish yourself in it and avoid the temptations that the development of positive qualities is inevitably associated with. Any undertaking that does not cause harm will receive God's blessing.

There is another text addressed to the archangel-blesser:

Oh, great archangel of God, Archangel Barachiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God into the homes of God’s faithful servants, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything, victory and victory against our enemies and will preserve us for many years, so that with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

It is a little more difficult to learn than the first version of the prayer. Both texts can be read before a new task or while awaiting the results of your activities. You can write them on a piece of paper and carry them with you so that the text of the prayer is always at your fingertips.

If you have the opportunity to listen canon Archangel Barachiel, you can do this in order to establish yourself in any new business. For example, after moving to a new city or country, this type of church chant addressed to the archangel blessing new beginnings will set the direction for life in the new place. A canon is the glorification of a saint or Christian holiday, its power is no less than the power of prayer.

Archangels are the great evangelists who preach good news about great and glorious things. Archangels reveal prophecies, knowledge and understanding of the will of God, strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of knowledge of the Holy Gospel and reveal the sacraments of pious faith. The names of the Archangels are known from the Holy Scriptures. Each of them has a special ministry. Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael (who is like God) is the leader of the heavenly army.

They say that Satan takes great credit for forcing painters NOT TO PICTURE themselves prostrate under the feet of the Patron of the human race. In this picture, under the feet of Archangel Michael, there is a defeated devil.

Dan. 10, 13; 12, 1.
Jude Art. 9.
Open 12, 7-8.

"Mikhail, one of the first princes, came to help me." (Dan. 10:13)

Oh, great Archangel of God, Archangel Michael, conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from all sorrows and from all illnesses, from mortal wounds and vain (sudden) death.

Holy Archangel of God Michael! Drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil, despondent spirit that tempts me, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

When Satan rebelled against God, saying, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the Most High” (Isa. 14:13-14), then the Archangel of God Michael opposed him, answering: “Who is like God? No one like God!” . And then the entire angelic world was divided.

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but did not stand... And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven: Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ, because the slanderer is cast out.” (Apoc.12:7-10).

Since then, God blessed this zealous Archangel to participate in spiritual battles as the Archangel of the disembodied forces and named him Michael, which translated means - Who is like God. Who is equal to God.

The book “Guide to Painting Icons of Saints” says that Saint Archangel Michael “is depicted trampling (stomping on) Lucifer and, as a winner, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which a white banner with a red cross to commemorate the victory of the Cross over the devil." (Academician V.D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Type, 1910, p. 226).

Russian Chrysostom, Archbishop of Kherson Innocent wrote for edification: “He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan), when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this war ended - with the overthrow of the Lucifer (Satan) from heaven. Since then, Archangel Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children.

... Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and self-sacrifice" (Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, p. .5-6).

The memory of St. Archangel Michael according to the church calendar is celebrated on November 8 (old style) and September 6 (old style).

Holy Archangel Michael, help me defeat enemies, visible and invisible, and adversaries fighting against my soul and body. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel (from Hebrew - man of God). One of the highest angels appears in the Old and New Testaments as the bearer of joyful tidings. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, during the offering of incense, the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - about the birth of the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; According to the teachings of the Mohammedans, Mohammed received his revelations from him and was carried to Heaven by him. On the icons he is depicted with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canonical books:
Dan. 8, 16 and 9, 21;
OK. 1, 9 and 26.

"The Archangel Gabriel was sent from God." (Luke 1:26)

Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel! You announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Announce to me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death, and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins, and may the devils not restrain me from the ordeals for my sins.

Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin Mary! Fill my heart, overflowing with pride, with joy and gladness, and save me from all troubles and serious illness, now and ever and forever. Amen.

When the holy prophet Daniel received from God a prophetic vision about the future fate of the world, and was perplexed as to what it meant, he heard the voice of God: “Gabriel! Explain this vision to him!” (Dan. 8:16). Another time, as the prophet says: “Gabriel..., flying quickly, touched me... and admonished me... and said: “Daniel! Now I have gone out to teach you understanding." (Dan. 9: 21-22).

And indeed, the holy messenger of the mysteries of God explained everything to the prophet Daniel and, enlightening him, gave him an understanding of the seventy weeks, after which the Savior of the world was to be born.

Later, the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary to predict the birth of the Savior from Her (Luke 1:5-38). “This same Archangel, in the opinion of godly men, was sent to reinforce the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to announce to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Dormition. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles,” writes Saint Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson (Cit. cit., p. 7 ).

Saint Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the “Guide to Painting Icons,” “is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left hand.” (Fartusov, p. 226). This mirror made of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of nations, proclaims to people the secrets of God's economy and the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian the Fortress of God or the Power of God.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bring me joy and the salvation of my soul. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel (fire of God).

3 Ezra 4, 1; 5, 20.

"Archangel Uriel commanded me." (3 Rides 5:20).

Oh, great Archangel of God Uriel! You are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart and my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and pray to the Lord God that the Lord will deliver me from the underworld and from all enemies visible and invisible.

Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by the Divine light and abundantly filled with fire and fiery hot love! Throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, illuminate my dark soul with your light, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The name of this Archangel of God is known thanks to the third book of Ezra, the last book of the Old Testament.

