Streptococcal tonsillitis treatment in adults. Causes of streptococcal sore throat in children

Not every one sore throat in children requires treatment with pharmaceutical drugs and the use of antibiotics. Sometimes, for sore throat, you can use home treatment, and sometimes antibiotics are required for treatment. It is best to understand the problem together with a pediatrician, but the baby’s parents should know what to pay attention to if the child suddenly complains of a sore throat.

Streptococcal sore throat in children - making a diagnosis

Sore throat, also known as tonsillitis, is characterized by redness of the tonsils and pain in the throat. With this disease, the body temperature certainly rises. Visually observe the change in back wall pharynx and on the palatine tonsils. The tonsils are swollen, red, sometimes shiny, varnished, sometimes they are covered with a whitish coating.

In order to cure the disease quickly and without complications, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. The treatment plan, the presence of complications and the speed of recovery depend on the type of infection, caused by a virus or bacteria.

Streptococcal infection

Sore throat, as well as pharyngitis, can be caused by a variety of microorganisms. More often this pathogen is a virus, especially in children under three years of age. Red throat and pain in children of this age are caused by a viral infection. here they will not bring recovery, they are useless, and sometimes they can do harm.

Only in 10-30% of cases the cause of sore throat is a bacterial infection. An infection caused by bacteria requires qualified antibiotic therapy. Most common cause sore throat in children is beta-hemolytic group A.

It can be treated quite well with many antibiotics, but is not resistant to them. However, streptococcus can cause serious purulent complications. These are such as peritonsillar abscess, in which suppuration lymphoid tissue, or lymphadenitis - this is when as a result purulent infection regional inflammation lymph nodes.

Streptococcus with improper treatment tonsillitis can lead to complications of a non-purulent nature, such as rheumatic fever, which in the future leads to heart disease, or the occurrence of glomerulonephritis - dangerous disease. Rarely, as a result of previous streptococcal sore throat suffers nervous system, for example, a tick occurs.

Preliminary diagnosis

A symptom of any viral infection in children is a red throat because it is in the tonsils and on the back of the throat that the virus first settles. Therefore, looking at the baby’s reddened throat, one cannot say that this is a bacterial sore throat and needs to be treated with antibiotics. Most likely streptococcal infection in children over three years of age, when very high temperature body and sore throat.

When examining the baby's neck, you can observe pinpoint whitish lesions on the tonsils. With a viral infection, dense white coating on the tongue and tonsils. Another sign of streptococcal infection is a bright red throat and small dots hemorrhages on the hard or soft palate.

A smear taken from the back and from the tonsils, made in the laboratory, will finally help to clarify the picture of the disease. Moreover, now in pharmacy chain Streptotests are sold. They allow you to quickly, almost immediately make the correct diagnosis.

Complications after streptococcal sore throat are rare; only 1% of such cases are recorded. The course and prognosis of the disease depends on the general individual reactivity of the body. In Canada and England, for example, streptococcal sore throat is not treated; they believe that the body must overcome the disease on its own. Appointed symptomatic therapy and antipyretic drugs for high temperature suppositories.

Treatment of streptococcal sore throat in children

If a child’s sore throat is of viral origin, antibiotics are most often not needed; treatment is prescribed to reduce symptoms, rinses, antipyretic drugs, and herbal medicine. Excellent results in treatment viral infections and some other diseases respiratory system give finely dispersed inhalations.

3908 03/17/2019 7 min.

The inflammatory process, which is localized on the palatine tonsils, is a type of acute or chronic tonsillitis. The first type is called strep throat caused by streptococcal infections. It is a contagious disease, and therefore requires prompt treatment so that a person, in contact with others, does not become its spreader. Young children often get it, and therefore it is not uncommon for parents to become infected from them. Correct diagnosis can only be diagnosed after the sick person has given a throat swab. Treatment is prescribed based on symptoms and test results. This disease is treated with antibiotics, which help speedy recovery, and are also useful for preventive purposes.

