Danger of oatmeal consumed in the morning every day for human health. Benefits of oatmeal in the morning

For stable, full-fledged functioning during the day, the body must be provided with energy and nutrients. Therefore, doctors do not recommend skipping your morning meal. In the morning there is usually little time for preparing delicacies, and many people prefer oatmeal for breakfast - a simple healthy dish.

The benefits of porridge for breakfast every day

Oatmeal not only saves time, but also has a large number of positive properties due to its composition. With an energy value of 340-360 kcal per 100 g, the BJU of oat flakes is as follows:

  • proteins – 13 g;
  • fats – 6 g;
  • carbohydrates – 63 g.

B vitamins regulate processes occurring in the nervous system. They are responsible for the absence of such unpleasant conditions as apathy, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, and irritability. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that removes toxins. It is he who owes the good condition of the skin and hair. PP is involved in hematopoietic processes and is also necessary for good blood clotting.

The product is high in potassium and magnesium, which makes it useful for patients with cardiovascular diseases. There is also a lot of phosphorus, which is necessary for successful brain activity and the condition of bone tissue. Calcium also serves this purpose. As is known, drugs based on it are created for the prevention of osteoporosis. Contains the product and iron, iodine, sulfur, manganese, fluorine.

If you eat porridge for breakfast every day, you can significantly improve your health.

  • The complex of useful substances will have a beneficial effect on all body systems and all the functions they perform.
  • The presence of dietary fiber and fiber allows you to regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore is useful for people suffering from constipation. Fiber and fiber, which speed up metabolism, promote weight loss and keep cholesterol levels low.
  • The overall tone of the body increases.
  • There is a rapid recovery of strength after heavy physical exertion. Oatmeal is needed in the diet of athletes and people engaged in physical labor, as well as those who have undergone surgery and simply weakened people.
  • Porridge is useful for breakfast for schoolchildren and students, since its regular consumption increases concentration and the ability to assimilate information.

Possible harm to the dish

Despite the abundance of positive properties, in some cases, oatmeal porridge can be harmful. First of all, this may be due to individual intolerance to the product, which happens extremely rarely.

Another problem may be related to the plant protein gluten. Gluten, or gluten, is found in cereals. There is especially a lot of it in wheat, rye, and barley. People suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance) should not consume foods containing it.

Due to the risk of developing an allergic reaction, these people are primarily contraindicated in pasta and bakery products, as well as all other products that may contain these grains.

Today it is considered proven that oats are not harmful to those suffering from celiac disease, and in small quantities they can be beneficial, as it makes it easier to adhere to the diet. This is true for pure oats. Although oats are a gluten-free plant, the substance can get into them in production facilities where various grains are processed. Various precautions are taken to obtain pure oats. Packages containing pure products are usually marked with a special symbol.

Another unpleasant moment is associated with the presence of phytic acid. This substance interferes with the absorption of calcium. Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that regular consumption of oatmeal leads to osteoporosis, but you will have to take care of additional sources of calcium.

Sometimes women, having read the calorie content of oatmeal on the packaging, refuse them because they are afraid of gaining weight. Their fears are unfounded: calorie content is indicated for a dry product. During cooking, the grains swell, and from 100 g. It turns out to be a very large portion. Weight gain will occur when consuming excessively large quantities of porridge.

Discussions about the dangers and benefits of oatmeal often lead to contradictions if one important detail is not taken into account - the type of product. The beneficial properties will be fully inherent in whole grains. But it takes a very long time to prepare porridge from it.

Manufacturers offer us a product that significantly reduces cooking time - flakes. To make flakes, that is, flattened grains, the shell is removed from them. It is the most valuable part and is known to us as “bran”. Depending on the degree of processing and grinding of the grain, flakes are obtained, the cooking time of which can vary from 3-4 minutes. (fine grinding) to 20-25 minutes (coarse grinding).

The more oats are crushed, the more the structure of the grain is damaged and the less useful substances remain in it. In addition, some manufacturers add preservatives, flavors and sugar to the cereal. And if whole grain porridge, which has a low glycemic index, is recommended for diabetics, then fast and instant food products are harmful to consume even for healthy people.

They are high in starch, so consuming them causes a rapid increase in blood sugar, which triggers insulin spikes. Excessive indulgence in instant porridges can lead predisposed people to diabetes.

The addition of oat bran to the prepared porridge will somewhat minimize possible harm. Modern stores always have shelves with healthy food products; the product is often presented by various manufacturers.

How many times a week can you eat?

The answer to the question of how often you can eat oatmeal, implying a healthy diet, depends on the product from which the porridge is prepared. Whole grain porridge can be eaten almost every day. With regular use, positive changes in the body's condition will be noticeable quite quickly. One of the significant ones may be weight loss.

To lose weight, nutritionists recommend spending fasting days on oatmeal. Once or twice a week you need to boil the cereal in water. For one day you will need 200 g. The porridge can be seasoned with honey at the rate of 1 teaspoon for the entire volume of porridge. On this day you can drink green tea and herbal decoctions.

Whole grain oatmeal, which is cooked in milk and to which butter and sugar are added, will, of course, provide the body with a whole range of useful substances, but only in this case we are not talking about a dietary product. In this form, porridge should not be eaten more than twice a week. However, oatmeal cooked with milk will be richer in composition due to the presence of calcium, fats and other beneficial substances contained in milk. In addition, dairy animal protein will increase the digestibility of vegetable protein from cereals.

Cereal porridges should not be present often in the diet. Hercules flakes, which are not highly processed and retain some fiber, can be consumed 3-5 times a week. “Hercules” contains enough useful substances, and the calorie content and starch content are not too high.

Flakes that have been highly processed, that is, quickly and instantly prepared, have very few useful substances and dietary fiber, and they may also contain additives that significantly increase calorie content. Abusing them will not lead to anything good.

Despite the calorie content, the feeling of satiety that they give passes very quickly, the body will require the next portion. And although such cereals simplify the preparation of breakfast and save us time, they should not be consumed more than once a week. It is advisable to increase the intervals between breakfasts of “quick” cereals. Use them only as a “lifesaver” (rare use will not cause harm), and ideally, completely exclude them from the diet.

When is the best time to do this and why?

Doctors advise eating oatmeal in the morning: after eating it, the feeling of hunger subsides for a long period, and the body is provided with the necessary energy. In addition, the need for proteins and carbohydrates is greater in the morning; the body quickly absorbs vitamins and microelements.

It contains a substance that envelops the walls of the stomach and protects it from the effects of more aggressive substances that may be found in other products. Interesting fact: finely ground flakes are better suited for this purpose. Coarsely ground flakes will irritate the unhealthy mucous membranes of the stomach.

You can learn more about preparing and eating oatmeal in the next video.

A healthy and proper breakfast is the basis for a boost of energy for the whole day. Under no circumstances should you neglect your morning meal, no matter how much you are in a hurry. However, not every breakfast is created equal. A fatty sausage sandwich will most likely lead to a feeling of drowsiness and heaviness, and it will not provide the body with the necessary microelements for normal functioning. Nutritionists unanimously recognize the fact that porridge is the best option for the healthiest breakfast. The benefits of oatmeal in the morning are an indisputable fact, but despite this, this topic seemed interesting to us, since it was not fully disclosed.

How to choose a useful product

In our minds, the concepts of “oatmeal” and “rolled oatmeal” have already firmly merged into one. But they must be distinguished. Healthy oatmeal is oats. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, microelements and protein. And “Hercules” is a trademark that appeared in the USSR back in the 20s. Manufacturers, in fact, offered a quick breakfast option by preparing the grain in a special way. To do this, the shell is removed from the oats, then the germs are separated, and then the grain is pressed into the familiar petals. In this case, the benefits of oatmeal porridge in the morning will sharply decrease, since the grains are destroyed, deprived of fiber and the main supply of vitamins. What remains are calories, which we increase by adding milk, butter and sugar. This kind of porridge cannot be considered a healthy diet.