The Holy Archangel Uriel was sent by God to the pious and learned priest Ezra, who lived in the 5th century BC, to give him an answer about the signs and time of the end of this world.

“I am allowed to tell you about these signs, and if you pray and cry again, as you do now, and fast for seven days, you will hear even more.” (3 Ezra 5:13) – The holy messenger of God, Uriel, spoke to Ezra. So, after each night conversation, the Archangel reminded the priest: “pray to the Almighty unceasingly, and I will come and speak with you.” (3 Rides 9:25).

And the Lord spoke to Ezra through His Heavenly Messenger: “The more you experience, the more you will be surprised, because this age is quickly rushing towards its end and cannot accommodate what is promised to the righteous in future times, because this age is filled with unrighteousness and infirmities.” " (3 Rides 4:25).

According to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church, the Holy Archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the Fall and the expulsion of Adam. According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, Archangel Uriel, being the radiance of the Divine Fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, unbelievers and ignoramuses. And the very name of the Archangel, corresponding to his special ministry, means the Fire of God or the Light of God.

According to the iconographic canon of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel named Fire of God “is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left.” (Fartusov, p. 226).

“As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful for them; as an Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames the heart with love for God and destroys unclean earthly attachments in them,” explains Bishop Innocent, Archimandrite of Kherson. (Cit. cit., p. 10).

Holy Archangel Uriel, enlighten my mind, darkened and defiled by my passions. And pray to God for me, a sinner.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael (God's help).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
Comrade 3, 16; 12, 12-15.

"Raphael was sent to heal." (Tob. 3;16)

O great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments! Heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and the many diseases of my body.

Holy Archangel of God Raphael! You are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation, and heal all my mental and physical illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and implore His mercy for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people, from one generation to another. Amen.

The Bible contains a wonderful biography of one pious family. This is the book of Tobias, which is particularly edifying. Here we see the invisible service of God's angels to us.

Tobit, Tobiah's father, and Tobiah's bride were seriously ill. And the Lord sent the holy Archangel Raphael for healing. When Tobit, who had miraculously regained his sight, wanted to give the stranger half of his estate in gratitude, Raphael told them: “Now God has sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law... I am Raphael, one of the seven holy Angels who offer the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One... Bless God forever. For I came not according to my own will, but according to the will of our God; therefore bless Him forever.” (Tob. 12;14-18).

“The words spoken by this Archangel during separation from Tobit’s family are very instructive. “A good deed is prayer with fasting and almsgiving and justice, for alms delivers from death and can cleanse all sin... your charity was not hidden from me, but I was with you.” (Tov. 12; 8-9; 13). Therefore, whoever wants to be worthy of Raphael’s heavenly help must first of all be merciful to those in need.” – Instructs Archbishop Innocent of Kherson (Cit. cit., p. 9).

Raphael in Aramaic means Healing of God or Healing of God.

The “Guide to Painting Icons” briefly explains that: “Holy Archangel Raphael, physician of human ailments: is depicted holding in his left hand a vessel (alavaster) with medicinal means (medicine), and in his right hand - a pod, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds." (Fartusov, p. 226).

Holy Archangel Raphael, heal my ailments, both spiritual and physical passions. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Selaphiel

Archangel Salafiel (prayer to God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezra 5, 16.

"An angel of God called from heaven." (Gen. 21:17).

O great Archangel of God Salafiel, who gives prayer to the one who prays! Teach me to pray a fervent, humble, contrite, heartfelt, concentrated and tender prayer.

Holy Archangel of God Salafiel! You pray to God for believers, beg His mercy for me, a sinner, that the Lord will deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and from illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, that the Lord will vouchsafe me the Kingdom of Heaven with all the Saints, in forever and ever. Amen.

The Holy Archangel Salafiel, whose name translated from Aramaic means Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God, or the Prayer Book of God, according to the belief of the Orthodox Church, appeared to Hagar in the desert when Abraham sent her and her son to Egypt, their homeland. “She went and got lost in the desert... there was no water... and she left the boy under one bush and went... For she said: I don’t want to see the death of the boy. And she... raised a cry and wept, and God heard the voice of the boy... and the Angel of God He called to Hagar from heaven and said to her: “What is the matter with you?” Hagar, God heard the voice of the boy from where he is; alive, and she went and filled a bottle with water and gave the boy something to drink." (Gen. 21:14-19).

“And so the Lord gave us a whole host of prayer angels, with their leader Salafiel,” writes Bishop Innocent of Kherson, “so that with the pure breath of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would admonish us when and how to pray, so that they would offer our very offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon the Archangel standing in a prayerful position, with his eyes downcast, with his hands reverently placed on his chest (to his chest), then know that this is Salafiel.” (Cit. cit., pp. 11-12).

The book “Guide to the Writing of Icons” says: “The Holy Archangel Salafiel, a man of prayer, always praying to God for people and rousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) with a cross on chest, like one tenderly praying." (Farusov, pp. 226-227).

Holy Archangel Salafiel, awaken me day and night to the praise of the Divine. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Yehudiel

Archangel Jehudiel (praise of God).

“He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.” (Ps. 90:11).