Treatments for adults

First of all, they select effective antibiotics. If there is a temperature, then antipyretic medications. The affected areas of the throat should also be treated antiseptic, Lugol's solution is often prescribed for these purposes. Removal of inflammation and swelling occurs through the use of special sprays and absorbable tablets. To speed up detoxification, drink frequently warm water or herbal teas.

In advanced cases, a solution of sodium chloride or glucose is immediately administered intravenously. Physiotherapy, combined with the use of medications, helps a lot. Its duration is 5 – 10 days.

You can find out how to cure a sore throat with streptocide by reading this

At the same time, you can use folk remedies to recover faster. Here are the most proven ones:

But you should not switch completely to these methods; they alone, without accompanying medications, are not able to cure streptococcal sore throat.

During complex treatment of this disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the duration and dosage of prescribed medications. Streptococcus is very sensitive to benzylpenicillin, so it is often administered intravenously. It is noteworthy that in initial stage diseases, it can act in one go. For oral administration used: Augmentin, Erythromycin, Cephalexin and Cefuroxime. If a patient is detected individual intolerance to drugs penicillin series, macrolides should be used, the most effective of which are Summed and Hemomycin.

You can read how phlegmonous tonsillitis is treated

Drugs for the treatment of children

If the child receives timely correct therapy, then streptococcal sore throat will go away in five days. For this purpose it is in mandatory it is necessary to be hospitalized, and there specialists will prescribe a therapeutic course of antibiotics. Otherwise, tonsillitis may take chronic form, which will have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health. Such a constant infection will reduce the body's defenses, lowering its immunity.

The most effective treatment is integrated approach, in which antibiotics are prescribed simultaneously symptomatic remedies(rinses, immunity-strengthening vitamins, as well as antipyretic medications). It is imperative that you follow bed rest and drink warm drinks often.

You can understand whether a sore throat is contagious or not.

Verified penicillin antibiotics differ in affordable cost and effectiveness. They cause less side effects than new generation medicines. If you are allergic to this series of antibiotics, you should be treated with erythromycin, lincomycin, azithromycin, midecamycin or spiramycin.


Here are the most effective antibiotics:

These medications should be taken three times a day. The indicated doses are for one dose.


They can be supplemented local antiseptics, but they should not be abused. The most popular of them are:

  • Strepsils. It is released in the form of candies with a pleasant sweet taste. The kids enjoy sucking it up. You can't give them more than 8 pieces a day. Reception should occur every 2 - 3 hours;
  • Falimint- dragee. You should drink no more than 10 of them per day;
  • Sebidin- pills. Take one pill per day for a week;
  • Septolete– lozenges. Drink every two to three hours. Suitable for children over 4 years old. They are prescribed 4 tablets per day, and children over 10 years old - 6 tablets.

Little crumbs are not able to dissolve medications or gargle, so sprays (inhalipt, stopangin, hexoral and others) have been specially created for them. Irrigation of the throat should be performed by parents very carefully so as not to cause a spasm of the larynx, and also not to exceed the dose.

In the photo - streptococcal sore throat:

For children, you can use a time-tested remedy - alcohol compress. First, the prepared gauze is moistened in a 40% solution, then it is wrapped around the child’s throat, polyethylene is placed on top and the whole thing is wrapped in a warm scarf, preferably woolen. In the first days of illness, it is done in the morning and evening, and then only before bed.

The disease can be cured only with a combination of medications. The first difficulties will arise only in the first three days, because the body will fight on its own and accept outside help. And when everything is balanced and the process improves, the disease will begin to recede. To prevent streptococcal tonsillitis, it is necessary to periodically carry out vitamin therapy and use immunostimulants for both adults and children.

Streptococcal tonsillitis is acute infectious pathology, affecting the palatine tonsils. The disease most often occurs in children and adolescents. It will be useful for every person to know what symptoms the disease is characterized by and how to treat it.

