UFO of the chest. Features of the ultraviolet skin irradiation procedure

Characteristics of the method. UFO is the therapeutic use of ultraviolet radiation from artificial sources. According to the biological effect on the body and depending on the wavelength, the UV spectrum is divided into three zones (see paragraph 5.2, table 1).

Equipment. Sources for UV irradiation are divided into two groups:

- Integral emitting the entire spectrum of UV rays (OUSh-1 devices for individual general and local irradiations, ON-7 - irradiators for the nasopharynx, OUN 250 and OUN 500 - tabletop ultraviolet irradiators for local irradiations). In all of these emitters, the source of UV rays is a high-pressure mercury-quartz tubular (HQT) arc lamp of varying power (HRT-100, -250, -400, -1000 W).

- Selective emitting a certain part of the UV spectrum (UV or DUV, DUV in combination with SUV). The source of AF rays are bactericidal arc lamps of the DB type, used in devices for disinfecting premises in the absence of people (OBN-1 - bactericidal wall irradiator, OBP-300 - bactericidal ceiling irradiator, etc.) and in devices for local irradiation of limited areas of the skin and mucous membranes (BOP-4 - portable bactericidal irradiator, BOD-9 - arc bactericidal irradiator). To produce SUV rays, fluorescent erythema lamps made of uviol glass of the LE type (LE-15, LE-30) are used. The phosphor covering the inner surface of uviol lamps provides emission with a peak in the region of 310–320 nm. DUV emitters are used in devices for general ultraviolet irradiation for the prevention and treatment of UV deficiency.

Primary mechanisms of action. The mechanism of action of UV rays is based on the process of absorption of light quanta by atoms and molecules of biological tissues. The energy of UV radiation quanta is sufficient for the formation of electronically excited states of molecules (internal photoelectric effect), destruction of ionic and covalent bonds. The energy of excited molecules, when they return to their original (unexcited) state, initiates photochemical processes, which include photosynthesis(formation of more complex biological molecules), photoisomerization(formation of molecules with new physicochemical properties from precursor molecules), photolysis(decomposition of protein molecules with the release of a large number of biologically active substances, such as histamine, acetylcholine, heparin, prostaglandins, kinins, etc.). Photoelectric and photochemical processes caused by the action of ultraviolet light quanta occur in the upper layers of the skin, since the depth of penetration of UV rays into tissue is a fraction of a millimeter (up to 0.6 mm). The formation of biologically active substances and changes in the functional state of nerve receptors of the skin under the influence of UV rays provide a powerful flow of afferent impulses to the centers of nervous regulation with the formation of the body's response at the metameric-segmental or general level. In addition to the neuro-reflex mechanism, UV rays are also characterized by a neurohumoral effect, since large amounts of biologically active substances from the skin are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, causing functional changes in all organs and systems. The main local phenomenon that provides the neuro-reflex and neurohumoral mechanism of action of ultraviolet radiation is the formation in the skin ultraviolet (or photochemical) erythema. Any part of the UV range, when the irradiation intensity increases above a certain level, causes the appearance of persistent skin hyperemia at the site of exposure due to the local accumulation of photodestruction products and the development of aseptic inflammation. UV erythema is characterized by the presence of a latent period (3–12 hours), uniformity, clear boundaries, and persists for up to 3 days.

The severity of UV erythema, its nature, as well as other photoelectric and photochemical processes occurring in the skin, have their own characteristics depending on the spectrum of the current UV irradiation and its dose. DUV rays have a weak erythema-forming effect, since they predominantly trigger reactions such as photosynthesis. They are selectively absorbed by tyrosine molecules, causing their decarboxylation with the subsequent formation of melanin pigment. Provide activation of epidermal macrophages. SUV rays They trigger predominantly the photolysis reaction and form free radicals, since quanta of mid-wave UV radiation have significant energy. SUV rays are characterized by a pronounced erythema-forming effect with a maximum peak at a wavelength of 297 nm. They are selectively absorbed by 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D) and, through a photoisomerization reaction, convert it into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). KUV rays, having the highest quantum energy, cause denaturation and coagulation of the protein. Selectively absorbed by nucleic acids, causing their photolysis. The lethal mutations that occur lead to cell death, including bacterial and fungal ones. The erythema formed during EUV irradiation has a reddish color with a bluish tint due to the expansion of subcapillary veins, develops earlier and disappears faster than that caused by SUV rays.

Physiological reactions. The direction and nature of physiological reactions depends on the dose and spectrum of UV radiation. Low doses of DUV and SUV rays that do not cause erythema ( suberythemal), are used primarily for general irradiation and have a positive effect on the functional state of almost all organs and systems of the body:

Improve the processes of higher nervous activity, activate cerebral circulation;

Stimulate the sympathetic-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems;

Stimulate all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium, reduce atherogenic fractions of blood lipids, sugar levels during initial hyperglycemia;

Have an immunomodulatory effect;

Improves the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system;

Stimulate erythropoiesis, increase hemoglobin levels.

Large doses of UV radiation ( erythematous) increase the imbalance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, reduce the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, lead to a violation of the ratio of T-cell subpopulations, a decrease in their activity and inhibition of antitumor reactions, and therefore are used only for local irradiation.

Local erythema therapy provides increased local immunity due to long-term activation of microcirculation, increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes, and activation of T-lymphocytes (helper link). An increase in hemolymphoperfusion of irradiated areas of the body, including those related to the corresponding metamer of internal organs, helps to reduce inflammatory edema and reduce exudation phenomena. Irritation by the products of photodestruction of the extensive receptor field causes an intense flow of afferent impulses entering the cerebral cortex and causing delocalization of the pain dominant. At the periphery, parabiosis of the terminal areas of nerve afferents occurs due to their overstimulation with large quantities of biologically active substances.

Therapeutic effect.Suberythemal doses of DUV and SUV rays: immunomodulating, pigment-forming, trophic, reparative, desensitizing, vitamin-forming, antirachitic, hardening, general strengthening (increasing the body's resistance).

Erythema doses: bactericidal (especially KUF), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, desensitizing, trophic.

Specific action. Medium-wave and long-wave ultraviolet irradiation in suberythemal doses should be used more widely for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, since with ultraviolet deficiency, a decrease in the overall resistance of the body, secondary immune failure, autonomic dysfunction with a predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic system, and in childhood - rickets naturally develop .

Erythemal doses have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and have a bactericidal and mycocidal effect (in superficial inflammatory processes), which determines their widespread use in purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes.

Methodology. When choosing a treatment method with UV rays, the radiation spectrum and dose of UV rays are important. To dose ultraviolet radiation in physiotherapeutic practice, the Gorbachev-Dahlfeld biological method is used, based on assessing the severity of the patient’s skin erythema reaction. The dose unit in this method is one biological dose. One biodose is a dose of ultraviolet radiation, measured over time, causing minimal (threshold) erythema from a certain distance (usually 50 cm). Doses that do not cause erythema (i.e., less than 1 biodose) are called suberythemal. Doses from 1 to 8 biodoses are erythematous, and there are small erythemal doses (1-2 biodoses), medium (3-4 biodoses), large (5-8 biodoses). Doses over 8 biodoses are called hypererythematous.

General UV exposure(individual or group) are carried out from integral or long-wave emitters, starting with suberythemal doses according to the main, accelerated and delayed irradiation scheme.

Children require special attention during general exposures. Weakened and premature children begin to be irradiated with 1/10–1/8 biodose, older ones - with 1/4 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day (3 times a week), gradually increasing the daily dose to 1 1/2-1 3/4 biodoses. The radiation dose remains at this level until the end of the course.

Local UV irradiation carried out from integral or short-wave emitters to areas of the body with an area of ​​no more than 600 square meters. cm in erythemal doses. Methods of local UV irradiation: directly on the lesion; irradiation of reflexogenic zones; fractionated irradiation; irradiation by fields; extrafocal irradiation (on a body area symmetrical to the lesion);

Rules for erythemotherapy: repeated irradiations of the same area are carried out as the erythema fades - after 1–3 days, increasing the dose of subsequent irradiations by 25–100% of the original (less often than the previous one). The same area is irradiated 3–6 times, except for purulent wounds, bedsores and mucous membranes, which are allowed up to 10–12 exposures.

In childhood, local UV irradiation is allowed from the first days of life, general - from 1 month. With local ultraviolet irradiation, the impact area ranges from 50 square meters. cm in newborns up to 300 sq. cm in school-age children. Erythemotherapy usually begins with 0.5–1.0 biodose.


General UV irradiation is used for the following purposes:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, for hardening;

Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;

Treatment of common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;

Normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

Stimulation of hematopoiesis;

Compensation for ultraviolet deficiency.

Local UV irradiation is used:

In therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

In surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, erysipelas, the initial stages of obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

In neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndromes in pathologies of the peripheral nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;

In dentistry - for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

In ENT practice - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, peritonsillar abscesses;

In gynecology - in the complex treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;

In pediatrics - for the treatment of mastitis in newborns, navel weeping, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, pneumonia, rheumatism;

In dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, etc.

Contraindications. General to physiotherapy, hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus, liver and kidney diseases with insufficient function.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: purulent wound of the leg.