Oh, great Archangel of God Jehudiel, zealous defender of the glory of God! You excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me, who is lazy, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and beg the Lord Almighty to create a pure heart in me, and renew a right spirit in my womb, and with the Master’s spirit confirm me to worship God in spirit and truth.

Holy Archangel of God Jehudiel, ever-present companion and intercessor of all those who struggle on the path of Christ! Arouse me from the heavy sleep of sinful laziness, and fight a good fight, enlighten me and strengthen me, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

According to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church, God sent the Archangel Jehudiel to precede the people confessing the one true God in the conquest of the land of pagan peoples.

Moses, after forty days of fasting and prayer, ascended Mount Sinai, where God gave him the Law, which the entire Old Testament Church had to observe. And Moses conveyed to the people of God the words spoken by the Lord: “Behold, I am sending My angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared for you; watch yourselves before Him and listen to His voice; do not persist against Him, because he will not forgive your sin, for my name is in him." (Ex. 23; 20-21).

Then God revealed to people that not only every person, but even the people, needs the constant help of God’s Angels on the way to the place that “God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9).

The name of the Holy Archangel Jehudiel, translated into Russian, is the Glory of God or the Praise of God, because he really, as the inscription on the fresco of the Annunciation Cathedral says, “has the ministry of affirming people who work hard or, for the glory of God, to intercede for them reward.”

As explained in the “Guide to the Writing of Icons,” the Archangel of God Jehudiel “is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as punishment for sinners for laziness in pious works." (Fartusov, p. 227).

“Each of us, from young to old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God,” writes Archbishop Innocent of Kherson. “The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. In the right hand of the Archangel is not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God." (Cit. cit., p. 13).

Holy Archangel Jehudiel, strengthen me for every work and labor. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Barachiel

Archangel Barachiel (God's blessing).

This name is known only from legends. It does not appear in the Bible or the Gospel.

"My angel is with you, and he is the protector of your souls." (Jer. 6).

O great Archangel of God Barachiel, who stands before the Throne of God and from the Throne brings blessings to the house of God’s servants! Ask the Lord God for mercy and blessing, may the Lord bless from Zion and from His holy mountain, and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, victory and victory over our enemies, and preserve us for many years.

Holy Archangel Barachiel, bringing blessings from the Lord to us! Bless me to make a good start in correcting my careless life, so that I may please the Lord my Savior in everything, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Barachiel - Blessing of God.

The book “Guide to the Writing of Icons” says the following about him: “The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the dispenser of God’s blessings and intercessor, asking for God’s benefits to us: he is depicted carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for prayers, works and moral behavior of people and foretelling bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven." (Fartusov, p. 227). These white roses mean God's blessing. What could be purer and more fragrant than white roses, from which rose oil is extracted? So the Lord, through His Archangel Barachiel, sends His blessing from the depths of his clothing for the prayers and works of people.

“Since the blessings of God are varied,” writes St. Innocent of Kherson, “then the ministry of this Angel is varied: through him the blessing of God is sent to every deed, to every good activity in life.” (Cit. cit., p. 14).

Holy Archangel Barachiel, intercede for me mercy from the Lord. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel (height of God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezra 4, 36.

“To this Jeremiel the Archangel answered me” (3 Ezra 4:36)

“In the III book of Ezra (4:36) the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned,” writes Archimandrite Nicephorus in the “Biblical Encyclopedia” (M., 1891, p. 63). He was present at the first conversation between Archangel Uriel and the priest Ezra and answered the latter’s question about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

“How and when will this happen? - asked the righteous Ezra. - To this Jeremiel the Archangel answered me: “When the number of seeds in you is fulfilled, for the Most High has weighed this age on scales, and measured the times with a measure, and numbered the hours by number, and will not move (pull back) and will not speed up (shorten) until then, until a certain measure is fulfilled” (3 Ezra 4:33,36-37).” In other words, this temporary world will cease to exist when the number of holy righteous men reaches the number of angels who have fallen away from God.

Ezra asked the Holy Archangel Jeremiel: “Show me: is what is to come greater than what is to come?!” (3 Rides 4:45). With the help of two synonyms - smoke and rain - the Heavenly Messenger revealed to the priest that two of the three parts of the time that God had given to this world, from its creation to its death, had already passed, and that the third part remained. Let us recall that Ezra lived at the end of the fifth millennium from the beginning of the world (or from the creation of Adam), which corresponds to the 5th century BC.

Then righteous Ezra asked Jeremiel: “Do you think that I will live to see these days? And what will happen these days?” He answered this and said: “I can partially tell you about the signs that you ask me about, but I was not sent to talk to you about your life” (3 Ezra 4:51-52). And the Archangel of God told Ezra about many events that would happen before the end of the world, calling them signs. For a person who knows how to understand the meaning of unfolding phenomena, they will indicate the proximity of the death of this world.

The name of the Holy Archangel Jeremiel means in Russian the Height of God or the Exaltation of God. He is sent from above from God to man in order to promote the elevation and return of man to God. The Archangel of God not only reveals the gloomy prospect of the sinful world, they say, the further, the worse, but also helps to see the holy seeds of eternal life in a dying world. (see John 12:24).

For our readers: Archangel Barachiel helps with a detailed description from various sources.

