How long does it take for Suprax to start working? "Suprax" for the treatment of sore throat - an effective antibiotic

Praise be to the man who invented antibiotics. With these medicines we began to live longer and better. Antibacterial drugs save us from any infectious diseases. But there are a number of serious restrictions when taking them, otherwise instead of treatment protozoan infection you can end up in a hospital bed with serious complications. One of these restrictions is alcohol intake. Let us consider the interaction of these mutually exclusive substances using the example of a third generation antibiotic under trade name"Suprax".

Suprax is the newest cephalosporin antibiotic. The active ingredient of the drug is cefixime. The convenience of the drug lies in its tablet form; it is enough to take the medicine only once a day, it is convenient for busy people and small children.

Suprax is used for serious infections:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx - sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • otitis media;
  • bronchitis;
  • infections genitourinary system;
  • pneumonia.

The action of the antibiotic is aimed at destroying cells pathogenic flora, which ultimately inhibits their reproduction and growth.

The drug has relatively low bioavailability - only 40-50% is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys during the day.

As a rule, Suprax is well tolerated by patients of any age, but it, like other cephalosporins, has a number of side effects:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Sometimes liver disease such as jaundice may develop;
  • the drug changes the blood formula: some patients experience neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

The drug is not very toxic and can be used in small children aged six months or older.

If you read the instructions carefully, there is no mention of negative impact alcoholic drinks we don't find it there. It turns out that alcohol will in no way affect the course of treatment for infectious diseases and they can be taken at the same time?

Recent studies show that the simultaneous use of small amounts of alcohol and antibiotics is not at all prohibited. Previously, doctors believed that course treatment antibiotics are incompatible with drinking alcohol due to toxic effects on the liver and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. But these claims are now considered unfounded, and drinking alcohol in small quantities is not prohibited.

However, not everything is so simple with cephalosporins, which include the drug in question Suprax Solutab. Scientists have discovered that some cephalosporin antibiotics prevent the fermentation of acetaldehyde in the body, acting similar to the drugs disulfiram, which is used to treat patients with alcoholism.

Thus, when simultaneous use alcohol and Suprax, a reaction very similar to alcohol intoxication may well develop:

  • nausea;
  • strong headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • tinnitus;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • weakness.

These symptoms may well send a person to a hospital bed after drinking several glasses of cognac while taking a previously taken antibiotic. It's probably not worth taking such risks, is it?

In addition to the disulfiram-like reaction, the patient’s liver can also present a surprise. IN lately doctors are actively saying that increased load on the liver and its destruction due to simultaneous administration antibacterial drug and alcohol is a myth. And yet it is worth remembering that no significant research has been carried out in the field of their compatibility, and it is still unknown exactly how the liver of a particular patient will react to medicine and alcohol taken at the same time.

It turns out that the potential risk of serious poisoning and liver damage is quite high, so we conclude that you should still abstain from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment.

Among other things, Suprax is taken to cure serious infectious diseases. Drinking alcohol is the same toxic blow to a weakened body as taking an antibiotic. By weakening the immune system even further, you can get a whole bunch of complications from the underlying disease, and treatment will take longer and be much more expensive financially.

The drug Suprax, provided that all doctor's recommendations for its use, dosage, duration of use and taking into account all contraindications are followed, is very well tolerated by children.

The active component of the Suprax suspension is the substance cefixime. Cefixime is an antibiotic wide range action, belongs to the group of third generation cephalosporins. The active substance, entering the blood, develops its therapeutic effect in 4 hours. The effect lasts one day, so the suspension is taken once a day. Cefixime has a bactericidal effect on tissues and blood, destroying the cells of pathological bacteria and preventing the construction of bacterial membranes.

The effect of the drug is due to the sensitivity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria which are infectious agents diseases of the upper respiratory tract, soft tissues, kidneys, urinary system etc. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are also pathogens that are insensitive to cefixime - most staphylococci do not show sensitivity to suprax.

Suspension granules are prepared immediately before use. In 1 tsp. ready suspension- 100 mg of cefixime.

Suprax suspension is prescribed in cases of bacterial mild infections and moderate severity, spreading to the upper respiratory tract - sore throat, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, sinusitis.

Suprax is also used in cases of complications of acute respiratory viral infections in children in the form of bacterial inflammatory processes. It is important to start adequate antibacterial treatment in time, without missing the moment of the spread of the inflammatory process.

Suprax suspension is also used for exacerbation of any chronic disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Infectious inflammations in the urinary tract and kidneys are also indications for the use of Suprax suspension. Mild course acute pyelonephritis, exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis. cystitis - these diseases are perfectly treated with the help of Suprax suspension. If treatment occurs in inpatient conditions, and the course of the disease is severe, Suprax suspension is used on final stage therapy in the form of injections after parenteral use of cephalosporins.

Suprax suspension has few contraindications. First of all, it is individual increased sensitivity body, as well as severe renal failure in chronic form And childhood up to six months.

Any antibiotic, especially a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has certain side effects. It is because of this that you absolutely cannot use the drug yourself!

The strongest side effect appears from the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, intestinal microflora performs certain functions in the human body, including suppressing the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Being an antibiotic, Suprax destroys intestinal microflora. At the same time, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which do not show sensitivity to any antibiotic, begin to multiply intensively and thereby cause candidiasis and dysbiosis in the intestines. Which in turn leads to generalized damage to the body. The latter is dangerous for infants.


Suprax - antibiotic III generation, which contains the active ingredient cifixin.

This drug is prescribed and used for:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc.);
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, etc.).

The scope of application of suprax is quite wide. This drug is one of the most powerful antibiotics, which is why it is classified as a so-called reserve. Suprax is logical and necessary to use in cases where other, more “gentle” drugs do not provide required action. It is undesirable to use the antibiotic Suprax to begin treatment of the disease, since in the future the body may become accustomed to this drug.

Suprax in the form of a suspension is the most best option treatment for sore throat and bronchitis in children. If the attending physician prescribes the correct course of treatment with Suprax, taking into account all contraindications, indications for allergies and tolerability of the drug. With the optimal dosage and course duration, Suprax is very well tolerated by children. In hospitals, acute forms of pneumonia are treated with this drug.

Suprax for otitis is very effective drug. It quickly penetrates into affected areas, since its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after four hours. In tissues this drug lingers for a long time. Patients tolerate treatment with this medicine well. All these properties indicate that Suprax is suitable for use in the treatment of otitis media. acute form in children.

The antibiotic Suprax is widely used for sinusitis; it successfully eliminates the causative agents of the disease. This drug is convenient to use - take the medicine twice a day and the course of treatment is three to six days.

The main forms of release of suprax are:

It should be remembered that Suprax, like any other drug, is quite individual in its composition, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. Many people are allergic to antibiotics. When treated with Suprax, not everyone experiences positive body reactions to this drug. Therefore, you can hear both positive and negative reviews about this antibiotic.

For this medicine, like for any other antibiotic, there is a whole series contraindications.

It is prohibited to take Suprax for categories of people who are allergic to drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups. Suprax should be taken with caution in patients with kidney or liver disease. It is not recommended for women to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding of small children, as well as infants up to 6 months of age.

In order to avoid diseases associated with disturbances of the intestinal microflora, as well as the microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth and vagina, it is necessary to take probiotics (lacidophil, acipol, etc.) simultaneously with suprax.

To help people suffering from diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems, as well as allergies, modern pharmaceuticals produces a variety of medications, among which a significant share is occupied by antibacterial drugs. Thanks to the advent of penicillin (in the last century), many bacterial and infectious pathological processes can be cured, thereby reducing mortality.

It is known that today there are 3rd and 4th generation drugs, which means that our medicine and technology do not stand still and are constantly being modernized. But the most unpleasant thing is that along with this, dangerous microorganisms mutate, developing resistance to antibacterial agents. Doctors have to create improved drugs to fight bacteria.

One of these is the broad-spectrum medicine Suprax. Feedback from patients indicates the high therapeutic effect of the drug. How safe and effective is the drug really? Let's try to understand this important issue.

The antibiotic is widely used in pediatrics. Doctors prescribe for the treatment of diseases urinary tract, ENT organs, infectious inflammatory diseases, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis and laryngitis. IN medical institutions Suprax suspension (for children) is used after intramuscular injections of drugs of the same group. Convenient form release allows for easier therapy in children.

The fundamental component of this antibiotic is the substance cefixime, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogens. It should be noted that some strains of bacteria are resistant to it, which is why it should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Therapeutic effect develops approximately four hours after taking Suprax. Reviews from doctors report that the product helps to quickly and permanently get rid of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

The substance cefixime prevents the development of bacterial membranes, destroys pathological bacteria, and also has a bactericidal effect on blood plasma and tissues. The suspension contains auxiliary elements: xanthan gum, sodium benzoate and strawberry flavor. The capsules contain: calcium carmellose, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Feedback from parents of children is mostly positive. Thanks to the pleasant strawberry flavor of the suspension, little children perceive it as a tasty treat, which makes the treatment process easier. The dosage is calculated by the pediatrician and depends on the weight and age of the baby. The instructions indicate a treatment regimen for different ages.

Capsules can be taken by children over 12 years old, weighing more than 50 kg, 400 mg - once a day. The course of therapy is ten days.

The suspension can be taken from six months to 12 years - 8 mg/kg, once a day.

For children two to four years old – 5 ml per day.