Write: UV radiation from the BOP-4 apparatus to the wound area with the capture of healthy tissue (+1–1.5 cm around the perimeter) with 6 biodoses + 2 biodoses up to 12, daily, No. 4 (6).

Note on the cliché: Area of ​​influence.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: lumbosacral osteochondrosis in the acute phase. Lumbodynia syndrome.

Write: UV radiation from the OUSH-1 apparatus to the lumbosacral region with 4 biodoses + 1 biodose up to 8, every other day, No. 4 (6).

Note on the cliche: Area and area of ​​influence in sq. cm.

Mechanism of therapeutic effects

When ultraviolet radiation quanta are absorbed in the skin, the following photochemical and photobiological reactions occur:

Destruction of protein molecules;

Formation of more complex molecules or molecules with new physicochemical properties;

Formation of bioradicals.

The severity of these reactions with the manifestation of subsequent therapeutic effects are determined ultraviolet radiation spectrum. Based on wavelength, ultraviolet irradiation is divided into long-, medium- And shortwave. From the standpoint of practical physiotherapy, it is important to distinguish the zone of long-wave ultraviolet rays (DUV) and the zone of short-wave ultraviolet rays (SWUV). DUV and AF radiation are combined with medium wave radiation, which is not specially distinguished.

There are local and general effects of UV rays.

Local the effect manifests itself in the skin (UV rays penetrate no further than 1 mm). It is noteworthy that UV rays do not have a thermal effect. Externally, their effect is manifested by redness of the irradiation site (with short-wave irradiation after 1.5-2 hours, with long-wave irradiation after 4-6 hours), the skin becomes swollen and even painful, its temperature rises, and redness lasts for several days.

With repeated exposure to the same area of ​​skin, adaptation reactions develop, which is externally manifested by thickening of the stratum corneum and deposition of melanin pigment. This, in its own way, is a protective-adaptive reaction to UV rays. The pigment is formed under the influence of DUV rays, which are also characterized immunostimulating effect.

The rays of the KUF zone have a powerful bactericidal effect. KUV rays are absorbed primarily by proteins contained in the cell nucleus, while DUV rays are absorbed by protoplasmic proteins. With sufficiently intense and prolonged exposure, destruction of the protein structure occurs, and as a consequence of this, the death of epidermal cells with the development of aseptic inflammation. The destroyed protein is broken down by proteolytic enzymes, biologically active substances are formed: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and others, and the processes of lipid peroxidation are enhanced.

UV rays stimulate cell division activity in the skin, as a result, wound healing processes are accelerated and the formation of connective tissue is activated. In this regard, they are used to treat slow-healing wounds and ulcers. Neutrophil and macrophage cells are activated, which increases the skin's resistance to infection and is used for treatment and prevention inflammatory lesions skin.

Under the influence of erythemal doses of UV rays, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the skin decreases, therefore UV rays are also used for reducing pain.

General action depending on the dosage, it has humoral, neuro-reflex and vitamin-forming effects.

The general neuro-reflex effect of UV rays is associated with irritation of the extensive receptor apparatus of the skin. The general effect of UV rays is caused by the absorption and entry into the bloodstream of biologically active substances formed in the skin and stimulation of immunobiological processes. As a result of regular general exposure, strengthening of local protective reactions. The effect on the endocrine glands is realized not only through the humoral mechanism, but also through reflex effects on the hypothalamus.

Vitamin-forming effect UV rays stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D under the influence of UV rays.

Ultraviolet irradiation also has desensitizing effect, normalizes blood clotting processes, improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

Therapeutic effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative.


Suberythemal and erythemal doses of ultraviolet radiation are used in the treatment of diseases such as acute neuritis, acute myositis, bedsores, pustular skin diseases, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, sluggish wounds, inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases of the joints, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Also to improve recovery processes - for bone fractures, normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism

Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation is used for acute and subacute diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, inner ear, respiratory diseases, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and wounds, skin tuberculosis, prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for air disinfection.

Local UV irradiation skin is shown:

in therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

in surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, osteomyelitis, erysipelas, the initial stages of obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

in neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndrome in pathology of the peripheral nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;

in dentistry - for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

in gynecology - in the complex treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;

in pediatrics - for the treatment of mastitis in newborns, weeping navel, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, atopy, pneumonia;

in dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, herpes zoster, etc.

ENT - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, peritonsillar abscesses;

in gynecology - for the treatment of colpitis, cervical erosion.

Contraindications to UV irradiation:

Irradiation should not be carried out at elevated body temperatures. The main contraindications to the procedure: malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleeding, active pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney disease, neurasthenia, thyrotoxicosis, photosensitivity (photodermatoes), cachexia, systemic lupus erythematosus, circulatory failure stage II-III, stage III hypertension, malaria, Addison's disease , blood diseases. If headache, nervous irritation, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms appear during the procedure or after it, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor. If a quartz lamp is used to disinfect premises, then at the time of quartzing there should be no people or animals in it.


Using ultraviolet light, the room is disinfected. Can be carried out quartzing the room, which is an effective method of combating and preventing various diseases. Quartz lamps are used in medical institutions, preschool institutions and at home. You can irradiate a room, children's toys, dishes, and other household items, which helps in the fight against morbidity during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Before using a quartz lamp at home, you should definitely consult your doctor about contraindications and appropriate dosage, since there are certain conditions for using special equipment. Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and can cause serious harm if used improperly. The sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation varies among people and depends on many factors: age, skin type and its qualities, general condition of the body and even the time of year.

There are two main rules for using a quartz lamp: Be sure to wear safety glasses to prevent eye burns and do not exceed the recommended exposure time. Safety glasses are usually included with the UV irradiation machine.

Conditions for using a quartz lamp:

Areas of skin that are not irradiated should be covered with a towel;

Before the procedure, it is necessary to let the device work for 5 minutes, during which time a stable operating mode is established;

The device must be located at a distance of half a meter from the irradiated skin area;

The duration of irradiation increases gradually - from 30 seconds to 3 minutes;

One area can be irradiated no more than 5 times, no more than once a day;

At the end of the procedure, the quartz lamp must be turned off; a new session can be carried out 15 minutes after it has cooled;

The lamp is not used for tanning;

Animals and domestic plants should not enter the irradiation zone;

Turning the irradiator on and off must be done wearing light-protective glasses.

Some treatment methods:


In order to prevent viral diseases, the mucous membrane of the nose and the back wall of the pharynx are irradiated through tubes. Procedures are carried out daily for 1 minute for adults (0.5 minutes for children), for one week.

Acute respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma:

Thus, irradiation of the chest for pneumonia is carried out over 5 fields using a perforated localizer. First and second fields: half of the back surface of the chest - right or left, upper or lower. The patient's position is lying on his stomach. Third and fourth fields: lateral surfaces of the chest. The patient's position is lying on the opposite side, with his arm thrown behind his head. Fifth field: the anterior surface of the chest on the right, with the patient lying on his back. Irradiation time is from 3 to 5 minutes per field. One field is irradiated on one day. Irradiation is carried out daily, each field is irradiated 2-3 times.

To make a perforated localizer, you need to use a medical oilcloth measuring 40*40cm and perforate it with 1.0-1.5 cm holes. At the same time, you can irradiate the plantar surfaces of the feet from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes.

Acute rhinitis:

In the initial period of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is performed. Distance 10cm for 10 minutes, 3-4 days.

UV irradiation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx is carried out using a tube. Dose from 30 seconds with daily gradual increase to 3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute tubo-otitis:

The area of ​​the external auditory canal is irradiated through a 5mm tube for 3 minutes, the course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis:

UV irradiation of the anterior surface of the chest, trachea, and posterior surface of the neck is performed. Dose from a distance of 10 cm for 5-8 minutes; as well as ultraviolet irradiation of the posterior pharyngeal wall using a tube. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. Dose 1 min. The duration of irradiation increases every 2 days to 3-5 minutes. A course of 5-6 procedures.

Chronic tonsillitis:

Ultraviolet radiation of the palatine tonsils is performed through a tube with a ring cut. The procedure is performed with the mouth wide open and the tongue pressed to the bottom, and the tonsils should be clearly visible. The irradiator tube, with a cut towards the tonsil, is inserted into the oral cavity at a distance of 2-3 cm from the surface of the teeth. The UV ray is directed strictly to one tonsil. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. After irradiation of one tonsil, the second is irradiated. Start with 1 minute after 1-2 days, then 3 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Chronic periodontal disease, acute periodontitis:

UV irradiation of the gum mucosa is carried out through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. In the irradiation zone, the lip and tongue are moved to the side with a spatula or spoon so that the beam falls on the mucous membrane of the gums. By slowly moving the tube, all mucous membranes of the gums of the upper and lower jaw are irradiated. The duration of irradiation during one procedure is 10-15 minutes. The course of irradiation is 6-8 procedures.

Acne vulgaris:

UFO is carried out in turn: the first day is the face, the second day is the front surface of the chest, the third is the scapular area of ​​the back. The cycle is repeated 8-10 times. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10-15 cm, the duration of irradiation is 10-15 minutes.

Purulent wounds:

After cleansing a purulent wound from necrotic tissue and purulent plaque, UV irradiation is prescribed to stimulate wound healing, immediately after treating the wound. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10 cm, time 2-3 minutes, duration 2-3 days.

