All the time I'm hunting for little things to go to the toilet. Difficulty urinating in men - causes and treatment

Frequent urge to urinate in women is a reason to consult a specialist, since this seemingly harmless symptom can mask quite serious diseases.

Urination is the process of releasing urine from the bladder through the urethra into the external environment. The number of urinations varies from person to person and averages 3-9 times a day.

Taking this into account, we want to tell you about the reasons for the frequent urge to urinate in women, as well as what to do and how to get rid of this problem.

Urine formation occurs in the kidneys, which act as a filter. The nervous system regulates the process of urine formation. In 24 hours, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys, which consists of water, salts, sugar, uric acid and other substances. But the daily volume of urine in an adult is only one and a half liters. This can be explained by the fact that primary urine undergoes secondary filtration, during which water and the above substances are absorbed back into the blood.

As we have already said, the amount of urination is individual for each person, which directly depends on age, gender, physiological state, the climate where he lives, as well as dietary habits. But the norm is considered to be 3-9 urinations per day, and urination at night should be no more than once.

If the number of urinations per day is more than 10, then this symptom is called polyuria. Frequent urination at night (more than once) is medically referred to as nocturia.

Polyuria or nocturia is a reason to pay attention to your health and make an appointment with a urologist.

It is also important to note that a healthy adult should normally produce between 200 and 300 ml of urine at a time.

With frequent urination, the single amount of urine in most cases decreases, but can also be normal or even increase.

The causes of frequent urination can be both physiological factors and various diseases. It should also be said that with frequent urination in women caused by physiological factors, there will be no pain, itching and burning in the urethra, lower back pain, fever, pathological impurities in the urine, etc.

Let's look at why women experience frequent urination without pain or other unpleasant symptoms.

Frequent urination in women without pain: causes

  • Diuretic therapy. When taking diuretics, the number of urinations increases, and the volume of urine increases.
  • Pregnancy. We will talk about this factor in more detail below.
  • Nutritional features. Eating large amounts of spicy food, pickles, animal and vegetable fats irritates the bladder receptors and contributes to increased urination.
  • Abuse of caffeinated drinks such as green tea, coffee, and alcohol, especially beer.
  • Hypothermia of the lower extremities. Many people probably noticed that when they were cold, the urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” became more frequent. This can be considered a normal reaction of the bladder after hypothermia.
  • Psycho-emotional shocks. During stress, the body's cells suffer from oxygen starvation, one of the manifestations of which is frequent urination.
  • Period. Before menstruation, fluid is retained in the female body, so with the arrival of menstrual periods, it begins to be excreted in the urine, as a result of which urination becomes more frequent.
  • Climax. During the period when a woman’s reproductive function fades, hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body, which contribute to increased frequency of urination.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

Diseases of the urinary system are the most common cause of frequent urination. Let's look at these diseases.

Cystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Women suffer from cystitis more often than men, since the female urethra is shorter and thicker than the male urethra, which facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder from the external environment.

With cystitis, there is pain in the lower abdomen, and urination becomes more frequent and is accompanied by pain and burning. Also, after going to the toilet, a woman experiences a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and the urge to urinate. In addition, there may be urinary incontinence and the appearance of pathological impurities in it, causing it to become cloudy.

Urethritis. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary canal that is caused by various pathogens.

Urination with urethritis becomes more frequent, accompanied by itching, pain and burning in the urethra.

Pyelonephritis. This disease is an inflammation of the renal pyelocaliceal system, which is caused by pathogens. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis. Women also experience lower back pain, body temperature rises, shivering, and the urine becomes cloudy due to the admixture of pus and blood.

Urolithiasis disease. Frequent urination with blood is often a sign of urolithiasis, since stones can damage the lining of the urinary tract, causing pain and bleeding. Also, symptoms of this disease may include interruption of the stream of urine, pain in the lower abdomen and along the urinary canal, which radiate to the inner thigh and genitals.

Atony of the bladder. With this disease, the walls of the bladder have weakened tone. Atony of the bladder is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate, during which a small amount of urine is released.

Overactive bladder. This condition is a complication of other diseases of the urinary system, in which the activity of the nerve receptors in the walls of the bladder increases, which is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Uterine fibroids. In the initial stages of the disease, only menstrual irregularities, lower abdominal pain, and metrorrhagia are present. After the tumor reaches a significant size, it begins to compress the bladder, which is expressed by a frequent urge to urinate.

Prolapse of the uterus. This condition leads to displacement of all organs that are located in the pelvis, in particular the bladder. Therefore, patients suffer from heavy periods, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding, as well as frequent urination and urinary incontinence.

Frequent and excessive urination in women can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Diabetes. With this disease, the body does not have enough insulin, resulting in increased sugar levels in the blood and urine. Glucose is able to carry water molecules, so when it is actively excreted from the body in urine, it takes water with it, causing frequent urination.

Diabetes insipidus. This disease is characterized by severe thirst and an increase in daily diuresis due to a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Cardiovascular diseases

The appearance of frequent urination in diseases of the heart and blood vessels is explained by the fact that during the day fluid accumulates in the body tissues, which is actively excreted at night, causing nocturnal nocturia.

Painful and frequent urination in women: causes

Frequent urination in women with pain, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (cutting and burning in the urethra, lower back pain, the appearance of blood and pus in the urine, increased body temperature, general weakness, increased sweating, etc.) may indicate inflammation of the organs genitourinary system.

