Licorice, licorice root treatment, licorice treatment. Soil and fertilizers

The beneficial properties of licorice have been known to folk healers since ancient times, evidence of which was found in the ancient Chinese records “The Book of Herbs”. The Book, written about 5 thousand years ago, describes the healing properties of the plant, its effect on human organs, as well as methods of using licorice for medicinal purposes.

Until now, licorice or licorice has been successfully used in folk and official medicine. The most valuable part of the plant is the root, which contains the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the human body. Tibetan healers used it to cure whooping cough, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, used it to eliminate shortness of breath and relieve asthma symptoms, used it to treat anemia, diseases of the digestive tract, liver, urinary tract, infectious and inflammatory diseases, and also as an antidote when bitten by poisonous animals. Avicenna recommended licorice for the treatment of diseases of the lungs, bladder, and fever, and recommended using a decoction of the root to quench thirst.

Description of the plant

Licorice (licorice) is a perennial herb that belongs to the legume family and has about 15 subspecies. Some varieties reach a height of two meters, but the average size is about half a meter.

The most popular is licorice or licorice. Its stems are erect, slightly branched, its leaves are oval-oblong, consisting of 3-10 small sticky leaves.

Licorice roots are powerful, penetrate deeply into the ground, and are yellow at the break. In June, white and purple flowers appear, collected in brushes of 5-6 individual pieces. By August-September the fruits ripen - brown, curved beans.

Licorice is widespread in the southern part of Russia, the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It is successfully cultivated in areas with temperate climates. Prefers sandy and clay soils. Traditional places of growth are meadows, steppes, semi-deserts, roadsides and river edges. It is unpretentious, reproduces by seeds or rhizomes, and quickly grows over long distances.

The underground part of the plant is used in medicine. This is the well-known licorice root. In early spring or autumn, the roots are dug up, washed, in some cases peeled, cut into pieces and dried thoroughly. The resulting raw materials are pressed. In this form, licorice root can be stored for up to ten years without losing its beneficial properties.
Licorice is a good honey plant; its root system strengthens sandy soils and can be used for landscaping.

A little history about the sweet root of healing

For medicinal purposes, only the rhizomes of licorice glabra are used. They are harvested in March-April or October-November. The rhizomes are dug up, shaken off the ground, and dried at a temperature not exceeding 50-60°C. Ready-to-use roots should break, not bend, when bent. You can store finished raw materials for up to 10 years in a cool, dry place. Licorice juice is obtained by boiling the roots and drying them in a vacuum.

Most often, licorice root is used in cooking as a natural sweetener, because it is 50 times sweeter than cane sugar. The spicy, slightly sugary taste of licorice candies is an invariable attribute of the Christmas holidays in Europe and America.

In medicine, “sweet grass” began to be used several thousand years ago. The soldiers of Ancient Egypt always carried the roots of this plant with them to quench their thirst. Chinese healers attributed the use of licorice root powders to the treatment of pain of various origins, shortness of breath, cough and fever. In the ranking of plants that give youth and longevity, licorice took an honorable second place after ginseng. Tibetan monks to this day use it as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

In Korea, licorice root powder was prescribed to treat tuberculosis and diabetes, and in India the plant has long been used to treat eye diseases and improve vision.

In the 19th century An aqueous extract of licorice root began to be used in the United States, mixed with chewing tobacco to make its taste more pleasant. For many years, tobacco companies became the main customers of licorice extract. It also became popular in the production of confectionery, candies and beer, and also found application in a very unusual area - it began to be used as a foaming component in fire extinguishers.

Composition of solka root

The roots and rhizomes of the plant are used for healing purposes. They have a sickly sweet taste, which is why they are often added to medications or multi-component herbal preparations.
The beneficial components of licorice root include:

  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • polysaccharides;
  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • minerals;
  • alkaloids;
  • glucose;
  • maltose;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • steroids.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

Energy value Licorice (root) (Raw materials and seasonings) is 375 kcal.

Indications and method of use of licorice root

Due to its composition, licorice has many different beneficial properties:

  1. As we have already found out, licorice root can cure even the most severe cough. After the first dose, the phlegm will begin to disappear, which means recovery is just around the corner. It also soothes the cough that keeps tearing up your throat and lungs.
  2. Glycyrrhizin, which was already mentioned earlier, is beneficial for people suffering from kidney diseases. Removes salt deposits from the body, which means it relieves general swelling.
  3. Regeneration of various types of tissues is carried out, or more precisely, the regeneration process is simply accelerated to a significant extent. In some diseases, the healing time of damaged tissue is almost a decisive factor.
  4. Able to normalize cholesterol levels. By the way, it will be very useful for people who are struggling with obesity.
  5. Due to the fact that this remedy is able to strengthen the immune system, it reduces the risk of allergic reactions, various infections, and also increases resistance to stressful situations. Licorice protects the body from all sides.
  6. Develops vascular elasticity, which reduces the risk of strokes. Strengthens capillaries, due to which pain in case of damage will be minimal, due to the fact that the capillaries will be resistant to external influences.
  7. It is a laxative and helps relieve problems with constipation. And for overweight people, this is a good way to lose all those extra pounds.
  8. Liquorice is a good tonic for the nervous system. Brings sleep back to normal, thereby relieving insomnia. Increases the body's endurance, as it provides it with all vital elements.
  9. Helps cleanse the liver of harmful substances accumulated in it, which guarantees resistance to cancer.
  10. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system. It relieves inflammation and also helps in breaking down kidney stones.
  11. Licorice decoctions will also have a good effect when used externally. It is used both for external mechanical damage to the skin and for various dermatitis and fungi.