Description and meaning

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel

When and where to pray

From esotericism

Not only holy ascetics, but also many other heavenly powers can come to help an Orthodox Christian. All of them serve the Lord and help people in their earthly life. The doctrine of the Heavenly powers is based on the Bible, as well as on the interpretation of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, who was a disciple of the Apostle Paul himself.

The holy apostle was, during his lifetime, ascended to Heaven, where he saw the structure of the Heavenly powers. His student wrote down and systematized this knowledge, and for many centuries the Orthodox Church has adhered to this hierarchy. We know the names of the archangels in Orthodoxy, to whom many prayers are composed.

Who are the archangels

According to the teachings of Dionysius the Areopagite, archangels are one of the heavenly creatures that belong to the third, or lower, hierarchy. These are holy evangelists who always appeared at turning points and announced something great and significant. So, for example, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to Christ. This was a turning point in history, and to this day the Orthodox Church remembers this event on the feast of the Annunciation.

Annunciation of St. Archangel Gabriel

For every believer, the help of the supreme angels can manifest itself in:

  • strengthening faith;
  • understanding of God's will for man;
  • understanding of the Holy Gospel;
  • instructions for a pious and God-fearing life.

Confusion often arises in matters of the Heavenly hierarchy, since it is impossible to thoroughly know exactly what forces are next to God. In addition, all heavenly entities are often called by one general word “angels,” meaning not the name of the rank, but service before God. By the way, the meaning of the word “angel” is a messenger, i.e. all God's beings proclaim God's will.

Interesting! Most celestial beings do not have their own special names, while the archangels are all named. This speaks of their special position on the Heavenly Steps.

Chief Archangel Michael

This is the most important archangel, the leader of the Heavenly Host. His name means “like God.” On icons he is often depicted slaying the devil. This image is associated with the legend of how Satan was cast out of Heaven. When many angels were seduced by pride and followed the Right Hand, Michael gathered all the remaining heavenly beings who were faithful to the Lord and began to sing praises to God. After this, the Hand was overthrown, and the world was forever divided into Divine and Devilish.

The name of the head of the heavenly army appears repeatedly in the book of the Apocalypse (revelation of John the Theologian). From there we can know that the eternal struggle between good and evil at the end of time will end with the final victory of the Lord, and to help us in this war we have the great intercessor and assistant to the warrior Michael.

Archangel Michael

On the icons we can also see the Heavenly Governor with weapons in his hands (sword and spear), as well as white banners. The latter symbolize crystal purity and loyalty to the Lord God of all heavenly powers that are in subordination. At the end of the spear you can see a cross, which means that the fight against the spirits of evil is in the name of Christ and for the salvation of every believer.

Attention! The Orthodox Church honors a special holiday of the year - the Remembrance of the miracle of Archangel Michael. This day is popularly known as the “Michael Michael’s Miracle.”

Not far from the city of Hierapolis there was a very revered Christian monastery. The pagans decided to flood it so that so many believers would not come there to pray. To do this, they connected the beds of two rivers, and directed the stormy stream towards the temple. At that moment, Archangel Michael appeared and with his rod he made a hole in the mountain, where all the water went, bypassing the monastery. I remember this miracle on September 19 according to the new style.

They pray to the head of the heavenly army for the strengthening of faith, at the entrance to a new house and for the consecration of a new home, for the strengthening of the state and the blessing of earthly authorities.

Names of the Seven Archangels

The canonically Orthodox Church adheres to the teaching according to which we know the following seven heavenly powers, each of which has its own special service before the Lord:

  1. Gabriel;
  2. Uriel;
  3. Raphael;
  4. Selaphiel;
  5. Yehudiel;
  6. Barachiel;
  7. Jeremiel.

Let's take a closer look at how each of them differs and how they serve God.

Archangel Gabriel

This angel was appointed by the Lord God to proclaim his great Mysteries. His name tells us about the strength and power of the Lord. We can find memories of him in the Old Testament, in the Book of the Prophet Daniel, when the Archangel Gabriel announced the future coming of Jesus Christ. It is also mentioned in the time of Moses, when Gabriel revealed to the prophet the history of the first births from the creation of the world.

Archangel Gabriel

In the New Testament, it was Gabriel who revealed the news of the imminent birth of all who influenced the course of Christian history. Many pious parents were honored by his appearance. These are Zechariah and Elisovet, who learned from Gabriel about the imminent appearance of John the Baptist, who became a harbinger of the coming of Christ. These are the righteous Joachim and Anna, who were honored to be the parents of the Mother of God.

This is the Mother of God herself, who carried Christ in her womb. Gabriel also appeared to Mary’s betrothed, the righteous Joseph, who was thinking of letting the pregnant Virgin Mary go away from him. It was at the word of the archangel that Joseph understood and accepted the great service that the Lord had prepared for him. The second time Joseph was honored with a visit from Gabriel was when he warned him about Herod’s insidious plans.

The most joyful news in the entire history of Christianity was conveyed by Gabriel to the holy myrrh-bearing women. It was they who were honored to be the first to learn from the great Angel about the resurrection of Christ, which gave salvation to all humanity.