Streptococcus is a bacteria that is found in respiratory organs, nasal cavity, and digestive system. This microorganism is the causative agent of many pathologies. The bacterium can be found in the human body long time. The disease will not develop as long as the immune system copes with it.

Streptococci often provoke the development of tonsillitis. Streptococcal tonsillitis is a highly contagious disease. Infection often occurs airborne - by drip or in contact with a sick person.

Bacterial tonsillitis practically does not occur in children under 3 years of age due to the characteristics of the body. Streptococcal tonsillitis is treated with complex therapy. They're on the move folk recipes, conservative treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures. To prescribe competent therapy, the doctor conducts an examination oral cavity patient, prescribes a series of examinations. The first signs of a sore throat are swelling and redness of the larynx. Photos of streptococcal infection in the throat can be found on the Internet to familiarize yourself with the clinical picture of the disease. This information will be useful for parents to know in order to examine the baby’s throat on their own before the doctor arrives.

Causes of streptococcal tonsillitis

Streptococci do not always provoke a sore throat, since many people remain healthy despite the presence of these bacteria in the body. The development of the disease depends on the person’s immune forces, how long they can suppress the proliferation of microorganisms. Tonsillitis is accompanied distinctive symptoms which cause significant discomfort.

Typical signs of streptococcal sore throat:

  • pronounced pain in the larynx;
  • general weakness in the body;
  • painful head spasms;
  • swelling of the tonsils, redness;
  • hyperthermia.

A person with tonsillitis can infect another within 10-21 years from the time the disease develops. Acute form, with proper treatment, lasts from 1 week to 10 days. After 24 hours from the moment you start taking antibiotics, the pathology ceases to be contagious. Streptococcal tonsillitis causes more severe symptoms in children than in adults. Kids have weak body Therefore, treatment will last longer, on average 1 month. Streptococcal sore throat in children is fraught with complications, both local and general.

Streptococcal sore throat in children - symptoms

Determine tonsillitis streptococcal etiology in children it is quite difficult, since children cannot clearly express in words the changes in their body. Signs pathological process in the larynx in infants are almost the same as in adults. However clinical picture has a number of differences.

  1. As a rule, in children, tonsillitis is accompanied by vomiting and abdominal pain, since children digestive system not yet fully developed.
  2. Swelling of the tonsils is greater than in adults. Children experience a lack of air in the body and shortness of breath.
  3. The sore throat is pronounced, and there is pain when swallowing.
  4. During illness, babies usually suffer from sleep problems, and the child’s activity decreases.
  5. A foul odor appears from the child's mouth.

The appearance of a cough signals the maturation of pus in the tonsils. Along with coughing, sputum will begin to come out. Primary symptoms often confused with influenza, acute respiratory infections. Streptococcal, also known as bacterial tonsillitis, is rarely treated with the help of traditional methods. Home therapy can only aggravate the situation, the patient may experience complications. To prevent negative consequences, you need to see a doctor immediately. Often streptococcal tonsillitis in children is treated in a hospital setting.


The diagnosis of streptococcal tonsillitis is made on the basis of the clinical picture and pharyngoscopy. The doctor examines the patient, also looks at the results of laboratory tests, and takes into account the patient’s complaints before making a diagnosis.

What examinations are relevant to identify streptococcal sore throat?

  1. Exudative throat culture helps identify streptococcal bacteria in the human body. After 3 days from the start of therapy, the doctor will be able to identify the bacterial agent inside the patient’s body.
  2. Immuno-optical examination. Such an analysis is not carried out in every medical institution, but with the help this study the causative agent of the pathological process can be identified.

It should be noted that viral and streptococcal diseases are treated differently.

What tests need to be taken to establish a diagnosis for the symptoms of tonsillitis?

  • complete blood count (to compare the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, monocytes);
  • throat swab (to identify the type of infection);
  • urine test (to determine the presence of protein);
  • ECG (with painful spasms in the heart);
  • X-ray examination of joints (indicated at an advanced stage of tonsillitis).

