Vitamins nourish and heal the face. Vitamins for facial skin: little secrets of eternal beauty and youth

Vitamins for skin are of great importance. With a lack of vitamins, the skin may lose elasticity, peel, turn red, sag or become covered with acne. This cannot be called the most pleasant feature of our body, but there is no escape from it. All that remains is to humbly take the missing vitamins, while simultaneously applying various kinds of masks and creams to the skin.

However, we can give you some tips that will tell you what to do if you have a lack of vitamins.

For the skin around the eyes, face and hair

The skin of the face, hair and skin around the eyes are the most delicate elements of the human body. They are the ones who suffer from the very beginning if something goes wrong with the body. Pimples appear, bags under the eyes, the skin becomes oily or, conversely, too dry, begins to peel and lose elasticity, hair begins to fall out, and many other unpleasant factors appear. You shouldn’t wait until all this goes away on its own. You need to take measures, the best of which is taking vitamins. We will tell you which ones exactly.

  • The most important vitamin for improving facial skin and hair is vitamin C. It is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin, therefore, if there is a shortage of it, the skin loses its elasticity and may become wrinkled ahead of time. Also, if you often notice bruises and bags under your eyes, this also indicates a lack of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin is responsible for renewing the upper layers of the skin E, the lack of which can affect the color of the skin, as well as its structure. Problematic skin that peels from exposure to frost or heat requires vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A responsible for dryness of facial skin, as well as its elasticity. A deficiency of this vitamin can be noticed if the skin has become loose or too dry.

In order to enrich your facial skin, eye area and hair, you need to include in your diet foods that contain these vitamins, as well as use masks regularly.

For arms and legs

Rough or sagging skin on the hands and feet also needs vitamins. Also, very often acne appears on the skin in the area of ​​the shoulders or forearms, which is also an alarming signal. As for feet, many people face the problem of cracked heels. This is also a consequence of a lack of vitamins.

  • Most often, problems with the skin of the hands and feet are caused by a lack of B vitamins. They are responsible for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the hands and feet, as well as for strengthening and healthy nails.
  • Vitamin TO, which is at a loss, makes the skin rough and problematic, and also causes premature aging. Because of this, age spots may appear on the fingers and toes.
  • Vitamin deficiency A in the body it makes the skin of the hands and feet dry and also changes its color.

Caring for the skin of your hands and feet involves periodic massage and taking baths with beneficial supplements. It is also necessary to include vitamins in the daily diet as vegetables and fruits. You can also use creams and vitamin injections under the skin.

For lips

A deficiency of vitamins in the skin of the lips makes their surface rough and unsightly. Pimples begin to appear around the mouth, lips crack and become chapped. To avoid such troubles, it is very important to properly care for the skin of your lips, use scrubs, hygienic lipsticks, and also take the right complex of vitamins.

  • The most important vitamin for healthy lip skin is vitamin A. With its deficiency, the skin of the lips quickly dries out and can crack.
  • Inflammation on the lips may appear due to a lack of vitamin IN, since it is it that protects delicate skin from the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

The skin of the lips requires very careful care. IN itamins must be rubbed into it in the form of oil, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is also necessary to provide the body with healthy nutrition.

Now you have learned about what vitamins the body lacks due to certain skin problems. However, not everyone knows where to get these vitamins from. In fact, there are several ways: buy vitamins at the pharmacy, get them by absorbing foods that contain them, and use vitamin-based masks and creams. The best and easiest way is to simply include in your diet foods that contain many of the vitamins you need. We present you a table in which you will see in which products you can find vitamins suitable for the skin.



Operating principle

The following foods are full of vitamin A: tomatoes, parsley, chicken eggs, peaches, melon, apricots, green salad, carrots and prunes.

The effect of naturally occurring vitamin A on women's skin is characterized by an improvement in its color, as well as increased elasticity.

Vitamin B group (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10)

Each individual vitamin from the entire group is found in different foods. We will give you a list of products that contain one or another vitamin from the entire group: lean fish, rice, wheat grains, buckwheat, avocado, millet, mushrooms, spinach, nuts, lettuce, beans and cabbage.

B vitamins protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, as well as from premature aging. Together with other microelements, these vitamins nourish the skin, have a rejuvenating effect and help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is found in the following foods: kiwi, oranges, lemons, currants, potatoes, liver, onions, red peppers, tomatoes, cabbage of any variety, rose hips and kidneys.

Vitamin C helps the skin produce collagen, which keeps it youthful and elastic. It is also a good solution to take vitamin C for various skin diseases.

Vitamin D is found in cheese and cottage cheese, as well as other dairy products. It can also be found in fish and seafood.

Vitamin D is very beneficial and effective in keeping your skin clear and also in preventing acne. It is able to slow down the aging process and maintain skin tone.

This vitamin can be found in milk and dairy products, fish and nuts, as well as in olive or sunflower oil.

Vitamin K is preferably found in rowan, carrots, apples, pumpkin and tomatoes.

Pigment spots on the skin are a matter of vitamin K, since it is responsible for pigmentation and the appearance of acne and pimples on the face.

By taking note of this table with the content of skin vitamins in food, you can create the best healthy menu for yourself and forget about skin problems forever, monitor the prevention of its health and even improve it. Your body will receive the required amount of vitamins, and then you will not have to go to the pharmacy for them.

Today, “the spears have already been broken” on the topic of whether the body needs to be additionally fed with vitamins in tablets, injections, or whether proper nutrition, a proper daily routine, and walks in the fresh air are sufficient, so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful macro and microelements, and hair, skin and nails are happy their mistresses.

But, hand on heart, we can say that today only people who don’t need to go to work in the office and take care of their families eat right and walk enough. For the majority, a walk is limited to a hasty run through the shopping “gallery” on a weekend and the road from home to the office and from the office back. Yes, and nutrition can be considered complete in terms of vitamin composition only in summer; in winter, in most of the products offered, the content of nutrients is insufficient.

Based on this, we can conclude that you need to take additional vitamins, but you need to do it wisely.

The skin of the face is a unique and universal organ that requires enhanced nutrition for several reasons:

  1. Regeneration of facial skin occurs constantly. Regenerative processes require large nutrient resources.
  2. The epidermis of the face is constantly under the direct influence of all adverse environmental factors.
  3. Women's skin is exposed to additional stress every day in the form of applied makeup and is under stress from a lack of oxygen and sunlight.

That is why vitamins for facial skin are becoming one of the leading factors for maintaining youth and freshness. At the same time, vitamins are needed for the skin not only those taken internally with food, but also for external care.

2 Groups of vitamins and their effects

So, what vitamins are needed for excellent skin condition? There is a whole group of vitamins for the skin. Let's list them in order of importance:

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
  2. Reduces harm from all oxidative processes occurring in the body (it is worth remembering that normal breathing is also an oxidation process). Ascorbic acid works against free radicals, which are the main cause of aging of the body and the accumulation of age-related changes in the skin.
  3. Vitamin A or retinol. It is necessary for the transport of nutrients into the organic cell, and is also responsible for fat metabolism and helps the synthesis of collagen fibers. A lack of vitamin A in the body is manifested by acne on the face and dry skin.
  4. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Strengthens cell membranes, along with vitamin C, works as an antioxidant. Problems with vitamin E in the body can be seen in sagging skin, rapid aging, dryness, and painful sensitivity to sunlight. That is why E and A are called “vitamins for youthful skin”!
  5. Vitamin PP or nicotinamide. Helps blood circulation in the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to high-quality blood circulation, the face receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, and metabolic processes occur quickly. A deficiency of this element is diagnosed by a gray (“earthy”) skin color and swelling that takes a long time to subside.
  6. Vitamin K balances blood composition. Without this microelement, blood clotting deteriorates and the walls of small vessels become thinner. A symptom of vitamin K deficiency is the appearance of small bruises and bruises, swelling on the face, and the out-of-season appearance of age spots.

3 Group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12)

B1 or thiamine helps cope with inflammation of various etiologies, including allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching.

