Allergic rhinitis remedies of the latest generation. Features of the treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is often not perceived as serious problem, requiring special treatment. In fact, this is a manifestation of a complex malfunction immune system, which is currently World organization health care is considered one of the factors in the emergence bronchial asthma. And the quality of life in people with allergic rhinitis significantly deteriorates. Therefore, when allergic rhinitis is detected (that’s what doctors call this pathology) treatment should be comprehensive and versatile.


An important point in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is the identification of the causative allergen - a substance causing a reaction hypersensitivity in this person. Therefore, an examination of a patient with a runny nose is carried out by an ENT specialist together with an allergist.

Skin tests. Allergy skin testing for rhinitis is an assessment local reaction in the area of ​​application of the allergen. Several cuts (scratches) are made on the skin of the forearm, onto which a small amount of test solutions with various allergens is dropped. Such tests cannot be carried out during pregnancy and lactation, in children under 1 year of age, during exacerbation allergic rhinitis and other diseases allergic origin. At least 5 days before the examination, you must stop taking antiallergic medications, despite the symptoms of rhinitis.

Blood test for specific immunoglobulins. Blood test for specific antibodies produced in the body (immunoglobulins) - safe way determine what exactly causes an allergic runny nose. There are no restrictions; the test can be taken at any age, during an exacerbation of rhinitis and during pregnancy. But possible false positives, therefore, both diagnostic methods are often combined. If necessary, the doctor additionally prescribes radiography paranasal sinuses nose, nasal swabs to clarify the nature of rhinitis.

What influences the choice of treatment method

When symptoms of allergic rhinitis appear, treatment can be carried out using several methods. Medicines used different groups and non-drug methods. When deciding how to treat allergic rhinitis, the doctor takes into account a number of factors:

  • severity of symptoms of the disease;
  • the number of exacerbations during the year, the presence of seasonality, the frequency of manifestations of rhinitis during the week;
  • the presence of concomitant and rhinitis-related diseases (nasal polyposis, bronchial asthma, atopic eczema, sinusitis);
  • patient's age;
  • type of allergens identified;
  • the patient’s attitude towards the proposed methods of treating rhinitis;
  • side effects of medications for the common cold that are potentially possible in this patient.

Based on all these factors, the doctor makes his recommendations.

How to deal with allergic rhinitis yourself

Limit contact with the allergen. With allergic rhinitis, it is important not only to influence the symptoms of the disease, but also to try to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible.

  • For allergies to pollen. It is advisable for people with hypersensitivity to pollen to travel to another region during the flowering season and avoid out-of-town trips. Respirators, masks and air purifiers will help reduce the amount of substances that enter the nasal mucosa. If you have a runny nose, you should stick to hypoallergenic diet, refuse plant-based medications and cosmetics.
  • For allergies to fungi. If you have a runny nose associated with a reaction to fungi, you should avoid rooms with high humidity (basements, cellars), and avoid contact with hay, fallen leaves and mown grass. To prevent the development of rhinitis from the diet, it is advisable to exclude cheese, beer, products made from yeast dough, fermented products, sweeteners.
  • For household allergic rhinitis. Doctors recommend removing feathers and woolen bedding from the house, changing linen frequently and doing wet cleaning.

Maintain cleanliness in the room. The composition and quality of air in living quarters and in the workplace directly affect the condition of the entire body and the severity of allergic rhinitis. Household dust contains a large number of microorganisms that are potential allergens. In the spring and summer, plant pollen is mixed with it. Dust can accumulate in furniture upholstery, carpets and soft toys, in the pores of wallpaper and on bookshelves. Therefore, when you have a runny nose, it is advisable to regularly carry out wet cleaning, reduce the number of dust collectors, and use air purifiers and humidifiers with special filters.

Perform nasal rinsing. For seasonal allergic rhinitis, it is advisable to frequently clean the nasal mucosa by rinsing with saline solution, sea ​​water, special saline solutions. You can use sprays.

Drug therapy for allergic rhinitis

Antihistamines. Typically, the treatment regimen for allergic rhinitis includes local and systemic antihistamines. They are used in the form of tablets or nasal forms (drops, sprays). TIZIN ® Allergy was developed specifically for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, active substance which is levocabastine. It blocks H1 histamine receptors and helps reduce the main symptoms of a runny nose. TIZIN ® Alergy is prescribed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis and hay fever. Its use allows you to cope with rhinorrhea, itchy nose, sneezing in children over 6 years old and adults.