On icons, Gabriel is most often depicted with a green twig in his hand, as a symbol of good news. Sometimes you can also see a mirror and a lantern with candles in his hands. The mirror means that Gabriel shows the destinies of people and their calling before God, and the candle symbolizes the Divine light that shines on all believers. The memory of Archangel Gabriel is celebrated on July 26 according to the new style, as well as on April 8 (the day after the Annunciation) and November 21 at the Council of All Heavenly Powers (all dates are indicated according to the new style).

Archangel Raphael

Translated from Hebrew, “Raphael” means healing from illnesses, God’s help, God’s deliverance. Archangel Raphael is the healer of human diseases, the Lord's doctor, healer. The help of this Angel is found in the Old Testament, in the Book of Tobit. It describes how Raphael helped righteous Tobias in every possible way in difficult life circumstances.

Icon Archangel Raphael

Notable are Raphael’s farewell words in the same book, where he says that a person needs to pray and fast. We need to pay great attention to works of mercy, to deal with everyone in truth and justice, and not to fall into the sin of love of money.

When asking Raphael for help, you must try to follow his commandments yourself. Raphael helps in healing diseases of the soul and body, which is why on icons he is often depicted with a vessel in his hand where healing potions are stored. His memory is celebrated on November 21 according to the new style.

Raphael is considered the patron saint of all people who engage in science. Following the example of this holy Angel, we need not only to spread the light of reason around, but also to glow with pure and sincere love for God and neighbor. On the icons we see Raphael with a sword in one hand and a tongue of flame in the other, which symbolically testifies to the particularly bright and ardent devotion of this servant to God.

Archangel Uriel

The translation of the name tells us that this archangel is the Lord's fire and light, the enlightener of lost souls. In the Bible we find mention of him in the Third Book of Ezra, where he points out to the prophet the imminent coming of the Savior.

Uriel is God's enlightener, a mentor in prayer, an assistant in cleansing the mind from everything unnecessary and sinful, a mentor on the true path of all those who are lost. Being an Angel of light, he illuminates human minds with God's light and truth. Like the Angel of Fire, his task is to ignite sincere and ardent faith in human hearts, to drive out all evil and unclean thoughts.

Archangel Selaphiel

His name means prayer to God. Selafiel is our most important heavenly prayer intercessor, who fervently prays for every person, asks for health and salvation for every Christian believer.

The Bible tells us about him back in the Book of Genesis, when Selaphiel appeared in the desert to the suffering Hagar and consoled her. Through the prayers of this Angel, the Lord saved Hagar in the desert and did not allow her and her youth to perish.

Selafiel is the mentor of a large number of angels who beg all humanity before the Lord. Turning to Selafiel, people ask for strengthening in faith, the gift of pure, sincere prayer, deliverance from dispersion and worldly vanity.

Archangel Selaphiel

On the icons we see Selafiel in a prayerful pose, with lowered eyes and hands gathered at his chest. His whole image testifies to the fact that he is constantly in deep and sincere prayer. The Holy Archangel calls every Orthodox person to do the same. The day of his veneration is November 21 according to the new style.

Archangel Yehudiel

Jehudiel means “one who glorifies God,” therefore this holy angel is the main patron of all monks and those who have chosen serving the Lord as the main goal of their lives. Jehudiel helps everyone who works to glorify God, prays for reward for such labors and exploits, helps strangers, protects all the needy and weak.

You should not think that working for the Lord is the lot of monks only. Any honest work that is aimed at supporting the family can and should be done for the glory of God. And if a person works with the name of the Lord on his lips and tries to do his work as if he were doing it specifically for God, he will then receive great spiritual consolation and joy from what he has accomplished. It is in such works that Jehudiel helps people.

According to the teachings of our Church, it was Jehudiel who helped the people of Israel overcome the 40-year journey through the desert. It was this archangel who held back the pursuers when the Jews left Egypt, which is described in detail in the Old Testament Book of Exodus.

Since Jehudiel’s task is to help everyone who works for Christ, he is often depicted on icons with a golden crown in his hands and a three-pointed whip. The scourge means God's punishment for sinners, and the crown is a reward for pious Christians. He is remembered among other archangels on November 21.

Archangel Barachiel

From the translation we learn that Barachiel means "God's blessing." This Angel was placed by the Lord near Himself so that He would give people the Lord’s blessing for every good deed. Barachiel guards pious families, helps those who try to live in spiritual health, who strive for salvation and purity of soul.

Barachiel is a harbinger of heavenly bliss for those who strive to live with God. That is why we see it on icons with white roses, as symbols of God's grace. Since Barachiel is the messenger of God's blessings, his actions can be very different. Just remember that the Lord never sends what is asked if it will harm a person or someone close to him.

Archangel Barachiel

Therefore, when starting to pray to Archangel Barachiel, you first need to strictly test your advice - are we asking for something displeasing to God?

Archangel Jeremiel

The name of this subject of God means exaltation to the Lord. Jeremiel instills good thoughts in people, leads the mind away from vanity and everyday problems to God. Through prayers to him, a person becomes more collected, prays better, gives up harmful worldly habits more easily, and raises his mind to the Lord.

In the Bible, the name Jeremiel is found in the already familiar Third Book of Ezra, where he testifies to when the end of the human race will come. The day of veneration of this archangel is celebrated on November 21 according to the new style, together with the Council of Heavenly Powers.

