Ulcers on the body. Causes of formation and methods of treatment of ulcers on the body Purulent sores on the body

Ulcers on the body are a defect of the mucous membranes and skin. They arise due to tissue necrosis, which does not heal for a long time after the dead areas fall off.

In the common people, such phenomena as “wound” and “ulcer” are often confused with each other. Thus, people mostly call ulcers wounds, while wounds, and especially bite and puncture wounds, are often called ulcers. From a medical point of view, ulcers are a violation of the integrity of the soft parts of the body, which occurs as a result of inflammation and subsequent suppuration. In addition, an ulcer differs from a wound in that it does not arise from external violence (bruise, cut) acting simultaneously, but from inflammatory tissue destruction observed due to internal causes.

A wound appears immediately after external influence, while an ulcer appears gradually. Wounds often heal by first intention, and ulcers are always characterized by suppuration and slow healing. As a rule, ulcers have a pitted, irregular, blurry shape, while wounds, on the contrary, have a regular shape. A festering wound, if suppuration proceeds with the loss of tissue essence, can turn into an ulcer.

The appearance of ulcers on the body can be associated with various factors. So, this skin disease can be a consequence of:

· Various types of traumatic injuries (chemical, electrical, radiation, mechanical, thermal);

· Benign and malignant tumors, which are sometimes covered with ulcers (sarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis);

· venous circulation disorders that occur with varicose veins, arteriovenous fistulas and thrombophlebitis;

· arterial circulatory disorders diagnosed with persistent vascular spasms, embolism and thrombosis;

· lymphatic drainage disorders that occur with anemia, scurvy, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases;

· neurotrophic disorders (with progressive paralysis, tumors);

· various infections;

· changes in the walls of blood vessels that occur with atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis and syphilitic aortitis.

Ulcers on the body, the causes of which can be different, are dangerous due to their complications. These include:

Secondary bleeding from damaged vessels;

· accession of infection;

· penetration (growth of ulcers near organs), interfering with the normal functioning of organs; malignancy or degeneration of an ulcer into a malignant one.

Many, having discovered this unpleasant illness, begin to rush to extremes and think about how to treat sores on the body. Since ulcers on the skin are treated taking into account the underlying disease, an integrated approach is necessary. To get rid of external manifestations, simple remedies are often used with careful skin care, limb immobilization, bed rest and physiotherapeutic measures, the most effective of which are Sollux or ultraviolet radiation.

Ulcers on the skin of a child, as well as the initial stages of the disease, are recommended to be treated by frequent application of bandages soaked in hypertonic solutions. Additionally, in order to cleanse the accumulation of pus, proteolytic enzymes are also used. It is recommended to apply bandages with ointments and antiseptics on top of the cleaned ulcer.

Of great importance is the implementation of general therapeutic measures, the action of which is aimed at improving immunobiological or reparative processes in the body. First of all, this means a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, physical therapy, immunomodulators and blood substitutes.

Surgical treatment methods should only be used if conservative methods are ineffective. In this case, altered tissues and pathological scars are removed from the ulcers, and the resulting tissue defect will be covered with a skin graft.

When prescribing treatment, the specialist must take into account the pathogenesis of ulcer formation. This is due to the fact that therapy is aimed not only at tissue restoration, but also at relieving diseases that contributed to the appearance of ulcers. In order to consolidate the effect, after complete relief from ulcers, sanatorium-resort treatment is also indicated, including vitamin therapy and a set of measures to improve immunity.

At home, warm compresses will help get rid of ulcers. They should be used if the skin around the ulcer is hard, inflamed and painful when pressed with a finger. Among the most affordable, but at the same time highly effective remedies are healing ointments such as lead, bleach, and zinc. If there is a significant amount of discharged pus on the surface of the ulcers, then astringent ointments (a decoction of oak bark, for example) are good. In folk medicine, it is recommended to apply raw grated carrots and plantain leaves to the sores, which helps relieve fever, relieve pain and cleanse the surface of the wound.

The appearance of ulcers on the body is a phenomenon from which no one is immune. That is why it is very important to know the causes of this unpleasant skin defect and how to eliminate it.

Defects in the upper layer of the epidermis associated with a damaging factor (temperature changes, mechanical and chemical influences) provoke the appearance of ulcers. It has a long course, is difficult to heal, and can recur.

How do skin ulcers form?

As a rule, the upper layer of the epidermis is restored, but in case of negative phenomena (skin diseases, mechanical or chemical burns, injuries) this process slows down. Tissue necrosis occurs. Necrotic areas disappear, and a new epithelial layer slowly begins to form in their place. Sometimes there is an absolute stop of the regeneration process. Wounds form in these places.

The skin is negatively affected by any ailment. The reason is a violation of metabolic processes, dysfunction of internal organs and systems.

Such processes lead to weakened immunity. The result is that the disease progresses, the natural mechanism of restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis is suspended. If treatment is not started promptly, necrotic areas will become a breeding ground for infection.

Localization of skin defects

Depending on the provoking factor, wound sites can form on any part of the skin or mucous membrane:

  • on the back;
  • on the face and neck;
  • on the lower extremities;
  • on the palms;
  • on the body;
  • on the head;
  • on the genitals.

Diabetes provokes the appearance of defects in the lower extremities, and a trophic ulcer is diagnosed.

A child, a man and a woman are equally at risk of a pathological condition.

In older age, with hidden diseases, ulcers manifest themselves.

Types of skin ulcers

The classification of ulcerative formations depends on the cause and their consequences. Classified:

  • skin defects resulting from injuries, any mechanical damage, negative effects (chemical, radiation, electrical, thermal);
  • wounds formed due to malignant and benign neoplasms (sarcoma, lymphogranuloma);
  • damage to the upper layer of the epidermis due to dysfunction of the arterial circulation (blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, scurvy, anemia);
  • ulcerations caused by infection (leprosy, tuberculosis, boil, abscess);
  • skin defects due to neurotrophic lesions (tumors, paralysis);
  • pathological changes in the tissues of the walls of blood vessels (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, syphilitic aortitis).

Skin disease symptoms

The general clinical picture is manifested by the following signs:

  • severe discomfort and sensitivity;
  • pigmentation in a focal area;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • an ulcer appears in the center of the affected area;
  • bleeding;
  • at the bottom of the wound there is grayish content (pus);
  • With successful healing, a scar appears in the sore spot.

In addition to the general signs, there are symptoms characteristic of each type of ulceration:

  1. Venous. Location: ankle. Ulcerative skin lesions are small in size or occupy a large area. Without adequate therapy, almost the entire lower part of the lower leg is affected. The surrounding skin is dense and hyperemic. Purulent, serous or hemorrhagic discharge is noted. When pressure is applied to the focal area, severe pain appears.
  2. Diabetic. The fingers of the lower extremities are affected. They have an irregular shape, uneven outlines, and necrotic areas appear along the edges. Any impact causes pain.
  3. Arterial. Location: foot. Often this is the back of the sole, heel, big toe. The ulcers are small, round in shape, and the surrounding skin becomes dry and pale. With slight pressure, pain appears.
  4. Radiation. Appear as a result of irradiation. The lesions are deep, penetrating into muscle tissue and bones. They have a round shape, uneven edges. The surrounding skin is atrophied, with signs of pigmentation, telangiectasia is diagnosed.
  5. Neurotrophic. Location: heel tubercles, soles, lateral part of the feet. They have great depth and resemble a crater in appearance. Serous, purulent discharge with an unpleasant aroma is noted. The skin around the affected area is keratinized and dense. When pressing, the pain is practically not felt.
  6. Malignant tumors. Ulcers appear due to the breakdown of the tumor. Signs of skin damage are clearly expressed. The wound is located in the center of the dense infiltrate. The edges are lumpy, and necrotic areas are noted at the bottom. Putrid, crumbly discharge appears.
  7. Infectious. Multiple rashes appear, localized in groups. They can be located in any part of the body, often affecting the lower legs. They are characterized by shallow depth and have an oval shape. The bottom of the ulcers is covered with scab. The surrounding skin is inflamed and there is a purulent, thick discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Causes of skin ulcers

Each pathological condition accompanied by ulcerative formations on the skin has an individual development mechanism and its own causes.

It is possible to identify a specific problem only separately for each disease.

