St. John's wort - beneficial properties, uses, recipes and treatment with St. John's wort. Treatment of sinusitis with St. John's wort

St. John's wort... What kind of grass is this that kills animals, or what? What good is there then, what does this weed bring? harm or benefit? Let's figure it out...

Here's what the official description of the herb tells us: “The plant is a herbaceous perennial, belongs to the St. John's wort family. It can reach a height of 100 cm. The stems are smooth, rounded, branching at the top, the leaves are oblong, with black dots that appear through.” If you pick a leaf of St. John's wort and rub it between your fingers, it will turn reddish in color. This color is what gives the substance that is contained in those very blackish dots, it is called hypericin. It is precisely this hypericin that serves as a distinctive feature of St. John's wort, so the herb is easy to recognize if you collect it yourself. And it is better to collect it in July or August, when it blooms. You need to dry the grass in a place protected from sunlight and spread it out to dry in a thin layer. But dried grass can be stored for no more than 3 years, then it simply loses its valuable qualities.

The plant has long been considered a panacea for 99 ailments. A little history: Avicenna also claimed that you can cure a disease of the sciatic nerve if you drink a decoction of the herb St. John's wort for 40 days in a row. And in Rus', Tsar Mikhail even introduced such an obligation - to collect St. John's wort and send it to the capital “a bag for every year.”

What does official medicine say in favor of St. John's wort?

At one time, St. John's wort was undeservedly forgotten and stopped being used in treatment, but recently it has again begun to regain the recognition of doctors and healers. So where to use this herb so that it brings benefit and did not cause harm? Let's remember about the very substance that is in the black dots - hypericin, it turns out that it is thanks to it that a positive result is achieved in the treatment of depression and diseases of the nervous system, moreover, it does not carry any side effects. St. John's wort is also used as an excellent anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and tonic.

St. John's wort is unique in its chemical composition, which is used to produce natural antibiotics, imanin and novoimanin. They are used in the treatment of burns, festering wounds, respiratory diseases and some diseases in women. St. John's wort can be used to prepare a decoction, tincture, oil and extract.

St. John's wort tincture is useful for dental procedures, such as mouth rinsing, it helps eliminate odor and cure gum inflammation. You can prepare the infusion like this: you need to take one tablespoon of chopped dry herb and pour boiling water in the amount of one glass, leave for half an hour, wrapped in a towel. After this, take as directed.

St. John's wort decoction It is good to treat various skin rashes, diaper rash in children, suppuration, abscesses. Also used for bleeding, diseases of the intestines and stomach, and even as an anthelmintic. Prepare the decoction like this: We also take one tablespoon and one glass of water, but cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. This amount of decoction is designed for a day, you need to take it several times.

St. John's wort oil is also useful for rashes, ulcers, as well as for radiculitis and bruises. Even with very severe burns, when a large area is affected, oil is the most effective remedy. Let's prepare it like this: Let's take 20 g of St. John's wort flowers and 200 g of oil, you can use sunflower or flaxseed oil, and let it infuse for two weeks, not forgetting to shake occasionally.

Easy to prepare and alcohol infusion of St. John's wort. St. John's wort with alcohol is only useful for adults, but should never be given to children. It’s easy to prepare an alcohol infusion: n Already mix four tablespoons of herb with one hundred milliliters of alcohol and place in a dark place for 10 days. Then filter and take no more than 50 drops at a time three times a day. You can prepare an alcohol tincture with the addition of vodka, but then you will need to take the medicine longer. To prepare rubbings, the alcohol infusion is diluted with water.

You can list for a long time the diseases that this medicinal plant helps with, because it is not without reason that it is called the “healer of 99 ailments,” but we will not do this. It’s better to clarify in what situations St. John’s wort is not useful, but harmful. Although these are rather contraindications for use. It is better not to be treated with this herb for pregnant women and people with hypertension, because St. John's wort increases blood pressure. Also, you should not drink infusions and decoctions for a long time, because this plant is slightly toxic and can cause an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria. It is not advisable for men to get carried away with this medicine, because temporary impotence may occur, but after stopping treatment, male function is restored over time. Sunbathers will also have to postpone solar treatments while taking St. John's wort, because it increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. But who really St. John's wort is harmful, So it is for animals, because it causes poisoning.

So any medicine is good when used wisely and in moderation. Before you start taking even seemingly harmless weed, it is best to first consult a specialist. And it’s even better if you don’t get sick at all. Be healthy!

St. John's wort is a herbaceous plant with flowers that grows in the middle climate zone in clearings and forest edges. Our ancestors knew about the beneficial qualities of the herb - they actively used it to treat many ailments. St. John's wort was also used by witches in Rus' who practiced traditional medicine. Nowadays, the beneficial properties of the herb are recognized as traditional medicine, its components are used to create medicines, and infusions with the flowers and leaves of the plant are often prescribed by doctors to treat certain diseases.

Beneficial properties of St. John's wort herb

There are several types of such plants known in nature - St. John's wort, common St. John's wort, gnarled, creeping, but in most cases the perforated one is used for treatment. This herb has beneficial qualities that help fight diseases and ailments of various types. The healing ones include:

  • Astringent properties of the plant.
  • Ability to stop bleeding.
  • Diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Anti-inflammatory and wound healing capabilities.
  • Analgesic, antiseptic effect on the body.
  • Antidepressant properties.

Infusions and teas with St. John's wort have a beneficial effect on the body, calming the nervous system, helping to fight its disorders and diseases (for example, used for alcoholism). This herb has a positive effect on the immune system (which is especially important for HIV), strengthening it and the body as a whole. Infusions are often used in the field of cosmetology, using St. John's wort to create cosmetics, lotions for skin and hair.

Benefits and harm to the body

St. John's wort is a unique plant that is rich in beneficial substances that help fight diseases. While focusing on the healing properties, we should not forget about the possible harm of the herb - negative consequences that can arise if infusions are used for other purposes or when taken by people for whom they are strictly contraindicated. Before starting therapy, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the contraindications and possible negative effects on the human body.

For women

The benefits of St. John's wort for women, their health, and beauty have been proven by many specialists who deal with traditional treatment and herbs. Substances contained in the flowers and leaves of the plant have a positive effect on internal organs, facial skin, and the benefits of herbal infusion for hair have long been proven. The use of infusions from St. John's wort is used:

  • In gynecology to normalize the menstrual cycle, alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause, with fibroids, erosion, for the treatment of breast diseases. It is often prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases that cause infertility.
  • In gastroenterology for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, normalization of the pancreas.
  • In cosmetology, it is possible to use the infusion externally or internally. Good for:
  1. Normalization of fat metabolism in the facial skin.
  2. Wound healing.
  3. Gives hair shine and health.

In addition to the positive effect, there is a negative effect of St. John's wort on the female body. With prolonged use of the infusion or tea, the level of the male hormone, testosterone, increases, which leads to male-type hair growth and a change in voice. It is important to remember: the herb reduces the properties of contraceptives, so in addition to taking pills, you should protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy in another way.

For men

The benefits of St. John's wort for men are primarily in the treatment of gastroenterological diseases, inflammation of the prostate, diseases associated with stagnation of bile or problems with urination. Used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Taking St. John's wort for men, judging by reviews, can negatively affect potency and weaken this function, but everything returns to normal after stopping treatment. Taking infusions and herbal teas should be under the constant supervision of a doctor, so as not to irrevocably disrupt a man’s sexual ability.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, doctors prohibit the use of St. John's wort herb in any form. This can negatively affect a woman’s health, since hormonal changes make it difficult to predict the body’s reaction to the herb. The use of St. John's wort infusions can lead to impaired fetal development and the formation of diseases, so it is better to abandon this treatment method. In addition, it is not recommended to take a decoction of the herb during lactation, since the milk can become significantly bitter and the baby will refuse to breastfeed.

Medicinal use

As a medicinal product, St. John's wort can be taken in the form of an infusion or herbal tea in combination with other useful medicinal plants. When preparing medicine at home, it is important to strictly observe the proportions, the schedule for taking the medicine, and its quantity. Before starting the course, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, make sure that there are no contraindications for taking St. John's wort infusion and become familiar with possible complications.


There is no doubt about the benefits of St. John's wort tea: it affects the circulatory system, improves appetite, and normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. This drink is an excellent preventative against many diseases. To prepare, you will need ten grams of a dry plant (leaves or flowers can be used) and 100 ml of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb, let it brew for a few minutes - the medicinal tea is ready, and to give it a taste you should add 1 tsp to the cup. honey For maximum benefit, it is recommended to brew the drink with other medicinal herbs (oregano, mint).

Infusion of calendula and St. John's wort flowers

A good infusion with a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect for the oral cavity can be obtained by using a collection of medicinal herbs, led by St. John's wort. To prepare the product, place two tablespoons of calendula, St. John's wort flowers, and chamomile in a porcelain container, and then pour boiling water over the mixture. Let the infusion brew well and rinse your mouth after eating.

Infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and immortelle

To rejuvenate the body, improve health, and prevent many diseases, collecting medicinal herbs is ideal. To prepare, you will need 100 grams of each ingredient: immortelle, chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds. Grind all herbs in a mortar or coffee grinder, 1 tbsp. l. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the mixture and let it brew. After straining the infusion, you need to pour it into a glass, add a teaspoon of honey. Drink 1 glass in the morning and before bed for a month.

Recipe for making a medicinal decoction

To combat diseases of the stomach, intestines or other gastrointestinal organs, a decoction of this miraculous plant is used. To prepare it, you need to combine a glass of water and a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb, and then boil over medium heat for fifteen minutes. After cooling, you should strain the broth and drink the resulting volume throughout the day, dividing it into several doses of equal portions.

Contraindications to the use of St. John's wort

Although the herb is famous for a number of positive qualities, St. John's wort also has a number of contraindications for oral administration. You should refuse treatment if you have diseases or a certain condition of the body:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • At elevated body temperature.

When taking infusions or teas from St. John's wort flowers or leaves, it is important to remember that the plant is somewhat toxic, and with a long course of treatment it can negatively affect the functioning of the liver and pancreas. In addition, prolonged use of infusions or teas with St. John's wort can provoke the development of constipation, the appearance of bitterness and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and decreased appetite.


The perennial flowering plant St. John's wort is considered a medicinal herbaceous plant, widespread both in folk medicine and as an effective component of medicinal preparations.

Biological description

The plant has mainly tetrahedral stems with leaves that are mostly whole at the edges, less often - opposite or whorled, with short petioles and oily pinpoint glands visible along the edges, which serve to reproduce specific chemical natural substances.

The plant has semi-umbellate single or numerous flowers, collected in a complex paniculate or corymbose inflorescence.

The outer part of the perianth (calyx) is five-parted. St. John's wort has five petals, but may have fewer in exceptional cases, of a golden yellow hue. The male reproductive organ of a plant, which serves to produce pollen, is numerous, very rarely the stamens are few. The fruit of St. John's wort is a leathery capsule, which is a dry fruit consisting of more than three carpels that open when ripe and release the seeds they contain.

The most common type of flowering plant is St. John's wort (with a dihedral stem) and St. John's wort.

Chemical composition of a perennial plant

St. John's wort is considered a storehouse of valuable medicinal components due to its content of useful substances and vitamins.

  • tannins are complex organic components with a wide spectrum of action and properties: astringent, bactericidal, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory;
  • carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy that gives the body a boost of strength;
  • resins – similar in composition to essential oils and similar in effect on humans, having a bactericidal, laxative, sedative and diuretic effect on the body;
  • essential oils are liquids with strong pharmacological properties; oils are used for inhalation and in tinctures and essences;
  • flavonoids are essential components for humans, have an antimicrobial effect, have a positive effect on the circulatory system, increasing the elasticity of red blood cells, reducing the fragility of blood vessels (capillaries);
  • carotenoids – pigments that increase immune status;
  • terpenes - belong to the class of hydrocarbons, their effect on the body is similar to essential oils;
  • vitamin E is an excellent component used for heart muscle dystrophy, reproductive diseases of women and sexual disorders in men, kidney and liver failure, strengthens the skeleton, fights skin diseases;
  • Vitamin P is essential for hypertension.

The plant is also rich in anthracene derivatives, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, as well as an alkaline compound (alkaloids), which has specific physiological activity, which is indispensable in pharmacology.

The use of St. John's wort and its positive effect on the human body

St. John's wort is effective in the fight against many diseases and pathologies, both for women's and men's health, producing a therapeutic effect:

  • for women - thanks to the large amount of useful microelements contained, including vitamin E, it is effective in case of risk of spontaneous abortion, in case of menstrual irregularities;
  • for men - St. John's wort is effective for disorders and disorders of sexual function, manifested by erectile dysfunction.

St. John's wort has many-sided medicinal properties and has an excellent medicinal effect, is used in the prevention and as a cure for many diseases, and has a wide spectrum of action in its effectiveness.

Action as an antidepressant

St. John's wort extract is used in the creation of herbal antidepressants, characterized as psychotropic medicinal substances used in the fight against psychological disorders manifested by loss of mood, impaired thinking, depression, decreased self-esteem and other manifestations of depression. In a state of mild depression, the effectiveness of drugs that include the St. John's wort component is in no way inferior in effectiveness to standard, but more difficult for the body, antidepressants.

Efficiency in gynecology

Preparations from St. John's wort show good effectiveness in the treatment of a complex set of symptoms manifested in premenstrual tension syndrome, when disturbances occur in the psycho-emotional state, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine systems. The use of St. John's wort in combination with phototherapy (light therapy) is recommended as a preventative measure for people with seasonal affective disorder.

Use for chronic fatigue

The medicinal herb alleviates chronic fatigue syndrome, which has become widespread and is characterized by prolonged fatigue, which even rest does not help eliminate. This disease was identified due to an imbalance of emotional and intellectual stress with physical activity. Fatigue syndrome manifests itself as a neurosis of the regulatory centers of the autonomic nervous system.

Preparations from the flower culture are known for their antimicrobial, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects, and also have astringent, antispasmodic properties, and produce a hemostatic effect. Preparations from St. John's wort are used for disorders of the stomach, including peptic ulcers, problems with defecation (stool disorders), as an effective way to treat diseases of the joints and muscles that affect the cardiovascular system, gout, and inflammation of the bladder.

St. John's wort infusions are effective for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, chronic and acute inflammatory diseases of the small intestine, which provoke changes in the mucous membrane and functioning of the small intestine, as well as inflammation of the large intestine. Infusions relieve symptoms of irritation of the inner lining of hollow organs, providing an analgesic and healing effect.

Water decoctions are used as an additional remedy for inflammatory liver diseases, bloating caused by the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines, accompanied by painful sensations, in violation of gallbladder contractions, causing problems with the excretion of bile, cholelithiasis, and intestinal diseases caused by bacteria. Aqueous decoctions of St. John's wort inhibit opportunistic microflora.

The plant, as infusions and decoctions, is effective in cases of kidney dysfunction, urinary tract diseases, and helps remove fluid from the body, as it has a diuretic effect.

Alcohol tinctures are made from St. John's wort, which are recommended as a strengthening agent for gums and eliminate unpleasant oral odor. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, this tincture is effective in the fight against purulent inflammation of the ears, chronic inflammation of the tonsils, damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, and gingivitis.

As a therapeutic agent, preparations containing St. John's wort are used to treat burns, including severe burns, acute viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, purulent wounds and abscesses of a bacterial nature. These are mainly antibiotics of plant origin, containing St. John's wort, which are characterized as effective antimicrobial drugs.

Negative effect of St. John's wort on the human body

In addition to its universal positive medicinal properties, St. John's wort also has contraindications for use.

Using a medicinal culture for medicinal purposes with other medications, St. John's wort is characterized by a number of side effects, manifested by increased sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet radiation, the development of a psychopathological syndrome (manifested by agitation in the form of acceleration of movements, speech, thinking) in patients with manic-depressive psychosis. Gastrointestinal side effects and allergic reactions are possible. St. John's wort is a strong catalyst for the cytochrome P450 enzyme, accelerating the process of removing medications from the body, which leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect of drugs. You cannot use drugs containing St. John's wort together with the pharmacological group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants, because such a combination can cause severe negative reactions in the body, the side effect of which is serotonin intoxication, which is fatal to humans.

St. John's wort may also cause a decrease in blood concentrations of antiepileptic drugs, which consequently reduces the therapeutic effect in the treatment of a chronic neurological disease characterized by sudden seizures, known as epilepsy.

During pregnancy, you should be careful when using St. John's wort, because the plant can cause complications, including pregnancy failure, since its components can increase blood pressure.

Individual intolerance to the plant is also possible.

Recipes for using culture

An infusion of the plant is prepared as follows: crushed St. John's wort is poured with boiling water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 1 glass of water, infuse for at least half an hour, use the resulting liquid in 50 ml. three times a day before meals.

The decoction is made for internal use; for this, St. John's wort is boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled, and the cooled liquid is filtered. The proportions correspond to the same as when preparing an infusion, the dose is carried out three times (the resulting decoction is divided into three proportions). In this form, the medicinal herb is effective for women; reviews after taking the decoction indicate its good effect on women's health.

For external use, the decoction is recommended for children suffering from skin problems and a predisposition to allergies that cause rashes on the skin. The decoction is prepared in the same way as for internal use and helps children cleanse skin affected by pathogens.

Compresses from this plant are also effective, especially in the case of diseases of the mammary glands and their inflammation.

The external use of St. John's wort oil, which can be purchased in pharmacies, but can also be prepared at home, also receives positive reviews. When preparing the oil, only fresh flowers are used in the amount of 20 pieces; they are poured into 200 ml. oil (you can use linseed or sunflower), leave for 2 weeks, shaking the mixture from time to time.

It is also possible to create an alcoholic extract of St. John's wort, which is widely used both internally and as an effective preparation for the oral cavity, used as a rinse. A mixture of 100 ml is infused for 10 days. alcohol and 4 tbsp. spoons of dry herb culture, filtered and taken 30 drops orally; if the alcohol extract is used as a rinse, this volume is diluted with 200 g of water.

St. John's wort has universal medical benefits of a wide spectrum of action, due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, it is considered the most valuable medicinal perennial flowering crop, but in some cases it must be used with caution, especially in interaction with other drugs.

St. John's wort is a herb that has long been known for its unique healing properties. This medicinal component It is still used in both folk and traditional medicine. Many people know one popular wisdom, which says that it is important in medicine, like flour in bread. But not everyone knows that the plant makes herbal tea more tasty and healthy.

Description of the herb

St. John's wort is a perennial herb. It is distinguished by bright yellow flowers and can reach more than a meter in height. There are approximately 200 varieties of the plant known in the world. 50 are found in natural areas of Russia. The most popular is St. John's wort, which is often called perforatum. It usually grows in forests and fields.

When collecting independently, you must avoid plants growing in wastelands, clearings, and roadsides. They are not suitable for consumption due to the large amount of contamination.

Today, there are several versions of the origin of the name of the medicinal herb:

  1. Translated from the Kazakh language the word means "healer of wounds" and sounds like “jerabai”.
  2. The name was given due to the fact that the skin of animals with white fur can cause burns when coming into contact with the plant. This happens due to the content of a large amount of pigment, which increases the sensitivity of albino animals to the rays of the sun.

The plant is known as a component of medicines. Most traditional medicine recipes include this beneficial plant.

How is St. John's wort useful?

Observing moderate doses, in the absence of allergies, the plant can be safely used to prepare decoctions. It is best to use only fresh decoction. In its pure form it may have a slight bitterness, but when combined with medicinal herbs it completely disappears.

The medicinal benefits are largely due to the unique composition of the herb:

  1. Acids. These include isovaleric, nicotine, and ascorbic.
  2. Essential oils - hypericin.
  3. Tannins.
  4. Carotene
  5. Flavonoids. They are natural antioxidants that additionally have antimicrobial properties.
  6. Alkaloids, ceryl alcohol.
  7. Vitamins P, C, PP, choline, tocopherols.

The main benefits of the herb

  1. Treatment of bedwetting in people of all ages.
  2. Normalization of intestinal function. A decoction from the plant helps in the treatment of diarrhea and is actively used to prevent constipation.
  3. Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, colitis.
  4. Regulate menstrual cycles, stop uterine bleeding.
  5. As an additional therapeutic component for asthma and bronchitis.
  6. Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  7. A sedative to relieve anxiety and combat stress.

What does the herbaceous plant help with?

The beneficial properties of this amazing plant can be listed endlessly, but it is worth dwelling on some of them in detail.

Natural antidepressant

For chronic fatigue, depression, neurosis tea from this plant will be extremely useful. It is difficult to find a more effective non-drug treatment. St. John's wort is a savior in difficult situations. During crises, it is necessary to consume up to 5 cups per day for a week.

The results are as follows: the nervous system calms down, prevents mental exhaustion of a person. You feel a surge of strength, depressive moods recede.

Help for the fair sex

St. John's wort is a helper for women. If you drink tea from the plant 5-7 days before the start of menstruation, you will be able to reduce pain. In addition, the decoction helps reduce the intensity of hormonal fluctuations, normalization of the menstrual cycle.

For women during menopause, the plant is very useful. Even in ancient times, healers called St. John's wort "red herb" or "bloodgrass" due to its extraordinary healing properties.

Pressure control

People who have problems with blood pressure and constant headaches should take tea from this plant. It helps normalize intracranial pressure, giving a feeling of calm, relieving stress.

If you suffer from constant overwork, migraines, or dizziness, it is necessary to take tea in tense moments.

To normalize intracranial pressure, a herbal composition of chamomile, mint and St. John's wort will be very useful.

Acceleration of brain activity

People involved in the intellectual sphere, school-age children, and students will benefit from this pleasant herbal drink in the morning. Its special properties will help improve concentration, provide clarity of thinking, and relieve mental stress.

Advice! The tea will taste very pleasant if you add honey or mint to it. Then you can really enjoy it, while improving your health at the same time.

Help for the gastrointestinal tract

The benefits of taking this tea are observed in various gastrointestinal diseases, namely:

  1. increased acidity;
  2. ulcers;
  3. gastritis.

Decoction from the plant is a natural antioxidant with a soft impact. This helps to normalize and improve the functioning of the digestive system, ensure the removal of toxins from the body. If there is pain, a noticeable decrease is observed.

Due to medicinal properties St. John's wort is useful during. It improves metabolic processes. The result is faster and, most importantly,


Tea helps speed up recovery from colds due to its antibacterial properties. This makes the decoction useful for coughs, sore throats, and runny nose.

Doctors say that a cold will go away very quickly if you start using internal and external herbal decoctions during the initial symptoms.

St. John's wort decoction will be useful for teenage children. It is distinguished by its ability to strengthen the immune system. As a result, all colds will be more easily tolerated.

Problems with teeth and gums

St. John's wort decoction is used as a supportive agent for dental problems. It is actively used in the treatment of periodontitis and stomatitis. You can rinse your mouth with strong tea leaves, which will help reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

In general, the benefits of St. John's wort are obvious to everyone. However, its use should be moderate and dosed. Competent combinations with healing plants are allowed to improve the achieved effects.

Can St. John's wort cause harm?

St. John's wort, like any other plant, can be dangerous if you are allergic, if used incorrectly and if dosage recommendations are not followed. If you take into account contraindications in advance, you will be able to get exceptional benefits from the drink.

Damage can be caused:

  1. In case of overdose. St. John's wort is not a simple tea, so you should drink it in moderation. In the presence of mild problems, the course is seven days; in the presence of acute or chronic diseases, the course is increased to two to three weeks.
  2. For children. They react more sharply than adults to herbal infusions. The dosage is reduced several times. It is recommended to drink the infusion on the advice of a specialist, at the age of 12 years.
  3. Stale drink. St. John's wort decoction is useful only in fresh form. When infused, it “gives” various substances to the water that are harmful to the body.
  4. People who have fair skin. The decoction increases sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, when planning a vacation in nature or the beach, or gardening work, it is worth excluding the use of such a decoction.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation. Tea can harm the fetus during its formation by affecting hormonal and metabolic processes. During lactation, it is important to understand that the child receives the substances that the mother consumes, including those contained in grass.
  6. Long-term use for men. Tea can help reduce potency and sexual desire temporarily. This effect will disappear one to two weeks after stopping the drink, so there is no need to worry.
  7. When taking medications. It is better to refrain from taking St. John's wort or consult a specialist; in some cases, there is incompatibility between the plant and medications.
  8. Hypertension. St. John's wort has a tonic property that is 5-6 times greater than the effect of drinking coffee. This is why hypertensive patients should not take St. John's wort tea.

Healthy herbal tea recipes

There are many recipes for herbal teas, each of which is useful in its own way. In the listed drinks mandatory component - St. John's wort, the beneficial properties of which are described above.

Traditional recipe

The standard method is to use previously dried leaves or flowers. You can collect and dry them yourself or purchase a pharmacy collection. The recipe suggests the following:

  1. A ceramic or porcelain teapot should be rinsed with hot water.
  2. One spoon of herb is poured with a glass of boiling water to obtain one serving.
  3. The tea is kept for 5-10 minutes and filtered through a sieve. Now it is ready to eat.

If the drink suddenly tastes bitter, you should dilute it with water or sweeten it with honey.

Tea for colds

St. John's wort with a hint of bitterness and sweet rosehip - delicious anti-cold tea. It is prepared in a 1:2 ratio. A spoon of St. John's wort and two spoons of rose hips are enough. They are filled with 300 ml of boiling water. The drink should steep for about half an hour. If desired, you can replace dried rose hips with sweet syrup from the same plant.

Tea for stress

In difficult life situations, healthy tea with a calming effect will help restore strength and normalize your condition. It contains:

  1. two teaspoons of St. John's wort;
  2. a teaspoon of lemon balm;
  3. a teaspoon of passionflower;
  4. half a teaspoon of lavender.

Pour boiling water over the herb, leave for a few minutes and filter. Now all that remains is to enjoy delicious herbal tea.

All these recipes for herbal teas with St. John's wort are tasty and healthy. They should be used in accordance with your feelings. The result of taking St. John's wort will be positive if you follow the recommendations.

By the beginning of the twenty-first century, the attitude towards traditional medicine on the part of official scientific circles became softer. At least, no one denies the benefits of individual plants and their derivatives in the form of solutions and tinctures. It seems that many ailments, allergic reactions, and weaknesses of the body can be eliminated by taking plants and without the use of drugs, which are so strong that as much as they treat, they also cripple. You just need to drink tea and you will feel better. Is this really true?

One of these medicinal plants is St. John's wort. Let's look at a brief description of St. John's wort tea. Does it bring benefit or harm? Opinions are divided very significantly. But, of course, before using any folk remedy, you should definitely consult with your doctor. If there are no contraindications, then drinking tea with St. John's wort (the benefits and harms of which are quite controversial) or not is everyone's personal choice.

Healing plant

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort were known to the ancient Slavs. The plant was so healing that it was used against almost all diseases. It was also widely used by other peoples. Despite the presence of effective modern medicine, the medicinal St. John's wort is not forgotten even now - the life-giving plant is widely and often used by the population in traditional and folk medicine.

In addition, the healing properties of St. John's wort are often used in the creation of medicines. Although there are certain negative aspects. It should be noted that St. John's wort tea has both benefits and harm. The use of herbal tea should be strictly limited.

What does St. John's wort look like?

The appearance of St. John's wort is attractive. It is a perennial brown herbaceous plant with clusters of bright yellow flowers. The height usually does not exceed one meter. St. John's wort is a plant with a powerful root system. The grass does not smell much, content with the general line of pollinating insects. During winter, the ground part dies and dries up. With spring, the root structure comes to life and gives birth to new growth. In a few weeks the stem grows and around July it blooms and produces seeds.

Chemical composition

The attractive yellow flowers and small leaves of St. John's wort contain a significant amount of beneficial vitamins and various minerals. The chemical ingredients found in the plant determine its healing properties for use as a medicine. Various vitamins, essential oils, widely used in modern cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, tannins, beneficial carotene, choline and other micro- and macroelements guarantee effective prevention and relief from many ailments. Therefore, there are benefits and harms in St. John's wort tea. Its properties are quite contradictory. Before use, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

St. John's wort tea

The benefits and harms of this drink are obvious. Many people like its pleasant and slightly tart taste both in the summer heat and in the frosty winter. Most of those who use St. John's wort drink this drink only for its taste, but this approach is unacceptable.

True, St. John's wort tea also has many beneficial qualities that can cure without medication. You can not only drink St. John's wort tea. The benefits of St. John's wort in another form are also great.

The quality and taste of life-giving tea will be further enhanced if you add to the dry mixture some black currant leaves with a large proportion of vitamin C, raspberries with antipyretic properties, and cherries. This tea will not only be healthy, but also a very aromatic, tasty drink.

Useful properties

Speaking about St. John's wort tea (we will consider the benefits and harms), let's start with the positive aspects. St. John's wort and tea made from it can:

  1. Stop diarrhea. This ailment is sometimes annoying, sometimes shameful, and can be fatal if the diarrhea reaches extreme forms. To reduce an attack of diarrhea, you need to take a tablespoon of regular dried St. John's wort and add the same amount of yarrow as a supplement. Brew everything in hot water. Strong undiluted tea is best taken at the beginning of the day on an empty stomach.
  2. Eliminate urinary incontinence in children at night. To cure, it is enough to take 200 grams of St. John's wort tea shortly before bedtime.
  3. A drink made from St. John's wort and mint will help tidy up the nervous system.
  4. You can strengthen your immune system by regularly drinking weak tea made from St. John's wort and rose hips.

The beneficial qualities of the plant can be listed further, because it has always been taken as an elixir for many diseases. However, there is also possible harm in tea with St. John's wort.

Negative consequences

St. John's wort is not as harmless as it sometimes seems when listing positive qualities. It should be noted right away that the effectiveness of this plant also has a downside. Tea with St. John's wort is both beneficial and harmful. Doctors warn that indiscriminate use of folk remedies based on St. John's wort can cause great harm to the body. There are also specific negative consequences.

Firstly, St. John's wort reduces the lumen of blood vessels, which causes an increase in blood pressure. Secondly, in case of overdose, drinks based on St. John's wort can provoke abdominal cramps, headaches, nervous nausea and vomiting, and an increase in the level of testosterone in the blood in most women. Thirdly, with prolonged treatment, a slight toxic effect on the human body may be detected. St. John's wort infusions should not be used together with other drugs, as the plant reduces their medicinal effect. Fourthly, doctors are strictly against combining medicines and teas based on St. John's wort with alcoholic beverages.


So, St. John's wort tea has both benefits and harm to the body; you need to take the drink very carefully. Let's continue with the negative part. St. John's wort tea should not be consumed under any pretext:

  • pregnant women and during lactation;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • people with increased sensitivity to solar radiation;
  • with individual intolerance.

All drugs created using St. John's wort should be taken only after consultation and with a doctor's prescription.

St. John's wort for men

The material presented above shows that the reasons for negative and positive consequences, in addition to individual characteristics, will also be differences between the masculine and feminine principles.

Can men drink St. John's wort? A good doctor and traditional healer will say that it is possible and even necessary. St. John's wort is one of the plants that is used to treat impotence in men. You only need to collect the upper lobes of the plant near the branching points.

The influence of the plant on the potency of men was clarified in ancient times. Nowadays, this herb is classified as an aphrodisiac, since it can simultaneously increase sexual activity and help relieve fatigue. Therefore, its properties will be especially positive for those men whose sexual weakness appears against the background of signs of constant fatigue and nervous stress.

Have you found the right medicine? Don't rush to rejoice. First of all, you need to look at the contraindications and negative effects:

  1. St. John's wort should not be consumed if you regularly take antidepressants. You should not drink it if you have a serious form of nervous depression.
  2. In some patients with a special form of depression, the plant can cause manic sensations.
  3. Allergy sufferers should see a specialist before taking St. John's wort infusion, since one of the side effects will be allergic reactions of various types.
  4. St. John's wort is used with caution by patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

These are not all negative consequences. A general list can be obtained from your attending physician.

St. John's wort for women

The effect of St. John's wort for women (benefits and harms) is so contradictory and individual that it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. The benefits of the plant for women, for their health and beauty, are argued by many specialists who are engaged in ordinary, traditional healing and herbal treatment. Substances found in various parts of St. John's wort have a positive effect on internal organs, skin, and scalp hair. St. John's wort infusions are used for women:

  1. In gynecology. To stabilize the menstrual cycle, improve the condition of a woman during menopause, and other female diseases. It is often used to treat certain diseases leading to infertility.
  2. In gastroenterology. For treating stomach ailments, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizing the functioning of the pancreas.
  3. In cosmetology. External or internal use of infusion, etc. is expected.

However, in addition to the positive effects, there is a negative effect of the plant on the female body. With long-term use of infusion or tea based on St. John's wort, the level of the male hormone, testosterone, increases, which leads to the appearance of hair (mustache, beard), and modification of the voice. It is also necessary to remember that the plant reduces the properties of contraceptives.

During pregnancy, doctors prohibit the use of this plant in any form. This can negatively affect a woman’s condition, since hormonal changes make it difficult to predict the body’s reaction to the herb. The use of St. John's wort infusions can provoke the process of impaired fetal development and the appearance of diseases, so it is better not to undergo a similar course of treatment while carrying a child. Finally, it is not recommended to use the herbal infusion during feeding, as the milk may be very bitter and the baby will not accept the breast.

Brewing technique

Before use, it is necessary to take into account that St. John's wort tea has both benefits and harm. How to brew this drink if the doctor has given permission to take it? To create truly healthy tea, you need to try to brew it properly, according to the folk recipe. To do this, you need a porcelain teapot, which must first be poured with boiling water.

The dry mixture is placed in the kettle (one teaspoon of the mixture per glass of hot water). Then the grass is poured with boiling water. That's it. St. John's wort tea is ready. Before drinking tea, it must be brewed for at least fifteen minutes.

By mixing St. John's wort with other herbs, leaves and berries, you can improve the taste and healing composition of the tea. In particular, if you additionally add oregano and rose hips and brew in boiling water for at least 30 minutes, you can achieve an amazing taste of the drink.

This is nature: instead of confinement

We must understand that there is nothing only positive or negative. So in this case, when we talk about the benefits and harms of St. John's wort for the body, we should understand that everything is relative. Every plant on our planet is unique. Nature has not created anything unnecessary. Some plants can be used as amulets and talismans, others can be eaten, and others will be effective against ailments. You need to approach any drug judiciously, including St. John's wort, and then you can use the positive aspects of this herb and ignore the negative ones.



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