When starting to pray to any of the Heavenly forces of God, each person must remember that they stand before the Lord himself and hear all requests. You must pray with a pure heart, without harboring grudges against anyone, without wishing harm. Such a prayer will definitely be heard and the person will receive great spiritual help from the Lord and his servants.

Video about who the archangels are in Orthodoxy

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer to the Archangel Barachiel” with a detailed description and photographs.

Archangel Barachiel brings a blessing to a good man

Believers turn to the Lord before starting any business. It is important for them to receive the Creator's blessing. It is carried from the Heavenly throne, as they say, by the Archangel Barachiel. This name is not familiar to everyone. You rarely see it in religious literature. Let's figure out who Archangel Barachiel is, what he helps with, and how to contact him.

Description and meaning

Archangel Barachiel is known to people only from ancient legends. His name is not found either in the Bible or in the Gospel. It is translated as “God’s blessing.” He is depicted in white clothes and with a beautiful flower in his hand. It carries a special meaning.

Joy and spiritual harmony are experienced by people who are Archangel Barachiel. It marks the end of painful thoughts, doubts, and worries. They turn to him in cases when they cannot determine the direction of their own development. Everyone has difficult periods when a person is not able to determine whether he is doing the right thing, whether he has chosen a path pleasing to God, and so on. Prayer does not always help to confirm one’s own decision. Then they call upon the Archangel Barachiel.

He brings the Lord's blessing to his work. This is a symbol of the Almighty's acceptance of what a person is going to do. The Archangel helps to gain confidence in one’s abilities, discard the unnecessary and bad, and cleanse the soul of wrong thoughts. It is not good for a believer to have doubts about his obligation to fulfill his duty. Information about him does not come by letter or telegram. It appears before your eyes in the process of life. There is something to do that should be done for the glory of God. Why torment yourself and others with doubts?

What does Archangel Barachiel help with?

Saint Innocent of Kherson wrote that the ministry of this angel is diverse. Through him, the Lord sends blessings on “every good deed.” You need to understand the meaning of his words. Sometimes they say that our archangel gives grace to the person who works for others. Many people associate this with charity. But this is not entirely true.

The Lord recommended that man live for others. And this does not mean that we should only give our energy and time to strangers. Any work can be directed at oneself or at others. The mother cherishes the child, she tries for him. The artist paints the canvas to make the viewer happy. But the opposite situation also happens. For example, a woman gives birth to save her marriage or her husband’s wealth. A creative person tries to earn more money with his talent. The Lord will not bless these things. They are selfish at their core. Our Archangel supports everyone who has thoughts about others in the foreground: about near and far, familiar and unknown. One must dedicate one’s work to people and their happiness. This is exactly what this is about. It is such a person that the Lord blesses through Barachiel. You just need to talk to the Creator constantly.

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel

I turn to you, Archangel Barachiel, who is the guardian of the purity of human souls. Ask the Supreme throne for me, the Lord's servant (name), for the blessings of the Lord, mercy. Grant the home and everyone living in it happiness and prosperity. Let there never be quarrels or quarrels among your relatives, let peace be established among them. Grant me, a sinner, an understanding of what I am missing in earthly life. Ask the Lord for wisdom for his servant, to support him in every word and deed. Grant forgiveness of sinful offenses and God's blessing. Protect me and my family from troubles, misfortunes and misfortunes of all kinds, from enemies and haters. Thank you, Lord Archangel! Amen!

When and where to pray

Jesus said that a person’s conversation with the Most High should be secret. Nowadays people attach a lot of importance to the external attributes of faith, but the Lord must always be in the soul. He will hear prayer from anywhere. You don't have to go to church. The temple is the unity of the souls of believers supporting each other in trials. Therefore, you should not focus on the place or even the form of addressing the Archangel. He is omnipresent. And your thoughts are more important to him. Barachiel patronizes the righteous who holyly fulfill the commandments of the Lord. He takes special care of godly families who reject the selfish use of others for their own purposes. He likes people who are honest and simple, devoid of cunning. This is something to think about when you decide to ask him for help.

From esotericism

It is believed that our archangel corresponds to the color indigo. Additional colors include amethyst and lavender. Its month is February, its season is winter. The day when the archangel looks especially closely at people is Saturday. Esotericists say that his stones are aquamarine, quartz, amethyst. If you want to light candles for him, buy purple ones. Barachiel is characterized by sincere kindness, self-sacrifice, and a desire to help. His name is associated with the major arcana of the Tarot “Wheel of Fortune”.

Any business will be successful if you enlist the support of this archangel. And this will happen if those thoughts and feelings that are characteristic of him predominate in your soul. Although, they say, kindness is not critical. For our archangel, it is important how a person treats others, whether he tries to live for them. And sins are forgiven to those who strive to correct mistakes. Try to ask for the blessing of the archangel yourself.

Archangel Barachiel - prayers and sphere of responsibility before the Lord

Archangel Barachiel blesses people for new deeds and conveys rewards for good deeds from the Lord. Find out what requests you can make to him and how to do it correctly.

Archangel Barachiel - the sphere of responsibility of the blessing archangel

Archangel Barachiel is mentioned much more often in the Orthodox tradition than in the Catholic tradition. This is an archangel who brings divine blessings to people. Through him, the Lord sends blessings to all the deeds of people. Of course, you can only receive a blessing for a good deed, at least one that will not harm others. This same archangel brings rewards to those who deserve it.

The name Barachiel is not found either in the Bible or in the Gospel. This archangel became famous through the apocryphal sources of Enoch and the writings of the Catholic monk Amadeus of Portugal. Since the 15th century, it began to be revered by Catholics, and two centuries later, Dmitry of Rostov transferred it to the Orthodox Lives of the Saints. In Catholicism, his veneration ceased at the same time.

Barachiel was one of three divine messengers who appeared to Abraham near the oak tree of Mamre. He predicted the birth of the baby Isaac to him and his wife. Barachiel confirmed that the salvation of the entire human race will be given by God in Paradise. He patronizes all pious families, as well as purity of soul and body.

There are very few iconographic images of this archangel. He is usually depicted with flowers in his hands or on his clothes. Most often these are roses. In the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior there is a bronze sculpture of the Archangel Barachiel, where he is traditionally depicted holding roses in his hands. Roses have their own symbolism - they mean bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is promised to every believer who renounces sinful temptations. Roses also symbolize bliss after death, as well as after receiving a well-deserved reward from God in the world of the living.

Several Russian ships of the 18th and 19th centuries were named after Barachiel. His day is November 21, and this day is dedicated to all ethereal heavenly forces. The holiday of Barachiel is celebrated simultaneously with the day of the Archangel Uriel and many other heavenly beings close to people. It corresponds to the planet Jupiter and the month February.

The colors of this archangel are purple, lilac, violet and blue. It is these colors that candles can be lit during rituals in which there is an appeal to him. It is better to spend them on Saturday - this is the day of Barachiel. If you are creating talismans or using stones in magical work, amethyst, quartz and aquamarine are dedicated to him. Among the Tarot arcana, Barachiel corresponds to the Wheel of Fortune.

What does Archangel Barachiel help with and what requests should you make of him?

Icon of Archangel Barachiel

So, Archangel Barachiel - what does he help with, what and how to contact him? This is the archangel who brings blessings from God to man. You can ask him for help before starting absolutely any business - no matter what you mean, starting to work on your own business or preparing for an exam. Divine blessing will help you both start and complete your business with a successful outcome.

This archangel patronizes all people who help the church financially and also do charity work. It doesn't matter who you help - the church, homeless animals or orphans. Barachiel listens to your prayers especially attentively. He is always ready to bring them to God if your faith is strong.

Not every resident of our country has opportunities for charity. And yet, what is important here is not the size of the donation, but a sincere desire to help others. You can help without money. If you feed homeless animals, give alms to the poor, participate in Christian volunteer programs, for example, to restore churches, Archangel Barachiel patronizes you no less than any of the Russian philanthropists.

Barachiel not only blesses, but also rewards believers according to God's command. He is in charge of everything that you should receive for your prayers, daily work and actions that are correct from the point of view of Christian morality. If you think that you have not received what you deserve, turn to the archangel in prayer and attract his attention. You will probably get either what you deserve, or a sign that will tell you why this is impossible.

Archangel Barachiel is also the patron saint of families that can be called pious. If your family is like this, but some kind of grief has happened, you can turn to this archangel with prayer to change the situation for the better. He can help you conceive a child if you sincerely want to continue your family line, improve relationships with your husband’s or wife’s relatives, and also have the opportunity to adequately support your family.

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel - text

Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to make a good start, correcting my careless life, so that I may please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen.

The prayer to Archangel Barachiel can also be read to acquire a useful habit. If you're determined to go to bed early, exercise, or eat healthy, that's a good start. Divine powers will help you establish yourself in it and avoid the temptations that the development of positive qualities is inevitably associated with. Any undertaking that does not cause harm will receive God's blessing.

There is another text addressed to the archangel-blesser:

Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God into the homes of God’s faithful servants, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything, victory and victory against our enemies and will preserve us for many years, so that with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

It is a little more difficult to learn than the first version of the prayer. Both texts can be read before a new task or while awaiting the results of your activities. You can write them on a piece of paper and carry them with you so that the text of the prayer is always at your fingertips.

If you have the opportunity to listen to the canon to Archangel Barachiel, you can do this in order to establish yourself in any new business. For example, after moving to a new city or country, this type of church chant addressed to the archangel blessing new beginnings will set the direction for life in the new place. A canon is the glorification of a saint or Christian holiday, its power is no less than the power of prayer.

In general, Archangel Barachiel is engaged in giving blessings and rewards for godly deeds - these are precisely his responsibilities before God. You can turn to him to receive a blessing for any business, as long as it does not cause harm to others. This same archangel will help you get what you want if you deserve it, as well as improve relationships in your family.

  • Fortune telling
  • Conspiracies
  • Rituals
  • Signs
  • Evil Eye and Damage
  • Charms
  • Love spells
  • Lapels
  • Numerology
  • Psychics
  • Astral
  • Mantras
  • Creatures and

On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

Prayers to Archangel Barachiel

Archangel Barachiel is the patron saint of families and family happiness. Here are prayers with which you can turn to him for help about family well-being, about protection from scandals, about getting rid of infertility.