In the overall picture, the following provoking factors are considered:

  1. Failure of the kidneys, liver, intestines, spleen, lymphatic system to neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body in full. They are produced during the life of the body, when taking medications, eating vegetables and fruits saturated with pesticides, etc. When the “natural filter” is dysfunctional, these substances begin to be excreted through the skin. As a result, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc. develop.
  2. Allergic reactions. Under the influence of chemicals, physical objects, the environment, etc., irritation may appear on the skin, causing the formation of ulcers.
  3. Infections. Infectious lesions can be not only external (ingress of fungi, viral infections, bacteria directly onto the skin), but also internal. Diseases such as hepatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. provoke ulcerative formations on the skin.
  4. Indoor allergens. These are protein substances produced by worms or opportunistic microorganisms (streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungus of the genus Candida, etc.). These substances live in the body constantly and serve as an ongoing source of irritation to the immune system.
  5. Stress. Against the background of strong experiences, severe processes develop, after which an allergic reaction appears, expressed as a rash on the body.

Skin diseases accompanied by ulceration

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) includes many diseases that cause the appearance of ulcers on the upper layer of the epidermis. Here are a few of them:

  1. Acne. Blockage of the sebaceous glands leads to an inflammatory process. Ulcers appear on the face, back, shoulders, and décolleté. The disease is preceded by acne. Without timely treatment, severe acne develops. Reasons: hormonal imbalance, frequent stress, dysbacteriosis, heredity, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Dermatitis. Skin inflammation of any type (atopic, seborrheic, diaper, contact). Accompanied by severe itching, peeling, and redness. Occurs in a chronic form. Reasons: genetic predisposition, regular exposure to the skin (friction, pressure), thermal factor (exposure to temperature, sun rays), use of aggressive chemicals or low-quality cosmetics).
  3. Eczema. It may appear at an early age. The disease cannot be completely cured, it can only be controlled. People with allergies are at risk of developing eczema. Eczema covers the arms, legs, back, and neck.
  4. Lichen. A contagious disease that, without adequate treatment, develops into ulcers. At the initial stage, a red spot with brown edges appears. Over time, crusty ulcers form in place of the spots.
  5. Herpes. When the disease occurs, small blisters appear on any part of the body. In frequent cases, the affected area is the lip. On the first day, a crusty rash appears. On the third day, the crust is broken, and ulcers appear in this place. Causes: impaired immune function, disruption of metabolic processes, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  6. Skin invasion. This is a malignant formation in which red dense nodules appear. In their place, ulcers subsequently form.
  7. Melanoma. Oncological skin disease. The disease can be eliminated surgically. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, the skin defect can be successfully eliminated. The lack of qualified therapy leads to the formation of wounds. Melanoma is a pigmented spot of an asymmetrical nature.
  8. Psoriasis. Occurs in a chronic form. Medicine has not clearly established the cause of psoriasis, but it is known that it is not of an infectious nature. The disease causes red spots that spread throughout the body. The affected areas are covered with grayish or whitish scales. Without supportive care, ulcers form on the areas.
  9. Diabetes mellitus (DM). The initial stage of the disease is not accompanied by clear signs of ulceration. In this case, the skin becomes “lacquered”, swelling and hyperemia are noted. As diabetes progresses, tissue necrosis occurs, followed by the appearance of whitish spots. Further progression of the disease leads to the release of purulent mucous exudate with an unpleasant aroma. A trophic ulcer is diagnosed. The patient feels pain with moderate bleeding. Accompanied by severe itching, burning, and heaviness. With the addition of varicose veins, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis due to trophic changes, weeping wounds on the legs are diagnosed. This means the addition of an infection and an increase in the inflammatory process.


The basis for differentiating skin diseases is a doctor’s examination, clinical manifestations and diagnostic results. The following studies allow you to make a diagnosis:

  1. Doppler ultrasound of leg vessels. Vein thrombosis and atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels are excluded or confirmed.
  2. Blood analysis. Determined by the concentration of glucose and autoantibodies.
  3. Culture of an ulcer sample. Reveals the bacterial origin of wound formation.
  4. Biopsy of an ulcer sample. They are carried out to establish the nature of the neoplasm.

Treatment of body ulcers

The goal of therapy is to accelerate the restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminate the root cause, eliminate negative effects on the skin, and restore immune function. Depending on the type of skin disease, appropriate drug treatment is prescribed.

If conservative methods are not effective, a decision is made to perform surgery.

The surgical method of treatment involves resection of the affected area and application of a skin graft. After the operation, the patient will undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.

