A child has a high fever and slight cough. What to do if a child has a cough or fever? Causes of cough and fever include:

Most parents are aware of this unpleasant pattern - as soon as the child begins to attend any educational institution (kindergarten, school), almost immediately he begins to be pestered by various respiratory infections. Although a variety of measures are being taken to prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. One of classic symptoms ARVI is a sore throat and cough. For this reason, many parents are concerned about such topics as a severe cough in a child with a fever, how to treat it and which drugs and remedies are most effective. In this material we will try to reveal this topic of concern to many and answer all the questions related to it.

Severe cough and fever in a child

Often, infectious diseases in children are accompanied by a fairly severe cough and fever. In such a situation the best solution there will be a visit to the doctor. High temperature indicates the beginning of a serious inflammatory process upper respiratory organs caused by various bacterial irritants. As a rule, a severe cough and fever in a child are characteristic of the following diseases: ARVI, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Please note that when considering a solution to such a problem as a severe cough in a child with a fever, how to treat it, you should take into account that an increase in temperature to 38 degrees is normal reaction. This is due to the activation immune system child to effectively combat infectious disease. For this reason, doctors do not recommend lowering this temperature. If it exceeds 38.5 degrees, its reduction is necessary.

The high risks of developing colds and infectious diseases in children are explained by incompletely developed bronchi, which is why bacteria actively develop in the accumulating sputum.

What to do if your child has a severe cough, snot and fever

At the first signs of a cold, the child’s parents should take appropriate measures. First of all, you should not let your baby into kindergarten or school, since there is a risk of infecting other children, and the disease itself will worsen even more. Also, if a child has a severe cough, snot and fever, you should not self-medicate, it is better to immediately call a doctor at home who will recommend the necessary medications to treat the illness.

We invite our readers to familiarize themselves with the options for solving such a problem as a severe cough in a child with a fever, rather than treating it at home.

  • An effective remedy for snot that appears in a child is a rinsing solution made from salt (you can use either regular table salt or sea salt). After use, it is advisable to use Pinosol nasal drops.
  • The black radish juice used by our grandmothers with the addition of honey will help with cough. This product perfectly thins mucus, making it clear faster.
  • If you manage to bring down the temperature, it would not be a bad idea to carry out the procedure of warming up your feet by steaming. To do this, it is better to add to the water sea ​​salt and dry mustard.

How to relieve a coughing attack

Any parent is worried severe attacks cough in a child, and this is true. And although there may be a tickle and cough simple symptoms viral or colds; however, they irritate the larynx quite strongly and cause painful sensations up to damage vocal cords. Therefore, solving the problem - how to relieve a coughing attack in a child is quite important, but first of all you need to find out the cause of the symptom.

If the attack is sudden, there is some simple solutions that will help alleviate the baby’s condition.

  • Change the child's position so that upper part the body was in an elevated position, or - sit him down.
  • Give it to the child warm drink, the ideal solution in this case would be useful herbal infusions(chamomile, sage), you can also give tea with honey, linden or raspberry.
  • Provide influx fresh air and humidify the room in which the child is located, however, make sure that there is no draft.
  • If the coughing attack does not calm down, you can use antihistamines intended for children.
  • Also effective remedy from sudden attack dry cough is steam inhalation.

What antibiotics can children take for coughing?

Note that the use of antibiotics in childhood should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. Antibacterial drugs should not only help in the fight against the disease, but also not harm developing organism. In modern pediatrics there are several groups antibacterial drugs, which can be used to treat diseases, causing cough And temperature increase bodies. Therefore, if you are looking for an answer to the question of which antibiotics to take, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with such drugs below.

Medicines related to To penicillin group . Main Data Components medicines cause the death of bacteria and microorganisms, causing disease by influencing their cellular structure. Note that penicillins are classified as safe drug for children, due to the minimum negative impact on the child's body.

Antibiotics of the cephalosporin group– drugs based on 7-aminocephalosporic acid. Getting into the body, active substance destroys pathogenic bacteria. These drugs are prescribed for the treatment of children with great caution, as they can cause side effects.

Features of treating a child for cough: Komarovsky video

Today, Dr. Komarovsky has gained particular popularity among parents, thanks to useful tips and recommendations related to the treatment of children. The basic principles of treatment that he offers can be summarized in a few laconic phrases:

  • mandatory humidification of the air in the child’s room;
  • constant ventilation of the room;
  • plenty of warm drinks.

These measures will help the baby to cough up mucus better and mucus will not accumulate in the bronchi. That is, the most important thing according to the method of this popular doctor is not to fight a coughing attack, but, on the contrary, to help the child clear his throat efficiently.

Also, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, you should not treat the symptom itself without knowing what causes the cough. The main task of parents who are worried about their child’s health is to find out the root cause of the disease, which will then ensure successful treatment.

Get useful tips and recommendations, as well as learn about how to act correctly if a child has a fever and is suffering from fairly severe coughing attacks, you can watch the video below - Komarovsky video.

Folk remedies to help treat cough

Folk remedies have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against many ailments, including colds in children. We suggest you familiarize yourself with some popular recipes that will help relieve your child of both a dry cough and the cold that causes it.

  • Milk with butter and honey. This product is the most accessible for everyone, since all the ingredients for it are sure to be found in any home. To prepare it, you will need half a glass of preheated milk, which must be mixed with one spoon of honey and butter. The effectiveness of the product is determined by the fact that milk relieves or reduces coughing, the oil softens the tissues of the larynx, which will reduce soreness and cough. Honey, which is an antiseptic natural origin, will get rid of pathogenic bacteria. It is recommended to drink this drink at least 3-4 times throughout the day.
  • Badger fat. This product is intended for external procedures - rubbing the chest and back for children under 3 years of age. After applying the fat, the child must be carefully wrapped. Also badger fat can also be taken orally, recommended for middle-aged children - three times a day, one teaspoon before main meals. To improve the taste, the fat can be melted in warm milk. Particularly useful this remedy with a weakened immune system.

Let's sum it up

A topic such as a child with a severe cough with a fever, how to treat it, is very relevant for many parents. At the right approach and taking into account the recommendations presented in this article, you can quickly relieve your baby of cough. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Now it’s time for autumn and winter - they will add trouble to everyone and “give” the temperature. cough, runny nose... It’s not at all difficult to catch the virus at this time of year - quite the opposite. So we help out pharmacies, we buy antipyretics, sometimes for coughs, sometimes for runny noses. Although temperature is a natural reaction of the body to a virus, by producing interferon, the body develops immunity against this virus. And is it worth getting involved in drugs and chemistry? Maybe it’s better to find out: how to bring down the temperature folk remedies if the child has a high fever and cough. This way it’s not at all difficult to lower the temperature, and most importantly it’s safe and cheap.

What to do if a child has a cough and high temperature?

You should immediately call a doctor at home so that he can examine the baby and prescribe the necessary medications. Self-medication in this case may be unsafe.

The appearance of a cough to some extent is similar to slight increase temperature, since both are considered manifestations protective function body. Therefore, if your child has a barely elevated temperature, then under no circumstances should you bring it down. It's the same with a cough: sometimes there are situations when it is caused by defense mechanism body and therefore does not need to be treated.

If a child has a fever and cough, it is most likely caused by an illness. respiratory tract. Before starting treatment, you should definitely take your baby to a therapist and find out the real reason occurrence of the disease.

Most often, cough and fever are caused by 2 reasons:

cold (ARI);

acute bronchitis.

How to bring down a fever with folk remedies and cure a cough?

Treatment of cough and fever in a child. What to do first? The entire treatment process can be divided into several stages:

Stage. Once you have found out its cause, you can begin treatment. The most important point in treating a child is comfort and peace. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the baby’s recovery. Eliminate irritants such as noise, harsh and strong light, as they themselves can provoke the disease.

Stage. What to do next? The next point in treatment is to ensure correct and rational nutrition. This could include: various dishes, and special drinks, that is, drinks. Food should be high in calories and healthy. Fluid must enter the body at large quantities and warm, as it prevents dehydration of the body against the background elevated temperature, accelerates the secretion of mucus from the bronchi. The healthiest thing is a drink containing mineral waters, which restore water balance the body, dilute and remove phlegm, speed up recovery.

First aid for a child with high fever and cough

If your child’s body temperature rises, do not try to immediately give him antipyretic pills; experts recommend lowering the temperature if it has not reached 38.5 degrees. Under these conditions, the body independently fights the infection, and if the temperature rises further, then it is necessary to take medication, but if it remains at this level, this means that the body is strong enough and itself resists the disease.

Infant If your body temperature is high, you can wipe it with vinegar, this will knock it down a little.

Cough is best treated with syrups, however, before starting to take any medicine, it is better to consult a specialist. If your child is allergic to any components, then carefully read the ingredients first. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions. Even a small overdose can cause severe side effects.

It is best to treat a child’s cough with folk remedies. For example, black radish with honey, or rather its juice, very well and quickly cures severe productive cough, the action of such a remedy is aimed at advanced education and dilutes sputum, and improves its removal to the outside.

Wash the radish well to remove soil and dirt. Then cut off the top and bottom part, cut off a little. Make a cone-shaped cut in the middle, the depth of which will be 2/3 of the root vegetable, but do not make a hole all the way through. Place the honey in this cavity, cover it with the cut top, and place it in a large deep dish or glass. Take an awl and pierce the root vegetable through, this will speed up the formation of the medicinal liquid. After 6 hours, 35 grams of liquid have already formed, which must be given. This folk remedy should be given three times a day, six teaspoons before meals, the cough will disappear in three days.

From severe cough helps the child well burnt sugar, dissolved in water. Drinking this liquid several times a day will improve mucus discharge.

If a child has a high fever and cough, the main thing is to coordinate all your actions with a doctor so that the treatment does not cause harm.

Folk remedies for coughs and fever reduction

So, firstly, to bring down the temperature, you need to look at the thermometer in the room and adjust the temperature to a maximum of 22 degrees Celsius.

Secondly, humidify the air in the room and check the barometer readings: from 40 to 60. More is not scary, less - close the radiator, put water in the room.

How to reduce fever using folk remedies? Thirdly, the patient’s clothes should be made of natural fabrics, and the patient should not be hot. If you want to bring down the temperature, give the body the opportunity to exchange heat. Warm, non-breathable clothing prevents this.

Fourthly, when asked how to bring down a fever using folk remedies, every second person will say that it is necessary to rub the patient’s body with a solution of water and vodka.

Take note. Vodka is needed to speed up evaporation (the principle of sweating: sweat is released - the body gets cool). But, for rubbing to bring down the temperature, the product is often taken not best quality, which means that through the skin a sick person can get harmful substances. And if we're talking about about a child, then remember: this folk remedy can cause a burn on the skin. Therefore, it is better to use just water - it will also evaporate, but a couple of minutes longer than with alcohol.

Fifthly, we eat food if we really want to eat, but in small quantities and not fatty. Digestion of food starts the metabolic process, which increases the temperature.

How to reduce fever using folk remedies? Sixth, drink, drink and drink again. Try to drink 200 ml of warm liquid every 20 minutes. Drink water, tea (with lemon, raspberries, etc.). You definitely won’t feel like drinking until the evening, but your temperature will effectively drop.

If possible, if your child has a cough or fever, do not skip a walk outside, even a passive one, ventilate the room.

Carefully! Any of the methods of bringing down the temperature and treating a child’s cough is good if you are sure that you are dealing with a virus; otherwise, it is better to bring down the temperature under the supervision of a doctor.

Be healthy! Let the mark on your thermometer not rise above 36 and 8.

It’s autumn again, which means it’s very easy to catch a virus that will “give” fever, cough, and headache. High fever and cough in a child during this period of time are quite common.

What to do if your child gets sick? Who should I contact first and should I self-medicate? We will answer all these questions in our article.

High fever, cough, runny nose in a child can have different origins.

The appearance of such symptoms in children is most often observed with the following diseases:

  • Tracheitis.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Flu.
  • Whooping cough.

Each disease is characterized by certain specific features. For example, with whooping cough the cough is paroxysmal and prolonged, while with the flu it is dry and intense.

Please note: If a child develops fever and cough, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to self-medicate - this can only worsen the disease.

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infection

Often, a high fever and dry cough in a child occurs with influenza and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Young children are especially susceptible to these diseases.

Influenza and ARVI are seasonal diseases because the peak of these diseases occurs in autumn and winter. Today, several strains of influenza are known that have varying degrees complexity.

The main symptoms of influenza are:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature up to 38, and sometimes up to 40 degrees (see).
  • Muscle weakness, chills
  • Severe pain in the back of the head.
  • Dry mouth.

An increase in temperature during influenza is often observed in the evening. It usually lasts for several days from the onset of the disease. The flu itself is not dangerous; complications that can arise due to late diagnosis and improper treatment are dangerous.

The main complications of influenza are:

  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).
  • Otitis, sinusitis.
  • Lung abscess.
  • Inflammation of the brain.

The main symptoms of ARVI are approximately the same as those of the flu.

TO additional symptoms include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion.
  • Muscle pain.
  • , occurring in the form of attacks.
  • Chills.
  • Sore throat.

Whooping cough

A high fever and cough in a child is a sign of whooping cough. Whooping cough is a child's disease infectious disease, the main symptom of which is paroxysmal cough. This disease very dangerous, especially for children under 2 years of age. At this age, whooping cough can cause the death of a baby.

Main symptoms of this disease are considered:

  • Spasmodic cough.
  • Low-grade body temperature (37.0 – 37.2 degrees).
  • Signs of suffocation and lack of air.
  • Minor cramps and minor hemorrhages.

A particular symptom of whooping cough is cough. It has a paroxysmal and increasing character. At the beginning of the disease, coughing attacks are short and rare.

After a few days they become longer and more frequent. During a coughing attack, the baby emits a special whistle and begins to choke. Due to lack of air on the face, blue lips can be observed.

To relieve a coughing attack you must:

  • Calm the child.
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Give inhalation or injection with antispasmodic medications (see).
  • Call an ambulance.

Please note: Whooping cough is a very dangerous infectious disease and only a doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you must go to the hospital.


Cough and fever are one of the main symptoms of bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi). It can be either acute or chronic.

The acute period of this disease lasts up to two weeks and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature.
  • Dry cough.
  • Weakness, appetite disturbances.

In case of bad or untimely treatment acute bronchitis can develop into chronic form or be complicated by pneumonia (pneumonia).

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)

Pneumonia, an inflammation of the lung tissue, is considered one of the most dangerous diseases for children.

There are several types of pneumonia:

  • Focal.
  • Segmental.
  • Share.
  • Drain.
  • Total.
  • Croupous.
  • Out-of-hospital.
  • In-hospital.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in children are:

  • High body temperature (38 degrees and above), which is very difficult to reduce.
  • Constant wet cough.
  • Wheezing.
  • Weakness and loss of appetite.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a child has a high fever and cough that has not gone away for several days, it is necessary to consult a doctor and establish the correct diagnosis.

To establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to make a diagnosis, which consists of:

  • Careful history taking.
  • External inspection.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate measurements.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • X-ray of the lungs.
  • Changes general analysis blood and urine.
  • Sputum collection (used in some cases to determine the cause of the infection).

In some cases, additional research is required to make a correct diagnosis.

First aid and treatment of fever and cough

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to provide the child with first aid, which includes:

  • Decreased body temperature. An increase in temperature indicates the body’s fight against infection, so it is not worth reducing it too much. Doctors recommend starting to lower the temperature from 38 degrees.
  • Providing for the child drinking plenty of fluids. A sick child should be given as much fluid as possible. After all, at elevated temperatures, the body loses a lot of moisture and it is necessary to stabilize the water balance. In addition, drinking eases coughing and helps thin mucus.
  • Reduce cough. First aid for a cough directly depends on its nature. If it is wet, then it is enough to provide the child with plenty of fluids. For a dry cough, it is recommended to use drugs that thin the mucus.

Drug treatment should be started only after diagnosis and prescription. necessary medications. Before using medications, you must carefully read the instructions for use. After all, the instructions clearly describe the dosages, indications and contraindications of the drug.

Advice: When purchasing antipyretic drugs and cough medicine, you need to pay attention to the price and manufacturer. After all, the price for imported medicines often overestimated several times, and domestic drugs can be several times better than foreign ones.

Thus, cough and fever can be very dangerous, so you should not self-medicate. It is better to turn to specialists who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Is the child lethargic, his cheeks turning unnaturally purple, is he clutching his neck and coughing? The combination of cough and temperature of 38 degrees or more is usually observed with infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract. What to do in this case and what are the causes of cough with elevated body temperature?

As you know, panic and fear are not the most best friends in such situations. Each parent must understand exactly how and what needs to be done in this case in order to make the baby feel better.

Key Causes of Cough

In most cases, a child’s dry cough is accompanied by fever, because it appears in the very first hours of the illness.
In medicine there are several key reasons, which stimulate a dry cough.

1. Colds and sore throat. In this case, a dry cough is caused by a sore throat.
2. Flu. The disease immediately begins with a rise in temperature to 38°C and a dry cough, which then turns into a wet one.
3. Reflux disease - throwing gastric juice into the esophagus.
4. Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract.
5. Whooping cough.

It is necessary to start treatment only after it has been established exact reason, which provoked coughing, especially if it is accompanied by fever. It is also worth considering the fact that fever can cause seizures in some children, so it is necessary to take adequate measures not only to reduce the temperature, but also to eliminate seizures.


For many, it may seem surprising what the symptoms of a dry cough can be. However, cough is divided into:

Barking cough.
Regular attacks, both at rest and in a state of active movement.
The attack visually gives the impression that something has gotten into the child’s throat.

A dry and severe cough and elevated body temperature can be observed with the following diseases:

1. Laryngitis - severe dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat, temperature about 38ºC.
2. Whooping cough – dry and spasmodic.
3. Tracheitis - especially strong and dry, which is difficult to stop.

The most dangerous disease for a child is considered to be pneumonia.
This disease is characterized by inflammation lung tissue and most often can be caused by pneumococci. In medicine, there are focal, segmental, lobar, confluent and total pneumonia.

Characteristic signs of pneumonia are:
high temperature,
Frequent breathing.

Often the temperature can rise to 39°C or higher, and lasts for 2-3 days. It is difficult to reduce, and the child constantly coughs.

Whooping cough infection

A dry cough in a child combined with fever is a sign of this dangerous disease like whooping cough. This is an infectious disease that characterized by paroxysmal dry and barking cough.

This infection is especially dangerous for children under 2 years of age, and, unfortunately, can sometimes result in fatal. The causative agent of this disease is Bordetella pertussis. The course of the disease is similar to ARVI.

The main symptoms of pertussis infection:

Elevated temperature
spasmodic cough, nasal discharge,
bulging neck veins,
convulsions, lack of air,
changes in skin color.

With whooping cough, children can cough for a month, and it periodically changes its character.

ARVI and influenza

A severe cough and body temperature of 38°C - 39°C in a child can be caused by a viral infection, in particular influenza and ARVI. The main symptoms of the disease are:

Sudden rise in temperature,
dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth,

Body temperature in children rises more often in evening time and can reach 39°C-40°C. With the flu, a runny nose is not observed. Timely and correct treatment can prevent the development of complications, which are: otitis media, myocarditis, meningitis, pneumonia, lung abscess.

Symptoms of ARVI are similar to those of influenza, so differentiate the disease by initial stage Only a doctor can. That is why, parents are not recommended to do anything on their own with such symptoms, but it is better to immediately call a doctor or an ambulance team. Especially if the temperature rises to 39°C and the baby feels unwell.

Diagnosis and treatment

As mentioned above, only a doctor can identify the root cause of cough and fever in children. To determine the causative agent of the infection, sputum is often collected for laboratory testing.

It is not recommended to bring it down to 38°C - 38.5°C. In cases where the fever rises above this level, Paracetamol-based drugs are used. To save the child from attacks, doctors prescribe antibiotics - Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone. When selecting a drug for treatment, the doctor always takes into account the child’s age and weight. Except medical supplies the course of treatment includes physiotherapy, massage and provision of all favorable conditions his stay - a ventilated room, normal level humidity, drinking plenty of fluids.
If necessary, mucus suction is recommended.
Expectorants are prescribed only in case of a wet cough in a child.

A cough is a spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the nasopharynx, provoked by various irritants, in order to get rid of substances or objects that interfere with the passage of air through the respiratory tract. Cough with fever in a child can be caused by different pathogens and manifest with various accompanying symptoms. This means it requires specific individual treatment aimed at eliminating the source of the disease.

Causes of cough

Cough does not only appear under the influence of a viral infection. The reasons for its occurrence may be different.

Non-infectious pathogens

Non-infectious causes can cause muscle spasms in the child’s nasopharynx and cause a severe cough:

  • Hitting small foreign bodies into the respiratory tract (fluff, pieces of food, etc.).
  • Allergic reaction to various substances, inhaled with air ( washing powder, tobacco smoke, plant pollen).
  • A sharp decrease in inhaled air, forming a temperature difference from high to low.
  • High temperature of food consumed.
  • Heart, lung or kidney disease.
  • Chest injuries.

In these conditions, there may be no increase in temperature.

Infectious agents

The causes of a severe cough with fever can be life-threatening diseases of a viral or bacterial origin.

A disease caused by bacteria, accompanied by fever. Children get sick more often, adults rarely. When a child has whooping cough, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected. Toxins released by bacteria affect respiratory center, the walls of blood vessels, impair the functioning of the heart and brain.

Caused by viruses that affect the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Children are mainly susceptible to infection. The disease is dangerous due to complications in the form of pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, characterized by a temperature of up to 40°.

Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, in most cases infectious origin. Almost always accompanied by a cough with fever. In children, as in adults, pneumonia occurs as a complication after a viral infection.

The child is treated at home according to strict medical prescription under the supervision of a pediatrician. Cases require hospitalization severe course whooping cough infants if there is a risk of apnea. It's deadly dangerous situation for a child, especially for babies infancy.

Inflammation of the bronchi

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the bronchi. Since they are involved in the breathing process, the supply of oxygen to the lungs during illness is difficult due to the formation of mucus or narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. The occurrence of a cough is caused by the body’s attempt to restore the free flow of air through the respiratory tract and free the bronchi from phlegm that interferes with breathing.

Inflammation of the bronchi occurs mainly during the off-season, when the risk of contracting a viral infection is high. Children suffer from the disease more often than adults, especially children under 5 years of age. There are allergic, viral and bacterial sources of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Lethargy, weakness.
  • Headache, sometimes nausea.
  • Decreased or complete loss of appetite.
  • Temperature rises to 38-39 °C.

When diagnosing, fluorography is prescribed, laboratory tests blood and urine.

Antipyretics are used for treatment. To ease a child’s cough, you should start with mucolytics, which thin the mucus, increase its volume and facilitate the removal of mucus from the bronchi. If there is already a wet cough, and the child still has a fever, we can talk about the beginning of recovery from the disease.

Pneumonia often occurs as a complication after undergoing viral infections. Children, especially infants, experience the disease more severely than adults. This is explained by the fact that the child is weaker protective forces body, the lower respiratory tract is less developed, and, as a result, the resulting sputum is less cleared. Because of this, the disease is more severe.

At the onset of the disease, the symptoms are:

  • Weakness, malaise.
  • Headaches.
  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Difficult frequent, but shallow breathing, wheezing.
  • Wet cough with sputum.
  • Low-grade fever.

If pneumonia is suspected, a chest X-ray and blood test are required.

Treatment consists of several areas:

  • Antipyretics (when the temperature rises above 38 °C): syrups for children under 5 years old, for infants - suppositories.
  • Antibiotics in suspension or intramuscularly.
  • At wet cough- to liquefy mucus and remove it from the body.
  • Cough suppressants to relieve debilitating attacks at night.

The child’s condition must be monitored by a specialist.

Treatment methods

Since coughing is a natural reaction of the body to clear the airways of substances or objects that interfere with breathing, treatment methods are aimed not at eliminating, but at relieving the cough.

These methods include regular ventilation of the room where the sick child is. You should also ensure that the air inhaled by the patient is not overdried by heating devices. Be sure to drink plenty of warm drinks throughout the illness.

Drink plenty of warm fluids when coughing



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