Preparations from licorice root are available in the form of tea bags, crushed roots, syrup, tablets, chewing strips, and creams. The method of using licorice depends on the indications for use. You need to be treated with licorice products for at least 2-3 weeks, since their effect comes rather slowly.

At home, infusions, decoctions, and teas are prepared from licorice. To prepare the decoction, pour one tablespoon of the raw material into a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, leave at room temperature, and filter. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Licorice root tincture

Most of the population has a weak immune system. Because of this, humans are constantly threatened by viruses and bacteria. Extracts and tinctures are created from the root that can increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Licorice root tincture has many medicinal properties, and at the same time has almost no contraindications. The medicine has found wide use in therapy against lung diseases, skin ailments and constipation. It is also used for the prevention of bile ducts and food poisoning.

Tincture recipe


  • dry root – 10 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

Preparation and use

Grind the roots and place in an enamel bowl, add water. Heat in a water bath and keep covered for half an hour. Cool and strain. Store no more than two days in a cool place. Drink one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Traditional methods of treatment with licorice

Licorice has been used in folk medicine since ancient times and has proven itself as an effective healing agent in the fight against various diseases. The benefits and harms of any medicinal plant are determined by its composition. The medicinal properties and contraindications of licorice are associated with the content in its root of a large number of various substances (organic acids, plant fiber, saponins, gum, mineral salts, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, analogs of mineralocorticoids, essential oils, tannins, sugars, vitamins). In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions, powders, ointments, and breast mixtures are prepared from the roots.

Healing beans for kidney ailments and bladder diseases

♦ Kidney diseases. You need to take twenty-five grams of licorice, steelweed, parsley, lovage and juniper roots. You can also use the second collection option, take twenty grams of licorice root and fennel fruits and sixty grams of juniper fruits, or the third collection option: twenty-five grams each of licorice root, steelberry, parsley and juniper fruits. The preparation and administration of the preparations are the same for all three infusions. You need to pour one tablespoon of the collection into a glass of cold water and leave for six hours, and then boil for ten minutes over low heat. Take in three doses during the day before meals.

Infusion for coughs, bronchitis, colds:

How to drink licorice root for dry cough and bronchitis: this recipe will help: You need to take a tablespoon of crushed licorice roots and two tablespoons of coltsfoot and plantain herbs. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a thermos and poured a glass of boiling water. The solution is left to brew for fifteen minutes and then taken twice a day, half a glass. You can also add a little honey to taste.

♦Chest tea for coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia. You need to take three parts of licorice root, two parts each of marshmallow and chamomile root, and four parts of pine buds. Two tablespoons of the collection should be boiled for fifteen minutes and infused for ten. Take two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

♦ This infusion thins mucus. Three parts of licorice root and plantain leaves are mixed with four parts of coltsfoot. One tablespoon of the collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water and taken a third of a glass five times a day.


Decoction of roots for acute respiratory infections and pneumonia:

Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into a glass of hot water, prepare the decoction in a water bath, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Then you need to leave the broth for 40 minutes, strain, add boiled water to the original volume and take a quarter glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Emphysema and tuberculosis

♦ Tuberculosis. Two parts of licorice root, knotweed herb and lungwort are mixed with three parts of St. John's wort herb and burnet root. Four tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a liter of water in a thermos and left open for ten minutes, and then closed with a lid and waited for another three hours. You need to drink a glass four to five times a day half an hour before meals.

How to take licorice root for adults in preparations for a cold with fever, cough, sore throat:

A decoction for lowering cholesterol in the blood, from cholesterol plaques in blood vessels:

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed licorice roots into 0.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for 10 minutes, strain and take half a glass of the decoction 3-4 times a day after meals.

Decoction for diabetes:

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed root into two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Then the broth should be strained and taken 30 minutes before meals, half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Licorice for inflammation of the thyroid gland

You need to take twenty grams of licorice root and forty grams of madder. Two teaspoons of the collection are poured with half a liter of water and left for three to four hours, after which they take one glass in the morning.