Furuncle, carbuncle, abscess:

UFO continues before and after independent or surgical opening of the abscess. Irradiation is performed from a distance of 10 cm, duration is 10-12 procedures. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Ultraviolet radiation in medicine is used in the optical range of 180-380 nm (integral spectrum), which is divided into short-wave region (C or AF) - 180-280 nm, medium-wave (B) - 280-315 nm and long-wave (A) - 315- 380 nm (DUV).

Physical and physiological effects of ultraviolet radiation

Penetrates into biological tissues to a depth of 0.1-1 mm, is absorbed by molecules of nucleic acids, proteins and lipids, has photon energy sufficient to break covalent bonds, electronic excitation, dissociation and ionization of molecules (photoelectric effect), which leads to the formation of free radicals, ions, peroxides (photochemical effect), i.e. there is a consistent conversion of the energy of electromagnetic waves into chemical energy.

The mechanism of action of UV radiation is biophysical, humoral and neuro-reflex:

Changes in the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, ionic configuration, electrical properties of cells;
- inactivation, denaturation and coagulation of protein;
- photolysis - breakdown of complex protein structures - release of histamine, acetylcholine, biogenic amines;
- photooxidation - increased oxidative reactions in tissues;
- photosynthesis - reparative synthesis in nucleic acids, elimination of damage in DNA;
- photoisomerization - internal rearrangement of atoms in a molecule, substances acquire new chemical and biological properties (provitamin - D2, D3),
- photosensitivity;
- erythema, with CUF it develops within 1.5-2 hours, with DUF - 4-24 hours;
- pigmentation;
- thermoregulation.

Ultraviolet radiation affects the functional state of various human organs and systems:

- central and peripheral nervous system;
- autonomic nervous system;
- the cardiovascular system;
- blood system;
- hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands;
- endocrine system;
- all types of metabolism, mineral metabolism;
- respiratory organs, respiratory center.

The healing effect of ultraviolet radiation

The reaction from organs and systems depends on the wavelength, dose and method of exposure to UV radiation.

Local irradiation:

Anti-inflammatory (A, B, C);
- bactericidal (C);
- painkiller (A, B, C);
- epithelializing, regenerating (A, B)

General exposure:

Stimulating immune reactions (A, B, C);
- desensitizing (A, B, C);
- regulation of vitamin balance “D”, “C” and metabolic processes (A, B).

Indications for UV therapy:

Acute, subacute and chronic inflammatory process;
- trauma to soft tissues and bones;
- wound;
- skin diseases;
- burns and frostbite;
- trophic ulcer;
- rickets;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, rheumatism;
- infectious diseases - influenza, whooping cough, erysipelas;
- pain syndrome, neuralgia, neuritis;
- bronchial asthma;
- ENT diseases - tonsillitis, otitis, allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
- compensation for solar deficiency, increasing the stamina and endurance of the body.

Indications for ultraviolet irradiation in dentistry

Diseases of the oral mucosa;
- periodontal diseases;
- dental diseases - non-carious diseases, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis;
- inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area;
- TMJ diseases;
- facial pain.

Contraindications to UV therapy:

Malignant neoplasms,
- predisposition to bleeding,
- active tuberculosis,
- functional kidney failure,
- stage III hypertension,
- severe forms of atherosclerosis.
- thyrotoxicosis.

Ultraviolet radiation devices:

Integrated sources using DRT (mercury arc tube) lamps of various powers:

ORK-21M (DRT-375) - local and general irradiation
- OKN-11M (DRT-230) - local irradiation
- Mayachnye OKB-ZO (DRT-1000) and OKM-9 (DRT-375) - group and general irradiation
- ON-7 and UGN-1 (DRT-230). OUN-250 and OUN-500 (DRT-400) - local irradiation
- OUP-2 (DRT-120) - otolaryngology, ophthalmology, dentistry.

Selective short-wave (180-280 nm) use bactericidal arc lamps (BA) in the glow electric discharge mode in a mixture of mercury vapor and argon. Lamps of three types: DB-15, DB-30-1, DB-60.

Irradiators are produced:

Wall mounted (OBN)
- ceiling (OBP)
- on a tripod (OBSh) and mobile (OBP)
- local (BOD) with lamp DRB-8, BOP-4, OKUF-5M
- for blood irradiation (AUFOK) - MD-73M "Isolde" (with low pressure lamp LB-8).

Selective long-wave (310-320 nm) use fluorescent erythema lamps (LE), 15-30 W, made of uveolian glass with an internal phosphor coating:

Wall mounted irradiators (OE)
- suspended reflected distribution (OED)
- mobile (OEP).

Beacon-type irradiators (EOKS-2000) with a xenon arc lamp (DKS TB-2000).

An ultraviolet irradiator on a tripod (OUSH1) with a fluorescent lamp (LE153), a large beacon ultraviolet irradiator (OMU), a tabletop ultraviolet irradiator (OUN-2).

Low pressure gas discharge lamp LUF-153 in the UUD-1, UDD-2L units for Puva and therapy, in the UV irradiator for the limbs OUK-1, for the head OUG-1 and in the irradiators EOD-10, EGD-5. Units for general and local irradiation are produced abroad: Puva, Psolylux, Psorymox, Valdman.

Technique and methodology of ultraviolet therapy

General exposure

Carry out according to one of the following schemes:

Main (from 1/4 to 3 biodoses, adding 1/4 each)
- slow (from 1/8 to 2 biodoses, adding 1/8 each)
- accelerated (from 1/2 to 4 biodoses, adding 1/2 at a time).

Local irradiation

Irradiation of the affected area, fields, reflexogenic zones, staged or by zone, extrafocal. factional.

Features of irradiation with erythemal doses:

One area of ​​skin can be irradiated no more than 5 times, and the mucous membrane - no more than 6-8 times. Repeated irradiation of the same area of ​​skin is possible only after the erythema has subsided. The subsequent radiation dose is increased by 1/2-1 biodose. When treating with UV rays, light-protective glasses are used for the patient and medical staff.


Dosing of UV irradiation is carried out by determining the biodose, the biodose is the minimum amount of UV radiation sufficient to obtain the weakest threshold erythema on the skin in the shortest time, with a fixed distance from the irradiator (20 - 100 cm). The biodose is determined using a BD-2 biodosimeter.

There are different doses of ultraviolet radiation:

Suberythemal (less than 1 biodose)
- erythema small (1-2 biodoses)
- medium (3-4 biodoses)
- large (5-6 biodoses)
- hypererythemal (7-8 biodoses)
- massive (over 8 biodoses).

For air disinfection purposes:

Indirect radiation for 20-60 minutes, in the presence of people,
- direct radiation for 30-40 minutes, in the absence of people.

Correct use of the procedure will help cure acute and chronic processes, improve the general condition and help achieve maximum effect in treatment.


What is UV therapy? This is a technique that allows you to treat foci of the inflammatory process using ultraviolet radiation. The manipulation is completely painless; it increases blood flow in injured areas and ensures an active supply of leukocytes to relieve inflammation.

This technique has found wide application in the treatment of ENT pathologies, since it allows you to regulate the length of the waves and the depth of their action. With short and shallow penetration it can have a bactericidal and antiviral effect. Average depth (from 280 nm) helps to activate the work of vitamins and improve the activity of immune processes in the body. Long-wave irradiation can form pigments and stimulate the immune system.

In the treatment of ENT pathologies, the method has the following effects:

  • Relieves inflammatory processes.
  • Works as a pain reliever.
  • Improves or activates regeneration processes at the cellular level, thereby accelerating healing processes.
  • Bactericidal. Destroys microorganisms on the surface of wound areas or in inflammatory areas.
  • Improves and restores metabolic processes.

This physiotherapy procedure is often prescribed to small children for preventive or therapeutic purposes with a lack of vitamin D. Due to its deficiency, rickets can develop, and when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the vitamin is actively synthesized, preventing the disease from developing.

Indications for use

UV therapy should not be used without apparent reason or without a prescription. Only if pathological processes occur in the ENT organs, after examination and an accurate diagnosis, can the doctor make a prescription.

The use of ultraviolet rays is recommended for:

  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis.
  • Treatment and prevention of bronchitis.
  • Sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • Enlarged adenoids in children.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Therapy for ear diseases.
  • Pharyngitis.

In some cases, doctors prescribe UV therapy to stimulate or restore the active functioning of the immune system, and also as a prophylactic against respiratory viral infections.

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis, since there are a number of contraindications due to which complications may develop.

Contraindications for use

To restore the cell, its regenerative and protective functions in case of injury or infection, it is recommended to use UV physiotherapy. But, despite the effectiveness of this treatment method, there are contraindications to its use:

  • Any stage of oncology development.
  • Autoimmune processes that are accompanied by sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, for example, lupus.
  • Acute purulent inflammatory processes.
  • Excessive fragility of blood vessels and frequent bleeding.
  • Stomach ulcer, tuberculosis and arterial hypertension.

While carrying a baby or breastfeeding, physiotherapy can only be performed with the permission of the attending physician. The appointment is performed in case of inflammation of the nasal or oral mucosa.

