Raw food nutrition system. Raw food diet - principles of nutrition

- This is not just a diet or special nutrition. This is a whole philosophy. It is impossible to become a raw foodist for two weeks or a month and then return to familiar system nutrition. People come to a raw food diet gradually and forever. The diet of raw foodists was borrowed from our distant ancestors, when they still had no fire, no stove, no utensils, but were able to challenge the cruel world and survive. What is the meaning of a raw food diet and what are its principles?

Raw foodists also minimize and never wash down their food. Drinking is allowed 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals.

Raw food diet

At your disposal are raw and pickled fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, fresh and dried herbs, dried in a natural way, all types of nuts, algae, unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils, seeds, sprouted cereal grains, honey. Drinking – clean water(best structured or thawed) and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits.

The importance of foods in a raw food diet

  1. The first place is occupied by fresh herbs - dill, parsley, all types of lettuce, spinach, green tops of beets, carrots, celery and turnips, sorrel, nettle and dandelion leaves. Greens should be consumed daily fresh on its own, in salads or in the form of smoothies (cocktails from leafy vegetables with the addition of other vegetables and fruits). Sprouted cereal grains can also be classified as greens.
  2. Fruits occupy an honorable second place in the diet of raw foodists. Their amount should be 40-50% of the total amount of food daily. Among all fruits, bananas come in last place - they contain large number starch, so you shouldn’t abuse them.
  3. Vegetables take third place. There should be 20-30% of them in a raw foodist’s diet. Root vegetables (beets, carrots, turnips, and others) should make up a smaller portion of your daily serving of vegetables.
  4. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits are essential for normal digestion, therefore, should be present daily in the diet of a raw foodist in an amount of 10% in summer and 15% in winter.
  5. In addition, vegetable oils and honey should be added to the menu of raw foodists.

Positive aspects of a raw food diet

  • Raw foodists almost never get sick with viral and colds;
  • To feel full, you need significantly less food than a traditionally eating person;
  • Raw foodists are distinguished by high immunity, endurance, body resistance to difficult weather conditions and unfavorable factors environment;
  • The body does not waste energy on digesting difficult-to-digest food, therefore it has high energy and excellent performance;
  • Raw foodists practically do not suffer from mental disorders and various chronic diseases, since their body is clean and not clogged with waste and toxins;
  • As a rule, raw foodists look 10-20 years younger than their age.

Sample raw food menu

  • After waking up: glass of water.
  • First breakfast: a handful of nuts with honey.
  • Lunch: in summer - any fresh fruits and berries (in the form of salads and on their own), in winter - dried fruits, winter varieties of fresh apples and pears, thawed berries, soaked apples.
  • Dinner: sprouted cereal grains (separately or in salads), any vegetable and fruit salads with vegetable oil, herbs, salt and pepper (for example, coarsely grated apple and carrots, or Jerusalem artichoke with apple, herbs and onions). It should be remembered that in winter it is better to eat “fatty” foods (for example, avocados), and in summer – watery ones (for example, watermelons).
  • Dinner: any vegetables in the form of salads with herbs or separately.
  • For the night: a glass of water or freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice.
  • Snacks: Between meals you should drink clean structured or melt water.

Switching to a proper raw food diet is not for everyone. Why, you ask? Let’s figure out together how to make the transition correctly and everyone will draw their own conclusions as to whether they need it. Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and lose weight.

Raw food diet for beginners

I will share with you 10 tips on how to start the raw food diet. I'm not saying it's actually a way of life. Because in order to be healthy and happy, bright and shiny, the way you want to feel, you have to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

10 important rules of a raw food diet

If you follow these rules, you will be able to switch to a raw food diet comfortably without much difficulty.

Stock up on vegetables and fruits

Stock up more fruit and vegetables in your kitchen as soon as possible. Eat as many fruits and as many vegetables as you like. This is an unlimited lifestyle - in abundance, if you do not want to limit yourself and be free in your food choices.

Smoothie for breakfast

Make it a rule to drink a large glass of water when you wake up, then 0.25 - 0.5 ml in your first meal for breakfast. juice or smoothie. This will help provide your body with simple sugars from fruits that will keep you energized throughout the day. If you are looking for recipe ideas, you can find them at the end of the article.

Fruit lunch

The second meal for lunch is a huge portion of fruit. You can eat any fruit you want or make a salad out of it. Make sure you eat enough because it is important to eat the right amount of carbohydrates so that you don't feel hungry throughout the day. If you feel too worried full belly, remember, the stomach is a muscle and it will expand or contract to regulate the amount of food you give it.

Dinner: 2 options

Start your dinner with a small plate of fruit or just a large citrus fruit of your choice. And you can also replace fruit with salad. Salad recipes:


Don't forget about sufficient quantity exercise, increase your activity, devote at least 20 minutes a day to it. You want to be healthy and happy. It has been absolutely proven that physical exercise promotes healthy image life.

Read about proper raw food diet

Train yourself to eat raw foods as much as possible. The Internet is full of raw sites dietary nutrition, so be selective and find out more information only from reliable sources. If you are really interested in a raw food diet and still have some questions, just write your review - comment below, I will find more for you useful information. Or if your question is quite interesting, I will answer it as part of a new article.

Become part of the community

Get more rest

Get plenty of rest and sleep well. When you first start eating this way, your body experiences stress. If you don't eat a lot of raw foods, you may experience some detoxification reactions, such as flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or feeling a bit underwhelmed. full of energy. Whatever it is, keep in mind that this is a restorative and rejuvenating diet. In order to recover, it is important to get enough rest. So sleep as much as your body needs, don’t limit yourself and enjoy your vacation.

Watch your calorie intake

This is probably one of the most important advice How to adopt a raw food diet and eat healthy: Make sure you eat enough calories. The number one reason why most people fail when starting a raw food diet. They think that eating 3 bananas and a salad a day is enough for them. But in the end they eat few calories and feel too tired, which is why they blame this type nutrition.


My last and final advice is because not very many people understand this. I just want to say: be gentle with yourself! It's difficult, you can understand. If a raw food diet is what you want, you can manage it and stay on track. Don't get upset or obsess over it, just continue to eat according to the rules.

Raw food diet for weight loss (video)

Transition to a healthy lifestyle

A person takes food in order to satisfy hunger, replenish the body with nutrients and energy. However, over time, eating food has become more of a pleasure for us than a natural process maintaining the vital functions of the body. This was very skillfully used by chemists working in food industry, adding synthetic flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and many other harmful products to products chemical elements that poison and kill us. Dependence on delicious food as harmful as addiction to alcohol and smoking.

To get started new life, cleanse the body of toxins accumulated as a result poor nutrition, you need to firmly grasp a simple truth: tasty does not mean healthy.

Proper raw food diet is the very beginning

A raw food diet is eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and grains cereal crops, in other words – living products. At first it may seem like this is not enough to satisfy your hunger. But over time you will realize that you were deeply mistaken.

Nobody says to move from the usual delicious food It will be very easy to get started with a raw food diet. This requires some psychological preparation: It is useful to read literature on this topic, communicate with those people who have already become raw foodists, and see for yourself that this is possible and will be beneficial.

Proper transition to a raw food diet

After moral preparation, you can move on to action: look at the list of products available, learn how to grocery store resolutely walk past the “Bread”, “Milk”, “Groceries” departments straight into the “Vegetables and Fruits” department. Here you can choose what you like: grapes, apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, etc. A proper raw food diet begins with the selection of your favorite vegetables and fruits.


Dried fruits and nuts will help diversify your diet. Go to proper raw food diet can be abruptly or gradually. Include more plant foods in your diet every day. Even if you do not manage to completely switch to a raw food diet, you will begin to eat more raw fruits and vegetables - this will also bring significant benefits to the body.

Authorized products:

  • all fresh fruits;
  • all raw vegetables;
  • raw nuts and seeds;
  • raw cereals and legumes, sprouted or soaked;
  • dried fruits and meat;
  • nut milk;
  • raw nut butter;
  • olive and coconut oil cold pressed;
  • fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut;
  • sprouts;
  • raw eggs or dairy products if desired;
  • raw meat or fish if desired.

Prohibited products:

  • cooked fruits, vegetables, meats and grains;
  • bakery;
  • roasted nuts and ;
  • refined oils;
  • table salt;
  • refined sugar and flour;
  • pasteurized juices and milk;
  • coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • industrial sauces and mayonnaise;
  • other processed foods and snacks.

Nuts and seeds are an important part raw diet because they provide the body with protein, calories, healthy fats and other vital nutrients. You can eat any nuts and seeds you like:

  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • macadamia nuts;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pine nuts;
  • hemp seeds.

Raw food doesn't mean boring. For a different taste, add to your dishes:

Summer is the most the right time to switch to a raw food diet. The abundance of berries, fruits and vegetables makes the transition to a raw food diet tasty, healthy and enjoyable. IN winter period You can please yourself with apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, raisins, dried apricots and nuts. As you can see, the choice of products is not as small as it seems at first.

Easy to prepare

Appreciate the simplicity of preparation. Many raw foods easy to prepare provided you choose the right recipes. Find recipes that don't ask for exotic, hard-to-find ingredients. Indeed, sometimes there is no need to bother with recipes, but simply prepare the products and taste them raw in salads or whole.

Use various methods cooking to add variety, such as:

  • germination of seeds, grains and beans;
  • fruit and vegetable juice;
  • soaking nuts and dried fruits;
  • using a dehydrator (vegetable and fruit dryer).

Grains and legumes are an important part of a raw diet for consuming adequate calories and nutrients. Good grains and legumes for sprouting:

  • lentils;
  • millet;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • green buckwheat.

Raw food diet: reviews and results (video)

Disadvantages of the initial stage of raw nutrition

The first few months of a raw food diet may cause weakness and drowsiness. During this time, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity. Gradually, the body will get used to the new diet, cleanse itself, and restore the microflora. When all the unpleasant sensations go away, you feel a surge of strength, an improvement in your mood, then you can gradually increase the load.

When switching to a raw food diet there is no need for additional measures cleansing of the body, such as an enema. You should drink water only when you feel thirsty, since the required amount of liquid enters the body along with vegetables and fruits.

I hope you found this article helpful and learned how to start a raw food diet and stay fit and healthy.

You should start a raw food diet only after you have learned the basics of this nutrition system. In order for a raw food diet to be correct and harmless to health, you need to be well prepared.

Proper transition to a raw food diet

It is necessary to switch to such a power system wisely. You can’t decide to become a raw foodist one day and then give up absolutely everything the next day. familiar products. This way you can seriously harm your body. The transition to a raw food diet should be easy and smooth, otherwise it will hardly be possible to avoid troubles.

The ideal option to start with would be a dairy-vegetable diet, and after a while you can already give up dairy products. If the transition to a raw food diet is correct, then in the future there should be no difficulties with this nutrition system.

At the very beginning, it is recommended to exclude meat from the diet, and then you can give up eggs and fish. The last step correct transition A raw food diet will involve giving up milk and cooked food. In order to try your hand, you can switch to any of the vegetarian diets for a while.

The most suitable foods for a raw food diet

It is not at all difficult to guess that the diet with this food system will not be too varied. The main products for raw foodists are fresh vegetables and fruits. They are also allowed to eat various greens (nettle leaves, dandelions, sorrel, wild garlic) and leaf salads, sprouted grains and sunflower seeds, pumpkin.

Vegetable oils may be present in the diet of raw foodists. This can be not only sunflower, but also olive, mustard, corn and other oils. Required condition is that the oil must be cold pressed.

A proper raw food diet involves eating a variety of nuts raw. You can eat berries and honey; raw foodists sometimes include seaweed in their diet. Season the prepared food with salt and all kinds of spices, which can be slightly dried (for example, oregano, marjoram, parsley, dill and others).

Basics of proper raw food diet

The main rule states that man is an integral part of nature. This means that he cannot eat meat, eggs or dairy products. “Live” food (as raw foodists call raw foods) contains a large amount useful substances, which is destroyed during heat treatment.

Those people who have completely switched to a raw food diet never tire of saying that processed food is poison. Any thermal process leads to the fact that in products no nutrients remain. Moreover, fried or boiled food According to raw foodists, in some cases it becomes the cause of many diseases.

This nutritional system does not allow you to consume water and food at the same time. As a result, irritation of the gastric mucosa may occur, as acidity increases. You can drink water 30 minutes before your main meal. If a person has eaten, he can drink water only after an hour.

A proper raw food diet is based on the fact that you need to eat only when you feel hungry. You need to get up from the table with a feeling of ease, and not with full stomach. It is interesting that raw foodists do not start eating breakfast immediately after going to bed. They eat about 2-3 hours after they wake up. In the evening, food can be consumed at least 3 hours before bedtime.

When following a raw food diet, you are not allowed to eat any food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator. All products must be at room temperature. It is also important to remember that you need to chew your food very well.

The right combination of foods for a raw food diet

Raw foodists should not mix fats and sugar. You need to know that in their understanding, fats are coconut, nuts and avocados. And we mean sugar that is found in fruits. This means don't mix avocados, nuts or coconuts with sweet fruits. Only in this way will the digestion process be normal, without any signs of fermentation and rotting of food in the stomach.

Another rule states that it is highly recommended not to mix acid with starch. It should be understood that acid is all sour fruits (lemon, orange), as well as vegetables. Starchy foods for raw foodists will include not only potatoes, but also bananas and raw food bread.

The last rule of the right combination of products is that you cannot consume at the same time different types fat Products that are similar in composition may interfere with proper absorption. True raw foodists do not eat nuts with vegetable oil, coconut and avocado. All products that contain fats are themselves difficult to digest.

A proper raw food diet means that you need to listen carefully to your body and eat only “live” food. With the right approach this system nutrition can bring positive changes for, cleanse the body, and prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

And most often only products plant origin. There are four main dietary options for raw foodists.

1. Raw food diet consists of fresh raw fruits, berries, vegetables and their juices, air-dried fruits and berries, wild edible plants, nuts, raw oilseeds and other plants, sprouted grains, soaked in cold water whole grains or cereals close to whole grains, vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing, natural honey. Pickled vegetables are acceptable. Drink – pure raw water. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as drinks of their raw grain products or nuts, are classified as food and not as a thirst-quenching drink.

This diet is common among supporters of a raw food diet. By set food products it is very close to a strictly vegetarian diet - veganism. What distinguishes it from ordinary veganism is that it completely excludes heat treatment products when preparing food.

2. Raw food diet basically repeats the previous one, but whole grains and cereals soaked in cold water, pickled vegetables, and sometimes vegetable oil are excluded from it. Sprouted grain is acceptable. This is the strictest raw food diet. The most consistent raw foodists include mainly fresh raw fruits and berries in their diet. This diet is called fructoriapism.

3. Raw food diet represents products of the 1st diet, but is supplemented with raw milk and, in some cases, dairy products: yogurt and other fermented milk drinks, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. However, true raw foodists reject dairy products. industrial production. You can include raw eggs.

Raw foodists who eat raw plant and dairy products are called “omnivores”, in contrast to absolute, or ideal raw foodists, who eat only raw plant products. The word "omnivore" has a relative meaning, since raw foodists of any type do not consume meat or fish.

4. Raw food diet corresponds to the 1st or 3rd diet, but is supplemented with bread baked, if possible, from whole grains and without the use of yeast. If baked bread is included in a 3-1 diet (vegetable-milk-egg), then such a diet can be considered the least strict in a raw food diet.

Many raw foodists consume whole apples and other fruits with the seed pod, so as not to disturb the “food complex”. In grated apple or ground pumpkin, the seeds are less noticeable. Great value is also attached to the peel - fruits, berries and vegetables should be eaten with the peel. A whole egg is considered more nutritious than one yolk or white, and whole milk– more nutritious than cream or sour cream.

You should not eat a lot or often. Only once a day can you eat thoroughly, and two more times - little by little. This is the limit. Anything beyond this is harmful, especially snacking between three meals. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This is especially important when we're talking about about raw plant products. When they are poorly chewed, stomach and intestinal disorders, bloating.

When eating a raw food diet, you can do without table salt, hot spices, spices and seasonings. Due to the complete or almost complete exclusion of table salt from the diet, thirst decreases and excess liquid is not introduced into the body, especially since fruits and vegetables contain natural juices.

A diet menu of raw fruits and vegetables could be like this:

  • Apple salad (see recipe below), 20-30 g of nuts - separately or in salad, 100-200 g of fresh fruit, apple tea dried fruits rosehip.
  • 150-250 g fresh fruit, 50-100 g green salad, 100-150 g fresh vegetables, 20 g nuts, fresh juices fruits or vegetables.
  • Dinner:
    • Same as breakfast.
    Apple salad

    1 tablespoon oatmeal soak for 12 hours in 3 tablespoons of water, then add the juice of ½ lemon or other sour fruit, 1 tablespoon of milk, kefir or honey, 2 grated apples and 1 tablespoon of grated nuts, if they are not given separately for breakfast.

    Raw food diet can help normalize body weight, especially in obesity, strengthen muscles, and facilitate body movements. The famous Australian naturopath K. Jeffrey in the book “ Natural food"(1974) indicated an approximate set of products (in percentages) that should comprise a daily food ration with a total weight of about 1.5 kg:

    • raw fruits and berries (except bananas) – 50%;
    • raw vegetables (except potatoes) – 35%;
    • grain products (mainly whole grains), legumes, potatoes, bananas - 10% of the diet; these products can be eaten after light cooking or raw;
    • dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, cream, eggs, honey – 5-10%;
    • boiled vegetables (except cabbage) can be consumed 1-2 times a week, provided they are heated briefly;
    • vegetable oil, fruit juices, onions, garlic, table salt and other seasonings - 1% of food consumed.

    According to Katsudzo Nishi’s “Health System” (1936), which incorporates raw food nutrition, fasting, yoga, bioenergy and other techniques, you should start the day with juicy fruits, which should be eaten raw and whole – with peel and seeds. It is not wise to juice them. IN winter time can be soaked dried fruits and eat them as a separate dish along with the infusion.

    For people who still continue to eat “unnatural” cooked food, K. Nishi recommends taking contrast shower or air baths. It is imperative to combine cooked food with raw vegetables. In this case, there should be 3 times more raw foods than cooked ones.


    Raw fruits in season (2-3 oranges or 200 g of grapes and one apple or 2 pears, etc.) or in combination with soaked dried fruits.


    A salad of raw grated or finely chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) with herbs and, if desired, with the addition of vegetable oil; instead of vegetables, you can use sour fruits and berries, adding to them 100 g of nuts or oil seeds (sunflower etc.).


    Vegetable salad, nuts (seeds) or a combination of green lettuce, green or red pepper, beet tops and nuts; Instead of vegetables, you can eat fruits as for breakfast.

    In salads, mainly in winter, you can add dried herbs, powdered seeds and berries (rowans, blueberries, etc.). In the summer it is worth drying pine, nettles, and other wild plants. It is advisable to use apricot kernels, pollen(2-3 g per dose). Raw vegetables You can eat it with vegetable oil, fruits and dried fruits with honey. Fresh fruit can be replaced with freshly prepared vegetable juices.

    Raw foodists believe that the main cause of obesity is eating unnatural food. Obesity cannot occur when eating natural, raw food. Indeed, first of all, raw plant foods It's hard to overeat. Secondly, calculations accepted in nutrition science show that the energy value of the recommended six diets ranges from a maximum of 2.94 to 5.88 MJ (from 700 to 1400 kcal) per day. This corresponds to diets used in the treatment of obesity in modern dietetics.

    Switching to a raw food diet requires a lot of endurance and the ability to limit yourself in food. Becoming an absolute Raw Foodist, a person not only stops consuming animal products, but also abandons the familiar taste of boiled, baked, stewed, fried, salted and other foods. In addition, the transition to raw food rarely without adverse events of varying manifestations and intensity side effects. Therefore, rules for the transition to a raw food diet have been developed.

    Rules for switching to a raw food diet

    The doctrine of the raw food diet provides for a gradual transition from regular nutrition to eating only raw food and consistently limiting the range of foods until the diet consists predominantly or entirely of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, wild plants, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. Only a few supporters of a raw food diet, in particular G. Shelton, recommend a quick, without hesitation or addiction, transition from “dead” food to “live”, raw plant food.

    The first step to a raw food diet is to exclude animal and poultry meat from the diet, then fish. Further, if desired, eggs can be excluded from the diet. A diet consisting of raw and cooked plant and dairy products or plant-dairy-egg foods is called a semi-raw food diet.

    Raw foodists believe that the transition to a semi-raw food diet usually occurs without significant difficulties, especially for those people who have already been able to wean themselves off meat and fish. However, the transition from cooked food, not even meat or fish, to a complete raw food diet is rarely accomplished immediately, easily and irrevocably. In adults, such a transition should be careful and gradual. We need to “re-educate” our digestive system.

    The amount of time required to switch to raw food depends on the person's age, health, character, profession and other factors. Adaptation can take years, since the body's habits play a huge role in nutrition. In addition, during the period of getting used to raw food, one must undergo a number of possible discomfort or disorders from gastrointestinal tract and general malaise.

    • in the morning and evening - raw foods, in the afternoon a lunch of raw and boiled food or only boiled;
    • in the morning and evening - boiled food, in the afternoon - lunch of raw food;
    • During each meal, they first eat a raw dish, then a boiled one; Fruits and nuts should be eaten before a main meal, and not after it, then they are better used by the body.

    However, most people do not need morning food and it is better to limit themselves to two meals: around 11 and 17 hours. In the morning and evening, the same liquids are recommended: juices diluted with water, vegetable “milk”, raw “teas” from herbs, leaves, roots or flowers. From a vegetable-milk or vegetable-milk-egg diet, including boiled food, you should step by step eliminate first eggs, then dairy products, then milk, while at the same time replacing cooked food with raw food.

    Raw foodists claim that the gradual elimination of all animal products provides a diet that is “the purest and most toxin-free.” It is recommended to carry out a “trial raw food diet”: every semi-raw food eater who has the will, endurance and a healthy digestive system, who is already partially accustomed to raw vegetable and dairy products, can carry out such a trial course for 2-3 weeks. Raw foodists believe that even such a trial raw food diet “cleanses, heals and rejuvenates the body, provides it with rest and a solid vitamin boost.”

    Late summer and autumn are the most suitable time for a “trial raw food diet,” especially during the holidays. According to raw foodists, as a result of a trial of eating only raw food, a person feels extraordinary ease of movement, clarity of mind and cheerful mood. Body weight almost always decreases, but then after the body adapts to the new diet, it returns to normal.

    During the trial period of a raw food diet, at first it is better to eat little rather than a lot, and only when you have an appetite. It is advisable to eat mainly seasonal products of this time of year. Exclusively important has chewing thoroughly raw food, and if the chewing apparatus is poor, some raw foods (for example, nuts) need to be finely crushed, ground or grated.

    You should not eat after drinking or drink while eating. During the cold season, raw food must be heated in a warm room to the air temperature of the room. Cooked raw dishes cannot be left for long. Table salt, vinegar, spices, seasonings should be replaced with tomato, lemon, cranberry and other juices.

    Of course, these rules retain their meaning even with a complete transition to a diet consisting of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, etc., i.e. on an absolute raw food diet. Consumption of unleavened bread baked from whole cracked grains or flour coarse with the addition of bran, acceptable during the transition period. Some raw foodists include such bread in their regular diet.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

Surely you have thought about how to maintain health while living a long and fruitful life? Do I need to change my diet? And what to eat? I will give my thoughts on this topic. The topic of our conversation is the basics of a raw food diet. IN lately This food system is rapidly gaining popularity, both here and in the West.

It's time to debunk the myths that a raw food diet means eating the same foods without taste. In fact, the dishes of raw foodists are varied and are in no way inferior in calorie content to traditional cuisine. There are nuts, honey, dried fruits, cheese, and cereals. What not!

If, out of curiosity, you go to visit the raw foodists forum, you will be surprised to discover that, it turns out, there are

  • Cakes for raw foodists;
  • Various pastes;
  • Soups;
  • Candies.
  • Cookie
  • Etc.

And believe me, they taste no worse than regular dishes. There is even bread for raw foodists - this is a dried mass of sprouted and ground grains of wheat, very healthy and quite pleasant to the taste.


What is a proper raw food diet? In simple terms, this is when a person eats only raw foods, avoiding cooking them. Why is this so? I'll explain a little later.
The large army of raw foodists is divided into categories:

  1. Vegetarians– eat dairy products and any plant foods. They do not eat fish, meat, or eggs.
  2. Vegans– feed on fruits, roots, vegetables and herbs. In addition to the restrictions for vegetarians, a ban on dairy products is added.
  3. Fruitarians– eat the above-ground parts of plants: grass shoots, seeds, vegetables growing above the ground (cucumbers, for example), nuts and fruits. Cereals and root vegetables are prohibited.

A raw food diet can be mixed, when several foods are consumed at one meal, and monotrophic (mono-raw food diet) - one type of food at one time.

Founder scientific theory Dr. Max Bircher-Benner is considered a raw foodist. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he was the first to say that heating food to a temperature of 50ᴼC and above negatively affects its composition - most of it is lost. beneficial properties product, instead of them carcinogens are formed, harmful substances. Bircher-Benner also noted the harmfulness of using any chemical additives to food, including salt.

So what is a raw food diet and how is it beneficial? And why is it so popular?

Such necessary enzymes

Have you ever heard of enzymes? These are substances that are contained in any product natural origin. They take part in the process of converting one substance into another. Their other role is to act as catalysts for one or another action in the body, including digestion.

In other words, the enzymes contained in each fresh product, promote the digestion of this particular type of product. Each product has its own.

IN human body There are also enzymes, but they serve to perform completely different tasks: renewing blood cells, freeing the liver of toxins, transporting carbohydrates, accelerating or slowing down metabolism, and so on.

Take, for example, a tomato - its peel contains enzymes that help me digest this tomato if I eat it raw. What happens if I put this tomato in soup or make ketchup out of it? Unfortunately, the enzymes will die; they cannot withstand heating above 45 degrees. In this case, my body will be forced to use its enzymes to digest food, distracting them from other vital tasks.

Enzymes are completely absent:

  • In boiled or fried meat/fish;
  • In canned food (any kind);
  • In boiled and baked vegetables;
  • In bread;
  • In artificially created synthetic products.

Herbivore or predator?

So, we found out that for high-quality digestion and absorption of nutrients, you need to eat food rich in enzymes, that is, fresh and not synthetic.

Probably, meat lovers here will be quite puzzled: what to do with familiar dishes? And where do you get protein?

There are quite a few adherents of a carnivorous raw food diet. These, as a rule, include people living in the far north, where plant food is difficult to find. By the way, the life expectancy of such raw foodists is relatively short.

As for protein, it daily requirement quite small - about 40-50 grams per adult per day. This can be replenished with plant foods.

Revival of the body

Haven't you read the revelations of blogger Izyum yet? I advise you to read.
By practicing a raw food diet and consuming only fresh, “live” food, we free our body’s enzymes from excessive overload. Once released, they begin to work hard and... completely cleanse our body.

What does this give?

  • Improving the health of all human systems and organs, improving their functioning;
  • Increasing the reserve of strength - energy simply rushes out of the body;
  • Increased heat transfer;
  • Strengthening the immune system, as a result, curing “incurable” diseases.

The body is transformed before our eyes - skin color improves, endurance increases, neuroses and depressive states disappear.

Izyum wrote about this very well. In just 3-4 years, eating only fruits and nuts, a person achieved success in bodybuilding (what more!), completely stopped getting sick, although previously there were ARVI 10 times a year, increased his temperature exchange so much that he began to go to one T-shirt even at zero degrees.

N. Kurdyumov in his book “About Health” writes that raw foodists are characterized by a state when they achieve unity with nature. This means that wherever a person is, he will be able to feed himself: the stomach becomes such that it can digest any food (except perhaps nails), the need for calories decreases (satiation comes from one apple or a handful of berries).

With the help of a raw food diet, you can get rid of many diseases: obesity, heart disease, myopia, neurological conditions. Even curable cancerous tumors. The latter is explained by the fact that the same enzymes, as true fighters for the health of their owner, begin to expel all diseased cells from the body and destroy the affected ones.


After some deliberation, you finally decided to become a raw foodist. Where to start? Get your thoughts in order!

Take a piece of paper and write down what goals you want to achieve, what diseases you want to be cured of by stopping eating cooked food. This is important, because at first, switching to a different diet will require serious effort from you. Motivation must be strong.

The most common mistake of raw foodists just starting on this path is abrupt refusal from all usual dishes with the transition to a raw mono diet. An organism that is not ready for such changes may rebel.

Another mistake is calculating calories incorrectly. Fruits and vegetables are lower in calories than meat, for example. Until the body is accustomed to more rational digestion of food, you should monitor the energy balance, preventing complete exhaustion. You can read about how to correctly count calories.

As with any new business, there are other pitfalls and unobvious obstacles.

Helps reduce the number of bumps you get yourself preliminary receipt information from knowledgeable people. And an ordinary nutritionist will not always help you. We need a practitioner who specializes in this particular topic. Incorrect use of such powerful tool How a raw food diet can bring you not only benefits but also harm.

In order to get a more detailed understanding of the subject of raw food diet, I advise you to read a short book by P. Sebastianovich "Why are cows predators" With detailed description basic ideas and rules of raw food diet. Well, if you have already decided to become a raw foodist, take advantage of the experience of a practitioner. Denis Terentyev, a raw foodist with five years of experience, who meticulously studies the theory of the issue, has developed a special course for beginners “A system for effective transition to a raw food diet”


Raw food diet is a transition to another level of self-awareness and nutrition. This is newfound health, a surge of strength and clear thoughts in the head. The body itself will know what it needs and what it should not eat. In other words, this is a transition to natural nutrition, originally intended for humans.

Be healthy!
I will look forward to your comments and reviews, subscribe to the news so as not to miss the next articles.
Goodbye. Best regards, Yuri Okunev.



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