Allergic acne on the legs of a child. All types of rashes on the body in children

Pimples and redness on the skin is one of the most common reasons why the child's parents go to the doctor. There can be many reasons for this, so this article will look at why a red rash appears on a child’s legs. Photos with explanations will help you figure out whether the symptom is a serious reason to see a doctor for special treatment or can be done with home measures.

Rash on the legs of a one-year-old child

A red rash on the legs of a 1-year-old child can have many causes. The main thing that parents should understand with such symptoms is that self-treatment, without consulting a doctor, will not be the best solution.

Children under 1 year of age are prone to the disease. This is a skin irritation that occurs as a result of increased sweat production. After which the process itself slows down, which causes acne and blemishes. The symptoms of the disease in all children are approximately the same and depend entirely on the type of heat rash and the reasons that caused it.

Sweat glands when body temperature rises due to the environment in a child under one year old, intensively secrete liquid secretions. Thereby saving the body from overheating. If he is dressed too warmly, tightly wrapped in diapers and generously lubricated with cream, then it is difficult for the secretion to be released normally. And it accumulates in the glands, which leads to the appearance of a small reddish rash (shown in the photo below).

A viral infection such as can also cause red spots on the extremities:

In this case, with timely and proper care, a complete cure will take at least 14 days. At the same time, the baby’s body must cope with the disease on its own, using the immune system, and the help of a pediatrician will only push the healing process.

Small rash on legs below knees

One of the unpleasant childhood diseases is enlarged lymph nodes and small red ones. The child does not itch or hurt in areas of irritation:


It differs primarily in that it affects the feet. Additional symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea and high fever.

One of the most unpleasant ailments is that caused by harmful bacteria. If it enters the blood, it can cause sepsis, expressed in an initially small rash that later becomes larger. The spots are star-shaped, concentrated on the body and legs:

Meningococcus is especially dangerous for very young children, as it can lead to death if shock develops.

Rash on the soles of the feet in a child

The soles can also be places where a red rash appears on a child's feet. What is this and how to deal with it - let's try to figure it out. In most cases, the appearance of red pimples in this area is a consequence walking barefoot on the grass and possible contact with nettles and thorns. An example of such damage can be seen in the photo.

Such redness does not require medical treatment. It is enough to hold the affected feet in a bath of chamomile or calendula.

Although this is not so much a disease as a predisposition of the baby to allergic reactions and dermatitis. Which are transmitted with genes or are formed as a cause of poor nutrition and microclimate.

is a multiple group of infections that can affect any group of organs:

Symptoms of the disease are varied and may include redness of the epithelium and pimples.

A rash on a child's legs occurs for several reasons. These are infectious and allergic diseases, disorders of the circulatory system. In the latter case, we are more often talking about hemorrhagic vasculitis.

At home, it is impossible to independently determine the cause, focusing on certain symptoms. Therefore, you should contact a specific specialist (allergist or pediatrician) to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Infectious and non-infectious causes

The reasons for the appearance of a rash on the legs of a baby are very diverse. The opinion that a baby should not have any vascular diseases, and that mother’s milk protects him from allergies, is erroneous. And food allergies can appear at any age, and immunity lasts only a couple of months. So a rash should be a reason to see a doctor, because only a specialist can determine the cause of its appearance.

Many parents are afraid that rashes on their child’s legs are a symptom of an infectious disease. Indeed, with measles, rubella and meningococcal infection, a rash appears on the legs. But with measles, it first appears behind the ears and on the upper chest and only then, after 2-3 days, begins to spread throughout the body. It is precisely this phasing that indicates that it is measles, since other signs are characteristic of other infectious diseases.

Rashes in children are caused by the following diseases:

  1. 1. Scarlet fever. The rash looks like red, rough spots, localized not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body. Additional symptoms are high fever, redness of the tongue.
  2. 2. Chicken pox. With it, rashes appear first on the scalp, so parents often do not notice them until they begin to spread throughout the body. The rashes look like pimples with clear liquid. The affected areas of the skin are very itchy.
  3. 3. Measles is a dangerous infectious disease that causes red rashes that look like pimples. Accompanied by a runny nose, cough and fever.
  4. 4. Rubella is a disease in which a small pink rash appears (first on the face, and then on the legs and buttocks). Symptoms of intoxication are less pronounced than with measles.
  5. 5. Enterovirus infection. With it, the rash is most often observed on the feet. It doesn't cause much discomfort.

Of the non-infectious causes of the symptom in question, allergies are the most common. It usually develops as a reaction to an eaten product. Even cow's milk protein can cause an allergy in a baby who is several months old. This reaction occurs more often in those children who were transferred to artificial nutrition. But an allergy in a baby also occurs when he is breastfed, and an allergen gets into the mother’s milk (if the mother ate chocolate, orange, strawberries, etc.). This rash is very itchy and the child becomes irritable. But there are no symptoms of general intoxication. Treatment usually comes down to eliminating contact with the allergen and following a certain diet. Such children need to be more careful when introducing complementary foods. Older babies, who are already one year old, exclude baked goods made from wheat, red berries and fruits from their diet.