B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are responsible for the proper functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. If they are deficient, the skin is susceptible to drying out, begins to peel, and jams and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips. Pyridoxine is also recommended in the treatment of rashes, as a response to most diseases of the internal organs.

B5 or pantothenic acid is a vitamin for fighting toxins. All poisons that accumulate in epithelial cells worsen the appearance of the skin. In cosmetology, pantothenic acid is used to degrease and dry oily skin.

B12 or cyanocobalamin is a cell regeneration vitamin. It is even prescribed to restore the nervous system after stress. Taking this microelement starts the process of epidermis renewal.

In addition, the following are also useful:

  1. Vitamin is a catalyst for regeneration processes in the skin. Rapid cell renewal gives the face a fresh and youthful appearance.
  2. Vitamin is the main “non-food” microelement that is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. This microelement will ensure the water-salt balance of the skin and prevent early aging. However, solar radiation should never be abused.

4 Food

Where in nature are all the described vitamins of beauty and youthfulness of facial skin found?

Vitamin A is hidden in carrots, eggs (yolk), cottage cheese, and natural milk. To restore vitamin C reserves, you need to eat fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, onions, garlic, apples, cabbage are the best helpers for every day.

In addition, cabbage is a storehouse of vitamin K, so it is often used in folk medicine to remove morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes. Nuts, milk and butter are needed for skin deficient in vitamin E. But vitamin PP can be obtained from the liver and mushrooms.

Vitamin D stands out, which is produced by our skin independently under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. During long winter periods, it is recommended to eat fatty fish and cheeses to replenish its reserves in the body. Multivitamin complexes containing D and calcium partially restore the supply of these microelements, but it is still optimal to receive the Ca + D complex while walking in the fresh air.

You shouldn’t get carried away with sunbathing to get the “sunshine” vitamin. Don't forget that the sun is the main source of aging of our skin and the main cause of burns in the summer.

What vitamins does the skin need? Everything, only in certain proportions and taking into account the seasonal needs of the body. Of course, the best vitamins are those obtained from natural, fresh foods. But if such products are not readily available, then you simply need to take additional complex medications.

5 Drugs and dietary supplements

Today in pharmacies there are quite a lot of drugs and dietary supplements that are selected specifically for the care and treatment of facial skin, hair and nails. You should choose a complex of vitamins after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist and strictly follow the recommendations for use in the instructions for the drug.

Vitamins for facial skin should never be taken for a long time. The optimal period for taking the complexes is 30-45 days, then you need to take a break of at least three months before starting the next cycle of use. Experts believe that the optimal time to take vitamin complexes is the off-season, when the entire body needs help.

Under no circumstances should you take balanced complexes and individual vitamins to improve facial skin. Hypervitaminosis is detrimental to the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

Complex preparations for problematic facial skin should be discussed with your doctor. Only after a blood test can you say with certainty what vitamins are needed in the diet to solve the problem. Some of the painful issues associated with acne, boils, peeling of facial skin may not develop due to vitamin deficiency, but may be a consequence of hormonal or functional disorders of the digestive or circulatory organs.

6 Face masks

If it is best to take a complex of vitamins in courses with a fairly long break between them, then the external use of vitamin masks, creams and nourishing compresses can be carried out regularly.

Face masks include the main vitamins for beautiful skin - A, E, C and B. All compositions are applied strictly to certain areas of the face, since sensitivity, for example, around the eyes is much higher than sensitivity in the neck area.

Masks are prepared from natural products and must be used almost immediately; they cannot be stored. You can highlight the main ingredients that are combined in the composition:

  1. Lemon, lemon juice. Gives the mask acids that gently whiten and cleanse the skin, and also nourish it with vitamin C.
  2. Tomato. Contains the following vitamins for youthful skin: C, E and B5. Ideal for use on irritated or sun damaged skin.
  3. Egg yolk, sour cream. Includes essential vitamin A and B5.
  4. Kefir. Contains lactic acid, which gently cleanses the skin and reduces age spots.

