How many postpartum pads should you take to the maternity hospital? What pads are best to take to the maternity hospital? What is the difference between postpartum pads and regular pads?

December 22, 2011 10:45

3 packs gone

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I took 2 packs, but I didn’t need them for my breasts, the milk arrived on the 5th day, I was already at home

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well, depending on how long you lie down, 4-5 pieces per day, but for the chest 1 pack is definitely enough)

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A pack was enough for me. but I didn’t take it for my breasts. which I regretted.

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During the 2nd birth, postpartum births were not needed at all - only regular ones.

A pack is enough for the chest.

In general, everything is individual.

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I took 1 pack of postpartum milk, I didn’t take it for the breast at all, the milk only arrived at home.

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I took 1 pack for breast and 2 packs for postpartum

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Which ones are better to take to the maternity hospital?

When planning to become a mother, a woman needs to pack a bag for the clinic in advance, which will contain all the necessary hygiene items, including pads. If it’s difficult to choose, you need to rely on several important criteria, since not every hygiene product will cope with the upcoming tasks. So, “daily items” and means for critical days have their own shape and composition, therefore they cannot protect against the flow of abundant bloody discharge. And if a pregnant or postpartum woman has problems with incontinence, then even more so.

After childbirth, mucous tissue, blood clots and other secretions remain in the uterine cavity, which are gradually released as the muscles contract. Maximum quantity such discharge is observed in the first 2 hours after birth. They are fragments of membranes, mucus and dark liquid blood with clots. Obstetricians call such discharge lochia and recommend stocking up on sterile postpartum pads.

Sterility – important factor, because open wound and the presence of seams require extreme cleanliness to prevent severe bacterial complications. At first, doctors closely monitor the woman’s condition and give recommendations on how to avoid problems. As soon as acute period passes, the woman is transferred to the general ward.

Further, the discharge becomes less, but clots still come out. While the woman is resting, lochia practically does not come out, but it is worth taking vertical position, as under the influence of gravity, all the fluids accumulated in the vagina rush down. Therefore, the use of specialized pads after childbirth is the price not only of a woman’s health, but also of her comfort.

SAMU Sterile Pads are made from cellulose, clinically tested and dermatologist recommended. They absorb a lot of liquid at once and, in addition, eliminate odor. Thanks to the soft layer, they do not cause irritation, chafing or allergies. The production excludes the use of dyes and flavors that can be harmful to health.

Difficult childbirth is accompanied by ruptures and surgical incisions, which are stitched together immediately after the birth of the child. For better healing, you need to follow the recommended hygiene standards and choose hygiene products with a special surface that prevents the growth of microbes.

Of course, you can always use cotton fabric, a diaper, or wrap a piece of cotton wool with a sterile bandage instead of postpartum pads. But homemade devices will not cost less than purchased ones, and they will not be able to provide the level of safety, confidence and comfort that a weakened woman needs after childbirth. Good pads have an anatomical cut, take the shape of the perineum, allow the skin to breathe, and are practically not felt. A woman can actively take care of herself and care for her baby without worrying about leakage. If you additionally wear MoliPants pants, the comfort will be maximum. These elastic mesh panties softly fit your figure and securely hold the pad in place.

What is the difference between special pads, and how many of them should you take to the maternity hospital?

As already mentioned, appearance special hygiene products and ordinary ones, for critical days, are similar, but there are also significant differences. In order not to make a mistake when choosing which pads to take to the maternity hospital, you need to pay attention to the sizes - special ones will be wider and longer. Such features will provide protection against leakage even in horizontal position. Special postpartum pads allow air to pass through, which is important when there are tears and seams. The filler is able to quickly absorb a huge volume of liquid and blood clots.

When ordering hygiene products from PAUL HARTMANN, you need to pay attention that there are postpartum and urological pads. Both options absorb well large number liquids, but the former are recommended for containing bleeding after childbirth, and the latter for urinary incontinence in pregnant women postpartum period. If in doubt, you can consult your doctor.

When choosing urological pads, you need to focus on the amount of discharge to order best option. If you have difficulty making a choice, PAUL HARTMANN consultants will tell you how German hygiene products differ and provide qualified advice.

SAMU great option pads after childbirth to prevent infections during the postpartum period. They are made from fluff pulp and covered with soft non-woven natural material. Gaskets can eliminate bad smell, quickly absorb secretions and do their job perfectly. You need to change the gasket every 2 hours or more often. Treatment of seams does not eliminate the need for intimate hygiene.

Comparing products different manufacturers, evaluate the company’s reputation and its duration on the market. In addition, on various forums you can find reviews from women who have already used such products and express their opinions about them. It would be a good idea to read them and make sure making the right choice!

How many postpartum pads are needed in the maternity hospital - ButyLife

User comments Ekaterina Belokonenko 05/26/2018 - 03:16

How did you select the size of the bandage after cesarean?

Olga Podnebesova 05.28.2018 - 18:42

I didn’t pick it up, they gave it to me😊 but I didn’t need it at all since I had a very small belly

aisulusha nurgazi 05/28/2018 - 01:03

I’m going to have a caesarean section in 3 weeks, please tell me, was bondage useful to you, can you list what was really useful to you and what wasn’t, or make a video, I think it will be useful to many

Olga Podnebesova 05/30/2018 - 20:21

In fact, everything is not so scary, on the day I gave birth I said that I would give birth to 5 more😀

aisulusha nurgazi 02.06.2018 - 09:23

Olga Podnebesova thank you very much, I’m very afraid but I hope that everything will be fine, thank you again

Olga Podnebesova 06/04/2018 - 19:28

Happy New Year to you too 🌸 easy birth, the main thing is don’t be afraid, everything will go well)))) if you are interested in anything else, ask)))

aisulusha nurgazi 06.06.2018 - 16:53

Olga Podnebesova Thank you for your answer, happy new year!

Olga Podnebesova 06/09/2018 - 08:36

I would have re-shot the video, but in principle I needed almost everything I took, except of course the toilet seat cover))) and I also didn’t need postpartum pads, regular ones were enough 😊 The bandage in my case was not useful since I had a very small one belly and I had nothing to pull))) But if you have a big belly, then it’s better to take it, because the girls said that it’s easier with it.)) I would also advise taking more shirts, 3 pieces))) and the description says everything else that I I took it with me, I didn’t need anything else)))

aisulusha nurgazi 05/30/2018 - 12:19

It seems to me that the toilet cover is not useful

Olga Podnebesova 05/31/2018 - 15:33

Yes, you are absolutely right, it was not useful))))

When you get ready for the maternity hospital, the most important thing on the list of things you need to take with you will be sterile panties and pads for women in labor.

What is it and why can’t you use regular pads (overnight ol’ways, for example)

Such urological pads for women in labor are designed specifically for that period after childbirth when you have neither the energy nor the time to change pads often, and the amount of discharge is simply “ocean” after childbirth. That's why such gaskets are needed.

I took this product along with panties on the advice of a friend and I was right!

Hartman company are called Samu. They all come in the same GIANT size, so you just ask for these pads at the pharmacy without thinking about the size and drops.

You need to keep in mind that such pads will NOT FIT in your regular panties! Therefore, you buy special mesh panties with them (I took mesh shorts from the same company)

The pads are sold in a huge box and in a special sterile bag, which you will open in the maternity hospital.

These pads are VERY soft and comfortable! This is especially important if you have stitches.

They have no adhesive backing and simply stick to the mesh shorts. They don’t move anywhere and it’s really convenient!

In general, I recommend these pads to all expectant mothers along with shorts from the same company. Your comfort is guaranteed.

For quantity, take 1 package. If anything they bring you more of the same to the maternity hospital. I needed 1.5 packs for my 4 days in the maternity hospital. But I continued to use them at home for some time.

I recommend it to everyone! You won't regret it!

The recovery period after the birth of a baby is long and complex process. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes. In the first days after childbirth, a woman experiences heavy bleeding. In medical language they are called lochia. Your attending physician, a gynecologist, can tell you which pads to take to the maternity hospital, or you can choose them yourself by reading this article.

Lochia is natural process, during which it occurs complete cleansing uterus. They will be abundant during the first 10 days, then their intensity will decrease. The discharge will become more like regular menstruation, scanty and pale in color. It takes no more than 6 weeks to restore the uterus. After this period, the discharge stops completely.

Despite the recommendations of qualified doctors, many young mothers try to save money and do not buy postpartum pads. And there are also women who listen to grandmothers using ancient methods. They line it up natural fabrics with heavy discharge.

Such methods have not only lost their relevance, they are not safe. While using homemade pads, it will be uncomfortable for the woman in labor to move. The risk of infection or damage to postpartum sutures increases.

Advantages of maternity hospital pads:

  1. They have absorbent qualities.
  2. The woman is provided with maximum comfort.
  3. The products completely exclude the possibility of infection by pathogenic bacteria.

The woman is maximally protected from irritation. Gaskets prevent this possibility. Stitches and wounds remain completely safe. The risk of damaging them is minimized. The same applies to hematomas in case of adhesion.

Distinctive features of postpartum pads

The products have large shape, capable of absorbing up to 600 ml of liquid. They protect the woman's uterus after childbirth due to their sterility. During this period, the risk of infection is quite high. Especially if there were cuts or tears.

After the birth of a child, the uterus is a large wound where pathogenic bacteria can enter through the vagina. Bloody discharge create a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. They can become pathogens inflammatory process in the area genitourinary system. Some manufacturers make special postpartum pads with the addition of bactericidal components to prevent the proliferation and growth of bacteria.

How to choose?

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of postpartum pads. Women don't know which ones are better. Therefore, it is important to consider when choosing useful recommendations specialists.

  1. Pads after cesarean or natural birth should absorb any secretions well. Manufacturers mark this information on the packaging of their products. Absorbency is indicated in drops. The more of them are indicated on the pack, the more liquid the product can absorb.
  2. Qualified specialists recommend choosing anatomical products. Its advantage is its comfortable use. Such gaskets are additionally equipped with “wings”. They increase the effectiveness of protection against leaks.
  3. The surface is of great importance. It is better if it is a layer of non-woven material, on which the condition of wounds and stitches depends. The sterile, air-permeable surface eliminates the possibility of sticking and causing harm. Also, pads with a non-woven top layer provide maximum dryness and cleanliness during heavy discharge during the postpartum period.

Many representatives of the fair sex choose for daily use or during periods menstrual cycle products with flavors or special additives. It's about about phytofillers of aloe or chamomile. In normal situations, such products help avoid irritation.

In the case of the postpartum period, the situation is different. Such additives may cause allergic reaction. Therefore, qualified doctors recommend that women choose classic pads.

If a woman values ​​peace and comfort, she will take urological products that are specifically designed for the period after childbirth.

Considering the fact that after the birth of the baby there will be even more difficulties and worries, you should take care of the choice before his birth. Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of products, taking into account individual characteristics and wishes of every expectant mother.

How much will it take?

The question interests many women, especially those who are carrying their first child under their hearts. For each case everything is individual. There are situations when after childbirth a woman does not have much copious discharge. Regular panty liners with high absorbency are enough for her.

Don't stock up a large number products. After 10 days, the heavy discharge will become less. Then you can use regular menstrual pads. Postpartum products are comfortable, but they are more designed for periods of active movement. In most cases, women who have given birth confirm that one package is enough for the first 2 days. Provided that the young mother changes the pad every 3 hours.

After these 2 days, you can use urological or special postpartum pads of a smaller size with a reduced volume of fluid absorption. In some situations, the most common products used during the menstrual cycle are suitable.

There are some parameters that will help you determine required quantity gaskets for the maternity hospital:

  1. The baby was born without complications. The young mother also survived the process without injury. In this case, you won’t need many postpartum pads. The woman and child are discharged home already on the 4th day after birth.
  2. Doctors recommend changing the gasket more often. After visiting the toilet, with heavy discharge, every 3 hours, in the morning after a night's rest and in the evening before bed.

For a woman, genital hygiene after childbirth is the main task in the process of self-care. Pregnancy and childbirth have become a serious test for the body. His resistance various infections and pathogenic bacteria is very low. Pads not only help absorb heavy discharge and unpleasant odors. They protect against possible infection.

If you choose the right postpartum pads and follow simple rules hygiene, complications associated with a woman’s health can be prevented. He always talks about this qualified specialist who monitors the condition of the pregnant woman.

How to use and choose postpartum pads correctly?

Why do you need pads after childbirth?

During the postpartum period, the body is cleared of the presence of the fetus. Depending on how it went labor activity, the recovery period may be longer or shorter. Of course, the maternity hospital provides a whole series activities that help to quickly return to normal after the birth of a child, but the issue of hygiene remains very important. The first days there is heavy discharge. They contain not only blood, but also pieces of epithelium, mucus, and remnants of amniotic fluid.
In the old days, in maternity hospitals, postpartum pads were made from scrap materials - an old sheet, pieces of cloth, several layers of gauze, etc. Nowadays, special pads make life easier.

What is the difference between postpartum pads and regular sanitary pads?

The main difference is that regular gaskets will not be enough. To save money, it is better to take special ones with you. They take longer to “fill up”, are created, in most cases, from organic materials that do not cause allergies, and absorb lochia easily, quickly and efficiently. One pad can hold up to 900 ml of uterine discharge. In addition to the mentioned advantages, it would not be amiss to recall the following:

  • Special, convenient form, allowing you not to feel much discomfort.
  • Material that retains moisture and is non-irritating skin in a delicate area and wounds, if any. And most importantly, it does not cause an immune response.
  • Taking into account the peculiarity of lochia, special pads absorb liquid of any structure and density.
  • The "breathable" effect allows air to enter right place and promote the healing of tears or cuts.
You can purchase such gaskets at any point of sale, but it's better at the pharmacy.

How many gaskets are required?

Intense discharge lasts for about 2 weeks. You need to take extra pads just in case. There are approximately 10 pieces in a standard package. In order to change pads according to hygiene rules, you need to take at least 2 packages with you. The peculiarity of such pads is that they are large and moving around with them is not so pleasant. However, if there are no complications, then recovery period passes quickly and without deviations.

Which postpartum pads to choose

When choosing pads to use after the birth of a baby, you should pay attention to the following nuances:
  • No foreign odors or strong flavors.
  • It is better to take products with non-woven top part then it will not stick to the wounds and will not irritate.
  • The shape should be anatomical to make it more comfortable to wear and not leak quickly.
  • Look at the number of drops on the package, it should be large, at least 6-7.
In addition, what kind of gaskets should be chosen, important aspect- usage.

Rules of application

After childbirth, pads are used as follows:
  • The first few days change every hour.
  • When changing the gasket, you must be careful not to damage the seams.
  • Be sure to wash your hands before and after.
  • After several days, the discharge becomes less abundant and one pad lasts for 4 hours.
  • Tear off the gasket starting from the front and moving backwards.
  • You can gradually switch to regular hygienic ones if there are no breaks and the discharge becomes insignificant.

Within a month, a regular thin everyday pad will be enough to protect your laundry from getting dirty.
Postpartum pads are designed specifically to meet the needs of women during the recovery period. There is no doubt about their necessity, especially in the maternity hospital. It is better to spend money and provide yourself with comfort than to use improvised materials or ineffective hygienic ones.

In the section on the question: who took how many packs of pads with him to the maternity hospital? which ones and how much do you need? given by the author Anastasia Tyurina the best answer is three packs, almost all of them were gone in a week, I took 4 drops of Peligrin, my husband bought 3 drops for home, but they are short and simple, like ordinary thick pads, so take more drops! ! I put on regular nighttime pads with wings a week later, and what kind of discharge do you have? I swam away with my son, this time it didn’t rain very much. . panties, take disposable mesh shorts, mine forgot to bring panties after giving birth and bought them at a local tent - he gave me the Kanpol baby brand, simple ones, like swimming trunks, made of some unknown material, well, also disposable postpartum ones - they are terrible! ! There were about 5 panties at most, the first day I was too lazy and exhausted to wash them, so I threw away three, and then washed them, they are easy to wash and dry quickly!! on the radiator in the shower (we had one in our room) it dried in half a day! ! Well, if you’re too lazy to wash it completely, then about 2 pieces per day..

Reply from phrase[guru]
two packs of Bella cotton shovels lasted me 5 days
Naturally, I also used their sterile rags. and slept in pads
It’s better to take panties with mesh for ventilation.... I put sterile rags in these mesh panties during the day

Reply from Neurologist[guru]
one, special postpartum ones, huge ones, a few of them even remained, still lying around in a drawer like nostalgia....

Reply from Say goodbye[guru]
I took 1 pack of postpartum ones, and 1 pack of regular highly absorbent ones - almost all of them were gone, maybe only 2-3 left, it’s better to take more than it turns out later that there wasn’t enough!

Reply from Oksana[guru]
We weren’t allowed to use our own pads, they gave us rag pads)

Reply from Tamara[guru]
I took 2 packs of Libres overnight, they are the ones they have because they are soft top layer which does not cause irritation

Reply from Catena[expert]
take 2 packs of night naturels, they are softer, just not Olweize or Bella... and do not use cotton rags

Reply from Oololo=)[expert]
but we don’t need to take anything at all to the maternity hospital... they give you everything from a toothbrush to a discharge envelope, and everything is free... although this is in Spain

Reply from *MAD*[guru]
I bought night libress (thick packaging)

Reply from Japunzel[guru]
The first day you will be in diapers, and then pads, well, one package will be enough for you, it will flow like your period.... though, everything is individual!

Reply from ~¦~ Bl@ck ¦ P@nther ~¦~[guru]
A lot... 1.5 packs a day was needed. The postpartum period proceeded, so the poet used Libress at night.

Reply from Lioness[guru]
It is better to take postpartum and disposable panties. Calculate approximately 6-7 pads per day. (with a large margin).

Reply from Anyutka[guru]
After ep. 2 packs of Olweiz overnight. Laid there for 4 days



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