The daily dose for children from 5-11 years of age is 6-10 ml.

To prepare the suspension you will need boiled water in the amount of 40 grams (chilled). Add water in two stages until the powder is completely dissolved. After dilution, shake the liquid well and let it brew for a while, no more than five minutes. It is important to remember that you can give the product no more than once a day.

Nizhny Tagil


Girls, please answer, on what day does the antibiotic Suprax start to work?
The child is 2.9. Since Monday, he has had a fever, a terrible runny nose, a red and sore throat. The cervical lymph nodes are swollen (again! 😥). In April we already had purulent lymphadenitis, we had surgery.
Today we were examined by a surgeon. He said that there was nothing critical so far. He prescribed lotions with Dimexide, but only if there was no temperature.
I’m very worried that everything will happen again. I hope that the antibiotic will start to work.


For one child it worked right away, for another it didn’t help. We were sick together.
Now we treat the same diseases with different antibiotics.

Nizhny Tagil


Thanks for the answers. Today is the 3rd day of treatment. It seemed better in the morning, but then the temperature rose again.



If a child has a viral infection, why should an antibiotic work?
Do you just drink oak without a pre-registered oak?
Just in case?

It seemed better in the morning, but then the temperature rose again

If the interval between doses of antipyretics increases, that means you are getting better.



Just in case?

You don’t seem to understand what inflammation of the lymph nodes is.



Well, as I understand it, in this case the author gives ab as prevention of purulent lymphadenitis?
But it will not help in any way against a viral infection that the child most likely has.




If the antibiotic is used as intended, it acts very quickly. The medicine needs to be changed. This means that Suprax alone is not enough.




And yes. Antib won't help against a viral infection.



I want to become a mother


I am amazed by such statements, it’s true what they say, sometimes silence is golden.

It helped us with a sore throat the next day after taking it, but the temperature continued to rise in the evening for a couple of days. Observe, if the antibiotic is not suitable, then as a rule there is no improvement at all.

Nizhny Tagil


An antibiotic was prescribed precisely to prevent a purulent process from developing. We also take an antiviral and prescribed acyclovir.
We are treating the throat and nose. It seems better today.

Nizhny Tagil


I'll watch, of course.



What didn’t you like about my statement?
Because antibiotics don't work on viruses? Well, that's how it is.
Well, it’s not a fact that a purulent process will not develop in the end. Unfortunately.
And wish the author's child a speedy recovery!




Everything is correct. Purulent process An antibiotic is a must. Change quickly if there is no improvement.

Murka85, try your own pharmaceutical antigripin, in sachets. It’s not expensive, but it works. I dilute the sachet in a quarter glass of water with a spoonful of sugar.



How will antigrippin help against viral or bacterial infections? Do you know the composition?
It seems to me that the author knows how to reduce the temperature.
I didn't mean to offend anyone, if anything)

Nizhny Tagil


Thank you all for your answers. I hope it will work out. To be honest, I’m just terrified that the April torment will happen again.

Nizhny Tagil


Today is the 4th day of illness. The temperature rose at night - 38. I gave Nurofen, because my son could not sleep. It was about 4 o'clock in the morning. We woke up at 9. There was no temperature. I slept better, snoring has practically disappeared. During the day I am alert and cheerful. But at 13.00 the temperature is 38 again. Today I drank the antibiotic 4 times. The lymph nodes are unchanged. They don’t bother him, they don’t increase any more, in my opinion they have become softer after lotions with Dimexide. I do them only when there is no temperature.
In general, the intervals between antipyretic doses have increased from 3-4 hours to 8-9. Can this be considered a positive change?
Appointment only tomorrow. It’s confusing that the temperature is still rising (((((




The medicine needs to be changed.

no need, no need to rush, Suprax is not a quick antibiotic, hmm, to put it simply. If there is a tendency to decrease the temperature and improve the general condition, the drug works. If there is no dynamics AFTER 5 days, change the antibiotic.

Acyclovir is active only against herpes viruses types 1 and 2 (cold sores, genital herpes) that’s all. Taking it for other pathologies is useless.



Dear author, please understand that an antibiotic is not an antipyretic...
When the virus in the body finishes its action, then the temperature will stop rising.
Well, antibiotics don’t help with acute respiratory infections...
And the lymph nodes also become inflamed during viral infections.
Interestingly, when transferred purulent lymphadenitis one day, are you now prescribed an antibiotic from the first day for any acute respiratory infection?
Just wondering

Nizhny Tagil



No, not with everyone. It’s just that this time the lymph nodes were enlarged again. That’s why an antibiotic was prescribed.

Should I give another antiviral drug? Instead of acyclovir? I also have cytovir at home.



I want to become a mother

Yes, this is a positive trend, don’t rush to change anything, wait for the doctor.


If it were just a viral infection that did not turn into a complication, the temperature would have long ago begun to drop on its own!!! Do you have any idea about medicine at all?? There are cases when a doctor prescribes an antibiotic on the first day of illness because he has reasons for it and at least this is a doctor who has seen the patient with his own eyes!! And not on the forum I corresponded!



I want to become a mother

It seems to me that yours is not viral and I agree with the doctor’s prescription. Maybe I shouldn’t overload myself with extra drugs? But if anything, I don’t believe in antiviral drugs, so I treat them subjectively.



Don’t you know that with viral infections, fever can last for more than 3 days?
Why are you so nervous? We need to learn calmness and restraint from the author.
So I’m not calling for the author’s doctor’s appointments to be cancelled, if necessary.

Nizhny Tagil


Thank you for your answer. Tomorrow at the appointment I will ask the doctor everything in detail.

Sore throat is one of the common diseases that almost every person has encountered. Many people know that if treatment for this disease is not started in a timely manner, it quickly turns into purulent form. Then it is already necessary to use antibiotics for treatment. Suprax is often prescribed for sore throat.

Description of the drug

Tonsillitis can occur in two courses: acute and chronic. The second type of disease is distinguished by the fact that it occurs in periods and develops each time it weakens. immune function.
When a patient encounters an acute form of the disease, the main thing is not to delay treatment. therapeutic measures. If the symptoms are ignored, then after a few days the tonsils become covered with a film of pus. This process indicates that a bacterial infection is active.

To stop the activity of microbes, Suprax is prescribed for sore throat. This antibiotic belongs to the category of cephalosporins. It is considered one of the modern ones that effectively fights all types of bacteria.

The medication is sold in two forms. If an illness occurs in a child, treatment is carried out using a suspension. Suprax for children is a powder that consists of small whitish or cream-colored granules. To obtain a syrup consistency, add water.

The active substance is micronized cefixime. The dosage per 5 milliliters is 100 milligrams. Also contains xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, strawberry flavor, sucrose. The granules are placed in a dark glass bottle.

For sore throat in children over 12 years of age and adults, medication is used in the form of tablets. The capsules have a white body and cap purple. If you open it, there is a yellowish powder inside. One tablet contains 400 milligrams of cefixime and other substances in the form of:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • dye;
  • povidone.

Capsules are packed in blisters. One pack contains 6 tablets.

Mechanism of action for angina

If a patient is diagnosed with a sore throat, Suprax will help quickly overcome the causative agent of the disease. The medicine manifests bactericidal effect. If the active substance enters the body, it leads to the death of microbes.
Cefixime differs from penicillins. Cephalosporins show resistance to the destructive effects of beta-lactamase enzymes. Thanks to this, Suprax for sore throat quickly helps due to its wide spectrum. It is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Destroys staphylococci and streptococci, and also fights coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus.

How many days should children take antibiotics? The duration of the treatment course ranges from 5 to 10 days. It all depends on the age of the patient, the severity and course of the disease.
After the first use, the active substance quickly enters the intestinal tract and is absorbed into the general bloodstream. After 20-30 minutes it reaches the source of inflammation. And it reaches maximum concentration only after 4 hours. The medicine is excreted in the urine.

Indications for use

How many days to take Suprax is decided only by the doctor based on the indications. If the course of the disease is not complicated, then it is enough to take a course of 5 days. In more difficult cases for purulent sore throat, use up to 10 days is permissible.
An antibiotic from the cephalosporin group is prescribed for:

  • lack of effect or allergic reactions to penicillins;
  • high temperature for more than three days;
  • severe sore throat and inability to swallow;
  • development of serious complications;
  • children under 6 years of age.

The medication is prescribed for sore throat in adults in the form of tablets. Children are given medicine liquid form. The dosage is calculated only by the doctor based on the indications, weight, and course of the disease.

If a patient has a sore throat, then it is necessary to first identify the type of pathogen and its susceptibility to the components of the medication. If there are no complications, the antibiotic is taken for 5 days. Therefore, one pack is enough for full course. When tonsillitis is complicated by other diseases, treatment is extended to 7-10 days.

Suprax for children

It is recommended to give the medication in suspension to babies from birth and children under 12 years of age. The antibiotic is sold in the form of small granules, which are placed in a dark glass bottle. Before use, they are dissolved in boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 30-33 degrees. Then everything is thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous mass is formed.
The dosage is calculated based on the child’s age:

  1. For babies under 6 months, the required volume of suspension is calculated by weight. There are 8 milligrams of cefixime per kilogram of weight. This dose should be taken once a day. You can divide the reception into two times. Then the dosage is calculated according to the following formula: 4 milligrams per kilogram.
  2. Babies from 6 to 12 months are given 2.5-4 milliliters or 50-70 milligrams of the drug.
  3. Children from 2 to 4 years old are prescribed 5 milliliters of suspension.
  4. Children from 5 to 11 years old are prescribed 6-10 milliliters of suspension.