In addition to natural products, you can and should add purchased concentrated vitamin complexes to masks. Pharmacies sell ampoules with liquid vitamins for injection; they are added to the mask to better nourish the skin.

When compiling the composition, you must take into account which vitamins are beneficial for the skin during a given period. In the summer, when there is excess sunlight, dust and sweat, you should focus on cleansing masks with a protective effect (vitamin A). But in winter, the skin needs not only protection, but also treatment from frostbite and vitamin deficiencies, and it makes sense to add complexes E, D and C to the composition.

There are three main types of masks:

  • anti-aging - containing vitamin E and acids (citric, lactic or malic);
  • moisturizing - containing fat (sour cream, cream);
  • cleansing - based on foods high in vitamin A - carrots, egg yolks.

Attention! Before applying a new mask to your face, you should test it on a sensitive area of ​​the skin, for example, on the elbow.

In case of an individual negative reaction to the components of the mask, the test site will turn red or itch. This is especially true for masks containing acids. The wrong proportion of acid can burn delicate skin and instead of a rejuvenating effect, it will be traumatic.

In specialized stores today there is a fairly wide selection of factory-made masks containing vitamins for problem skin. Masks must be accompanied by instructions for use, indicating how long the mask should be kept on the skin.

The lack of 100% natural ingredients in store-bought masks is fully compensated by the convenience of diluting them before use and shelf life. Such masks are balanced much better than their homemade counterparts.

The beauty of the skin depends on its ability to recover, renew itself, and protect itself from aggressive environmental influences. Natural processes in the skin can fade over time or be disrupted due to various unfavorable factors. The condition of the skin is also affected by the general health of a person and the quality of his diet.

Unfortunately, the body's resources are clearly not enough to keep the skin in excellent condition. Wrinkles, inflammation, peeling, sagging facial contours and other skin problems arise due to disruption of the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. To normalize these processes, specific substances are needed - coenzymes, or vitamins.

We can only get vitamins from food. That is why the diet should be rich enough. However, the daily need for vitamins is so high that it is almost impossible to cover it with food. That is why there are pharmacy vitamins and vitamin complexes that help make the skin of the body and face beautiful, elastic, smooth, and healthy.

What vitamins does the skin need?

To keep your face beautiful and young longer, you need to carefully care for your skin. However, in addition to regular care and proper nutrition, it is extremely important for your skin to receive the full range of vitamins that will support its normal functioning. Which vitamins should you choose?

Many vitamins are important for the beauty of the skin:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • niacin (vitamin B3);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • biotin (vitamin H);
  • vitamins B6, B5, B12
  • vitamin F (a collective name for several substances).

All of them should be regularly consumed orally and applied directly to the skin. Which medications to take must be decided based on the specific skin problem. It makes sense to take a course of vitamins two or four times a year.

Who is responsible for what?

Different vitamins solve different problems on the skin.

It has the greatest influence on it, on which the nutrition of dermal cells depends. It is this vitamin that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen. When vitamin A enters the body in the right amount, the skin smoothes out, ceases to be dry, gets rid of small wrinkles, and becomes youthfully firm and elastic. If there is not enough retinol, clogged pores (comedones), pimples, acne appear, the skin sags and becomes dry.

Tocopherol strengthens cell membranes, preventing their damage and thus acquiring the properties of a powerful antioxidant. reduces the rate of skin aging, smoothes skin wrinkles, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, returns smoothness and elasticity to aging skin.

– also a powerful antioxidant. It promotes better production of elastin and collagen, accelerates tissue regeneration, whitens, gives the skin radiance and tone. Vitamin C also helps smooth out wrinkles and reduces the rate of aging. If it is not enough, the dermis becomes excessively dry, thin, and easily injured.

Skin problems

Any skin problem is caused by a deficiency of several vitamins. This is why vitamin complexes are produced.

If there is peeling, there is a deficiency of B vitamins (B2, B5, B6), as well as vitamins A, F, PP.

Wrinkled, old, flabby skin will be supported by vitamins B1, C, E, A, F.

Vitamins B2, E, B6, A, C, H fight acne. They also eliminate comedones and help the skin renew itself and exfoliate.

Vitamins PP, C, F, A, K, E are responsible for firmness and elasticity. In combination, they improve regeneration and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Vitamins C, B3, and PP can make your skin glow. They make the face smooth, matte, relieve puffiness, and erase age spots.

You should take complex medications at intervals of two to three months. What drugs should I pay attention to? You need to study the manufacturer’s information and listen to the opinion of the pharmacist.

The best vitamin complexes

Pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin complexes. Your doctor can help you figure out what medications you need to take. In addition, you should pay attention to the composition of the product and the characteristics of the condition of the dermis.

Complivit Radiance

An excellent vitamin complex has a complex effect on the skin of the face and body, nails and hair. The skin structure is evened out, pimples disappear, the skin is filled with a radiance of health and beauty. The composition of this drug is balanced. It contains calcium, without which it is impossible to absorb vitamin D3, silicon, vitamins E, C, A, PP, H, a powerful antioxidant selenium, B vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. This complex has a magical effect on the skin of the face: wounds heal, swelling and peeling disappear.


One of the most famous, which contains two vitamins: tocopherol (A) and retinol (A). The drug perfectly protects from adverse weather conditions, solar ultraviolet radiation, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. Good for dry, burned skin that is subject to constant microtrauma. You need to take one or two capsules before meals, three times a day. Taking a vitamin complex is not possible in case of hypervitaminosis E, A, cardiac dysfunction, or pregnancy.


The vitamins K, A, E included in Aekol improve the structure of the skin, disinfect, and normalize blood circulation. Vitamin K, which is part of the drug, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, normalizing the blood supply to the damaged skin fragment. The complex relieves peeling, heals wounds and cuts, and fights bacteria. This drug has worked well on the mucous membranes of the body.

“Skin, hair, nails” from Solgar

This balanced beauty product contains not only vitamin C, but also sulfur, red algae, and several essential amino acids, which together improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. The dermis receives the necessary hydration and an even, pleasant color. The drug stimulates the formation of collagen, protects against ultraviolet rays, restores elasticity to the skin, makes it firm, removes oily shine and inflammation. The skin of the face and body becomes clean, radiant, smooth, matte.


The complex drug has an amazing composition: B vitamins (B6, B 12, B1, B5, B2, B9), H, D, E. This is a real healing cocktail for the beauty of the body, face, and joints. If you know what vitamins the manufacturer has included in the drug, its beneficial effect on the skin becomes clear. “Revivona” is important for dry, aging facial skin, as well as for the healthy condition of joints, bones, and improving the functioning of the immune system. The skin ceases to be dry, dull, gray, and is filled with health and a radiance of beauty.

Lady's Formula

The cocktail of vitamins B, D, A, C, H, PP is supplemented by amino acids, plant extracts, micro- and macroelements: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine. This is an indispensable drug for quickly improving the condition of the skin of the face and body. It is used to treat skin diseases, including excessively dry, age-related, and problematic skin.


The drug for the beauty of the face and body "Revalid" includes vitamins B6, B1, H, amino acids methionine, cystine, as well as zinc, iron, copper, wheat germ extract, millet, yeast. It copes excellently with a wide range of skin problems, improving the condition of wounds and restoring metabolic processes to the dermis.


An effective complex of vitamins D, C, E, H, A, the entire line of group B is combined with selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, chromo, amino acids, echinacea and burdock extracts. Indicated for dry, damaged skin of the face and body, relieves peeling, treats psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. An excellent product for maintaining beauty, youth and radiance.

Taking vitamins to improve the condition of facial skin is a prerequisite for maintaining health, maintaining youth and beauty.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Vitamins are selected taking into account the condition of the skin and hair, the degree of damage and problems of concern. It is better to take vitamin preparations after consultation with a doctor, who will determine the causes of skin and hair problems and prescribe the most suitable medications for you.

What vitamins are needed for skin and hair:

Vitamin A (retinol) Stimulates collagen production and ensures cell regeneration. Fights inflammatory processes, used to treat acne, acne, skin irritation, psoriasis. Eliminates age spots and oily shine on the face. Moisturizes and helps against flaking of the scalp. Eliminates brittleness and dryness of hair, improves growth. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Used in the treatment of dermatological diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, itching, pyoderma). Prevents the early manifestation of signs of aging on the skin. Protects hair from early gray hair, hair loss and split ends
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Provides a healthy complexion, prevents skin rashes, accelerates metabolic processes, helps cells become saturated with oxygen, and increases protective functions. Lack of vitamins causes dandruff and uneven distribution of sebum (hair ends become dry and roots become excessively oily)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Makes the skin elastic, smoothes wrinkles, dries. Helps restore damaged hair. Good for the scalp, relieves itching and flaking, prevents hair loss
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Used during the treatment of dermatological diseases. Strengthens hair roots and prevents hair loss. Effectively copes with dandruff and irritation
Vitamin B7 or (biotin) Restores the epidermis, accelerates hair growth. Stimulates cell regeneration, preserves youthful facial skin. With vitamin deficiency, hair falls out, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Helps in the fight against acne, restores the epidermis, protects blood vessels. Renews hair structure, plays an important role in the synthesis of new cells. Protects against ultraviolet radiation
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) Renews the epidermis, improves complexion. Strengthens hair roots, restores damaged strands, promotes active growth. Improves blood circulation and nutrition of the scalp. The vitamin can be rubbed into the skin
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Stimulates collagen synthesis. Provides skin elasticity and healthy complexion. Used in the treatment of inflammation and acne. Prevents hair loss, moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. Protects against the negative effects of free radicals
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol) Slows down the appearance of signs of aging on the skin. Promotes hair growth, makes it soft and shiny. Strengthens and nourishes hair roots, prevents hair loss
Vitamin E (tocopherol) Slows down the aging process and has antioxidant properties. Stimulates cell regeneration, maintains moisture levels in the skin, eliminates the problem of dryness and flaking. Normalizes metabolism in oily skin types. Improves texture, relief and complexion. Used to combat acne, age spots, expression lines and stretch marks. Restores and strengthens hair, nourishes the scalp, protects from ultraviolet rays
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) Eliminates swelling and inflammation of the skin. Has a whitening effect, fights freckles and age spots. Nourishes and strengthens hair
Vitamin PP (niacin) Provides a healthy complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment. Moisturizes and nourishes hair, promotes active growth

Vitamin preparations for skin and hair

Vitamin complexes can be purchased at the pharmacy and taken in courses to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. Their range is huge, and to choose the best vitamins you should take into account the condition of your skin, hair, individual characteristics of the body and consult a doctor.

Top 10 vitamin preparations for skin and hair:


Contains vitamins A and E. Restore skin elasticity, improve tissue regeneration, eliminate dryness and flaking. Strengthens hair roots and ensures rapid growth. The drug can be taken orally (1-2 capsules per day for a month) or used externally. Available in the form of capsules with an oily liquid. You can rub vitamins into the scalp or add them to masks and shampoo.

An effective product for the beauty of skin, hair and nails. Contains vitamin C, organic sulfur, red algae powder, amino acids, copper glycinate, zinc citrate, silicon. Eliminates hair fragility and dry skin. Stimulates hair growth, improves facial skin condition, strengthens nails. Take 2 tablets per day with meals. Admission course - 4 months
Vitrum Beauty

Good vitamins for restoring the structure of skin, hair and nails. Contains a number of vitamins (A, E, D, C, B1, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H), plant extracts, antioxidants, bioflavonoids and trace elements (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium). They are considered effective in the treatment of dermatological diseases. Take one tablet daily after meals. The course is 1-2 months

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, beeswax, calcium, titanium, magnesium. Effective for dermatological diseases, irritation, dry skin, rashes. Eliminates brittleness and hair loss. Returns lost thickness
Complivit Radiance

