Discharge before the first menstruation after childbirth. Postpartum discharge and menstruation

Restoring the menstrual cycle will depend on how the birth proceeded, on hormonal levels, on the type of feeding chosen, and even on the conditions in which the young mother is. Stopping or introducing complementary foods may cause menstruation to return earlier after birth. Stress, malnutrition, weight loss, on the contrary, will cause a longer rehabilitation period. However, there are also some average indicators, based on which it will be easier for us to understand our body and determine whether a woman’s condition is normal, or whether she should contact a specialist for consultation and examination.

When does your period start after childbirth?

The absence of periods after childbirth is called “lactation amenorrhea.” Levels of the hormone prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland, are high and ovarian function is suppressed. Normally, with established breastfeeding, this period takes about 6 months - it is during this period of time that the child needs only breast milk. The ovaries are in dormant mode, ovulation does not occur, and the main task of the reproductive system becomes the production of breast milk.

Information Restoration of the menstrual cycle that occurs earlier than 6 months after childbirth is usually associated with low prolactin levels due to hormonal imbalance, but may also have a more harmless reason - switching to formula, early complementary feeding (from 4 months) or feeding according to a regimen can also be perceived by the body as a decrease in the need for milk production, which will lead to an earlier first period.

With complete cessation of breastfeeding, prolactin levels quickly drop, and the first menstruation may occur as early as 11-12 weeks after birth. Small fluctuations should not be a cause for alarm, but it should be remembered that timely recovery can also be prevented by serious reasons:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries,
  • tumors in the uterus or ovaries,
  • endometriosis.

First menstruation after baby is born

The first normal monthly bleeding may differ slightly from usual - the period may increase by 1-2 days, and the discharge may be more abundant, or, conversely, scanty. At the same time, many notice that the onset of menstruation becomes less painful - this is due to changes in the uterus; after the first birth, its cervix opens faster and easier.

Normal blood loss is between 50 and 150 ml. In the first two days, when the discharge is most intense, a regular sanitary pad should last for at least two hours, otherwise bleeding must be avoided. Too little regulation - the total volume of which is less than 50 ml - is called hypomenorrhea, but during lactation in the first cycle this is not a deviation from the norm.

Information The usual duration of menstruation after childbirth is from 3 to 7 days. Although it will take another 2-3 months for the schedule to be completely restored, the first day must be remembered so that you can track the next period.

After the start of your first period, you should visit a doctor for a preventive examination - he will check the condition of the ovaries and uterus, and whether its size is normal.

Color of periods after childbirth

The normal color of menstruation after childbirth should be red, brown discharge may occur, but on the first day, when menstruation just begins, this shade is quite acceptable. Brown color, especially with pain in the lower abdomen and/or fever, indicates the presence of diseases - erosions or tumors of the cervix, endometritis, or indicates the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. Otherwise, the color should remain the same as it was before birth - rich in color (only slightly darker than normal blood) in the first days, with a glandular odor.

The blood content in regular discharge is 90%; as the level decreases, the shade may change towards dark yellow or red - this indicates a high content of mucus and endometrial cells. A very dark, close to black, color of menstruation after childbirth is also a deviation from the norm - such blood has already oxidized, which indicates its accumulation in the uterine cavity. This may be caused by the following conditions:

  • Physiological stretching of the uterus as a result of pregnancy;
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • Narrowing of the cervical canal.


Do not be surprised if after childbirth the duration of your periods becomes a little longer, increasing by one day. This is due to natural changes - the volume of the uterus has become slightly larger than before the first pregnancy. A sharp reduction in the duration of discharge - up to 2 days, or continuous menstruation for 10 days - should be alarming. The appearance of “breakthrough” bleeding (resuming a few days after the end) is also a pathology and requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Monitoring how many days the monthly bleeding continues will help ensure that there are no pathologies and the processes are proceeding normally.

Additionally Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of bleeding immediately after the end, in the early postpartum period. It will differ from regular periods precisely in its duration and intensity. This may mean that there is still remnants of the placenta or membranes in the uterine cavity. In this case, additional cleaning in the hospital and subsequent use of antibiotics are necessary.

Painful periods after childbirth

Most people who give birth note a decrease in discomfort - severe cramping, spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen after menstruation becomes less noticeable, sometimes the beginning of the period is so painless that it is difficult to notice. This is explained by natural changes - if there was a slight bend of the uterus, which created unpleasant sensations, then after childbirth it is eliminated or becomes less noticeable.

The pain can be explained by insufficient cleansing of the uterus - when the uterus closes quickly, clots remain there; traumatic births and... If timely monitoring by a doctor after discharge from the maternity hospital was not carried out, this should be done immediately when complaints arise. It is necessary to exclude more serious pathologies:

  • The presence of benign or malignant tumors in the uterus, cervix or ovaries;
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Severe hormonal disorders.

Heavy menstruation after childbirth

In women who have given birth, periods may begin suddenly, without a period of spotting or cramping pain. Thus, the volume of blood released is slightly increased due to the duration, but the intensity should not be too high.

With heavy discharge, it is important to distinguish it from bleeding - it can be caused by unhealed damage to the walls of the uterus. In case of a traumatic birth, internal sutures are also possible. Physical activity or lack of protein in the diet interferes with normal healing. If sanitary pads become soaked with blood too quickly during your period after childbirth, this is an alarming sign.

Information With a non-pathological course, “everything unnecessary” leaves the uterine cavity along with the lochia. Too much mucus should not be present during a normal cycle. A large amount of mucus, impurities, clots in the discharge, especially yellowish-green in color, with a characteristic odor, means the presence of an inflammatory process.

Periods immediately after childbirth

The onset of the first menstruation after the birth of a child is often taken to be the release of bloody clots (lochia), which are released immediately after birth and last from 10 days to 1.5 months, becoming increasingly scarce. This discharge is not associated with the resumption of the cycle and is normal. After childbirth, the walls of the uterus require a long recovery; a new healthy endometrium will grow for at least a month, and the old one, damaged by childbirth, will be rejected. In the first days, bleeding may be more intense, bright red in color, and later the discharge will turn brownish.