A decoction for external use for eczema, dermatitis, for washing purulent wounds, for washing with thrush:

Pour a tablespoon of crushed licorice raw material into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should be left for 30 minutes, then strained. Wash the sore spots with the decoction or apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of skin diseases

You need to take fifty grams of the plant ground into powder and mix with 500 grams of butter or pork fat. You need to cook for half an hour in a water bath, and then store in the refrigerator. Use for atopic dermatitis and severe itching of the skin.

Decoction for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry licorice root into half a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook with the lid closed for ten minutes. When the broth has cooled, it needs to be strained. Take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. You need to be treated for three weeks, then take a two-week break and repeat the treatment. Six such courses are required per year.

A decoction for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, constipation and poisoning, and arthritis:

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed root into a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath with the lid closed over low heat for 20 minutes. Leave for two hours, squeeze out the roots, strain well, take one tablespoon of decoction 5 times a day.

Decoction for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity:

Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed root into a glass of hot water and boil in a water bath over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave for an hour, then strain the broth, add boiled water to the original volume. Take the decoction four times a day, one tablespoon.

Licorice root juice for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers:

Wash the fresh licorice root well, chop it and squeeze the juice out of it. One gram of juice should be diluted with half a glass of warm boiled water. Divide into three parts and drink in three doses throughout the day. The course of treatment is one month.

Lymph cleansing with licorice

When the functions of the lymphatic system are disrupted, a disease occurs - lymphotoxicosis. It entails a load on the liver, intestines, kidneys, and doctors sometimes make disappointing diagnoses: hepatitis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis. There is a slowdown in the release of metabolic products, bile stagnates, constipation occurs, and inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) occurs. Skin rashes, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc. appear.

All these troubles can be corrected by using licorice root. If you drink 1 tablespoon of syrup diluted in a glass of hot water on an empty stomach, the cleansing process can be felt within an hour.

Licorice for herpes, atherosclerosis

Scientific experiments have revealed the ability of licorice root to control cholesterol levels in the blood by activating the flow of bile in the body. In addition, the sweet root has an antioxidant effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens capillaries and prevents the development of arterial plaques.

♦ Herpes. Two teaspoons of raw material are brewed in a thermos, poured with two and a half glasses of boiling water, and left for forty-five minutes. The strained decoction is taken a tablespoon every two to three hours, and the course of treatment is carried out for seven days.

♦ In the treatment of herpes, shingles and herpes simplex virus, as well as eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, licorice root extract is used in the form of gels and ointments. At home, the symptoms of atopic dermatitis can be alleviated by applying lotions of licorice extract to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. To prepare a medicinal ointment, you need to take 2 cups of finely chopped licorice root, pour 1.2 liters of liquid into them, and boil. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another 40 minutes. The resulting mass can be applied as cold compresses or added to baths to relieve pain.

♦ To treat hypertension accompanied by atherosclerosis, you need to grind and mix one gram of licorice roots, white birch leaves, rose petals, sweet clover herb and Echinops fruits, two grams of linden flowers, oregano herb, coltsfoot leaves and great plantain, according to three grams of horsetail and capsicum, dill and anise seeds, lemon balm leaves and motherwort herb, four grams of hawthorn fruits, five grams of rose hips and immortelle herb, and six grams of marsh grass. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture into half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then strain and drink one hundred and fifty milliliters three times a day, ten to fifteen minutes before meals.

Sweet life without stress: treating the nervous system

Our adrenal glands control the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Low levels of this hormone in the body can cause chronic fatigue, states of melancholy and anxiety, and decreased immunity. Glycyrrhizic acid contained in licorice helps in the treatment of neuroses and depression by stimulating the functions of the adrenal glands, and asparagine helps maintain balance in the nervous system.

♦ If you suffer from insomnia, you can try this recipe. Take one teaspoon of the plant root and pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for twenty minutes and drink it like tea.

♦ You can overcome chronic fatigue using a simple remedy. 2 g of licorice root are poured into a glass of water and soaked for at least 12 hours. Then chop the soaked roots as much as possible and add 500 ml of low-fat milk. This drink should be taken in the morning before meals, half a glass.

♦ We take five grams of licorice and valerian, ten grams of wormwood, calendula and motherwort, twenty grams of mint, chamomile, oregano and rosehip, thirty grams of immortelle sandy, agrimony and string and forty grams of celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort and columbine. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of cold water and leave for half an hour. After this, put it on the fire and boil for five minutes. The decoction is infused for fifteen minutes and drunk in small sips throughout the day. This drug is antitumor, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory. The course of treatment is ten days, after which you need to take a short three-day break.

Licorice for myocardial infarction

Take ten grams of licorice root and twenty grams of crushed wheatgrass roots. The collection should be poured with half a liter of boiling water and cooked for ten minutes. After this, the broth is infused and drunk a cup a day, adding a little honey.