How many days should a child take Suprax? Duration of drug therapy using of this product ranges from 7 to 10 days. If there is no effect within 2-3 days, the drug must be replaced with another one.

Suprax tablets

The tablet form is prescribed to patients over 12 years of age. The dosage per dose is 400 milligrams, which is equal to one capsule.
The tablet is taken at regular intervals. In this case, you should drink a large number water. The duration of treatment with Suprax in adults is 5 days. In case of complicated course, the course is increased to 10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Before you start taking an antibiotic, you need to read the instructions. It contains some contraindications in the form of:

  • increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • children under 12 years of age when prescribed tablets.

The medication should be taken with caution in chronic renal failure and pseudomembranous colitis.
Also, when taking it, side symptoms may appear in the form of:

  • disruptions in the digestive system. Accompanied by lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, abnormal stool, painful sensations in the abdominal area, the development of dysbacteriosis, bloating, jaundice, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth or tongue. In some cases, pseudomembrane colitis or liver dysfunction is observed;
  • functional impairment nervous system. Characterized by pain in the head, dizziness, convulsions, tinnitus, lethargy, apathy, weakness;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system: vaginitis, itching of the skin in the genital area, development of renal failure, nephritis;
  • changes in blood parameters: increased transminases in the liver, increased bilirubin levels, development of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia or hemolytic anemia;
  • allergic manifestations. Characterized by urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes, and rhinorrhea. IN in rare cases anaphylactic shock appears.

If adverse symptoms occur, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and find a replacement.

What can replace the drug?

Suprax is one of the effective antibacterial agents. It is prescribed in cases where penicillins are powerless in the fight against microbes. In most cases it is well tolerated. But with development side symptoms or if there are contraindications, you have to look for a replacement.

Many patients wonder, Suprax or Sumamed: which is better for angina? The second type of antibiotic belongs to the group of macrolides. It is considered stronger and is prescribed in cases where there is no effect not only from penicillins, but also from cephalosporins.
But Sumamed has more contraindications in the form:

  • severe disturbances in liver function;
  • disturbances in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in intestinal tract. These include lactose deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, insufficient synthesis of digestive enzymes;
  • children up to 6 months.

But the advantage of Sumamed is that it is enough to take it for sore throat for only three days.
You can choose other analogues:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Cefatoxime;
  • Ceftriaxone.

Only a doctor can tell which drug to choose based on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Features of the drug

While taking an antibiotic, disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system are observed. Therefore, doctors advise starting to use probiotics from the first day of treatment.

If the patient is going to donate urine, then there is a possibility of connecting false positive results.
The medicine can be given to children from birth. But pregnant women should not take it, as there is a risk of developing congenital pathologies in the fetus.

Cefixime interacts well with carbamazepines, allopurinol, diuretics, and indirect anticoagulants.
The suspension contains sucrose. Therefore, before use, you should make sure that you do not have diabetes. If this disease exists, then the dosage must be adjusted.

An antibiotic from the cephalosporin group affects concentration. Therefore, you should be careful when working with machinery.
Suprax is good because it has a minimum of contraindications and rarely causes side symptoms. But, like any other drug, it should only be prescribed by a doctor. If there is no positive result within two to three days, you should visit a doctor and replace the medicine with another one.

The causes of inflammation of the ENT organs can be various factors. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Incorrect treatment entails serious complications and consequences.

For a long time, specialists prescribed antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group to patients with acute tonsillitis. Today, Suprax is increasingly used for sore throat in children and adults. It is important to carefully study the instructions and adhere to the doctor's orders.

What kind of remedy is this

The medicine belongs to the category of 3 generation antibacterial drugs. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of the upper respiratory and urinary tract. Also to combat infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The active ingredient is the semisynthetic antibiotic Cefixime. The medicine is available in tablets, capsules or powder.

The drug is prescribed by the doctor after receiving the examination results. The specialist takes into account individual characteristics patient and the course of pathological processes.

Suprax for purulent sore throat prevents the formation of a protein that protects microbial cells. The medicine suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Instructions for use

Suprax is prescribed by a doctor for a sore throat. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the patient’s age and the location of the inflammatory process. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. How many days to take Suprax for a sore throat depends on the accompanying difficulties. In most cases no more than 10 days.

For children

For young patients, Suprax is prescribed in the form of suspensions, starting from 6 months. Treatment of sore throat with Suprax in children is carried out individually for each patient. Body weight and the development of the inflammatory process are taken into account.

The daily dosage of the drug is calculated for the child based on his body weight. Multiply the amount in kg by 8 mg of antibiotic. The resulting number will indicate the amount of the drug per dose. Before taking it, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for using Suprax suspension for angina:

  • from 6 to 12 months – 2-4 ml;
  • from 1 to 4 years – 4-5 ml;
  • from 4 to 12 years – 5-10 ml.

The medicine is given to children as prescribed by the doctor. There should be at least 12 hours between doses.

For adults

Treatment involves 400 mg of medication 1 r. per day. The therapeutic course lasts from 3 to 5 days, with exacerbations of the pathology up to 10 days. Take the tablets with liquid, do not chew them.

Methods of treating Suprax for sinusitis.

Effect of the drug

The medicine is absorbed in the small intestine. How long does it take for Suprax to work for angina? The maximum concentration of the drug is observed 4 hours after the first dose.

Its effect continues throughout the day. The drug is excreted in the urine or through bile ducts.

The course of treatment is drawn up by the doctor for each patient individually. In most cases, therapy lasts no more than 7 days.

The action of the drug is aimed at blocking the production of a special protein that creates a protective wall of the pathogenic cell. Without it, the microbe cannot live and reproduce. IN human body there are no such proteins. Suprax is distinguished by its selective action against pathogens.

What is better Amoxiclav or Suprax for sore throat?

It is not possible to determine the highest effectiveness of any given antibiotic. Doctors select medicine for patients, taking into account numerous features. It's about about the course of the inflammatory process, the age of the patient. The speed of onset of the therapeutic effect is important.

Amoxiclav is recommended for patients with simple pathological conditions ENT organs in adults and children. Compared to Suprax, it can be given even to newborn babies. It is important that there is no antibiotic resistance. The drug is easily tolerated by patients and has few contraindications.

Is it possible to treat a sore throat with Suprax? This antibiotic is no less effective modern medicine. Copes well with numerous pathogens of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Find out how to take Amoxiclav for a sore throat.

Feedback about the drug

Numerous reviews confirm effective action Supraxa. It is important to carefully read the instructions for using the antibiotic and adhere to medical prescriptions.

Katerina, 36 y.o.

“When my daughter was 4 years old, the doctor prescribed Suprax for complex treatment. We took suspensions 1 r. per day. The child did not have adverse reaction, the treatment took place without complications or consequences. Already on the 3rd day, the body temperature dropped, and on the 5th day the symptoms of the disease disappeared.”

Andrey, 32

“Severe pain in my throat forced me to see a specialist. The doctor diagnosed me with tonsillitis. He prescribed me the antibiotic Suprax. After 1.5 weeks, not a trace of the disease remained. I did not feel any side effects during treatment. The therapy was supervised by a doctor.”

Tatiana, 35 y.o.

“I am not a supporter of antibiotics, but if necessary, I agree to therapy. My eldest daughter was prescribed Suprax when she was 2 years old to treat a sore throat with a high fever. The medicine tasted good. My daughter drank it with pleasure. After the second dose, the temperature subsided and did not rise again. No side effects were noted. There were also no problems with the intestines; we took additional bifidobacteria.”


It is important to treat tonsillitis immediately and correctly. Otherwise, complications and consequences appear. Antibacterial agents should only be prescribed by the attending physician. The same applies to the dosage and course of taking the drug.

Every person has had to deal with a sore throat at least once in their life. It is manifested by pain and swelling of the throat, chills, redness of the mucous membranes, high fever, headache and muscle pain. In most cases, if the cause of a sore throat is bacteria, the disease can only be managed with the use of antibiotics. And most often, drugs from the penicillin and cephalosporin group are used to combat this and other nasopharyngeal ailments. One of the effective drugs for the treatment of sore throat is the drug "Suprax".

"Suprax" for the treatment of sore throat - an effective antibiotic

Currently, Suprax for angina is one of the most frequently prescribed and very effective medicines. This is a 3rd generation antibiotic belonging to the group of cephalosporins and used for outpatient (without hospitalization) treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, respiratory and urinary tracts. Only a doctor can prescribe Suprax for the treatment of sore throat, after examining the patient and passing the necessary tests.

The effectiveness of the antibiotic Suprax for angina is explained by the fact that the main active ingredient of the drug belongs to the penultimate generation of cephalosporin antibiotics. The drug has an effect on a large number of microorganisms, allowing you to overcome the disease in a minimum short terms, however, despite this, it remains a “fallback option”, used only in extreme cases.

Active substance of the drug– a semi-synthetic antibiotic cefixime, it is produced in the United Arab Emirates exclusively for oral administration, that is, in the form of tablets, capsules and powders for the preparation of suspensions.

How many days should I take Suprax for purulent sore throat?

Suprax for angina in children and adults affects the synthesis of peptidoglycan protein, a special component of the microbial cell responsible for its structure. It disrupts the process of protein formation, thereby contributing to the death of the pathogenic agent itself.