The list of tests can expand, depending on the age and health status of the patient. Pregnant women are also prescribed an abdominal ultrasound.

Streptococcal sore throat symptoms are similar to the following diseases:

  • diphtheria;
  • monoculosis;
  • leukemia.

Before a diagnosis is made, you should not prescribe medications yourself. If the patient is treated for streptococcal tonsillitis antiviral drugs, there will be no effect, and vice versa.

Methods for treating streptococcal sore throat

There are many therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating tonsillitis. The cure for strep throat of streptococcal etiology lasts on average 10 days, provided the patient complies with all therapeutic measures.

  1. As a rule, the doctor prescribes penicillin antibiotics. With the help of such medications, the development of complications can be avoided. Along with such drugs, bifidobacteria are prescribed to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Improvement is noticeable 24 hours after taking the first tablet.
  2. Patients are often prescribed benzylpecicillin, which is administered by injection, 6 times a day. Such events are carried out in a medical facility.

When penicillin antibiotics cannot be taken, patients are prescribed cephalosporins or macrolides.

  1. Patients are often prescribed cephalexin or cefadroxil. Data antibacterial agents effectively suppress bacterial walls.
  2. Among the macrolide antibiotics, Azithromycin is popular. The drug is prescribed short courses, consisting of 3-5 days of admission.
  3. In addition to antibacterial therapy, must be consumed antimicrobial agents local impact. They will increase efficiency treatment course, will speed up the healing process.
  4. The drug Bioparox is a local inhalation medication. The product has wide range action, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. You should take Bioparox for no longer than 10 days.
  5. The medicine Tonsilgon, which contains medicinal herbs (chamomile, marshmallow, horsetail), is also effective for tonsillitis. The medication increases the body's protective functions.

As a rule, antibacterial drugs for angina give noticeable results already on the second day. These medications have a number of side effects that need to be taken into account. Also funds with antibacterial effect Not suitable for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or people with problems with the digestive system.

Inpatient therapy lasts approximately 10 days, but if complications develop, treatment is extended. During the fight against pathology, you need to adhere to the following measures:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • do not smoke, do not drink alcohol;
  • exclude junk food from the diet;
  • consume as much as possible more water;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Such measures will contribute quick recovery. You should not get too cold, if going outside is unavoidable, you should dress warmly.

Despite well-chosen therapy, the patient will be tormented by symptoms for some time. To eliminate them, you need to take such medications.

  1. Antipyretics, for example, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuklin, Nurofen.
  2. Antihistamines will reduce the risk of allergies and eliminate swelling. Such drugs include Zyrtec, Cetrin.
  3. Suitable for irrigating the oral cavity baking soda, potassium permanganate, Furacilin.
  4. Tablets and sprays with a soothing effect will reduce inflammation. It is worth taking Cameton, Ingalipt, Strepsils.
  5. It is also useful to take complex vitamin medications, especially elements B and C.


Gargling will help relieve painful sensations. It is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity 5-6 times a day.

Popular solutions for irrigating the throat:

  • soda with table salt(dissolve the components in equal proportions in 250 ml of water);
  • garlic infusion (pour boiling water over a few cloves of garlic, let it brew for 1 hour);
  • beet broth (chop the vegetable, pour boiling water over it, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes);
  • sea ​​salt diluted in water;
  • infusion of cranberries, ethanol and honey (mix all ingredients, add water, leave for 1 hour);
  • a decoction of plantain leaves (take 2-3 leaves, pour boiling water, leave for 1 hour);
  • It is also useful to irrigate the larynx with green tea;
  • a mixture of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile, infused for 3 hours, will relieve pain.

Consumption of bee nectar as a food product stabilizes general condition patient, strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to take 1 dessert spoon of honey per day before meals.


Physiotherapeutic measures are used after the acute symptoms. The procedures are as follows:

  • electrophoresis;
  • quantum therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

In case chronic sore throat, it is useful for patients to inhale sea ​​air. This event is especially relevant during the period of remission.

Treatment of streptococcal sore throat folk remedies It is quite relevant if you use home methods as additional measures.

Nutrition for sore throat

What foods should you eat to prevent the development of sore throat?

  1. You should eat food that has passed heat treatment. Undercooked foods contain bacteria, especially deli meats. Microorganisms can cause disease.
  2. Reduce the consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx (carbonated drinks, coffee, spicy or too hot foods).
  3. It is necessary to moderately fill your diet with foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
  4. You should also not drink drinks that are too cold; they can increase the risk of developing tonsillitis. The throat should not be exposed to cold.

The diet of an adult should be rich in vitamins, useful microelements. Don't eat too much fatty foods, it is useful to give up fast food. A child's diet should include dairy products; it is beneficial for a child to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid the disease, but there is a chance to protect yourself as much as possible from the development of the pathological process. It should be noted that preventive measures do not consist only in conducting healthy image life, it is also recommended to take special pharmaceutical drugs, herbal teas in order to strengthen the body.

To reduce the risk of developing tonsillitis, you need to follow these measures.

  1. Completely eliminate contact with sick people, especially during outbreaks of respiratory diseases.
  2. Eliminate foci of chronic infectious processes. Often, sore throat occurs in people who already suffer from oral infections. Paratonsillitis is often caused by ailments such as sinusitis, furunculosis, and pyelonephritis.
  3. Treat carious teeth in a timely manner, since the infection can spread to other organs, for example, to the larynx.
  4. Drink herbal drinks, for example, tea with raspberries. Drinking this will improve your immunity.
  5. Need to use funds personal hygiene. You need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, after eating, you should rinse your mouth with a special solution. You can buy it at a pharmacy or store.
  6. If there is a sick person in the family, you need to wear a mask and change it every 2 hours.
  7. Timely treatment of colds. Influenza and acute respiratory infections often serve as a catalyst for the development of paratonsillitis.
  8. If a person has a curved nasal septum, it is worth fixing this problem.
  9. Hardening. A strong immune system can extinguish streptococci and prevent the disease from developing. To properly harden, without harm to health, you need to do it gradually. Rubbing will be useful cold water, as initial procedures. When the body gets used to it, you can add a contrast shower.
  10. Will increase immunity by playing sports, swimming, walking fresh air. When swimming in the pool, it is recommended to use a rubber cap. This item will prevent your ear from coming into contact with chlorinated water, which can cause irritation. When diving, you should not swallow water; you should plunge into the pool smoothly so that the body does not become hypothermic.

Such measures will help strengthen the patient’s body and reduce the chances of developing a pathological process. People who get sick regularly colds must follow these rules at all times. It should be remembered that for pregnant women, some of the above-mentioned measures, for example, taking herbal teas, may help negative effect. It is worth consulting a doctor before using such drugs to protect the body from an allergic reaction.

Many patients believe that drug therapy is the only way prevent the development of tonsillitis. This judgment is not correct, since the uncontrolled use of self-prescribed drugs with antibacterial effect entails an exacerbation of the infection.

What remedies help prevent the development of sore throat:

  • bronchomunal in capsules;
  • echinacea in the form of tinctures, drops, herbal teas;
  • Ribomunil in tablets, granules.

The above medications will help strengthen the body's protective functions. Just like other medications, it should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

Streptococcal sore throat is a common disease that many parents and children fear. It is always accompanied painful sensations and affects the quality of life. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This disease is contagious and therefore requires prompt treatment. Is streptococcal tonsillitis really dangerous, how to treat it correctly - doctors still have answers to these questions different points vision.

Features of the disease

Streptococcal sore throat is inflammatory disease nasopharynx, affecting the tonsils and lymph nodes. In approximately cases of patients complaining of this diagnosis, this diagnosis is confirmed. A disease such as streptococcal tonsillitis is common among both young patients and adults. Infection occurs predominantly by airborne droplets. Infection through household items is unlikely. However, outbreaks of streptococcal sore throat are often recorded in kindergartens and schools. The peak incidence occurs in the winter-spring period.