Licorice root. Useful properties for women

How is licorice useful in gynecology? The benefits of licorice for women are due to the content of phytoestrogens in its roots, which are natural analogues of female sex hormones. With estrogen deficiency in women, various diseases of the female reproductive system can occur.

Licorice root products have special properties for women:

  • childbearing age with ovarian hypofunction;
  • with menstrual dysfunction;
  • with painful menstruation;
  • menopause;
  • with the problem of female infertility;
  • with hyperproduction of androgens.

For menstrual irregularities, an infusion is prepared from a collection of medicinal herbs (licorice root, yarrow herb, rue, St. John's wort and juniper berries in equal proportions): pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for half an hour, infuse, filter. Drink this infusion warm, 2 glasses every day. To normalize the level of estrogen in the blood, licorice root products must be taken starting from the 5th day of the cycle before ovulation.

For women with infertility, a tincture of licorice root is useful: 100 g of dry root is poured with 1/2 liter of vodka or alcohol, infused for 14 days in a dark place. After filtering, take 30 drops twice a day.

Uterine cancer . For uterine cancer, you can try the following recipe. You need to take ten grams of licorice and motherwort, forty grams of celandine, agrimony, string, yarrow and St. John's wort, twenty grams of burdock root, chamomile, thyme and dandelion, thirty grams of plantain and immortelle and five grams of valerian. One tablespoon of the collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for a couple of minutes, after which it is drunk in several doses throughout the day. The course of treatment is three months.

Licorice during pregnancy

The use of licorice during pregnancy is undesirable. This is due to the fact that its property of changing the water-salt balance can provoke unwanted swelling. In addition, it can cause increased blood pressure, uterine bleeding, and increased hormonal activity. An infusion, decoction or cough syrup during pregnancy made from licorice should only be taken in extreme cases when other drugs cannot cope with the problem. Moreover, treatment with them should be carried out only after the doctor’s permission.

Licorice for children

As a rule, licorice root is prescribed to children in the form of decoctions or syrups for coughs (wet and dry), less often for certain gastrointestinal diseases. Depending on the age, a single dose of decoction for a child should be a dessert spoon or a teaspoon. It should be taken warm, three times a day, about thirty minutes before meals.

Children are treated with syrup much more readily than with decoction because of its pleasant sweet taste. It promotes the removal of phlegm, improves immunity, heals mucous membranes, and has an analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to give syrup to children in the following doses:

  • from 1 to 3 years – 2.5 ml;
  • from 3 to 6 years – no more than 5 ml;
  • from 6 to 9 years – no more than 7.5 ml;
  • from 9 to 12 years – no more than 10 ml.

The syrup is usually taken three times a day, after meals no earlier than half an hour. It is recommended to drink it with water.

Licorice is contraindicated for children under one year of age; for children under three years of age, products from it can be given only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Use in cosmetology

Often, few people know that licorice root is also used in cosmetology. Licorice root extract can be used as a rinse for oily hair - substances contained in licorice reduce sebum production.

To prepare the decoction, take 2 cups of roots and 6 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. After washing, rinse your hair with the resulting infusion. Regularly performing this procedure makes the hair silky and shiny and eliminates excess fat.

If pigment spots have settled on the skin of the body, and, even worse, on the skin of the face, then this remedy can save you from such a problem. Moreover, as a result you will get a natural, even skin color.

Decoctions from the root will help restore damaged hair ends, making them healthier.

In addition, rinsing with this product will add volume to your hair and give it a radiant shine. By the way, with frequent use of this decoction, the hair can lighten several tones. Therefore, it is also used to remove even the most stubborn paint.

How to prepare a lotion at home to lighten age spots?

  • The root needs to be chopped as finely as possible (we only need a teaspoon), after which it is poured with vodka, which only needs 50 ml.
  • Next, you will need a small jar that can be tightly closed (you can take an old plastic container from a face cream). Move, close, place in a dark place for two weeks.
  • After the two-week process that took place between the vodka and the root, strain the lotion and add a little boiled water.

It is enough to wipe your face with this product once a day, but this should be done daily! It is not advisable to skip the procedure.

Volumizing hair mask

Now let's talk about the recipe for a wonderful mask that will heal your hair and also give it stunning volume.

  • Heat a little milk, or rather 200 ml, add a tablespoon of chopped root and a quarter spoon of saffron.
  • The whole thing is stirred and while still warm, rubbed into the hair roots. After rubbing, the hair is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm terry towel.
  • You will have to walk around with this “hairstyle” for at least two hours, after which you can wash off the mask.

If you do such procedures a couple of times a week for one month, you will not be able to help but notice a clear improvement in the condition of your hair.

