There is always a tear in my eye. Increased tearing of the eyes: causes and ways to eliminate the pathology

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Perhaps every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of one eye watering. The point is that every second eyeball is influenced by a number of unfavorable factors: dust, bacterial agents, dry air, wind, flickering images on the monitor...

The mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) does not always cope with such a load. This is why a defensive reaction occurs - lacrimation.

Causes of watery eyes

There are many different factors that can cause a watery eye. These are allergens, eye diseases, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, etc.

Household reasons

The most harmless reason, which can cause lacrimation is weather conditions.

In windy weather, tear fluid dries quickly and the tear film does not have time to recover. To protect the eye from drying out, increased production of tear secretion begins. Ultraviolet radiation also affects the eye in a similar way.

In this case, wearing a sunglasses and, if necessary, humidifying the air in the room.

Watery eyes may be a sign of fatigue eye muscles due to long work behind the monitor, reading at poor lighting or watching television programs for a long time. Fatigue occurs for two reasons:

To stop your eyes from watering, you need to take breaks from work and do special gymnastics which allows the eyes to relax ().

Often the eye begins to water after an injury or a foreign body entering the conjunctival cavity. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist, since extraction foreign object at home can be fraught with new damage.

If the eye is damaged by chemical substance, you need to wash it urgently clean water and go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible. There were cases when chemical burn led to partial or complete loss of visual functions.

Never touch your eyes with cotton swabs or swabs, as microscopic lint can cause conjunctivitis.

Wearing glasses and contact lenses

Improper care of contact lenses also leads to tearing

Improper care of contact lenses also leads to tearing. The fact is that by putting on a poorly cleaned lens, a person introduces millions of bacteria and foreign particles into the eye. Feeling this, the eye begins to produce more tears to wash it all away.

Wearing lenses that have expired can also cause tearing. Even the highest quality lenses inevitably become deformed over time. Scratches, areas of overextension, microscopic cracks, etc. appear on them. All this irritates the conjunctiva and, as a result, causes a compensatory reaction - lacrimation.

If your eyes begin to water while wearing glasses, then you can suspect an error in their selection. You need to see an ophthalmologist and have your eyesight and glasses checked again.

Eye diseases

One of the most common reasons why one eye is watery is infectious and inflammatory diseases:, etc. Moreover, the most profuse lacrimation occurs in the morning, when a person has just opened his eyes.

If treatment is not started in time, the process may spread to the second eye.. This can also be facilitated by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules: rubbing the eyes with hands, using handkerchiefs, etc.

The eye may become watery due to further development dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac. It should be noted that this condition is very characterized by unilateral localization. Canal blockage can be caused by various factors:

The eye may become watery due to trichiasis - the growth of eyelashes inside the conjunctival cavity. It is not difficult to guess that the mucous membrane will be very irritated. You can only cope with this problem together with an ophthalmologist.

Watery eyes may be the first symptom of an allergic reaction.

Watery eyes may be the first symptom of an allergic reaction (for example, to eye drops or ointments). Over time clinical picture accompanied by itching, redness and burning in the eyes. At this stage, it is very important to identify the allergen and stop contact with it in order to avoid complications in the future.

Why does one eye of a newborn baby become watery?

Occasionally, a baby may experience watering from the eye. In almost all cases, this is due to congenital blockage of the nasolacrimal duct and subsequent inflammatory process inside the lacrimal sac. This pathology occurs in approximately 10% of newborns.

Normally, the canal openings are closed thin membrane, which breaks as the baby passes through birth canal. If this does not happen, tears begin to accumulate in the corner of the eye. It is very important here that infectious agents do not get into the conjunctival sac.

In addition, lacrimation may cause birth trauma, allergic reaction, as well as infectious disease eyes: trachoma ( chlamydial conjunctivitis), gonoblenorea () and others.