Suprax for purulent sore throat can act on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has a wide spectrum of activity, high efficiency and safety. Before starting treatment for a sore throat with this drug, a special test must be performed to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to its effects.

Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine, its maximum concentration is in bloodstream the drug reaches 4 hours after administration. The medicine is active for 24 hours and is excreted through the kidneys and bile ducts. As a rule, the course of taking the drug Suprax is 5-7 days. However, only a doctor can advise how many days to take Suprax for a sore throat.

Contraindications to taking Suprax

Contraindications to taking Suprax for angina in adults and children include the following conditions:

  • presence of allergies to cephalosporin drugs;
  • concomitant liver and kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy at any stage and breastfeeding;
  • less than six months old.

It is also not recommended to take the drug for longer than 10 days, so as not to cause the development of severe intestinal dysbiosis. You should not take Suprax for common childhood “colds”, so as not to provoke the development of resistance of microorganisms to the drug.

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Currently, the antibiotic Suprax is available in two varieties, called Suprax And Suprax Solutab. In fact, these two types of the drug differ from each other only in names and forms of release, and there are no more differences between them, since they contain the same active substances, and they also have the same indications, contraindications and rules of use. That is why both Suprax and Suprax Solutab are often combined under one at the everyday level common name"Suprax". In the further text of the article we will do the same, and by the general name “Suprax” we will mean both varieties of the same drug. We will indicate a specific dosage form and its name only if it is necessary to focus attention on any features of these varieties.

In general, it can be assumed that different names were given to different dosage forms of the same drug for commercial reasons. From the point of view of commercial interests, it is more convenient for manufacturing companies to sell the same drug under different names.

So, Suprax is available in three dosage forms Oh:

  • Dispersible tablets (under commercial name Suprax Solutab);
  • Capsules for oral administration (under the commercial name Suprax);
  • Granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration (under the commercial name Suprax).
Dispersible tablets (absorbable) Sold under the name Suprax Solutab, they are oblong in shape, scored on both sides, pale orange in color and have a strawberry scent. Available in packs of 1, 5, 7 or 10 tablets.

Capsules are produced under the name "Suprax", they are oblong cylinders consisting of a white body and a purple cap. On the surface of the capsules there is the inscription “H808” written in edible ink. Inside the capsules there is a mixture of powder and small granules, colored yellowish-white. Capsules are available in packs of 6 pieces.

Granules for preparing suspension for oral administration are produced under the name "Suprax", they are small balls, painted white or cream. The finished suspension, obtained after dissolving the granules in water, is white or cream in color and has a sweet strawberry aroma. Granules are available in dark glass bottles, which are accompanied by a dosage spoon or dosage syringe for measuring required quantity ready suspension. The bottles contain 30.3 - 35.0 g of granules, which, when dissolved, give a suspension with an active substance concentration of 100 mg per 5 ml, or 20 mg per 1 ml.

In all dosage forms of Suprax as active component contains the same substance - cefixime. Cefixime is included in the finished medicine not in pure form, and in the form of salt - cefixime trihydrate, since this ensures its passage through the aggressive environment of the stomach undestroyed, and the release of the active substance itself in the intestine, from where it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Each tablet contains 447.7 mg of cefixime trihydrate, and each capsule contains 466 mg, which corresponds to 400 mg of pure cefixime. Accordingly, both Suprax tablets and capsules have the same dosage - 400 mg. Because of this, they are often called in everyday life Suprax 400. Previously, capsules with a dosage of the active substance of 200 mg were also available for sale, but these are currently not available.

The granules of one bottle contain 1.402 g of cefixime trihydrate, which corresponds to 1.2 g of pure cefixime. This amount of antibiotic allows you to create a concentration of the active substance cefixime in the finished solution of 100 mg per 5 ml (20 mg per 1 ml). Amount of pure cefixime in 5 ml ready solution(100 mg) corresponds to 116.83 mg of cefixime trihydrate.

Compound excipients tablets, capsules and granules are given in the table:

Excipients of Suprax Solutab tablets Excipients of Suprax capsules Excipients of Suprax granules
Colloidal silicon dioxideSodium benzoate
PovidoneXanthan gum
Magnesium stearateStrawberry flavor
Calcium saccharinate trisesquihydrateButanolSucrose
Strawberry flavor PV4284Titanium dioxide
Sunset yellow dyeGelatin
Microcrystalline celluloseIsopropanol
Low-substituted hyproloseCarmellose calcium
Azorubine dye
Indigo carmine dye
Sodium hydroxide
Propylene glycol

Therapeutic effect

Suprax has an antibacterial effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic because it is harmful to large number various types pathogenic bacteria. The destructive effect of Suprax for bacteria is due to its ability to disrupt the synthesis of the cell wall of pathogenic microbes, without which they simply cannot exist. Along with the destructiveness of Suprax for bacteria, the drug is at the same time safe for the human body, so it can be used to treat children starting from the age of six months.

Thanks to antibacterial effect, Suprax leads to recovery from infectious diseases various organs and systems if they are caused by bacteria sensitive to the effect of the antibiotic.

Suprax is resistant to beta-lactamases - special substances produced by bacteria to protect against antibiotics. Many antibiotics that are not resistant to beta-lactamase are ineffective against bacteria that produce these substances. Therefore, Suprax is considered a highly effective antibiotic to which bacteria that produce beta-lactamases do not develop resistance.

Suprax has a detrimental effect on the following types of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria:

  • Citrobacter amalonaticus;
  • Citrobacter diversus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • Haemophilus parainfluenzae;
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae;
  • Klebsiella oxytoca;
  • Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis;
  • Morganella morganii;
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae;
  • Proteus vulgaris;
  • Proteus mirabilis;
  • Pasteurella multocida;
  • Providencia spp.;
  • Streptococcus agalactiae;
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae;
  • Streptococcus pyogenes;
  • Salmonella spp.;
  • Shigella spp.;
  • Serratia marcescens.
The following types of bacteria are resistant to the action of Suprax:
  • Bacteroides fragilis;
  • Clostridium spp.;
  • Enterococcus (Streptococcus) group D;
  • Enterobacter spp.;
  • Listeria monocytogenes;
  • Pseudomonas spp.;
  • Staphylococcus spp.
The effectiveness of taking Suprax once a day for various diseases, according to research by clinical pharmacologists in Hungary, is as follows:
  • Pneumonia (pneumonia) – 90.9%;
  • Tonsillopharyngitis – 92.6%;
  • Exacerbation chronic bronchitis – 72,2%;
  • Sinusitis in children – 97.8%;
  • Otitis media in children – 96.0%;
  • Urinary tract infections – 95.0%.
IN systemic blood flow 40–50% of the total dose of Suprax is absorbed, and this amount does not depend on food intake. The antibiotic is excreted within 24 hours in an amount of about 60% of the dose taken. In this case, 50% is excreted unchanged in the urine, and 10% in the bile. The remaining 40% of the dose taken is eliminated from the body within a few days.

Indications for use

Suprax and Suprax Solutab are indicated for use in the treatment of the same following infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs caused by antibiotic-sensitive bacteria:
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Acute and exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  • Otitis media;
  • Urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystourethritis);
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Shigellosis.

Instructions for use

Suprax suspension - instructions for use

Suprax is produced and sold in the form of granules intended for the preparation of a suspension that is taken orally. The finished suspension can be used to treat adults and children older than six months. For young children, the suspension is the optimal dosage form of Suprax.

Before use, the granules in the bottle should be dissolved to form a suspension. The granules should be dissolved only when there is a need to take Suprax, since the finished suspension is stored for only two weeks (14 days). After two weeks, the suspension, even if it has not been completely consumed, must be thrown away. And if for some reason you need to continue taking Suprax for longer than 14 days, you will have to make a new suspension by diluting the granules in a bottle with water. In the form of granules, the drug is stored for a long time and can be used until the expiration date indicated on the package.

How to dilute Suprax suspension?

To prepare the suspension, turn the bottle upside down and shake its contents well. Then you need to open the lid and add 40 ml of chilled boiled water to the bottle in two stages. That is, you should first pour 20 ml of water into the bottle, wait a little, and then pour in another 20 ml. After this, you need to shake the contents of the bottle well and place it on a table or other horizontal surface for 5 minutes so that the granules dissolve well and the foam formed during mixing settles. When the foam settles, you need to carefully check whether the liquid level reaches the arrow mark on the bottle label. If the liquid level does not reach the arrow, then you should carefully add a little more water into the bottle so that it reaches the mark. After this, the suspension is considered prepared and ready for use.

You can pour water into the bottle without first measuring 40 ml, but simply bringing its level to the mark. However, this can only be done if a person has experience filling any containers to the marks applied to them. After all, if water is poured above the mark level, the solution will have to be thrown away, since its concentration will be incorrect and unsuitable for treatment.

It is most convenient to measure the required amount of water to dilute the suspension or pour it directly into the bottle using a regular 20-25 ml syringe.

The prepared diluted suspension should be stored at a temperature of 15 - 25 o C for no longer than 14 days. During storage, do not allow the suspension to freeze. If the suspension is frozen, it should be thrown away, and to continue treatment, prepare a new one from another bottle.

How to take the suspension?

After dilution, the suspension can be used for 14 days. Before each use, the bottle of suspension should be shaken well. To measure the required amount of suspension, you can only use the dosage spoon or dosage syringe included with the kit. You should not use other means, devices and containers (syringes, spoons, pipettes, etc.) to measure the Suprax suspension.

Suprax suspension in the required amount should be swallowed and, if necessary, washed down with a small amount of water (for example, if a subjectively unpleasant taste remains in the mouth). The suspension should be drunk directly from a dosage spoon or a dosage syringe, without pouring the drug into other containers. After the suspension is drunk from a spoon or syringe, they should be washed with running water and detergent. Suprax suspension can be taken regardless of meals, that is, at any convenient time.

For various diseases for which the use of Suprax is indicated, the drug is used in the same dosages, which are determined only by the person’s age, and do not depend on the type, location and nature of the infection. Thus, adults and adolescents over 12 years of age weighing more than 50 kg should take Suprax 200 mg (10 ml suspension) twice a day, or 400 mg (20 ml suspension) once a day.

For children aged 6 months - 12 years, the dosage of the suspension is calculated individually, depending on body weight, based on the ratio: 8 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. The calculated dosage can be given to the child in full once a day, or divided in half into two doses per day. For example, if a child’s body weight is 10 kg, then the dosage of Suprax for him is 8 mg * 10 kg = 80 mg. Next, we calculate how many milliliters of the suspension contains 80 mg of the active substance. It is easy to calculate this, knowing that 1 ml of suspension contains 20 mg of the active substance. This means that you need to divide the amount of mg calculated by the child’s body weight by 20, and the final number will become the number of milliliters of suspension that should be given to the baby. In our example, 80 mg corresponds to 4 ml of suspension (1 ml of suspension contains 20 mg, which means 80 mg is contained in 80 mg/20 mg = 4 ml). This means that a child weighing 10 kg should be given Suprax 4 ml once a day, or 2 ml twice a day.

On average, for children aged 6 - 12 months, the daily dosage of the suspension is 2.5 - 4 ml, for children 2 - 4 years old - 5 ml, for children 5 - 11 years old - 6 - 10 ml. Daily dosage can be given at one time, or divided in half into two doses per day.

The dosage of Suprax is halved for children and adults on peritoneal dialysis or suffering from kidney disease with creatinine clearance (creatinine clearance) less than 20 ml/min. For children and adults on hemodialysis or suffering from kidney disease with CC (creatinine clearance) equal to 21 - 60 ml/min, the dosage of Suprax is reduced by 25% (that is, by 1/4).

The duration of the course of use of Suprax is 7 - 10 days, but for infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (pyogenic streptococcus) - at least 10 days, and optimally - 14 days. You cannot take Suprax for less than 7 days, as this can lead to incomplete cure and the formation of a type of bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotic. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that after some time the untreated disease will definitely worsen again, but Suprax and other cephalosporin antibiotics will be ineffective due to the fact that the bacteria have become resistant to the drug. In such a situation, other, even stronger antibiotics will have to be used.

People who have suffered in the past from allergic reactions to penicillin antibiotics, with high probability may be allergic to Suprax. If a person experiences Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or DRESS syndrome as an allergic reaction, then they should immediately stop taking Suprax and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In addition, you should stop taking Suprax and go to hospital immediately if acute renal failure or hemolytic anemia develops, as described isolated cases fatal outcome from hemolytic anemia provoked by other cephalosporin antibiotics. If Suprax provoked hemolytic anemia, then in the future you should generally refrain from using cephalosporin antibiotics, since the body may again react to any drug of this class by developing anemia. You should also not start taking Suprax if a person has previously had an episode of hemolytic anemia in response to the use of cephalosporin antibiotics.

During the period of use of Suprax, a positive direct Coombs reaction and a false positive urine reaction to glucose are possible. It is better not to take these tests while taking Suprax, as they are not accurate.

Suprax for children

Children under 12 years of age can only be given Suprax in the form of tablets or suspension. Suprax capsules are suitable for use only for children over 12 years of age with a body weight of at least 50 kg. This means that the capsules cannot be taken by children, even if they are over 12 years old but weigh less than 50 kg.

Suprax tablets are approved for use in children weighing at least 25 kg. This means that, regardless of the child’s age, if his weight is 25 kg or more, he can be given Suprax Solutab in the form of dispersible tablets.

Suprax suspension can be used for children from the age of 6 months. This dosage form is optimal for children under 12 years of age. Therefore, doctors recommend giving the drug to children in the form of a suspension, preferring it to tablets and capsules.

Children under 6 months of age should be given Suprax in the form of a suspension only under the supervision of a physician, unless it is possible to replace this antibiotic with another that is safer for the baby.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Since Suprax can cause side effects from the nervous system (dizziness, tinnitus, etc.), it has negative influence on psychomotor activity and the ability to control mechanisms. Therefore, during the entire period of use of the drug, you should refrain from any activities that require a high speed of reactions and concentration.


An overdose of Suprax in any dosage form is possible, and is manifested by increased severity of side effects (except allergic reactions). In case of overdose, you should rinse the stomach, take a sorbent (Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb, etc.) and then, if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy in intensive care, aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. Symptomatic therapy may include the use of glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.), adrenaline (epinephrine), norepinephrine (norepinephrine), dopamine, as well as oxygen therapy, transfusion of various solutions and artificial ventilation lungs

In case of an overdose of Suprax, there is no need to perform peritoneal or hemodialysis, since these methods do not accelerate the elimination of the drug from the body.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use with tubular secretion blockers (Allopurinol, Probenecid, diuretics (Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Tobrasemide, etc.), penicillin antibiotics(Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, etc.), Phenylbutazone, etc.) leads to an increase in the concentration of Suprax in the blood, which can provoke an overdose of the latter.

Suprax increases the concentration of Carbamazepine in the blood when simultaneous use these medicines.

Suprax reduces the value of the prothrombin index, thereby enhancing the effects of indirect anticoagulants (for example, Warfarin). Therefore, Suprax in combination with anticoagulants should be used with caution, constantly monitoring the INR or PTI to prevent the development of bleeding.

Antacids containing aluminum or magnesium hydroxides (for example, Maalox, Almagel) must be taken 4 hours before or 1 to 2 hours after taking Suprax, as they slow down and worsen the absorption of the antibiotic into the bloodstream. And Suprax, accordingly, should be taken 1 - 2 hours before or 4 hours after antacid medications.

Taking Suprax in combination with drugs that have toxic effect on the kidneys (Polymyxin B, Colistin, aminoglycoside antibiotics (Gentamicin, Tobramycin, etc.), Viomycin, etc.), as well as with diuretics (Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, etc.), increases the risk of developing kidney disorders.

Suprax may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. Therefore, during the period of use and within a week after completion of therapy with Suprax, additional oral contraceptives use barrier (yellowing of the skin, sclera of the eyes and mucous membranes);

Contraindications for use

Suprax and Suprax Solutab are contraindicated for use in humans following states or diseases:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions for antibiotics of the cephalosporin and/or penicillin groups;
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to cefixime or any other auxiliary components drugs;
  • Chronic renal failure in children under 18 years of age (for Suprax Solutab dispersible tablets);
  • Impaired kidney function, in which creatinine clearance (CC) according to the Rehberg test is less than 60 ml/min (for capsules);
  • The body weight of a child or adult is less than 25 kg (for Suprax Solutab dispersible tablets);
  • Children under 12 years of age (for capsules);
  • Children under six months of age (for granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration);
  • Hereditary fructose intolerance, glucose and galactose malabsorption, sucrase and isomaltase deficiency (for granules for oral suspension).
In addition, Suprax in any dosage form (dispersible tablets, capsules and suspension) should be used with caution and under supervision if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
  • Old age (over 65 years old);
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Pseudomembranous colitis suffered in the past.


Currently, Suprax has two types of analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market - these are synonymous drugs and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms for Suprax are medicines, which also contain cefixime as an active ingredient. Actually, analogues are drugs that do not contain the same active substance as Suprax, but have the most similar spectrum of therapeutic action. This means that analogues of Suprax are antibiotics belonging to the cephalosporin group (to which Suprax itself belongs).

The following drugs are synonyms for Suprax:

  • Ixim Lupine powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration;
  • Panzef granules for the preparation of suspension for oral administration, tablets;
  • Cemidexor tablets;
  • Ceforal Solutab dispersible tablets.
The following antibiotics are analogues of Suprax:
  • Azaran powder for solution for injection;
  • Axone powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Bacperazone powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Bestum powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Betasporin powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Biotriaxone powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Broadsafe-S powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Vicef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Dardum powder for solution for injection;
  • Intrataxime powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Ificef powder for solution for injection;
  • Kefotex powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Clafobrine powder for solution for injection;
  • Klaforan powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Lendacin powder for the preparation of solution for injection and infusion;
  • Lifaxon powder for solution for injection;
  • Liforan powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Lorazidim powder for solution for injection;
  • Loraxone powder for solution for injection;
  • Medaxone powder for solution for injection;
  • Medocef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Movigip powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Movoperiz powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Operaz powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Orzid powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Oritax powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Oritaxim powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Oframax powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Pactocef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Resibelact powder for solution for injection;
  • Roceferin powder for solution for injection;
  • Rocephin powder for the preparation of solution for injection and infusion;
  • Sefpotek tablets;
  • Spectracef tablets;
  • Stericef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulzoncef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulmover powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulperazon powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulperacef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulcef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Sulcefazone powder for solution for injection;
  • Tax-o-bid powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Talcef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Tarcefoxime powder for solution for injection;
  • Terzef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Tizim powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Torocef powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Triaxone powder for solution for injection;
  • Fortazim powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Fortoferin powder for solution for injection;
  • Fortum powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Hizon powder for solution for injection;
  • Cebanex powder for solution for injection;
  • Cedex capsules and powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration;
  • Ceperone J powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cetax powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cephabol powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefaxone powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefantral powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefathrin powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefzide powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefzoxime J powder for solution for injection;
  • Cephobid powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefogram powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cefoperabol powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cefoperazone powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefoperus powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefosin powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cefotaxime powder for solution for injection;
  • Cefpar and Cefpar SV powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Cefson powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Ceftazidime powder for solution for injection;
  • Ceftidine powder for solution for injection;
  • Ceftriabole powder for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • Ceftriaxone powder for solution for injection.

Suprax - analogues are cheaper

The following analogue drugs are cheaper than Suprax:
  • Klaforan - price per bottle of powder 160 - 200 rubles;
  • Sulperazon - price per bottle of powder 300 - 400 rubles;
  • Fortum - price per bottle 200 - 600 rubles;
  • Cefaxon - price per bottle 160 - 250 rubles;
  • Cefantral - price per bottle 80 - 120 rubles;
  • Cephobid - price per bottle 300 - 350 rubles;
  • Cefosin - price per bottle 40 - 60 rubles;
  • Cefotaxime produced in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, China or India - price per bottle is 20 - 40 rubles;
  • Ceftazidime – price per bottle 75 – 160 rubles;
  • Ceftriaxone produced in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, China or India - price per bottle is 20 - 40 rubles.


Suprax suspension


  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc.);
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • capsules that contain 200 mg or 400 mg of active substance;
  • granules;
  • suspension, which, due to its rapid action and pleasant taste, is mainly used in the treatment of children.

Suprax suspension

Much has been created for the treatment of children modern drugs, available in different dosage forms. One of the most convenient dosage forms for children to use is suspension. The drug Suprax is also available in the form of a suspension.

The drug Suprax, provided that all doctor's recommendations for its use, dosage, duration of use and taking into account all contraindications are followed, is very well tolerated by children.

The active component of the Suprax suspension is the substance cefixime. Cefixime is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the group of third generation cephalosporins. The active substance, entering the blood, develops its therapeutic effect after 4 hours. The effect lasts one day, so the suspension is taken once a day. Cefixime has a bactericidal effect on tissues and blood, destroying the cells of pathological bacteria and preventing the construction of bacterial membranes.

The effect of the drug is due to the sensitivity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria to it, which are infectious pathogens of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, soft tissues, kidneys, urinary system, etc. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are also pathogens that are insensitive to cefixime - most staphylococci do not show to suprax sensitivity.

Suspension granules are prepared immediately before use. In 1 tsp. ready suspension - 100 mg of cefixime.

Suprax suspension is prescribed in cases of mild to moderate bacterial infection spreading to the upper respiratory tract - sore throat, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, sinusitis.

Suprax is also used in cases of complications of acute respiratory viral infections in children in the form of bacterial inflammatory processes. It is important to start adequate antibacterial treatment in time, without missing the moment of the spread of the inflammatory process.

Suprax suspension is also used for exacerbation of any chronic disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Infectious inflammations in the urinary tract and kidneys are also indications for the use of Suprax suspension. Mild course of acute pyelonephritis, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. cystitis - these diseases are perfectly treated with the help of Suprax suspension. If treatment occurs in a hospital setting and the course of the disease is severe, Suprax suspension is used at the final stage of therapy in the form of injections after parenteral use of cephalosporins.

Suprax suspension has few contraindications. First of all, this is an individual increased sensitivity of the body, as well as severe renal failure in a chronic form and children under six months of age.

Any antibiotic, especially a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has certain side effects. It is because of this that you absolutely cannot use the drug yourself!

The most severe side effect occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, intestinal microflora performs certain functions in the human body, including suppressing the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Being an antibiotic, Suprax destroys intestinal microflora. At the same time, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which do not show sensitivity to any antibiotic, begin to multiply intensively and thereby cause candidiasis and dysbiosis in the intestines. Which in turn leads to generalized damage to the body. The latter is dangerous for infants.


Antibiotic suprax

Suprax is a third generation antibiotic that contains the active ingredient cifixin.

This drug is prescribed and used for:

The scope of application of suprax is quite wide. This drug is one of the most powerful antibiotics, which is why it is classified as a so-called reserve. Suprax is logical and necessary to use in cases where other, more “gentle” drugs do not have the necessary effect. It is undesirable to use the antibiotic Suprax to begin treatment of the disease, since in the future the body may become accustomed to this drug.

Suprax in the form of a suspension is the most optimal treatment option for sore throat and bronchitis in children. If the attending physician prescribes the correct course of treatment with Suprax, taking into account all contraindications, indications for allergies and tolerability of the drug. With the optimal dosage and course duration, Suprax is very well tolerated by children. In hospitals, acute forms of pneumonia are treated with this drug.

Suprax for otitis is a very effective drug. It quickly penetrates into affected areas, since its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after four hours. This drug remains in the tissues for a long time. Patients tolerate treatment with this medicine well. All these properties indicate that Suprax is suitable for the treatment of acute otitis media in children.

The antibiotic Suprax is widely used for sinusitis; it successfully eliminates the causative agents of the disease. This drug is convenient to use - take the medicine twice a day and the course of treatment is three to six days.

Suprax - release form

The main forms of release of suprax are:

It should be remembered that Suprax, like any other drug, is quite individual in its composition, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. Many people are allergic to antibiotics. When treated with Suprax, not everyone experiences positive body reactions to this drug. Therefore, you can hear both positive and negative reviews about this antibiotic.

There are a number of contraindications for this medicine, as for any other antibiotic.

It is prohibited to take Suprax for categories of people who are allergic to drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups. Suprax should be taken with caution in patients with kidney or liver disease. It is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for infants under 6 months of age.

Side effects of the drug:

In order to avoid diseases associated with disturbances of the intestinal microflora, as well as the microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth and vagina, it is necessary to take probiotics (lacidophil, acipol, etc.) simultaneously with suprax.

To help people suffering from diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems, as well as allergies, modern pharmaceuticals produce a variety of medications, of which antibacterial drugs occupy a significant share. Thanks to the advent of penicillin (in the last century), many bacterial and infectious pathological processes can be cured, thereby reducing mortality.

It is known that today there are 3rd and 4th generation drugs, which means that our medicine and technology do not stand still and are constantly being modernized. But the most unpleasant thing is that at the same time dangerous microorganisms mutate, developing resistance to antibacterial agents. Doctors have to create improved drugs to fight bacteria.

One of these is the broad-spectrum medicine Suprax. Feedback from patients indicates the high therapeutic effect of the drug. How safe and effective is the drug really? Let's try to understand this important issue.

When is it appointed?

The antibiotic is widely used in pediatrics. Doctors prescribe it for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, ENT organs, infectious and inflammatory diseases, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and laryngitis. In medical institutions, Suprax suspension (for children) is used after intramuscular injections of drugs of the same group. The convenient release form makes therapy easier for children.

Composition and effect of the medicine

The fundamental component of this antibiotic is the substance cefixime, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogens. It should be noted that some strains of bacteria are resistant to it, which is why it should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription. The therapeutic effect develops approximately four hours after taking Suprax. Reviews from doctors report that the product helps to quickly and permanently get rid of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

The substance cefixime prevents the development of bacterial membranes, destroys pathological bacteria, and also has a bactericidal effect on blood plasma and tissues. The suspension contains auxiliary elements: xanthan gum, sodium benzoate and strawberry flavor. The capsules contain: calcium carmellose, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Feedback from parents of children is mostly positive. Thanks to the pleasant strawberry flavor of the suspension, little children perceive it as a tasty treat, which makes the treatment process easier. The dosage is calculated by the pediatrician and depends on the weight and age of the baby. The instructions indicate a treatment regimen for different ages.

Capsules can be taken by children over 12 years old, weighing more than 50 kg, 400 mg - once a day. The course of therapy is ten days.

The suspension can be taken from six months to 12 years - 8 mg/kg, once a day.

For children two to four years old – 5 ml per day.

The daily dose for children from 5-11 years of age is 6-10 ml.

To prepare the suspension, you will need 40 grams of boiled water (chilled). Add water in two stages until the powder is completely dissolved. After dilution, shake the liquid well and let it brew for a while, no more than five minutes. It is important to remember that you can give the product no more than once a day.

Antibiotic Suprax (Cefixime) capsules or granules for preparing a suspension with the aroma of juicy strawberries. Treatment of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) with a temperature of 40 in a 4-year-old child. Dosage. Indications. Side effect and result.

Very good afternoon everyone! So, spring has begun. Everything has melted outside, St. Petersburg is damp, dirty, puddles and rain/drizzle. Going out for a walk with the child ends with wet feet and clothes, which ultimately results in acute tonsillitis, this was the verdict given by the pediatrician called to the house. The disease began abruptly; yesterday the child was feeling great, and in the morning, touching his hand, I realized that he was glowing with heat like a stove. The temperature went to 39. Plus hoarse breathing. Our doctor was immediately called to the house.