The maximum duration of lochia discharge can be up to 40 days, but towards the end of this period they will resemble yellowish mucus, gradually fading away.

Control over the amount of discharge is carried out by a gynecologist while still in the maternity hospital; upon discharge, an ultrasound examination of the uterus is performed to exclude the presence of remnants of membranes, pieces of placenta or large blood clots in it. However, if after discharge the bleeding intensifies, you should not rely on good examination results - you should immediately contact your local gynecologist, and in cases of large blood loss, call an ambulance.

Why is there no menstruation after childbirth?

The ability to take a time out and restore the body’s strength and reserves is provided by nature itself. Therefore, during the normal course of the physiological period of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, immediate fertilization and the onset of menstruation immediately after childbirth are unlikely.

For several weeks after the birth of the baby, the walls of the uterus are a wound surface, and it takes time to heal. During this period, the cavity is cleansed and the inner layer, the endometrium, is restored. The ovaries rest without releasing an egg, which means that a new cycle of menstruation after childbirth is not yet possible.

Additionally In the future, the break is influenced by lactation - the more often breastfeeding occurs, the more intensely prolactin is released, inhibiting the work of the ovaries and preventing the release of the egg. If you completely stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial nutrition, it will take less time to establish a normal cycle - about three months.

After the birth of a child, there are no periods for a year

In some cases, the body of a woman who has given birth takes longer than usual to recover. Normally, it is affected by constant feeding on demand and late complementary feeding. However, if lactation is completed and amenorrhea continues, hormonal imbalance occurs. Most often it is associated with increased production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. If lactation ended more than three months ago, and there have been no periods for a year after childbirth, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Severe irritability
  • High fatigue
  • Fast weight gain
  • General poor health

This combination is a good reason to contact an endocrinologist to confirm or refute the pathological nature of hyperprolactinemia.

Hyperprolactinemia is caused by changes in the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, as well as diseases of the liver and thyroid gland. But there are also household factors that influence increased hormone production:

  • Stress
  • Fasting or overeating
  • Too much physical activity
  • Chronic lack of sleep

Unfortunately, these are the conditions that often accompany a young mother in the first year of a child’s life.

How to regulate your menstrual cycle after childbirth?

Establishing a clear schedule for completing the first period after childbirth takes about 3 months. During this period, small deviations should not cause concern. At the same time, we must not forget that postpartum or physiological amenorrhea is often caused not so much by serious pathologies as by a poorly organized life - lack of sufficient time for rest and sleep, carrying a heavy stroller and the child himself, increased anxiety and depressive states.

Additionally Most often, mothers of first-born children suffer, as they are embarrassed to admit their own fatigue or seek help. Remember that the first step to restoring health and reproductive function is taking care of yourself and your own comfort.

A good addition to a more gentle regimen would be to take a complex of vitamins and microelements that normalize the functioning of the ovaries and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle after childbirth, as well as expanding your diet with protein-rich foods and including a variety of vegetables and fruits.

In more serious cases caused by endocrine disorders, confirmation of the diagnosis and prescription of a drug treatment regimen, which will include taking hormonal drugs, will be required.

Menstruation after childbirth while breastfeeding

The most common myth is the statement about the mandatory absence of menstruation during lactation and feeding. In fact, this is not true. Hormonal levels can return to normal levels sufficient to restore the reproductive system long before breastfeeding ends. Of course, this does not mean that the woman’s body is really ready for a new conception and gestation, just that the ovaries may well wake up a little earlier than usual - already 3-4 months after the birth of the child.

Information Lactation consultants often argue that feeding on demand and not feeding complementary foods is a sufficient condition for lactational amenorrhea. But, firstly, we are talking about a short period - only the first six months of the baby’s life, and secondly, hormonal levels are an individual feature that does not recognize a single standard.

Do not be alarmed if all the conditions are met, and the first cycle of menstruation after childbirth began a couple of months earlier than expected - this means that the rehabilitation process is left behind.

The second popular myth is about the change in the taste of milk when menstruation returns, and the baby refuses to breastfeed. The resumption of menstruation during feeding is not at all a signal for its curtailment, and the taste of the milk will not seem bitter or disgusting to the baby - on the contrary, its composition will meet the needs of the growing baby.

Delay before second period after childbirth

A slight deviation from the calendar is acceptable both at the beginning of the second and during the third menstrual cycle after childbirth. But it is worth considering that, unlike the first period, when the egg, having matured, may never leave the follicle, during this period it is already ready for fertilization. If contraception is not used, pregnancy is quite likely, therefore, it is necessary to first exclude this possibility.

But even with the complete return of reproductive function to normal, delays in the menstrual cycle after the birth of a child of up to several days are natural and can be caused not only by physiological, but also by external factors - both stress and sudden climatic fluctuations. We should not forget about the currently unbalanced hormonal background, which affects possible deviations from the normal calendar schedule.

Menstruation after the birth of your second child

The type of feeding - breastfeeding on demand or according to a regimen, mixed, artificial, as well as the frequency of feeding - most influences the period of recovery of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. But the type of birth - whether it was natural or carried out, and what they were like is not particularly important.

Information The only reason that prevents the timely establishment of normal functioning of the ovaries is severe complications: endometritis, sepsis or bleeding associated with internal ruptures, inflammatory processes due to poor contraction and emptying of the uterine cavity immediately after childbirth.

Both after the first and after the second birth, it is important to monitor the further regularity of menstruation - the duration of the cycle itself may change upward or downward, but after 2-3 months the calendar dates should already be clear, without delays or failures.

Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth without menstruation?

A firm belief in the impossibility of getting pregnant in the absence of menstruation after childbirth is one of the common reasons for the birth of children of the same age. Firstly, some parents are let down by the theory described above about the six-month period of lactational amenorrhea. Secondly, the failure of this method as contraception is due to the inability to determine whether the body has woken up and whether the ovaries are working at full capacity before the onset of the first menstruation.