All people want to have healthy eyes, and never have any problems with them. This is a completely understandable desire, but very often not everything is so simple and smooth. Eye problems can be different: serious, and quickly treated. Many people also face the problem when one eye starts to water. It seems like there’s nothing serious about it, there’s a blow somewhere, or an allergy, but that’s not the case. And the source of this problem may be much deeper.

Lacrimal duct with normal functioning protects the eyes from infection and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms. But if one eye is watery all the time, and nothing can be done about it, then the reason is most likely an obstruction of the lacrimal canal, and this is a disease that needs to be treated.


What is dacryocystitis

Few people have heard of such a diagnosis as dacryocystitis, but it is diagnosed in 20 percent of cases after surgical intervention in the eyes.

It occurs more often in one eye, and is manifested by profuse lacrimation. Maybe the right eye is watering, and the left one is normal, and also vice versa. This is a sign that the nasolacrimal duct is obstructed.

In the lacrimal sac there is an accumulation of different pathogenic bacteria, and inflammation begins to develop.

Reasons why dacryocystitis occurs

Reason 1.

Infectious diseases of the eye or nose, chronic inflammation lacrimal canal lead to dacryocystitis.

Reason 2.

The resulting injuries can also lead to complications if there is damage to the bones near the nose.

Reason 3.

Stones and brushes begin to form in the middle of the channel.

Reason 4.

Changes often occur in older people, nose tear duct begins to narrow on its own.

Reason 5.

A tumor of the lacrimal sac, as well as a tumor of the nose, often blocks the tear ducts.

Reason 6.

From side effects some medicines, one eye may water.

Reason 7.

If you have had cancer treatment in the past.

Reason 8.

Glaucoma is also included in the list of causes.

Treatment of dacryocystitis in adults

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after examination. And for adults, it can be done by simply washing with disinfectant solutions, if not chronic form diseases. If everything is much more complicated, an operation is performed - dacryocystorhinostomy.

The operation takes place under general anesthesia, but before that you need to go through antibacterial therapy, in order to avoid, various complications which may occur are purulent encephalitis or brain abscess. If the operation is successful, the normal outflow of tear fluid is restored and the eye stops watering. You can also do processing diode laser, this is now the newest achievement. The tear duct begins to expand from the rays that come from the laser.

This process takes only a few minutes and is very effective; it reduces the risk of infection much more than surgery. Another method is bougienage of the channel.

Enough unpleasant process, when a rigid umbrella is inserted into the lacrimal canal, and in this way the duct is broken through. There are other factors, besides dacryocystitis, why one eye is watery. But in any case, consulting a doctor is always recommended.

Why is one eye watering?

  1. One factor is the weather. This is the most harmless reason. Under different weather conditions, if there is snow or wind, the eyes seem to turn on defensive reaction, and this is considered a normal physiological process. The tear duct narrows in cold and wind, and the secretion of tears prevents dust and debris from getting into the eyes.
  2. If you wear glasses or contacts, the cause of your tears may be an incorrect diagnosis based on visual acuity. You need to consult an ophthalmologist to check and clarify.
  3. Increased sensitivity of the cornea can cause tears; perhaps changing lenses will stabilize the irritation.
  4. The problem may also be the growth of eyelashes inward-entropy. Movement of eyelashes can cause irritation and frequent conjunctivitis. You should consult a doctor with this problem, and only use certain methods to solve the problem.
  5. An allergic reaction is also a factor why the eye may become watery. In this situation, it is prescribed complex treatment. First you need to find out the allergen and try to exclude contact with it. Strengthen your immune system by taking vitamins for eye health.

Traditional treatments for watery eyes

Very often we ask the question, if one eye is watering, what should we do? This question is also answered in folk medicine, since many different herbal decoctions help cope with this problem, and internal use helps to forget about tearing.

  1. One of the foods that you need to include in your diet is carrots. It contains vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the eyes.
  2. You can also take rosehip infusions, which contain vitamin C, which strengthens optic nerve, and the retina of the eye.
  3. Blueberries contain antioxidants that have a good effect on the strength of eye capillaries.
  4. It is also good to train the nasolacrimal duct, the most common procedure is washing in the morning cold water and hot, it helps solve the problem of tearing in one to two weeks. Washing should be alternated several times.