Examination showed tonsillitis, throat in a “nightmare state”, red, loose, inflamed. And inflammation without timely treatment will cause complications. The child is often sick and I know how inflammation from the throat can “fall” lower.

From the pediatrician I received a long list of prescriptions for medications and also a reprimand that a child with BW should not go to the public places, but don’t put him under a styrene hood. After all, during the winter we were engaged in the prevention of influenza during the season of a serious epidemic, and even at the very peak we were hospitalized in the hospital for plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue under general anesthesia and everything turned out fine, neither the virus nor the infection was picked up. And then spring came and they still got sick literally out of the blue :(

The pediatrician prescribed, among other treatments, the antibiotic Suprax.

I have a normal attitude towards antibiotics, as long as we are not prescribed a/b for every disease. In this situation, the pediatrician and I discussed the possibilities of treatment without a/b and decided that I would use Suprax if the child did not feel better within a day. Moreover, there was a weekend ahead and there was no way to call the pediatrician again, only an ambulance, which most likely would simply offer to go to infectious diseases hospital, from where you can bring a tail of complications in the form of other sores, but they will still be treated with antibiotics.

Therefore, I waited a day, the child’s temperature confidently remained at 40. And we started taking the antibiotic Suprax to prevent the infection from spreading further down the respiratory tract.

This antibiotic Suprax is available in capsules (in dosages of 200 and 400 mg) and in the form of granules for preparing a suspension (dosage 100 mg). Our pediatrician prescribed my 4-year-old son to take an antibiotic at a dosage of 200 mg/6 capsules - 1 capsule per day, respectively, for 6 days.

Having looked through pharmacies in the area, I did not find Suprax CAPSULES required dosage 200 mg., and I was also confused about the capsules in the package, plus it turned out there was Suprax in the form of a suspension, but with the suspension, the pharmacists generally gave me confusion about the dosage and volume of the antibiotic in the bottle: one pharmacy said that there was a suspension, but only dosage 100 mg/40 ml bottle. And therefore, to take it for 6 days, I need to buy TWO Bottles, and the drug costs about 800 rubles!

At another pharmacy, the pharmacist said that they had bottles with 60 GRAMS of granules to prepare 120 MILLILITRES of suspension.

In general, I was confused, so I turned to the Internet for help and found out that a bottle of Suprax contains 30 grams. (!!) Granules for preparation 60 ml. (!!) drug with a dosage of 100 mg. active substance. Thus, since there are no capsules available, I need to purchase granules to prepare a suspension and give the child 10 ml. per day. The resulting dosage is 200 mg, as prescribed to us, the pediatrician confirmed that the capsules can be replaced with a suspension.

And at the pharmacy I was simply misled, the pharmacy pharmacists have no idea WHAT THEY ARE SELLING AND AT THE SAME TIME THEY GIVE ADVICE TO BUY TWO BOTTLES!

I bought Suprax granules for suspension preparation(30g./60ml.) and was once again convinced that you should not ask pharmacists for any recommendations on medications, they will recommend this. First, carefully consult with your doctor, look on the Internet for instructions, forms of the drug, preparation (if required), dosage, etc., so that the pharmacists at the pharmacy do not confuse you. Do not regard this advice as advice to self-medicate and self-prescribe drug dosages based on reviews. Purchase medical supplies and treatment is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor!

Indications for use and contraindications:

The cardboard box contains a bottle of granules, a measuring spoon (5 ml) and instructions.

By the way, I didn’t see the weight/volume of the drug anywhere on the box. So it’s a mystery to me where the pharmacists got their information. I found the weight of the granules directly only in the instructions:

The granules look like coarse sand. Initially, the neck of the bottle is closed with a protective membrane, the lid of the bottle has a “system against opening by children,” i.e. Press the lid down and then just turn it.

Before taking the drug, you must first prepare it - dilute it with water. I have already encountered such forms of the antibiotic drug (Agumentin, Zinat), so the preparation instructions included in the box did not raise any questions.

Method for preparing the suspension: turn the bottle over and shake the contents of the bottle. Add 40 ml of cooled boiled water in 2 stages and shake until a homogeneous suspension is formed, allow the suspension to stand for 5 minutes to ensure complete dissolution of the powder. Before use, the prepared suspension must be shaken well. Use the suspension within 14 days from the date of preparation, subject to storage conditions of 15 - 25 ° C.

But on the Internet, when searching for information, I came across a lot of questions about the preparation and dosage of water; some people don’t quite understand how much water needs to be added, so here’s my transcript of the instructions: You need to add cool boiling water to a bottle of granules in two stages of 20 ml each. , In total you need 40 ml. water per bottle. Water must be measured accurately, no more and no less, otherwise the incorrect amount will affect the dosage of the active substance per single dose and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the drug.

The suspension turns out cloudy white with pleasant smell juicy strawberries, surprisingly the aroma is not chemical for me, and the taste of the medicine is not cloying. The child does not resist taking the medicine, he likes it and takes it without the usual whims. The fragrance did not cause any allergies.

Dosage and age:

The pediatrician prescribed a dosage of 200 mg for us (two weeks short of 4 years). / once a day for 6 days. This dosage is equal to 2 measuring spoons of 5 ml. Suspensions. Bottle of diluted suspension 60 ml. - enough for 6 receptions. According to the instructions for ages 2-4 year goes by dosage is 5 ml/day, but I relied on the doctor’s opinion.

After fighting the high temperature, it became clear that the infection would not go away and could spread in the next 24 hours from the throat down to the lungs, the nose was already completely blocked, the child was breathing through his mouth, and herpes on the sponge also began to come out. You still can’t do without an antibiotic.

I made the decision to include an antibiotic in treatment evening time, therefore, the administration took place at night and, accordingly, the drug must be taken after an equal period of time, which means that subsequent doses were also taken before bedtime.

Having taken the suspension at night, there was no immediate improvement; during the night the temperature rose again to 39.5, the child was given an antipyretic, only then the temperature dropped to 38-38.5, which was enough for 3 hours. In the morning the temperature dropped to 37.5, but in the afternoon it rose again to 39. During the day we took other medications strictly as prescribed by the doctor, the child was capricious, lethargic, pale with bruises under the eye sockets, the lips were dry, the nose was blocked with thick, difficult-to-clear snot, the throat loose, tonsils swollen, slept a lot - I was already starting to worry that Suprax wouldn’t work.

The second dose of Suprax was exactly one day later: an hour or two after taking the temperature dropped to 36.3, rose to an almost ideal 36.7, the night passed without any fever at all. The child’s skin became cool and moist, his breathing became calmer, more even, without wheezing, and accordingly the child slept soundly, he did not feel chills, and in the morning the baby generally jumped up cheerful and full of strength, his eyes became clear, his skin turned pink, as usual in healthy condition. The temperature stayed within 36.7-36.8 all day.

Thus, we continued to take the entire suspension, in the dosage as prescribed by the pediatrician, for the remaining days, our health improved after each dose, and the temperature stabilized.

We can say that the effect of taking Suprax is visible almost on the second day - high temperature drops to normal, apparently the active ingredient of the drug begins to act and destroys the infection of the ENT organs and in our case did not allow the infection to descend into the lungs and develop complications. This means that our pediatrician correctly selected the prescription for “our” infection, because antibiotics are aimed at various infections that are sensitive (or vice versa resistant) to the active substance of the antibiotic.

Allergic reactions: urticaria, skin flushing, itchy skin, eosinophilia, fever, multiforme exudative erythema(including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), anaphylactic shock.
From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus.
From the digestive system: dry mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, dysbiosis, liver dysfunction, cholestasis, cholestatic jaundice, candidiasis, rarely - stomatitis, glossitis, pseudomembranous enterocolitis.
From the hematopoietic organs: pancytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, bleeding.
From the urinary system: interstitial nephritis, renal dysfunction.
From the genitourinary system: vaginitis.
Laboratory indicators: increased activity of “liver” transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, hyperbilirubinemia, increased urea nitrogen. hypercreatininemia, increased prothrombin time.
Other: candidiasis, reactions resembling serum sickness, convulsions, acute renal failure, vaginal itching, shortness of breath.

The list of side effects is impressive and scary. Of the side effects that have appeared, I will note only changes in stool, not diarrhea, but the stool noticeably softens, these are not “ugh” details, but quite important point for those looking for information about side effects.

I was completely satisfied with the effect of the antibiotic Suprax; without it, we would have gotten a more serious disease with complications from tonsillitis. This situation already happened when antibiotics were not administered on time, our pediatrician was on vacation, and another doctor prescribed various immune-modulating drugs for a month, after which it became better for a day or two or three and the temperature and deterioration in health were established again. As a result, sinusitis began, pneumonia was called into question, and only then we were prescribed an antibiotic and left at home for observation for the evening and the next day; if the a/b did not work, we were hospitalized. We were lucky, the a/b worked immediately, and within a week there was a complete recovery (the antibiotic was different, not Suprax).

Therefore, I have a positive attitude towards the use of antibiotics; of course, I will not feed the child the first sneeze, but I look at the diagnosis and the child’s condition. We have grade 2 and hypertrophied adenoids tonsils, infections set in quickly and develop at lightning speed, you need to take this into account.

Remember that any antibiotic is prescribed by a doctor! It is better, however, if tests for infection are taken first in order to select an effective antibiotic. Without tests, the doctor chooses an antibiotic based on his experience and the disease you have; if you are not a doctor yourself, it is difficult to diagnose yourself and choose an antibiotic and it is quite possible to waste your money, and at the same time your health. Don't self-medicate!

✔Suprax suspension showed its effectiveness an effective drug against ENT infections during treatment acute tonsillitis, but I recommend using Suprax as prescribed by a doctor.

✔Did not cause allergies or significant side effects, including dysbacteriosis, which usually accompanies taking antibiotics.

✔After taking it, the high temperature quickly returned to normal.

✔The finished suspension can be stored not in the refrigerator for 14 days; other similar antibiotics can be stored in the suspension for only a week.

✔ The most pleasant strawberry aroma.

Cost of the drug Suprax 100 mg. granules for preparing a suspension 60 ml. is about 600-700 rubles. Depending on the pharmacy. I bought it for 668 rubles.

Suprax suspension

Many modern drugs have been created for the treatment of children, available in different dosage forms. One of the most convenient dosage forms for children to use is suspension. The drug Suprax is also available in the form of a suspension.

The drug Suprax, provided that all doctor's recommendations for its use, dosage, duration of use and taking into account all contraindications are followed, is very well tolerated by children.

Suprax suspension - how it works

The active component of the Suprax suspension is the substance cefixime. Cefixime is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the group of third generation cephalosporins. The active substance, entering the blood, develops its therapeutic effect after 4 hours. The effect lasts one day, so the suspension is taken once a day. Cefixime has a bactericidal effect on tissues and blood, destroying the cells of pathological bacteria and preventing the construction of bacterial membranes.

The effect of the drug is due to the sensitivity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria to it, which are infectious pathogens of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, soft tissues, kidneys, urinary system, etc. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are also pathogens that are insensitive to cefixime - most staphylococci do not show to suprax sensitivity.

Suspension granules are prepared immediately before use. In 1 tsp. ready suspension - 100 mg of cefixime.

Suprax suspension - in what cases is it used?

Suprax suspension is prescribed in cases of mild to moderate bacterial infection spreading to the upper respiratory tract - sore throat, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, sinusitis.

Suprax is also used in cases of complications of acute respiratory viral infections in children in the form of bacterial inflammatory processes. It is important to start adequate antibacterial treatment in time, without missing the moment of the spread of the inflammatory process.

Suprax suspension is also used for exacerbation of any chronic disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Infectious inflammations in the urinary tract and kidneys are also indications for the use of Suprax suspension. Mild course of acute pyelonephritis, exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. cystitis - these diseases are perfectly treated with the help of Suprax suspension. If treatment occurs in a hospital setting and the course of the disease is severe, Suprax suspension is used at the final stage of therapy in the form of injections after parenteral use of cephalosporins.

What are the contraindications?

Suprax suspension has few contraindications. First of all, this is an individual increased sensitivity of the body, as well as severe renal failure in a chronic form and children under six months of age.

Does Suprax suspension have side effects?

Any antibiotic, especially a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has certain side effects. It is because of this that you absolutely cannot use the drug yourself!

The most severe side effect occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. As is known, intestinal microflora performs certain functions in the human body, including suppressing the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Being an antibiotic, Suprax destroys intestinal microflora. At the same time, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which do not show sensitivity to any antibiotic, begin to multiply intensively and thereby cause candidiasis and dysbiosis in the intestines. Which in turn leads to generalized damage to the body. The latter is dangerous for infants.


Antibiotic suprax

Suprax is a third generation antibiotic that contains the active ingredient cifixin.

Suprax - indications for use

This drug is prescribed and used for:

infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc.); infectious diseases of the urogenital system; for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, etc.).

The scope of application of suprax is quite wide. This drug is one of the most powerful antibiotics, which is why it is classified as a so-called reserve. Suprax is logical and necessary to use in cases where other, more “gentle” drugs do not have the necessary effect. It is undesirable to use the antibiotic Suprax to begin treatment of the disease, since in the future the body may become accustomed to this drug.

Suprax in the form of a suspension is the most optimal treatment option for sore throat and bronchitis in children. If the attending physician prescribes the correct course of treatment with Suprax, taking into account all contraindications, indications for allergies and tolerability of the drug. With the optimal dosage and course duration, Suprax is very well tolerated by children. In hospitals, acute forms of pneumonia are treated with this drug.

Suprax for otitis is a very effective drug. It quickly penetrates into affected areas, since its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after four hours. This drug remains in the tissues for a long time. Patients tolerate treatment with this medicine well. All these properties indicate that Suprax is suitable for the treatment of acute otitis media in children.

The antibiotic Suprax is widely used for sinusitis; it successfully eliminates the causative agents of the disease. This drug is convenient to use - take the medicine twice a day and the course of treatment is three to six days.

Suprax - release form

The main forms of release of suprax are:

capsules that contain 200 mg or 400 mg of active substance; granules; suspension, which, due to its rapid action and pleasant taste, is mainly used in the treatment of children.

It should be remembered that Suprax, like any other drug, is quite individual in its composition, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. Many people are allergic to antibiotics. When treated with Suprax, not everyone experiences positive body reactions to this drug. Therefore, you can hear both positive and negative reviews about this antibiotic.

Suprax side effects and contraindications

There are a number of contraindications for this medicine, as for any other antibiotic.

It is prohibited to take Suprax for categories of people who are allergic to drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups. Suprax should be taken with caution in patients with kidney or liver disease. It is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for infants under 6 months of age.

Side effects of the drug:

for the gastrointestinal tract: dysbacteriosis, jaundice, stomatitis, glossitis, as well as provoking a state of lightheadedness, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence; For hematopoietic system: anemia, leukopenia, bleeding; for the central nervous system: the appearance of migraine, dizziness, tinnitus; for the urogenital system: vaginitis; for the urinary system: impaired renal function, interstitial nephritis; various reactions due to an allergy to suprax: itching and redness of the skin, itching in the genital area, an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood, urticaria, increased body temperature, various diseases skin and mucous membrane, anaphylactic shock.

In order to avoid diseases associated with disturbances of the intestinal microflora, as well as the microflora of the mucous membranes of the mouth and vagina, it is necessary to take probiotics (lacidophil, acipol, etc.) simultaneously with suprax.

Antibiotic "Suprax": consumer reviews, indications and side effects

To help people suffering from diseases of the respiratory and urinary systems, as well as allergies, modern pharmaceuticals produce a variety of medications, of which antibacterial drugs occupy a significant share. Thanks to the advent of penicillin (in the last century), many bacterial and infectious pathological processes can be cured, thereby reducing mortality.

It is known that today there are 3rd and 4th generation drugs, which means that our medicine and technology do not stand still and are constantly being modernized. But the most unpleasant thing is that at the same time dangerous microorganisms mutate, developing resistance to antibacterial agents. Doctors have to create improved drugs to fight bacteria.

One of these is the broad-spectrum medicine Suprax. Feedback from patients indicates the high therapeutic effect of the drug. How safe and effective is the drug really? Let's try to understand this important issue.

When is it appointed?

The antibiotic is widely used in pediatrics. Doctors prescribe it for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, ENT organs, infectious and inflammatory diseases, pharyngitis, acute bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and laryngitis. In medical institutions, Suprax suspension (for children) is used after intramuscular injections of drugs of the same group. The convenient release form makes therapy easier for children.

Composition and effect of the medicine

The fundamental component of this antibiotic is the substance cefixime, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogens. It should be noted that some strains of bacteria are resistant to it, which is why it should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription. The therapeutic effect develops approximately four hours after taking Suprax. Reviews from doctors report that the product helps to quickly and permanently get rid of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

The substance cefixime prevents the development of bacterial membranes, destroys pathological bacteria, and also has a bactericidal effect on blood plasma and tissues. The suspension contains auxiliary elements: xanthan gum, sodium benzoate and strawberry flavor. The capsules contain: calcium carmellose, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

How to take Suprax?

Feedback from parents of children is mostly positive. Thanks to the pleasant strawberry flavor of the suspension, little children perceive it as a tasty treat, which makes the treatment process easier. The dosage is calculated by the pediatrician and depends on the weight and age of the baby. The instructions indicate a treatment regimen for different ages.

Capsules can be taken by children over 12 years old, weighing more than 50 kg, 400 mg - once a day. The course of therapy is ten days.

The suspension can be taken from six months to 12 years - 8 mg/kg, once a day.

For children two to four years old – 5 ml per day.

The daily dose for children from 5-11 years of age is 6-10 ml.

To prepare the suspension, you will need 40 grams of boiled water (chilled). Add water in two stages until the powder is completely dissolved. After dilution, shake the liquid well and let it brew for a while, no more than five minutes. It is important to remember that you can give the product no more than once a day.

Available contraindications and side effects of the drug Suprax

Price (the instructions clearly explain possible deviations) medicine within 300 rubles. Pediatricians do not prescribe it for impaired renal function and individual intolerance individual ingredients. Use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, colitis, renal failure and in old age is not permitted. Small children under six months old are also prohibited from giving the suspension.

Since Suprax is strong antibiotic, then, like all other medications in this category, it suppresses the intestinal microflora and causes dysbiosis. It is advisable to take lactobacilli during treatment. Suprax rarely causes dizziness, itching, urticaria and fever. Feedback from people tells us that the product is well tolerated by babies.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs