Application to refuse the local therapist. How to change pediatrician in a children's clinic

There are situations when contact with a doctor worsens for objective reasons (he does not pay due attention to the child, there was a specific case when he missed something fundamentally very important, etc.). Then it makes sense to think about changing your local pediatrician. For some mothers, this topic causes stress in advance, but being tied to one doctor only at your place of residence is not a death sentence.
In most cases, mothers today have two options at their disposal. The first is a doctor at a state clinic, which is provided from the moment the child is born, and the second is a doctor whom you can find yourself in a private children’s clinic or at a medical center
Especially if you have real and compelling reasons.
After all, the fact that sometimes some pediatricians do not meet simple requirements, ignore serious issues, or you simply do not have a mutual understanding on some psychological reasons, this is also true.
To change your pediatrician, first find out if the clinic you are assigned to has other responsible and qualified doctors. Chat with the mothers with whom you sit in line, or on the playground near your home, or on forums for mothers. In clinics, the reputation of doctors becomes known very quickly.
When you decide, you need to meet with the chosen doctor and talk about him taking you on as a patient.
Pediatricians in in rare cases They object when mothers come with such requests. They are ready to receive you, but keep in mind that calling home to a sick child will be more difficult if the specialist is geographically assigned to another site. do not forget to discuss this issue at the first meeting, so that an unpleasant situation does not arise later.
In addition, you will need to write an application addressed to the head doctor of the children's clinic with a request to be transferred to another local doctor - this is mandatory!
If you haven’t found a suitable doctor in your institution, you can look for another clinic. The methods are still the same: talk to mothers you know, go to the nearest playground, where you can always see your “colleagues” with their children.
At the same time, you should immediately assess the geographical location of the clinic. If the area served by the selected specialist is located far from your home, it will be difficult for the doctor to come when you call, and, accordingly, it will be difficult for you to get to the clinic with a small child, especially in inclement or cold weather.

Please note that clinics do not need such cases. Sometimes the behavior of the local pediatrician may also change, especially if the head physician talks to him after your application. The question is how you will communicate with him further. Although sometimes such methods work to build constructive communication.

According to the basic legislation, every person has the right to choose a specialist. This also includes the right of every mother to choose a local pediatrician for her child.

On the other hand, if you are sure of the need to change your doctor, and the head physician is not very cooperative, be prepared to show strength of character. In this case, you need to write a statement in two copies, where you indicate the reasons for refusing the doctor. The document must be registered and assigned an incoming number for transmission to the chief physician of the clinic. The second copy (or copy of the document), which must also be marked registration number, you need to keep it and wait for a written invocation.
If you really need to change doctors, you can do it and overcome the bureaucratic conventions.
This is the part of communication where you need to show not emotions, but a normal business approach in which you pursue your goals and protect your interests.


Select the one you want to be constantly monitored by. Take this seriously so that you don’t have to change your doctor again in the future and get a reputation for being scandalous. To do this, try as much as possible about all the specialists working in different clinics. Maybe your family or friends will advise you to contact their doctor.

Make an appointment with the therapist of your choice and ask at the appointment whether it is possible to transfer to his area. Explain why you want this particular doctor to monitor your health. If the doctor cannot present objective arguments for refusal, such as very high workload or the distance of your home from his site, then most likely he will give consent.

Please register at the registration desk. Documents must be assigned an incoming number. Give one copy to the registrar, and keep the second one, having first checked whether there is a copy on your remaining copy - this is very important.

Wait for a written response from the clinic management. Most often the decision will be positive. A written refusal to satisfy your request is the basis for contacting the Department of Health.

In all your statements, refer to Article 30 of the Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens." This is what gives you the right to choose your local doctor and clinic.

The assignment of houses to a specific area in the clinic and which attending physician will be assigned does not depend on us. It’s good if you’re lucky and the doctor is attentive qualified specialist. But it happens that the attending physician is not suitable for some reason. His work schedule may be inconvenient or his professionalism may be questionable. Or perhaps you simply did not find mutual understanding. Fortunately, current legislation gives us the right to independently choose medical institution and the treating doctor.


Approach your chosen doctor and ask if you can become his patient. If there are no objective reasons, such as high workload doctor or the distance of your home from its main site, most likely the answer will be positive.

If the head physician does not cooperate, prepare a new application in two copies, again indicating the reasons for refusing the old one doctor. The secretariat must register the application and assign it an incoming number. The second copy of the application remains with you, but make sure that the registration number is also written on it. Now you just have to wait for a written response from the management of the clinic. If it is not accepted in your favor, the written form is the basis for contacting higher organizations, for example, the Department of Health.

Useful advice

In your applications, refer to Article 30 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health.” It is this article that gives you the right to choose a doctor and place of receipt. medical care.


If you have not found mutual understanding with your doctor or have recently moved to a new place of residence, if you are not satisfied with the number of specialists in the clinic according to your registration, or you simply do not like the quality of service there, you can be assigned to another medical institution.


According to current legislation, you have the right to any state treatment and preventive institution and anyone who will observe you. But in practice, the majority still go to clinics at their place of residence. The location of the medical institution in close proximity to home is, of course, convenient, but the quality of service is not always the best. There is also no certainty that in the new place you will be treated like a VIP person, so before making a decision to change a medical institution, gather information about the chosen clinic.

Collect medical documents from the clinic where you were seen before. In order for a new doctor to see you, he must have a complete history of your treatment. However, if you rarely contact clinic and you don’t have chronic colds, and your medical record contains only a couple of colds, you can “donate” it (the card) to your previous medical institution.

Contact the reception desk of the selected clinic and inform them that you want to be observed at this medical institution. You will be asked to write an application addressed to the chief physician and will medical card(in case the old one was left in the previous clinic). If you came with your medical documents, your card will be assigned a number and taken away. It will be kept in the registry of the new clinic and given to you at each visit to the doctor.

If the chosen clinic refuses to see you, you can contact higher organizations, for example, the Department of Health. It would also be a good idea to call insurance company who gave you compulsory medical insurance policy.

Please note

Remember that you can call a doctor at home only from the clinic serving you at your place of residence. If you are sick, and the medical institution you have chosen is located on the other side of the city, a house call will not be accepted. You will still have to go to a nearby clinic for first aid.

The district police officer is responsible for order in his area and is obliged to constantly be in contact with the citizens who live in his area. However, district police officer there is no way to distribute your business cards to all residents: citizens themselves must know how to find him.

You will need

  • - telephone number of the police department;
  • - website of the Department of Internal Affairs;
  • - telephone directory.


To know number district police officer You can by phone, on the website of the Department of Internal Affairs, or at the Department of Internal Affairs.

To find out number district police officer by phone, call the city information service and ask number Department of Internal Affairs. There they should give you the telephone number and address of the stronghold. district police officer, as well as his last name and first name. More detailed information about working hours district police officer can be found at the regional department of internal affairs.

In the age of computer technology, it is a sin not to use the latest achievements of civilization. Each region has a website for the local department of internal affairs. Look at the site structure, usually contacts district police officer are located under the heading “City and district internal affairs bodies”. As a rule, each police department has its own page with a list of duty units and a list of police officers supervising the given station.

If you want to contact your local police officer, remember that he does not have to constantly be in the stronghold. After all, he still needs to inspect the site, carry out explanatory work, and identify violations. Therefore, it would be appropriate to find out in advance where and at what time the local police officers gather for the meeting. Usually, the meeting is held at eight in the morning at the regional department of internal affairs. Having personally met the local police officer, ask him number mobile phone to be able to contact him directly.

Number district police officer in small populated areas(villages) find out in the local administration (village council), telephone numbers of various departments are stored there for all occasions. Also take advantage of the so-called “word of mouth”. Your neighbors who have lived in this area for a long time probably know the identity and contact numbers of your district police officer inspector (or, as he is now called, district police officer police commissioner).

Useful advice

The number of the district police officer can also be found on the law enforcement portal of the Russian Federation


  • precinct numbers


For example, the owner of is not satisfied with the interface of his domain control panel registrar(TR), but he likes everything about the other service. The owner of the domain name must make a request to HP about the transfer, having received a letter from the owner, he sends a standard one about the transfer of the domain to TR.

If you think you're paying quite a bit of price for an annual domain name renewal - just change registrar your domain. To do this, submit a special application. Do this on the official website. Pay to renew your domain registration for 1 year or more from the expiration date of your domain. If the domain name expires on September 1, 2011, then you need to renew it before September 1, 2012, regardless of the date of application for change registrar.

After receiving payment, the new registrar begins the change process and sends you a notification by email. From a few hours to a couple of days, you will receive more letters asking you to confirm or, conversely, to reject the domain name change.

You need to confirm your desire to change registrar domain, strictly following the instructions in the letter sent to you. The process of changing a domain service lasts approximately one week, in some cases it can be longer, and after the procedure is completed, you will receive a notification email.

Possible reasons, according to which the shift registrar may be rejected: - More than 60 days have not passed since the domain registration; - The domain has expired and is banned by your registrar; - Domain banned for international security reasons; - Explicable suspicions that the application is not the domain owner.

In general, we can say that change registrar not difficult. In some cases it is necessary to send all copies of documents by email. If you are asked to submit such data, please do so. However, do not forget that this information must be reliably protected, so after sending, delete the letter, as well as the files from the local drive. If you are sure that the system is reliably protected, then pack the information into an archive and put a password on the file.


  • how to change domain password in 2019

Russian citizens can choose a hospital, clinic and attending physician. To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to select an institution and a doctor, and then complete the necessary documents. True, you can do this procedure only once a year until September 1.


The law gives people the opportunity to refuse the services of a medical professional if his work and qualifications do not suit you. If you have serious complaints about, write a complaint to the head of the medical institution.

You can also change the doctor without explaining the reasons for this action, because “showdowns” and scandals are not necessary for this decision. Contact the administration

anonymous, Male, 35 years old

Hello! In our clinic, the neurologist often changes and each new one is worse than the previous one. We have a couple of dozen sites, we serve a fairly large area, so an appointment with one single neurologist is made 2-3 weeks in advance. I have problems with neurology since childhood. The last time the neurologist didn’t read what the previous one wrote or look at the examination results, he just quickly asked “where does it hurt?”, without even looking at me, and wrote osteochondrosis lumbar region spine and everything. Although, previous doctors already gave me this diagnosis. In response to my requests to schedule examinations (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound scan), he said that right now there is no nurse to prescribe them. It turns out that now we have to wait 3 weeks again next appointment. I told the therapist about my last visit to the neurologist and asked for a referral to another medical institution, where the neurologist was not so busy, she just grinned and confirmed that his nurse was indeed on sick leave and suggested waiting until she went to work. Still, do I have the right to request a referral to another doctor from another medical institution? Or even transfer to another clinic? Because, to be honest, our clinic is very inferior to many others in our city in terms of the number of doctors, availability of appointments, etc.

Hello. According to Federal laws on the basics of protecting the health of citizens (Article 21) and compulsory health insurance of citizens (Article 16), citizens of the Russian Federation have a guaranteed right to choose medical organization(MO) to receive ongoing outpatient medical care under the state guarantee program. The right to choose a medical organization can be exercised no more than once per calendar year. This right is exercised in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n. The regulatory procedure stipulates that in order to exercise the right to choose a municipality, it is necessary and sufficient for a citizen to apply to the selected municipality with an application containing the information provided for by Order No. 406n, a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy, after which the municipality, independently taking actions to actually “detach” the citizen from the previous municipality , is obliged to inform the citizen about the attachment within 2 days. That is, the right to choose a medical organization is exercised in a notification (and not a permitting) manner. The right to choose a specific local physician (pediatrician) is subject to the prior consent of the doctor. If not a single doctor “agreed,” the attachment is made at the discretion of the Moscow Region administration. If the citizen who has chosen a medical organization does not live in the territory of district service by doctors of this medical organization, then medical care from a general practitioner () at home is not provided to him. Specialized medical care is provided to citizens within the framework of the state guarantee program based on referrals from attending physicians and in accordance with the procedures for providing medical care and routing patients in a particular region (clauses 13-15 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 406n). Accordingly, the patient can exercise his right to choose a specialist with the necessary medical specialty only within the limits of the information provided to him by the attending physician about the possibilities of choosing from organizations that have the necessary resource capabilities and have the obligation to accept a “foreign” patient upon the doctor’s referral. At the same time, the “breadth of choice” in a number of regions, for objective reasons, is limited to one single organization and one doctor. In your specific case, replacing a neurologist or an entire medical organization does not guarantee quality provision You need medical services in the future. The doctor’s refusal to give you a referral to another is probably due to objective reasons (mentioned by me above). In order to resolve the problem, I would recommend that you submit a written complaint about the quality of neurological care provided to you to the insurance company that issued your compulsory medical insurance policy, and also ask the insurer to protect your rights to quality medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system. The application (complaint) is submitted to free form, and must be reviewed within 30 days.

Most of the medical services that an insured citizen has the right to use are provided by a doctor. The local therapist or pediatrician also makes a primary diagnosis and issues referrals to narrow specialists. If the patient is dissatisfied with the quality of services, he has the right to change the doctor. Today, the mechanism for changing the attending physician and some other specialists is prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development “On approval of the Procedure for assisting the head of a medical organization in the patient’s choice of a doctor in the event of a patient’s request to change the attending physician” No. 407n dated April 26, 2012. The right to change doctors is enshrined in the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” No. 323 of November 21, 2011 (Article 19). How often can you change doctors? What is the procedure and list necessary documents to replace the attending physician? We will answer these questions in this article.

The procedure for replacing a doctor in a medical institution

The law provides for changing a doctor no more than once a year, excluding situations when the patient moves to another region. An insured citizen has the right to demand a replacement of a local therapist or pediatrician, family doctor, paramedic, gynecologist and other doctors of a clinic or hospital. If there is only one specialist in this profile, then the patient can change medical institution. When changing a doctor, you can immediately indicate the specialist with whom the insured person wants to be observed. In this case, the selected doctor has the right to refuse to take on an additional patient due to the heavy workload or remoteness of the site.

A prerequisite for changing the attending physician is a written application addressed to the head of the medical institution or branch of the clinic. The document must explain why the patient refuses the services of a previously selected specialist. Regulatory acts Specific reasons are not established, so the applicant has the right to limit himself to any wording: inconvenient work schedule, conflict, lack of competence, etc. After 3 working days (no later), the patient must be provided with information about other clinic specialists indicating their appointment schedule. Taking into account this data, the citizen can decide on the doctor with whom he will be observed in the future. It is worth remembering that a local therapist (pediatrician) will come to your home when called, since the principle of territorial service at home remains.

What to do if the head of the clinic ignores the request to replace the doctor?

For complaints to higher authorities, a written refusal by the manager to replace the doctor is required. To do this, you need to write an application with a request to change the specialist in 2 copies, which will be endorsed at the clinic reception. The documents must indicate the filing date, entry number and visa “for management review.” The patient will receive a written response from the administration within 3 working days. If it is negative, then you can file a complaint with the Ministry of Health, using the right confirmed by the above-mentioned Law No. 323.


The possibility of changing a doctor is regulated by law, but you can change a specialist no more than once a year. If you move to another region after being assigned to a medical institution, you can change again. The replacement procedure involves submitting an application to the head of the medical institution, who must provide the patient with a list of similar doctors. The doctor has the right to refuse additional patients, if working under heavy load.

More and more often we email address letters are received in the mail with complaints about doctors in district, city clinics and hospitals.

In particular, these are requests in which readers ask for help in resolving difficult situations associated with receiving free medicines issued using special prescription forms.

We wrote about this in one of our articles published on the site.

It’s so customary in Russia that legal rights citizens are always violated as if seeds were being cracked, but protecting and defending them sometimes turns out to be quite difficult. This is exactly what they are counting on, that many patients will simply give up and will not want to hang around the doors of local law enforcement officials.

But among all the correspondence, there were also those where readers asked to help them resolve an issue with their doctor.

Not all specialists can meet the requirements of citizens, and now every patient has the opportunity to legally operate with their own requirements and replace the same therapist with one who, in their opinion, is more competent and has a high level of work experience.

This is especially important if a person in a white coat goes too far, behaves defiantly, is rude, writes too much expensive medicines or imposes some foreign drugs, dietary supplements, which he tries to sell in this way and fill his pocket or sends for change paid analyzes and procedures that are optional, superfluous, or there is an opportunity to take them completely free of charge.

It makes no sense to blame them for this, since the salaries are low, the work is very responsible, you often have to worry, your nerves are spent quickly, but it is almost impossible to make up for losses. In addition, for several dozen patients (and in some areas several hundred) there is only 1 unfortunate person, who, of course, gets extremely tired. Don’t forget that we are all human and we all tend to make mistakes and just get tired. The human factor has not yet been canceled!

Remembering what conditions exist in our children's or adult clinics and hospitals, you involuntarily shudder. This is why many patients prefer to visit private clinics. But not everyone has the means to do this, given that treatment in private hospitals is extremely expensive.

Due to the above, an order of the Ministry of Health was adopted and social development RF dated April 26, 2012 No. 407n., on the basis of which any patient has every right change the attending physician (plus Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011 and “Fundamentals of legislation on health care in Russia”).

These documents allow not only to regulate controversial issues, but also provide a kind of control over the activities of one or another specialist, which patients increasingly refuse. There is a kind of pressure on medical workers who use their position and their powers for purely personal gain.

This law contains some restrictions, on the basis of which it is not possible to exercise your right in all cases. Thus, you can change:

  • district police officer
  • therapist
  • pediatrician
  • gynecologist
  • doctors general practice (family doctor)
  • endocrinologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • neurologist
  • paramedic, etc.

If in a given medical institution there is only 1 specialist of a particular profile, then you can seek help from another medical institution.

In addition, you can exercise your right only once a year.

Do not forget that the reasons for changing the doctor must be significant! It’s easy to brand and slander a person. If you do not agree with one, then before asking to replace him, consult with another similar doctor in the same specialty, and then draw conclusions.

There is no point in causing a scandal once again, because many patients often do not have even a small amount of knowledge to use in defense of their assumptions. Sometimes a conflict arises through the fault of the patient only when he, convinced that he is right, unreasonably accuses a person of his incompetence only because somewhere on the Internet it was said completely differently.

Remember that you can write anything you want. Medical information, distributed on the Internet, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a basis for self-appointment own treatment!

Before you buy any medicine If you make a diagnosis yourself, always seek advice from a professional, specialized medical institution!

The Internet is only a source additional information and should not encourage you to take serious action. Health is not something to joke about, because no amount of money can buy it!

How to change doctor correctly. Action algorithm.

To do this, you need to prepare a number of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. Compulsory health insurance policy
  3. Sometimes they ask for SNILS (not necessary)

With these documents, we contact the head physician of the hospital with a written statement in which we indicate the specific reasons for the refusal.

The head of the medical institution will be obliged to accept this document from you.

There have been cases when the application was not accepted, there was no reasoned refusal verbally or in writing was not provided. In this case, you can go a different route and not worry yourself once again in such a boorish institution.

We are filing a complaint with an organization already known to you and me - Roszdravnadzor, which monitors the activities of all (whether public or private) medical institutions. You can write an appeal in the form of a complaint as follows: electronic form( - how exactly to write a complaint is described in the section:), and send registered letter with notification to the address: 109074, Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 4, building 1.

We warn you that anonymous requests (without full name and return address, telephone number, etc.) will not be considered.

Such complaints are immediately deleted. The period for consideration of a claim lasts no more than 3 days from the date of receipt. In the future, you will be sent a letter with a response or clarifying information.

If the head physician accepts the appeal, then exactly three days are given for a response, after which the patient receives an oral or written response, in which he is asked to choose from a list a qualified doctor of the same specialty. If the patient has chosen in advance and agreed with the doctor on his decision, then an affirmative answer should be received from the authorities.

It is worth noting in advance the fact that in case of refusal, it is necessary to demand a written and motivated refusal from the chief physician!

If such a document is available, it will facilitate further proceedings in this matter.

But the patient has the right not only to change the attending physician (including for the provision of specialized medical care), but also the medical institution where the examination and further treatment will take place.

How to choose and change doctor for a pregnant woman

Returning to our topic, I note that it is especially important for pregnant women to choose a doctor in advance.

When contacting antenatal clinic, if you have not decided in advance on the gynecologist who will manage your pregnancy, then the pregnant woman will automatically be served by the specialist assigned to her at a specific place of residence.

This is very important point, because the place of registration in the passport and the place of actual residence may be different! What is most important is the patient’s current place of residence, not her registration.

Thus, all patients are referred to the doctor who serves the area where they currently live.

If you are not satisfied with this doctor for some reason, then you can resort to the help of the law and replace the doctor in the antenatal clinic.

However, there is also a small nuance. You can ask for a replacement doctor only with his consent!

If you decide to be treated or examined by a specific gynecologist, but he refuses, you will have to look for another, or stay with the one to whom you are automatically assigned.

This is especially true for pregnant women who want to give birth at a later date. favorable conditions(even regardless of place of residence). You can choose the appropriate maternity hospital or antenatal clinic even in another city and you are required to provide free medical care if you have:

  • compulsory health insurance policy,
  • passport,
  • pregnant woman exchange card
  • maternity certificate.

The above is defended by the law “Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens of Russia”.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with it in advance in order to save your personal time and effort.

On its basis, every pregnant woman has the right to receive not only appropriate honey. help, but can also count on a humane and respectful attitude towards himself (Article 30). If this rule was not followed, then you can not only demand to change the gynecologist, but also demand compensation for moral damages.

Moreover, with a maternity certificate, you can come to your favorite maternity hospital and give birth to your baby there. But in order to receive it, you must be observed at the antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks.

If you have been monitored throughout your pregnancy private clinic, then no one will give you a maternity certificate. No one will want to admit a pregnant woman without this document, since only with its presence the medical institution receives a certain monetary reward for each such patient.

In order for a paid birth to be attended by a specific doctor (anything can happen and he may not be available during labor), it is worth concluding a written agreement with him in advance, in which you will specifically stipulate all the nuances down to the smallest detail. This service is agreed upon in advance by all parties. Otherwise, even if you pay for such a service, but do not have a document confirming this, no one will be held responsible for violating the oral agreement.

What to look for when choosing a doctor

Of course, this is his education. Specialists with higher education are valued much higher. It has always been this way. But work experience, although it plays a role, is not so significant, since inveterate doctors who have great experience work, do not always turn out to be knowledgeable in the field modern methods and treatment methods used in modern medicine.

Such an “expert” often does not even accept anything new and is reluctant to retrain even at the request of higher management, motivating his action by the fact that his treatment methods have always given positive results, then why “reinvent the wheel”. Some experts even consider “retraining” or additional training a humiliating activity, because their experience can only be envied. Yes, they themselves will teach anyone!

As for a questionable situation in terms of making a diagnosis, any patient concerned about this problem has the right to contact other specialists of similar qualifications and specialties both in the same institution and to go to another hospital. He should not be prevented from doing this. However, to do this, he should visit a family doctor or a general practitioner, who will give a referral to a specific doctor.

However, we should not forget about the elementary culture of behavior. If one doctor thinks so, then you should not argue and swear with him. Feel free to seek help from another medical institution.

Some doctors in their professional baggage not only have many years of practice, but also academic degrees, they are published in newspapers or medical journals. They are much more versatile and tend to be up to date with modern innovations.

It is also worth paying attention to the reviews of other people left on various forums and websites. You can also take part in the discussion and ask your questions. This makes it much easier to obtain information about the quality of work of a particular doctor.

In addition, thanks to government funding, many city hospitals have their own official website, which contains all available information up to the possibility electronic recording to the reception. On such sites you can also leave your complaint, gratitude or suggestions for improving the quality of medical care.

When choosing a doctor, you should also think about where exactly he works. After all, not all hospitals and clinics are well equipped. For more severe cases, when there is difficulty in making a diagnosis, the number diagnostic equipment and its novelty play an important role.

But even if you take into account all of the above, no one can guarantee that the doctor you chose with such difficulty will be to your liking. It also happens that a person is unpleasant, he pushes you away, and not at all because he is somehow rude, but simply because he is not to your liking. That is why it is impossible to make a final choice without personal appearance.

We can only advise one thing: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” Perhaps it will be enough to follow just this one rule...

Be healthy and happy!



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