Or a speck that you don’t see or can’t remove. The doctor will do this quickly, and unpleasant problem will disappear.

It's worse if there is an infection in the eye. Then conjunctivitis develops, in which not only tears, but also the eyelids swell, the whites of the eyes turn red, and look at bright light. In addition, in the morning the eyelashes are “glued together” by the pus that has dried overnight.

There is severe lacrimation and rhinitis. U infants Tears may roll from one eye when their “eye” tooth erupts. upper jaw. Chronic crying, alas, is the sad fate of many allergy sufferers. The eye may become watery due to excessive sensitivity of the cornea to cold, wind, and bright light.

Watery eyes can happen to those who wear them for many years. contact lenses, but does not take very good care of them. And even with those who have suffered from strong emotional experiences and depression. In people old age Often both or one eye becomes watery due to age-related drooping upper eyelid or partial inversion of the lower eyelid.

Hidden Reasons

But more often, lacrimation is associated with physiological disorders in the ocular apparatus. There can be one of two options: either the lacrimal gland secretes too much moisture and the channels do not have time to drain it, or the mechanism itself for removing fluid from the orbit is disrupted.

In the first option, a lot of tears are produced due to inflammation of the cornea or conjunctivitis, as well as due to a burn or injury to the eye. In the second option, the reason may be hidden: 1) in blockage, narrowing and even obstruction; 2) in inflammation of the sac; 3) in partial eversion of the eyelid.

When fluid stagnates, the lacrimal sac becomes infected and inflammation develops, often purulent - dacryocystitis. It usually occurs in two to three month old newborns and in older people. If inflammation invades the cornea, an ulcer may form, which subsequently turns into a cataract.

Other possible complication chronic dacryocystitis – phlegmon of the lacrimal sac. The skin in its area turns red, swells, and becomes painful due to the accumulation of pus. It comes out through a fistula, which is formed when the cellulitis breaks open.

Another problem that dacryocystitis can cause is inflammation of the cornea or keratitis. It can also develop after conjunctivitis, mechanical injuries, as well as complicated viral infections, tuberculosis, brucellosis, malaria, syphilis, some neurological diseases. Dacryocystitis and its complications are treated mainly surgically.

Sometimes lagophthalmos of the upper and lower eyelids makes the eye cry. Such a defect is extremely rare at birth; it usually occurs after facial injuries with scars on the skin of the eyelids, neuroinfections, facial paralysis.

Finally, watery eyes from one eye may be caused by lesions blood vessels. They often occur in diseases of the sclera and cornea, hypertension, diabetes, injuries, and after ophthalmological operations. Final diagnosis X-ray may help or computed tomography, which exclude or confirm the presence of disorders in the ocular apparatus.

Good day everyone! The topic of our meeting today: “Why is it so my eyes are watering And what to do at home" Each of us in life has encountered the fact that sometimes it is impossible to walk down the street without pain in the eyes and tears and look at one’s feet or into the distance in bright sunny weather, cold weather with the wind, in the cold. They don't even save me sunglasses from sun glare or gusts of cold air falling into red, irritated eyes. In fact, there are many reasons for tearfulness.

Severe profuse lacrimation can occur when the tear duct is inflamed, the eye is exposed to irritating substances, when the eyes are burned by electric welding or when small foreign bodies enter (insects, debris, wood or metal shavings, dust, etc.).

Causes of teary eyes can be:

  1. weather conditions;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. stress, illness;
  4. corneal damage.

Weather conditions outside

In bright sunlight The cornea of ​​the eye becomes irritated and dries out. It works here defense mechanism production of tear fluid.

In the cold tear ducts narrow, some of the tears come out, not into the nasopharynx.

A strong wind again triggers a protective mechanism that prevents the cornea from drying out and ensures that the smallest foreign bodies that fall from the eyes are washed away and removed.

For allergies

At allergic reactions The eyes turn red, itching appears, accompanied by profuse tearing. Allergies often manifest themselves to:

  1. flowering plants (pollen);
  2. decorative cosmetics (eye shadow, mascara);
  3. sprays (deodorant, hairspray, perfume);
  4. animal hair;
  5. dust, including archival dust.

Diseases and stress

Diseases, especially infectious ones, cause excessive lacrimation. When you have a cold, mucus begins to be released abundantly, containing pathogenic microbes, which irritates the eyes and causes lacrimation.

Stresses that increase tearfulness of the eyes include:

  1. constant lack of sleep and fatigue, the eyes do not have time to fully recover;
  2. prolonged work at the computer, at the monitor, they look more intently, without blinking, as a result the cornea of ​​the eyes dries out and they become overstrained, this is especially noticeable when the lights in the room are turned off.

Corneal damage

Damage to the cornea occurs when foreign bodies enter the eye. In this case, tears help to quickly get rid of the foreign body in the eye and moisturize it, if, of course, foreign body did not stick into the cornea.

If your eyes are watery: what to do at home

Prevention this phenomenon includes:

  1. healthy sleep (up to 8 hours);
  2. proper organization of the workplace (optimal lighting level, monitor location - at least 60 cm from the face);
  3. inclusion of food in the diet, rich in vitamins, minerals: apricots, carrots, blueberries, black currants, persimmons;
  4. regular wet cleaning, ventilation of the room.

When your eyes water profusely, you can use the following methods:

  1. compresses for the eyes using decoctions calendula, chamomile, rosehip, mint. 1 teaspoon or bag of one of the herbs is poured with boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered, cotton pads are moistened in the cooled infusion, and applied to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. tetracycline or erythromycin ointment– the lower eyelid is slightly pushed back with a cotton pad and the ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid towards the temple.
  3. compresses with black tea– tea leaves are brewed thickly, cotton pads soaked in the cooled tea leaves are applied to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment of teary eyes

Eye drops

Apply drops containing adrenaline. The dose of Adrenaline is 10–20 drops of a 0.1% solution per 10 ml of other, usually weakly astringent or disinfecting eye drops.

An example is the composition: 0.25% solution of zinc sulfate, 2% solution boric acid, 1% solution of Resorcinol.

Penicillin drops and Albucid drops are also prescribed.

If the process is prolonged, use Hydrocortisone emulsion 2-3 drops three times a day.

Just remember that the treatment is prescribed by a doctor!

Folk remedies

Infusion of flowers blue cornflower(1 tablespoon of flowers per 500 ml of water). Leave for 1 hour, strain, cool. Use the infusion for lotions and compresses.

Prepare caraway decoction. Boil 1 tablespoon of cumin in a glass of water for 20 minutes. Add to hot broth plantain leaves, blue cornflower flowers, eyebright herb(1 teaspoon each). Leave the mixture for 12 hours, then boil for 15 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Place 3-4 drops into your eyes three times a day.

When lacrimation occurs, it is useful to rinse the eyes with a decoction millet cereal from millet 2–3 times a day.

Rinse your eyes strong tea leaves 3–4 times a day.

Rinse your eyes with infusion of red rose petals(a handful of petals per 300 ml of boiling water). Leave for 1 hour, strain.

Budra ivy-shaped. Pour 1 teaspoon of budra leaves into 100 ml of boiling water. Leave overnight and strain. Use as compresses and lotions on the eyes.

Video on the topic

If your eyes are watering: what should you do?

In this video I will tell you how to deal with eye sensitivity when tears begin to flow and ruin your makeup. I myself encountered such a problem and in this video I have collected for you all the tips and recommendations that I have developed over the years.

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Why do tears flow: causes, prevention and treatment

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The human eye is the most sensitive organ, easily susceptible to external influence, it quickly reacts to external stimuli and to the state of the body as a whole.

Teariness of the eyes due to weather conditions is common physiological process, common to everyone in varying degrees. Frost or wind narrows the tear duct, which is located towards the surface, as a result of which the flow of tear drops through it decreases, because it is no longer able to pass them quickly. Therefore, instead of entering the nasopharynx, they come to the surface - which is why the eyes water.

There are also reasons when the eyes water as a result of diseases; this can occur spontaneously, regardless of external stimuli And weather conditions. Here are the diseases that can cause excessive tearing:

General inflammation of the body. If you have the flu or a sore throat, a cold that is accompanied by a cough or runny nose, then you cannot do without tearing. The infection can affect not only the respiratory organs, but also the visual organs in close proximity, which is why most often during illness, the eyes are red and watery.

Fatigue. If a person long time works at a computer, plays or watches movies on a monitor or TV, reads something intensely, sleeps little, is constantly in a state of nervous tension, eyes begin to water. If the reason is fatigue, then you need to give yourself and your visual organs a rest.

Lack of vitamin B 2 and potassium. If a person constantly works, sleeps little, is engaged in mental or physical labor, sports, body in large quantities consumes vitamin B2 and potassium, so if your diet is low in it, urgently review your diet.

Watery eyes: how and how to treat them

On the video channel "Home Doctor".

What causes tearing in one eye?

When one eye is watery, there are obvious and hidden reasons for this. This phenomenon, if it continues for some time, has pathological character and in this case you should not hope that it will go away on its own. Remember: prolonged lacrimation places an undue strain on the visual apparatus and can ultimately lead to serious complications.

The simplest situation happens when an eyelash or speck gets into the eye, which you cannot see or cannot remove, and this leads to tearing.

But when the cause of such a reaction is an infection, this is already much worse, since it can become a reason for the development of conjunctivitis, in which not only tears flow, but also the eyelids swell, the whites of the eyes turn red, and it is painful to look at bright light. In the morning, the eyelashes are simply “glued together” by the pus that has dried overnight.

Severe lacrimation also occurs during flu, sinusitis or rhinitis. In infants, tears may roll from one eye during the period when the “eye” teeth in the upper jaw are emerging.

Many allergy sufferers may have watery eyes due to excessive sensitivity of the cornea to cold, wind, and bright light. Also, people who wear contact lenses but do not take very good care of them suffer from lacrimation quite often.

Another cause of teary eyes is depression. It happens that older people often have watery eyes in both or one eye due to age-related drooping of the upper eyelid or partial underside of the lower eyelid.

TO hidden reasons such a condition include physiological disorders V visual apparatus. There can be two explanations: either the lacrimal gland secretes too much moisture and the channels do not have time to drain it, or the mechanism itself for removing fluid from the orbit is disrupted.

When we're talking about Regarding the first option, a lot of tears are produced due to inflammation of the cornea or conjunctivitis, as well as due to a burn or injury to the eye. The reasons for the second option are:
- clogging, narrowing and even obstruction of the lacrimal canal;
- inflammation of the lacrimal sac;
- partial reverse of the eyelid.

It is known that when fluid stagnates, the lacrimal sac becomes infected and its inflammation (usually purulent) - dacryocystitis - actively develops. If inflammation invades the cornea, an ulcer may form, which subsequently turns into a cataract. It is also possible to have a complication of chronic dacryocystitis - phlegmon of the lacrimal sac, in which the skin in its area turns red, swells, and becomes painful due to the accumulation of pus. Then it comes out through the fistula formed when the phlegmon opens.

Dacryocystitis can also cause inflammation of the cornea or keratitis. These problems can appear after conjunctivitis, mechanical injuries, as well as complicated viral infections, tuberculosis, brucellosis, malaria, syphilis, and some neurological diseases. Dacryocystitis and its complications are treated primarily surgically.

And finally, it is worth noting that lacrimation from one eye can be caused by damage to the blood vessels due to diseases of the sclera and cornea, hypertension, diabetes, injuries, and after ophthalmological operations.



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