Among the non-infectious causes of the appearance of a rash, several more can be named:

  1. 1. Heat rash. It occurs in folds of skin, on the neck and under the arms. It is also localized under the knees. The reasons are overheating and insufficient skin care. The same factors provoke diaper dermatitis, only with it the rash is more localized between the legs.
  2. 2. Psoriasis. A disease whose causes are still debated by doctors. Many researchers highlight a hereditary factor, others talk about disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. Psoriasis manifests itself as a rash in the form of red spots that are localized on the knees.
  3. 3. Insect bites. They cause different skin reactions. Sometimes these are small red pimples located almost in a row - this is what bedbug bites look like. With scabies, the rash is of a paired nature; the entrances and exits of the mite to the surface are visible.

Sometimes a rash occurs because the child ran on the grass the day before (it damaged the skin and irritation began). If you come across nettles along the way, blisters appear.

Whatever causes the rash in a child, it is not the symptom that is treated, but the cause that caused it. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed. Infants can be given drops or ointments from the same category (if the rash has a small area of ​​distribution).


The rash on the legs is caused by exanthema. It occurs quite often, but it is not easy to make this diagnosis, since the causative agent is the herpes virus type 6. It is very common in adults and is inactive most of the time. During an exacerbation, a person develops blisters on his lips. Children also become infected with this virus. Its incubation period is 1-2 weeks. After this, the temperature rises to 39°C, and it is very difficult to bring it down with antipyretic drugs. And since children aged 6 months to 3 years are most often infected with the virus, both parents and doctors associate this temperature with teething or a cold. There is no runny nose or cough, but the cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, slight swelling of the eyelids is noticeable, and red spots appear on the soft palate.

Usually, by the end of the third day, the temperature drops on its own, and the child develops a rash - first on the torso, then on the legs and arms. It looks like small pink pimples, which rarely exceed 2-3 mm in diameter. The rash is abundant, but does not bother the child, it does not itch and does not cause any inconvenience. Even experts mistake this rash for an allergic reaction to antipyretic drugs. It lasts for several hours, a couple of days at most.


Exanthema does not require special treatment. The recommendations are the same as for a virus - drink plenty of fluids, high fever should be brought down with antipyretics. To relieve inflammation and swelling, the doctor prescribes antihistamines and vitamin C, which in this case plays the role of an antioxidant. It is important to ventilate the room in time and monitor the baby’s hygiene.


This disease is the most contagious. It occurs with a painful dry cough and a temperature of 38-39 °C. Additional symptoms are conjunctivitis and hoarseness. Photophobia occurs.

The rash on the legs may be severe. Sometimes individual pimples merge, and then large and continuous red spots of different shapes are formed. They usually last 3-4 days in this form, then they fade, and in the same order in which they appeared - first it appears on the face, then on the legs. But after it, light pigmentation still remains for a couple of weeks. Fine peeling remains at the site of the rash.

Measles requires medical attention. If it is severe, hospitalization will be required; the child should remain in the clinic until complete recovery. But in a mild form, the disease can be treated at home by taking the medications prescribed by the doctor.

The room in which the sick child is located must be constantly ventilated, regularly wet-cleaned and the bed linen changed. Since the temperature is relieved with antipyretic drugs, the child begins to sweat. In such cases, you need to frequently wipe the skin with wet wipes so as not to aggravate the rash. After the procedure, you need to immediately change your baby’s clothes. When the temperature returns to normal, you can bathe the child.

After measles, even if the rash has completely cleared and all other symptoms of the disease have disappeared, the child cannot yet be considered completely recovered. Lethargy, weakness, increased fatigue and absent-mindedness persist for a long time. Therefore, there is no need to burden your baby with additional activities. Instead, the body should be given the opportunity to regain its strength. The child is prescribed natural immunostimulants. This is ascorbic acid, tincture of Eleutherococcus. You need to make vitamin cocktails and include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

A rash in the form of red dots is a symptom of a disease such as hemorrhagic vasculitis. It is due to the fact that under the influence of inflammatory processes the walls of small vessels are destroyed. The disease is considered as an immunopathological one, and boys are more likely to suffer from it.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis can develop as a result of the infectious diseases described above (scarlet fever, chickenpox), sometimes even after influenza, sore throat or ARVI. It can be triggered by injury, hypothermia, allergic reactions or unsuccessful vaccination. At first, the skin rashes are exudative-inflammatory in nature, but then acquire a hemorrhagic appearance.

When the disease occurs, vessels in any part of the body can be drawn into the inflammatory process. But in children, skin manifestations are more common on the legs, arms, and less often on the buttocks and torso. Sometimes the rash becomes crusty. After it goes away, pigmentation remains on the skin. But this is not the only sign of hemorrhagic vasculitis. He also has other symptoms - intense joint pain. With proper treatment, it goes away quickly.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

The disease is treated only in a clinical setting. After discharge from the hospital, the doctor observes the child at home for some time. The duration of hospital stay is from 3 to 6 weeks. Moreover, it is necessary to observe bed rest for at least 20 days, and only then the child is gradually allowed to get up.

During the entire period of treatment you must follow a diet. It is necessary to exclude citrus fruits and many fresh fruits and berries from the diet, at the same time it is necessary to limit extractive substances and animal proteins (this means that you should give up strong broths and fatty meats).