Sodium cromoglycate derivatives. Nasal sprays for the common cold of this group begin to act after 5–10 days of regular use. Such drugs are used to treat mild to moderate allergic rhinitis in children and adults.

Vasoconstrictor drops. Drugs for rhinitis vasoconstrictor effect are not medicinal. They temporarily reduce swelling of the mucous membrane in the nose and the amount of mucous secretions, thereby making breathing easier. If you have a runny nose, they should not be used frequently or for more than 5 days.

Hormonal drugs. Glucocorticosteroid drugs for allergic rhinitis are used in the form of intranasal sprays. They are prescribed by a doctor when severe course rhinitis and lack of effectiveness antihistamines. Such hormonal drugs render predominantly local action, although with prolonged treatment and in case of overdose they can be absorbed into the blood. This will lead to gradual disruption metabolic processes and the functioning of the immune system. Possible endocrine disorders with suppression of adrenal function and development diabetes mellitus. Hormonal sprays for rhinitis are not recommended for use by children and the elderly.

Allergen-specific therapy

This method of treating allergic rhinitis can relieve the patient of all symptoms of the disease, because as a result of a set of procedures, resistance (tolerance) of the body is developed. Allergen-specific therapy for rhinitis is carried out only in a hospital. In this case, gradually increasing doses of a specific allergen are introduced into the body, causing a hypersensitivity reaction.

When identifying concomitant pathology ENT organs sometimes there is a need to carry out surgical treatment rhinitis

Runny nose (rhinitis) – inflammatory process, which occurs in the mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx, caused by reactions of the body's hypersensitivity to certain substances, microorganisms, and odors. Every year, rhinitis becomes an increasingly common problem that occurs when various diseases and as an isolated disease.

According to statistics, up to a quarter of the population both in Russia and in other countries of the world consults doctors about allergic rhinitis.

The main reason for the development of this ailment is a disturbance in the response of the body's immune system. Acute rhinitis develops according to the principle of a hypersensitivity reaction to an irritant. In case of contact with mucous membranes respiratory tract allergen, after a few seconds or minutes it begins allergic reaction immediate type.

The most common allergens that cause rhinitis:

In the development of allergic rhinitis great value has hereditary predisposition to this malaise.

Manifestations of allergic rhinitis begin suddenly with the development of:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa with copious discharge watery mucus;
  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • itchy sensations in the nasopharynx;
  • redness of the sclera and mucous membranes of the eye, lacrimation, itching.

An attack can last several minutes, hours, and even days; after it ends, in most cases the complaints go away without consequences.

Allergic rhinitis is often seasonal. If the process is chronic, it occurs at any time of the year and lasts several months or even years. Both adults and children are susceptible to the disease.

There are three degrees of severity of allergic bronchitis (mild, moderate and severe).

In some patients, allergic rhinitis is accompanied by a psychogenic component that intensifies or provokes the onset of an attack.

How to determine allergic rhinitis, diagnosis of the disease

Defining a disease is not particularly difficult. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the patient, collection characteristic complaints, data clinical analysis blood, immunological data, specific allergy tests.

Treatment is best done with immune desensitization therapy, since most drugs are toxic in childhood.

If allergic rhinitis is left untreated, pathology in children can progress and lead to complications - bleeding, loss of smell and taste, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, chronic soreness in the oropharynx.

There are no specific diets for this disease, however, it is worth sticking to several useful tips. Naturally, if, then it must be excluded from the diet. You should refrain from fried foods, an abundance of seasonings, alcohol and exotic dishes.

At home it is necessary to do wet cleaning and clean areas more often than usual largest accumulation dust with a vacuum cleaner. In general, it is advisable not to purchase carpets or furniture with toxic coatings for living, and to minimize plastic surfaces, which have become widely used in lately. The home should be frequently ventilated, maintain temperature balance and humidity levels. Effective for removing dust household filters air. People with allergic rhinitis should not have pets.

Prognosis and prevention for allergic rhinitis

We recommend reading:

The prognosis for life and recovery is favorable. Properly organized treatment and lifestyle allow you to completely get rid of the manifestations of allergic rhinitis or significantly reduce the number of relapses. Specific prevention absent.