Therapy using ultraviolet irradiation in the right dosages and with the right approach is an indispensable assistant and an effective means in the fight against ENT pathologies.

ENT diseases and ultraviolet treatment

If there are ENT pathologies, the doctor may prescribe radiation in the following cases:

  • ARVI. For the purpose of prevention or treatment of respiratory viral infections, daily dosed irradiation of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx and nasal mucosa is carried out. For adults, one minute is enough, for children half a minute.
  • For bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. To carry out irradiation and eliminate foci of inflammation, it is necessary to “treat” 5 fields of the chest. When irradiating zones 1 and 2, the patient lies on his stomach, the manipulation is carried out over half of the posterior surface of the sternum (either side) or where the inflammatory process is located. When treating the lateral surfaces of the chest, the patient takes a “lying on his side” position with his arm thrown behind his head; this is considered the third and fourth area for irradiation. The fifth zone is located on the front side of the sternum on the right side, in this case the patient should lie on his back. It is necessary to irradiate each zone separately. In one day, you can perform only one procedure on one of the selected areas. The physiotherapy procedure takes about 5 minutes, each area should be treated 2-3 times.
  • Acute rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis. For a runny nose at the initial stage, the lower surface of the feet is irradiated for 4 days for 10 minutes. Also, using a special tube, UV irradiation of the mucous surfaces of the nose and pharynx is carried out starting from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes for 5 days. For pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis, ultraviolet radiation is used on the anterior surface of the chest, trachea and posterior surface of the neck. Rays on the back wall of the pharynx (using a tube) have a good effect. The manipulation takes no more than 10 minutes, therapy is carried out for one week.
  • Chronic tonsillitis. For inflammation of the tonsils, use a special tube with a cut ring. It is necessary to open your mouth wide and press your tongue to the bottom as much as possible; the cut side of the tube is directed directly to the affected tonsils. The impact should be alternated on each side for 2–3 minutes. The course of therapy is from a week to 10 days.

The possibilities of physiotherapy are enormous and, with the right approach, have the most positive effect on the body and affected areas, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, improving metabolic processes, accelerating healing and cell regeneration.

Features of the event

In order for the treatment to be correct and not harm the general condition of the patient, you should go to a medical institution where you will be provided with proper care using special equipment. However, there are also portable devices that can be used independently at home.

Step-by-step implementation of the physiotherapy technique:

  • To irradiate one of the selected zones, it is necessary to select the right tube. There are several types of them, depending on the area that needs to be treated.
  • Before use, the device must be turned on and warmed up.
  • The session begins with 30 seconds and gradually increases the time limits to the period specified by the doctor.
  • After completing the manipulation, the lamp must be turned off.
  • The patient should rest for half an hour.

The duration of the manipulation, the length of ultrasound penetration, the course of therapy - all this is prescribed and selected by the attending physician immediately after making an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication is very dangerous, especially at home.

UV physiotherapy, indications and contraindications, benefits and harms

Thus, short-wave ultraviolet radiation (nm) has bactericidal, mycocidal and antiviral effects, which, however, depend on several circumstances. Short ultraviolet rays (approximately 254 nm) have special sanitizing properties; they are absorbed by nucleic acids, proteins and DNA. The pathogens die from lethal mutations and lose their ability to reproduce and grow. Ultraviolet irradiation leads to the destruction of a number of toxins, including diphtheria, tetanus and dysentery, and also destroys the causative agents of typhoid fever and staphylococcus.

Thus, short-wave ultraviolet radiation helps patients suffering from acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the skin and nasopharynx (both nose and tonsils). This effect is indicated for inflammation of the inner ear, in the presence of wounds that may suffer from the addition of an anaerobic infection, and for skin tuberculosis.

Methods and techniques for conducting UFO procedures

In medical practice, there are 2 main groups of ultraviolet radiation - general and local.

With general ultraviolet irradiation, the front and back surfaces of the human torso and limbs are exposed, and the slow scheme is used for weakened patients with low nutrition and weakened reactivity, and the accelerated scheme is used for healthy people.

The main group-scheme of ultraviolet radiation is used for patients with fairly good body reactivity or healthy people for the prevention of influenza, skin diseases, and in some cases - for pregnant women.

With a slow scheme, ultraviolet radiation begins with 1/8 biodose, gradually increasing to 2.5 biodose with repeated procedures. In this case, ultraviolet irradiation procedures are usually carried out daily, and from 26 to 28 procedures are prescribed for the entire course of treatment.

According to the basic scheme of the general UV procedure, they start with 1/4 biodoses and increase to a maximum of 3 biodoses. For the entire course of treatment, 16 to 20 ultraviolet irradiation procedures are prescribed, carried out every other day or daily.

An accelerated scheme of general ultraviolet irradiation begins with 1/2 biodoses and is increased to 4 biodoses; it is used for practically healthy people or young people with good reactivity to bone fractures. If it is necessary to carry out a repeated course of UFO procedures, the interval between them should be at least 2 months.

When carrying out local ultraviolet irradiation procedures on the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus, erythemal doses are most often used, which are divided into small - ranging from 1 to 2 biodoses, medium intensity - from 3 to 4 biodoses, high intensity - over 8 biodoses.

In turn, the general Ural Federal District is divided into 3 subgroups-schemes:

When performing one procedure, an area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus with an area of ​​no more than 600 cm 2 can be irradiated with erythemal ultraviolet irradiation. As the long-term medical practice of the Ural Federal District has shown, when intense erythema occurs over large areas of the skin, patients experience such phenomena as increased body temperature, headache, nervous and muscle fatigue (the same phenomena are observed with prolonged exposure of the human body to sunlight in clear conditions). summer weather). Repeated ultraviolet irradiation in certain biodoses when affecting the same area of ​​the skin is carried out, as a rule, 1-3 days after the first procedure, when the resulting erythema begins to weaken. The same area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus cannot be irradiated with erythemal doses of UV irradiation more than 3-4 times due to the fact that with repeated UV irradiation procedures in the same area, the sensitivity of the skin decreases. But in some cases of intensive therapy with ultraviolet irradiation of the mucous membranes and wound areas, procedures are carried out in the same place many times - from 10 to 15 procedures or more (in the absence of unforeseen complications).

Erythemal UV irradiation is carried out when:

Impact on the lesion in the form of wounds, boils, areas of erysipelas, etc.;

Field irradiation in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia and other diseases. In this case, the area of ​​the pathological focus to be irradiated is divided into several small areas (from 50 to 200 cm 2), and one or two areas are irradiated in one procedure;

Irradiation of reflexogenic zones: erythemal ultraviolet irradiation procedures are carried out in the following zones: collar, panty, and areas of spinal cord segments. Erythemal ultraviolet irradiation of the collar zone is usually carried out in the presence of sluggish inflammatory processes of the brain, its membranes, face, as well as in vascular disorders of the upper extremities, and some diseases of the chest organs. To carry out erythemal ultraviolet irradiation of the pelvic organs, in case of peripheral circulation disorders in the lower extremities, the effects are carried out on areas of the skin corresponding to the lumbosacral segments and the anterior surface of the thighs;

Fractional erythemal ultraviolet radiation. This method of treating pathological lesions involves the use of a perforated localizer made of medical oilcloth measuring 40x40 cm, in which from 160 to 190 holes with a diameter of 2 cm are cut out. When carrying out erythemal ultraviolet irradiation procedures, such an oilcloth with holes is applied to the area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus . This type of erythemal ultraviolet radiation is used, in particular, for certain lung diseases, especially when carrying out procedures in children's medical institutions (for bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases). The skin of children is more sensitive to the effects of any type of ultraviolet radiation, which is why biodose is performed in shorter procedures than in adults; therefore, when determining the biodose, it is recommended to open each window of the biodosimeter after 15-30 s.

When carrying out general ultraviolet irradiation, the maximum dosage of exposure to pathological foci in children under 2 years of age is no more than 2 biodoses, and in older children - no more than 3 biodoses. The area of ​​the resulting pathological foci during local ultraviolet irradiation procedures for children under three years of age should not exceed 60-80 cm2, at 5-7 years of age - from 150 to 200 cm2, and for older children - 300 cm2.

To induce erythema with appropriate ultraviolet radiation, the first effects on pathological foci (or lesions) should not exceed 1.5-2 biodoses. When carrying out repeated UV irradiation procedures, the dose of exposure to certain lesions is increased by 0.5-1 biodose (for children).

Indications. General UFOs apply:

For the prevention of solar deficiency (vitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of vitamin D in adults, pregnant women and children;

In the treatment of rickets in children;

To increase the overall resistance of the body of an adult or child.

Local ultraviolet irradiation (erythemotherapy) is most often used for diseases of internal organs, such as: pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis, rheumatism, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, myositis, myalgia, radiculitis.

General and local ultraviolet radiation is widely used in surgery (after wound surgery, for erysipelas), in traumatology (for bruises, infected wounds, fractures), in dermatology (for psoriasis, pyoderma, eczema, etc.). Ural irradiation is an effective method in the treatment and prevention of influenza and many infectious diseases (in particular, scarlet fever, whooping cough).