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is treated with heparin. It is prescribed by a doctor in a certain dosage, which depends on the age of the child and the severity of his condition. An autocoagulation test is performed regularly to evaluate blood counts. You need to take vascular agents and sorbents. In severe cases, if the child has angioedema or abdominal pain, prednisolone is prescribed. With the progressive course of the disease, if the area of ​​the rash increases, plasmapheresis is recommended. There can be no talk of any treatment with folk remedies, especially if, in addition to skin manifestations, there are also disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

The arrival of the first child in the family is a great happiness for parents, associated with pleasant chores and care for the baby. However, sometimes the calm idyll can be disrupted by skin rashes all over the baby’s body and face. A rash in newborns is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, which, first of all, worries new parents who associate the rash with some serious disease.

Often, parental concerns are unjustified, and the rash, as a rule, is not pathogenic. However, rashes can cause the development of serious pathologies in the child’s body, as a result of which it is important to diagnose them promptly and correctly.

A rash in a baby always frightens young parents. Sometimes there is no reason to be afraid.


After birth, the baby’s skin is exposed to aggressive external influences, resulting in a very specific reaction that manifests itself on the baby’s body, legs, and head. Factors that can provoke a rash in a newborn can be:

  • change in hormonal levels;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • melanosis;
  • atopic or diaper dermatitis;
  • diseases caused by infectious pathogens.


According to the reasons, the following types of rash are distinguished:


Almost all children are born with perfectly clean skin. The appearance of the first rashes in the form of small pimples is observed after a while, the cause of which is disorders of the child’s body that are hormonal in nature. Such manifestations are often caused by an excess amount of hormones in the female body that the child received during intrauterine development. The rash goes away on its own over a week period.

Hormonal rash in a newborn is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • mainly occurs on the face. It is also possible for the rash to spread to the scalp;
  • appears in the form of small pimples with yellow or white colored liquid;
  • pimples are inflamed and can be localized singly or in groups;
  • the formation of hollow pimples is possible.

Such a skin rash excludes the appearance of discomfort and also excludes special treatment. After it disappears on its own, the skin remains clean.


It refers to a rash on the skin, manifested in the form of small pearl-colored pimples that are not inflammatory in nature. They can be compared to wen. The cause of the appearance is imperfect sebaceous ducts and glands, the formation of which completely ends after a couple of months after the birth of the baby.

Allergic reactions

Also, a rash in an infant may be associated with allergic manifestations. In this case, the primary treatment should be aimed at identifying and eliminating the allergen, which can be different:

  1. Food. If there is an allergic sensitivity to food, then pimples or reddish spots appear on the child’s body, which tend to peel off. The reason for their occurrence lies in the inappropriate nutrition of the baby or the incorrect diet of the mother who is breastfeeding. A woman should carefully select her food products.
  2. Domestic. Rash in newborns can be caused by objects they constantly use. Characteristic signs include reddish pimples, slight redness, and chafing. Baby cream, synthetic clothing, baby wash and clothes washing products, and dust can act as irritants.
  3. Medicines. Drug allergies make themselves felt a short time after taking the medicine. The rash can be localized throughout the body and head in the form of red spots. Their appearance can be triggered by certain substances included in the drug. If the described reaction occurs, stop using the drug.

An allergic rash causes severe discomfort to the newborn, manifested in itching sensations. For treatment, special ointments, decoctions or antihistamine drugs are used.


Urticaria can be recognized by large red spots located on the child’s body. It is also considered one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction, the provoking factors of which can be illnesses suffered recently.

Prickly heat

It is typical not only for the children's age group, but also for adults. Characterized by small pimples with watery contents that can spread throughout the body. The reasons are:

  • hot temperature conditions;
  • high air humidity;
  • excessively warm clothes;
  • lack of hygiene.

In order to get rid of prickly heat, it is important to identify and eliminate the cause. Various powders and creams for children may be useful, the action of which is aimed at relieving skin irritation and combating diaper rash.

Diaper and atopic dermatitis

A rash in a baby can manifest itself in the form of dermatitis, which can be of two types:

  • diaper. Occurs due to the child’s constantly closed body. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and also often take air baths using powder and cream. Often, unsuitable diapers become the main trigger for the formation of diaper dermatitis. Then it is advisable to give preference to another brand or use them in minimal quantities.
  • atopic. Localized on the body, buttocks, and legs of the baby. Characterized by flaky and reddened skin. It can be easily detected in the presence of strong wind or frost: the child’s cheeks become red and crusty. Treatment is medicinal, involving the use of herbal baths.


The rarest form of rash on the body of infants. It is distinguished by small pigment-type spots. Another name is “three-week rash”, since it tends to disappear on its own after three weeks after its occurrence.

Infectious diseases

An infectious rash can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Scarlet fever. It is diagnosed by the appearance of characteristic pimples on the back, from where they spread to the neck and chest, subsequently localizing throughout the body.
  2. Chickenpox. In this case, the rash is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Bubbles form on the skin, which burst and turn into pustules. A sign of their healing is severe itching. However, during this period you should absolutely not comb them. The rash spreads throughout the body and is localized on the baby’s legs, arms, and head. However, after a week, it goes away on its own.
  3. Measles. It develops in a certain sequence, first affecting the areas behind the ears and ending with the baby’s legs. A red rash appears on the 5th day from the onset of the disease after an increase in body temperature.
  4. Rubella. Characterized by an increase in temperature at the very beginning of the disease. In this case, the lymph nodes become enlarged, and small pimples appear on the 4th day. The rashes are local in nature.
  5. Enterovirus infection. It is an intestinal disease of infectious origin, resulting from damage to the oral mucosa. The rash spreads to the feet and hands.