The patient must avoid contact with the main allergenic substance, even during remission.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Allergic rhinitis is inadequate reaction from the immune system due to the entry of foreign substances into the body and external stimuli. The problem may arise due to a large number of factors, including insect bites, strong odors, detergents and others. As a result of exposure to irritants, a person begins to suffer due to persistent runny nose, which can even lead to Quincke-type edema. It is advisable to treat allergic rhinitis together with your doctor in order to stop a dangerous attack as quickly and permanently as possible.

Signs of an allergy begin to appear after direct or indirect contact with an irritant, which causes a number of characteristic symptoms to appear:

  • itching in the nasal cavity and mouth, and in oral cavity it is localized closer to the throat;
  • Nasal congestion and active sputum production gradually develop, which is difficult to stop even vasoconstrictor drops;
  • V chronic form allergic rhinitis causes a gradual loss of smell, the patient has difficulty distinguishing the taste of food;
  • In a number of patients, an allergic runny nose develops, which severe forms the disease progresses to bronchial asthma;
  • in almost all cases, severe lacrimation is noted, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed;
  • Many patients experience swelling of the face, and the areas under the eyes and nose are especially swollen;
  • in some cases, tonsillitis and pharyngitis develop;
  • when conducting biochemical tests the patient has very high level immunoglobulin E;
  • in severe forms the course of the disease may worsen significantly general condition health, which will lead to problems with sleep and work activity.

Attention! Sometimes when signs of allergic rhinitis appear, they can immediately turn into acute stage, which can significantly worsen the patient’s condition and lead to swelling of the larynx. In most cases, immediate hospitalization may be required.

Antihistamine drops and sprays against rhinitis


The strength of this drug is its ability to be quickly eliminated from the body, while the active substance does not penetrate into the bloodstream at all. This allows you to use the medication under the supervision of a therapist during pregnancy. Nazarel is allowed to be used 2 times with an interval of 12 hours, but in most cases the allergist recommends using the medication only in the morning. The patient must make 2 injections in each nasal passage. In complicated cases, treatment is repeated in the evening before bedtime. Using Nazarel more than two doses in 24 hours is strictly prohibited. The duration of treatment is strictly individual.


The drug also does not penetrate into the bloodstream, which prevents the formation of most unwanted processes due to aggressive effects. A special feature of the spray is that it can be used for 2 months. The spray is used two times in each nasal passage twice a day. Allergodil should be used at regular intervals so as not to reduce the concentration of the main substance.


Corticosteroid spray and should only be used on the advice of your doctor. Patients are recommended to use two doses of Flixonase in each sinus daily. For complicated allergic rhinitis, the medication should be used twice a day every 12 hours. The duration of therapy is as directed by the allergist.


The drops have a mild effect, do not dry out the nasal mucosa and significantly alleviate the condition of allergy sufferers. To eliminate signs of pathology, adult patients should instill 3 drops into each sinus no more than four times in 24 hours. Last procedure should be carried out strictly before going to bed to ensure restful sleep and rest.

Attention! Such drugs may be hormonal or non-hormonal in nature, which should be taken into account during treatment. Corticosteroids give much quick result, but at the same time they cause withdrawal syndrome and a number of side effects.

Antihistamine tablets and syrups against rhinitis


A modern drug that is available in the form of drops for internal reception and tablets. When treating allergic rhinitis in adults, two forms may be equally recommended medicinal product. If signs of allergy appear, take 10 mg or 20 drops active substance, the dosage can be taken at a time or divided into two uses 12 hours apart. The duration of treatment with Zyrtec can last up to 14 days, it is permissible to prescribe individual dosages and regimens of use.


An antihistamine that is recommended to be taken before bed as it can cause drowsiness and minor problems concentrating. Patients over 12 years of age should take 1 tablet of Parlazin, which is equal to 10 mg of the main substance. For patients over 65 years of age, it is advisable to take only 5 mg tablets. IN mandatory you should take the medication a large number water, which will improve absorption. The duration of therapy is determined individually.