Contraindications for UFO:

Tendency to bleeding;

Active pulmonary tuberculosis;

Circulatory failure grade I-II;

Note. In the 1990s. A special method of light therapy has been developed - laser therapy using small-sized quantum generators - lasers, in which the laser beam has enormous power, which creates various possibilities for its use in intensive therapy. Laser light is characterized by coherence, i.e. consists of waves of the same frequency that move and reinforce each other, resulting in the formation of a straight, narrow, far-travelling beam of light. The laser light beam concentrates thermal energy of significant power. Any substance (including bones and metal) encountered in the path of the laser beam is instantly vaporized.

In these years, attempts were made to treat pathological lesions such as precancerous skin tumors with a laser beam. In this case, the laser installation was tuned to a frequency at which its beam was absorbed by dark tissue and reflected by light tissue. Malignant tumors on human skin are often dark in color; otherwise, they may be artificially dyed this (dark) color to ensure maximum absorption of laser light.

Since 2000, laser surgery has begun to actively develop, in particular in the treatment of certain eye diseases, such as myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. A number of damage to the retina of the eye is currently eliminated using a laser beam of a certain power.

In addition, the laser beam is used to eliminate pain impulses (for example, for pain due to damage to peripheral nerves).

The treatment of some diseases with the help of a laser light beam has now reached great perfection and is carried out even at the molecular level, which is not possible for other methods of light therapy.

Examples of prescriptions for UFO procedures

1. Lumbosacral radiculitis. UFO procedures for the lumbosacral zone and along the sciatic nerve, 1-2 fields per day, starting with 3-4 biodoses daily. During UVR procedures, each field is affected twice.

2. Tonsillitis. The procedures begin with one biodose, then add 1/2 to 1 biodose during repeated irradiations, with a maximum of no more than three biodoses per tonsil, daily. For the entire course of treatment, 10 to 12 procedures are prescribed.

3. Erysipelas of the right leg. Ultraviolet irradiation procedures of the right leg, exposure to four fields (anterior, posterior and 2 lateral), with simultaneous coverage when exposed to 5 to 7 cm of healthy skin around the pathological focus, start with four biodoses and increase to 10 (adding with each subsequent procedure two biodoses each). For the entire course of treatment, 4 to 5 procedures are prescribed with ultraviolet irradiation every other day.

Ultraviolet irradiation (part 2). Mechanism of action.

Mechanism of therapeutic effects

When ultraviolet radiation quanta are absorbed in the skin, the following photochemical and photobiological reactions occur:

Destruction of protein molecules;

Formation of more complex molecules or molecules with new physicochemical properties;

The severity of these reactions with the manifestation of subsequent therapeutic effects is determined by the spectrum of ultraviolet radiation. Based on wavelength, ultraviolet irradiation is divided into long-, medium- and short-wave. From the standpoint of practical physiotherapy, it is important to distinguish the zone of long-wave ultraviolet rays (DUV) and the zone of short-wave ultraviolet rays (SWUV). DUV and AF radiation are combined with medium wave radiation, which is not specially distinguished.

There are local and general effects of UV rays.

The local effect manifests itself in the skin (UV rays penetrate no further than 1 mm). It is noteworthy that UV rays do not have a thermal effect. Externally, their effect is manifested by redness of the irradiation site (with short-wave irradiation after 1.5-2 hours, with long-wave irradiation after 4-6 hours), the skin becomes swollen and even painful, its temperature rises, and redness lasts for several days.

With repeated exposure to the same area of ​​skin, adaptation reactions develop, which is externally manifested by thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin and deposition of the melanin pigment. This, in its own way, is a protective-adaptive reaction to UV rays. The pigment is formed under the influence of DUV rays, which are also characterized by an immunostimulating effect.

The rays of the KUF zone have a powerful bactericidal effect. KUV rays are absorbed primarily by proteins contained in the cell nucleus, while DUV rays are absorbed by protoplasmic proteins. With sufficiently intense and prolonged exposure, destruction of the protein structure occurs, and as a consequence of this, the death of epidermal cells with the development of aseptic inflammation. The destroyed protein is broken down by proteolytic enzymes, biologically active substances are formed: histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and others, and the processes of lipid peroxidation are enhanced.

UV rays stimulate the activity of cell division in the skin, as a result, wound healing processes are accelerated and the formation of connective tissue is activated. In this regard, they are used to treat slow-healing wounds and ulcers. Neutrophil and macrophage cells are activated, which increases the skin's resistance to infection and is used to treat and prevent inflammatory skin lesions.

Under the influence of erythemal doses of UV rays, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the skin decreases, so UV rays are also used to reduce pain.

The general effect, depending on the dosage, consists of humoral, neuro-reflex and vitamin-forming effects.

The general neuro-reflex effect of UV rays is associated with irritation of the extensive receptor apparatus of the skin. The general effect of UV rays is caused by the absorption and entry into the bloodstream of biologically active substances formed in the skin and stimulation of immunobiological processes. As a result of regular general exposure, local protective reactions are strengthened. The effect on the endocrine glands is realized not only through the humoral mechanism, but also through reflex effects on the hypothalamus.

The vitamin-forming effect of UV rays is to stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D under the influence of UV rays.

Ultraviolet irradiation also has a desensitizing effect, normalizes blood clotting processes, and improves lipid (fat) metabolism. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the functions of external respiration improve, the activity of the adrenal cortex increases, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium increases, and its contractility increases.

Therapeutic effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, immunostimulating, restorative.

Suberythemal and erythemal doses of ultraviolet radiation are used in the treatment of diseases such as acute neuritis, acute myositis, bedsores, pustular skin diseases, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, sluggish wounds, inflammatory and post-traumatic diseases of the joints, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Also to improve recovery processes - for bone fractures, normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism

Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation is used for acute and subacute diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, inner ear, respiratory diseases, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and wounds, skin tuberculosis, prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for air disinfection.

Local UV irradiation of the skin is indicated:

in therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

in surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, osteomyelitis, erysipelas, the initial stages of obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

in neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndrome in pathology of the peripheral nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;

in dentistry - for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

in gynecology - in the complex treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;

in pediatrics - for the treatment of mastitis in newborns, weeping navel, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, atopy, pneumonia;

in dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, herpes zoster, etc.

ENT - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, peritonsillar abscesses;

in gynecology - for the treatment of colpitis, cervical erosion.

Contraindications to UV irradiation:

Irradiation should not be carried out at elevated body temperatures. The main contraindications to the procedure: malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleeding, active pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney disease, neurasthenia, thyrotoxicosis, photosensitivity (photodermatoes), cachexia, systemic lupus erythematosus, circulatory failure stage II-III, stage III hypertension, malaria, Addison's disease , blood diseases. If headache, nervous irritation, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms appear during the procedure or after it, you must stop treatment and consult a doctor. If a quartz lamp is used to disinfect premises, then at the time of quartzing there should be no people or animals in it.

Using ultraviolet light, the room is disinfected. You can quartz a room, which is an effective method of combating and preventing various diseases. Quartz lamps are used in medical institutions, preschool institutions and at home. You can irradiate a room, children's toys, dishes, and other household items, which helps in the fight against morbidity during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases.

Before using a quartz lamp at home, you should definitely consult your doctor about contraindications and appropriate dosage, since there are certain conditions for using special equipment. Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and can cause serious harm if used improperly. The sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation varies among people and depends on many factors: age, skin type and its qualities, general condition of the body and even the time of year.

There are two basic rules for using a quartz lamp: you must wear safety glasses to prevent eye burns and do not exceed the recommended exposure time. Safety glasses are usually included with the UV irradiation machine.

Conditions for using a quartz lamp:

Areas of skin that are not irradiated should be covered with a towel;

Before the procedure, it is necessary to let the device work for 5 minutes, during which time a stable operating mode is established;

The device must be located at a distance of half a meter from the irradiated skin area;

The duration of irradiation increases gradually - from 30 seconds to 3 minutes;

One area can be irradiated no more than 5 times, no more than once a day;

At the end of the procedure, the quartz lamp must be turned off; a new session can be carried out 15 minutes after it has cooled;

The lamp is not used for tanning;

Animals and domestic plants should not enter the irradiation zone;

Turning the irradiator on and off must be done wearing light-protective glasses.

Some treatment methods:

In order to prevent viral diseases, the mucous membrane of the nose and the back wall of the pharynx are irradiated through tubes. Procedures are carried out daily for 1 minute for adults (0.5 minutes for children), for one week.

Acute respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma:

Thus, irradiation of the chest for pneumonia is carried out over 5 fields using a perforated localizer. First and second fields: half of the back surface of the chest - right or left, upper or lower. The patient's position is lying on his stomach. Third and fourth fields: lateral surfaces of the chest. The patient's position is lying on the opposite side, with his arm thrown behind his head. Fifth field: the anterior surface of the chest on the right, with the patient lying on his back. Irradiation time is from 3 to 5 minutes per field. One field is irradiated on one day. Irradiation is carried out daily, each field is irradiated 2-3 times.

To make a perforated localizer, you need to use a medical oilcloth measuring 40*40cm and perforate it with 1.0-1.5 cm holes. At the same time, you can irradiate the plantar surfaces of the feet from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes.

In the initial period of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is performed. Distance 10cm for 10 minutes, 3-4 days.

UV irradiation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx is carried out using a tube. Dose from 30 seconds with daily gradual increase to 3 minutes. The course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

The area of ​​the external auditory canal is irradiated through a 5mm tube for 3 minutes, the course of irradiation is 5-6 procedures.

Acute pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis:

UV irradiation of the anterior surface of the chest, trachea, and posterior surface of the neck is performed. Dose from a distance of 10 cm for 5-8 minutes; as well as ultraviolet irradiation of the posterior pharyngeal wall using a tube. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. Dose 1 min. The duration of irradiation increases every 2 days to 3-5 minutes. A course of 5-6 procedures.

Ultraviolet radiation of the palatine tonsils is performed through a tube with a ring cut. The procedure is performed with the mouth wide open and the tongue pressed to the bottom, and the tonsils should be clearly visible. The irradiator tube, with a cut towards the tonsil, is inserted into the oral cavity at a distance of 2-3 cm from the surface of the teeth. The UV ray is directed strictly to one tonsil. During the procedure, you must pronounce the sound “a-a-a-a”. After irradiation of one tonsil, the second is irradiated. Start with 1 minute after 1-2 days, then 3 minutes. Course of treatment procedures.

Chronic periodontal disease, acute periodontitis:

UV irradiation of the gum mucosa is carried out through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm. In the irradiation zone, the lip and tongue are moved to the side with a spatula or spoon so that the beam falls on the mucous membrane of the gums. By slowly moving the tube, all mucous membranes of the gums of the upper and lower jaw are irradiated. Duration of irradiation during one procedure: min. The course of irradiation is 6-8 procedures.

UFO is carried out in turn: the first day is the face, the second day is the front surface of the chest, the third is the scapular area of ​​the back. The cycle is repeated 8-10 times. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of cm, the duration of irradiation is minutes.

After cleansing a purulent wound from necrotic tissue and purulent plaque, UV irradiation is prescribed to stimulate wound healing, immediately after treating the wound. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10 cm, time 2-3 minutes, duration 2-3 days.

UFO continues before and after independent or surgical opening of the abscess. Irradiation is carried out from a distance of 10 cm, duration of procedures. Course of treatment procedures.

UFO treatment

A (nm) - long-wave UV radiation (LUV)

V (nm) - mid-wave (SUV);

C - (nm) - short-wave (SWF).

UV radiation is dosed using the Gorbachev-Duckfeld biological method. The method is simple and is based on the property of UV rays to cause erythema when irradiating the skin. The unit of measurement in this method is one biodose. One biodose is taken to be the minimum time of irradiation of a given patient from a certain distance with a certain source of UV rays, which is necessary to obtain a weak, but clearly defined erythema. Time is measured in seconds or minutes.

General UFO is used for:

  • increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  • prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • normalization of the immune status in chronic low-grade inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of hematopoiesis;
  • improvement of reparative processes for bone fractures;
  • hardening;
  • compensation for ultraviolet (solar) deficiency.

    The face, chest and back are irradiated daily with erythema doses for 2-3 days. For catarrhal symptoms in the pharynx, the pharynx is irradiated for 4 days through a tube. In the latter case, irradiation begins with 1/2 biodose, adding 1-1/2 biodoses in subsequent irradiations.

    Application of ultraviolet radiation to the skin of the chest using a perforated oilcloth localizer (PCL). The PCL determines the area to be irradiated (prescribed by the attending physician). Dose - 1-3 biodoses. Irradiation every other day, 5-6 procedures.

    In the first days of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa in suberythemal doses is prescribed, counting on the bactericidal effect of UV radiation.

    UV irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is prescribed. Dose 5-6 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 4-5 procedures. UV irradiation through a tube of the nasal mucosa in the stage of attenuation of exudative phenomena. Irradiation begins with one biodose. By adding 1/2 biodose daily, the irradiation intensity is increased to 4 biodoses.

    UV irradiation is carried out on the trachea area and on the skin of the back of the neck. Radiation dose - 1 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day, adding 1 biodose each, the course of treatment is 4 procedures. If the disease is prolonged, then after 10 days a UV irradiation of the chest is prescribed through an oilcloth perforated localizer. Biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UV irradiation is prescribed from the first days of the disease on the anterior surface of the neck, sternum, and interscapular region. Dosabiodoses. Irradiation alternates every other day on the posterior and anterior surfaces of the chest. Course of treatment 4 procedures.

    UV irradiation of the chest is prescribed 5-6 days from the onset of the disease. UV irradiation is carried out through a localizer. Biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 irradiations. During the period of remission of the disease, general ultraviolet radiation is prescribed according to the basic regimen daily. The course of treatment is 12 procedures.

    Both general and local irradiation can be used. The chest is divided into 10 sections, each measuring 12x5 centimeters. Every day, only one area is irradiated with erythema doses, limited by a line connecting the lower corners of the shoulder blades, and on the chest - by a line passing 2 cm below the nipples.

    (Carried out in combination with UHF, SMV, infrared and magnetotherapy). In the early stage (before the formation of a purulent cavity), ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed. Dosabiodoses. Irradiation every other day. Course of treatment 3 procedures.

    (In combination with SMV, UHF, infrared, laser and magnetotherapy). In the infiltration stage, ultraviolet irradiation of the axillary area every other day. The radiation dose is sequential biodoses. Treatment course: 3 irradiations.

    Irradiation is carried out with a dose of 4-8 biodoses in order to create conditions for the best rejection of disintegrated tissues. In the second phase - in order to stimulate epithelization - irradiation is carried out in small suberythemal (i.e., not causing erythema) doses. The irradiation is repeated after 3-5 days. UV irradiation is carried out after primary surgical treatment. Dose - 0.5-2 biodoses, course of treatment 5-6 irradiations.

    Irradiation is used in 2-3 biodoses, and the surface of undamaged skin surrounding the wound is also irradiated at a distance of 3-5 cm. Irradiation is repeated after 2-3 days.

    UV irradiation is used in the same way as when irradiating clean wounds.

    UV-bactericidal radiation of the fracture site or segmented zones is carried out after 2-3 days, each time increasing the dose by 2 biodoses, the initial one - 2 biodoses. Treatment course: 3 procedures for each zone.

    General ultraviolet radiation is prescribed 10 days after the fracture according to the basic regimen daily. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

    Ultraviolet radiation after tonsillectomy of the tonsil niches is prescribed 2 days after the operation. Irradiation is prescribed with 1/2 biodose on each side. Daily increasing the dose by 1/2 biodose, the irradiation intensity is increased to 3 biodoses. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures.

    UFO begins with a suberythemal dose and quickly increases to 5 biodoses. Biodose radiation dose. The procedures are carried out after 2-3 days. The lesion is protected from healthy areas of the skin using a sheet or towel.

    UV irradiation of the tonsils through a tube with a 45% cut bevel begins with 1/2 biodose, daily increased by 1/2 biodose every 2 procedures. Courses are held 2 times a year. A sterile tube is used to press the tongue through the patient’s wide open mouth so that the tonsil becomes accessible to UV irradiation. The right and left tonsils are irradiated alternately.

    UV irradiation through the ear canal tube. Biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 6 procedures.

    UV exposure of the nasal vestibule through a tube. Biodoses every other day. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UV irradiation with the long-wave part of the spectrum is prescribed according to a slow scheme. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UFO is prescribed according to the basic scheme daily. Course of treatment procedures.

    Ural irradiation is prescribed as RUVA therapy (photochemotherapy). Long-wave UV irradiation is performed in combination with a photosensitizer (puvalene, aminefurin) taken by the patient 2 hours before irradiation at a dose of 0.6 mg per kilogram of body weight. The dose of radiation is prescribed depending on the sensitivity of the patient’s skin to UV rays. On average, ultraviolet radiation begins with a dose of 2-3 J/cm 2 and is increased to 15 J/cm 2 by the end of the course of treatment. Irradiation is carried out for 2 consecutive days with a rest day. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

    Ultraviolet radiation with a mid-wave spectrum (SUV) starts with 1/2 according to an accelerated scheme. Course of radiation treatment.

    UV irradiation is prescribed for the anterior abdominal skin and skin of the back. UFO is carried out in zones with an area of ​​400 cm2. Biodoses for each area every other day. The course of treatment is 6 irradiations.

    1. Ultraviolet irradiation of the external genitalia. Irradiation is carried out daily or every other day, starting with 1 biodose. Gradually adding 1/2 biodoses, the intensity of the effect is increased to 3 biodoses. The course of treatment is 10 irradiations.

    2. General ultraviolet irradiation according to an accelerated scheme. Irradiation is carried out daily, starting with 1/2 biodose. Gradually adding 1/2 biodoses, the intensity of the effect is increased to 3-5 biodoses. Course of radiation treatment.

    Ultraviolet irradiation of the external genitalia is prescribed. Biodose radiation dose daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 5-6 irradiations.

    Ultraviolet irradiation using a tube is prescribed. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. Cervical erosion. Ultraviolet irradiation of the cervical area is prescribed using a tube and a gynecological speculum. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. Doses are increased every two procedures by 1/2 biodose. Course of treatment procedures.

    Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin of the pelvic area in fields is prescribed. Biodoses for each field. Irradiation is carried out daily. Each field is irradiated 3 times with a break of 2-3 days. Course of treatment procedures.

    Therapeutic physical factors have a homeostatic effect on various organs and systems, help increase the body's resistance to adverse effects, enhance its protective and adaptive mechanisms, have a pronounced sanogenic effect, increase the effectiveness of other therapeutic agents and reduce the side effects of drugs. Their use is accessible, highly effective and cost-effective.

  • Moderate doses of ultraviolet radiation are the key to good health. The body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays only on sunny summer days; the rest of the time we suffer from a lack of them.

    Having at least one UV lamp in your home, you can significantly improve the health of all family members, reduce the risk of illness during periods of epidemics, and regularly solve a number of problems that arise in the course of life.

    UV quartz is a powerful weapon against viruses, bacteria and germs and a way to reduce dependence on pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors of various specialties.

    First of all, ultraviolet light is aimed at destroying pathogens. A home quartz emitter is used to sanitize the air in living and working areas.

    The device is also indispensable for the following situations:

    1. prevention of skin pathologies and viral infections,
    2. treatment of ENT, gynecological, musculoskeletal, dermatological diseases,
    3. strengthening the immune system,
    4. disinfection of skin and nails after pedicure and manicure.

    The use of the device for home use - the ultraviolet quartz irradiator Sun - is advisable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and for general quartzization of the home. Numerous reviews from doctors and grateful patients indicate the enhancement of any therapy with dosed radiation.

    Among the devices produced by domestic manufacturers, the devices of Solnyshko LLC have gained particular popularity among the people. The domestic market offers various models of home appliances, which include special attachments and sunglasses; they are certified and approved for sale by sanitary and epidemiological services.

    Important: The information below is provided for the device OUFK-01"Sun", intended for home use.

    UFO "Solnyshko" indications for use

    Indications for home use of ultraviolet irradiation are:

    How to use an ultraviolet lamp at home:

    Quartzization of premises and objects in the apartment

    To carry out the event, the front shutter of the quartz generator is opened, the device is connected to the network and operates in the room for about 30 minutes (area from 15 to 30 square meters), while there should be no people or pets in the room.

    This procedure allows you to cleanse the air of germs and bacteria, as well as get a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. The same method is used to sanitize children's toys, bedding, and personal hygiene items, especially those belonging to patients with viral infections.

    Attention! Switching the device on and off should be done wearing light-protective glasses.

    Quartzization of the human or pet body

    Treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, including otitis media, colds, rhinitis, symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, etc. By affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, UV leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and nose, relieving swelling and pain.

    The following quartz treatment techniques are used: local irradiation of damaged skin, irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, ears (external auditory canal), vagina, general irradiation for rickets, fractures, skin pathologies.

    UV "Sun": instructions for use

    The Solnyshko OUFK-01 device is intended for use from the age of three, except in cases of rickets, when irradiation improves the growth and development of the child and eliminates the deficiency of vitamins D.

    In order for the procedures to be not only safe, but also effective for children, it is necessary to determine the child’s individual biodose. The determination method involves irradiating the baby’s body in the area of ​​the buttocks or abdomen.

    Sunshine: how to determine biodose

    The emitter is installed at a distance of ½ meter from the skin surface and 6 shutters are alternately opened in front of the biodosimeter windows. Use a stopwatch, opening each flap at ½ minute intervals. Thus, the skin in the area of ​​the first window will be irradiated for 3 minutes, the second - 2.5 minutes, the third - 2 minutes, the fourth - 1.5 minutes, the fifth - 1 minute. and sixth – ½ min. A day later, the condition of the child’s skin is checked. The biodose is determined visually by the degree of redness. The area with the least hyperemia is an indicator of the time of irradiation of the baby.

    How to properly use “Sun” for ARVI

    Today, many people are concerned about the issue of preventing the occurrence of influenza.

    1. Since the influenza virus spreads primarily through airborne droplets (much less often through household items), sanitizing the air in living and working areas and disinfecting objects is of particular importance. Turn on the UV device daily to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
    2. Human irradiation to increase resistance to ARVI is carried out daily or every other day (the average course is 10 procedures). Experts recommend irradiating the following areas: the face, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages (through tube attachments) and the back wall of the pharynx (through tubes).

    The duration of irradiation for adults is 1-3 minutes. for each site. Irradiation for children is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to the device, or on the recommendation of an experienced pediatrician.

    How to use UV irradiation for various diseases


    For this pathology, children under 3 months of age are treated with irradiation of the posterior surface of the body, placing the irradiator at a distance of ½ meter. The first session is 1/8 of the previously determined biodose. In children over 3 months. use ¼ biodose. After every 2 procedures, the irradiation time is increased by 1/8 and ¼ biodose, according to the age of the baby. The maximum session time is 1 full biodose. The number of procedures is 15-20 with a frequency of 1 time per day. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.


    A runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of colds of various etiologies. Inflamed mucous membranes of the nasal passages cause dysfunction of breathing, smell and tear production. Mucus is actively produced from the nasal sinuses - in this way the body gets rid of germs and irritants.

    Rhinitis can be triggered by the activity of viral agents and bacteria, hypothermia of the body, and chemical compounds.

    1. When the first signs of a runny nose appear, the feet are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. The distance to the surface of the feet is maintained at about 10 cm, the procedure time is up to a quarter of an hour, the course is from 3 to 4 days. For children, exposure time ranges from 5 to 10 minutes.
    2. After the amount of mucus secreted from the nose decreases (but not less), and rhinitis enters the attenuation stage, irradiation begins using a nozzle - a tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm - of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. These procedures are carried out to prevent the development of secondary infection and the development of complications of the runny nose - otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. The course of irradiation lasts up to 6 days, the initial irradiation time is 1 minute with a gradual increase to 2-3 minutes per day. For children, the initial dose is ½-1 minute with a gradual increase to 3 minutes.

    Acute inflammation of the extramandibular sinuses is called sinusitis. The pathology develops as a consequence of infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria and viruses and is most often a complication of ARVI, measles, scarlet fever, and acute rhinitis. Sometimes sinusitis provokes inflammation in the roots of the four upper teeth.

    The UFO device is used only after the disease has been diagnosed by an otolaryngologist and all necessary medical procedures have been performed: puncture and rinsing of the sinuses with medicinal solutions.

    Irradiation is carried out through a tube (diameter 0.5 cm), the radiation is directed to the area of ​​the nasal canals. The procedures are carried out once a day, the irradiation time is from 1 minute to 4 minutes (the duration increases gradually). The course of physiotherapy lasts up to 6 days. Children's dosage is similar to adults.


    For inflammation of the middle ear, accompanied by swelling of the auditory tube and impaired ventilation, ear congestion and discomfort, hearing loss and noise/ringing, autophony and the feeling of iridescent fluid when changing the position of the head, use ultraviolet irradiation of the mucous membrane of the posterior throat wall and nasal passages using a tube with a diameter of 1. 5 cm. Initial dosage: 1 minute on the back of the throat and each nasal canal.

    Gradually increase the dosage to 2-3 minutes (every session). At the same time, ultraviolet irradiation of the affected auditory canal (from the outside) is carried out for 5 minutes through a tube with a diameter of 0.5 mm. The total number of procedures is 5-6, every day. Treatment of children is carried out according to the same scheme.

    Bronchitis and tracheobronchitis

    For inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing attacks, therapy begins from the first day of the disease. Irradiation is carried out on the anterior surface of the sternum at the location of the trachea and on the posterior projection of this organ in the interscapular area.

    UV irradiation is performed using a perforated localizer, which is applied every day to areas of the skin that have not yet been treated. The distance to the body is set at 10 cm, the session time is 10 minutes on the front and 10 minutes on the back surface of the chest. Redness procedures 1 time per day, quantity – from 5 to 6.

    Treatment of the wound surface

    To clean cut and lacerated wounds from pathogenic microorganisms, before the initial surgical treatment, the wound and adjacent tissues are irradiated with ultraviolet radiation for 10 minutes. With each change of dressing and at the time of removal of suture material, the wounds are irradiated for 10 minutes.

    If there are necrotic formations and pus in the wound, ultraviolet irradiation is done only after preliminary cleansing of the surfaces from pyogenic masses, starting from 2 minutes and increasing the time to 10 minutes. The number of sessions is from 10 to 12, the frequency is with daily wound sanitation and dressing.


    Acne affects teenagers during puberty. The rashes are localized on the face, neck, upper chest and back. UFO is performed sequentially, changing the area of ​​exposure every day: face, chest, upper back, and so on.

    The distance to the irradiator is from 12 to 15 cm, the exposure time of the device is 10-12-15 minutes (increase gradually). The number of sessions depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and ranges from 10 to 14 procedures. Using the same method, boils and abscess sites are irradiated, both before opening the abscess surgically or spontaneously, and after that.

    Mastitis during breastfeeding

    Ultraviolet rays, affecting the mammary gland and nipple, help get rid of inflammation, help cleanse the surface of cracks, their epithelization and destroy microbes. Each nipple and mammary gland is irradiated for 6-7 minutes, placing the device at a distance of 10 cm. The frequency of sessions is every other day, the course of treatment is 10 procedures.


    The pathology is caused by the activity of streptococci. The zone of a tense spot with clear contours, daily increasing in size, is irradiated from the first days of the appearance of the plaque, capturing an area of ​​tissue located at a distance of 5 cm. The distance from the device to the body surface is from 10 to 12 cm, UV irradiation starts from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time session up to 15 minutes. The frequency of procedures is every day, the number is 12-16.

    Inflammation of the external genitalia in women

    For vulvitis, bartholinitis and colpitis (vaginitis), ultraviolet irradiation is carried out in a gynecological office using a specialized mirror. For the session, a tube with a diameter of 1.5 cm is used, the procedure time is 2 minutes with a gradual increase to 8 minutes. The external labia are also additionally irradiated from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes. The average number of sessions performed each day is 7.


    Orthopedists and traumatologists recommend ultraviolet irradiation to their patients for fractures of limbs or ribs. At the early stage of fusion, irradiation has an analgesic, anti-edematous, bacteriostatic effect, and at later stages it activates phosphorus-calcium metabolism and improves the growth of callus. The device is placed at a distance of 15 cm in the problem area and 10 sessions of 12-15 minutes are carried out every day.

    Ultraviolet lamp OUFK-01: contraindications

    Like any physiotherapeutic procedures, local and general UV irradiation of the human body has its contraindications, which include:

    • suspicion of a malignant tumor;
    • any malignant neoplasms, including skin ones;
    • systemic pathologies of connective tissue;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • tuberculosis (in open form);
    • tendency to any bleeding;
    • hypertension (stage III);
    • history of circulatory failure (II, III degree);
    • atherosclerosis;
    • the first time after myocardial infarction (first 4 weeks);
    • renal and liver failure;
    • period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.);
    • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
    • allergies to ultraviolet radiation, photodermatoses;
    • thin, dry, sensitive skin, prone to cracking and peeling;
    • cachexia.

    There are no contraindications to using the irradiator to disinfect indoor air and any objects.

    Ural irradiation becomes especially relevant if small children and people with a high degree of allergies live in the house. All procedures should be carried out strictly in accordance with the official instructions, maintaining the time accurate to the second. It is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider before using the UV irradiator.


      Boris - 02/26/2017 00:12

      Please tell me, does the sun help with nail fungus?

      Mila replied:
      March 10th, 2017 at 12:07

      Hello! Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a disease that should be treated comprehensively. In advanced cases, you should not only use local pharmaceuticals (solutions, drops, ointments, creams, varnishes, etc.), but also take antifungal drugs orally. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as prescribed by an experienced dermatologist. Ultraviolet irradiation of damaged nail plates helps only as an additional measure and cannot act as independent therapy.

      Marina - 03/11/2017 16:40

      I bought a quartz sun lamp right before the New Year. A very good thing, my daughter took quartz after a sore throat.

      And after the NG I got sick, I also decided to try it on myself. I couldn’t swallow at all, I quartzed for 2 days and everything went away, although I need to quartz for 5 days according to the instructions.
      I have OUFB-04.

      Elena Alexandrovna replied:
      March 27th, 2017 at 17:26

      Marina, is this just a blue lamp? Or is she some kind of special?

      Vika - 03/16/2017 12:26

      I bought a quartz lamp “sun” OUFK-01. I have a question: a child (8 years old) has a sore throat. How long can you heat? Will we get a burn from the lamp?

      Marina - 05/04/2017 22:15

      Please tell me, has anyone quartzed toys? How to quartz them correctly?

      Vera Vladimirovna - 06/19/2017 17:41

      Hello dear forum users and site administration! I came across this article by chance and decided to leave my review. I can say that I am an “experienced” user of the ultraviolet lamp Sun-01.
      We bought it last fall at one of the local pharmacies. Its price at that time was 2100 rubles. We bought it on the recommendation of friends and did not regret it. Indeed, on the one hand, the device is very simple, but it really does have benefits.
      In winter (as always the cold season) we got sick, first the husband, then the children, and I myself held on until the last and soon became sniffly...
      Undoubtedly, during the treatment process we used the sun device (only when there was no high temperature) and I can only say positive things about it! OUFC is wonderful, but it is also worth remembering: comprehensive care is important, and in no case should you refuse the doctor’s recommendations.
      If anyone has any questions, write, I will be happy to answer.

      Darina - 07/22/2017 17:07

      Girls, tell me where I can buy a quartz lamp. Pharmacies don't have it

      Igor - 07/22/2017 20:01

      This lamp does more harm than good! When you burn the mucous membrane, it’s a direct path for bacteria to reproduce.

      Marina - 08/14/2017 12:45

      Hello, I bought the sun OUFB-4, they told me in the store that it can be used for children aged 3 years and older. My son is 3.2 - I want to treat the throat, I didn’t find a dosage, only for OUFD-1... maybe I should have taken it after all? Please tell me if it’s worth exchanging...

      Pavel replied:
      August 14th, 2017 at 17:31

      Hello Marina! You need to know that the models of the “sun” device differ in power. The device with -01 has the lowest power, in particular it is suitable for use in children. In turn, this type is divided into OUFd-01 and OUFk-01
      — For children from birth and adults — quartz lamp OUFd-01 is recommended
      — For children from three years of age and adults — it is allowed to use OUFk-01
      As for OUFb-04, it is acceptable for use by adult adolescents over 12 years of age.

      Denis - 08/19/2017 12:24

      Hello. I want to buy a UV lamp for treating and disinfecting rooms. I don't know which one to choose. I have two small children - 9 months and 1.9 years. Rooms up to 24 m2. I would like the lamp to be used for treating adults as well. Is there such a thing?

      Irina - 08/26/2017 21:45

      We fell ill with ARVI, and decided to try a new method of treatment, not to use any antiviral drugs, which did not help us, but to use ultraviolet radiation. I called the pediatrician, she spoke extremely negatively about this method, saying it would be ineffective. But since we had nothing to lose, I decided to use the lamp myself. We shined the light on the throat and each nasal passage for one and a half minutes three times a day. As a result, the temperature was only a day, and not six or seven, as usual. The sore throat went away within a day, not a week. The runny nose still persists, it’s now the fifth day, it’s too early for the runny nose to go away. I decided not to use the lamp anymore, and it ended up shining for 4 days. I came to a conclusion for myself: it’s a great way to cure a child without putting a strain on the liver. I recommend it to everyone. My only question is, can this method of treatment have a negative effect on the blood? Or is this method of irradiation safe for blood? We haven't done any analysis yet. And as for the lamp itself, how long does it take to change it?

      Marina replied:
      August 27th, 2017 at 18:53

      Irina, what kind of lamp power do you have? Oufk-1 or oufd-1?

      Irina - 12/10/2017 23:12

      And now I have one more question. Our pediatrician told me that frequent use of a UV lamp can cause cancer. I haven't found such information anywhere. Please answer, if you use a lamp several times a month, does it really cause oncology? Because we got carried away here, we do inhalations into the throat and nose for prevention and boost immunity. We have the model Sun OUFB-04. Thank you!

      Elena - 01/07/2018 23:27

      The pharmacy offered us a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp OUFK-09. Tell me which is better OUFK-09 or OUFK-01. What are the differences?

      Maria - 01/14/2018 23:58

      Hello! We bought the device OUFD-01 for a baby (1 year old). We want to prevent rickets, because synthetic vitamin D is poorly absorbed. But the instructions for the model say nothing about the prevention of rickets and quartzing the room. Is it possible to rely on the instructions for the OUFK (listed on the website)? And it’s still not clear whether to determine the biodose with a valve? And is a shutter necessary when irradiating a child’s body? Should I irradiate only the buttocks or can I irradiate them on both sides (tummy too)?

      Elena - 03/08/2018 22:08

      We bought OUFD Solnyshko 01 for a child. But she got sick herself, had a long cough, and decided to try the irradiator. I made a perforated localizer and carried out the procedure with 10 cm, but instead of 10 minutes, 13 minutes, because I thought it was for children, and the dosage was too weak for an adult. I burned my skin! On the chest, neck. It’s good that I tried it on myself and not on my child. It's scary to think what would happen to a child's delicate skin. I would like to note that my skin is not sensitive, dark. It is simply impossible to touch the skin.

      Tata - 03/13/2018 15:06

      My period of work in the physiology office is short, only 3 years. But during this time, patients came with all sorts of problems, all sorts of problems were not treated. But it helped! Therefore, when I went on maternity leave and gave birth to a child, I decided that I should also have my own device at home. It may be small, but it is quite enough for the prevention of colds and the treatment of certain diseases.
      And I started with this ultraviolet device “Solnyshko”. I was convinced 100 times that I was right. This is the best, simplest, cheapest and most accessible way to protect your family from viruses and infections. A few minutes at the lamp and you won’t be afraid of a runny nose or more serious colds.
      My eldest son's teenage acne did not go away for a long time. At one time, he was embarrassed to come to my office so that no one would see. As he said: “disinfecting the skin is unworthy of a man.” The only thing he had enough for was a visit to a specialist. When the doctor found out that there was a UV device in the house, he prescribed a course of treatment taking into account exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Dima took the course in the fall. And changes were already noticeable: the rash began to appear less frequently, without suppuration. And the skin disease goes away without ugly scars. My son decided to continue treatment and take another course in the spring.



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