Causes and mechanism of development of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes. This microorganism is distinguished by its ability to survive in any environment. In 25% of adults it lives on the skin, and in 12% of children it lives in the throat. This type bacteria is not always the cause of inflammation in the nasopharynx. Normally, the development of the pathological process is prevented by the immune system. It protects the body not only from Streptococcus pyogenes, but also from many others pathogenic microorganisms. Any disruptions in its operation can lead to the development of diseases, which include streptococcal tonsillitis. What other factors contribute to the occurrence of this disease?

  1. Seasonal temperature changes.
  2. Vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition.
  3. Mechanical damage to the tonsils by foreign objects.
  4. Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  5. Bad habits.

The mechanism of development of streptococcal tonsillitis needs to be considered in more detail. As a result of malfunction immune system the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes are activated. They attach to the mucous membranes of the tonsils and begin to secrete a variety of toxins. These substances, together with antigens, affect the heart muscle, joints and kidneys. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear and begin treatment.

Symptoms of streptococcal sore throat

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the severity of inflammation, as well as the activity of the immune system. Like other forms of sore throat, streptococcal is characterized by a sore throat, intoxication of the body, and a rise in temperature. However, there are also obvious differences.

The disease develops at lightning speed. Within a few hours the temperature reaches critical levels (38-40 degrees). Patients complain about severe pain in the throat and pronounced hyperemia of its mucous membranes. increase in size, appear obvious signs intoxication of the body. Palatine tonsils covered with a cheesy coating.

Streptococcal infections are usually severe. The child often cannot describe what is bothering him. The disease begins its development with an increase in body temperature, then convulsions and vomiting appear. Severe pain in the throat forces the child to refuse food. He becomes lethargic and drowsy, and begins to lose weight.

Diagnosis of the disease

A photo of streptococcal sore throat gives a complete picture of the seriousness of the disease. The clinical picture of the disease is often blurred. Therefore put final diagnosis based solely on certain symptoms is not possible. In such cases it is required laboratory tests. During a physical examination of the patient, the doctor takes a culture from the oral cavity for subsequent examination for pathogenic flora. In some medical institutions They carry out a rapid test for the presence of antigen, which is slightly inferior in sensitivity to culture. Based on the test results, the doctor can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Basic principles of treatment

Streptococcal tonsillitis lasts no more than 6 days. To treat it, it is often enough to stay in bed and drink more water. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antipyretic and painkillers. Among them, the most effective are Paracetamol and Aspirin. These products are sold without a prescription. However, you should consult your doctor before using them. Treatment with these medications is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 16 years of age. You can also use special sprays containing antiseptic substances and throat lozenges. In most cases, this is enough to help the body overcome streptococcal tonsillitis.

Treatment with antibiotics is necessary if there is no improvement in the patient's condition within five days or more. Initially prescribed medications penicillin group(“Amoxicillin”). With further deterioration of the clinical picture, therapy is supplemented with Cephalexin or macrolide antibiotics. As a rule, the course of treatment is five days, in some cases it is extended. Antibiotics always negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of dysbiosis. Therefore, doctors additionally recommend taking medications with bifidobacteria (Linex, Lactobacterin).

Treatment of angina in children is practically no different from therapy in adults. You should not try to overcome the disease on your own; you can cause irreparable harm to the small organism. Only a doctor should select medications. The most effective is an integrated approach to treatment, in which symptomatic agents are used simultaneously with antibiotics.

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of streptococcal tonsillitis is carried out at home. If possible, it is necessary to limit your social circle, since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therapy includes the use of not only antibiotics and painkillers, but also recipes from traditional medicine.