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If pimples appear on a child’s legs, this sign indicates that pathological processes are occurring in the body. Parents should pay close attention to it, since the nature of the rash has a different origin (it can be caused by scarlet fever, smallpox, measles, or due to intolerance to certain foods); if treated improperly, such rashes can lead to serious consequences, even death.

The disease manifests itself as:

  • bubbles (they are blisters containing a clear liquid inside);
  • pustules (characterized by the content of pus);
  • milia (appear as small, colorless bumps that are not accompanied by pain);
  • papules (skin lumps);
  • nodules (subcutaneous formations accompanied by pain).

May be:

  • inflamed (large, red, with purulent contents);
  • non-inflamed (black dots).

If, when a rash appears on the legs, a child experiences vomiting, drowsiness, swelling of the face, shortness of breath and other symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Small, pinpoint red rashes on the extremities are a common manifestation of allergies (legs, feet, and palms are affected). Also, similar symptoms characterize miliaria (when a rash forms locally on the legs, but is absent on other parts of the body; it occurs due to overheating of the body). Changes in the skin may appear due to a fungal infection, psoriasis, scabies, or lupus. If redness is observed all over, you can suspect rubella (characterized by enlarged lymph nodes) or measles (in addition to redness of the skin, this disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, and signs of ARVI are observed).

Such rashes characterize the manifestation of an allergic reaction, the presence of a fungal infection, problems with the digestive system, and may signal a lack of hormones in the child’s body or a lack of vitamins.

If a similar rash appears exclusively on the flexor surfaces of the legs, then this indicates infection with scabies mites. The disease is accompanied by itching of the infected areas.

The appearance of acne on a child's legs can be caused by:

  • teething;
  • allergies;
  • heat rash;
  • exposure to the drug (reaction to vaccination);
  • skin contamination;
  • chapping, sunburn;
  • streptoderma (characterized by the presence of red, watery pimples due to damage by streptococci);
  • infectious diseases;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • diabetes (characterized by the appearance of a rash on the buttocks);
  • hormonal changes.

This sign appears when a child gets scarlet fever (a disease characterized by intoxication, fever, general weakness, redness of the tongue and throat, accompanied by a rash). The area of ​​skin damage covers not only the lower extremities, but also other parts of the body. The disease is infectious in nature and is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Dry, rough rashes are also characteristic of atopic dermatitis caused by allergies. For effective treatment, it is necessary to eliminate contact with the allergen, use antihistamines, and the skin can be treated with baby cream or Bepanten.

Acne appears on a child’s feet for the following reasons:

  • vesicular stomatitis (also occurs on the mucous membrane of the patient’s mouth);
  • pseudotuberculosis (a rash appears on the feet, hands, accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea);
  • contact with prickly and stinging plants (nettle, thorns; relieve symptoms with baths with chamomile, string, calendula).

A disease characterized by the formation of small blisters or pimples. It is provoked by elevated temperature, steaming the body with warm or synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through. It often occurs in the groin area, in the folds under the knees, and in the armpit area.

Miliaria is distinguished:

  • papular (associated with the appearance of papules: the skin dries very much, peels and itches);
  • red (distinguished by red blistering and nodular formations up to 2 mm with cloudy liquid inside, itching);
  • crystalline (characterized by the presence of white and transparent bubbles with a diameter of up to 1 mm.).

Treatment of the disease is associated with the elimination of provoking factors (overheating) and compliance with the necessary hygienic conditions.

You can relieve the symptoms of the disease with the help of creams and gels: “La-Cri” (safe for infants, pregnant women), “Bepanten”, etc.

Changes in hormonal levels (during puberty, in case of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs involved in the production of hormones) can cause acne to appear on the legs. The disease manifests itself individually, and peeling of the skin may occur.

An infection that is characterized by the appearance of watery small blisters with a clear liquid inside, which turns into pus over time. It is caused by pathogenic staphylococcus. Sweat glands are affected (on the head, in the folds of the abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks). Newborns with weakened immune systems are susceptible to the disease.

It appears in the form of watery acne, transparent or white, and is a response to exposure to household chemicals and food. It is treated by eliminating the provoking factor. Signs can be relieved with antiallergic creams and ointments.

An infectious disease characterized by the appearance of large pimples all over the body, capable of bursting and merging with each other, forming a crust. Symptoms are supplemented by high temperature (38-40 degrees), the child is shivering, has a runny nose and cough.

Characteristic is the appearance of watery rashes on the limbs, torso, and head, accompanied by severe itching.

There is a high temperature, redness of the tongue and throat. A red rash, rough to the touch, covers the entire body.

Irritation that occurs in infants in the groin area, caused by prolonged use of a diaper and overheating of the problem area. Relieve symptoms with creams and ointments, sea buckthorn oil, and air baths.

Irritation may occur due to insect bites. The skin in these places begins to itch and blisters appear. They go away on their own in a few days. It is important to protect the area from scratching.

In order for the therapy to be effective and not lead to serious consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor: only he will establish an accurate diagnosis. The use of certain medications will be determined by the cause of the pathology.

If the rash is accompanied by a high temperature, you should immediately seek help and call an ambulance.

If the rash is caused by an allergy, you can use folk remedies:

  • a decoction of young carrot tops (they treat the affected areas of the skin, drink 50 ml three times a day);
  • bay leaf (relieves allergic symptoms) or wormwood is added to the bathing water; after the procedure, zinc ointment is rubbed into the body;
  • Sea buckthorn oil copes well with diaper rash and redness. They lubricate problem areas and can be used under a diaper.

Just like any drug treatment, the use of folk recipes to improve the health of the baby requires consultation with a pediatrician in order to exclude possible contraindications and not harm health.

To prevent acne on your child’s legs, it is important to follow the rules of prevention:

  • timely vaccination against infectious diseases;
  • strengthening the body with vitamin complexes and hardening;
  • avoiding overheating;
  • mandatory observance of personal hygiene rules.

Young children often get sick. They have very sensitive skin and mucous membranes. Almost all children are allergic to food or hygiene products. There are no sebaceous glands on children's palms and feet, so acne on the thighs is much more common. Quite often the skin on a child’s bottom becomes inflamed, which is very sensitive to overheating, dirt, and bacteria. It is necessary to periodically bathe the baby, wash his genitals, change diapers, and take walks in the fresh air from time to time.

The feet are a part of the body where there is no hair or sebaceous glands, so you can immediately rule out diseases of these skin appendages, a typical symptom of which is red pimples in children (acne, folliculitis). Children love to walk barefoot, so there is a possibility of infection through microcracks in the skin. Products used to clean floors and carpets can also cause an inappropriate reaction in the body, since children are much more sensitive to environmental factors compared to adults.

It is very important to identify the cause of the rash in time and take appropriate measures.

A rash on a teenager’s foot can take different forms:

  • bubbles filled with liquid;
  • red pimples on the child’s legs that resemble bumps, hard to the touch;
  • dry pimples on the butt and legs, accompanied by cracks;
  • purulent (rarely occur on the foot);
  • intradermal, which resemble lumps and are accompanied by inflammation of the surrounding tissues.

What is the reason for the appearance of a rash in such an unusual place? It most often occurs in children with reduced immunity, impressionable and sickly.

Sometimes acne on a child's legs can become inflamed when wearing synthetic tights or socks, washing their feet with inappropriate products or choosing uncomfortable shoes. Overly warm boots can cause overheating of the skin, which leads to inflammation.

Among the diseases that manifest as a rash on the foot are:

  1. Dyshidrosis.
  2. Dyshidrotic eczema.
  3. Allergic dermatitis.
  4. Fungal skin lesions.

It is very important to know the causes of small pimples, even if the child does not yet suffer from the disease.

A characteristic symptom of dyshidrosis is acne in a child, mainly on the palms and soles. Allergic manifestations can affect any part of the body. They can be local (under the influence of an allergen especially on the child’s heels) and generalized (due to general intoxication). Fungal infections affect the feet, causing unbearable itching, and the nails break and peel. The differences between different types of rash are clearly visible in the photo.

There are a number of pathologies, the characteristic symptoms of which are rashes on the hands and small pimples on the feet. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor must carefully examine the patient.

If the rash on children’s legs becomes purely local, it is worth considering the following ailments:

  1. Dyshidrosis occurs due to excessive sweating, causing blockage of the sweat glands. When the air temperature rises, overwork, or stress, the palms begin to sweat intensely, and a rash appears on the child’s knees. It is also found on thighs. Small pimples on the leg may be the result of an allergy to food or clothing, if this is no longer an infant

    Their hygiene should be carefully monitored in order to promptly remove secretions, which are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. The rash in appearance resembles watery pimples on the legs, which over time fill with pus. They are very itchy, accompanied by aching pain and peeling of the skin. The pimple can merge with an adjacent rash, causing significant skin damage.

  2. Dyshidrotic eczema. The reason is the increased work of the sweat glands. It is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid under the skin, resulting in watery pimples on the legs and palms. If antiseptic rules are not followed, pimples may become infected. Elements of the child's rash itch and are accompanied by swelling. When the blisters burst, they can leave behind painful sores.
  3. Allergic (itching) dermatitis. With this disease, the skin itches very much. Children become capricious, restless, and constantly scratch small pimples on their legs. The reason is that the allergen gets on the skin or inside the body with food. Its role can be detergents, chemicals, dyes, synthetic fabrics. With this disease, red pimples in children may appear on the butt, thighs and other areas of the lower extremities. A generalized allergic reaction, which causes red pimples on a child's legs, can develop into anaphylactic shock, so parents should be very careful.

Very often, children whose legs are constantly under clothes develop a disease such as prickly heat.

In children, the skin has increased sensitivity to the negative influences of the external environment. It is worth carefully monitoring hygiene, using only baby soap and shampoos.

Endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism) may be accompanied by swelling and the formation of various types of rashes. The normal ratio of substances in the body changes. The skin, as an indicator, quickly reacts to changes throughout the body. Pimples on a child's feet may be accompanied by elevated blood glucose levels. Against the background of frequent acute respiratory diseases, immunity is significantly reduced, which can be accompanied by rapid fatigue and disruption of the intradermal glands. In diabetes mellitus, the vessels of the lower extremities suffer, which is accompanied by a disruption of their blood supply and tissue hypoxia.

Infectious diseases such as scabies, molluscum contagiosum, and fungal pathogens can affect the foot area. They require special treatment aimed at boosting immunity and antibacterial therapy. Perhaps at first there was only a small injury, which, if hygiene rules were not followed, turned into infected wounds. Dirty towels and visiting the public pool and beach can contribute to foot infections. Acne on the knees of an adult can occur due to improper hair removal.

Common illnesses that affect young children are scarlet fever, measles and chickenpox

Childhood diseases that are accompanied by the spread of a rash:

  • chickenpox - acne on the knees of a child occurs last, a blistering rash spreads from top to bottom, can affect the mucous membranes, and also appear on the child’s leg;
  • acne caused by overstrain of the nervous system, red pimples in children resemble an allergic reaction;
  • with scarlet fever, rubella and measles, the lymph nodes enlarge, the temperature rises, intoxication of the body occurs, pain and ulcers in the mouth are possible, sometimes during illness patients claim that red areas have appeared on their legs;
  • scabies - the scabies mite makes passages under the skin, causing severe itching and pimples on the toes, and can simultaneously affect the hand;
  • foot fungus - white pimples, which is accompanied by peeling of the skin; the pathogenic pathogen causes an unpleasant odor on the child’s foot.

Today, there are various treatment methods based on the experience of dermatologists around the world. Specific therapy is based on combating the cause that caused the disease.

  • calm environment, opportunity to relax
  • measures aimed at strengthening immunity;
  • exclusion of allergenic products, synthetic clothing, exclusion of home repairs;
  • mother's positive attitude;
  • in the presence of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are appropriate;
  • symptoms of an allergic reaction can be eliminated with the help of antihistamines;
  • isolation of the patient from other children if we are talking about an infectious disease.

The choice of drug therapy depends on the specific disease:

  1. antiseptics (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide) are indispensable for any skin pathology;
  2. streptocidal ointment has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, softening effect;
  3. if there is a fungal infection on the child’s heels, fungicidal drugs are prescribed (in the form of ointments, creams and tablets);
  4. chicken pox does not pose a significant danger; you should treat the blisters with an antiseptic and try to normalize a very high temperature.

Only a doctor can choose the right treatment

You cannot self-medicate. When it comes to an infectious disease, it is better to show the patient to an experienced dermatologist who can make a diagnosis. Acne on a child's legs can pose a risk of complications, so timely diagnosis is key in the treatment of meningococcal infection.

Meningococcal infection is very dangerous. First, a pimple appears on the body, then pimples appear on the child’s knees. Harmless primary symptoms such as runny nose, cough, fever are accompanied by small pimples on the body after 2-3 days. The nature of the rash resembles subcutaneous hemorrhages. First, a pimple appears on the body, then pimples appear on the child’s knee.

The presence of any rash in a child is a cause for concern. The baby’s skin should always remain soft and clean, and if small pimples begin to appear on his legs that itch and prevent him from sleeping at night, then he urgently needs to be seen by a doctor.

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Before visiting the pediatrician, parents should monitor the baby’s condition in order to get a complete picture of what is happening.

  • Ask your baby how he feels: do the pimples itch and where exactly? It may happen that the rash appears not only on the legs, but also on the arms, neck, butt, etc. This needs to be clarified and reported in detail to the local doctor.
  • Take your baby's temperature and ask: does he have a headache?
  • Listen to all the child's complaints and pay attention to his stool. If the baby has diarrhea, the doctor should also know about it.

The causes of a rash on the legs can be various skin diseases - from simple prickly heat to scarlet fever, which in advanced cases causes complications on the heart and kidneys. It is better for caring parents to know about them in order to orient themselves in time and notice the manifestations of symptoms. Those who are especially curious can find photos of children with similar diseases on the Internet.

With heat rash, a child develops small red pimples in closed areas of the body: on the back, neck, butt, on the arms in the armpit folds, in the groin and under the knees. They appear due to excessive sweating as a result of the heat, wearing unnatural fabrics, wearing warm clothes out of season, failure to comply with hygiene rules and, as a rule, do not itch. In order to get rid of prickly heat, you don’t need to invent anything. It is enough to bathe the baby every day, give air baths to the whole body and, as often as possible, remove the diaper to allow the butt to “breathe”.

This is an infectious disease of the sweat glands, which occurs mainly in newborns and infants with low immunity who are bottle-fed. Pathogenic staphylococcus is the causative agent of this disease. Its symptoms are as follows: on the scalp, in the folds of the lower abdomen, on the arms, thighs and butt, first watery small blisters with transparent, later purulent contents appear, which burst after 2-3 days and then dry out. A child who begins to exhibit vesiculopustulosis is immediately isolated and treatment is started.

Young children very often suffer from allergies. Watery pimples on the legs may be the result of an allergic reaction to food or household chemicals. The most common is urticaria. Blisters appear on the baby's skin and are very itchy. Treatment is always aimed at eliminating the allergen from food or household items.

Measles is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. With measles, ARVI symptoms appear, the temperature rises to 38-40 0C, large pimples appear, which merge with each other and rise above the skin. Their number decreases from head to feet. Complications of measles are deadly and require immediate treatment.

Watery pimples on your child's legs that are bothersome and itchy could indicate chickenpox. It is better to get chickenpox at an early age, as this disease later leads to a number of complications. So parents of small children should not worry too much about this. The main thing is not to allow your child to pick off pimples, otherwise scars will remain in their place!

With scarlet fever, small pimples that feel rough to the touch appear all over the body. Symptoms include high body temperature, headache, and vomiting. If you do not follow your doctor's instructions, heart and kidney complications may occur.

Small rashes or watery pimples in the baby's groin and bottom occur with diaper dermatitis, mainly due to overheating of the skin in the diaper. In this case, the pediatrician may prescribe ointment or cream, as well as air baths.

After all, pimples on your baby's legs can be caused by insect bites such as ticks and mosquitoes. The bite sites are usually very itchy. Another option: the baby was walking in the grass, contact with which caused skin irritation. In any case, regardless of where the rash occurs: on the legs, arms or butt, do not start treatment yourself! There is no need to complicate the doctor’s task and “mask” the rash with brilliant green.

Such actions will not allow you to accurately determine the origin of the irritation, and you will have to wait until the stains from the brilliant green are washed off. Only after examination and tests will the pediatrician make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If you are not able to immediately show your sick child to the pediatrician, take a photo of the area of ​​skin where the rash appears, since in some cases, within a few days, the skin disease may progress to another stage or disappear altogether.

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When acne appears on a child’s legs and arms, it scares almost all parents, because the causes of such formations can be very diverse. The skin, which is the largest organ of the body by area, performs many functions, including protective and excretory, and also reflects the general state of health. Any pathological changes can trigger the appearance of acne and other rashes on any part of the body, indicating the presence of diseases or disorders.

Each type of acne has its own characteristics and indicates the presence of a specific problem. In general, pathogenic formations in this category can be divided into:

  • Bubbles with watery contents. Such elements can appear with chickenpox, herpes, streptoderma or herpes zoster.
  • Papules located under the skin. In most cases, such elements indicate the process of inflammation occurring in the sebaceous glands.
  • Blisters with purulent contents most often represent impetigo and occur due to the penetration of staphylococcal or streptococcal infections.
  • The black and white dots are dense sebaceous plugs that clog skin pores.
  • White, dry pimples with a crust of dry skin on top may indicate hyperkeratosis.
  • Blistering pimples with a scaly top, located in spots, usually indicate a fungal infection of the skin or the occurrence of lichen.
  • Large red spots with rashes inside them may indicate sunburn, rubella or measles. In infants, such manifestations often indicate overheating of the body.

The most dangerous are rashes with watery and purulent contents, especially when they cause pain and itch.

Most often, acne appears:

  • On the skin between the fingers - for hives, scabies, allergies;
  • On the phalanges of the fingers near the nails - when affected by a fungus;
  • Above the elbows and on the legs – for allergies and the appearance of keratosis pilaris;
  • On the hands and palms - with insufficient hygiene, dysfunction of the sweat glands, dyshidrosis;
  • Throughout the body - for scabies, chickenpox, urticaria, allergies.


Diseases accompanied by acne in children

If we consider a rash as a medical term, then such a manifestation means the occurrence of changes in the epidermis due to some disorder or disease. The causes of rashes on a child’s skin (subject to proper care and a sufficient number of hygiene procedures) are almost always hidden inside the body, and not outside.

All diseases, the symptom of which is the appearance of acne, can be divided into two main groups: allergic diseases and infectious diseases.

Viral (infectious) diseases that are contagious include: rubella, roseola, erythema, mononucleosis, measles, chickenpox. When such ailments appear in children, not only rashes appear, but also the temperature rises significantly, fever and chills, sore throat, and runny nose occur. There are no special drugs to combat such diseases. Here it is important to allow the child’s body to fight the infection on its own, which usually happens within 6 to 15 days. At this time, the child needs to follow a diet and drinking regime. It is also very important to carry out regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

In the presence of bacterial infections, which are accompanied by the formation of a rash with inflammation and purulent elements, the prescription of local or systemic antibiotics will be required. Only a doctor should make such appointments after making an accurate diagnosis.

Allergic manifestations can occur from exposure to many irritants, and each child will have different associated symptoms. In this case, the use of special antihistamines in the form of tablets, syrups or ointments is required. Only a doctor can choose the right remedy, for which you should seek a consultation and examination. To effectively combat allergies, it is important to accurately identify the irritants.

It is important to remember that almost all allergic manifestations are accompanied by fairly intense itching, so parents need to ensure that the baby does not scratch the rash. Scratching leads to damage to the skin, through which infection with pathogenic microorganisms can occur, and this will lead to complications.

To reduce the intensity of itching, you can add decoctions of chamomile, string, calendula or sage to bathing water, and also gently soak and wipe the affected areas with them.

Today, allergic reactions are observed in almost every third child, manifesting themselves in response to various irritants. For each child, the symptoms of such manifestations are different and have different intensity, which depends on the allergen, the type of allergy (food, respiratory or contact), as well as on the characteristics of the body and general health. With allergic manifestations, the rash may additionally be accompanied not only by itching, but also by tissue swelling, peeling of the epidermis, hyperemia, and atopic dermatitis.

In addition to food products such as gluten from cereals, soy, milk, nuts, fruits (primarily exotic and citrus fruits), eggs, chocolate and cocoa, berries, allergies can also occur to laundry detergents upon contact with them, to various household chemicals, fabrics (especially synthetics), plants, animal hair, medicines, even cosmetics if they are chosen incorrectly.

