Testosterone production in men depends on what. Natural Ways to Stay Healthy

Androgens are steroid hormones that are responsible for masculinity: growth and functioning of the reproductive system male system, maintaining normal sperm levels and distinctive male characteristics in appearance.

Where is testosterone produced?

The main source of testosterone in the body is the testicles. This organ produces testosterone directly (5-12 mg/day) and small amounts of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione and estrogens.

Any hormone, any enzyme or secretion is synthesized from a certain substance that enters our body with food. The basis of testosterone is cholesterol. Leydig cells take cholesterol from the blood as acetate or low-density lipoprotein. Happening specific sequence reactions with the transformation of substances: cholesterol → pregnenolone → 17-hydroxypregnenolone → androstenediol. After passing chemical reactions 2 molecules of androstenediol combine with each other and the final product → testosterone comes out.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system

The normal constant level of the hormone in the blood is controlled hypothalamic-pituitary system. This works on the principle of negative feedback. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which, in turn, controls the constant secretion of gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) by the pituitary gland.

Controls the maturation of Leydig cells and their further production of steroid hormones. That is, it plays a major role in triggering the synthesis of testosterone by the testicles. monitors the complete maturation of the spermatogenic epithelium and enhances affinity for LH (by increasing the number of receptors for LH).

The feedback principle is that testicular cells send a signal to the hypothalamus about the amount of hormones produced. The notification is carried out using testosterone-affinity receptors on the hypothalamus. If hormones are normal quantity, then the pituitary gland continues to produce the same amount of gonadotropins as before. If there is more testosterone than needed, less of the latter enters the blood; if there is less testosterone than needed, correspondingly more.

Circadian rhythms of testosterone

Testosterone production does not occur at the same level around the clock. The hormone has circadian rhythms (see Figure 2). It is synthesized around the clock in small quantities. Nai large doses are released into the blood from 6 to 8 am, when minimal secretion is observed in the evening hours (from 20 to 22 pm).

Rice. 2 - Circadian and annual rhythms of testosterone:
schedule 1 - circadian rhythm testosterone depending on the time of day;
graph 2 - circadian rhythm of testosterone depending on the time of year.

Metabolism of testosterone in the male body

Forms (fractions) of testosterone

Testosterone entering the blood can be in 2 states:

  1. Connected;
  2. Free.

Testosterone binds in the blood to various proteins. It can bind to and albumin. This globulin is similar to all sex steroids, so not only testosterone, but also estrogens, estradiols and other sex hormones are susceptible to its contact. The androgen associated with SHPS is in quantitative ratio about 57%. It is no longer considered active, but only circulates in the blood.

The remaining 43% of the circulating hormone has biological activity. 40% of active testosterone is bound to albumin, and 3% is in free, unbound form. The connection with albumin, unlike globulin, is very weak, and with any impact it can weaken, and testosterone will break away from the protein.

The role of SHBG in hormonal levels

The concentration of SHPS can increase in the blood under various conditions:

  • taking glucocorticoids orally or parenterally;
  • protein deficiency;
  • obesity.

If the concentration of SHPS increases, the ratio of active testosterone to estrogen will be lower. In this case, the main ones will be, which will negatively affect the direct functions of testosterone.

Physiologically, GSPS increases with age. Redistribution after age 40 can lead to 2 opposite conditions:

  1. Or estrogen will begin to predominate, which will general condition the body will be affected by (depositing fat on the hips, legs and abdomen), a change in mood to a more tearful one.
  2. If the body follows a different path, then an increase in the concentration of GSPC will ensure normal content and long-term maintenance of its level while reducing the quantitative indicators of free testosterone.

3 Testosterone Metabolism Pathways

There are 3 metabolic pathways in relation to biologically active testosterone:

  1. Gain biological activity- after combining with 5α-reductase, testosterone is converted into a more active hormonal unit - (this happens in prostate gland, skin, epididymis, seminal vesicles);
  2. Change in biological activity - under the influence of aromatase, the hormone is converted into (this occurs in the brain, muscles, adipose tissue, mammary gland);
  3. Decreased biological activity - when testosterone enters the liver, 5β-reductase converts the hormone into inactive 5β-dihydrotestosterone and its derivatives, sulfates and glucuronides.