To gargle, you can prepare a decoction of oak bark or chamomile. For little patient the best medicine is healing tea from rosehip and mint. For older children, doctors recommend aromatic inhalations with fir or eucalyptus oil. You need to pour 1.5 liters into the container hot water, and then add a few drops of aroma oil. The child should be covered with a towel and asked to breathe over these vapors through his nose and mouth.

Possible complications

Treatment of the disease with antibiotics already on the second day gives the first positive results. If the clinical picture does not change, doctors suspect various complications streptococcal sore throat. The most common among them is considered retropharyngeal abscess. It occurs against a background of weakened immunity. Myocarditis and sepsis may also accompany this disease. Pathologies develop against the background of weakened human immunity in combination with incorrectly selected therapy. Short-term use of antibiotics does not kill all bacteria, so the causative agent of the disease remains in the body and continues to attack internal organs.

Prevention of disease

It does not always go away without a trace. Sore throat can return at any time, because the patient does not develop lasting immunity after treatment. To avoid reinfection doctors recommend sticking to simple rules. First of all, you need to monitor the condition of the apartment. Daily ventilation and wet cleaning help create an optimal living environment. In addition, doctors advise monitoring the state of the immune system. To strengthen it, you need to eat well, exercise, and follow a work and rest schedule. If you listen to these simple recommendations, the disease will definitely pass by. Be healthy!

Despite the fact that the cause of throat diseases in the vast majority of cases are viruses, streptococcal sore throat remains a widespread disease. Streptococcal tonsillitis - acute infectious disease organs pharyngeal ring, the causative agent of which is various types streptococcus. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GAStreptococcus) is the main causative agent of sore throat and has a pronounced hemolytic activity, pathogenesis is associated with the production of toxins.

When treating a disease, the most effective means Antibacterial drugs remain, especially of the penicillin group. Unlike other bacteria, GAS does not produce penicillinase, an enzyme that breaks down antibiotics of this group, making them ineffective.


Streptococci are bacteria that are present in the body of any person. Make up 30–60% of total number bacteria found in the throat. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A in 70% of cases is the causative agent of tonsillitis, also called pyogenic, has the greatest toxicity and is capable of destroying red blood cells.

The microorganism behaves peacefully as long as the human immune system functions fully. As soon as protective function the body weakens, streptococcus begins to actively multiply, acquiring the characteristics of a pathogen. Among the main factors that contribute to the development of streptococcal sore throat:

  • decreased local and general immunity;
  • recent viral or bacterial disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • contact with the patient and/or his things.

During illness, a person becomes dangerous to others because he emits large number streptococci outside, which is highly contagious (infectious).

In addition to tonsillitis, streptococcus can cause:

  • bronchitis,
  • periodontitis,
  • abscess,
  • erysipelas,
  • rheumatism,
  • scarlet fever,
  • glomerulonephritis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • pneumonia.

Streptococcal tonsillitis is dangerous because most of the listed diseases develop as its complications.

This often occurs in a weakened body or in the absence of proper treatment. Streptococcus extends far beyond the pharyngeal ring, developing pathologies, for example, in connective tissue, especially in the membranes of the heart, as in rheumatism, or autoimmune reactions of the body, as in glomerulonephritis.

Streptococcal tonsillitis should be suspected in the acute onset of the disease, severe pain in the throat when swallowing and fever. The site of introduction and development of the pathogen becomes a focus of inflammation.

Most streptococci are found in the tonsils, which filter incoming air, water and food.

Spicy inflammatory process in the tonsils can take on various forms:

  • catarrhal (redness of the tonsils, no purulent foci, cloudy mucus on the surface is noticeable),
  • follicular (enlarged tonsils with ulcers in the follicles),
  • lacunar (large area of ​​inflammation on the tonsils in the form of gray-yellow spots of irregular shape),
  • necrotic (extensive area purulent inflammation, a loose, peeling film on the tonsils that gives way to ulcers).


