Simplified and quick rejuvenation with mini-facelift. Anesthesia for plastic surgery Facelift under local anesthesia

Every year, aesthetic surgery specialists simply stun with new progressive rejuvenation techniques. Now there is no need to silently watch old age, because there is a new way to straighten wrinkles, tighten sagging cheeks and get rid of a double chin. We are talking about lifting, which affects not only the skin and subcutaneous fat, but also the superficial muscular aponeurotic system - the muscular aponeurotic layer of Smas.

A facelift is like cleaning a bed: if you smooth out only the top cover and leave the sheet and blanket wrinkled, you won’t be able to achieve a positive visual effect. Gravity mercilessly pulls down not only the skin, but also the muscle-fat layer, so for an impressive result it is necessary to tighten it too.

More about smas

Superficial muscular aponeurotic system (smas) is a skin structure consisting of collagen and elastin fibers that cover the facial muscles. Smas serves as a kind of layer between the muscular system and the dermis, supporting the tissues and forming clear contours of the oval.

Over time, the amount of collagen is depleted and the quality of the skin deteriorates. The tone slowly decreases, wrinkles form, and the force of gravity also speeds up the process. The changes become physiologically irreversible and cause depression in many women.

Cosmetologists fight the aging of the surface layers of the skin quite successfully using hardware methods, massage, photothermolysis, etc. However, these methods cannot cope with gravitational ptosis, since collagen and elastin fibers are located in the deep layers of the skin - at the smas level.

Operative and non-surgical smas lifting

Surgical method

  • The traditional method of facelift is smas plastic surgery. After the mandatory preoperative preparations, the patient is sedated and transferred to the surgical unit. There, the surgical field is sterilely processed, and functional monitors for respiration and pulse indicators are connected.

    A facelift is often performed under local anesthesia in combination with intravenous anesthesia, but the vast majority of patients, when performing smas rejuvenation, choose general anesthesia with connection to a ventilator.

    The surgical technique of smas lifting can be different, but usually incisions are made along the edge of the scalp above the ear, on both sides of the auricle down and towards the neck, as well as around the earlobe. In front of the ear, the incision may follow the natural crease downward or be moved back toward the ear canal to make the stitches less visible.

    Lifting continues by separating the skin from the underlying tissues. This process affects the outer part of the eye, extending above the cheekbone to the nasolabial fold and around the lower jaw. To lift the neck, an incision is made on the chin and the platysma is released. It is separated along with the fascia that covers the salivary gland and fixed outward and upward. Thus, subcutaneous fat and muscles are displaced.

    After the procedure and fixation of deep structures, the skin is pulled up and its excess is excised. Suturing is carried out using a special cosmetic method without tension, so that the scars remain barely noticeable. Drainage tubes may be inserted to drain lymph. The bandage consists of gauze and an elastic bandage that holds the bandage in place for several days after surgery.

    Sometimes the intervention is combined with liposuction to remove fat from the chin area, as well as with procedures such as forehead lifting, blepharoplasty, implant correction, laser peeling, etc.

Non-surgical smas lifting

  • A facelift in a new, progressive way has become a real godsend for both patients and plastic surgeons. Now circular lifting can be carried out using special ultrasonic equipment. Hardware technologies make it possible to cope with many indications - tightening the oval, returning clear lines to the face, eliminating sagging, giving a fresh look without radical surgical actions.

    The ultrasonic system makes smas markings, which determine areas for the point influence of signals. Ultrasound heats the zones one by one, quickly shrinking them. Lifting is visible immediately after the procedure, and the final result is assessed after 3-4 months, when the skin is replenished with young collagen.

    In addition to stimulating the production of skin proteins, ultrasound eliminates injury to nearby tissues, which cannot be said about smas surgery. A fairly significant advantage is the absence of traces of the procedure and the ability to apply makeup almost immediately. Moreover, this smas technique is not supported by anesthesia and is well tolerated by patients. The only sensations during the procedure may be tingling or slight discomfort.


  • Age-related sagging skin
  • Drooping corners of the mouth
  • Deepening of nasolabial folds
  • The appearance of jowls
  • Double chin
  • Drooping upper eyelids
  • Drooping of the brow line and corners of the eyes

Usually, the indications for mas-rejuvenation are determined by the woman herself, when she sees a tired look and a wrinkled, flabby face in the mirror every day. Therefore, the main reason for lifting is the natural desire to look better and younger. However, the smas procedure requires a doctor’s opinion, who will see clear reasons for the procedure.