Most often, the above symptoms are observed in diseases such as:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Frequent urination in women with sexually transmitted diseases is explained by the fact that the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems are closely connected. Therefore, an infectious process that has developed in the bladder or urethra can spread to the genitals and vice versa. For example, many women experience a combination of inflammation of the urethra and vaginal mucosa.

The infection can enter the genitals through an ascending route, that is, from the urethra to the vagina and further to the uterus and appendages. And also from the vagina to the urinary canal, bladder and even kidneys.

The reason for frequent and painful urination in women may lie in irritation of the vaginal mucosa, for example, if the rules for using hygienic tampons are not followed.

In addition, there is frequent urination after sex, which is also associated with irritation of the vaginal tissue. This condition is transient, so pain and burning in women goes away the next day. But it should be noted that at this time the protective mechanisms of the irritated mucosa are weakened, so there is a risk of pathogenic microbes entering the body.

If frequent and painful urination after sexual intercourse bothers a woman for several days, then it is necessary to visit a urologist to be examined for a urinary tract infection.

Frequent urination in women at night can also be caused by both physiological conditions and various diseases.

The appearance of nocturnal nocturia can be caused by menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

If we talk about diseases, frequent night urination in women is most often a symptom of urethritis, cystitis, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Frequent painless urination in women during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, a woman may experience many inconveniences, such as nausea, drowsiness, general weakness, back pain, as well as painless frequent urination, which is normal.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, and an increase in the volume of circulating blood, which creates additional stress on the urinary system. For example, amniotic fluid is renewed every 2-3 hours, which cannot but affect the pregnant woman’s diuresis.

But the most significant factor that provokes very frequent urination in women during pregnancy is the increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, forcing it to empty. There is also a tendency - the longer the period, the more frequent urination. Moreover, frequent night urination is also typical for pregnant women.

In addition, during pregnancy, troubles such as spontaneous release of small portions of urine during coughing and laughter can also occur. But even this is considered the norm while waiting for a baby.

Frequent urination during pregnancy, which causes pain in the lower back and/or lower abdomen, bloody or purulent discharge from the urethra, increased body temperature, burning in the urethra, require immediate consultation with a urologist. The listed symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the genitourinary system and can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

Estrogens in the body are responsible not only for the possibility of egg fertilization, but also for the muscle tone of the vagina and urethra. These hormones promote active blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system, including the urethra. Due to this, the normal tone of the muscular lining of the urinary canal is maintained.

Therefore, when hormonal levels change dramatically in women during menopause, a weakening of muscle tone is observed in the urethra, which is manifested by increased urination. In addition, during menopause, many women suffer from urinary incontinence.

Also important in the occurrence of frequent urination in women who do not have a menstrual cycle is the fact that estrogens affect the secretion of immunoglobulins, the sensitivity of the receptors of the bladder and urethra.

During menopause, women may complain of frequent urination at night and during the day, urinary incontinence and a feeling of bladder fullness. Also, after the decline of reproductive function in women, the risk of developing infectious processes in the urinary tract increases significantly. Therefore, it would not hurt for women with this problem to be examined by a urologist.

Frequent urination in women: treatment

The choice of treatment tactics for frequent urination directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment.

  • Antibacterial therapy. Antimicrobial drugs are used for inflammatory processes of the urinary and reproductive systems, which are caused by pathogenic microbes. For example, for cystitis, the drugs of choice may be Furamag, Norfloxacin, Gentamicin and others, and for pyelonephritis - Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Metrogyl and others.
  • Uroantiseptics. This group of drugs includes Furadonin, Furazolidone, Uronephron, Canephron, Urolesan and other drugs that are used both for cystitis and urethritis, and for pyelonephritis.
  • Pre- and probiotics. Since in many diseases that are accompanied by frequent urination there is a change in the normal microflora in the urinary and genital tract, a mandatory component of therapy is the administration of pre- and probiotics. In this case, tablets Laktovit, Linex, Yogurt, Biogaya, Bifiform and others are highly effective.
  • Antispasmodic therapy. This type of therapy is indicated for urolithiasis, since stones irritate the urinary tract and cause spasm, which is manifested by pain and frequent urge to urinate. Patients can be prescribed No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Riabal, Drotaverine and others.
  • Insulin therapy. This type of therapy is used for diabetes.
  • Surgical treatment. For urolithiasis, tumors of the uterus or bladder, bladder atony and other diseases, surgery may be the only effective treatment method.

Folk remedies for frequent urination in women are effectively used as a complement to the main treatment.

Let's look at the most effective folk methods for treating this problem.

  • Decoction of boron uterus: 10 grams of the dried plant are poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered through a sieve. The decoction should be taken 15 ml 3-4 times a day for 12 weeks. A decoction of boron uterus allows you to normalize hormonal levels during menopause and eliminate the frequent urge to urinate.
  • Rosehip root decoction: 40 grams of crushed rosehip root are poured into two glasses of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered. Drink 100 ml of medicine before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves: 5 grams of fresh or dried lingonberry leaves are poured with one glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink the prepared and strained infusion throughout the day, several sips for one month.
  • Yarrow infusion: 7-8 grams of the dried plant are poured with boiling water and left for 30-40 minutes, then filtered and drunk 50 ml 3-4 times a day before meals. Important! Medicines prepared from lingonberry leaves, rosehip root and yarrow effectively eliminate inflammation in the bladder and urethra.
  • Corn silk infusion: Pour 10 grams of crushed corn silk into one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The finished infusion must be filtered through a sieve. I take the medicine 100 ml twice a day for urolithiasis.

Any folk remedy can be used to treat frequent urination only with the permission of the treating doctor.

Be attentive to your health and listen to its signals, one of which is frequent urination, since any pathology of the urinary system can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

In this topic, we examined in detail what causes and how to treat frequent urination in women using traditional and folk remedies. We will be glad if our article is useful to you. We would appreciate your comments under this topic.

The issue of urination worries every person periodically, from the first days of life until their end, and most of all at the border stages. But if in the early period of development a child can go to the toilet as much as he wants, then an adult must control this process. It happens that at one moment there comes a feeling that you constantly want to write. Why does this happen, how to prevent and cure it?

Reasons for the constant feeling that you want to write

The frequent desire to go to the toilet in a small way is caused by several reasons, both in men and women. It cannot be concluded that one or the other suffers from this condition more often. It is possible to recover from such a problem; all you need to do is find out the cause, identify the causative agent of the problem and, depending on the results, try to cure yourself (which is quite possible) or consult a doctor.


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All people, from infancy to old age, can face the problem of the body's unexpected calls for unexpected urination at certain periods of time.

These questions become especially relevant precisely at the borderline stages of life, when the host’s body is fragile or has lost its immunity.

For children, this problem is not critical; they can satisfy constantly occurring urges at any time, without complications or consequences.

For adults, the constant desire to write can significantly complicate life, since the lack of control over the process threatens personal life, work and communication in a team.

Medical professionals spend a lot of time working with this problem, developing the latest methods and ways to solve the problem of constant urge to urinate. Today there are already many assumptions about why this disease occurs, how to prevent its occurrence and completely cure it. So, let's figure it out...

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I often want to go to the toilet for a little while. Kidney or bladder stones can also cause frequent urge to urinate. Further we will consider frequent urge to go to the toilet in conjunction with these signs. All my frequent urination was only with pain and due to cystitis. Frequent urge to urinate in women is caused by a deficiency in the body of the main female hormone - estrogen.

Hello. Over the past 10 days, there has been a frequent desire to go to the toilet for a little while. Maybe this is due to nervous experiences, we were buying an apartment and was constantly stressed. Now everything seems to be fine, there is no reason to worry, but you always want to go to the toilet, you just go and feel like it again. Nothing hurts, only the desire, excuse me, to pee.

Frequent urination means that this process occurs more often than usual. With this disease, the body loses the ability to concentrate urine in the kidneys and loses huge amounts...

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In a healthy adult, 5-9 urges to urinate per day are considered normal, subject to a normal, not increased, drinking regimen. However, frequent urges are often observed, in some cases accompanied by painful sensations. This always causes physical and psychological discomfort. For example, when you have to get up often at night, in the morning a person feels sleep-deprived and exhausted.

If there is a constant feeling that you want to pee in the toilet, your bladder is full, or the urge to urinate occurs 15 times a day or more, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the problem. Today at we will talk to you about what this phenomenon may be associated with.

Why do you always feel like you want to go to the toilet?

Increasing daily fluid intake. This especially applies to tea, coffee, and alcoholic drinks.

Taking medications with a diuretic effect. They are usually prescribed for the treatment of kidneys, liver,...

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After an illness, how to cleanse a child’s body

The doctor will find out the cause of difficulty urinating and prescribe appropriate treatment. I have a question: why was Mantoux given to the child, because according to the new order, the Mantoux reaction is performed from the age of 4. ate a couple of pieces of spoiled herring from a can. Next day - I had breakfast and drove for 8 hours, I arrived and ate cabbage soup. day, complete lack of appetite, went to the toilet with diarrhea (but not that often), was on a type 0 diet.

The cat doesn’t run much urine, he didn’t go to the toilet, in the morning the urine was reddish, now it seems clean, but it’s dripping. The food was prescribed Royal Canin, but he hasn’t eaten yet, doesn’t come into the kitchen at all and doesn’t react to food. Remember the main signs in an adult: Bloating and pain occur with massive damage to the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach.

Polysorb mp body cleansing

In some situations, even veterinarians find it difficult to determine the early symptoms of the formation of stones or animal sand in the kidneys....

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You initially erased the dog's hierarchy in the pack. that's why she behaves like a leader. and the leader has the right to punish everyone who behaves in a way he doesn’t like. that is, to punish you. She punishes you with puddles.

The fact is that dogs need hierarchy in the family. vital. she perceives the family as a pack. and for a flock to survive, it needs a leader. it is he who will decide when and where to run, when to attack, when to run away, what to eat. and when to eat. The leader decides all issues. and if you do not take on this responsible role of leader, the dog simply has to take on this responsibility. you don’t take it because you don’t always behave like leaders. and the spaniel was placed on an equal footing with her. and it should be higher due to age.

since no one in the pack can contradict the leader - he punishes those who do not behave as he likes. if the leader punishes you (for example, the leader is the master of the house and he punishes you for making a puddle), then the dog accepts this as punishment from the leader and doesn’t do that anymore...

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Hello! I am 18 years old and have never been sexually active.
It all started when two years ago I felt a pain when urinating. I saw a doctor: a gynecologist, a urologist and a nephrologist. She underwent tests: general urine and blood tests, culture for bacteria, smear for microflora, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. All tests are normal. However, each of these doctors diagnosed me with cystitis. She was treated by a nephrologist. Bearberry + Furagin / Furamag, but nothing helped. No one could help me like that, and I still live with this pain. True, after about a month it became less painful than it was immediately, but still pleasantly little. I just got used to it and didn’t go to doctors anymore.
And 5 months ago, in January, a constant desire to go to the toilet was added to the pain. I just urinated, but I feel like I want more. Of course, I immediately ran like this many, many times, but there was only a drop of urine. That is, in fact, I didn’t need to go to the toilet, but for some reason this desire appeared. I realized that running was useless, and I just endured it...

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Physiological increase in urination

Frequent urge to go to the toilet, which does not require any treatment, can be caused by the use of:

Excessive amounts of liquid, watermelon; alcohol, especially beer; many cups of coffee; meat, pickles, spicy dishes; drugs with a diuretic effect - diuretics (Lasix, Furosemide), antihypertensives (Arifon, Acripamide, Lorista, Micardis plus).

Frequent urination is also possible when taking medicinal herbs: corn silk, kidney tea, lingonberry leaves. Even the usual chamomile, a decoction of which is taken for various inflammatory diseases of the throat, can provoke frequent urges. A frequent desire to write is common among pregnant women, especially in the first and last months of pregnancy. Physiologically, the increased urge to urinate during pregnancy, sometimes requiring immediate emptying, is explained by compression of the bladder by the uterus and movements of the growing fetus, as well as weakening...

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When we drink a lot, then, as a rule, we often run to the toilet “little by little” - this is a natural physiological process. However, it happens that the urge to urinate becomes too frequent for no apparent reason, causing a lot of inconvenience in life and causing you to worry about your health. We will try to find out what are the reasons why you constantly want to go to the toilet, as well as the symptoms of what diseases are frequent urination.

Why do you often want to go to the toilet?

The anatomical reasons why you often want to pee lie in the structure of the bladder neck. There are receptors here that, like sensitive sensors, respond to the stretching of the muscle fibers of the bladder lining. They also send signals (sometimes false) to the cerebral cortex that tell the brain that the bladder is full. In response, the bladder muscles contract, and we feel a strong urge to urinate. Of course, healthy people have frequent and false urges to urinate...

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Why might you often want to go to the toilet?

It is considered normal to visit the toilet once every 2-2.5 hours. The frequency of urination depends on several factors: the amount of fluid you drink, physical activity, and chronic diseases. Filtration of urine in the body is constant, and as it accumulates in the bladder, as pressure on its walls increases, signals begin to be sent to the spinal cord that the bladder is full.

But there are conditions when visiting the toilet becomes very frequent. And they can be divided into two groups:

A feeling of a full bladder, when a small amount of urine is released when trying to empty it;
- frequent urge to go to the toilet with a virtually empty bladder.

The vessel is half full

Frequent urination in small portions is more common. This condition is typical for several diseases.

Cystitis is the most common and least dangerous cause, although it causes significant discomfort. At...

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What is the cause of frequent urination

Urologists and gynecologists often hear from patients: “I often run to the toilet, and this gives me discomfort.” Frequent urination in women occurs mainly during pregnancy, and this is considered normal. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, especially the bladder, so the expectant mother often goes to the toilet in small quantities. If this phenomenon occurs in the absence of pregnancy, the woman consults a doctor. Frequent urination is a symptom of many urological and gynecological diseases.


A healthy person with a normal diet empties the bladder no more than ten times a day. The feeling of a full bladder does not occur immediately.

Frequent urination in women occurs during the period of hormonal changes in the body - pregnancy, menopause. Trips to the toilet become more frequent with the onset of cold weather, during the season of fruits and vegetables, under stress and when taking...

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I had the same thing, but there was no pain, and the doctor said that since there was no pain, then it wasn’t cystitis at all and in general everything was normal. And I ran to the toilet every 5 minutes, but there was nothing. In general, I annoyed the doctor with this question, because... Months passed, and things weren’t getting better, and he referred me to a psychotherapist, who prescribed me some terrible sedatives, which made me vomit terribly. Many years have passed, but I constantly have the urge to go to the toilet and for many years I have not experienced a feeling of bladder relief. Moreover, before there was nothing to eat, now with literally half a cup of tea I can run around the toilets for an hour. This is such bullshit, but the doctors examined everything and said that everything was...

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Strangury– a disease characterized by difficulty in removing urine from the body. Strangury does not occur on its own, but is most often a consequence of previous genitourinary diseases. Both men and women suffer from strangury, but in men this disease is more common due to the structural features of their genital organs.

Normally, a healthy person should produce about one and a half liters of urine per day, with the number of urinations being five to six times. As practice shows, people suffering from strangury do not remove the required amount of urine from their bodies, which is fraught with complications of the disease.

Main causes of difficulty urinating

Difficulty urinating can occur in both men and women. In identifying the causes of the disease, gender has a great influence, since there are causes that are characteristic only of men, and others that are characteristic only of women. However, there are also reasons that do not depend on a person’s gender, but can equally cause difficulty urinating in both men and women.

These causes include the following diseases:

  1. Cystitis– inflammation of the bladder, which occurs with severe symptoms. Cystitis does not occur as often in men as in women, but it causes serious discomfort for them. Symptoms of cystitis are pain in the lower abdomen, burning, stinging, cloudy urine and the appearance of pus in it. Cystitis in the acute stage provokes fever, chills, and malaise. With cystitis, urination is difficult due to the small volume of urine excreted by the kidneys, so when a man urges, patients cannot “pass a little” in the usual volumes.
  2. Urolithiasis disease– a disease characterized by the formation of hard stones of varying sizes in the kidneys, ureter or bladder. Due to men's craving for salty, spicy and fatty foods, this disease occurs more often in them than in women. The main symptom of urolithiasis is frequent urination. As the stone moves through the urinary tract, it can injure the mucous membrane lining the organs. In this case, patients feel sharp pain, burning, and renal colic may appear.
  3. Inflammatory kidney diseases– these include ailments such as pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, for which problems with urination are the main symptom. The symptoms of the disease speak for themselves - there is a dull pain in the lower back of varying intensity. In acute patients, body temperature rises and signs of intoxication appear. As the disease progresses, urine flow becomes increasingly difficult. The body begins to swell, and an admixture of blood is noticed in the urine that is released.
  4. Diabetes– a disease associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism in the body. In diabetes mellitus, urinary disorders make themselves felt primarily at night, when the volume of urine increases. Symptoms – patients with diabetes suffer from thirst, they may experience itchy skin, decreased performance, mood, and sexual problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

Causes and symptoms in men

In men, strangury most often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Prostatitis– this disease, in both acute and chronic forms, disrupts normal urination. Symptoms of prostatitis are frequent urination, combined with difficulty emptying the bladder. Patients complain that the urge appears suddenly, there is no way to endure it, but when trying to urinate, the amount of urine is much less than what is felt. A feeling of incomplete emptying is created. As the disease progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to urinate fully. By that time, not only problems with urination, but also sexual life are added. Men feel pain in the perineum, a burning sensation, discomfort after defecation, and severe fatigue.
  2. Prostate adenoma– a disease characterized by the proliferation of prostate tissue, as a result of which it can significantly increase in size. The causes of adenoma have not been precisely established, but now it is possible to clearly link the occurrence of adenoma and a person’s age - the older the man, the more likely he is to develop this disease. Symptoms are frequent urination, most often at night, urinary incontinence, urge without actual micturition. At later stages, the disease makes itself felt by difficulty in excreting urine; patients note that they need to make significant efforts to do this. At the same time, the process itself differs qualitatively - the stream of urine is sluggish and intermittent.

Causes and symptoms in women

It is worth noting that gynecological diseases are to blame for thirty percent of difficulty urinating in women. They are the root cause of a woman’s inability to urinate normally. Let's look at other reasons that lead to problems with urination. These include:

  • mechanical reasons, such as narrowing of the lumen of the ureters, foreign bodies in the urinary tract, disturbances in the nervation of the bladder);
  • the presence of stones in the bladder or kidneys;
  • the presence of large blood clots or mucus in the urine;
  • neoplasms;
  • urethral strangulation;
  • sexual infections;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • bladder distension due to injury;
  • irresponsible use of certain medications.

The main symptoms of difficulty urinating in women are as follows:

  • drip excretion of urine;
  • prolonged act of urination;
  • urinary retention;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • change in urine stream (sluggish, splashing, etc.)

Difficulty urinating in children

Difficulty urinating can also occur in childhood, and children have their own specific reasons for this.

Causes of difficulty urinating in children:

  1. Hyporeflex bladder- a disease in which the volume of the bladder significantly exceeds the norm at a certain age. The contractility of such a bladder is completely preserved, however, due to its large volume, acts of urination become rare, but in large portions. Typically, a hyporeflexive bladder causes difficulty in passing urine. Children complain that it is difficult for them to completely empty their bladder; they have to push to do this, but the stream of urine still remains sluggish.
  2. Impaired patency of the urinary canal – arise for various reasons, both acquired and congenital. With this deviation, urination becomes so difficult that it may stop completely or, on the contrary, urinary incontinence is observed.
  3. Infections– penetration of infection into the genitourinary system inevitably causes negative changes in the excretory organs. If an infection exists and develops, children complain of pain when urinating, the inability to easily go to the toilet, and the need for constant straining. In girls, the infection is most often localized in the vagina.
  4. Inflammation of the glans penis in boys it is associated with insufficient hygiene in the genital area. To begin with, a swelling appears in the area of ​​the head, then externally the inflammation becomes similar to an area with torn skin. A child with this disease also experiences problems with excreting urine, since it is painful for him to do so, and he spares himself. In some cases, the swelling may mechanically close the lumen of the urinary duct, and in this case, urination will also be difficult.


When diagnosing the disease, it is important to remember that difficulty in excreting urine does not occur as an independent disease - it is a complication of either an acquired or congenital disease. Therefore, the elimination of this unpleasant symptom depends on how quickly and correctly the diagnosis is made.

In order to correctly identify the disease, it is necessary to conduct a competent diagnosis. Note that with difficulty urinating, painful sensations will be a common symptom, but this symptom also manifests itself in many other diseases. It is very important for the doctor to identify the characteristics of the pain in order to continue the differential diagnosis. So, a sharp pain that suddenly appears and increases with urination may indicate either an inflammatory process or the presence of a foreign body, such as a stone.

If the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, it is moderate and nagging, then this indicates an inflammatory process. The relative painlessness can also be alarming in the case of cancer, because in the last, fourth stage of the disease there is practically no pain.

When differentiating diseases, you need to pay attention to the fact that pain in the urethra is characteristic of its lesion, in the lower abdomen - with bladder disease, in the perineum - with prostate adenoma.

Not only the localization of pain, but also its irradiation (reduction, displacement) can help in establishing a diagnosis. For example, if the pain radiates to the head of the penis, and in women - to the clitoral area, then most likely the stones have begun to move. If a man feels pain in the perineal area, then this primarily indicates prostatitis.

The time of onset of pain will also help determine the disease. If pain occurs before urination, this indicates that the bladder is inflamed or has a tumor. Pain at the very beginning of the process indicates either inflammation of the urethra or the advancement of stones towards the urethra. Pain during urination indicates cystitis or cancer. If pain occurs at the end of the process, this may suggest damage to the prostate gland, the cervical region of the bladder, or a foreign body in the bladder itself.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the patient, general health, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In addition to these factors, laboratory research methods are also used for diagnosis. Patients must undergo a urine test and a blood test. To clarify the size of the bladder, the thickness of its walls, and the presence of foreign objects, an ultrasound examination is performed.


In the treatment of a disease, one must focus, first of all, on the underlying disease. Once it is diagnosed and treated, the symptoms of difficulty urinating will also disappear. For bladder polyps, kidney or bladder stones, or prostate stones, surgical treatment is indicated to eliminate the defect. Modern techniques make it possible to cure patients with ailments of this kind as quickly and painlessly as possible. The surgical intervention is performed using a minimally invasive principle, and the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced.

A person who asks a question on a medical forum about why urine is not flowing and what to do should certainly receive an answer from a qualified urologist after a comprehensive medical examination. There are quite a few reasons why you want to go to the toilet, but no urine comes out. Being informed in this direction means having every chance to prevent dangerous pathologies.

Acute urinary retention is a condition of the human body when urine cannot pass from a full bladder on its own due to an existing obstruction. Partial urinary retention is also a painful condition when the bladder does not empty completely, although the urge to urinate may come one after another.

How does this happen

Before an attack of acute urinary retention, mild pain, sluggish stream, weak urination, and other symptoms are noted, depending on the cause of the painful condition. Initially, during an attack of acute urinary retention, there is a urge to urinate, during which urine does not flow or is released in minute quantities. In this case, the patient experiences pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with movement and urination.

Acute urinary retention in women is often accompanied by discharge from the vagina, in men - from the urethra. Sometimes pain in the head area, increased blood pressure, vomiting, chills, and fever are observed. While examining the patient, the doctor discovers a full bladder. Sometimes you can observe a spherical protrusion in the lower abdomen, pressure on which causes pain.

Symptoms of a chronic problem

In the chronic course of the disease, clinical signs are often absent. The patient is concerned about:

  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Reducing the amount of urine excreted.
  • Partial emptying of the bladder.
  • Urine comes out in an intermittent stream for 10–15 minutes.

In case of paradoxical ischuria, the patient may want to urinate when tensing the abdominal muscles and pressing on the bladder


Medical statistics show that, with the exception of isolated cases, acute urinary retention is diagnosed in men. This situation is explained by the structural features of the urinary system: the presence of the prostate, which is often affected by tumors resulting from inflammatory processes.

Why is urine retained in men?

The main reasons for urine retention in men are:

  • Prostate tumor.
  • Malignant growth of the genitourinary system.
  • Previous venereal diseases.
  • Acute and chronic prostatitis.
  • Urethral rupture.
  • Urethral stones.

Why women don't urinate

Women retain urine much less frequently due to the shorter structure of the urethra and the absence of a prostate. Urine retention in women of the weaker half occurs for the following reasons:

  • Neurological pathologies.
  • Injured spine.
  • Previous operations on the uterus.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Urethral cysts.
  • Urolithiasis disease.

The use of alcohol or drugs may accelerate urine retention if there is a predisposing factor. Older people may experience complete urine retention after treatment with atropine-type drugs.

What do we have to do

Ishuria is a very dangerous phenomenon that requires immediate medical attention. Self-treatment at home can have very negative results. An attempt at catheterization is dangerous, causing injuries to the urethra, and there is a high probability of infection, which leads to the development of an acute form of pyelonephritis and prostatitis.

The right way out in this situation is to call an ambulance. Relief of the condition for a short time can be achieved by applying heat to the perineal area or immersing yourself in a warm bath; it is recommended to take antispasmodics. To provide medical care, it is important to find out the causes of urinary retention. This will make it possible to correctly determine treatment methods.

Help at home

With ischuria, you can alleviate the patient’s condition in the following ways. Fold, wet, and wring out the sheet. Place it under your back and let it sit for 1 hour. After this, apply the same compress to the stomach. On the first day, apply in the morning and evening, on subsequent days - 1 time, when signs of emerging ischuria appear. Grate 2 onions, use gauze to apply a compress to the bladder area, leave for 2 hours.

First aid for ischuria

If circumstances are such that it is not possible to get emergency medical help, it is necessary to relieve the spasm and relax the bladder muscles. To this end, you need to take the following steps. The patient should drink a glass of not very cold water or chilled mint tea. A bath with chamomile infusion is very relaxing.

A warm heating pad is placed on the lower abdomen

Regardless of the reasons for urine retention, it is imperative to catheterize a full bladder. This will be necessary to perform 2 functions: therapeutic and diagnostic, since clarification of the diagnosis is impossible without urine analysis. brings noticeable relief: pain and the urge to urinate disappear.

If for some reason catheterization is impossible, it is advisable to perform a puncture of the bladder. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is performed: an epicystostomy is applied (a catheter with an outlet to the abdominal wall). Subsequent therapy is carried out depending on what led to ischuria.

Diagnostics in a hospital setting

To determine what led to urine retention, a number of studies are carried out. At an appointment with a urologist, the patient is examined, including palpation, and a history of the disease is compiled. Complete or incomplete ischuria of urine is determined. It is important to differentiate complete ischuria from anuria, when urine is not produced in the body.

When urine retention is incomplete, part of it remains in the bladder. Sometimes the patient does not notice this for a long time, which often leads to stretching of the muscular wall of the bladder and sphincters.

Analyzes are carried out:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.

Mandatory hardware tests are: ultrasound, radiography

CT scan is performed according to indications.


For the treatment of ischuria the following is used:

  • Antimicrobial drugs: Furagin, Levomycetin. These same medications are used to prevent complications during catheterization.
  • The bladder is washed with antiseptics.
  • During cytoscomy, a tube is inserted through the abdominal wall to remove urine.

When ischuria occurs due to surgery or childbirth, it is recommended to periodically moisten the genitals with warm water. Novocaine is also injected into the urethra, and methenamine is infused intravenously.

Herbal treatment

Herbalists advise people with problems with the urinary system to keep diuretic plants at home: currant leaves, birch buds, dill seeds, horsetail, chicory, parsley.

Proven recipes for urinary retention:

  • Recipe 1. Celery juice. Juice is squeezed out of celery roots twisted using a meat grinder. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes for 15 days. before eating. You can use an infusion: 100 g of crushed root is poured into 300 ml of cold water. Leave for 7 hours, then take in the same way as juice.
  • Recipe 2. Infusion of parsley. Take 100 g of washed parsley, pour boiling water over it, place it in a saucepan, pour milk on top, which should be heated in the oven. After straining for 2 days, take a teaspoon every 2 hours.
  • Recipe 3. Infusion of currant leaves. The medicine is prepared according to the same recipe as the parsley infusion. In addition to the diuretic effect, you can achieve strengthening the immune system by taking the infusion.
  • Proven diuretics include burdock root and juniper berries. A pharmaceutical collection of juniper is used. Take in large quantities.
  • Honey decoction. Take 30 g of crushed birch leaves, pour 500 ml of dry wine, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, after which 5 teaspoons of honey are added, everything is mixed. The broth is stored in the refrigerator, take 2 tablespoons after meals.

Lingonberry juice should be drunk 0.5 liters daily


Chronic diseases leading to ischuria are often fraught with serious complications, especially for older people. Dangerous diseases that occur with urinary retention are:

  • Shrinkage of the bladder.
  • Rupture of the bladder wall.
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Hydronephrosis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Urosepsis.
  • Bladder atrophy.

Ischuria often relapses. The insertion of a catheter in the vast majority of cases causes inflammation of the urinary tract.


To avoid pathology of the urinary system, the following recommendations must be followed. Avoid injury to the genitourinary system. Avoid hypothermia. When treating with drugs prescribed by a specialist, it is necessary to adhere to the norms and duration of medication use.

Timely identify and treat pathologies leading to acute urine retention. Regularly undergo preventive examinations in medical institutions. With ischuria, the prognosis is positive, but it should be borne in mind that there is a high probability of complications from organs that lead to urinary retention.

A symptom such as frequent urination in men without pain occurs quite often in the stronger sex. It brings every man a lot of trouble, despite the fact that it manifests itself completely painlessly.

If a man drinks a lot over the course of several hours, then this can be considered a completely normal and justified phenomenon, because the liquid drunk during the day leaves the body.

In the same way, the urinary process can manifest itself at night, especially if a lot of liquid was consumed at night, because this is the only way for the liquid to exit. It should be noted that in any case, this phenomenon brings a lot of discomfort, since the man has to constantly run to the toilet.

However, sometimes there are cases when men begin to frequently run to the toilet, during one trip they release a little liquid, just a few drops, and so on throughout the whole day. All this has its explanation.

The bladder neck is an innervated area that can respond to stretching of the organ tissue. In any inflammatory process, certain receptors are irritated, resulting in the propagation of signals that indicate that the bladder is full. It is because of this that a man wants to go to the toilet and defecate as soon as possible. But when he comes to the toilet, he urinates a few drops, and this does not help him overcome the problem and lose the constant urge. After a while he wants to go to the toilet again.

It is worth noting

The reasons for frequent urination in men can be different, and they do not always indicate the development of some serious disease, however, inflammation or an infectious process may also occur in the body.

For any man, a terrible diagnosis is prostatitis, which can not only impair sexual functions, but also cause pain and discomfort when urinating. If this disease is not treated in time, then it can develop into complete impotence, and then there can be no talk of any woman nearby.

It should be noted

With this disease, the symptoms can be quite different, they are not limited only to frequent trips to the toilet, so you should not immediately panic and sound the alarm, you must immediately consult a doctor who will accurately determine the causes of the problem, make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In addition to the above disease, the following ailments and problems can cause frequent urination in men without pain.

  • Prostate- This is one of the common causes of disorders of the genitourinary system.
  • Prostatitis- inflammatory process. With this disease, the process of urination may be accompanied by a burning sensation, and the amount of urine released can be equated to several drops.
  • Urolithiasis disease. This disease occurs in men much more often than in women. Stones in the kidney or both organs may make you want to go to the toilet all the time.
  • Sexual infections, namely diseases of the penis are often the cause of increased urination.
  • Violation of acid composition in urine leads to irritation of the walls of blood vessels and contributes to a frequent urge to urinate.
  • Abuse of harmful drinks. As a preventive measure, you can try to stop drinking tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages. And if the frequent symptoms stop, then you should put all worries aside. But if the body has not responded in any way to reducing the drinking regime and giving up bad habits, then you should consult a doctor about this problem.
  • Cystitis- this disease is a less common precursor to frequent urination in men than in women, but similar cases also occur.
  • Neurotic conditions when the problem of pathology lies not in the organs of the genitourinary system, but in the head.

Only a doctor can diagnose a disease associated with frequent urination in men without pain, who should be observed until the condition improves and follow all treatment instructions. As a rule, in this case therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology and can be of the following nature:

  • Medication(with the help of medications) if the problem is caused by one of the above ailments.
  • Physiotherapeutic, and represent procedures that help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and eliminate inflammatory foci.
  • Physical, which is aimed at strengthening the smooth muscles of the bladder and perineum.
  • Operational, and be aimed at eliminating the pathology using one of the surgical methods.

If frequent urination in men without pain appears more and more, then it’s time to take the necessary measures. Doctors do not recommend that patients self-medicate and rely on traditional medicine. To diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to consult your doctor.

As noted above, it is not worthwhile to treat such ailments with traditional methods, but using them as an additional therapy to the main treatment is quite acceptable. However, even in this case, you should first consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself and further aggravate the situation.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that help cope with this problem. Most often they are decoctions of medicinal herbs; in some cases it is also recommended to steam the legs or warm the limbs with dry heat.

Constant Urination in Men with Pain: Signs and Symptoms

The constant urge to urinate in men can be absolutely painless and cause exclusively psychological and aesthetic discomfort, although they are harbingers of serious diseases. Painful, frequent urge to urinate alarms representatives of the stronger sex much more often and forces them to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The list of diseases due to which a man can urinate frequently, while experiencing pain, partially repeats the list of reasons for painless frequent urination. In this case, everything depends on the characteristics of each organism and the degree of complexity of the disease.

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Among the most common problems are cystitis, kidney stones, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.

Frequent urination is defined as urine discharge from 5 to 20 times per day. There are several varieties of this phenomenon. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Increased urine output during the daytime during vigorous activity. This type occurs in people with urolithiasis.
  • Evacuation during night sleep in case of infection or inflammation of the prostate gland or an increase in its volume. This may occur due to the fact that a person has consumed a lot of caffeine or diuretics.
  • The desire to go to the toilet increases during the day, and at night the person sleeps normally. This may occur due to a nervous disorder. This type is less common in men than in women.

Constant urge to urinate in women

The constant urge to urinate in men is no exception; they also occur in women. They can be the cause of various kinds of diseases, in such cases the number of urinations exceeds the norm, resulting in a large volume of urine being released. However, the cause of such increases may be completely different problems than those of the stronger half of humanity, and one of them is pregnancy.

As a rule, signs of an increase in the frequency of the need to urinate are observed in the first trimester due to certain physiological changes in the female body. When the period is already long and affects the third trimester, the woman also has to deal with such a symptom as copious urine output. Urination increases due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the bladder, as a result of which the woman has to wake up several times a night to go to the toilet. The movement of the baby in the womb can also lead to urge. There is no need to treat these phenomena; everything will go away on its own as soon as the baby is born.

Constant urge to urinate in children

The process of frequent urination occurs not only in adults, but also in children. A child begins to produce more urine when he has drunk a lot of water, is stressed and worried. Infants also urinate frequently, this is due to the physiological characteristics of the development of the child’s body. There is nothing bad about this. You should not compare different children, because one can pee ten times in a day, while another will have to change at least 15 diapers.

Newborn babies can urinate up to twenty times a day. And many babies urinate immediately after drinking liquid or mother's milk. But if the child is over nine years old, then this problem should alert his parents. After all, he should urinate no more than five times during the day. This is a reason to bring your child to a doctor who will assess his condition and development.

Causes of frequent urination at night

There are times when frequent urination occurs at night. This phenomenon is called nucturia. The process of excessive urination in this case occurs precisely at night, while during the day no pathologies are noted. This process may become more frequent for various reasons, which were described above.

When such a problem becomes urgent, you should definitely see a doctor in order to accurately identify the origin of the pathology, which can be either a banal nervous overstrain or a serious development of a tumor.

Frequent urination in men during the day

Frequent urination during the day in men represents the need to empty the bladder many times a day.

In any case, this problem requires close monitoring and therefore it is not recommended to ignore it, especially if there are other accompanying symptoms.

First, you should identify the reasons for the need for frequent urination, they may be the following:

  • Pathological- when inflammatory processes begin to occur in the body, such as prostatitis, cystitis.
  • Physiological, which may depend on drinking too much fluid or taking medications.
  • Psycho-emotional, which manifest themselves due to stress and various diseases.

The key to eliminating such problems is certainly timely and correct treatment. Frequent urination can be observed in both children, women and men, and if the cause is identified in time and undergoes an appropriate course of therapy, the development of serious diseases can be excluded.

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must examine several organs of the patient, collect all the tests, conduct examinations and only then make a final diagnosis. Most often, for such symptoms, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs are prescribed, as well as in some cases antidepressants. Vitamins for men will also come in handy.

Frequent urination in men during the day or at night is a rather serious problem. To prevent it from affecting you, you should pay due attention to prevention and follow these recommendations:

  • Drink moderate amounts of liquid.
  • Exercise.
  • Get examined and tested annually.
  • Pay attention to all diseases of your body, especially the organs of the genitourinary system.



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