Lose weight with licorice extract

Here's good news for overweight people. It turns out that eating just 3 g of licorice root extract daily for 2 months promotes smooth but inevitable weight loss. Next, to maintain the achieved effect, you need to take the extract for a week at intervals of two weeks for another two months. At the same time, of course, do not forget about a balanced and proper diet and regular physical activity, which will only consolidate the result.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

Along with substances that have a positive effect on the body, licorice also contains substances that have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, licorice syrup has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Licorice syrup is contraindicated for use in adults:

  • with a tendency to edema (analogues of mineralocorticoids in licorice retain water in the body);
  • with arterial hypertension and taking antihypertensive drugs (fluid retention in the body increases the volume of circulating blood and increases blood pressure);
  • for myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure (an increase in the volume of circulating blood increases the load on the diseased heart);
  • with glaucoma (excess fluid can increase intraocular pressure);
  • with kidney disease (the rate of blood filtration in the kidneys decreases);
  • with diabetes (contains a lot of sugars);
  • for liver diseases (cholelithiasis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis);
  • those taking diuretics (the excretion of potassium in the urine increases);
  • with reduced blood clotting;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • for immunity (before epidemics or after infectious diseases).

In addition to the above, contraindications for taking licorice preparations for women are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hormonal disorders (mastopathy);
  • female oncopathologies (uterine cancer, breast cancer);
  • tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • taking oral contraceptives.

When taking licorice root preparations, the dosage must be strictly followed. In case of an overdose of licorice preparations, the following may occur:

  • urinary disturbance;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • baldness in the area of ​​the external genitalia;
  • hyperproduction of gastric juice;
  • swelling;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • joint pain;
  • dizziness.

Licorice root is a very common folk remedy for treating a variety of diseases. Self-medication is dangerous to health! Considering that taking licorice can bring both benefits and harm, you should consult your doctor before taking products from it.

Dear readers, today we will continue the conversation about affordable medicines. When our body needs treatment, we do not always remember that we can help it with simple, accessible and inexpensive means. Thanks to advertising, we most often purchase replicated medications, and often they contain precisely those drugs that are unfairly hidden behind the commercial name. For example, licorice and licorice root.

Everyone probably has the first association with this drug: licorice is a cough suppressant. This is true. It was diseases of the respiratory tract that were treated in ancient times using licorice root. Today it is also recognized by official medicine, and a considerable number of pharmaceuticals have been created on its basis, the spectrum of action of which covers not only cough. Licorice has quite versatile properties, which, when used correctly, can be used in the fight against various diseases.
Licorice is a perennial plant; its rhizome is commonly used for medicinal purposes. By the way, the second name for licorice (or smooth licorice, as it is also called) is licorice. Many of you have probably bought lollipops - sweets that are prescribed by a doctor for a sore throat and cough. And so they often write not about licorice, but about licorice. We will know that these are one and the same. And its medicinal effect was known even before our era, as evidenced by the mention of licorice in the ancient Chinese “Treatise on Herbs”.

It is noteworthy that licorice is used not only for pharmaceutical purposes. Licorice extract is used to add flavor to smoking or snuff tobacco. The decoction obtained from the licorice rhizome has a dark color and coloring ability. This quality is used in Central Asia for dyeing wool. For culinary purposes, licorice is used as a foaming agent and sweetener, for example, in the production of beer, kvass, and soft drinks. As a flavoring additive, it is used in the preparation of halva, jelly, caramel and chocolate. In Japan, it is widely used as a biologically active food supplement, and in Kyrgyzstan it is generally brewed as tea.

Medicinal properties

I suggest watching a video about licorice.

Licorice root. Application

Licorice root for coughs and respiratory diseases:

As already mentioned, the main indication for the use of licorice root is cough, which is caused by various diseases of the respiratory system: laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis. The main purpose of using the drug is to eliminate unproductive cough by stimulating the formation of sputum, softening the bronchial mucosa. Therefore, for this purpose, preparations of their licorice root are prescribed not only to patients with bronchitis, but also to heavy smokers suffering from the so-called “smoker’s cough.”

Licorice root for gastritis and peptic ulcers

As an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, licorice is also used for gastritis and peptic ulcers. In addition to these properties, for such diseases the drug is used as a coating and protecting agent for the walls of the stomach. Licorice increases the secretion of gastric mucus.

Licorice root for diseases of the urinary system

Licorice root has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which makes it possible to use it for diseases of the urinary system, such as pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Licorice root for allergic dermatitis and eczema

Directions for use

Licorice is usually used in the form of a decoction or syrup. Moreover, on sale you can find both the licorice roots themselves and the syrup already prepared from it.

If a decoction of licorice roots is needed for treatment, then prepare it yourself from prepared raw materials. Sometimes you can find ready-made filter bags for brewing on sale. If you have dry licorice roots, then preparing a decoction (or infusion) from them is not at all difficult. One tablespoon of crushed licorice roots is poured into a glass of hot water and heated in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After this, the broth is removed from the heat, filtered, squeezed out and boiled water is added so that in the end, together with part of the prepared broth, a total of 200 ml of the product is obtained.