Available medical drug in two forms - tablets and syrups. Both forms of medication are suitable for adults. When allergic rhinitis occurs, you need to drink 1 tablet of Cetrin or 10 ml of syrup. The medication is used daily. The duration of treatment is selected individually, taking into account the number of symptoms. Division is also allowed daily dose in two doses if the attack is moderate to severe.

Attention! You should not take antihistamine tablets and drops at the same time, as this can significantly increase the symptoms of allergic rhinitis due to overdose and side effects.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for allergic rhinitis


A modern remedy for the treatment of any type of runny nose. Otrivin significantly dries out the sinuses, which gradually reduces the amount of discharge. But such exposure can lead to the formation of microcracks and irritation around the nose. Apply one spray of spray into each sinus. It is recommended to use the medication up to three times a day. Most patients are advised to instill Otrivin only 30 minutes before bedtime.


The drug is used in the form of drops in a dosage of 2 drops in each nostril. The number of daily appointments varies from one to three, this is influenced by the exact diagnosis of the patient, the complexity of the course of allergic rhinitis and the presence chronic diseases. You should not use drops for more than seven days, even in severe cases of allergies.


The spray is used only twice a day in the morning and evening time, it is advisable to limit yourself to only evening use. Adult patients are recommended to take two injections into each nostril. In severe cases of allergies, three sprays can be given in each nasal passage. The duration of therapy is no more than seven days.

Attention! Medicines of this group can be used for allergic rhinitis only for five days, as they have a negative effect on blood vessels and may become addictive over time.

Enterosorbents against allergic rhinitis


The drug removes toxins from the body well, but only if the dosage is observed. Adult patients are recommended to take the medication three times a day, one sachet. Each dose dissolves in 150 ml warm water. Smecta should be taken between meals. Additionally, the medication improves digestion and protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. For allergic rhinitis, Smecta should be used for three days.


The product is available in powder form, which must be taken 30 minutes before the main meal. Enterosgel dissolves in 100 ml of warm water. The medicine should be taken in small sips. IN in rare cases When using Enterosgel, allergic reactions developed in the form of nausea and vomiting. The duration of therapy using powder for allergic rhinitis is 3-5 days.

Attention! These medications contribute to the collection of allergens in the body, toxins and harmful substances, after which they are excreted along with feces and urine.

Video - Allergic rhinitis. Where does it come from?

Cost of drugs against allergic rhinitis

PreparationImagePrice in RussiaPrice in BelarusPrice in Ukraine
Zyrtec tablets 310 rubles9.9 rubles127 hryvnia
Zyrtec drops 350 rubles11.2 rubles143 hryvnia
Parlazin tablets 300 rubles9.6 rubles123 hryvnia
Cetrin tablets 250 rubles8 rubles102 hryvnia
Cetrin syrup 400 rubles12.8 rubles164 hryvnia
Nazarel 390 rubles12.4 rubles162 hryvnia
Allergodil 600 rubles19.2 rubles246 hryvnia
Flixonase 400 rubles12.8 rubles164 hryvnia
Vibrocil drops 300 rubles9.6 rubles123 hryvnia
Otrivin 250 rubles8 rubles102 hryvnia
Xymelin drops 100 rubles3.2 rubles41 hryvnia
Nazol 250 rubles8 rubles102 hryvnia
Smecta for 10 sachets 170 rubles5.4 rubles70 hryvnia
Enterosgel for 10 sachets 400 rubles12.8 rubles164 hryvnia

Attention! Price medicines may vary up to 20% in different pharmacy chains that are presented in the table.

Allergic rhinitis (runny nose) is a fairly common ailment for which people consult a specialist. This disease is absolutely not contagious and is caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa as a result of an allergic reaction. Let's look at how to treat allergic rhinitis, what causes the disease and how it is diagnosed.

According to statistics, in Russia approximately 20% of the population suffers from allergic rhinitis. The mechanism of development of the disease is an allergic reaction, or more precisely, immediate hypersensitivity.

This mechanism has many allergic processes, the signs of which are formed from a few seconds to 20 minutes from the moment of interaction with the allergen.

Allergens that most often provoke allergic rhinitis:

  • insects;
  • plant pollen;
  • mites living in house dust;
  • yeast and mold fungi;
  • some food products;
  • library and house dust;
  • medicines.

Hereditary predisposition increases the likelihood of developing the disease.


Sneezing is not necessarily an indication viral infection, in many cases it is one of the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis are:

  1. Sneezing, often paroxysmal;
  2. Difficulty nasal breathing It is not observed often and usually occurs in severe forms. At night, nasal congestion increases;
  3. Itchy nose.

Typical appearance patient at the time of exacerbation of allergic rhinitis. A slight swelling of the face appears, breathing through the nose is complicated, the person breathes primarily through the mouth. The eyes are often red and may be watery. Sometimes they appear under the eyes dark circles. People suffering from allergic rhinitis may involuntarily and quite often rub the tip of their nose with their palm.

Allergic rhinitis most often first makes itself felt in childhood or adolescence. Considering the intensity of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, mild, moderate and severe degree. When signs of illness do not disturb sleep or reduce daytime activity, they speak of mild degree heaviness; when performance decreases slightly and sleep is disturbed, they talk about medium degree severity, and with clear manifestations of all symptoms - about a severe degree of allergic rhinitis.

If symptoms occur only in the spring-summer period, then this is seasonal rhinitis; there is also a year-round form. Seasonal allergic rhinitis usually occurs due to an allergy to pollen.

Sometimes patients themselves may notice the provoking agents. For example, cleaning the house, contact with a cat, walking outside on a spring day, etc.

Initial use of antihistamines always provides temporary relief. It happens that it comes with a runny nose. All these symptoms may be precursors to the development of bronchial asthma.

Almost all rhinitis, and there are many of them (occupational, infectious, medicinal, atrophic, psychogenic, hormonal rhinitis, etc.), have similar manifestations, apart from a few differences. Each of them needs their own medical interventions and personal approach. Therefore, the diagnosis must still be left to a specialist.

Most often, people use it for quite a long time vasoconstrictors for the nose, and as a result of abuse of such drugs, the course of the disease may worsen. Patients with allergic rhinitis often have increased sensitivity to stimuli such as chemicals, tobacco smoke and strong odors.


  • As soon as possible, go to an appointment with an allergist-immunologist and otolaryngologist. Be sure to visit exactly two specialists for staging accurate diagnosis and exclusion of a combined problem (in particular, allergic rhinitis and).
  • A nasal swab for eosinophils (more than 5%) or a blood test for general IgE (more than 100 IU) confirms allergic nature runny nose.
  • To identify the cause of the disease, 2 types of diagnostics are used:
    a) Skin testing. Several “scratches” are made on the skin and various allergens are applied to them in the form of solutions, wait half an hour and evaluate the result. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and during exacerbation. Cancel one week before the procedure antihistamines.
    b) Blood test for IgE-specific. This method has no contraindications, but, unfortunately, it is quite expensive and relatively often gives false results.
  • Some clinics may advise you to donate blood for a leukolysis reaction with food products. This diagnosis has low reliability.
  • A clinical blood test, rhinomanometry, nasal smear, and x-ray of the sinuses are performed at the discretion of the doctor.


If antihistamines are insufficiently effective, the patient will be prescribed nasal corticosteroids.

To treat allergic rhinitis, you almost always need to take antihistamines by mouth. It is recommended to use medications of the second (Zodak, Cetrin, Claritin) and third (Zyrtec, Erius, Telfast) generations. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist, but is rarely less than 2 weeks. These drugs may have negative impact on the heart and mental abilities, therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Even for a runny nose, medications are prescribed local application, for example, cromoglin, cromohexal, cromosol. These sprays are effective when used in children or when the disease is mild. These medications can be used to prevent all year round. Recently, the spray Nazaval has been successfully used. It forms a film on the nasal mucosa that protects against contact with the allergen. In case of severe severity of the disease, nasal corticosteroids are used (nasobek, nasonex, beconase, flixonase, nazarel, benorin, aldecine).

Remember, you should not abuse vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzin). If drug treatment does not help or there are contraindications to it, it is possible to prescribe allergen-specific immunotherapy. It is carried out during a period of stable remission of the disease. Surgery for allergic rhinitis is rarely performed and only in the presence of parallel ENT pathology.


Unfortunately, no special prevention has been developed. If you have a disease, it is simply necessary to eliminate contact with the allergen if possible.

Which doctor should I contact?

Allergic rhinitis is treated by an allergist. Additionally, it will be useful to consult an ENT doctor and an immunologist, and if episodes of wheezing or unexplained cough occur in children, a pulmonologist. By consulting with a nutritionist, you can find out which foods are best excluded from your diet during an exacerbation of allergic diseases.

Into the human body when exhaled through the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Allergens include plant pollen, house dust, large quantities contained in carpets, books and other places. This disease is one of the most common in the world; for example, in Russia, according to statistics, from 11 to 24% of the population suffers from allergies.

Main Factors that cause allergic rhinitis are airborne allergens. They are usually divided into three groups:

  • aeroallergens external environment- plant pollen;
  • aeroallergens of homes - mites contained in house dust or animal hair, insects, mold and yeast allergens, some house plants and food products;
  • occupational allergens.

Triggering points can be: spicy food, stressful situations, emotional overload. Often the cause may be a genetic predisposition.
By shape Allergic rhinitis is divided into three classes:

  • seasonal (intermittent) allergic rhinitis - due to the appearance of pollen in the air flowering plants and trees. Since pollen can be spread by wind over very long distances, it is impossible to completely avoid contact with it, there are chances to reduce the danger.
  • year-round (persistent) allergic rhinitis – can appear all year round. The cause is house dust, or rather, microscopic mites living in dust or the hair of some animals. Manifestations of year-round allergic rhinitis are usually somewhat weaker than seasonal ones.
  • occupational rhinitis due to allergic irritants - occurs in people while working in certain conditions, perhaps also from dust, but the exact nature of its occurrence has not been studied.

By clinical manifestations highlight:

  • mild form, which is insignificant and the patient can do without treatment;
  • moderate severity - in this case, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can significantly worsen the quality of life and interfere with the patient;
  • severe form - the patient is in in serious condition, cannot live normally and fully work or study, the disease disrupts sleep.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

First of all, speaking about the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, we must list signs , which should not be ignored and you should consult a doctor:

  • itching in the nose that often occurs during the day;
  • , often paroxysmal in nature;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose, worse at night;
  • watery discharge from the nose, in case of infection, it can take on a mucopurulent character;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, loss of smell;
  • paroxysmal cough and sore throat;
  • redness of the eyes and suppuration, sometimes circles or swelling appear under the eyes.

Taking antihistamines usually alleviates the patient's condition.

These symptoms of allergic rhinitis are not unique to of this disease. All rhinitis has similar symptoms, each of which requires specific treatment, and therefore it is advisable to carry out accurate diagnosis allergist specialist.

To confirm the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to conduct a nasal swab test. The presence of eosinophils in the smear of more than 5% of all detected cells indicates allergic cause nasal congestion.

In the future, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the substance that causes symptoms and is the cause of allergic rhinitis - a causally significant allergen.

It has two types: skin testing and a special blood test.

Setting up skin tests. Required condition– any antihistamines should be discontinued 5 days in advance and the patient’s age is from 4 to 50 years. Several small incisions are made on the forearm, into which 1-2 drops of a specific allergen are dripped. After some time (15-30 minutes), the bubble that appears is examined and measured. Skin test– one of the reliable, common and economical types of allergy diagnostics. The test is not performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

General blood test for specific IgE-specific immunoglobulins . Level total IgE at the moment of birth of a person it is about zero and gradually increases as he grows older. In an adult, a reading above 100-150 U/L is considered elevated. The method is not particularly widespread due to the high cost of the study; the cost of an allergen panel reaches 16 thousand rubles. Another disadvantage is unreliability, often producing false positive results.

With those allergens that gave a positive skin reaction, an additional intranasal provocation test is performed. This diagnosis of allergic rhinitis involves provoking the body to react. To do this, inject 2-3 drops of distilled water into one nostril, then gradually increase the concentration of the tested allergen: 1:100, 1:10 and a whole solution. If after 15-20 minutes a reaction appears - congestion, sneezing, burning, runny nose, the test is considered positive.

It is possible to conduct research using radioallergosorbent, radioimmune, immunoenzyme or chemiluminescent methods, however, due to high cost, these methods are not widely used.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Treatment consists of removing allergic inflammation mucous membranes and conduction allergen-specific therapy.

With mild and medium forms for allergic rhinitis, antihistamine therapy is used, preferably drugs of the second type ( , ) or third ( ,



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