The incubation period lasts from several hours to 5 days. During the first day of the disease, the main set of symptoms appears. Toxins released by bacteria are carried circulatory system throughout the body. Within 2–3 days the patient feels typical signs intoxication: malaise, headache, feeling of aching in joints and muscles, nagging pain in the lower back. If the body is severely weakened, patients experience vomiting and dehydration occurs.

Streptococcal tonsillitis has a characteristic set of symptoms by which it is diagnosed:

  • pus on the tonsils and back of the throat, swelling of the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • sore throat radiating to the ear.

Sore throat, initially mild, intensifies over time and reaches a peak by the second day. Upon palpation, enlarged lymph nodes are detected in the area of ​​inflammation. The tonsils are noticeably enlarged, and depending on the shape of the sore throat, the presence of white ulcers or yellow-gray spots of irregular shape is observed.

Features of the course in children

When diagnosed with streptococcal tonsillitis, the symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis in children, in general, repeat the therapy for adults. Bacterial forms of sore throat are much more common in children over 3 years of age. At severe course By 2–3 weeks the baby may develop illnesses serious complication: abscesses or purulent lymphadenitis that require surgical treatment, bacterial endocarditis, rheumatic fever, meningitis.

Previously, it was believed that children under 3 years of age with similar symptoms did not need to undergo bacteriological analysis. For this group of patients, the development of streptococcal sore throat was considered an uncharacteristic phenomenon, and therefore children under 3 years of age were considered out of risk. However, in recent years scientists record the growth of patients streptococcal tonsillitis in this group.

Most often, children become infected through airborne droplets through contact with carriers of the infection, since streptococcus is highly contagious. Another feature of the course of the disease in young children is that rheumatism does not develop as a complication. A bacteriological analysis must be done, first of all, in order to exclude other pathologies (leukemia, diphtheria, etc.).

The cause of tonsillitis in children over 3 years of age in 30-40% of cases is streptococcus.

Treatment of streptococcal sore throat with normal course without complications lasts about 10 days. If a bacteriological analysis reveals streptococcus as the causative agent of tonsillitis, the otolaryngologist in most cases prescribes a course of penicillin. The antibiotic is low cost, streptococcus has low resistance to it, and it significantly reduces the risk of complications. Has a significant side effect to work gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is prescribed in conjunction with bifidobacteria.

Once in the focus, it interferes with the restoration and synthesis of the cell walls of the bacterium, which leads to its death. This explains his high efficiency: improvement occurs within the first 24 hours. The most effective is benzylpenicillin, which is administered by injection 6 times a day, which is impossible with outpatient treatment. In such cases, amoxicillin (Augmentin) and amoxicillin-clavunate are prescribed. Clavunatic acid in the latter increases the effectiveness of the antibiotic.

The group of patients for whom the penicillin group is contraindicated are prescribed cephalosporins or macrolides:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women
  • women breastfeeding
  • infectious mononucleosis in children (streptococcal tonsillitis precedes its development).

In addition to the penicillin group, streptococcal tonsillitis can be treated with cephalexin or cefadroxil. These antibiotics belong to the cephasporins, the effectiveness of which is due to inhibition of the synthesis of peptidoglycan, which is a structural component of the bacterial wall.

Among macrolides good results Azithromycin (Sumamed) demonstrates its effectiveness in the fight against gram-positive bacteria. In view of long period removal of the antibiotic from the body (stays for 5–7 days after administration), azithromycin is prescribed in short courses (3–5 days).

A mandatory addition to antibacterial therapy is antimicrobials local action. Their use increases the effectiveness of the treatment course, accelerates the recovery process of patients, and reduces the risk of the pathogen spreading beyond the oropharynx.

Bioparox based on fusafungine is a topical inhalation drug. It has a broad antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug can be used by children after 4 years of age. Application time: 10 days.

Combined drug Tonzilgon N, which includes a number of components medicinal herbs(marshmallow, chamomile, horsetail). The principle of action is based on increasing the phagocytic activity of granulocytes and macrophages, which allows activating local immunity.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs