Law on compulsory vaccination of domestic animals. Measures for animals with rabies

Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 N 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”
(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 30, 2001 N 196-FZ, dated June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ, dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ, dated May 9, 2005 N 45-FZ, dated December 31, 2005 N 199-FZ , dated December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ, dated December 30, 2006 N 266-FZ, dated July 21, 2007 N 191-FZ)

Section I. General provisions
Article 1. Veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation
Article 2. Legal regulation in veterinary medicine
Article 3. Powers of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine
Article 4. The right to engage in veterinary activities
Section II. State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, departmental veterinary-sanitary and industrial veterinary services
Article 5. Organization of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation
Article 6. Social support for specialists of the state veterinary service of the Russian Federation
Article 7. Veterinary services of federal executive authorities in the field of defense and internal affairs
Section III. State veterinary and departmental veterinary and sanitary supervision
Article 8. State veterinary supervision
Article 9. Rights of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, chief state veterinary inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their deputies and other persons authorized to carry out state veterinary supervision
Article 10. Guarantees for the activities of officials, institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation exercising state veterinary supervision
Article 11. Departmental veterinary and sanitary supervision
Section IV. General requirements for the prevention and elimination of animal diseases and ensuring the veterinary safety of animal products
Article 12. Planning and construction of enterprises for the production and storage of livestock products
Article 13. Keeping, feeding and watering animals, their transportation or movement
Article 14. Protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries
Article 15. Procurement, processing, storage, transportation and sale of livestock products
Article 16. Production, introduction and use of vaccines and other means of protecting animals from diseases
Article 17. Responsibilities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and officials of the state veterinary service of the Russian Federation in cases of outbreaks of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases
Article 18. Responsibilities of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens - owners of animals and producers of livestock products
Article 19. Alienation of animals and seizure of animal products during the elimination of foci of especially dangerous animal diseases
Section V. Protection of the population from diseases common to humans and animals and food poisoning
Article 20. Competence of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals, and food poisoning
Article 21. Veterinary and sanitary examination
Article 22. Interaction between the federal executive body in the field of veterinary supervision and the federal executive body for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being
Section VI. Responsibility for violation of veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 23. Liability for violation of veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation
Article 24. Grounds and procedure for the application by state veterinary supervision bodies of administrative liability measures for violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation
Section VII. International treaties
Article 25. International treaties

Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine"


Article 1. Veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation

Veterinary medicine is understood as the field of scientific knowledge and practical activity aimed at preventing animal diseases and their treatment, producing complete and veterinarily safe animal products and protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals. The main tasks of veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation are: implementation of federal target programs for the prevention and elimination of quarantine and especially dangerous (according to the list established by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation) animal diseases, including agricultural, domestic, zoo and other animals, fur-bearing animals, birds , fish and bees, and the implementation of regional plans for veterinary services for livestock; the formation of federal programs for the training of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, the production of drugs and technical equipment for veterinary purposes, as well as the organization of scientific research on veterinary problems; control over compliance by executive authorities and officials, enterprises, institutions, organizations, other economic entities, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, public associations, international organizations, foreign legal entities, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons - owners of animals and livestock products (hereinafter referred to as enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens) veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation; protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries; implementation of state veterinary and departmental veterinary and sanitary supervision. Tasks in the field of veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation are carried out by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in cooperation with departmental veterinary, sanitary and industrial veterinary services, as well as specialists in the field of veterinary medicine engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Article 2. Veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation.

Veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation consists of this Law and legislative acts of the republics within the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it, legal acts of the autonomous region, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the field of veterinary medicine in order to protect animals from diseases, produce veterinarily safe animal products and protect the population from diseases common to humans and animals.

Article 3. Powers of the Russian Federation, republics within the Russian Federation, and other subjects of the Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

The jurisdiction of the Russian Federation includes: federal veterinary legislation; development and approval of federal target programs for the prevention and elimination of quarantine and especially dangerous animal diseases (according to the list established by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation), conducting scientific research on veterinary problems, as well as monitoring their implementation; formation and implementation of federal programs in the field of veterinary medicine on the territory of the Russian Federation; organization and support of the activities of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation; establishment and abolition of quarantine and other restrictions on the territory of the Russian Federation aimed at preventing the spread and eliminating foci of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases; state certification and registration of domestic and imported drugs and technical means for veterinary purposes, management of the system of their standardization and certification, issuance of permits for their production and sale; development and approval of veterinary and sanitary requirements and standards for the safety of feed and feed additives; protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries; cooperation with international organizations and foreign countries on veterinary issues. The republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, territories, regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg independently resolve veterinary issues, with the exception of issues the resolution of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. The right to engage in veterinary activities.

Specialists in the field of veterinary medicine with higher or secondary veterinary education have the right to engage in veterinary activities. Veterinary specialists engaged in entrepreneurial activities are required to register with the relevant governing bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation. In their professional activities, specialists in the field of veterinary medicine are guided by the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation and are controlled by the relevant governing bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation. In cases of violation of established norms and rules for engaging in veterinary activities, specialists in the field of veterinary medicine bear responsibility in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 5. Organization of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation.

The objectives of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are: prevention and elimination of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases; ensuring the safety of livestock products in veterinary and sanitary terms; protection of the population from diseases common to humans and animals; protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries. The system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation includes: Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Veterinary Medicine), veterinary departments (departments) of the governments of the republics of the Russian Federation, veterinary departments (departments) of the administrations of the autonomous region, autonomous districts , territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, districts and cities; veterinary research and scientific production institutions; veterinary laboratories, anti-epizootic squads and expeditions, zonal departments of state veterinary supervision on the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport, other veterinary institutions directly subordinate to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, veterinary laboratories and stations for combating animal diseases of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous region, autonomous districts , territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, districts and cities; departments of state veterinary supervision at enterprises for the processing and storage of livestock products, laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination in markets, other departments and institutions of veterinary and veterinary and sanitary profile. The head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, heads of departments (departments) of veterinary medicine within the governments of the republics of the Russian Federation, administrations of the autonomous region, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, districts and cities are at the same time, respectively, the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation Federation, chief state veterinary inspectors of the specified national-state and administrative-territorial entities. The head of the Veterinary Department is appointed and dismissed by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The appointment and dismissal of heads of other management bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation is made by the relevant executive authorities in agreement with the heads of higher-level management bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation. The Head of the Veterinary Department ex officio represents the Russian Federation in the International Bureau of Epizootics, the World Veterinary Association, and other international organizations. Financing and logistical support for the activities of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation is carried out from the republican budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of national-state and administrative-territorial entities, as well as from other sources of funding established by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation. Financing of anti-epizootic measures aimed at preventing and eliminating quarantine and especially dangerous animal diseases is carried out from the republican budget of the Russian Federation.

Article 6. Social protection of specialists of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation.

Specialists of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are under the protection of the state. Specialists of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation living and working in rural areas, urban-type settlements (working villages), cities of regional subordination, have the right to free utilities and other benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The right to free utilities is reserved for specialists of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation - pensioners who have worked in rural areas for at least 10 years and live there.

Article 7. Departmental veterinary-sanitary and industrial veterinary services.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation are creating departmental veterinary and sanitary services, the organizational structure and financing procedure of which are determined by these ministries. Enterprises, institutions and organizations can create industrial veterinary services at their own expense. Departmental veterinary-sanitary and industrial veterinary services carry out their activities under the methodological guidance of the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation.


Article 8. State veterinary supervision

State veterinary supervision is the activity of governing bodies, institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, aimed at preventing animal diseases and ensuring the veterinary safety of livestock products by preventing, detecting and suppressing violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation. State veterinary supervision includes: identifying and establishing the causes and conditions for the emergence and spread of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases; organization of anti-epizootic measures, including measures to prevent and eliminate foci of diseases common to humans and animals, measures to protect the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries and monitoring their implementation; development of veterinary rules and other regulations that are mandatory for livestock farming, keeping animals, production, storage, transportation and sale of livestock products; control over the implementation of organizational, production and veterinary preventive measures by enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens, and their compliance with current veterinary rules; establishing a procedure for the production and use of biological, chemical and other drugs in veterinary medicine, implementing special measures to protect animals from the damaging effects of extreme factors, natural and man-made disasters; implementation of measures to suppress violations of veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation and application of sanctions established by this Law. State veterinary supervision is carried out by the officials specified in paragraph 3 of Article 5 of this Law, as well as by other officials of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the regulations on state veterinary supervision in the Russian Federation, approved by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 9. Rights of the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation, chief state veterinary inspectors of national-state, administrative-territorial entities and their deputies

The Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, the chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics within the Russian Federation, the autonomous region, autonomous districts, territories, regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, districts, cities and their deputies have the right to: freely visit and inspect enterprises and institutions and organizations for the purpose of verifying their compliance with the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation, carrying out anti-epizootic and other veterinary measures and compliance with current veterinary rules; present requirements to enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens to carry out anti-epizootic and other veterinary measures, to eliminate violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation, and also to monitor the implementation of these requirements; establish the causes, conditions for the emergence and spread of infectious animal diseases and animal products that are unsafe in veterinary and sanitary terms; make proposals to state and local government bodies: a) on the creation of emergency anti-epizootic commissions in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; b) on the introduction of quarantine and other restrictions in certain territories of the Russian Federation aimed at preventing the spread and eliminating foci of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases; c) on the suspension of economic activities of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens in cases of violation of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with decisions of the relevant state veterinary supervision bodies to suspend or terminate these activities; d) on the alienation of animals or the seizure of animal products during the elimination of outbreaks of particularly dangerous animal diseases; make decisions on conducting diagnostic studies and vaccination of animals for epizootic indications; suspend or prohibit, until necessary measures are taken and existing violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation are eliminated, the production, storage, transportation and sale of livestock products; bring to justice officials of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens for violation of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Law. The Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation has the right to participate in the preparation and signing of international treaties on veterinary issues with the participation of the Russian Federation.

Article 10. Guarantees for the activities of officials, institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation exercising state veterinary supervision

The chief state veterinary inspectors and other officials of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation who carry out state veterinary supervision are representatives of federal executive authorities and are under the protection of the state. In their activities they are independent and guided by the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation. Executive authorities, local government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of animals, animal products and feed are required to provide free use to institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service (including zonal departments of the state veterinary supervision at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport, border and transport veterinary control points, veterinary and sanitary examination laboratories in markets) office premises, necessary equipment and communications, as well as compensation for the costs of their operation.

Article 11. Departmental veterinary and sanitary supervision

Departmental veterinary and sanitary supervision at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, as well as at the facilities of the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States located on the territory of the Russian Federation, is carried out by departmental veterinary and sanitary services operating in accordance with the regulations on veterinary and sanitary supervision, developed in accordance with this Law and approved by the indicated ministries in agreement with the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation.


Article 12. Planning and construction of enterprises for the production and storage of livestock products

When planning and constructing livestock complexes, poultry farms, meat processing plants, other enterprises for the production and storage of livestock products, peasant (farm) farms and personal subsidiary plots of citizens, the creation of the most favorable conditions for keeping animals and producing livestock products must be provided to prevent pollution of the natural environment. environment with industrial waste and pathogens of infectious animal diseases. Provision of a land plot for construction, approval of project documentation for the construction, reconstruction, modernization and commissioning of enterprises for the production and storage of livestock products are allowed only if there are conclusions from the state veterinary supervision authorities on the compliance of the project documentation with current veterinary norms and rules.

Article 13. Keeping, feeding and watering animals, their transportation or movement

Premises intended for temporary or permanent housing of animals, in terms of area and equipment, must provide favorable conditions for their health. Enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens who own animals are obliged to provide them with feed and water that is safe for the health of animals and the environment, and that meets veterinary and sanitary requirements and standards. Veterinary and sanitary requirements and standards for the safety of feed and feed additives are approved in accordance with the established procedure and revised in accordance with the requirements of international organizations of which the Russian Federation is a member. Feed and feed additives, including non-traditional ones, are allowed for production and use only if there is a certificate issued by a specially authorized body. The requirements for them must be no lower than the relevant requirements of international standards. Feed and feed additives, including non-traditional ones, that do not comply with established veterinary and sanitary requirements and standards are withdrawn from production or withdrawn from sale by decision of the chief state veterinary inspector or his deputy. Transportation or movement of animals must be carried out along routes agreed with the state veterinary supervision authorities and in compliance with the requirements for preventing the occurrence and spread of animal diseases.

Article 14. Protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries

Healthy animals, as well as animal products obtained from healthy animals from foreign countries free from infectious diseases, are allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions stipulated by international treaties with the participation of the Russian Federation. Central bodies of the federal executive power, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens purchase animals, animal products and feed from abroad and import into the Russian Federation with the permission of the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation. To carry out measures to prevent the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries at the State border of the Russian Federation by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (at railway and automobile terminals, stations, sea and river ports, airports, airfields open to international traffic, and other specially equipped places where border control is carried out, and, if necessary, other types of control and passage of persons, vehicles, livestock products and animals across the State Border of the Russian Federation) and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (at naval bases, military airfields, and other points passage of military vehicles) border veterinary control points are organized. Transportation of animals, livestock products and feed, passage of military vehicles across the State Border of the Russian Federation is allowed only in places where border veterinary control points are organized.

Article 15. Procurement, processing, storage, transportation and sale of livestock products

Based on the results of veterinary and sanitary examination, livestock products must comply with established safety requirements for public health and originate from an area free from infectious animal diseases. Enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens engaged in procurement, processing, storage, transportation and sale of livestock products are obliged to ensure compliance with these requirements.

Article 16. Production, introduction and use of vaccines and other means of protecting animals from diseases

Vaccines and other means of protecting animals from diseases are allowed for production, introduction and use on the basis of the conclusion of the All-Russian State Research Institute for Control, Standardization and Certification of Veterinary Products on the compliance of the regulatory and technical documentation for these products with the current veterinary rules. The production of vaccines and other means of protecting animals from diseases is organized taking into account the specified requirement and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 17. Responsibilities of executive authorities and relevant management bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in cases of outbreaks of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases

In cases of outbreaks of contagious and mass non-contagious animal diseases, the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous region, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, local government bodies of districts and cities according to At the request of the relevant management bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, quarantine or other restrictions are introduced aimed at preventing the spread and eliminating foci of these animal diseases. For the operational management and coordination of the activities of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens to prevent the spread and elimination of outbreaks of contagious and mass non-contagious animal diseases, executive authorities of national-state and administrative-territorial entities create emergency anti-epizootic commissions in the prescribed manner. Officials of the relevant management bodies of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation ensure the implementation of special measures provided for by the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation to eliminate foci of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases.

Article 18. Responsibilities of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens - owners of animals and producers of livestock products

Responsibility for the health, maintenance and use of animals lies with their owners, and for the production of animal products that are safe in veterinary and sanitary terms - with the producers of these products. Animal owners and producers of livestock products are obliged to: carry out economic and veterinary measures to ensure the prevention of animal diseases and the veterinary and sanitary safety of livestock products, maintain livestock premises and facilities for storing feed and processing livestock products in proper condition, and prevent pollution of the natural environment animal waste; comply with zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary requirements when placing, constructing, commissioning facilities related to keeping animals, processing, storage and sale of livestock products; provide veterinary specialists at their request with animals for examination, immediately notify these specialists of all cases of sudden death or simultaneous mass disease of animals, as well as of their unusual behavior; before the arrival of veterinary specialists, take measures to isolate animals suspected of disease; comply with established veterinary and sanitary rules for the transportation and slaughter of animals, processing, storage and sale of animal products; follow the instructions of veterinary experts on carrying out measures to prevent animal diseases and combat these diseases.

Article 19. Alienation of animals and seizure of animal products during the elimination of foci of especially dangerous animal diseases

When eliminating outbreaks of particularly dangerous animal diseases, by decision of the chief state veterinary inspector, animals may be alienated and animal products confiscated. The list of diseases for which the alienation of animals or the seizure of animal products is allowed is determined by the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation. Enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens have the right to compensation for damage suffered by them as a result of the alienation of animals or the seizure of animal products, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 20. Competence of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals, and food poisoning

The State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation carries out veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock products and other special measures aimed at protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals, as well as from food poisoning that occurs when consuming animal products that are dangerous in veterinary and sanitary terms.

Article 21. Veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock products

Meat, meat and other products of animal slaughter, milk, dairy products, eggs, and other livestock products are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination in order to determine their suitability for use for food purposes. The organization and conduct of veterinary and sanitary examination, the conditions for the use of animal products for food purposes, depending on the results of this examination, are determined by veterinary rules issued in accordance with the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation. These rules establish veterinary and sanitary standards that must be met by livestock products produced by enterprises, institutions, organizations, citizens, sold by them, as well as trading enterprises in markets. It is prohibited to sell and use for food purposes meat, meat and other slaughter products, milk, dairy products, eggs, and other livestock products that have not been subjected to veterinary and sanitary examination in accordance with the established procedure. The procedure for processing and using leather, fur and other raw materials of animal origin is determined by the current veterinary and sanitary rules.

Article 22. Interaction of governing bodies, institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance

The governing bodies, institutions and organizations of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation and the Committee of the Russian Federation for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance carry out, within their competence, constant interaction on issues of protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals, and food poisoning.


Article 23. Liability for violation of veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation

Officials and citizens guilty of violating the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation bear disciplinary, administrative, criminal and other liability in accordance with this Law and other acts of legislation of the Russian Federation. The imposition of fines and other penalties does not relieve the guilty persons from the obligation to compensate for damage in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 24. Grounds and procedure for the application by state veterinary supervision bodies of administrative liability measures for violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation

1. Commitment by officials and citizens of the following violations of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation: refusal to carry out mandatory preventive measures (research, immunization of animals) and violation of the deadlines for their implementation; violation of quarantine rules; non-compliance with current veterinary rules aimed at ensuring the safety of animal products in veterinary and sanitary terms; untimely or incomplete implementation of measures to eliminate foci of infectious animal diseases; production and use of feed that is unfavorable from a veterinary point of view, causing the emergence and spread of contagious and widespread non-contagious animal diseases; failure to comply with the norms and rules for protecting the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries; violation of veterinary rules during international (export, import, transit) and domestic transportation of animals, livestock products, and other goods subject to state veterinary supervision by all modes of transport; sale and use of livestock products that have not been subjected to veterinary and sanitary examination; non-compliance with zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary requirements during the placement, construction and commissioning of facilities related to the keeping of animals, processing, storage and sale of livestock products; failure to comply with veterinary and sanitary requirements for the collection and disposal of separations at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, specified in part three of Article 14 of this Law; Failure to comply with veterinary and sanitary rules when processing and using leather, fur and other raw materials of animal origin, when enterprises produce products that do not meet veterinary and sanitary requirements - entails a fine: for citizens - in the amount of up to five times the minimum wage established by law, for officials - up to ten times the minimum wage established by law.

2. Cases of offenses provided for in paragraph 1 of this article are considered by the relevant state veterinary supervision authorities. The following persons have the right to consider cases of offenses and impose the following penalties on behalf of the relevant state veterinary supervision bodies: the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation - a fine for citizens in the amount of up to five times the minimum wage established by law, for officials - up to ten times the minimum wage established by law ; chief state veterinary inspectors of the republics of the Russian Federation, autonomous region, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - a fine for citizens in the amount of up to four times the minimum wage established by law, for officials - up to nine times the minimum amount established by law the amount of remuneration; chief state veterinary inspectors of districts and cities - a fine for citizens in the amount of up to three times the minimum wage established by law, for officials - up to six times the minimum wage established by law. Officials of the relevant state veterinary supervision bodies may levy a fine on the spot: in markets - for violation of veterinary and sanitary rules for trade in animals, livestock products, and other food products; on railway, water and air transport, roads and other roads, routes for the movement of animals - for violation of veterinary rules for the transportation (transport) of animals and livestock products; at the State Border of the Russian Federation - for violation of current veterinary rules for the protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of infectious animal diseases from foreign countries.


Article 25. International treaties

If an international treaty with the participation of the Russian Federation on issues of livestock farming, veterinary medicine, import and export of animals and livestock products establishes rules other than those provided for by this Law, the rules of the international treaty apply.

Russian Federation
Moscow, House of Soviets of Russia
May 14, 1993
N 4979-1

Category: Russian news

The head of the veterinary department of the Rostov region, Alexander Kruglikov, held a reception of citizens in the Kasharsky district of the region. For an hour, Alexander Nikolaevich answered questions in the field of veterinary services. What did residents of the region ask the head of the regional veterinary service?

– Who should ensure that the animal is restrained during routine veterinary treatments in a private household: a veterinarian or the owner?

– In accordance with Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 No. 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”, responsibility for the health, maintenance and use of animals lies with their owners. The owner of the animal is obliged to provide and secure the animal during the veterinary procedure.

What research needs to be done to sell milk and dairy products on the market?

– Each batch of raw milk and its processed products is examined for organoleptic and physicochemical indicators. Once a month, milk is subjected to bacteriological tests for microbiological indicators. Milk and dairy products coming from farms free from contagious animal diseases are allowed for sale. This, in turn, must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a veterinarian. The certificate is valid for no more than a month.

– Is it possible for the owner of a private household plot to independently vaccinate piglets against erysipelas and classical swine fever if the vaccine was purchased in a specialized store?

– Working with the vaccine, regardless of where you purchased it, must be carried out in compliance with certain precautions. Therefore, vaccination of animals can only be carried out by a veterinarian with a higher or secondary specialized education. In addition, according to the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ “On the Circulation of Medicines”, the use of such drugs is strictly regulated. The acquisition, transportation, storage and use of such vaccines must be appropriately licensed.

– How many times a year should owners of private farms provide cattle for vaccination and research?

– Based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, cattle owners are obliged to provide their animals to specialists in the field of veterinary medicine in their area for diagnostic tests and preventive immunization twice a year (spring and autumn).

At the end of the reception, Alexander Kruglikov reminded the audience that animal owners and entrepreneurs can get answers to their questions not only during monthly meetings, but also at their place of residence. To do this, you need to contact the regional department of the state veterinary service of the Rostov region.

Based on materials from the press center of the Veterinary Administration of the Rostov Region

In case of failure to provide assistance to a sick animal, the reason for this may be considered valid if the doctor himself was ill at that time or it was impossible to leave the seriously ill animal. The question of whether the reason is valid is decided individually in each specific case after studying all the circumstances of the case. The veterinarian is responsible for untimely provision of assistance. This is due to the fact that veterinary specialists have to deal with various matters, including the preparation of feed; travel around farms. In such cases, medical assistance cannot always be provided; often there is no one to provide it.

Professional violations resulting in damage or death of an animal; refusal to provide assistance due to the fact that the doctor does not have medications or that the animal is outside his service area is punishable under articles of the criminal code common to all professions.

Criminal liability for violation of the rules for combating epizootics occurs if it entails the spread of contagious diseases or there is a real threat of their spread. ( Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus Article 284. Violation of veterinary rules

Violation of veterinary or zootechnical rules, resulting through negligence in the spread of infectious animal diseases or causing damage on a large scale, is punishable by a fine, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities or without deprivation.).

Violation of the rules can be expressed in concealing cases of highly contagious diseases, evading preventive vaccinations, violating the quarantine regime, etc. When carrying out measures against infectious diseases, veterinary specialists are responsible in cases where negligence, negligence, or violation of instructions and instructions are committed.

In practice, there are complications during vaccinations as a result of the use of poor-quality grafting material (damage to biological products due to improper storage, damage to opened vials), as well as due to violation of asepsis.

The expert needs to find out what caused the complications after vaccination. If the doctor acted according to instructions, then he is not responsible.

Issuance of knowingly false official documents is considered as official forgery, provided Art. 427 Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, issuing incorrect certificates, veterinary certificates, as well as unfounded documents is punishable according to the Criminal Code.

1. The entry by an official or other authorized person of knowingly false information and entries into official documents, or falsification of documents, or the preparation and issuance of knowingly false documents, committed out of selfish or other personal interest, in the absence of signs of a more serious crime, is punishable by a fine or deprivation of rights hold certain positions or engage in certain activities, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or restriction of freedom for the same term, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

2. The same actions committed with the aim of distorting state statistical reporting data are punishable by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities with a fine, or restriction of freedom for up to three years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities, or deprivation freedom for the same period with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities.

Veterinarians bear full responsibility for violation of storage and release rules; accounting, transportation, transfer of potent, poisonous and narcotic drugs.

Careless actions of veterinary workers. A crime committed through negligence, as a result of the action or inaction of a person who, in a specific situation, foresaw the possibility of socially dangerous consequences of his behavior, thoughtlessly counted on preventing them, or did not foresee them at all, although he could and should have foreseen them ( Article 23 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus).

Careless or negligent actions of doctors are most often regarded as malfeasance - negligence, Article 428 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. They are very diverse.

Medical errors may occur due to:

Insufficient qualifications of a veterinary worker;

Difficult to diagnose diseases;

Poor working conditions.

Medical errors most often manifest themselves in the form of diagnostic errors.

Medical errors can be divided into objective and subjective, mixed.

Objective errors.

1. Such errors may occur due to changed conditions of feeding and keeping animals.

2. Errors associated with insufficient training of veterinary specialists.

3. For a novice doctor, mistakes are often associated with insufficient knowledge of the disease, as well as with the inability to correctly, systematically examine the patient, and with the inability to correctly assess individual symptoms of the disease.

4. Insufficient technical equipment of veterinarians and institutions.

5. A large amount of work and the range of responsibilities of a veterinarian.

Subjective diagnostic errors are associated with the individual characteristics of the veterinarian; they depend on the type of nervous activity, mental abilities, professional determination, etc.

Mixed errors are associated with objective factors, but the degree of their manifestation depends on the subjective properties of the doctor:

1. Difficulty in diagnosing a disease with a complex, atypical clinical picture.

2. An incorrect or distorted analysis can lead to a clinical error, especially for a novice doctor. The difficulty of individual observation and the difficulty of collecting anamnesis in large livestock farms plays a role here. In addition, care staff are often to blame for the illness or death of an animal.

3. Making a diagnosis “by intuition”: often intuition runs counter to accuracy, such a diagnosis requires evidence.

4. Passion for “fashionable” diagnoses, “fashionable” treatment methods, “fashionable” medicinal substances can cause mistakes.

5. The so-called suggestion of a diagnosis can be a mistake; it is especially dangerous on the part of authority figures who often make a diagnosis based on intuition.

6. The source of diagnostic errors may be overestimation of laboratory tests, the results of which are very variable.

To accidents include cases of death of animals as a result of natural disasters (fire, lightning, earthquake, attack by wild animals).

Accidents are also cases of illness or death of animals for reasons beyond the control of the doctor or service personnel, when they could not foresee or provide for the disease or death of the animal. For example, during castration the animal went into shock. The doctor could not have foreseen it, since shock phenomena during castration are rare and for these cases the rules of professional work do not provide for any preventive measures. Accidents are not punishable.

Responsibility of the veterinarian for the delegation of his functions

A veterinarian is held liable in cases where, as a result of the work performed, damage is caused by a person who does not have the legal right to do so, but acts on behalf of the veterinarian. In practice, there are cases when a doctor delegates diagnostic tests, for example, tuberculization, to veterinary assistants without checking how qualified they are. As a result, subsequent commission studies reveal a significant number of reacting animals. In such cases, the doctor is held accountable.

Veterinarians may be held accountable for entrusting the farm manager and other persons with disinfection during the elimination of infectious diseases, without ensuring supervision and control by veterinary staff; for entrusting to inexperienced workers the use of potent drugs, vaccinations, surgical operations, if as a result of their improper execution, material damage to the farm, the owner of the animal or harm to human health is caused.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the investigation of cases involving prosecution of veterinary workers presents great difficulties associated with the lack of necessary legal knowledge among doctors and special knowledge in veterinary medicine among employees of investigative and judicial authorities.

During the investigation process, there is a need to conduct a qualified and authoritative forensic veterinary examination. The commission's examination should be based, first of all, on objectivity in order to avoid narrow professional errors. When analyzing medical cases, the expert commission must take into account the objective conditions in which the activities of the accused veterinarian took place. In the process of investigation, examination, and trial, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the reasons for the professional offense of a veterinary specialist. The same outcome is evaluated differently depending on the conditions in which it occurred.

High qualifications, moral qualities of a doctor, and adherence to medical ethics serve as reliable means of preventing medical violations.

Do cats need to be vaccinated annually?

A very interesting article on the topic of annual animal vaccination. For me, this question remains open; a clear opinion regarding vaccinations has not yet been formed. There are many opinions based on personal experience, opinions are different, often contradictory.

“Efficiency or “Does it work?”
Every procedure to which we subject ourselves or those we care should be beneficial; otherwise there is no meaning in it. This should be obvious, especially when it comes to medical (veterinary) procedures. Vaccination can give animals immunity to dangerous diseases, but how effective and beneficial is it to repeat this procedure every year, as is now recommended in many countries?

Immunologists have long recognized the fact that vaccinations against viral diseases provide almost lifelong immunity. It is for this reason that you yourself are not forced to undergo annual vaccination against those diseases against which you were vaccinated in early childhood. Any therapist knows that your immune system has already been adequately stimulated in childhood, and the cellular memory responsible for immune reactions will definitely “remember” and give a signal to the immune system to adequately resist the virus if it dares to attack your body. What is the deep difference between us and our pets, if, unlike us, they are forced to undergo revaccination every year? Let me quote the words of experts in the field of immunology. The following text was published in Contemporary Veterinary Therapeutics, Volume XI, published several years ago (a highly respected, peer-reviewed publication published every 4 years and publishing the latest information on veterinary medicine). The authors of this text are veterinary immunologists Ronald Schultz (University of Wisconsin) and Tom Phillips (Scrips Research Institute)

“Annual revaccination is a practice that began many years ago and has neither scientific justification nor experimental evidence of its necessity. From an immunological point of view, there is practically no reason for annual revaccination. Immunity to viruses persists in animals for years or is even lifelong…. Moreover, repeated vaccination with most viral vaccines does not stimulate an anamnestic (secondary) immune response at all... In our opinion, the practice of annual revaccination should be recognized as ineffective....” (read article by Ronald Schultz here)

In simple terms, this means that every year you are spending money (and also risking your pet's health, which we will discuss below) in order to inject your pet with something that will not benefit him. The immunity vaccinated at an early age retains its strength, and it is this immunity that interacts with each subsequent vaccinated vaccine, essentially neutralizing its effect. In the same way, if you vaccinate a small puppy or kitten too early, then maternal antibodies, which are transferred to the baby along with maternal immunity, interact with the vaccine and prevent the formation of an immune response to the vaccinated viruses.

I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Schultz at a veterinary conference several years ago. He has worked for almost 25 years with companies selling animal vaccines, conducting specialized immunological research for them. In particular, it was interesting to hear how the “annual” and “three-year” rabies vaccines actually differ. According to the instructions on these products, annual vaccines must be repeated every year, and three-year vaccines must be repeated every 3 years. However, as it turns out, the real difference between these vaccines is the duration of the studies on experimental animals.

At the end of the year from vaccination, animals were exposed to live rabies virus, after which survivors were counted and the vaccine was released with the “annual” label. The same vaccine was tested for three years, data was collected, and then it was released with the label “three-year rabies vaccine.”

In fact, if 5-7 year studies were conducted, then 5- and 7-year vaccines could appear on the market.

The rabies vaccine is so effective in immunization that it can most likely establish lifelong immunity in an animal. The question arises: why do we vaccinate against rabies every year? Unfortunately, in many countries, animal rabies vaccination laws completely ignore the evidence of immunology.

What about other mandatory vaccines? They are also viral, and in the same way there are no immunological grounds for their annual use. Additionally, most of these vaccines are not required by vaccination law. Or the deadline for their repetition is not specified. And some of them are generally useless to vaccinate in an animal older than one year.

Much of the advice from traditional veterinary medicine is based on fear. If there is “bad bacteria” around that can get us (or our pets), then we want to use something that will give us protection against that “bad bacteria”.

We've all heard horror stories about dogs dying from parvovirus infection, which is why we are advised to be sure to get vaccinated against this deadly disease every year (or even twice a year!). But do you know how many adult dogs die from parvovirus each year? Ask your veterinarian this question.

Parvovirus infection is a disease of puppies under 12 months of age, and sometimes affects older dogs who have weak immune systems due to an unhealthy lifestyle (commercial diets and frequent vaccinations!). So what is the point of getting a parvovirus vaccine every year for the rest of your life?

Coronavirus infection is again a disease mainly of puppyhood. It causes diarrhea and vomiting in puppies, but differs from Parvovirus in that it is not fatal. So is it worth vaccinating a dog against a disease that is not fatal and which can be dealt with without consequences for the body? According to Dr. Schultz, this is not necessary at all. However, this and other non-lethal viruses are constantly used in polyvalent (multicomponent) vaccines that are injected into our pets every year.

You may ask, why then does this practice of annual revaccination even exist? A good question that is being asked to traditional veterinary medicine more and more often. Here is how renowned University of California-Davis Veterinary Medicine researcher Professor Neils Pedersen commented on the annual vaccination requirements (comments were published in the highly respected traditional journal of the American Veterinary Hospital Association):

“The current practice of vaccination has no medical justification. The time has come to question the wisdom of annual “intensification” of vaccinations, the adequacy of the use of multivalent products (combinations of vaccines, of which the most famous are DHLPP for dogs and FVRCP for cats) and unnecessary vaccines. If we do this, pet immunization will finally become a medical procedure rather than an economic one.”

If we want to get closer to our goal of having healthy pets, protected from all diseases, we must focus on raising and maintaining them in a way that is natural for them, consistent with their nature, and allows them to live free, happy and fulfilling lives. Let your pets be the way nature created them, and then they will have an immune system that can adequately respond to any adverse external influence. In our efforts to protect pets from all diseases, we should not forget that it is their immune system that protects them, and not the vaccine solution in a syringe.

Safety or “Is it not harmful?”
Annual vaccination of our four-legged friends is not just useless. It can cause significant harm to their health.

If someone, even in a white coat, offers you to take some medicine or give an injection, two logical questions immediately arise in your mind:

1. Will this benefit me (or will it work)?
2. Is it safe?

If we ask these questions about the annual revaccination of animals, and ask them to knowledgeable people, we will receive a negative answer twice. We have already understood that annual revaccination is not effective from an immunological point of view. But the question of the safety of frequent vaccination is even more important and serious, since in modern veterinary medicine there is growing evidence linking vaccination with degenerative chronic diseases.

Degenerative diseases go by many names: arthritis, under- and overactive thyroid (hypo- and hyperthyroidism), allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, recurring ear infections, skin diseases, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, cancer, etc. .

What makes all of these diseases especially terrifying is that they are interconnected, they are difficult to treat, and they slowly but surely progress to cause tissue and organ degeneration. This means that the sick animal gradually fades away, its health deteriorates, and the best that modern traditional veterinary medicine can give such an animal is supportive care that controls symptoms through suppressive (symptom-suppressing) therapy. Such therapy is usually full of problems, including side effects from the medications used (often hormonal). This kind of supportive treatment, based on suppressing symptoms, often itself causes new, more serious diseases.

Therefore, the most important task of those who care for animals is, in principle, to prevent the development of degenerative chronic diseases in their pets.
Between vaccination and the onset of a chronic disease, 1-2 months usually pass. For traditional veterinary medicine, this is not “close” enough to make a connection between the vaccination and the disease outbreak. Nevertheless, this connection exists. This is evidenced by both scientific statistics and the life practices of many dog ​​and cat owners.

For the past 10-12 years, an English veterinarian has been asking the same question to his visitors who brought him to see allergic, scratched dogs: “When did the itching start?” The responses from owners of poor animals are impressive. 75% of respondents clearly remember that itching in their pets began within 1-2 months after the puppy vaccination.

Human medical practice suggests that there is a connection between childhood vaccinations and childhood autism, and the number of sick children increases sharply with the increase in the number of mandatory childhood vaccines. What do you think is the interval between vaccination and the onset of the disease? About a month.

In 1996, the results of a scientific study were published, the authors of which studied the problem of a fatal disease in dogs that affects the immune system. This disease is known as immune-dependent hemolytic anemia (IDHA). The essence of IZG is that the dog’s immune system attacks its own red blood cells, mistaking them for foreign ones. Needless to say, how dangerous this disease is for the life of an animal, and how high the percentage of fatal endings is, since the life of the body is impossible without red blood cells - “transporters” of oxygen in the blood. The study involved 58 dogs suffering from IGA. For 2 years, these dogs were observed in a veterinary clinic at the research institute. One of the questions that was asked to the owners of these dogs was: “Did anything precede the onset of ICAD?”

A statistically significant group of owners responded that, on average, their dogs received their annual booster vaccination one month before the onset of illness. The findings were so statistically significant that the authors even titled their study report “Vaccine-associated immune-related hemolytic anemia in dogs” (Duval and Giger, J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:290-295).

In cats, over the past 10 years, researchers have identified a clear link between vaccination and malignant tumors.

These malignant cell tumors arose in the places where the vaccine was usually injected: on the withers or on the thigh of the hind leg. This disease is considered fatal, regardless of the treatment methods used, including permanent surgery. It is now very clear that this disease is caused by two specific vaccines: rabies and feline leukemia (leukemia). In 2000, after the connection between vaccination and this type of cancer was finally confirmed by numerous studies, the disease received a new name: “Vaccine-associated sarcoma.”

Veterinary science has slowly begun to re-evaluate the practice of revaccinating animals annually. In 2000, the American Association of Feline Practitioners issued an official statement against annual cat vaccination. Their position was based on a long-term Cornell study in which kittens were vaccinated only once at several months of age. Testing grown cats 7 years after a single vaccination clearly showed that they have working immunity to vaccinated viruses. Frankly, I don't think we need to wait for this to finally reach all veterinary professionals.

Through annual booster vaccinations, we put our pets at constant risk of developing degenerative chronic diseases. I am sure that years from now we will look back on today with amazement and wonder how anyone could ever consider the practice of annual revaccination of animals wise. And how great it would be to remember this with a smile, scratching your twenty...year-old four-legged friend, saying: “We knew. We stopped. That's why we're still together."

The author of this article is Dr. Falconer, a member of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy, and the National Center for Homeopathy. Practitioner William Falconer practices in Austin, Texas, specializing in classical homeopathy. In his spare time, he lectures to pet owners, writes articles for veterinary journals, and shares his expertise with conventional and holistic veterinarians across the country.

2002 Elena Ivashchenko (Elf) Translation from English.
2002 by "Vaccinations: A Word of Caution for Our Animals" by Dr. Will Falconer, DVM."

5. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On regulating the keeping of dogs and cats in cities and other populated areas of the RSFSR."

6. Rules for veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products.

7. Instructions "Carrying out veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities."

Part 3

General information about rabies

3.1. Rabies is an acute viral disease of animals and humans, characterized by signs of polioencephalomyelitis and absolute mortality.

The causative agent of the disease belongs to the rhabdovirus family.

The reservoir and main sources of the rabies pathogen are wild predators, dogs and cats. Taking into account the nature of the pathogen reservoir, epizootics of urban and natural types are distinguished.

In urban epizootics, the main spreaders of the disease are stray and stray dogs, and in natural epizootics - wild predators (fox, raccoon dog, arctic fox, wolf, corsac fox, jackal). In areas with increased density of their populations, persistent natural foci of the disease form.

Infection of humans and animals occurs through direct contact with sources of the rabies pathogen as a result of a bite or salivation of damaged skin or external mucous membranes.

3.2. When organizing measures to prevent and combat rabies, one should distinguish between an epizootic focus, an unfavorable point and a threatened zone.

Epizootic foci of rabies are apartments, residential buildings, private farmsteads of citizens, livestock buildings, livestock farms, summer camps, areas of pastures, forests and other objects where animals with rabies are found.

Unfavorable locality - a populated area or part of a large populated area, a separate livestock farm, farm, pasture, forest area, on the territory of which an epizootic focus of rabies has been identified. The threatened zone includes populated areas, livestock farms, pastures, hunting grounds and other territories where there is a threat of rabies introduction or activation of natural foci of the disease.

An epidemic focus is an epizootic focus in which human diseases arose.

Part 4

Prevention of rabies in animals and humans

4.1. Managers of livestock farms, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens - animal owners are obliged to:

    - comply with the rules for keeping dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals and predatory animals established by the local administration; - deliver dogs and cats belonging to them within the time limits established by the local administration on the proposal of the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) to veterinary medical and preventive institutions for examination, diagnostic studies and preventive vaccinations with rabies vaccine; - register the dogs they own in the manner established by the local administration; - do not allow dogs that have not been vaccinated against rabies into personal yards, farms, herds, flocks and herds; - take measures to prevent wild animals from entering herds, flocks, herds, and livestock buildings; for this purpose, graze farm animals and keep them on farms, feedlots, and summer camps under constant guard using dogs vaccinated against rabies; - immediately inform the veterinarian serving the farm (settlement) about suspected animal disease with rabies and cases of biting of farm and domestic animals by wild predators, dogs or cats, take the necessary measures to securely isolate animals suspected of having the disease or bitten.

4.2. Dogs, cats and other animals that have bitten people or animals (except those clearly suffering from rabies) must be immediately delivered by the owner or a special team for catching stray dogs and cats to the nearest veterinary hospital for examination and quarantine under the supervision of specialists for 10 days.

4.3. In some cases, with the permission of a veterinary medical institution, an animal that has bitten people or animals may be left with the owner, who has issued a written undertaking to keep this animal in an isolated room for 10 days and present it for examination within the time frame specified by the supervising veterinarian .

4.4. The results of monitoring the quarantined animal are recorded in a special journal and reported in writing to the institution where the injured person is vaccinated, and to the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance center at the victim’s place of residence.

4.5. At the end of the quarantine period, clinically healthy animals after preliminary vaccination can be returned to their owners, provided they are kept in isolation for 30 days. Animals infected with rabies are destroyed.

4.6. The procedure for keeping, registering and recording dogs and cats in populated areas is determined by the local administration. Specialists from the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological services monitor compliance with this order.

4.7. The rules of keeping necessarily stipulate that service dogs outside the territory of the farms (enterprises, institutions) to which they belong must be kept on a leash. It is allowed to keep dogs without a leash and muzzle in herds, flocks, herds of farm animals, during training and hunting, at educational training sites, and during the operational use of dogs by special organizations.

4.8. Dogs found on the streets and in other public places without an accompanying person, and stray cats are subject to capture.

4.9. The procedure for catching these animals, keeping them and using them is established by the local administration.

4.10. Municipal authorities, housing and maintenance organizations, administration of markets, meat and milk processing enterprises, shops, canteens, restaurants, commandants of hostels, homeowners are obliged to maintain the territories of enterprises, markets, landfills, areas for garbage and other waste in proper sanitary condition, and not allow accumulation of stray dogs and cats in such places, take measures to exclude the possibility of dogs and cats entering basements, attics and other non-residential premises.

4.11. The sale, purchase and export of dogs outside the region (territory, republic) is permitted if there is a veterinary certificate with a note that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.

4.12. In order to timely detect and prevent the spread of rabies in wild animals, employees of forestry, nature conservation, hunting, nature reserves and reserves are obliged to:

    - immediately inform veterinary service specialists about cases of illness or unusual behavior of wild animals (lack of fear of humans, unprovoked attacks on people or animals); - send to veterinary laboratories for testing for rabies the corpses of wild predators (foxes, raccoon dogs, arctic foxes, wolves, corsac foxes, jackals) found in hunting grounds, in the territories of nature reserves, game reserves, and in green areas of large populated areas; - regulate the number of wild predatory animals, shoot stray dogs and cats poaching in hunting grounds; - when checking hunters’ vouchers and hunting tickets, the hunting inspectorate for nature conservation and the huntsman service are obliged to check the registration certificates of dogs indicating vaccination against rabies; Unvaccinated dogs are not allowed to hunt.

4.13. In all populated areas of the Russian Federation, all dogs, regardless of their identity, and, if necessary, cats are subject to mandatory preventive immunization against rabies using generally accepted rabies vaccines in the manner and within the time limits prescribed by the instructions for their use. The vaccination certificate must be accompanied by an inventory of immunized dogs indicating the addresses of their owners. The dogs' registration certificates contain information about their vaccinations.

4.14. In areas of stationary trouble with rabies of wild predators, routine preventive vaccination of farm animals (primarily cattle) at risk of infection is carried out. If economic opportunities exist, campaigns of oral immunization of wild predators against rabies are regularly repeated.

Part 5

Measures for animals with rabies

5.1. The diagnosis of rabies is made on the basis of a complex of epizootic, clinical, pathological data and laboratory test results.

5.2. To test for rabies, a fresh corpse or head of small animals is sent to the laboratory, and from large animals - the head or brain.

5.3. Laboratory tests for rabies are carried out immediately. The results of the study are reported to the veterinary institution or veterinary specialist who sent the biomaterial to the laboratory, and to the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city).

5.4. The chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city), upon receiving information about the detection of a case of rabies in animals, is obliged to:

    - immediately report the animal disease to the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, the chief state veterinary inspectors of neighboring areas and a higher veterinary authority; - together with a representative of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance service, go to the site, conduct an epizootic and epidemiological examination of the epizootic focus and the affected area, determine the boundaries of the threatened zone and develop an action plan to eliminate the epizootic focus and prevent new cases of the disease; - draw up materials on establishing quarantine and submit them for approval to the local administration.

5.5. According to quarantine conditions, dog and cat exhibitions, breeding and training of dogs are not allowed in settlements unaffected by rabies. The trade in pets is stopped, the export of dogs and cats outside the troubled area and the capture (for export to zoos, for the purpose of resettlement in other areas, etc.) of wild animals in quarantined areas and in endangered zones are prohibited.

5.6. Specialists of the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological services organize the following activities in areas unaffected by rabies:

    - carry out explanatory work among the population about the danger of rabies and measures to prevent it; - organize a door-to-door (door-to-door) visit to a disadvantaged locality to identify people who need vaccinations against rabies, check the living conditions of dogs, cats and other animals, identify patients with rabies, those suspected of having the disease and animals suspected of being infected; - kill all identified animals with rabies, as well as dogs and cats suspected of having the disease, except for those that have bitten people or animals, which are isolated and left under observation; - the corpses of animals killed and killed from rabies are burned or disposed of at enterprises producing meat and bone meal. Burial in cattle burial grounds is allowed. Skinning corpses is prohibited; - when cases of rabies in wild animals are detected, together with the environmental protection and hunting authorities, they take all available measures (shooting, trapping, baiting in holes) to reduce the number of wild predators, regardless of the hunting periods established in the area.

5.7. In an epizootic focus of rabies, constant surveillance is established over a group of animals (farm, herd, herd, flock, herd), from which patients or those suspected of having rabies have been isolated. These animals are examined at least three times a day and subjected to forced vaccinations with rabies vaccine in accordance with the instructions for its use. After vaccinations, 60-day isolation of animals is required.

5.8. Clinically healthy animals bitten by wild predators or dogs are allowed to be killed for meat, regardless of vaccination against rabies.

5.9. Slaughter is carried out on site, on the farm, and the resulting products are used on a general basis.

5.10. Milk from clinically healthy animals from a farm unaffected by rabies (herd, herd, flock, herd) is allowed, regardless of vaccinations against rabies, to be used for human food or animal feed after pasteurization at 80-85 degrees. C for 30 minutes or boil for 5 minutes.

5.11. Wool obtained from clinically healthy animals of the rabies-unaffected group is transported from the farm in dense fabric containers only to processing enterprises with an indication in the veterinary certificate that it is subject to disinfection in accordance with the current “Instructions for the disinfection of raw materials of animal origin and enterprises for its procurement, storage and processing."

5.12. Places where there were animals sick or suspected of having rabies, animal care items, clothing and other things contaminated with saliva and other secretions of animals with rabies are disinfected in accordance with the current “Instructions for veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities.”

5.13. Quarantine is lifted by decision of the local administration (based on a joint proposal by the chief veterinarian of the district or city and the head of the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision) after two months from the date of the last case of rabies in animals, subject to the implementation of the planned anti-epizootic and preventive measures.

Part 6

Anti-epidemic measures

6.1. Persons injured or salivated by a rabid patient or an animal suspected of having this disease are considered to be at risk of infection with the rabies virus.

6.2. Medical workers who have identified persons at risk of infection with the rabies virus are required to promptly report them (emergency notification, telephone message, etc.) to the territorial Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

6.3. The Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance is obliged, on the basis of an operational report from a hospital, outpatient clinic or trauma center (office), surgical room, about each case of contact regarding each case of risk of infection with the rabies virus:

    - register the victim in the journal (form 060U); - immediately conduct an investigation of such a case by filling out the “Card of epizootic and epidemiological survey of the focus of a zoonotic disease” (form 391-U); - inform the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) about known animals that have caused damage, in order to establish observation and quarantine of the latter; - identify the circle of people at risk of infection with the rabies virus and in need of therapeutic and prophylactic immunization, and send them to the trauma center (office), and in the absence of the latter, to the surgical room.

6.4. Persons exposed to the risk of infection with the rabies virus undergo a course of therapeutic and preventive immunization in accordance with the regulatory and instructional documents of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Safety of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation.

6.5. Persons with rabies are hospitalized.



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