Licorice root syrup

An equally common form of the drug is licorice root syrup. You can find it in almost any pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need licorice root extract, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Mix 4 g of extract with 80 g of sugar syrup and 10 g of alcohol. Store the product in a tightly closed glass container in a cool place.

Licorice root. Instructions

Licorice decoction can be prescribed to both children and adults. The approximate dose of the drug is 1-2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals three to four times a day. Children are prescribed from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon (depending on age) also half an hour before meals three times a day.

But licorice root syrup, on the contrary, is consumed after meals. The recommended dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 15 ml at a time. The drug is not diluted with water before use and only after taking it is washed down with a large amount of liquid - warm water, or preferably tea.

The duration of use of drugs based on licorice root, as well as the dosage and frequency of administration, is usually determined by the attending physician, based on the age and etiology of the patient’s disease. However, usually the course does not exceed a ten-day period. It can be extended only on the recommendation of a doctor.

As a natural preparation, licorice root can be prescribed to children for dry and wet coughs and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Children are usually prescribed a decoction of licorice rhizomes. But quite often pediatricians also prescribe syrup. Due to the high content of sugar syrup and a rather pleasant aroma, children usually like the drug. Recommended dosage of licorice root syrup according to the instructions for use.

Licorice root, also called licorice root, glycyrrhizum, is the underground part of a medicinal herbaceous perennial growing in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The culture is undemanding to soil and climate, therefore it is widespread in nature.

The green aerial part of the plant is used in medicine, but the rhizome is of greatest value. Let's study licorice root in detail: medicinal properties and contraindications for treatment, its composition.

Chemical composition

Licorice root has a rich chemical composition


  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • saccharides;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycyrrhizin;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • tannins;
  • acids;
  • resinous and bitter substances.

The rich composition determines the medicinal properties of licorice root, the effectiveness of which has been proven and is successfully used in medicine.

You may be interested to know that birch buds are also widely used in folk medicine.
Read more

Useful properties

The centuries-old history of the use of licorice in medicine has made it possible to determine a list of its properties:

  • expectorant;
  • enhancing;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • cleansing;
  • anticancer;
  • laxative;
  • antispasmodic.

However, behind this list there is a whole list of diseases that licorice root treats.

What does licorice root help with:

  • Its most famous property is an expectorant. Substances from the composition of licorice sharply increase the amount of mucus released, which means that microbes are removed from the lungs and a speedy recovery occurs. The plant is suitable for the treatment of any diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • The enhancing effect of licorice root is that when used simultaneously with certain medications, it leads to an increase in their effect, which in some cases is useful;
  • The glycyrrhizic root is useful for the immune system and has a general strengthening effect;
  • Licorice is effective in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, and digestive disorders, because This product has an enveloping effect. Causes a laxative effect, stimulates the production of gastric juice, eliminates heartburn. Helps with gastritis with high acidity;
  • Licorice has a beneficial effect on the body when losing weight: it replenishes the loss of mineral salts, accelerates metabolism, and prevents the formation of new fat deposits;
  • Glycyrrhiza (as the plant is also called) not only perfectly removes waste, cholesterol and toxins from the body, but also reduces the effect of radiation on the body. Licorice root is also used to cleanse lymph: the healing plant dilutes it, increasing lymph flow. To cleanse the lymphatic system, a decoction of the rhizome is used;
  • Liquorice increases the activity of the nervous system, relieves weakness, increases concentration and attention;
  • For diabetics, the sweet root can act as a sugar substitute, a natural sweetener that does not affect blood glucose levels;
  • The herbal remedy is effective for inflammatory skin diseases, acne, rashes;
  • Glycyrrhiza will help with low blood pressure and relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • The cosmetic properties of licorice are also high: licorice root is used against age spots, rashes, inflammation on problem skin, against dandruff, brittle hair;
  • The beneficial effect of the plant on the body of infected patients in the complex treatment of HIV has been proven;
  • Research is underway into the anti-cancer properties of licorice, and success has been proven in animals.

You will learn more about the benefits of licorice root from the video:

Licorice affects hormonal levels: with prolonged use, it inhibits testosterone production.

Is this beneficial or harmful for women?

The phytoestrogens contained in licorice help in the treatment of hot flashes during menopause, cycle disorders, and PMS.

Is it possible to drink licorice root during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
The use of licorice root during lactation and pregnancy is prohibited, only if prescribed by a doctor, because changes in hormone levels can affect both the amount of milk and the development of the child. In any case, the risk to the child’s body and the possible benefit to the mother must be assessed. Another undesirable effect of licorice during pregnancy is the possible appearance of edema.

Licorice for children

Is it possible to give licorice root to children? It is strictly contraindicated for babies under one year old. At an older age, use for children is limited to its expectorant properties as part of breast milk as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of use of licorice for children is no more than 8-10 days without exceeding the dosage.

Benefits and harms for men

The effect of licorice rhizome on men is ambiguous. Licorice is indicated for the treatment of urinary tract problems (for example, prostate adenoma). But by influencing testosterone levels, namely by reducing it, licorice can cause even greater harm to men in the form of impaired potency and infertility.


Licorice root should not be used in the following cases:

  • Long-term use of licorice rhizome for medicinal purposes (more than 1.5 months) is dangerous, because it affects the production of hormones, causes potassium deficiency, increases blood pressure, can cause swelling, and reduces libido;
  • The plant causes an increase in the effect of diuretics, laxatives, hormonal, and diabetic drugs. In addition, its effect on hormonal levels is dangerous for breast and uterine cancer;
  • Can licorice root be taken by pregnant women? Can pregnant women drink alcohol tincture? Without a doctor's permission, using this drug is highly undesirable. The same advice applies to the use of licorice root for breastfeeding;
  • At what age can it be given to children? It is forbidden to give medications with licorice root to children under one year of age; in addition, it is prohibited for boys and adolescents for long-term use and in high dosages;
  • The use of licorice for heart and kidney diseases is limited. Allergies and intolerances are also contraindications.

Methods of application

An extensive list of contraindications for the use of licorice rhizome requires strict adherence to proven recipes, dosages and the order of their use.

In folk medicine

The popularity of use at home is ensured by the availability of raw materials, the ability to buy it at a pharmacy at a low price or prepare it yourself.

How to use it correctly:

  • alcohol tincture of licorice root - 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are infused for 14 days in 150 ml of vodka. How to take for adults? Twice a day before meals, take a teaspoon for a course of 12-14 days. Effective in the treatment of cough and respiratory tract lesions, activates your own immunity. It is used as a gentle laxative, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and relieves attacks of nausea and vomiting. The tincture is used for cough;
  • decoction and infusion of licorice rhizome - Art. spoon of herbal ingredient in a glass of water, boil or infuse. How to use? 3-5 tbsp. up to 5 times a day. Cleansing the lymph with licorice root is done exactly according to this scheme using a decoction.

You can also cleanse the lymphatic system using licorice root syrup:

Licorice products are used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and treat the urinary tract. Regular rinsing will help heal inflammation of the throat and gums.
How to take licorice root for weight loss? There are many options: a mixture of licorice root and dill decoction reduces appetite for a long time, licorice tincture removes toxins and waste, speeds up metabolism, and prevents the deposition of new fat.

You might be interested to know that eating flax seeds also helps you lose weight.
Read more details

Both products are ideal for men.

In cosmetology

For facial skin, using an alcohol tincture of licorice root (for pigmentation and acne) according to the described recipe also helps with itching of the skin. The use of tincture for age spots should be regular. The skin is brightened, toned, and the color is evened out. Decoctions for wiping the face have an anti-aging effect. Licorice extract is also popular as a component of commercial cosmetics.

Liquorice decoction is good for hair: regular rinsing will get rid of dandruff and discomfort, give hair strength and volume, and prevent hair loss and split ends. Hair masks have the same effect: powder from rhizomes is diluted with milk, egg or base oils. The mixture is applied for 1-2 hours twice a week, then washed off.

The extract can be added directly to shampoo or cream: the effect will be expressed in enhanced nutritional, moisturizing, and restorative properties.

In nutrition

Liquorice has also found application in the food industry: it is used to produce candies, sweets, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sauerkraut, and pickled vegetables. Used to add aroma to tobacco and a sweetish taste to medicines.

Powder from the root is used as a sweetener for diabetics, which also regulates metabolic processes and reduces blood sugar.

Thus, licorice is a plant with an ambiguous effect on the human body. When using it for treatment, you should not be zealous, exceeding the dosage or increasing the frequency of use. By following the recipes, you can fully experience the benefits of the root, protecting yourself from the harmful effects of its use in traditional medicine.

Similar materials

Licorice is a plant belonging to the legume family. It has an extensive root system, and it is the roots that are valuable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. This plant is called licorice, licorice or licorice.

Where can I get licorice?

You can buy licorice at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. In Russia, licorice grows in the North Caucasus and Western Siberia. When preparing yourself, you should follow a number of rules:

  • Roots should be dug up in autumn and winter, when healing substances are maximally concentrated in the root.
  • The length of the root must be at least 25 centimeters, and the diameter must be at least a centimeter; these are the roots that are medicinal.
  • After collection, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the roots to avoid the appearance of mold during long-term storage.

Plant composition

Licorice root has a very rich composition. The healing properties of licorice extend to many diseases due to its content:

  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals;
  • steroids;
  • fatty acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins;
  • glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose;
  • resin

Treatment with licorice root

Liquorice promotes rapid recovery when the following ailments occur:

  • Respiratory diseases. The root of the plant contains substances that help increase the amount of mucus secreted from the bronchi.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of licorice enhance the therapeutic effects of other medications.
  • Diabetes mellitus. Licorice promotes the production of insulin, and glycyrrhizic acid obtained from the plant is used as a sweetener.
  • Poisoning. The above-mentioned glycerrisin can also neutralize the effects of toxic substances that have a negative effect on the body.
  • Cancerous tumor. Licorice suppresses the growth and proliferation of tumor cells.
  • Gastritis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Licorice root in combination with other herbs is useful for stomach diseases.
  • Stool disorders. Due to its laxative effect, licorice can be used to relieve constipation.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Burns. Liquorice promotes rapid healing of skin damage.
  • Metabolic disorders. The root is able to normalize metabolism and avoid some diseases associated with it, such as gout.
  • Allergic diseases. Eczema, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, lupus and other allergies can also be overcome by consuming licorice.
  • Depressive state. The properties of licorice root as an antidepressant are also known. It can increase the tone of the central nervous system and reduce fatigue. Licorice also helps normalize sleep.

Disease Prevention

The composition of licorice, which is replete with beneficial substances, makes it an excellent means of preventing many diseases:

  • Disturbances in the hormonal system: licorice eliminates PMS symptoms and helps normalize the cycle.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases of this organ.
  • Dental diseases: licorice prevents the occurrence of caries and inflammation of the oral cavity.
  • Licorice helps to generally strengthen the immune system and create a reliable barrier to protect against various viral infections.


Licorice root, which has amazing medicinal properties, also has contraindications.

Firstly, it should not be consumed by people suffering from hypertension, as licorice increases blood pressure. Secondly, preparations containing the plant should be given to children with great caution and only under the supervision of a doctor. Before reaching the age of one year, licorice is strictly contraindicated.

Also, the use of licorice is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Licorice should not be combined with diuretics or heart failure medications. Licorice root has contraindications for use with glaucoma (as it increases eye pressure), reduced blood clotting (as it thins it even more) and when taking contraceptive medications (as it can either enhance or negate their effect).

When taking licorice root, you must strictly follow the prescribed dosage, otherwise overdose symptoms may occur: chronic fatigue, hair loss, decreased male hormones, menstrual irregularities, swelling, nausea, dizziness. Treatment with licorice should not continue without interruption for more than a month.

How to use it correctly

Home use should begin with lightly frying crushed licorice root in a dry frying pan; the beneficial properties will not disappear with a slight thermal effect, but the cloyingly sweet taste, which can cause nausea, will disappear.

Let's find out the recipes:

  • The juice is squeezed from the fresh root. A drop of juice should be diluted in a glass of hot water and drunk within 24 hours (the drink cannot be stored for longer). This drink is used for ulcers and gastritis.
  • The decoction is prepared from the crushed root: pour 10 grams of fried and crushed root with a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat, wrap in a blanket and leave for 40 minutes. Then strain the broth and dilute with water until the volume reaches 200 milliliters. A similar drink is used in the treatment of almost all of the above ailments.
  • Licorice infusion has several recipes. First method: pour 1 teaspoon of finely chopped root with a glass of boiling water and leave for 7 hours. The infusion treats tumors, gastritis and ulcers.

Second method: place 1 teaspoon of grated licorice in a glass of boiling water for an hour, then strain the infusion and take three times a day to treat gastritis and adrenal diseases.

  • Licorice tea can also be prepared in two ways. The first method: simply brew the root as tea and drink it to treat and prevent colds.

Second method: mix licorice (20 g), lemon balm, centaury and mint (5 g in total). Brew in a small teapot and drink instead of other drinks.

  • Licorice root can also be used in its natural form. For example, to prevent diseases of teeth and gums, you can simply chew the peeled root for a few minutes.

Remember that licorice has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. Before taking medications containing licorice, you should consult your doctor. Only a competent specialist will help assess the balance of benefits and harms from taking the drug.

Among the many medicinal plants, licorice is very popular. The second name is licorice. This medicinal plant grows in European countries, including Ukraine, Russia and Moldova.

The medicinal value is primarily from the root of the plant. It contains a large number of substances beneficial to the human body. Has a sweet taste. To experience this, just try an infusion or decoction prepared from crushed root.

  1. Licorice is also famous for its content of organic acids, as well as substances similar in action and chemical structure to steroid hormones, which are responsible for the body’s antibacterial immunity. This is why ground licorice root is used as a dietary supplement.
  2. Crushed licorice root has long been used as an expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent. Its use is justified for asthma and other respiratory diseases. Gargling with licorice powder diluted in water is a popular therapy for mouth ulcers and gum inflammation.
  3. More recently, scientists have isolated a number of components from licorice that can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels.
  4. A decoction of licorice root helps eliminate the burning sensation that occurs during urination and cleanse the kidneys. It is also useful for anemia, pneumonia, and various types of fever.



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