Rice. 3 - Change in testosterone activity as a result of metabolic transformations (indicated in brackets androgenic activity each of the steroids; testosterone activity is taken as 100).

Half-life of the hormone

The circulation of the hormone is short, and the half-life occurs in 2 stages.

  • Stage 1 - takes place in 20 minutes. During this time, almost the entire amount of active testosterone is utilized from the blood. It is absorbed by tissues that are metabolized using a sex steroid.
  • Stage 2 - lasts up to 3 hours. A large amount of the hormone is absorbed by adipose tissue, where a kind of depot of sex hormones is located. The remaining amount of hormone in the blood is utilized various metabolites through the kidneys and liver.

Almost half of the secreted testosterone is excreted in the urine by metabolites: androsterone, etiocholanolone. These metabolites represent a separate group of 17-ketosteroids. Testosterone is also excreted in the form of inactivated testosterone - glucuronide.

Effects of Testosterone

It’s not for nothing that testosterone is called “the hormone of kings - the king of hormones.” After all, he controls almost all functions in male body. The hormone can do this directly - directly penetrating the cell nucleus, or indirectly - by controlling the work of other hormones.

Testosterone in the male body performs the main classical functions:

  • Androgenic function - testosterone ensures the manifestation. Due to the high content of testosterone, which predominates over estrogens, hair growth occurs according to male type(hair on the face, chest, buttocks and genitals). Ensures the growth and development of the male reproductive gonads and external genitalia, and a male-type physique (distribution of adipose tissue). Bald patches and baldness are also controlled by testosterone. I wonder what body fat are also controlled by testosterone. If in women obesity is superficial, due to subcutaneous fatty tissue, then in men fat is deposited in parenchymal organs and on the greater omentum.
  • Anabolic function - the sex steroid ensures the growth of muscle fibers, the necessary bone density, takes part in the production of the necessary organ-specific proteins in the kidneys, liver, sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Antigonadotropic function - high content testosterone inhibits gonadotropins. In progress general principles implicit feedback between the gonads and the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • Reproductive function - without required quantity testosterone, sperm formation is impossible. The hormone is the “motor lever” of spermatogenesis. It also provides erectile function and libido.
  • Psychophysiological function - thanks to the male sex steroid, stereotypical behavior and some character traits are formed. It is testosterone that provides the necessary libido, increased aggression in behavior, the desire to fight, and the attenuation of the feeling of fear. The hormone has a psychostimulating effect.
  • Hematopoietic function - indirectly affects hematopoiesis. Testosterone may affect erythropoiesis in red bone marrow, strengthening it. Also has an effect on the production of erythropoietin in the kidneys. The ratio of erythropoietin to testosterone works on the principle of a direct positive relationship - the more testosterone, the more erythropoietin is produced.

Every person knows that all processes in the body are controlled by hormones. They are biologically active substances, the production of which occurs mainly in the glands internal secretion(for example, thyroid). The slightest hormonal imbalance leads to disastrous consequences, provoking destabilization in work internal organs. Each hormone has its own purpose and is “responsible” for the implementation of a certain set of functions. For example, thyroxine is involved in metabolism and regulates the amount of cholesterol, and testosterone affects the formation of male genital organs. That is why compliance with the testosterone norm in men is the basis that determines all later life stronger sex.

What is the effect of the hormone on the body?

Even the word “testosterone” itself contains information about its function, because in Latin “testicle” sounds like “testicle”. The influence of testosterone on a man’s body is very simple to understand: it is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, makes the voice of the stronger sex rougher, and makes the hair more pronounced than in women. In addition, this hormone is an anabolic steroid and leads to rapid growth muscles and reducing the amount of adipose tissue. Thanks to this, it is much easier for guys to “build up” muscle mass and lose excess weight than for girls.

How testosterone is produced in men will help you understand simple circuit: hypothalamus and pituitary gland - hormonal signals - testosterone production in the genitals (testicles). The process of hormone production is quite fragile and depends on many external and internal factors such as age, previous diseases, atomic features and injuries.

Normal testosterone levels in men under 70 years of age range from 50 to 224 ng/dL (nanograms of the substance in 1 deciliter of plasma), and after 70 years of age - from 6 to 73 ng/dL. Therefore, if the following symptoms appear, it is advisable to undergo an examination. Consultation with a specialist is required if:

  • getting worse erectile function and libido decreases;
  • a man cannot have children;
  • depression and constant fatigue appear;
  • is decreasing muscle mass;
  • thickness decreases hairline on the body and face;
  • sweating increases;
  • iron deficiency occurs;
  • obesity begins female type(in the abdomen and waist area).

In addition, symptoms reduced level testosterone levels in men are insomnia, weakness and dryness skin. The most unpleasant consequence hormonal disorders there will be a decrease in potency. The stronger sex ceases to feel like such, which in some cases requires the help of not only an endocrinologist, but also a psychologist.

But not only a deficiency, but also a high level of testosterone in men can cause trouble. It seemed that everything was wonderful: male hormones were off the charts and success was guaranteed for such an “alpha male.” But this is not entirely true. Such “hormonal storms” can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • development of diseases prostate gland;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • deterioration of skin condition, appearance of rashes;
  • baldness;
  • heart problems;
  • infertility.

Causes of testosterone production disorders in men

If there are signs of malfunction hormonal system it is necessary not only to pass testing for the level male hormones, but also to identify the reason that led to such consequences.

Low testosterone levels in men can be caused by a number of factors, which are divided into two: large groups. The first group contains problems associated with malfunctions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the second – with the genitals.

The most common reasons are:

  • Crypto-Christism;
  • genital injuries;
  • cancer and its treatment methods;
  • age over 70 years;
  • inflammatory processes in the testicles;
  • chromosomal disorders;
  • brain diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • taking anabolic drugs;
  • metabolic problems and obesity.

Most often, any of the above factors leads to the manifestation of the most common symptom of testosterone deficiency in men - impotence. But do not forget about other alarming “bells”, such as changes in hair growth and reduction in muscle mass. Any problem is a reason to pay attention to it, since hormonal imbalances will certainly lead to a general deterioration in health.

You should sound the alarm not only when signs of testosterone deficiency appear in men, but also when their level is high. Often the trigger for such disorders is the use of anabolic steroids to create perfect body and gaining muscle mass. But who needs a man who looks good, but is not able to give joy to a woman? Therefore, it is better for bodybuilding lovers to limit themselves healthy eating and safe food additives(for example, protein shakes).

Diagnosis and treatment

In cases where doubts arise about normal course process of producing male hormones, you need to seek help from an experienced endocrinologist. He will not only prescribe tests, but also determine whether the person needs drug treatment.

How to reduce testosterone in men? First of all, you will have to refuse steroid drugs. If this is the only reason, then the problem will be solved in a few weeks. In addition, there are diets and herbal teas aimed at solving the problem, but you need to remember that herbal medicine can sometimes bring more harm than good. You can always consult a homeopathic doctor, who, based on tests, will select the right drug.

If symptoms of low testosterone are observed in men, then treatment should begin with complete change way of life. First of all, you should pay attention to a number of points:

  • develop correct eating habits, exclude sweets, canned food and fast food;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • do sports and strength exercises;
  • exclude bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • organize regular sex life, since any prolonged “downtime” leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • avoid stress and lack of sleep;
  • strive for success, since any “minute of fame” stimulates the production of testosterone.

Every person, be it a man or a woman, must remember: regardless of work and career, his body must perform the functions that Nature has given it. The task of male representatives is to “harvest the mammoth”, to be strong and strive for victory, and then his hormonal levels will always remain within normal limits. A woman, even being a big boss, must realize herself as a wife and mother, otherwise health problems will definitely make themselves felt. After all, an unnecessary and dysfunctional organ atrophies as it is no longer needed, right?

Testosterone is the name of the male sex hormone (one of the androgens), which is synthesized by the endocrine glands - the male testes and adrenal glands.

Many men wonder how to increase testosterone production to improve potency and give a more masculine appearance.

Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is produced not only in men, but also in women. In the fair sex, this hormone is produced in small quantities by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Testosterone in men is responsible for the process of masculinization in boys and affects male puberty, regulates spermatogenesis, promotes the development of secondary male sexual characteristics. Due to the normal level of androgens in men, a traditional sexual orientation and correct sexual behavior. In addition, testosterone in men affects metabolism, supporting phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.

Testosterone synthesis is regulated by pituitary hormones. In women, testosterone in the body is normally produced by the endocrine glands - the ovaries, turning into estrogens (female sex hormones) in the follicle cells, which help increase the growth of the mammary glands and regulate menstrual cycle, and adrenal glands. Increased secretion of testosterone by the adrenal glands and its increased level in women it leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of a masculine appearance.

Medical norms for testosterone in men are considered to be 11-33 nmol/l in men and 0.24-3.8 nmol/l in women.

Symptoms of low testosterone in men

  • low libido;
  • impotence;
  • the appearance of female-type fat deposits;
  • decreased muscle mass;
  • osteoporosis;
  • decreased skin and muscle tone;
  • irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, depression;
  • loss of strength;
  • loss of genital hair (groin, legs, chest, armpits, face);
  • decreased testicular density;
  • effeminacy, softness, sensitivity;
  • decreased immunity.

Properties of testosterone

  • enhancing metabolism, burning fat, increasing muscle mass and strengthening bones;
  • formation of male secondary sexual characteristics;
  • influence on spermatogenesis;
  • influence on potency;
  • formation of interest in the female sex;
  • increasing immunity and strengthening blood vessels;
  • influence on male character traits: aggressiveness, initiative and courage.

What determines testosterone levels?

  1. Times of Day. In men increased testosterone in the blood is observed in the morning after waking up, in the evening the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases, reaching a minimum before bedtime.
  2. Physical activity. It has been proven that after sports activities there is increased testosterone in the blood. But with strong physical exertion and overwork, on the contrary, there is a decrease in the sex hormone.
  3. Age. Age significantly affects the endocrine glands, decreasing over the years. Increased levels of male sex hormone occur in young men during puberty. After 25-30 years, testosterone production begins to gradually decline by about 1% per year.
  4. Lifestyle. The production of testosterone in the body depends on the lifestyle of a man. Proper nutrition and sports activities help, and alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity and sedentary lifestyle life, on the contrary, have negative impact on the production of testosterone in the body.
  5. Physical health. Some endocrine and oncological diseases seriously affect the production of androgens. Therefore, we must not forget that a sudden, unmotivated decrease in male sex hormones is a reason to consult a specialist doctor. A sharply increased level of testosterone can also indicate illness.
  6. Psychological state. Stress and depression can negatively affect testosterone levels in the blood. The reason for this is the stress hormone cortisol, which blocks the synthesis of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone level determination

A man with low level A specialist doctor can determine sex hormones in the blood by characteristic external signs(reduced male pattern hair, decreased muscle mass, decreased testicles, impotence, effeminacy and adipose tissue deposition). However, for more precise definition sex hormone requires a blood test. It is advisable to submit the analysis to morning time on an empty stomach. Before the procedure, it is recommended to limit physical activity for a day and quit smoking for 8 hours.

How to increase testosterone in the blood?

If you notice signs of a decrease in male sex hormone, then first of all you need to determine the cause of these hormonal changes.

To do this, it is advisable to consult an endocrinologist to rule out serious illnesses. If the specialist sees no reason for concern and the decrease in testosterone does not go much beyond the physiological age standards, then you can try to increase testosterone production on your own, without resorting to chemical hormonal drugs.

How to produce testosterone naturally?

Proper nutrition

  1. Compliance with the regime. will help correct mode nutrition. How to develop the habit of eating healthy? Very simple. Try to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions, distributing greatest number calories in the morning.
  2. Refusal harmful products which negatively affect testosterone production.

These include:

  1. Can help improve testosterone production healthy products nutrition, which include:

Exercises in the gym

Basic strength exercises With gradual increase loads in gym or at home with dumbbells can significantly raise. Suitable complexes can be found on the Internet or go through initial training with an instructor. It is important not to overexert yourself in training and alternate exercise with rest, otherwise you may experience reverse effect from classes.

Healthy lifestyle

Quitting alcohol and smoking, following a daily routine, good sleep, no stress, regular sex life, as well as the fight against overweight and prevention of testicular overheating significantly contribute to improvement men's health and help in developing own testosterone naturally.

Testosterone - steroid hormone who plays important role at work reproductive system. Its production in the human body occurs in the gonads, adrenal glands and peripheral tissues.

Hormone synthesis is controlled by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and central departments nervous system. Its level is also influenced by certain physiological and pathological conditions, lifestyle, diet and taking certain medications.

Characteristics of the hormone

Scheme for the production of testosterone from cholesterol

Testosterone belongs to the male sex hormones - androgens. Its main part (up to 95%) is synthesized in the gonads - testicles. To a lesser extent, it is produced in the adrenal cortex and on the periphery - in the brain and adipose tissue.

A woman's body also produces some amount of this hormone. In this case, about 70% of testosterone is produced in peripheral tissues, and the rest in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

The hormone is synthesized from cholesterol. More newly formed testosterone enters directly into the blood. There it binds to transport proteins - sex steroid binding globulin (GSBG) and albumin. Only a small part of it is in a free state and is biologically active. There is a special circadian rhythm secretion of the hormone with its maximum level at 6–8 o’clock in the morning and minimum at 18–20 o’clock in the evening.

Estradiol is synthesized from testosterone under the action of the aromatase enzyme in adipose tissue. Its metabolites are formed in the liver - androsterone and etiocholanolone, which are excreted in the urine. Under the influence of 5-alpha reductase in the skin, liver and testicles, the hormone produces a more active androgen - dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

The biological role of testosterone is determined by its direct effect on target organs, as well as the effects of its metabolites - estradiol and dihydrotestosterone.

The hormone performs the following functions:

  • responsible for beard growth;
  • increases libido;
  • promotes muscle development;
  • stimulates the formation of red blood cells;
  • increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and glucose;
  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • increases the content of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in the blood, reduces their high-density fraction;
  • increases mood, aggressiveness, enhances motivation;
  • improves spatial orientation and mathematical abilities;
  • has a beneficial effect on short-term memory;
  • negatively affects communication function.

Dihydrotestosterone ensures the intrauterine formation of male genital organs, hair growth in the armpits and pubic area, causes baldness and stimulates the increase in size and development of the prostate gland. Estradiol, formed in men mainly from testosterone, maintains bone density, promotes the closure of their growth zones, and regulates the secretion of gonadotropins. In women, it is also involved in the formation of a regular menstrual cycle.

Regulation of testosterone production

Regulation of testosterone synthesis

The production of androgens is regulated by pituitary gonadotropins - luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones. Testosterone synthesis in the testicles occurs in Leydig cells under the control of LH. FSH binds to Sertoli cell receptors and triggers spermatogenesis. In women, gonadotropins stimulate the production of sex hormones and participate in the formation of the menstrual cycle.

The level of LH and FSH depends on the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) of the hypothalamus. Its allocation in circulatory system is pulsating in nature with peaks every 90–120 minutes. Its secretion with high frequency reduces the concentration of pituitary gonadotropins, and with low frequency it stimulates FSH production and, to a lesser extent, LH. GnRH synthesis regulates the concentrations of testosterone, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, as well as the levels of leptin, activin, prolactin and inhibin in the blood. Their increase suppresses the secretion of releasing hormone. LH and FSH and testosterone are released into the blood at the same rhythm as releasing hormone.

The synthesis of androgens in the adrenal glands is under the control of corticotropin (ACTH), produced in the pituitary gland, and corticoliberin of the hypothalamus.

The highest link in the regulation of the reproductive system is the brain. It produces biological substances, which have both a stimulating and suppressive effect on reproductive function. The midbrain contains biogenic amines, norepinephrine, serotonin and other neurogenic messengers that act on the hypothalamus.

Features of hormone synthesis at different ages

Changes in testosterone levels with age

Hormone production begins at 9 weeks intrauterine development. Under the influence of dihydrotestosterone formed from it, external genitalia are formed in boys. After birth, testosterone levels in male newborns fall and are only slightly higher than those in female children. Shortly before puberty, the secretion of GnRH increases, especially in the morning, which is accompanied by an increase in the production of LH, FSH and testosterone.

The production of adrenal androgens under the influence of ACTH increases from 6–7 years. Under their influence, hair in the armpits and pubic area begins to grow, and a growth spurt occurs. This period is called adrenarche, and in boys it begins 2 years later than in girls.

During puberty, under the influence of testosterone, facial hair growth increases, testicular diameter increases, and new Leydig cells appear. There is an elongation of the penis, enlargement of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and epididymis. The larynx expands and develops vocal cords, causing the voice to become deeper. Muscle mass and bone density increase. Start to work sebaceous glands, which contributes to the development of acne, acne and seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Testosterone levels reach adult male levels by age 17.

Factors affecting testosterone levels

The concentration of the hormone in women decreases during postmenopause. The work of the ovaries gradually fades away, and the main source of testosterone becomes peripheral tissues. In men, a decrease in androgen levels is observed by age 70.

Depending on the amount of SHPS, the content of the active fraction of testosterone changes. Its increase occurs with thyrotoxicosis, liver cirrhosis, and excess estrogen production. A decrease in concentration is observed when diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovaries, metabolic syndrome, obesity, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, kidney damage, hypercortisolism.

An increase in production is possible with pathology of the adrenal glands - their congenital dysfunction, disease or Cushing's syndrome. Uncontrolled production of testosterone occurs with androgen-synthesizing tumors of the adrenal glands and gonads.

During development inflammatory process in the body, the work of the system that regulates testosterone synthesis is reversibly suppressed at all its levels. This explains the decrease in sexual desire in diseases and viral infections.

TO reduced content hormone levels in the blood can be caused by organic and functional reasons:

Organic lesions Functional changes
Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalitiesPsychological stress
Tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, craniopharyngioma, germinomaExcessive exercise
Infiltrative diseases - sarcoidosis, hemochromatosisMarked change in body weight
Traumatic brain injuriesTaking anabolic steroids
RadiotherapySystemic diseases
Surgical interventions in the hypothalamic-pituitary zoneMedications - large doses of glucocorticoids, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiandrogens, estrogens
Testicular injuries, varicoceles, infectionsAlcohol

Moderate physical activity and a balanced diet, including following products- meat, sea ​​fish, nuts, herbs, spices, legumes. If there is pathology, it is impossible to increase the concentration of the hormone using natural methods; examination and treatment by a specialized specialist is necessary.

We all like strong and courageous men. But what makes a man a man and a woman a woman? Hormones. And the difference in the main hormones between men and women is actually quite small.

Together with a specialist preventive medicine Ekaterina Stepanova Sputnik continues to study the most important indicators our health.

The difference is just one atom

If we compare the graphic formula of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, with graphic formula estrogen is the main female sex hormone, the difference between them is only one hydrogen atom and two energy bonds! Almost identical molecules, and this difference is very subtle and unstable.

In the male body, as in the female body, these two hormones are present simultaneously, but in different quantities. It is clear that the male body contains more testosterone, but there is a constant interaction between testosterone and estrogen. Every minute a man produces about 11 million testosterone molecules, but if for some reason a hydrogen atom attaches to this molecule, testosterone turns into estrogen. If there are many such transformations, a man ceases to be a man.

This radically arises, oddly enough, first at the psychological, then at the emotional and intellectual levels, and only at last resort manifests itself physically when changes in secondary sexual characteristics begin towards degradation. But, of course, for such changes there must be certain conditions.

How to protect testosterone

Until the age of 10, boys and girls differ only anatomically and in their genitals.

A man begins to develop from the moment of puberty (12 years): development occurs hormonal levels, in particular the main sex hormone testosterone, and thanks to it, secondary sexual characteristics are formed: male hair growth begins on the face and body, voice changes, and the formation of musculoskeletal and adipose tissue. Normally, testosterone controls the volume of body fat, so healthy men With good performance testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If a boy has overweight, this cannot be treated carelessly. If after nutritional correction and physical activity the weight does not go away - you need to contact an endocrinologist so as not to miss a decrease in the level or improper production of testosterone.

By the age of 16-18, testosterone forms masculine qualities, and male characteristics depend on its quantity.

Testosterone is produced in paired organ- testicles. This the only organ male body, which is taken out. And this is not without reason - the temperature in the testicles should normally be 3.3 degrees lower than in the body as a whole.

You need to take care of the formation and preservation of testosterone in the male body from the very beginning, from early childhood mothers, and then the men themselves throughout their lives. After all, the quality of life largely depends on this hormone.

From the moment the child is born, mothers must control the time the boy spends in a diaper. After all, it creates the effect of a thermal bath, the temperature can fluctuate around 43-45°C, and wearing a diaper 24 hours a day can cause irreparable harm to the testicles and even cause infertility. And it is clear that a boy should not wear diapers until he is two years old, because a physiological problem can also be accompanied by a psychological one.

Take care of testosterone

The mechanism of testosterone production is quite complex. The signal for testosterone production comes from the command-controlled area of ​​the brain. After complex interactions between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, the testicles are commanded to produce testosterone. How coordinated this will be collaboration, the well-being of one of the main male sex hormones depends.

Parents need to be on alert from the boy's early active age. After all, children are such fidgets! It is important to protect your child from head or testicular injuries. For any complaint about headache, dizziness, pain when urinating or pain in the groin and abdomen, you need to ask the child in detail whether there was an injury. If there has been an injury, you must urgently consult a traumatologist, neurologist or urologist-andrologist. Testosterone has a very important functions, he is responsible for:

  • stress resistance;
  • secondary sexual characteristics;
  • determines muscle and fat mass of the body;
  • resistance to physical and psychological stress;
  • male strength and endurance as the ability for long-term hard physical work;
  • Moderate to severe aggression is biological trait protection;
  • lack of tearfulness;
  • sexual activity;
  • a sense of the value of male friendship and healthy ambitions.

There is a male in every man, so he will always worry and take care of the most precious thing he has: his head and potency.

What can cause low testosterone levels?

There are many reasons, and they are related to different aspects of lifestyle.

Stress. A group of Austrian and Swiss scientists proved that financial problems or an outstanding loan reduce testosterone levels by 15-20% and keep it stably low until the financial situation is completely resolved positively. In general, any long-term stress and nervous overload lead to a significant decrease in testosterone. This is regulated by nature from the moment a person is born. During periods of stress, they are produced in large quantities respectively, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. For the body, this is a state of war, and all its functionality during this period is at the peak of its capabilities; here, as they say, there is no time for reproduction, so during this period the level of testosterone decreases. Only short-term jumps upward for regulation are possible general processes in the body.

Alcohol. For the first 5 minutes, a small amount does increase testosterone, but within 25 minutes testosterone returns to normal and then begins to drop sharply and steadily. In the USA, scientists conducted an inhumane experiment and found out that in order to completely stop the production of testosterone, a man needs to drink heavily for 3 months and gain 20 kg in weight. With this state of health, secondary sexual characteristics will begin to change.

Food. The love for sweets is especially dangerous. High level Blood glucose reduces testosterone production, as insulin opposes the main male sex hormone.

Industrially produced meat contains female sex hormones that promote weight gain in animals or poultry. Once in a man’s body, they inhibit the production of testosterone.

The same can be said about products containing soy. It contains phytoestrogens.

You should not drink a lot of milk with high fat content. You need to understand that a cow produces milk not for humans, but to feed her calf, therefore, with milk she transfers her hormones and phytoestrogens to him to maintain immunity.

Without options, you need to exclude fast food and smoked foods from your diet.

Diseases, injuries, low physical activity. Viruses, bacteria, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sex, injuries to the head, spine, testicles, any decrease or lack of physical activity (physical activity increases blood supply to the male pelvic organs) - all this invariably leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Medicines. Some medications have been proven to lower testosterone levels, such as drugs containing atropine and anti-ulcer drugs.

Blood pressure and vascular problems. Promotion blood pressure by 15-20 millimeters of mercury significantly reduces testosterone levels, as does atherosclerosis and ischemia. During an erection, the volume of blood passing through the penis increases 6 times, and blood is flowing under pressure. To preserve its blood vessels, the body reduces testosterone and, accordingly, libido. Otherwise, passion can result in a stroke, heart attack, etc. Any decrease in blood supply to the penis during contact is a reason to check the condition of the blood vessels, primarily the coronary ones.

Increased heart rate. If the heart rate is more than 80, testosterone levels decrease. Triggered defense mechanism to relieve tension from the heart. After all, it already works under overload, and there is no need to create additional difficulties for it.

Bilirubin. The norm is 20 µmol/liter. If its level rises to 25 or higher, then there is a significant decrease in testosterone. The liver is included in this mechanism. It is the main utilizer of toxins and, in particular, regulates the level of the aromatase enzyme, which is dangerous for men. Aromatase promotes the addition of one hydrogen atom to the testosterone molecule, after which it turns into estrogen. There should be a minimum amount of aromatase in a man’s body.

By the way, men need to be careful when consuming grapefruits - they increase aromatase in the blood.

Impaired kidney function. Benchmark here is the amount of urine excreted. If a man produces less than 1 liter of urine per day, testosterone levels decrease by 15%. Normally, an adult male should consume at least 30 ml clean water per 1 kilogram of weight and excrete at least 2 liters of urine per day. Not only toxins are eliminated through urine, but also excess stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), which directly block testosterone production.

Testosterone levels can also be affected by wearing tight synthetic shoes. underwear, mobile phones in the pocket of trousers and especially the presence of tablets and laptops on the lap.

When riding a bicycle, you need to select a special male anatomical saddle to prevent injuries to the muscles of the perineum and testicles. Inhalation of harmful fumes (gasoline, phenols, tobacco, paints) also reduces testosterone levels.

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If a man lies down on the sofa

The first sign of a decrease in testosterone levels, as a rule, is that a man lies down on the sofa and does not want to do anything. Testosterone always means activity: mental, physical, sexual!

More a serious signal is weight gain, in particular female-type fat deposition. It has been officially established that a man’s waist should not exceed 92-94 cm. This indicator is directly related to testosterone levels. After all, visceral and abdominal fat produce the hormone leptin, one of the main enemies of testosterone. A normal level of testosterone prevents weight gain, as it promotes its conversion into energy in the muscles, so any physical activity should be a faithful companion for a man.

Testosterone is the guardian of everything in the male body. Thanks to him musculoskeletal system maintains your health. Calcium is absorbed through testosterone bone tissue. In women, this function is performed by estrogen.

How to control testosterone levels?

Blood testing for testosterone should be done on an empty stomach and in the morning. In the early hours, testosterone production is maximum. Blood is drawn for total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin. They always work in pairs. Only a urologist can decipher these indicators, because sometimes testosterone in the body may not be in active phase, no matter how much it is, and not have its effectiveness.

Normal testosterone levels- 12-35 nmol/liter. Its production peaks at 25-30 years. From the age of 30, testosterone levels in all men begin to decline by 1-2% annually.

It has been proven that if at the age of 25 the testosterone level was 35 nmol/liter, then in the normal course of life a man will have enough of this reserve for his entire life, and this physiological drop will not greatly affect his activity and male power. But if at the age of 25 a man had levels around 12 nmol/liter, it is worth keeping his lifestyle and health under control.

If the indicator is at a young age below 12 nmol/liter, this is regarded as a defect and is called hypogonadism.

Unfortunately, the statistics are such that today male factor infertility is beginning to outpace women.

In nature, everything is in balance, and there are many factors that increase testosterone levels: from food to hobbies.

American scientists have found that a quarrel with his wife, when the man is right, increases testosterone levels by 35%, and subsequent reconciliatory sex adds another 45%.

But the leader in a stable increase in testosterone and maintaining it at high levels of 50-55% is the purchase of a car and spare parts for it, the purchase of gadgets and sports. Each gender has its own joys.

Well, the most win-win factor that increases testosterone is to demonstrate a woman’s virtues, and so that she appreciates all this masculinity.

Dear ladies and mothers, men’s happiness is in your hands! Praise and appreciate men. A man does everything in this life for the sake of a woman, so mutual care for each other will reward you with joint health, harmony and well-being.



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