Often, acne on a child’s arms and legs appears due to the consumption of unnatural food, that is, those products that contain a large number of synthetic and flavoring additives, flavors, preservatives, and dyes. A similar reaction can be caused by antipyretic syrups for babies, which also often contain dyes and other additives. For this reason, to reduce the temperature in children, it is better to administer rectal suppositories.

Infection with this disease, which has a viral etiology, occurs through contact, for example, in kindergarten when using shared toys, towels, clothes, and bed linen. Children aged 3–4 years are most susceptible to infection in this case. Children aged 7 to 10 years are infected much less frequently. Cases of infection in adolescents over 15 years of age are rare.

Molluscum contagiosum

When this infection enters the body, white nodules of a dense structure begin to appear on the child’s body, having a small notch in the central part. They form on different parts of the body, often on the arms and legs, in the armpits, on the shoulders, chest and back. The elements are single, large, but may have different densities. When you press on the skin area around such pimples, the contents of the curdled structure are released from their central part (recess).

It is important to remember that if a child has a similar pimple on any part of the body (even in the singular), then he is considered a carrier of the virus, since the disease is very contagious. However, subject to careful adherence to all rules of personal hygiene, the baby can continue to attend children's educational institutions. There is no need for isolation here, however, you should visit a pediatrician for adjustments and adequate therapy.

In most cases, special diagnostics are not required. The pediatrician whom the parents contact examines the child and refers him to a dermatologist. A qualified specialist in this area usually immediately determines the cause of the rash by the nature of the elements and their location, as well as by the presence of general symptoms.

Carrying out examinations and tests is necessary when the doctor has doubts about making a diagnosis, because some diseases have largely similar manifestations. In this case, the child may be sent for a general blood and urine test, scraping of the epidermis from the affected part of the body, and various modern studies if necessary.

In some cases, no special treatment is required when rashes appear. For example, with chickenpox or rubella. These diseases go away on their own within a few days. In this case, bedding should be changed daily, washed at high temperatures, and the child should be given antihistamines, which will reduce the intensity of itching.

For allergies, the basis of therapy is the exclusion of the allergen from the child’s life. You may need:

  • Create a specific diet, excluding some foods, but establishing a balanced menu.
  • Change laundry detergent, conditioner, cosmetics.
  • Remove all possible dust collectors from the home, such as soft toys, carpets, and piles of clothing.
  • Replace feather pillows with bamboo or filled with synthetic hypoallergenic materials.
  • Remove some plants and pets from your home.

It is important not to give your child any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Keratosis pilaris also does not require special treatment. In this case, it is important to follow a properly formulated diet that provides the child’s body with all the necessary substances, and to take additional vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor. After bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with body oil or softening baby cream to eliminate dryness of the epidermis.

Molluscum contagiosum also heals on its own. On average, the appearance of rashes lasts about 3 months, after which the intensity of the manifestations begins to subside. In most cases, recovery occurs after about 6–7 months, but sometimes it can take several years. You should not squeeze such pimples, since extracting the contents mechanically leads to significant damage to the skin and the formation of scars.

For scabies, local special-purpose products are used. Before applying them, it is recommended to take a hot bath to open the pores, using a hard washcloth to wash. After applying the ointment, you should change the bed linen and all towels, wash them in the machine at high temperature with liquid laundry soap. Wash all things. Do a general cleaning of your home by washing the floors with antibacterial agents and treating carpets and furniture with dichlorvos, which contains insecticides.

Regardless of the nature of the rash and the intensity of its manifestation, the child should not be allowed to scratch the existing formations. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and always have an antihistamine in your home medicine cabinet, which, if necessary, will eliminate the itching sensation during the period when the rash appears. You should not self-diagnose. If acne appears on your child's arms or legs, you should consult a doctor.

The health of the baby is the most important thing for every mother. And if the baby develops any peculiarities in behavior or exhibits any symptoms, mothers begin to sound the alarm. And they are doing the right thing, I must say. After all, at a young age, everything is important for health. Even the most trivial symptoms can lead to the idea that something is wrong with the child, and also suggest what kind of disease has crippled the baby.

In this article we will look in detail at what can cause a rash on the legs of a child. So, to begin with, it is worth noting that a rash is not a disease, but only a symptom.

Causes of rash on legs

First, it is necessary to exclude infectious diseases, one of the manifestations of which is also a rash.

  1. Scarlet fever. It is characterized by a red, rough rash, localized not only on the legs, but throughout the body. Another symptom of this disease is high fever and redness of the tongue.
  2. Measles. Another infectious disease accompanied by a rash is measles. It appears as a small red rash on the legs and throughout the body. With it, the child also develops a runny nose, cough and fever.
  3. Chicken pox. Her rash looks like blisters with clear liquid, they cover her entire body and are very itchy.
  4. Rubella. It is also accompanied by a small pink rash that appears first on the face and then affects the entire body. Rubella is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and increased temperature.
  5. Vesilocupustulosis. A rather unpleasant disease, manifested by small pustular pimples of white or light yellow color.
  6. Enterovirus infection. The disease manifests itself only as a rash; it is usually located on the palms or soles and does not cause any discomfort in the child.

Now let's look at other causes of rash on the legs.

How to treat rash on legs?

The main thing you must remember is that before a specialist examines the child and makes a diagnosis, you cannot smear the rash (especially with brilliant green). This will make it difficult to determine the cause of the rash. Therefore, first of all, call a doctor at home, and he will prescribe the necessary treatment.



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