The tactics of drug treatment are determined by the doctor after the diagnostic results. Drug therapy includes taking the following drugs:

  • restoring and stimulating reparative processes (Pentoxyl, Methyluracil, Actovegin);
  • antibacterial, taking into account the results of culture tests for sensitivity (Augmentin, Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone);
  • restoring microcirculation (Trental, Reopoliglyukin);
  • antiallergic (Suprastin, Claritin);
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) relieve periulcerative inflammation (Diclofenac, Voltaren);
  • topical anti-inflammatory drugs (ointments, creams, cleansers);
  • enterosorbents that enhance the filtration function of the body (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan).

In addition to medications, additional therapeutic techniques are used to enhance the regeneration process, stimulate blood flow and lymph flow. For example, physiotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, cryotherapy, body wraps, folk remedies.

Prognosis and possible complications

For skin diseases, doctors give a conditionally favorable prognosis. Sometimes a non-healing sore on the skin requires constant monitoring and relief of attacks during the acute period.

Some types of ulcers without timely and adequate treatment transform into a complex pathological process.

A secondary infection may occur. Such ulcers take a long time to heal and are difficult to treat.

Treatment of non-healing wounds with traditional methods

Herbal medicine will give a positive result only in combination with drug treatment. Traditional medicine has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic effect.

Before starting treatment at home, you should definitely get a doctor’s advice.

Traditional medicine recipes in addition to basic therapy:

  1. Mortar. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of water. l. quicklime. Mix. It is important to protect your eyes and face; contact of lime with water may cause splashes. Wash the ulcers with the resulting solution, and then apply a gauze pad with ointment. To prepare a compress, you need 100 grams of spruce resin and lard. 50 grams of beeswax is added to the resulting composition. Stir, put on fire, bring to a boil. The resulting ointment is spread on a napkin and applied to the sore spot.
  2. Rinse the sores every day with cool running water. Dry gently with a towel and apply a soft cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar (6%).
  3. Washing ulcers. Prepare freshly squeezed juice from white cabbage and potatoes. Strain. Rinse the wound daily morning and evening.


Sores on the body are a symptom that requires special attention. Particular vigilance is required in situations where such formations become wet, itch, or provoke a burning sensation or pain.

Ulcers can form on literally any part of the body, but the arms, legs and genitals are most susceptible to them. Why do such skin defects appear, are they dangerous, and how to deal with them? You need to know about this, since no one is immune from this phenomenon.

Non-pathological causes of ulcers in different parts of the body

Skin sores can appear for pathological and non-pathological reasons. Let's consider a list of the most relatively harmless, but at the same time common, provocateurs of such defects.

So, red sores on the body can appear due to:

  1. Skin irritation resulting from the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics. First of all, we are talking about soap that a person uses every day. If it contains an antibacterial component, then its daily use will eventually lead to the leaching of vitamins from the skin. This will subsequently lead to the appearance of sores on the hands.
  2. Abuse of junk food. Many food products are devoid of those vitamins and microelements that the body must be supplied with, without exaggeration, every day. In people who are overly enthusiastic about such products, ulcers on the hands and body are a common skin defect.
  3. Negative effects of UV rays. Prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium leads to intense evaporation of moisture from the skin, as a result of which it begins to crack. An infection penetrates into the resulting cracks, which leads to the appearance of red or even purulent sores on the body.
  4. Taking potent medications. In this case, at first there may be severe itching on the skin, then redness of the epidermis and swelling. And as a result of constant scratching of the lesions, ulcers appear on the arms, legs, and even the face.

Thus, external factors also lead to the occurrence of this symptom. It is worth considering that sores on the body not only itch, but also cause discomfort and pain. Therefore, we need to fight them. But the method of therapy is directly related to what caused such trouble.

Pathological causes of deviation

The causes of ulcers on the hands or other parts of the body often indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body. And the most dangerous thing in this situation is that the disease can be latent, that is, it can not reveal itself in any way for a long period of time.

A brief overview of the pathological causes of ulcers on the human body is given below.


A non-healing skin sore often occurs in patients with diabetes. In this case, the type of disease does not play a role. The wound surface is often wet and very deep. Ulcers in diabetes can be either single or multiple, and have different sizes.


An ulcer on the hand also appears when the epidermis comes into direct contact with powerful allergens. But the possibility of such skin defects due to food allergies cannot be ruled out either. The main thing is to respond to such a deviation in a timely manner, otherwise, when an infection enters the wound, it will become much more difficult to fight the disease.

Infectious skin diseases

Sores on the hands that itch can be a harbinger of herpes. The disease develops in stages. The first phase is characterized by the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin at the site of the lesion, itching and burning. It is precisely this kind of sore that you need to pay attention to, since it is followed by the second, vesicular, stage of herpetic pathology, which is more difficult to treat. After opening the vesicles, new sores form on the human skin, which become covered with a scab and gradually heal.

Streptoderma can also cause skin defects. This is an infectious skin pathology caused by streptococcal infection. A person notices redness and swelling, as well as the presence of itchy scabs on the body. This disease can only be treated with antibiotics. During therapy, the patient must be isolated from others, since streptoderma is very contagious.

Another dermatological disease that can lead to the appearance of sores throughout the body is pyoderma. This is a pathology in which ulcers form on the surface of the epidermis. Its danger lies in the fact that the exudate can affect the underlying layers of the dermis, and if left untreated, lead to blood poisoning. When the abscess opens and its contents come out, ulcers form, which gradually scar.

Diseases of the hematopoietic system

The causes of the formation of sores on the face and body associated with pathologies of the hematopoietic system are very dangerous. First of all, we are talking about:

  1. Blood poisoning. It can occur due to infectious, in particular bacterial, lesions of the skin or internal organs. With sepsis, the outflow of lymph is disrupted, and all toxic substances that penetrate the systemic bloodstream are carried throughout the body, affecting healthy tissues. As a result of such a severe disorder, sores may appear on the leg, arm, face and body, which do not heal and itch.
  2. Anemia. Iron deficiency or another type of anemia leads to a deterioration in the oxygen supply and nutrition of cells and tissues of the body. Therefore, a person whose leg sore does not heal and itches, and at the same time has symptoms in the form of weakness, dizziness and general malaise, must, first of all, consult a doctor and donate blood for hemoglobin and iron levels in the body.
  3. Blood cancer. Non-healing ulcers on the skin can form with severe blood cancer. With this disease, all metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, and not only the skin, but also many internal organs suffer.

Important! Blood pathologies should be treated only under the supervision of a hematologist, therapist or oncologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable!


One of the most common pathological reasons for the appearance of ulcers on the hands is hypo- or vitamin deficiency. With this deviation, a violation of the vitamin balance occurs, and the indicators of both a single substance and several at once can decrease. This condition is corrected with the help of multivitamin complexes.

On a note. Stress, lack of sleep, nervous tension - all these factors lead to severe itching throughout the body. As a result of scratching, ulcers and wounds can form, into which pathogens can easily penetrate. There are many methods for treating such skin damage, but a specific method of dealing with them is selected only after the exact cause of the ailment is determined.

How and with what to treat ulcers on the skin of the body?

How to treat sores on the body that itch? If the cause is found, then first you need to eliminate it, and then fight skin ulcers, if necessary.

If the cause of the illness is an allergy, then first of all you need to understand what triggered it, and then eliminate contact with the allergen. Ulcers must be treated with antiseptics, regardless of the cause of their etiology. You can lubricate sores on the body that itch:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Furacilin solution.

At the same time, you can use desensitizing and antiallergic ointments - Fenistil, Bepanten, Boro Plus, Panthenolo, and even ordinary baby creams based on chamomile, string or calendula.

If necessary, antibiotic ointments are prescribed, which have not only an antimicrobial, but also a wound-healing effect. This:

  • Levomekol;
  • Syntomycin (ointment or liniment);
  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline.

But you need to be careful with such medications, as they can cause a number of side effects.

Delor ointment is well suited for pain relief of trophic ulcers and wound surfaces in diabetes mellitus. It contains clobetasol propionate as an active substance and is intended for the treatment of various skin lesions. But it should be remembered that this is a hormonal drug, which, due to certain circumstances, may be contraindicated for some diabetics. Therefore, the possibility of using this medicine, as well as similar drugs, must be discussed individually with your doctor!

Non-healing sore on the skin, what is it?

It could be skin basal cell carcinoma. It appears as a burgundy, reddish, or pink sore on the skin that sometimes peels or hurts. The sore does not heal with conventional treatment and increases over time. A round formation with a reddish tint, sometimes there is a depression in the center. This disease relates to cancer.

As an oncologist, patients come to me with skin lesions on the face, torso, and limbs.

So what is basal cell carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma of the face is a tumor arising from the basal layer of the skin. This disease is cancerous. It differs from tumor cancer:

  • Slow growth
  • No metastases.
  • Why is it dangerous?
If a patient does not pay attention to a long-term wound that does not heal for a long time, it can capture more healthy skin cells, destroying it. The function of the skin is impaired.

Malignant cells cannot protect the body from the negative effects of the external environment.

How does basal cell carcinoma progress?

The patient does not even suspect that he is sick. Redness and unevenness of the skin, most often the face, appears. They pick off the crust and apply all sorts of creams and ointments. But there is no change. Basal cell carcinoma begins to invade more and more tissue. If you do not touch it, then its growth occurs slowly. But, if injured, rapid growth begins, ulcers form, with bleeding and suppuration.

What does a skin sore look like?

More often:

  • Skin lesions with a dense and homogeneous film
  • Spherical shape (shape - half a ball)
  • Along the edges of the thickening
  • There's a depression in the center
  • Clear boundaries
  • In the center there is a dense film with small scales
Why do sores appear on the head?

The disease occurs when:

  • Sun abuse
  • Elderly people (skin aging)
  • Immunity disorder
  • Cosmetic radiation exposure
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Harmful working conditions (tobacco tar, petroleum products)
  • Residents of hot countries.
  • How to treat sores similar to basalioma?
The two most commonly used treatment methods are:

The first option is surgical removal for small sizes up to two centimeters; removal on an outpatient basis is possible. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and excision using the radiofrequency method. Further treatment consists of dynamic observation.

The second treatment option is radiotherapy. This treatment is carried out at the Oncology Center. For treatment at the RKOD, an examination of the UAC, OAM, b/c analysis, etc. is necessary. (as for an operation). Procedures are daily from 15 to 17 sessions.

Thus, do not start your new growths. Contact your oncologist on time. This will save your time, money and restore your health!

How does basal cell carcinoma differ from melanoma?

Melanoma, like basal cell carcinoma, is a tumor that appears on human skin. As mentioned earlier, the most important difference is that basal cell carcinoma does not metastasize, while melanoma is of a malignant nature, in which metastases form very quickly, and therefore is considered the most dangerous form of skin cancer. But, at the same time, melanoma is considered the most severe disease, develops faster, locally more extensively, and is practically incurable (except for very rare cases).

In order to notice progressing melanoma, it is necessary to conduct regular, thorough self-monitoring of all formations on the skin. If you have moles or spots of various etiologies on your body, you need to pay close attention to changes in color, size and texture of the formation. This is especially true for people who often sunbathe in the sun or have moles and freckles. Oncologists say that melanoma usually appears in young people and, according to statistics, more often in young women.

Melanoma is an insidious tumor! Metastases can even appear from microscopic formations. It is difficult to diagnose in such a short time interval. The disease grows from cells that form skin pigments (tan, birthmark, ephelides (freckles).

What does melanoma look like? And how to spot it?

  • Uneven lumpy contour of a mole
  • An existing mole has sharply increased in size, or a new one has appeared
  • Uneven color of the formation, the appearance of a red, inflamed rim at the edges (usually age spots and birthmarks have the same color)
  • There may be blood and/or itching
It is important to know! The birthmark is in normal condition: it does not change color, size or structure, has clear rounded contours and does not cause any discomfort. This also applies to age spots.

According to an oncologist, melanoma in men is localized on the back, in women - on the leg (in particular, on the lower leg).

Melanoma occurs if you are exposed to the sun often and for a long time, especially for people with fair skin, and especially for people with age spots and birthmarks on the body. It is strongly recommended that people with such skin conditions do not sunbathe in open sunlight. While being outdoors in the shade in the morning or evening hours (in summer), a person receives enough ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D for normal life.

Effective treatment of melanoma involves timely detection of the formation and immediate surgical removal.

As with basiloma, if melanoma is suspected, you should immediately consult an oncologist, since, as has already been said, the disease progresses quickly.

Ulcers appear and itch as a result of damage to the top layer of skin. They appear on the arms, legs, face, genitals and stomach. Damage can be chemical, physical or from a lack of blood in one or another part of the body. Ulcers are usually accompanied by discomfort and itching.

Damage to the hands does not occur suddenly. This is usually a long process. Initially observed

redness of the epidermis, then it begins to itch and after that swelling appears in the form of pimples or blisters. Ulcers are not a consequence of cosmetic procedures; rather, they are a medical defect. An ulcer on the leg is a signal about changes occurring in the body. If left untreated, the small wound will develop into gangrene.


To establish an initial diagnosis, it is necessary to remember what products the skin came into contact with. The inflammatory process may be a reaction to a new synthetic detergent, or the ulcer may appear as a result of food poisoning from low-quality products.

Abscesses can be a consequence of blood poisoning. As a result, the process of lymph outflow slows down. Sources include anemia or scurvy. During the period of progressive atherosclerosis or syphilis, due to poor circulation, soft tissues die, resulting in non-healing wounds.

The tumor may be a consequence of the development of diabetes mellitus or varicose veins. The ulcer in this case is diagnosed as malignant or benign.

AIDS or HIV contribute to the appearance of ulcers. Inflammatory processes signal disturbances in the endocrine and hormonal systems.


Getting rid of ulcers that appear as a result of an allergic process occurs with the help of antihistamines. It is necessary to balance your daily diet to completely eliminate exposure to allergens.

If small sores on your hands itch, it is equally useful to use baths with herbal infusions. Special

attention is paid to medicinal preparations with antiseptic and soothing properties. It is useful to mix several components in one go. At the end of the procedure, blot with a dry cloth without reusing.

Hydrogen peroxide should be used to disinfect festering areas of damaged tissue. Then apply an antiseptic.

To further prevent re-inflammation, use any detergents exclusively with rubber gloves. Reduce the amount of any allergenic, spicy, salty or fatty foods with spices.

When sores appear and itch due to infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. The doctor prescribes antiseptics that are used to treat damaged areas of the epidermis daily. A healing ointment and a sterile bandage are applied on top.

Sores on the legs

Trophic ulcers on the legs itch and are a consequence of the lack of a stable supply of nutrients

substances to cells due to unstable blood supply. The result of imbalance is the death of layers of skin. After healing, visible scars remain for a long time. Ulcers on the face do not appear painlessly; they are accompanied by swelling and pain. The epidermis becomes callous to the touch, and natural pigmentation is disrupted.


The list of causes of ulcers can be endless, since each person is unique. This may be the result of a complication during the rehabilitation period or a simple callus or wound.

However, despite the variety of reasons that can cause leg ulcers to itch, a clear classification has been made into subtypes:

  1. Arterial;
  2. Infectious;
  3. Diabetic;
  4. Venous and others.

In most cases, they itch and are caused by a progressive disease that weakens the immune system and slows down the regeneration processes in the human body.


Treatment of the body begins not with the elimination of ulcers, but with diagnosis. Because often the disease that causes inflammation on the skin is much more dangerous. External damage is not difficult to heal if internal processes are stabilized. After diagnosis, the doctor begins treatment, using both local drugs and surgical intervention.

Mild or moderate severity of the disease is limited to only superficial drug treatment. Mandatory points in the process of treating a wound are its disinfection, washing and applying a bandage with medicinal ointment.

Ulcers on the genitals

The main location of abscesses occurs on the female labia or on the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes. They are divided according to:

  • Shape;
  • Size;
  • Blossom;
  • Quantity.

The danger group is assessed by the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms. You should also be careful about intoxication of the human body. Resistance to infection is expressed in fever, weakness, headache or nausea.


Metabolic disorders in the genital area indicate the presence of infectious diseases transmitted during intimacy. If diseases of this kind are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and conduct a full examination.

But small sores or blisters on the labia are itchy and can signal more than just an STD. Blisters occur as a complication even before puberty:

  1. A harbinger of oncology is vulvar dysplasia. Accompanied by a pigmentation disorder on the mucous membrane of the labia.
  2. Genetic predisposition to an allergic reaction.
  3. External irritants, such as ultraviolet waves, aggressive detergents, high or low temperatures.


If sores on the body itch, you must act under the guidance of a doctor. The main thing is to identify the underlying cause, since local exposure may become ineffective due to the presence of other factors.

Complex therapy involves the use of antimicrobial and antibacterial substances. In addition, the doctor performs external treatment of the face using medications.

Since any inflammatory process cannot be independent, but is a consequence of a disease, you need to more carefully respond to any deviations occurring in the body, both external and internal.

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