Features of the postoperative period

After the operation, the patient’s condition is monitored by the clinic’s medical staff. The first hours are the hardest. Waking up after anesthesia, a woman feels pain, bloating and swelling. At this moment it is difficult to speak, open your eyes, and even more so, get up. The pain syndrome can be relieved with painkillers if it cannot be tolerated.

The day after smas lifting the condition is more stable. A woman can get up, walk, eat, and get around normally without assistance. After being examined by a doctor, she goes home. At home, it is important to follow all medical recommendations to avoid complications and infection. The sutures are removed 7-10 days after the intervention.

The rehabilitation period after surgical smas lifting takes about 1 month. The final result can be seen when the swelling goes down, the bruises disappear, and the scars fade.

Ultrasonic lifting is fundamentally different from the surgical technique in terms of its recovery: a few minutes after the end of the session, the woman can go about her business. All that is required of her is not to wash her face with hot water immediately after the procedure, not to visit the sauna for 2 days, and not to use exfoliating products for 1 week. The peculiarities of ultrasound rejuvenation are that hospitalization is not required, and the result increases over 3-4 months.


There are absolute and relative contraindications. To find out whether the operation can be performed, you should undergo a series of examinations. Only after receiving their results, the specialist makes a conclusion.

General contraindications are:

  • Severe somatic diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Presence of a pacemaker
  • Implants in the affected area
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncopathology

Lifting cost

The price for the procedure cannot be fixed. It depends, first of all, on the volume and area of ​​processing. The type of facelift – surgical or hardware – is also taken into account. For example, ultrasonic lifting with treatment of the facial area, neck and décolleté will cost the patient approximately 200 thousand rubles, and the submandibular area can be tightened for only 30 thousand rubles.

Many people feel fear before deciding to undergo smas rejuvenation. But does the fact of aging and becoming an old woman cause less concern? Cast aside doubts and negative thoughts! Youth is what every woman deserves!

Any person who dreams of having plastic surgery is interested in the issue of anesthesia during surgery.

Less than a decade ago, many Russians were afraid of aesthetic medicine as such, since everyone heard horror stories about anaphylactic shock, coma and other consequences of anesthesia. Unfortunately, we cannot refute such facts. In any country, there are unscrupulous surgeons who do not conduct a detailed study of the medical history and do not even ask the patient about his allergic reactions to medications. Doctor’s negligence can certainly lead to unforeseen and irreversible consequences, so we recommend that you contact only competent specialists with extensive experience and developed skills.

Guess why minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation and correction of certain areas have become so popular today? The fundamental aspect, of course, is gentle anesthesia. However, a full-fledged operation, like, or, simply cannot be performed under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Let's look at the types of anesthesia and what "pitfalls" each of them implies.

Our leader provides all types of aesthetic services, using only high-quality anesthetic drugs. Even after general anesthesia in our clinic, you will wake up alert and calm, you will not be plagued by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. We also guarantee you no side effects after pain relief and take responsibility for your condition during its effect.

What anesthesia is used for plastic surgery?

The very concept of “anesthesia” means the loss of any senses. However, this concept is too broad and needs to be detailed. What methods of anesthesia are used for plastic surgery?

    General anesthesia.A classic anesthesia technique that is used during a full-fledged invasive operation. This category includes, And , correction of the shape of the nose involving bone tissue, abdominoplasty, gluteoplasty, and other large-scale operations. In aesthetic surgery, intravenous combined anesthesia is more often used, but there are exceptions when inhalation techniques are used. General anesthesia, or anesthesia, puts the patient into a state of deep sleep with complete loss of sensation. You will not feel any manipulations performed by the surgeon or pain. When administering general anesthesia, doctors often resort to the additional use of muscle relaxants - drugs that relax skeletal muscles. This creates convenient conditions for the operation, without the use of large amounts of aggressive anesthetics and narcotic substances.

  1. Local anesthesia.The essence of the use is to block nerve impulses in the local part of the fibrous tissue on which the surgeon performs manipulations. The anesthetic can be applied in the form of an application, but intradermal (injection) administration of an anesthetic drug is more often practiced. A kind of “pillow” is created, over the area of ​​which the surgeon makes incisions and performs other actions related to the correction of a part of the body or face. Such anesthesia is appropriate for circumferential, upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, where only the cartilage and soft tissue of the nose is involved, short-scar and endoscopic lifting, and insertion of threads. Local anesthesia is also used in all types of cosmetic services. At the request of the patient, pain relief is used during contouring, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, , laser resurfacing. In addition to the application and injection method of administering the drug, local anesthesia also includes various ointments and gels of local action.
  2. Intravenous sedation.The effect of this anesthetic procedure is similar to premedication in anticipation of a full-scale surgical intervention. You will be immersed in a light, superficial sleep, your state will be psychologically comfortable, and strong fear and anxiety before the operation will disappear. This type of pain relief is often combined with local anesthesia. Also, intravenous sedation is always used in conjunction with regional (epidural) anesthesia. The latter, however, is used extremely rarely in aesthetic medicine. Intravenous sedation does not block pain; its main task is to eliminate anxiety and fear, relax the patient, and introduce him to a healthy, shallow sleep. The patient's actions are somewhat inhibited, but his behavior is completely adequate. This type of anesthesia is often used in combination with local anesthesia for septorhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and minimally invasive types of lifting.

General anesthesia: scary myths and possible consequences

Modern anesthetics used in the field of aesthetic medicine are low-toxic and therefore rarely cause complications and illnesses after surgery. Our clinic uses only the most modern high-quality drugs that will not cause problems for your health.

What can be the consequences of general anesthesia?

No matter how gentle the drugs are, general anesthesia is a great stress for your body. Therefore, we recommend that you prefer local anesthesia and intravenous sedation whenever possible.

Anaphylactic shock is the main “horror story” of all opponents of plastic surgery. In fact, the risk of such a syndrome does exist, and it depends more on the patient than on the doctor. We strongly recommend that you disclose your history of anaphylactic and allergic reactions to medications during your first conversation with your anesthesiologist in order to avoid such consequences.

Coma. It occurs extremely rarely during plastic surgery and is more often associated with the serious condition of the patient during emergency surgery. If you do not have serious health problems, as well as absolute contraindications to plastic surgery, you are not at risk of this complication. A competent surgeon will always play it safe and study the condition of your body in detail before performing a “voluntary” operation. In addition, any modern clinic is equipped with intensive care and all the necessary means to quickly bring the patient to a healthy state in the event of any emergency.

. "What if I wake up?" A question that torments most future patients of plastic surgery clinics. The fear of waking up during surgery often triumphs over common sense, as a result of which the patient delays seeing a doctor even with the most terrible defects. We would prefer to dispel this myth: modern anesthetics literally guarantee their effect throughout the entire duration of the operation. In addition, the anesthesiologist's task here is not complicated by the patient's serious condition, as can happen with conventional surgery. Therefore, even if the doctor needs additional time to correct your defects, our anesthesiologist can “extend” your sleep without complications for your health.

. "What if I don't fall asleep?" During a conversation with an anesthesiologist and studying your tests, you will be selected the optimal anesthesia option, which is guaranteed to have an effect on your consciousness. If for some reason this does not happen, the doctor will cancel the operation.

What anesthesia is used during operations:

Anesthesia for lip augmentation

If you need to increase the volume of your lips using hyaluronic acid, increase your cheekbones or chin

In this case, the doctor will apply anesthesia with applications of a cream containing lidocaine. The cream is applied to the face, and after 30-40 minutes of waiting, the patient feels numbness in the facial area. This freezing indicates the disappearance of pain sensitivity for 20 minutes.

If the patient has a low pain sensitivity threshold, the doctor uses dental or conduction anesthesia. With its help, there is absolutely no sensation of pain during the procedure. A not very pleasant nuance is that the face remains numb for about 2 hours. During freezing you should not eat or drink. Alas, not every doctor is proficient in this technique of performing anesthesia, since it requires in-depth knowledge of the anatomical features of the face.

Anesthesia for laser facial resurfacing (medium or deep)

Laser facial resurfacing is carried out using topical anesthesia in combination with slight intravenous sedation. Laser treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia.

However, sometimes, for example, in the presence of rough scar formations or unevenness on the skin of the face - a condition that appears after acne, the so-called post-acne, the skin needs deeper treatment. And here some painful sensations are possible. For this reason, in addition to local anesthesia, drugs are administered intravenously, thanks to which pain sensitivity disappears for 15-20 minutes. This effect is different from general anesthesia!

Laser resurfacing is carried out under superficial anesthesia. The patient is guaranteed a feeling of peace and relaxation without pain. Prescribing this type of anesthesia requires testing. If the results are available, the anesthesiologist will conduct a consultation. As a rule, this only takes one visit to the clinic.

Anesthesia for erasing scars or removing benign tumor formations - lipomas, atheromas and others

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The only pain the patient experiences is during the injection process directly into the operated area. After this, there will be no more pain, because the anesthetic injection will begin to take effect.

Anesthesia for blepharoplasty or facelift using the S-lift method

TIVA anesthesia is considered a powerful anesthetic achievement of our time. Patients no longer suffer from nausea, vomiting or dizziness after surgery. They fall asleep and come to their senses, already in the clinic room. Patients do not even know the sight of the walls of the operating room and its first-class equipment.