Contains a number of vitamins that are beneficial for hair and skin - A, C, B5, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP, H, B12. Activates collagen production, renews cells, protects against ultraviolet radiation, improves protective functions. Restores damaged hair, fights dermatitis. The drug should be taken one tablet per day with meals, with a sufficient amount of water. Reception course - 1 month
Alphabet Cosmetics

Effective multivitamins for beautiful skin and hair. Contains coenzyme Q10, minerals and vitamins (A, C, D3, E, H, K1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12). They have powerful antioxidant properties and slow down the signs of aging. Improves the condition of skin and hair. Take 3 tablets (one of each color) per day, with meals

Contains coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A, B6, B12, B9, C, E. Effective for the scalp and hair. Take one tablet a day, dissolved in a glass of water. The drug should be taken with food

Good multivitamins for maintaining beautiful hair and skin. The drug slows down the aging process. Eliminates dryness and flaking, maintains healthy skin texture, ensures elasticity and firmness. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the development of dermatitis and acne. Nourishes hair follicles, stimulates growth, prevents hair loss. Contains vitamins A, B5, B6, B12, C, E. Take one tablet a day during or after a meal, with a glass of water. The drug should be taken for a month

Multivitamins that improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Useful for hair loss. The drug includes vitamins A, E, D3, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H. Nourishes hair follicles, improves skin structure and color. Take one capsule 1-2 per day after or during meals

Contains hyaluronic acid and vitamins E, C. Moisturizes the skin, promotes collagen production, ensures an even and healthy complexion, reduces the number of wrinkles. Strengthens hair and improves its appearance. Take one tablet daily with meals. Reception course - at least 1 month

Vitamins for skin and hair in ampoules

In addition to vitamin preparations that I take orally, vitamins in ampoules are used to improve the condition of skin and hair. They can be rubbed into the scalp, mixed with oils or added to ready-made products. For example, for dry skin, vitamin E in combination with olive or rose oil will help.

Before using vitamins for hair and skin in ampoules, you should conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply the contents of the ampoule to the wrist or bend of the elbow, leave for half an hour and watch the reaction. If there are no signs of irritation, then everything is in order - the product can be used and rubbed into the roots of the hair. Do not also forget that after uncorking the ampoule, the vitamin quickly loses its beneficial properties, so it must be used immediately. For each new mask you should take a new ampoule.

If you want to add a vitamin to your shampoo, you should not pour the contents of the ampoules into the bottle. It is better to add the vitamin to the portion of detergent that you need at a time before each wash. To strengthen and improve the appearance of hair, vitamins can be used in their pure form and rubbed into the scalp. This is mainly done before bedtime, using one ampoule of the necessary vitamin.

To restore hair, it is effective to add vitamins to masks based on various oils (olive, almond, castor, burdock, etc.). The contents of the ampoule should be added to the base oil and the finished mask should be rubbed into the head, then distributed over the entire length of the hair. The head is insulated with polyethylene and a towel, left for at least an hour and washed off with warm water and shampoo.

In some cases, vitamins are prescribed by injection. For example, in case of hair loss, intramuscular injections of B vitamins are given. To improve growth and strengthen hair follicles, mesotherapy can be used - the introduction of vitamins into the scalp using injections. The contents of the ampoule are drawn into a syringe and injected a few millimeters into the scalp. Such procedures are used as prescribed by a doctor.

The appearance of hair and skin is largely determined by the internal state of the body, which must regularly receive vitamins and nutrients. Vitamins can be purchased at a pharmacy and taken orally or used externally. To rub vitamins into the scalp, ampoules are used, the contents of which can be added to shampoo or used to prepare masks. When using vitamins, it is important to remember the correct combination. The video below will tell you about this.

Anna Mironova

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For beauty and preserving youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions and a good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their deficiency, problems appear such as dry lips, brittle nails, peeling skin, and this list can be continued endlessly. Natural sources of vitamins are fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But the vitamins they contain are not always enough to maintain the internal strength of the body. Therefore, doctors all over the world advise periodically making and taking vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for a woman’s health and beauty?

It has been scientifically proven that there is several main vitamins that ensure the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is associated with the aging process and the emergence of malignant tumors. This substance supports the functioning of the female reproductive glands, increasing the amount of estrogen hormones. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C - beauty vitamin. It also has antioxidant effects. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, with its deficiency, freckles, age spots and moles appear in large quantities.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, as well as fish meat, animal by-products and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks on the feet and palms. At the same time, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment-like, and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips - jams.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their deficiency, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns appear. Vision deteriorates, burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the skin of the eyelids appear. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H necessary for beautiful skin and healthy mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the hardness of bones, whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for a woman’s health and youth – choosing beauty vitamins

You can avoid taking vitamins at all and use only natural sources of life substances. You can also periodically take a course of fortification with complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full “combat” readiness, to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best one in such a variety?

  1. Vitamin complex Velnatal. Every day a woman faces various situations in which she needs support from her body. These situations can be called, in one word, “stress”. We are not talking about emotional shock, but about what can happen day after day! We play sports, go on a diet, submit reports, get sick. In all these situations, we need vitamin support for the body. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to find. Why is the confusion around the shelves with vitamins worth it? Some are for hair and nails, the second are for mood, for vigor, for
    leather, etc. As a result, every time there is a complete torment of choice, or even worse - the first one that comes along, or even nothing at all.
    With Velnatal you do not have to select a vitamin complex for each situation. This complex is balanced in such a way as to support a woman with vitamin deficiency associated with completely different situations, from diet to pregnancy. Which, of course, speaks not only about the correct combination of components in the composition, but also the selection of dosages. Velnatal contains two types of omega 3, biotin, 400 mcg of folic acid, selenium 55 mcg, iron, B vitamins, which, being in balance with other vitamins and minerals, will support the female body and you won’t have to think again about which complex is better to choose Now.
  2. Anti-aging complex Famvital. Thanks to “smart” capsules, its active components enter the woman’s body taking into account daily biorhythms.
    The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, microelements and vitamins - are optimally combined with each other and help prevent premature aging, help improve the structure and appearance of skin, hair and nails, help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and enhance calorie burning, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  3. Imedin.
    This is not just one of many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, and nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in skin cells.
    IMEDIN® complexes include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  4. Supradin . Comes in many forms: gummies, water-soluble tablets, regular tablets and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradin should be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prevention should be repeated no more than twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 candies – 200 rubles
  5. Alphabet Cosmetics - a series designed to care for female beauty. Contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamin A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. Features of the intake are that all substances are divided into three groups. Tablets of different colors that need to be taken one after another in the morning, afternoon and evening. This sequence will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking Alphabet is no more than two weeks. The dose should be repeated no more than twice a year. Price for a package of 60 tablets – 320 rubles.
  6. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty is a popular brand among modern consumers. It is recommended by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces confidence in the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and microelements: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is complemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, and selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  7. Complivit. This brand produces a huge number of vitamin complexes. The “Shine” formula was specially invented for female beauty. It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavone glycosides. This composition allows you to support the production of collagen, the regeneration of skin cells, protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Complivit should be taken one tablet per day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Laura from Evalar company . This is a biologically active food supplement. It contains a minimum of all the essential vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main advantage of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration and collagen production are improved, as a result of which the facial skin acquires an even color and a natural blush, wrinkles disappear and are reduced. The price of such a product in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  9. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This product serves as a powerful prevention of aging. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases in order to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. The gelatin capsule of Profektil contains vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  10. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of a squeeze of plant extracts - sources of vitamins: grape extract and pomegranate seeds. This composition boasts a powerful dose of antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin elasticity. The price of this complex of 30 tablets is about 2100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause Strengthened Formula”

The problem of hormonal changes in the delicate female body has ceased to be a problem with the advent of the biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause Strengthened Formula”. This drug has already gained the trust of the fair half of humanity, since it is designed to have a comprehensive effect on the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn that you should not take vitamin complexes constantly. Also, before each course you need to consult a doctor for any contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and will successfully increase your beauty.



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