  • Powerful Prayers
    • On the strong protection of family and family well-being
    • Prayer for Sunday
  • For every need
    • For infertility

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel for the protection of family and family well-being

Oh, great archangel of God, Archangel Barachiel!

Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God into the homes of God’s faithful servants, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessing on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything,

victory and victory against our enemies and will preserve us for many years, so that with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to Archangel Barachiel for Sunday

Oh, great archangel of God, Archangel Barachiel!

Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessing of God into the homes of God’s faithful servants, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us from Zion and from His Holy Mountain and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth and give us health and salvation and good haste in everything, victory and victory against our enemies and will preserve us for many years, so that with one accord we glorify God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to the Archangel Barachiel for infertility

Holy Archangel of God Barachiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to make a good start, correcting my careless life, so that I may please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever.

Oh, holy Heavenly Beginnings, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us the opportunity to make a good beginning!

Prayer to Saint Archangel Barachiel.

Holy Archangel Barachiel, intercede for me mercy from the Lord. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen.

Oh, great Archangel of God Barachiel, who stands before the Throne of God and from the Throne brings blessings to the homes of God’s servants! Ask the Lord God for mercy and blessing, may the Lord bless from Zion and from His holy mountain, and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, victory and victory over our enemies, and preserve us for many years.

Holy Archangel of God Barachiel, bringing blessings from the Lord to us! Bless me to make a good start in correcting my careless life, so that I may please the Lord my Savior in everything, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Prayer to Archangel Barachiel - very strong protection

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When starting any business, Christian believers turn to the saints for support. In order for things to be as good as possible, it is very important to receive the blessing of the Almighty. As the biblical legend says, Archangel Barachiel carries a blessing from the Almighty. This name is known to few, since it is very rarely found in divine literature. But despite this, many people turn to him in prayer for help and support.

Archangel Barachiel and his purpose

Many have heard about this archangel only from ancient holy scriptures. It is not mentioned either in the Bible or in the Gospel. Translated, the name means “God’s blessing.” The icon of Barachiel depicts an archangel in a white robe with a delicate flower in his hand. This image carries a special meaning. People to whom the archangel appears experience inexplicable joy and spiritual harmony. It is a symbol of the end of all painful doubts and worries. Very often you turn to it in cases where you are undecided in the direction of your own development. Every person experiences situations throughout his life when he cannot find the right solution and the right path.

It is then that the clergy recommend reading a prayer to the Archangel Barachiel. The saint, through prayer requests, brings everyone the blessing of the Almighty for all their work. It helps you gain confidence in your abilities and cleanse your soul of everything unnecessary. Since a believer cannot be tested that a person must fulfill his duty, information about which arises during life in his consciousness.

What are they asking for?

One of the Kherson clergy once wrote that the ministry of this archangel is very diverse. Through him, the Almighty sends blessings to everyone who asks for every worldly matter. To understand these words you need to delve into them a little. Sometimes an angel gives a blessing to a person for the work that he performs for the benefit of others, and sometimes the Almighty recommended that everyone live for the sake of others.

Unfortunately, in recent years, more and more often people are doing things that the Lord does not share or bless. These include, for example, situations when a woman gives birth to a child in order to preserve the family or when a creative person uses his gift not for the benefit of people, but to earn more money.

What does it help with?

Archangel Barachiel supports only those who have good intentions and first of all think not about themselves, but about their neighbors. Then the Lord God sends his blessing through the saint. But at the same time, it is imperative to communicate with the Almighty through prayer.

How Archangel Barachiel helps:

  • People turn to him with requests before starting any business, asking for a blessing for a good result.
  • They ask for blessings for good everyday deeds and much more.

Also, prayer to the archangel has very great power, and it can protect the one praying from many bad weather and evil spirits. The main thing is to know how to pronounce your petition correctly.

Protection in Prayer

Prayer to the Archangel Barachiel is a very strong protection, because as Jesus said, prayer is a conversation between a person and the Almighty. It must be a secret. Modern people pay a lot of attention to the attributes of faith, but in reality it is not so important. It is more important that a person has faith in the Lord God deep in his soul.

The place where the prayer request will be said does not matter. The Archangel will hear prayers from any place where they are said. If it is not possible to regularly visit the temple, then there is nothing wrong with that. Since this place only unites believers who support each other in difficult times. It is not in vain to focus attention on the place of pronouncing the prayer request or on the text.

At the same time, remember that in the prayer book there is a special text of a prayer request to this saint with strong protective energy. The main thing is that a Christian has good and bright thoughts. The saint is the patron of the righteous who fulfill all the commandments of God. He supports people devoid of all tricks. Otherwise, not only will he not provide help and support to the believer, but the effect of prayer to him will be the opposite.

Some facts from esotericism

According to esotericism, it is believed that the color indigo corresponds to this saint. Amethyst and lavender are considered additional. Winter is considered its seasonal season. In order for the prayer to have greater power, it is recommended to light purple candles near his icon.

The saint is characterized by kindness and self-sacrifice, which is why he helps those who have such qualities. As many clergy say, a new business will be a huge success if it enlists the support of Archangel Barachiel. Sins will be forgiven to those who will try with all their might to correct them.



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