Whole grain oats

If you want to keep your diet healthy, be sure to consume at least 100g of whole, lightly processed oats every day. Oats belong to the grain family, which means they contain complex carbohydrates, which is the most important source of energy. The outer shell of the grain is bran, a source of protein and fiber, minerals and B vitamins. The endosperm of oats is an intermediate layer in which the supply of carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber is concentrated. Finally, oat germ is the most important source of vitamins and minerals. Thus, the benefits of oatmeal in the morning are undeniable. This is an inexpensive product that contains almost everything you need for your life. At the same time, oatmeal is very accessible to all categories of the population.

Oatmeal - the choice is obvious

In fact, doctors have long paid attention to this cereal. The benefits of oatmeal in the morning have been thoroughly studied. Among all other cereals (of course, also healthy), oats take first place in the amount of protein, fiber, carbohydrates and fats, which are surprisingly easily absorbed by our body. At the same time, its main property is that the absorption of nutrients occurs very slowly, which means that the feeling of hunger will not visit you for a very long time. It is thanks to this feature that oatmeal breakfasts have become very popular in European countries. The craze for fast food among Europeans is just a fashionable trend that quickly passed, and again everyone is returning to healthy food.

Useful material

From the very morning, dietary oatmeal fills your body with nutrients. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, these are also vitamins A, E, K, PP and B. However, this is not all that oatmeal is good for us. Along with everything else, minerals also enter our body: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, iron, calcium, nickel and a whole list of useful substances.

When consumed regularly, this porridge will help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing blood clots. With its help, the body quickly begins to establish the digestion process. It may seem that this mess will quickly get boring, but here you can show your imagination. Oatmeal with a banana or apple, with condensed milk or chocolate, or maybe with cheese or a slice of ham, as you can see, you can come up with a huge number of variations. After just a few months of regular use, you will notice that the functioning of the liver and kidneys will become more stable, and the thyroid gland will no longer bother you. And many people note an improvement in mental performance. All brain processes begin to go much faster, memory and attention improve, you can concentrate and collect your thoughts much faster, and your mood noticeably improves. That is, you get a wonderful and opportunity to heal your body, and the cost of this product is low.


However, all of the above applies only to whole grain porridge. "Hercules" (flakes) is, in fact, an already processed, refined product that does not have such a noticeable effect. Have you noticed a feeling of heaviness after a plate of semolina or oatmeal porridge? This indicates that the product is overloaded with starch, which is converted into glucose. That is, it doesn’t make much difference for your body whether you ate a sweet roll or porridge, especially if milk and butter are added to it. In the future, affecting the pancreas, starch can also cause the development of diabetes mellitus and it also tends to be deposited on the most vulnerable parts of the human figure.

All the pros and cons

Is it possible to eat rolled oats? Flakes today are sold in different ways, as they say, in taste and color. Choose the largest ones, where the package says “cook for at least 20 minutes.” Of course, such porridge will be inferior in value to whole grain oats, but it retains some of the nutrients. But the more significant technological processing was carried out, the less useful the final product remains. This applies to instant oatmeal, which just needs to be steamed with boiling water. Proper and healthy nutrition and food from bags for instant preparation are incompatible things. Although, of course, if you are faced with a choice: noodles or instant oatmeal, then, of course, it is better to opt for the second.

The healthiest breakfast

The question of how exactly to prepare porridge so that it is as healthy as possible causes a lot of controversy. In fact, it all depends on the goals being pursued. If you want to lose excess weight, then you need to limit your intake of excess calories, which means cooking porridge in water. In this case, it is advisable to avoid salt. And if you simply advocate proper and healthy nutrition and want to improve your health, fill your body with useful microelements and vitamins, then you can easily afford more high-calorie supplements. By the way, today there is also a low-fat version on sale, which will become your excellent assistant in the fight for a beautiful figure. Oatmeal with milk is an excellent option for baby food, as well as for a nutritious breakfast for schoolchildren.

on oatmeal

If you are considering consuming this product for weight loss purposes, then you are probably already wondering how many calories are in oatmeal. In fact, its nutritional value is such that you can eat as much as you want without gaining excess weight. On the contrary, by limiting your consumption of flour and sweets, you will steadily lose extra pounds. There are only 342 kcal per 100 g of product. It should be taken into account that during cooking, the cereal greatly increases in volume, but does not acquire additional calories. Therefore, one serving of ready-made porridge with water (100 g) is only 134 kcal.

Nutritionists advise anyone who wants to lose weight to stick to fasting days. It is enough to switch to oatmeal 1-2 times a week. For the day you will need 200 g of cereal, boiled in water. You can drink rose hips and green tea. Oatmeal with honey is also acceptable, but honey consumption should be limited to one teaspoon per day.

Cooking oatmeal

We have already said that on the market today there are two options for products for preparing oatmeal. These are grains and flakes. You can choose the one that best suits your current needs. The grains are boiled for at least 30 minutes, the flakes - from 5 to 20 minutes (those that cook longer are healthier). The selected product is poured into boiling water or milk and, with regular stirring, cooked until tender. The flakes are poured into the liquid in a 1:3 ratio, as are whole grain oats. - it’s easy to count based on the number of products you took. Oatmeal with banana is very tasty, but the calorie content increases noticeably, since this fruit alone gives you almost your daily calorie intake. But fresh or frozen berries are an excellent filling for a healthy breakfast. Remember that honey can be added to the porridge only when it has cooled down a little, otherwise all the beneficial substances will quickly disappear.

The healing properties of oatmeal

Today it is becoming fashionable to have oatmeal for breakfast. Prepare this healthy porridge for the whole family, and you can serve the dish with the legendary phrase: “your porridge, sir.” The attention of children can be attracted by delicious fillings in the form of chocolate and nuts, and adults will rather listen to the voice of reason, because there are irrefutable facts about the benefits of this cereal.

In order to strengthen your teeth and bones, and also protect yourself from osteoporosis, it is recommended to eat a small amount of oatmeal cooked in water daily. If you suffer from high blood pressure or simply want to protect your cardiovascular system, you should drink half a glass of oatmeal broth every day. It is very easy to prepare; all you need to do is take a glass of grains, add a liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. This is an excellent remedy for getting rid of swelling. Oatmeal jelly is another excellent remedy for treating diseases of the stomach and intestines. Oatmeal is prescribed for exacerbation of peptic ulcers and pancreatitis, colitis and poisoning. perfectly regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, helps with constipation and diarrhea. It is not difficult to prepare medicinal jelly; you need to pour the cereal with water in a 1:1 ratio, add a piece of rye bread and leave to ferment for 12 hours. Then the liquid remains to be drained and boiled.

Possible harm

In fact, it is difficult to say that porridge can be harmful. However, cooked with milk, it is a heavy product that does not fit well with the concept of weight loss. In such cases, the best choice is oatmeal with banana; it is tasty, very healthy and not too high in calories. However, you should not eat oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The fact is that what is contained in this cereal will gradually accumulate in the body and wash away calcium from it. In addition, there is such a thing as grain intolerance, or celiac disease. It is inherited and is a complete contraindication to the use of this porridge. That is, caution and attention to your feelings will not hurt, but otherwise, cook the porridge as often as you want. Your oatmeal, sir, is the perfect breakfast for the whole family.

Oatmeal is an excellent antioxidant and sedative. Removes toxins from the body and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Hippocrates considered it the most valuable product and advised making tea from it, and in Rus' they prepared a lot of healthy dishes from it.

Mass stabilization

The need to eat oatmeal for breakfast is considered an axiom. Not everyone eats, but everyone knows it. Nutritionists vying with each other advise making oatmeal your constant morning ally, which will help solve many problems.

For example, stabilize weight, maintain a healthy immune system, activate brain activity, get rid of blood clots.

British and Scottish doctors - and in these countries oatmeal is considered a national dish - based on numerous studies, they claim that daily consumption of oat porridge will enrich the body with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary and nervous systems, dilate blood vessels, and ensure normal coagulation blood and an active metabolic process in the skin, strengthen overall health and slow down the aging process.

Cons of oatmeal

The more you read about this cereal, the more positive characteristics you discover. And for the most part this is true. However, nothing ideal exists in the world. And oatmeal is no exception.

It should be especially noted that all the positive characteristics are characteristic only of real porridge made from whole oat grains, cooked in water without adding sugar or any flavoring additives.

But even if that is what it is, Russian nutritionists, based on the latest research, do not recommend eating oatmeal every day. As it turned out, oats contain phytic acid, which not only prevents the calcium contained in oats from being absorbed, but even washes away the calcium that was already in the body. So, with regular long-term consumption of oatmeal, you can easily develop osteoporosis.

You will be hungry

Oatmeal has a minimal amount of proteins and fats and a complex composition of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is very high in calories: 100 grams of product contains 350 kilocalories. And due to the small percentage of protein, oatmeal has a very low energy value: after a serving of porridge, a person will soon want to eat again. Doctors advise eating oatmeal, alternating with porridges made from other cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice. And the oatmeal itself can be eaten with the addition of some protein food: cottage cheese, eggs, milk.

These tips do not apply to those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers simply need to eat whole grain oatmeal with water.

It has enveloping properties and helps the stomach process food painlessly. Those who want to lose weight should eat the same porridge. Oatmeal without any additives cleanses the intestines well and rids the body of all kinds of toxins that can be activated in the body in the form of poisons during the diet.

Semi-finished products don't work

However, today, when time is most valuable, cooking whole grain oatmeal for 40 minutes is an unaffordable luxury. And to save time, many people buy semi-finished oat products in stores.

Industrially processed oats in the form of flakes and porridge in bags contain a significant amount of starch, sugar, flavor enhancers, and flavorings. Like white bread, all the most beneficial substances have been removed from it.

In industrial production, during evaporation, all vitamins and minerals disappear from oats, and their place is taken by artificial additives. This type of oatmeal does more harm than good. All that the body gets from its daily use is additional kilograms.

Some people prefer oatmeal for breakfast, others look at such a dish with disgust, and still others lean on the product, trying to lose weight and consume it in large quantities. Of course, excess is bad, but let’s say that nutritionists recommend including oatmeal in your daily diet. If you eat a little of it every day, it will be beneficial. This cereal has high value for the body, we will talk about this now.

Oatmeal and its benefits for humans

Oatmeal can be called a healthy porridge, which also has rejuvenating properties and helps increase life expectancy. It is known that all centenarians ate oatmeal throughout their lives. By eating oatmeal for breakfast, a person increases his energy potential and receives the necessary plant proteins and complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal is an excellent food for allergy sufferers, it is also rich in fiber, promotes intestinal motility and is easily digestible. In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals, among which there are antioxidants, organic acids, more about everything below.

Energy value of oatmeal:

  • Calorie content per 100 g: 67 Kcal.
  • Proteins: 2.4 g.
  • Fat: 1.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 12 g.

The carbohydrate part is represented by a large amount of dietary fiber, the fat base includes polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Oatmeal has no cholesterol, but it has a lot of sodium and potassium, it also contains iron, magnesium, and a complex of vitamins: A, B6, D, C, K. This composition will not give a hint of doubt about the benefits of oatmeal. And its benefits in preventing thrombosis, lowering cholesterol, improving memory, and mental flow are legendary. And this is true, porridge is very healthy, it’s not for nothing that English lords have been using it for several centuries, including it in diet menus for the sick, and recommend giving it to children.

More information about the composition

Oatmeal replenishes vitamin and mineral reserves; after eating it, your mood improves and your performance increases. Vitamin B6 makes breakfast anti-stress, allows you to calm down and reduce the impulse of nervous tension.

Vitamin A and vitamin C give the product antioxidant properties. By eating oatmeal, you can be sure that free radicals will not be able to attack your cells, which means they will not change or turn into cancer cells.

Oatmeal also contains vitamin K; when consumed together with milk, bones are strengthened and the likelihood of osteoporosis is reduced. Vitamin K also improves blood clotting and is useful for normalizing kidney function.

The same vitamin B6, vitamins and minerals of an antioxidant nature, help strengthen hair and nails, and breathe youth into the body. By eating oatmeal in the morning, you will not allow toxins to accumulate in the body; oats will immediately remove them.

Why is it useful to include oatmeal in your daily menu?

  • Oatmeal has a low glycemic index; if cooked in water, it will make it possible to lose weight, and at the same time it will not make you suffer from hunger and lack of nutrients.
  • With systematic consumption of oatmeal, the risks of acquiring heart disease are reduced, and it also helps lower blood sugar if it is cooked in water and without fillers.
  • Oatmeal with milk is an excellent source of calcium, so it is recommended to include it in the menu of young children, teenagers, and old people to strengthen bone tissue and joints.
  • The polyphenols and dietary fiber contained in oats help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, reduce appetite, eliminate constipation, and help regulate microflora in the intestines.
  • Useful for feeding diabetics, reduces blood sugar, and in the early stages allows you to do without additional insulin injections.
  • Oatmeal is not only anti-allergenic, but also helps eliminate allergy symptoms resulting from eating other foods or flowering plants. This is possible due to the inclusion of aventramides in the porridge; they also help reduce itching and inflammation in eczema.

Why do you sometimes feel hungry half an hour after eating oatmeal?

Digestion of oatmeal is easy, but it lasts for 3 hours. During this period, energy is synthesized, the person is full of strength and has increased performance. This means that there are no thoughts about food, and the daily dose of calories consumed is reduced. But this does not always happen, sometimes within an hour, or even 30 minutes after breakfast, hunger simply overwhelms a person, how to explain this?

It's all about the degree of processing; raw grain has enzymes that improve digestion and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Most porridges, including flakes, are steamed or flattened to speed up the cooking process, which reduces their nutritional value. But this only affects the speed of digestion, the nutritional value of the product is not reduced.

All oatmeal is obtained from oats, the grain is steamed, flattened, and the film is removed. As a result, uncrushed, flattened and flaky oatmeal ends up on store shelves. The healthiest option would be simple oatmeal; it takes a little longer to cook, but it saturates a person with energy for a long time. You can prepare porridge with water and milk, and also add dried fruits, fill it with berries, nuts, honey, flax grains, sesame seeds, seeds, etc.

How to make the healthiest oatmeal for breakfast

First of all, you should take whole oat grains, wash them well, and then boil them in water. This porridge is better accepted by the stomach than milk porridge. If you use cereal, then know that they are less beneficial, and within a couple of hours after breakfast you will want to eat something.

The porridge should be prepared according to the following proportions: take ¾ cup of oatmeal for 2 glasses of water. Add the oats after the water has boiled, stirring constantly so as not to burn. When the porridge is cooked, it is poured into bowls, nuts, dried fruits, berries, and honey are added. If the dish is for weight loss, then fillers are not introduced.

Of course, porridge with water cannot compare with oatmeal with milk. To prepare it, wash the oatmeal, put it in a saucepan and add water so that the flakes are not completely covered. Then bring to a boil while stirring, set the flame to low, boil for 2-3 minutes, then add milk, cook until tender and make sure it doesn’t burn.

Attention! Oatmeal cooked with milk, with the addition of butter, honey, nuts, drying, will be quite high in calories, so such dishes are recommended for men, as well as those who want to gain weight.

Specifics of dividing oat flakes, which ones to choose

  • Flakes marked “Extra No. 3” cook the fastest, they are very thin, you just need to steam them with milk or water. This is an ideal option for children and people with stomach problems. If there are no marks on the package, but simply the cooking method “steaming” is written, then this is “Extra No. 3”.
  • “Extra No. 2” already requires boiling (5-7 minutes). This type is made from chopped oats; the porridge turns out soft and boiled.
  • The highest carbohydrate cereals are “Extra No. 1”, they are flattened from whole grains, such flakes require 15 minutes of cooking, the porridge from them has a higher nutritional value than that of the two previous types.
  • Hercules is a separate variety of oats, these flakes have a dense texture, the preparation of such porridge takes 15-20 minutes, but it is healthy and tasty.

If you have stomach problems and need food to be digested faster, give preference to the first two options (flakes made from crushed and half grains). When you want to get a lot of energy and not feel hungry for a long time after breakfast, buy rolled oats, rolled whole grain flakes or lightly crushed oats, they are also sold in stores.

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Attention: the information in the article is for informational purposes only. It is recommended that you consult a specialist (doctor) before applying the tips described in the article.

A lot has been written and said about the benefits of oatmeal, but not everyone knows about the dangers of oatmeal for our body.

Strange, isn't it? When we hear all our lives that oatmeal is the best breakfast, how beneficial it is for the stomach and intestines, and everyone knows the phrase “Oatmeal, sir!”, which calls us to eat this wonderful product in the morning. And then scientists started talking about its dangers. “What is the truth, brother?”

Let's talk about the good stuff first.

Benefits of oatmeal

Of all porridges, oatmeal is the richest source of protein and fiber, contains vitamins such as A, K, E, PP and B vitamins, as well as aluminum, boron, copper, calcium, magnesium, iodine, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, nickel and iron.

Oatmeal helps lower cholesterol levels, improves kidney and liver function, as an enveloping agent, restores the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation, is especially good for pain and bloating, gastritis and stomach ulcers, gently cleanses the intestines, even improves memory and develops thinking!

A little about the bad.

Harm of oatmeal

  1. Oatmeal should not be eaten every day. The problem is that oatmeal contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium and also contributes to its leaching from bone tissue. So eating oatmeal every day for a long time is dangerous to your health!..
  2. Oatmeal, so popular today, does not contain the nutrients described above, but contains starch, which in our body turns into sugar, the level of glucose in the blood rises sharply, an insulin reaction of the pancreas follows, I wrote about this mechanism in the article "". All this can contribute to the development of diabetes, with excess sugar and excess insulin being stored as fat on the internal organs.
  3. There are people for whom cereal porridges are contraindicated! They have a hereditary intolerance to gluten (gluten), which is found in cereals: wheat, rye, barley and oats. The disease is called celiac disease, it does not appear immediately, the symptoms are mild and become noticeable already at a serious stage, when intestinal absorption is disrupted and atrophied, this disease manifests itself especially clearly and acutely in children.

And again about the good.

Choosing the right oatmeal

Oatmeal, sir!

All the benefits I wrote about related to whole grain oatmeal. All harm relates to oatmeal, so any porridge can only be useful in the form of unprocessed, unpolished grains. Remove instant cereals from your diet. A phrase that everyone knows: “Oatmeal, sir!” This applies specifically to whole oat grains. If you choose between the names of oatmeal "Extra" and "Hercules", buy "Hercules".

And in order to receive only benefits and not harm from oatmeal, eat it from time to time, diversify your diet with other foods, eat more, and drink, and of course

    Always yours, Olga Suvorova.



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