On average, ovulation usually occurs on days 12-13 of the cycle - it is during this period that the probability of successful fertilization is highest. But, if with a normal schedule and an established cycle it is not at all difficult to calculate this period, then in the postpartum period it will not be possible to track that the days favorable for conception have arrived.

Important It is especially dangerous for women who have had a caesarean section to have unprotected sex. Unlike natural childbirth, although it requires restoration of strength and normalization of hormonal levels, a second pregnancy that occurs soon after childbirth can pose a serious danger to the scar on the uterus that has not yet healed.

One of the huge advantages of pregnancy and lactation, which every woman will appreciate, is that you can temporarily take a break from menstruation. Of course, for everyone, the duration of absence of menstruation after childbirth depends on the characteristics of physiology. For some, the menstrual cycle is restored after a year or more, for others it returns to normal after a couple of months. What influences this and how do periods themselves change?

A little about menstruation and the menstrual cycle

To understand how and when the cycle is restored after childbirth, it is necessary to delve into the nature of menstruation itself - a physiological process in the body of a woman of reproductive age. The first menstruation marks the beginning of puberty and the restructuring of all systems.

Menstrual flow should occur monthly. The standard cycle length is 21–35 days. The ideal interval between menstrual bleeding is 28 days. The regular cycle takes place on the same dates every month with deviations of 1–2 days in both directions.

There are 3 phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Ovulatory. The process of maturation of an egg, which after ovulation is released into the fallopian tube and moves to the uterus. For three days she is ready for fertilization. After this time, without being fertilized, she dies.
  2. Luteal or corpus luteum phase. It lasts 13–14 days. There is an active production of secretion, which ensures the fixation of the fertilized egg on the inner wall of the uterus.
  3. Follicular. This is the period of menstruation itself, when a decrease in progesterone production and endometrial rejection leads to bleeding. This phase lasts 3–7 days, and the woman loses 30–50 (but not more than 80) ml of blood.

Why don't you have periods during pregnancy?

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During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, as a result of successful conception, the corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone until the formation of the placenta, which is subsequently responsible for the production of hormones. Hormonal changes are necessary to preserve the fetus. During this same period, a woman experiences physiological amenorrhea, in other words, the absence of menstruation.

The reason why there are no periods during pregnancy is the physiology of the female body. In fact, thanks to such secretions, the egg, which was not fertilized, and the endometrium, to which it should have been attached in the event of a successful conception, are removed. When a woman becomes pregnant, the need to get rid of them disappears.

Postpartum discharge (lochia): what does it look like, how long does it last?

Do not confuse postpartum bleeding, also called lochia, with cycle restoration. In this way, during the postpartum period, the injured surface formed in the place where the fetal membranes and placenta separated is cleaned. This process continues while the internal uterine surface is being restored. This usually takes 30-45 days after a natural delivery and a little longer if there was a caesarean section.

Lochia gradually changes its character. They are most abundant in the first three days after birth. Then their gradual decrease is observed. On days 5–7 they acquire a lighter shade, and after 2 weeks they become mucous. Sometimes there may be blood in the discharge, but it is insignificant. The minimum period of time between the cessation of lochia and when the first period comes after childbirth should be two weeks.

When do you first get your period after giving birth?

The most frequently asked question among women who have recently given birth is how long after giving birth do menstruation begin. Cycle recovery is very individual, and how long it can last depends on more than one factor. When menstruation begins after childbirth is also determined by the type of feeding.

If a woman is breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has a big impact on how quickly your period can come after your baby is born. The longer a woman feeds her baby with breast milk on demand and without complementary foods, the later menstruation appears. Your period may start after 4-6 months. It is quite normal if they begin only after a year.

The reason for such a long delay is the production of the hormone prolactin. It is responsible for a woman's lactation. The hormone also performs a second function, namely, it suppresses the development of the egg, which is why there are no periods, since there is nothing to come out.

Despite this, breastfeeding is not a 100% guarantee that a woman will not become pregnant again. According to statistics, in 15% of those who give birth, with regular breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle is restored within 3–4 months.

If lactation is absent or stopped very early

In the modern world, artificial feeding is often practiced. Some mothers, of their own free will, others, due to certain health problems, stop feeding their baby breast milk. Regardless of what was the reason for switching to formula milk, milk production stops and lactation ends.

As a result, the hormone prolactin also gradually ceases to be produced, nothing inhibits the development of a new egg, and menstruation can start as early as 8 weeks after the cessation of lactation. However, other options are also possible, both earlier and later onset of menstruation.

If the baby is mixed-fed

Another possible option for feeding a child is mixed feeding. It consists of alternating breast milk and infant formula. Often this feeding is chosen if a woman does not have enough milk to fully satisfy the baby's needs. Lactation does not end as abruptly as with exclusive bottle feeding, so a woman can expect her period to come within nine to sixteen weeks after delivery. This period is also due to a reduction in the production of prolactin and the cessation of its effect on the ovaries.

Does the type of delivery affect the arrival of menstruation?

In addition to the question of how long it will take for menstruation to return after childbirth, many are interested in whether this process is affected by how the birth itself took place. Regardless of whether a woman gave birth naturally or had a cesarean section, the menstrual cycle after childbirth will return to normal in the same way. With breastfeeding, your period will not come for at least another six months, with artificial feeding, the first menstruation after childbirth can begin within 3 months or even earlier.

A small number of women face the fact that after childbirth, the restoration of menstruation takes a whole year or more. Without other pathological processes, such a long period is also considered the norm, and it has nothing to do with how the baby was born, by itself or through surgery.

Does the menstrual cycle of a woman who has given birth change?

After childbirth, the menstrual cycle often undergoes changes. This applies not only to the timing of the usual periods, but also to other aspects of the process. Irregular menstruation before childbirth may then begin to run like clockwork, and, conversely, regular menstruation may go astray. Recovery can cause new sensations, including painful ones. Discharge, its color, and abundance may also change. The reasons why this happens lie in the body and its functioning.

Duration of menstruation and the cycle itself

After introducing complementary foods or switching to formula, the start of monthly menstruation is just around the corner. No significant changes are observed in this process. As for the duration of the cycle and the duration of the discharge itself, it remains the same as it was before pregnancy.

Deviations from the usual norms may be present in the first 2-3 cycles while recovery is underway. The interval between bleeding during this period can either decrease or increase, but only slightly. Also, menstruation itself can last only a couple of days or, conversely, last for a week, which also does not go beyond normal. Over time, the cycle and course of menstruation should return to normal. Only if after three cycles it remains irregular, you should go to a gynecologist to find out the cause and eliminate the problem.

Nature of the discharge

At the recovery stage, not only the time frame can undergo changes, but also the nature of the vaginal discharge itself. They can become scanty or abundant. The latter should not frighten a woman if such discharge continues for about a week, and the pads are changed no more than once every 2-3 times a day (but no more than 5). Signs of bleeding that requires immediate medical attention include:

  • duration more than 10 days;
  • scarlet or brown discharge;
  • rise in temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • weakness.

In addition to changes in the volume of secretions, blood clots may appear in them. This is also normal and indicates that the process of restoration of the endometrium in the uterus has not yet ended.

Feelings before and during menstruation

The sensations that a woman experienced before and during menstruation before pregnancy can change. As before, the harbingers of bleeding after childbirth are:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • worsening or mood swings;
  • headache.

It happens that a woman stops experiencing painful and unpleasant sensations before and during menstruation. This happens when the hormonal levels level out or the uterus, after delivery and returning to its previous state, contracts less painfully than before.

As for the actual course of menstruation, it may be accompanied by:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • emotional instability.

If the pain is so severe that painkillers are required, it is better not to delay a consultation with a gynecologist. A possible cause is algodismenorrhea caused by hormonal disorders.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

It happens that menstruation, which begins after childbirth, takes on a pathological character. This requires a mandatory visit to a gynecologist, since it will not be possible to restore the menstrual cycle after childbirth on your own without his help.

Among the manifestations that serve as a reason for going to the doctor are the following:

  • The discharge stopped abruptly during the postpartum period. This may indicate a bending of the uterus or lochiometer, when lochia accumulates in the uterus.
  • Three or more cycles in a row after childbirth, the discharge is very scanty. They are caused by hormonal imbalances.
  • Irregular periods, which occur with long breaks (up to 3 months) six months after childbirth. Explained by problems with the ovaries.
  • Heavy periods for more than 2 cycles. Their cause is the tissue of the membranes that remain on the uterine walls.
  • Menstruation that lasts more than a week. At the same time, she is accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • If painful periods begin after childbirth, accompanied by fever, an unpleasant odor and a change in the color of the discharge, this indicates the presence of a tumor or infection.
  • The appearance of spotting marks before and after menstruation. Symptoms of endometriosis or inflammation.
  • Menstruation a month after giving birth. Due to lochia, which lasts 20–40 days, such early menstruation is impossible. Increased bleeding indicates the presence of a blood clot in the uterus that is unable to escape, resulting in inflammation. Usually the problem is solved by curettage.
  • Itching and curdled discharge. Obvious symptoms of thrush.
  • Bleeding twice a month, repeating 3 cycles or more.

When do the first periods appear after childbirth, when does the cycle become regular, what deviations are possible and how to prevent their occurrence.

Excessive anxiety for a woman who has recently given birth is harmful, but it is necessary to know what phenomena indicate the presence of pathology in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Therefore, you should study this topic and consider important features.

Why are there no periods after childbirth?

Some women believe that the cycle will be restored immediately after the birth of the child. But that's not true. There will be no menstruation for a certain period of time, and this is natural. A new mother experiences lochia, which is what postpartum discharge is called. But these are not menstruation, although they resemble them in their color.

Lochia is a uterine discharge that is associated with the body’s need to reject all traces of a past pregnancy. Over the course of several weeks, remnants of the endometrium, placenta and other waste products of the fetus emerge from the uterus. At first, the color of the lochia is deep red, but gradually these discharges become darker and their quantity decreases. After about 1.5 months, the lochia should stop. This is because the inner layer of the uterus has returned to normal. However, there will be no menstruation for some time.

The absence of menstruation in the postpartum period is due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. In order for her to breastfeed, a large amount of prolactin is released into the blood. This hormone interferes with the functioning of the ovaries, so eggs are not produced and the endometrium does not form. Accordingly, menstruation does not appear.

When does your period start after childbirth?

It is difficult to name the exact time when the first menstruation appears after childbirth. This is influenced by many factors (diseases, individual properties of the body, hormonal levels, etc.). Although in general, periods depend on how complete breastfeeding is.

You should focus on such circumstances as:

1. Presence or absence of complementary foods. If the baby is exclusively breastfed, menstruation does not appear until the baby is weaned. But a year after the baby is born, periods may appear regardless of whether breastfeeding continues.

2. Milk quantity. If there is a shortage of milk, a woman has to use formula milk. At the same time, the production of prolactin decreases, which allows the ovaries to start working. In such a situation, periods may appear after 4-5 months. So there is absolutely no need to worry here.

3. Choosing artificial feeding. Some mothers cannot or do not want to breastfeed their baby. In this case, periods after childbirth begin much earlier - after about 2 months.

4. Features of childbirth. If the baby was born via cesarean section, the onset of the mother's menstruation depends on the type of feeding. When breastfeeding, there are no periods until the baby begins to be fed.

The period when menstruation should begin after childbirth is influenced by the following features:

  • Following a daily routine
  • Woman's age
  • Emotional condition.

Therefore, even a doctor cannot provide accurate information.

How long does your period last after childbirth?

Often, after the birth of their first child, women talk about the elimination of discomfort during menstruation and the regularity of their cycle. But it’s worth drawing conclusions only 3 months after their first appearance. Before this, the cycle may vary, and the menstrual periods themselves sometimes occur unusually (with shorter or longer duration, excessive abundance or scanty discharge). This is considered normal, although consultation with a doctor is still necessary. This will ensure that there are no pathologies.

The normal frequency of menstruation is 21-34 days with a duration of 3-8 days. The volume of discharge should not be less than 20 ml or more than 80 ml. The duration of the first postpartum menstruation does not matter (if the indicators are normal), it is important that they become regular within 3 months.

Some women experience changes in the characteristics of the premenstrual period. They notice an increase in PMS symptoms, which may bother them. This is usually due to hormonal changes in the body. It is difficult to neutralize this feature; most often you have to come to terms with it. But its appearance does not mean that there are problems in the body.

If PMS is too severe, you should consult a doctor - perhaps the difficulties are associated with disturbances in the hormonal system.

When you need medical help

After giving birth to a child, a woman should not forget about her health. You need to go to the doctor to assess the condition of the internal organs and make sure there are no pathologies. You need to urgently contact a specialist in situations such as:

  1. The first menstruation is too heavy. If pads need to be changed more than once every 2 hours, this indicates bleeding. Also, a large amount of discharge can be caused by endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, and hormonal imbalances.
  2. The appearance of bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor after the lochia has stopped. This means that there are remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus.
  3. Poor or absent discharge for 3 months after completion of breastfeeding. This happens when there is an increased level of prolactin in the body, although its amount should decrease by this time.
  4. The presence of an unpleasant odor in menstrual discharge. If the blood released has a dark tint, and the woman suffers severe pain, this may indicate the presence of disorders in the body.
  5. Irregularity of the cycle 3 months after the start of menstruation. This is also a sign of pathology associated with the hormonal system.

In all these cases, a visit to the gynecologist should not be delayed. It is worth addressing violations at their first manifestations, since the situation may worsen further.

Do I need to protect myself?

Some women, due to the lack of menstruation during the postpartum period, believe that there is no need to use contraception. Theoretically, this is true, since the ovaries do not function, eggs are not produced, and therefore pregnancy cannot occur. But there are many cases when pregnancy did occur, and its presence was discovered only in the later stages.

The reason for this is the lack of accurate information about the beginning of menstruation. It is not known when the amount of prolactin produced will decrease; one can only guess about this. Ovulation occurs 2 weeks before menstruation. Therefore, with unprotected intercourse, a woman can become pregnant again, and the absence of menstruation will be explained by hormonal changes associated with breastfeeding (especially if it has not been stopped).

This means that even during lactation it is necessary to protect yourself. If a couple wants to have a second child, this does not have to be done, although doctors recommend waiting about two years for the female body to fully recover after childbirth.

Why there are failures

For the first three months from the start of menstruation, you should not worry about their irregularity. But if menstrual irregularities persist even after this, you should consult a doctor. This is especially important if additional adverse symptoms are observed. The causes of menstrual irregularities can be different. This:

  1. Sheehan's syndrome (postpartum hypopituitarism). This pathology can be caused by peritonitis, sepsis or heavy postpartum bleeding. It can also be caused by histoses. The result of the disease may be the absence of menstruation or their scarcity, which is associated with necrotic changes in the pituitary gland. Additional symptoms of the syndrome are increased fatigue, headache, swelling, and hypotension.
  2. Hyperprolactinemia. The absence of menstruation in this case is due to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland or the presence of a pituitary adenoma.

Both pathologies can be cured, but to do this you need to consult a specialist.

Breast milk is the healthiest food for a baby. If a child is breastfed, this significantly reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. But after the start of menstruation, many women do not know whether to continue breastfeeding their baby, doubting its benefits.

The presence of menstruation does not affect the quality of milk, therefore There is no need to give up breastfeeding. But you need to take into account some circumstances:

  1. As lactation continues, the period of normalization of the cycle may be delayed.
  2. During menstruation, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, which makes feeding unpleasant for the woman.
  3. Milk is secreted in smaller quantities during menstrual periods, so the child may become nervous. This problem can be solved by placing the baby on one or the other breast alternately.

These features may cause discomfort. But there is no need to doubt the benefits of breastfeeding at this time - it can and even should be continued.

Hygiene features

It is very important to maintain good hygiene during the postpartum period. The female body at this time requires careful care, since it has not yet recovered from stressful circumstances for it.

  1. Until the menstrual cycle is restored, Do not use tampons or pads with absorbent mesh. They are also not suitable for lochia. The optimal hygiene product in this case is pads with a smooth surface. They should be changed every 3-4 hours.
  2. The genitals should be washed more often during this time. to prevent infections from entering. It is not advisable to use intimate hygiene gels or scented soaps. These products should be replaced with baby soap.
  3. You must abstain from sexual activity at least 6 weeks. After resuming sexual activity, it is necessary to use barrier contraception - this will help avoid pregnancy and infection in the uterus.

The onset of menstruation after the birth of a child is an individual phenomenon, which is influenced by many circumstances. The woman herself cannot influence this, but she can take care of her body in order to prevent the development of postpartum complications.

Young mothers are always interested in when their periods begin after childbirth. During the restoration of the cycle, it may change in length; periods often take on a different character, intensity, duration, and become more or less painful than before pregnancy. This is often the norm, but in some cases a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Bleeding in the postpartum period

Postpartum bleeding, or lochia, is the cleansing of the wound surface that forms at the site of the separated membranes and placenta. They last throughout the entire period of restoration of the inner surface of the uterus.

At this time, the uterus is especially vulnerable to infection, so you should regularly change sanitary pads and monitor the nature of the discharge. They are maximally expressed within 3 days after birth, and then gradually weaken.

Sometimes such discharge completely stops within a day. This occurs due to blood retention in the uterine cavity (), which leads to an increased risk of infection. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary.

Normally, cleansing the uterus after natural childbirth lasts from 30 to 45 days. After surgical delivery, this time may increase due to scar formation and longer healing.

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding after childbirth?

Lochia gradually changes its character. By the end of the 1st week they become lighter, after 2 weeks they acquire a slimy character. Within a month, an admixture of blood may appear in them, but its amount is insignificant. Usually a woman easily distinguishes this process from menstruation. At least 2 weeks should pass between the cessation of lochia and the beginning of the first menstruation. If in doubt, it is better to consult a gynecologist or at least start using barrier contraception that protects the uterus from infections.

Start of menstruation

There are no periods during pregnancy. This is a natural protective mechanism for preserving the fetus, which is regulated by hormones. After childbirth, the restoration of the woman’s normal hormonal status begins. It lasts for a month if breastfeeding is not started.

When should your period start after childbirth?

This period is determined primarily by the type of feeding the child: natural or artificial. Breast milk production occurs under the influence of the pituitary hormone prolactin. It is he who suppresses the growth of the egg in the ovary during lactation. The level of estrogen does not increase, therefore, when breastfeeding, menstruation begins, on average, 2 months after birth, more often when feeding “by the hour.”

For many young mothers, this period extends to six months or more, especially when feeding “on demand.” In very rare cases, while breastfeeding continues, even periodically, women note that they have not had periods for a year, and sometimes longer. In such cases, you need to regularly use contraception, and if necessary, take a pregnancy test. You should also consult your doctor to rule out hyperprolactinemia.

With artificial feeding from birth, the duration of the cycle is restored in a month to a month and a half. At this time, and occurs, so a new pregnancy is possible.

When a baby is fed only breast milk, the woman may not have menstruation all this time. In this case, the first menstruation after childbirth will begin during the first six months after the end of lactation “on demand” or the introduction of complementary foods. However, this is not necessary, and even during breastfeeding, menstruation may resume.

With mixed feeding (from a bottle and naturally), the restoration of menstruation develops faster, within 4 months after birth.

How long do periods last in the postpartum period?

Often the first menstruation is very heavy. There may be heavy discharge, periods with blood clots. If you have to change the pad every hour, you should seek help from a doctor: this may be a symptom of bleeding. Subsequent periods usually become normal.

In other cases, women experience irregular spotting in the first months. This is typical for breastfeeding, when prolactin synthesis gradually decreases.

Additional factors affecting the speed of restoration of the normal cycle:

  • difficulties in caring for a child, lack of sleep, lack of help from relatives;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • the mother is too young or has a late birth;
  • concomitant diseases (diabetes, asthma and others), especially those requiring hormonal therapy;
  • complications after childbirth, for example Sheehan syndrome.

Menstrual cycle changes

Irregular periods often persist for several cycles after childbirth. These changes do not have to be permanent. Within 1-2 months, the cycle normally returns to prenatal characteristics or changes slightly in duration.

  • Scanty periods can normally occur during the initial 2-3 cycles, especially if mixed feeding is used.
  • During the first cycles after childbirth, on the contrary, some women experience heavy periods. This may be normal, but if menstruation does not become normal in the next cycle, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • The regularity of menstrual flow is disrupted, that is, the cycle is disrupted.
  • Painful periods may occur, even if the woman never complained of pain before pregnancy. The reason for this is infection, too much contraction of the uterine wall. In most cases, on the contrary, painful periods before pregnancy become normal. This is caused by the normalization of the location of the uterus in the body cavity.
  • Some women develop or its precursors: nausea, swelling, dizziness, emotional changes before menstruation.

Causes of postpartum menstrual changes

A delay in menstruation after childbirth appears under the influence of changing hormone levels:

  • secretion of prolactin in the pituitary gland, which helps secrete breast milk and suppresses ovulation;
  • suppression of estrogen production under the influence of prolactin, which leads to irregular menstruation or its complete absence during breastfeeding (lactational amenorrhea).

When a child feeds only on mother’s milk, and “on demand”, and not “by the clock”, and a woman does not have periods for six months after giving birth, this is the norm.

After the onset of menstruation, it is advisable to start using contraception. Although breastfeeding reduces your chances of conceiving, it is still possible. For example, if your period started after childbirth and then disappeared, the most likely reason for this is a repeat pregnancy. It should also be remembered that ovulation occurs before menstrual bleeding begins. Therefore, pregnancy is quite possible even before the first menstruation. If a woman is concerned about why she has not had menstrual bleeding for a long time, she must first take a home pregnancy test and then consult a gynecologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist.

You should not stop breastfeeding after your menstrual cycle appears. Menstruation does not change its quality. It happens that these days the child does not eat well, is capricious, and refuses to breastfeed. This is usually associated with emotional disturbances in a woman, her worries about the quality of feeding.

During menstrual bleeding, the sensitivity of the nipples may increase, and feeding becomes painful. To reduce such sensations, it is recommended that before giving the baby the breast, massage it, warm it, and apply a warm compress to the nipples. It is necessary to keep the chest and armpit area clean. During menstruation, the composition of sweat changes, and the baby smells it differently. This may be another reason for feeding difficulties.

Irregular periods

What to do if your menstrual cycle becomes irregular:

  1. In the first months of the postpartum recovery period, there is no need to panic. In most cases, this is the norm. For each woman, normalization of the cycle occurs individually, usually during the first months of the resumption of menstrual bleeding. Irregularity occurs more often in women who breastfeed.
  2. It takes about 2 months to restore the normal function of all organs and systems. Balance in the endocrine system occurs later, especially if breastfeeding is used. Therefore, a woman may feel quite healthy, but at the same time she will experience a lack of menstruation.
  3. You should pay attention to an irregular cycle only after 3 cycles. This may be due to an inflammatory process or tumor of the genital organs. A delay in your second period is not dangerous unless it is associated with another pregnancy.

If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a gynecologist, get diagnosed in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Cycle after pathological pregnancy or childbirth

Menstruation does not return immediately after a missed pregnancy. Only some women experience regular bleeding within a month. In most cases, hormonal imbalance that led to termination of pregnancy causes cycle irregularity.

After termination of a frozen pregnancy or abortion, the first menstruation occurs within 45 days. If this does not happen, the woman should seek help from a gynecologist.

To exclude causes of amenorrhea, such as the remaining part of the fertilized egg in the uterus or inflammation, an ultrasound scan must be performed 10 days after the termination of a frozen or normal pregnancy.

The first menstrual flow after begins from 25 to 40 days after its completion. If they start earlier, it is probably uterine bleeding, which requires seeing a doctor. A delay of more than 40 days also requires consultation with a gynecologist. If the disease has caused severe stress in a woman, the norm is to extend the recovery period to 2 months.

Menstruation after surgery is restored in the same way as after normal childbirth. During lactation, periods do not come for six months. With artificial feeding, there is no period for 3 months or even less. Both during physiological and during childbirth by cesarean section, in a small proportion of women the cycle is not restored within a year. If no other pathology is detected, this is considered normal.

In the first few months after a frozen pregnancy, intrauterine pregnancy, or cesarean section, your cycle may be irregular. Subsequently, its duration may change compared to the previous one. But normally it is no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days. Menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days.

Pathology of menstruation

Sometimes bleeding that begins in a woman after childbirth is pathological. In this case, you should not wait several cycles for them to normalize, but immediately consult a doctor.

  • A sudden cessation of postpartum discharge is a sign of a bent uterus or an accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity - lochiometers.
  • Scanty periods for 3 cycles or more. Perhaps they are a symptom of hormonal disorders, Sheehan syndrome or endometritis.
  • Irregularity of menstruation six months after its restoration, a break between bleeding for more than 3 months. Most often accompanied by ovarian pathology.
  • Excessive bleeding for 2 or more cycles, especially after surgical delivery or termination of pregnancy. They are often caused by the tissues of the membranes remaining on the walls of the uterus.
  • The duration of menstruation is more than a week, which is accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • The appearance of abdominal pain, fever, unpleasant odor, change in color of vaginal discharge is a sign of a tumor or infection.
  • Spotting before and after menstruation is a likely symptom of endometriosis or an inflammatory disease.
  • Itching in the vagina, an admixture of cheesy discharge is a sign.
  • Bleeding twice a month, persisting for more than 3 cycles.

In all of the above cases, the help of a gynecologist is needed.

Sometimes, despite a woman’s apparent health, her menstruation does not occur at the right time. This may be a symptom of a childbirth complication - Sheehan syndrome. It occurs when there is heavy bleeding during childbirth, during which blood pressure drops sharply. As a result, the cells of the pituitary gland, the main organ regulating the function of the reproductive system, die.

The first sign of this disease is the absence of postpartum lactation. Normally, in the absence of milk, menstruation appears after 1.5-2 months. However, with Sheehan syndrome, a deficiency of gonadotropic hormones occurs. The maturation of the egg in the ovary is disrupted, there is no ovulation, and there are no menstrual bleeding. Therefore, if a woman who has given birth does not have milk, and then her cycle does not recover, she urgently needs to consult a doctor. The consequences of Sheehan syndrome are adrenal insufficiency, which is accompanied by frequent infectious diseases and a general decrease in the body's resistance to various stresses.

There is also the opposite problem - . This condition is caused by increased production of prolactin in the pituitary gland after the end of lactation. This hormone inhibits the development of the egg, causes anovulation, and disrupts the normal thickening of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. Its excess leads to the absence of menstruation against the background of ongoing milk synthesis.

The main causes of hyperprolactinemia are pituitary adenoma, gynecological diseases, and polycystic ovaries.

When a woman is healthy, her cycle returns normally. To avoid possible failures, you need to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. To give the body the opportunity to quickly restore the synthesis of hormones, you need to eat well. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water, combined with regular exercise, is an effective method of restoring hormonal balance. The menu should include dairy products, cottage cheese, and meat. After consulting with your doctor, you can take multivitamins for nursing mothers.
  2. Not to accept . They can change hormonal levels and cause unpredictable changes in the cycle. If a woman is sexually active, it is better for her to use condoms or other non-hormonal methods of contraception.
  3. Organize your routine as efficiently as possible. If your baby doesn't sleep well at night, you should try to get enough sleep during the day. You should not refuse any help from your loved ones. A woman's good physical condition will help her recover faster.
  4. If you have chronic diseases (diabetes, thyroid pathology, anemia and others), you need to visit an appropriate specialist and adjust your treatment.

Finally, the long-awaited baby pleased his parents with his birth. Mommy is calm and happy, but the very next day she is overwhelmed by a wave of worries - how to properly care for the baby, whether he has enough milk, how to say goodbye to extra pounds and when the first period after childbirth will “please”. We will try to carefully understand the last question, since it interests almost everyone.

Periods after childbirth - what explains their absence

Many people often confuse postpartum spotting - lochia - with menstrual discharge. In fact, they are not the same thing at all. At first, the lochia are deep red, then they darken, and their volume gradually becomes smaller. The mucous layer of the uterus returns to its normal state within 1.5 months, which is how long the discharge will bother you. If a caesarean section was performed, this period may even increase slightly. The appearance of lochia changes every day, and by the end of the first month only bloody streaks are visible in them.

After the birth of the baby, the mother’s body again undergoes hormonal changes, this time the culprit turns out to be prolactin. Its accelerated production is associated with the need to saturate the newborn, because it is this hormone that is responsible for lactation. An increased level of prolactin has a depressing effect on the functioning of the ovaries, so there are no periods after childbirth - the female body has higher priority tasks. Once again, you can be surprised and admire the wisdom of nature - a newborn baby is so in need of mother’s attention and healthy milk that conceiving a new life at this stage is simply impossible. Our great-grandmothers did not wean their babies from the breast for two or three long years, and for the entire period of lactation they were spared the invasion of “critical” days.

Periods after childbirth - when to expect them to appear

The timing of the appearance of the first menstruation after childbirth is influenced by many individual reasons - frequent stress, the presence of diseases, hormone levels and others. However, the main one is the completeness of lactation. It is approximately possible to name the following time indicators:

- with full breastfeeding, without additional complementary foods, there are no periods after childbirth for the entire lactation period. An exception may be the continuation of breastfeeding after a year - in this case, the appearance of menstruation is quite possible;

- if mother’s milk is sorely lacking and you have to use formula as a supplement, periods after childbirth, even with breastfeeding, may appear after 4-5 months. This occurs due to a decrease in prolactin production and a weakening of its effect on the ovaries;

- Artificial feeding is not at all uncommon. Some mothers are deprived of the opportunity to breastfeed due to health reasons, and some, unfortunately, refuse to do so on their own. In any case, menstruation after childbirth will occur one and a half to two months after birth, although individual options are possible;

- after a cesarean section, if it passed without complications, the onset of menstruation after childbirth also depends on the baby’s menu - when breastfeeding, menstruation is not expected until the end of lactation or the gradual introduction of complementary foods.

To find out how long after giving birth menstruation begins, it is necessary to take into account other factors - the mother’s adherence to the correct regimen, the availability of a varied healthy diet, age, chronic diseases, and emotional state. To this should be added the characteristics of the body, so no one can name the exact timing of when to expect the first menstruation after childbirth.

Menstruation after childbirth - its duration and permissible intensity

Having decided how long after childbirth menstruation begins, we will try to find out no less pressing questions - whether they will be painful, how long they can last and how intense the discharge should be. Most often, after the birth of their first child, mothers note the disappearance of unpleasant sensations and the establishment of a regular cycle. However, it is possible to determine the correct indicators only three months after menstruation has returned after childbirth. The first cycles may have some changes, and doctors do not consider this a deviation - menstruation can cause anxiety because it is heavy and lasts longer than it was before childbirth. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to refute possible abnormalities. You especially need to hurry to do this if the first menstruation after childbirth is accompanied by persistent weakness, unpleasant dizziness, and arrhythmia.

Normally, menstruation should repeat every 21-34 days, the volume of discharge should not exceed 20-80 ml (about 5-6 tablespoons), and the duration of the process should be no less than three and no more than eight days. How long your period lasts after giving birth for the first time is completely unimportant; it can last 7-8 days, or it can be limited to two or three days. It is much more important that their duration normalizes within two to three months.

Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of premenstrual syndrome even after the birth of a child, but periods after childbirth, as a rule, become less painful. This is due to the location of the uterus and normal conditions for blood outflow. However, inflammatory processes or the presence of complications can change the natural course of menstruation, so in case of any deviations you should consult a doctor.

Menstruation after childbirth - when doctor's help is important

After the birth of your baby, despite the understandable lack of free time, you must not forget about your health and ignore visiting the gynecologist. It will help assess the size and condition of the uterus and ovaries, tell you how long after birth your periods begin, and determine the presence or absence of signs of trouble. It is necessary to visit a doctor without delaying the visit in the following cases:

1. Excessively heavy first periods after childbirth - this sign may indicate endometrial hyperplasia, imbalance of hormone levels, endometriosis. If one regular pad lasts less than two hours, bleeding should be recognized.

2. Bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor shortly after the cessation of lochia signals the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

3. Extremely scanty periods after childbirth or their complete absence 3 months after the end of breastfeeding - the cause could be an increased level of prolactin, which should have decreased by this time.

Lack of regularity, too much or, on the contrary, scanty discharge, the presence of additional symptoms are serious reasons to consult a doctor.

There are no periods after childbirth - is it possible not to use protection?

You can, if you don't mind having another baby. Many married couples, hoping for no menstruation after childbirth, were surprised to discover the presence of a long-term pregnancy. The thing is that ovulation occurs two weeks before the appearance of the first menstruation after childbirth and does not communicate about the process even in secret. As a result, the egg is fertilized, and the absence of menstruation is attributed to hormonal changes by the young mother. Late detection of pregnancy plunges young parents into a real shock, because the mother’s body is not yet ready for new challenges. Its complete recovery requires at least two years, so it is advisable to plan the birth of the next baby taking this circumstance into account.

Menstruation after childbirth - causes of cycle disruption

For three months after the first menstruation after childbirth, there is absolutely no need to worry about cycle irregularity. But only if you reliably protected yourself during sexual intercourse. Otherwise, if there is a delay, it will not hurt to take a pregnancy test. If two to three months have passed since the appearance of the first menstruation after childbirth, and the regularity of the cycle has not improved, or abnormal symptoms are present, one of the reasons may be Sheehan syndrome or postpartum hypopituitarism. The disease occurs as a result of heavy bleeding after childbirth, the presence of peritonitis or sepsis. The causes of Sheehan syndrome can also be histoses, which manifested themselves in the second half of pregnancy with severe edema, protein in the urine and high blood pressure. As a result of necrotic changes in the pituitary gland, a disruption in the restoration of the cycle occurs - menstruation after childbirth is either absent or appears as spotting. The disease is accompanied by headache, excessive fatigue, hypotension, and slight swelling.

Another reason for scanty or absent periods after childbirth is hyperprolactinemia - increased levels of prolactin. The disease occurs due to insufficient function of the thyroid gland or the presence of a benign formation - prolactinoma (pituitary adenoma). Both diseases are treatable, but require a timely visit to the doctor. Therefore, you should not discuss with your friends how long your period lasts after childbirth and when it starts, but it is better to get professional consultation and advice from a specialist.

Menstruation after childbirth - is it possible to continue breastfeeding?

Many years of research by specialists around the world have convincingly proven that long-term breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby, but also helps the mother solve many of her own problems. Ideally, a baby can regularly enjoy his mother’s luxurious treats until he is two years old and be reliably protected from various infections. But periods after childbirth can also occur during breastfeeding, and many mothers do not know whether to continue breastfeeding their baby.

It is possible and even necessary, experts say, one does not interfere with the other. In this case, it is difficult to predict how long your periods will last after childbirth and what their intensity will be, but the initially unstable cycle will confidently recover within three months. When introducing complementary foods, you should not reduce the number of breastfeedings. On critical days, nipples become more sensitive; warming them after feeding and a light neck massage help relieve discomfort. The baby also shows slight anxiety associated with slightly difficult milk production. By changing breasts during feeding, you can avoid this inconvenience.

The timing of the arrival of the first menstruation after childbirth is purely individual. Therefore, do not worry if your friend has already had her first period after giving birth, but you don’t even show any signs. Another indicator that should not be compared is how long your period lasts after childbirth; here, too, everything depends on many individual factors. But if you notice one or more signs of trouble described above, do not delay your visit to the doctor, take care of your health. After all, now you have a baby who desperately needs a healthy mother!



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