TIVA anesthesia is a complete departure from the classic “tube inserted into the mouth.” Using a special device, an anesthetic drug is automatically administered intravenously. Its quantity is strictly dosed, the dosage is calculated taking into account the patient’s body weight. Doctors choose TIVA anesthesia for patients with a history of arterial hypertension. This method of pain relief is good because during the operation the patient’s blood pressure is controlled by the doctor.

There are cases when the anesthesiologist considers general anesthesia to be appropriate. As a rule, such a decision is made by the doctor if the operation lasts longer than 2.5 hours. However, there is no reason to worry: general anesthesia - anesthesia - is carried out only using the most modern drugs that are guaranteed to be safe.

There are myths that say that after operations performed under general anesthesia, people’s memory deteriorates significantly, hair falls out, and other health problems appear. However, these are nothing more than legends. And the combined multicomponent anesthesia at the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh has nothing to do with these stories.

Anesthesia for rhinoplasty

All types of surgical interventions in the nasopharynx area are performed using general anesthesia with endotracheal support. This type of anesthesia is simply necessary to ensure the safety of the operation. This is also a moment that gives the doctor confidence that he will perform the procedure at a high level.

Anesthesia for mammoplasty or abdominoplasty:

Such operations cannot be done without general anesthesia, called endotracheal anesthesia. If the mammary gland is being operated on or surgery is being performed in a body area, the patient needs a deep state of analgesia - pain relief. Here the surgeon cannot apply a large volume of local anesthetic. Therefore, with the help of general anesthesia, it is possible to ensure that the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations associated with the operation - neither before nor after it. Upon completion of these operations, specialists from the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh closely monitor the patient for 48 hours.

Anesthesia for liposuction (laser liposuction)

In this case, the clinic’s specialists use spinal anesthesia in combination with intravenous sedation. Using this method of pain relief, liposuction is performed in the abdomen, thighs, and above the knees, the “breeches” are removed, and the volume of the buttocks or lumbar region is reduced.

Patients often have a question: do they give injections into the spinal cord? We hasten to reassure you - no injections into the spinal cord are required for this. There is no spinal cord in the area where spinal anesthesia is performed. It contains only nerve endings responsible for pain.

Using this type of anesthesia, the transmission of nerve impulses to the area in which liposuction is performed is blocked for approximately no more than 4 hours. By the time the patient awakens, all sensations are guaranteed to return. Perhaps the only nuance here is that after the operation is completed, the patient may experience a feeling of numb limbs for an hour or two. This operation does not require the use of general anesthesia.

TIVA anesthesia is used for chin liposuction.

So, we have listed a whole list of methods that are successfully used in the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh to help the patient undergo an operation or procedure comfortably. The clinic has everything to ensure patient safety, but what could be more important? Intensive care unit, any emergency response equipment you may need - we are 100% prepared!

It is possible to get rid of the signs of aging between the ages of 35 and 40 using the mini-lifting procedure. It will help smooth out wrinkles and tighten the shape of the face without unpleasant consequences and long rehabilitation.

This technique was developed more than 12 years ago in the USA and has proven its effectiveness many times, despite the fact that surgical intervention is minimal. The result of mini-lifting is equated to a complex operation, due to its long-lasting effect.

What is it?

Minilifting is a type that involves a surgical facelift.

The difference from standard surgery is that small incisions are made on the skin in order to correct individual areas of the face that are susceptible to aging.

This operation is performed if the signs of aging are minimal, but correction is desirable.

With its help, you can tighten the oval of the face and sagging eyelids, and correct nasolabial folds.

A mini facelift will not correct the forehead and chin area. The chin area can be adjusted using.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of this operation is its low invasiveness, since the surgeon makes very thin incisions that heal quickly and do not leave scars.

In addition, mini facelift has several more advantages:

  • The duration of the operation is from 60 to 90 minutes;
  • rehabilitation takes no more than a week;
  • no effect of skin tension;
  • the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis;
  • local anesthesia is used;
  • the procedure can be prescribed from the age of 30;
  • the effect after surgery lasts from 4 to 8 years;
  • The procedure costs less than a classic facelift.

Since a minilift is still considered a surgical intervention, the disadvantage of this procedure is the soreness of the skin at the incision sites and when chewing for several days, as well as the possibility of complications.

In addition, micro facelift is considered ineffective if the patient is over 60 years old or the signs of aging are very pronounced.

In this case, a deeper lift is prescribed.

Indications and contraindications

Mini-face lifting is usually prescribed to patients aged 35 to 50 years, since the effectiveness of the method is maximum in this age range.


  • sagging skin of the face and neck;
  • sagging cheeks;
  • weakening of facial muscles;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • the appearance of age-related jowls.


  • large accumulation of skin in the lower face and neck area;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • presence of tumors;
  • the presence of severe diseases of internal organs;
  • the presence of heart and vascular diseases, poor blood clotting;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Types of mini facelift

There are two types of scarless facelift - anterior and posterior facelift.

Both methods are low-traumatic and provide good long-term results, but the technology of the operation is slightly different.

Front lift (S-lift)

S-lifting is a facelift method in which the scars are made as short as possible.

They heal quickly and are invisible to others. Despite this, anterior lifting allows you to engage the smear layer and make the lift effective and long-lasting.

In some cases, the effect of the operation lasts up to 10 years, and the procedure can be repeated after consultation with the surgeon.


The operation is carried out in several stages, but in total it does not take more than 1.5 hours. Incisions are made from the front of the ear and may extend to the temple.

The whole procedure takes place in several stages:

  • Preparing for surgery. At the first stage, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes blood and urine tests.
  • Anesthesia. The next step, directly on the day of surgery, is the selection and administration of anesthesia. Most often this is local anesthesia.
  • Making cuts. After the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor proceeds directly to the operation and makes the necessary incisions.
  • Lift. Next, the surgeon stretches the skin and fixes it in the correct position, cutting off the excess.
  • Stitching. The last stage of the operation is the application of sutures, which are removed a week after the procedure.

Front lift


The rehabilitation period averages 5-7 days, during which time it is necessary to wear a special compression bandage that maintains the skin in the desired position, preventing it from deforming.

Swelling and hematomas disappear completely by the day the sutures are removed, that is, within a week, and in some cases they do not occur at all.

But there will be pain when chewing, so during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to eat liquid and pureed food.

To speed up recovery, after the stitches are removed, it is recommended to attend physical therapy and make healing masks. In this case, ozone and magnetic therapy, as well as lymphatic drainage massage, are perfect.

Suture 3 months after surgery

Possible complications

The operation is slightly traumatic, and therefore complications after it are minimal. They are usually associated with the patient’s neglect of the doctor’s recommendations or if the operation was performed by an unqualified specialist.

To avoid side effects, do not remove the bandage ahead of time, smoke, drink alcohol or take medications not approved by your doctor. Otherwise, the healing of scars may be delayed, and swelling and pain may appear to a greater extent.

Rear (MAX-lifting)

MACS lifting is a surgical operation that involves the deep aponeurotic layers of the skin (smas), unlike a classic lift.

Unlike smas-lifting, the incision is made smaller, which helps to avoid long rehabilitation and pain.

This technique allows you to achieve good results with minimal trauma for up to 10 years.


Unlike the classic lift and smas lift, the surgeon makes an incision not behind the ear, but in the front part and up to the hairline.

This method is less traumatic for the patient, so rehabilitation is faster and easier. In addition, a smaller area of ​​the subcutaneous layer is involved, only up to the middle of the cheek.

The doctor performs the lift vertically, which allows you to correct nasolabial folds and make the oval of the face beautiful and physiological without the feeling of stretched skin.

The whole operation is carried out in several stages:

  • 2 weeks before surgery, it is recommended to give up 50% of cigarettes if the patient smokes, as well as undergo examination and tests to rule out side effects.
  • On the day of surgery, local or general anesthesia is administered, depending on the patient's choice. The most common choice is local anesthesia.
  • The next step is to make an incision and tighten the inner layers of skin, fixing them with internal sutures, then remove excess skin and apply an upper suture.

Rear lift


Just like with s-lifting, rehabilitation takes an average of a week, sometimes 10 days, depending on the speed of tissue healing.

The stitches are removed after a week, you must wear a special bandage and rest throughout the entire period. Physical activity and sunbathing are contraindicated; visiting the sauna and solarium is not recommended.

After the operation, swelling may occur, which will completely disappear by the day the sutures are removed.

Usually the results are noticeable immediately, but the condition of the skin improves within 2-3 months after the operation, since the aponeurotic layer is involved, which takes a long time to recover.

Possible complications

Complications after surgery are rare and are associated with failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Excessive exercise, exposure to heat and the use of alcohol, tobacco and non-approved medications can prolong the healing of scars.

If the operation was performed by an incompetent specialist, there may be a risk of tissue infection or skin deformation. Therefore, it is very important to choose a qualified surgeon and contact a trusted clinic.

What procedures can be combined with?

If the skin is subject to significant age-related changes, the doctor can combine mini-lifting with another technique, for example:

  • chin liposuction;
  • plastic surgery of the muscles in the neck area ();

Facelift one of the most common and sought-after aesthetic surgeries nowadays. There are many techniques for this operation. Our center performs today's generally accepted plastic surgery of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), which is much more effective than simple skin tightening. With age, not only the skin ages, but also the muscles and fascia underneath it.

Plastic SMAS The operation is delicate, lengthy, requiring great skill from the surgeon, but the result lasts up to 7-10 years. Each person is individual and, accordingly, an individual surgical plan is drawn up for each patient. For some, only a lower facelift is sufficient; for others, a full anti-aging complex is needed, including a circular facelift, platysmoplasty (plasty of the muscles of the chin and neck), liposuction, upper and lower blepharoplasty.

Operations are carried out in our center under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The time spent in the clinic depends on the need, but most often it is 1-2 days. Subsequently, patients undergo rejuvenating procedures (peelings, mesotherapy) of the skin itself by a cosmetologist.

Ligature facelift without incisions

Our center performs temporal lift and eyebrow lifting using the ligature method. What does this mean? There is a special needle, a long-absorbable thread is passed through the punctures, and when tied, a tightening occurs. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, the stay in the clinic is no more than 3 hours.

Ritidectomy (also known as face lifting, also known as circular plastic surgery, also known as face lift) is not the most common plastic surgery today and is inferior to, for example, liposuction and breast augmentation. However, she is the most famous. The results and achievements of a surgeon during rhytidectomy are considered, without exaggeration, his calling card, largely determining the reputation and authority both among colleagues and among patients. And, note, it is here that the surgeon’s failure becomes public knowledge, since the face, unlike the chest and other parts of the body, is very difficult to hide from others. In addition, any serious specialist will confirm: in terms of complexity, both breast augmentation and liposuction are not comparable to face lifting.

The problem of the aging face is that its tissues simply sag over time. The sad thing is that they cannot stay down, since they are affected by the same gravitational forces that make an apple fall from a tree.

In youth, due to preserved skin elasticity, the sagging processes are compensated, but then... No one knows exactly when what is hidden behind the ellipsis will happen.

Naturally, hereditary and constitutional factors are of primary importance, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, ultraviolet (solar) radiation regimen, daily skin care style, stressful situations, fluctuations in total weight and other banal factors.

In accordance with these same factors, visual changes in the face can develop gradually, say, over several years. Or, on the contrary, very quickly, within months or even weeks. The result is a fairly typical picture, expressed in sagging cheeks, heavier eyelids (both upper and lower), worsening nasolabial folds, impaired clear line oval face, blurring of the angle between the lower jaw and the front surface of the neck, which, in turn, becomes noticeably more flabby.

In addition to ptosis (drooping) of the soft tissues of the face, there is a new redistribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue, which can hypertrophy, especially in the submental area, or, on the contrary, thin out (cheek area)

Listed changes They also determine the essence of the correction, which consists in returning and lifting facial tissues to their original place, as well as in certain manipulations with the subcutaneous layers - fat and muscle.

To these manipulation include resection (removal) of muscle tissue, its reduction (returning to place), plication (suturing), aspiration (suction) of fatty tissue, etc.

With rare exceptions, all types of rhytidectomy united by a single surgical access, in other words, an incision. This, by the way, can be abused by unscrupulous doctors, promising to do SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) plastic surgery, but in reality limiting themselves only to skin tightening - after all, in both cases the incision is made in the same places.

The operation is taking place in a lying position, usually under general anesthesia. Anesthesia can be intravenous or intubation (using a ventilator), although the operation is easily tolerated under local anesthesia. The duration of the operation depends on the depth and volume of the intervention, bleeding, the preoperative condition of the face, the qualifications of the surgeon and many other reasons, and can range from one and a half to five to six hours.

Cut skin begins in the temporal zone and continues along the anterior border of the auricle. Having reached the earlobe, it goes around it and goes out to the back of the head. This is followed by a wide detachment of the skin of the temples, cheeks, chin and neck, after which manipulations with the subcutaneous layers begin, followed by redistribution and excision of excess skin.

Postoperative tactics consists of caring for sutures and a set of physiotherapeutic procedures to speed up recovery.

Intensity swelling and bruising depends on the depth of the operation: the more superficial it is, the naturally less traces of traumatic effects. Typically, the maximum height of edema occurs on the second to fifth days, after which it undergoes regression.

There is usually no pain after surgery, but if they occur, they are easily removed with tablet analgesics. A significant increase in temperature is also uncharacteristic, although during the first 2-4 days a mild subfebrile condition (37-37.2C) is not excluded. There may be a pulling sensation in the area of ​​scars on the occipital areas, “stiffness” of the head in the case of platysma (neck) plastic surgery, which goes away during the first weeks (from 1 to 4). In the postoperative period, it is customary to wear a special compression bandage, which helps the skin to be evenly distributed and fit correctly.

For women aged 35-40, mini-face lifting (other names - fragmentary lifting and macs lifting) is the most effective option for eliminating the “blurriness” of the face, restoring its freshness, giving it clear outlines, and eliminating age-related changes that have just begun. In essence, the procedure is a simplified version of a surgical facelift. It is indispensable when you need to correct age-related skin changes in a single area - for example, on the cheeks or chin, without affecting the skin on the neck and upper part of the face.

The procedure is performed through extremely short incisions made behind the ears. This is a much less traumatic operation than a regular facelift. The optimal age range for mini-lifting is 35-45 years - at this time the severity of age-related changes is still small, they manifest themselves only in the form of loss of skin elasticity in the lower and middle parts of the face.

What is minilifting

This is a type of plastic surgery that is performed in a limited area. Mini lifting is a low-traumatic procedure that differs from classic lifting in the type of incisions and their length. This operation is designed for people who do not yet require a standard full-fledged tissue tightening, but their slight correction is already indicated. Not to be confused with SMAS lifting.

The specificity of this procedure is that it is used to eliminate defects not of the entire face, but only of certain areas of it, for example, to thicken the chin or cheek area. Skin tightening is carried out mainly in the lower part of the face and to a lesser extent in the middle part.

This manipulation allows not only to carry out imperceptible correction of minor imperfections, but also to minimize subsequent age-related ptosis of tissues located in the corresponding area. This operation is also performed to increase the duration of the results of a classic facelift performed in the past if the patient does not have the desire to repeat such an operation.

Indications and specifics of its implementation

The quality of the result is determined by the correct selection of patients and determination of the appropriate type of operation. In plastic surgery, a classification of the types of candidates for this operation is used. This classification is based on age and the depth of age-related changes affecting the face:

Type I are ideal candidates; these include patients 35-40 years old who have early signs of aging on the face, expressed in the form of slight sagging skin, initial sagging of the cheeks, normal or initial double chin.

Type II are good candidates. It includes patients aged 40-50 with moderately loose skin, a double sagging chin and moderate ptosis of the cheeks.

III type - the so-called. suitable candidates. These are patients who are 60-70 years old, with pronounced laxity of the facial skin, as well as significant ptosis of the cheeks.

Type IV - unsuitable candidates. These are people over 70 who have pronounced laxity of the skin on their face and significant sagging. They are shown a full-fledged full facelift.

The essence of this operation is to stretch not the skin itself, but the tissues that are naturally fixed to it - muscles, subcutaneous tissue and aponeurosis, as well as to eliminate slight excess skin and connect the skin contours. Mini-lift is divided into different options, which differ in the type of incision, the type of displacement vector and its direction, as well as the number of tissue separations.

Types of procedure

Plastic surgeons mainly use 2 types of mini-lifting, which can be combined in one operation.

Front lift

1) Front lifting (another name is vertical lifting). The incision is made under the earlobe, and then along the border with the hair-covered part of the skin in the form of an inverted letter L, ending near the temporal zone and cheekbone. The incision takes the shape of the letter S. The average length of the incision is 5-7 cm. Then a “pocket” is formed by peeling off the fatty tissue from the skin. Due to the rise of this formation upward above the other bone of the cheekbone and one centimeter in front, the muscular system rises in the vertical direction. It is fixed using three permanent sutures that pass under the skin and have the shape of the letter O or U. Then the skin is also pulled vertically, its excess is resected and the contours are sewn together without tension.

This is a low-traumatic operation, therefore possible postoperative complications are minimal, like a check-lift. As a rule, they occur as a result of the patient ignoring medical recommendations or the operation being performed by an unqualified specialist.

To avoid side effects, it is unacceptable to remove the bandage prematurely, drink alcohol during the postoperative period, smoke or take any serious medications without the consent of the doctor. Otherwise, scar healing may be delayed, and pain and swelling may increase.

Rear lift

2) Rear lifting. Its technique is similar to that of the anterior mini-lift, but the incision is made behind the auricle. This operation makes it possible to slightly tighten the skin in the upper parts of the neck, which are adjacent to the chin and lower jaw. If there are pronounced folds on the neck, this manipulation is combined with tightening the skin on the neck using additional access through a small incision on the chin.

The likelihood of complications with this type of operation is also extremely low and they also arise, as a rule, as a result of neglect of the doctor’s recommendations or due to the incompetence of the specialist who performed the operation. The latter circumstance can lead to infection or deformation of the skin. Therefore, careful selection of a surgeon is important.

The duration of the operation is 1.5-3 hours. General anesthesia is administered intravenously; conduction anesthesia can also be used, in which sedatives are administered intravenously. After the procedure is completed, a special bandage is placed on the head to support the chin. After 2 days, they begin to use it only at night, this continues for 2 weeks, during which time you should sleep on high pillows. The effect of the operation lasts for 5-7 years, the specific period is determined by the individual characteristics of the tissues, as well as the activity of life.

Mini lifting can be performed under local anesthesia. The purpose of this manipulation is to increase skin elasticity, as well as strengthen the subcutaneous muscle tissue in the lower part of the neck and face. If there is a developed layer of subcutaneous fat on the neck, primarily on the chin, this procedure can be supplemented with chin liposuction, thanks to which a more significant effect can be achieved. Before the manipulation, it is necessary to undergo examination by a therapist. It is imperative to stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting.

Carrying out the operation

MACS lifting is carried out by making a thin incision around the earlobe, as well as in the fold located behind the auricle, up to 2/3 of the length of this fold. Then the skin is separated from the skin layer in the lower part of the face and on the neck under the curve of the jaw, the skin is pulled exactly to size, and its excess is excised.

Then SMAS lifting is performed - displacement of the muscle and connective tissues of the subcutaneous structure and their connection. After this, the edges of the skin are sewn together with intradermal (intradermal) sutures and adaptation thin sutures, which are applied around the earlobe. The final step is to apply a bandage to the entire head. The operation usually takes 40-50 minutes.

Postoperative recovery

Strict adherence to the position of lying on your back with your head slightly raised is required. The headband is worn without removing for 2-3 days after the operation. Swelling of the cheeks, and sometimes also subcutaneous bleeding on the neck, which may occur in the first days, are normal after such an operation. In addition, within 1-2 days there may be an increase in body temperature to 38. Therefore, it is important to maintain a rest regime and apply cold compresses to the cheeks. Postoperative pain is not typical for this operation; only the pressure of the bandage and the inability to change the position of the head can cause discomfort.

When the bandage is removed, you should wash your hair several times in a row, after which further healing occurs without a bandage. At night and when going outside for a short time, wear a scarf. Smudges and swelling on the face usually completely disappear by the 7th day after surgery, although in some cases they persist longer. Monitoring visits to the doctor and facial treatments after removing the bandage are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the healing process.

Most often, sutures are removed gradually over 6-8 days. These days, it is important to maintain a rest regime, which implies limited movement of the head and neck. The increase in physical activity should be gradual. Immediately after healing, tension is sometimes felt when moving, and in some cases there is a loss of sensitivity when touching the operated areas. The listed phenomena do not go beyond the norm and disappear over time. Minor swelling may appear temporarily over several weeks, most often in the summer. For a month after surgery, it is not advisable to expose your face to the sun for tanning.

Advantages and limitations of minilift

Advantages of a mini lift compared to a regular lift:

  1. the use of a single incision of limited length, thanks to which visible scars can be avoided;
  2. quick operation compared to conventional lifting, which takes 4-6 hours; this greatly reduces the cost of the service and allows it to be combined with other operations, including blepharoplasty and mentoplasty;
  3. no need to use complex methods of general anesthesia, which makes it possible to eliminate complications associated with them;
  4. low probability of damage to the facial nerve and the formation of postoperative edema, as well as the onset of infectious complications, due to the short length of the incisions;
  5. the possibility of performing the operation on an outpatient basis and returning the operated patient home within 2-3 hours after completion of the operation;
  6. short recovery period.

The disadvantage of a mini lift is limited access to the middle part of the face, so this procedure is contraindicated for people with severe ptosis of the facial skin in the neck and cheekbones. However, even in such cases, combined techniques can be used to effectively eliminate these shortcomings.


A small list of restrictions for the operation:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • low blood clotting;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • unhealed cuts on the face.


A positive result is usually noticeable within the first 2 weeks after the procedure. However, the final effect appears after 1-2 months, when postoperative swelling completely subsides and the skin is finally restored. Mini-lifting and its effectiveness are not comparable to the effectiveness of a full facelift, since this process is not able to eliminate the double chin, as well as pronounced age-related changes in the skin on the neck, but it effectively improves the skin on the cheeks and around the mouth.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs