Swedish massage: main features and techniques. Severe Swedish massage: no sentimentality

The Swedish massage technique was developed in the early nineteenth century by Professor Per Ling.

The method repeated the movements classical procedure, But special attention Ling focused on rubbing his joints and kneading his muscles.

As a result of the massage, blood circulation in the muscles and joints improves, physical well-being it becomes much more enjoyable. How to perform a massage correctly, and whether it is suitable for you personally, we will find out from this article.

The Swedish massage system differs from other known methods in that it is an excellent diagnostic method. Swedish massage is often used not only as a therapeutic agent, but also for preventive purposes. With its help, a person can get rid of various problems, as well as problems with internal organs.

Regular Swedish massage sessions serve as a powerful relaxant, a weapon against stress, illness and depression.

The Swedish system is a wide range of effective movements that are aimed at improving blood circulation, stretching muscle fibers and restoring joint flexibility and elasticity.


The Swedish system has gained immense popularity thanks to high efficiency and a small list of contraindications. You will have to refuse Swedish massage sessions if you have:

  • fresh wounds, burns and other skin damage;
  • hypertension;
  • cancerous or benign tumors;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Swedish massage technique

The Swedish massage technique is one of the three most popular techniques and includes the following movements:

  • Stroking. The massage therapist's hands glide easily and softly over the surface of the skin. The muscles relax and prepare for the impact.
  • Kneading. The movements are neat and sweeping. The technique consists of squeezing, kneading and rolling.
  • Trituration. Intense impact with the palm in a circular path. In this case, the deeper layers of the skin are involved and begin to polish each other. Destroyed scar tissue, blood flow increases.
  • Tapping and vibration. Short movements that are carried out with the fingertips, the edge of the palm, a fist or cupped palms. The nature of the movements is rhythmic and jerky.

Swedish massage does not tolerate fuss. Every movement, especially at the initial stage, must be felt. The massage therapist's hands are pre-warmed and, if desired, treated with oil. Under no circumstances should you pour oil directly onto your skin, as you may get burned.

How to do Swedish massage

Hands slowly slide over the skin. The massage therapist can clearly feel the soft tissues with his fingers. You need to stroke the entire surface of the body that needs to be worked.

The next step is effleurage. Direction – from bottom to top, from limbs to torso. The movement is carried out slowly towards the heart muscle, and not away from it. Blood should circulate better, flowing towards the heart, not away from it. Can't be allowed harsh methods. The tissues are actively heating up. Pain and all the accumulated negativity of a person disappear already at this stage of the massage.

Kneading. A piece of soft tissue is pulled back, slightly compressed and released. Movements are slow and confident. This technique will need to work the whole body. Kneading is very useful for the lower back and collar area; deposits begin to actively break down in these areas. In the buttocks and thighs area, this technique helps get rid of the orange peel.

Trituration used in the area of ​​the ankles, knees, back of the head, as well as in the area of ​​the main tendons and ligaments. During this procedure, the skin acquires a scarlet tint.

  • Vibration can be done with your hands; sometimes massage therapists prefer to use special devices. The movements are directed at right angles to the muscle fibers.
  • Effleurage is not performed on the entire surface of the body. You need to avoid either the sacrum. Movement should not be applied to the ribs or kidney area.

Swedish massage: video lesson

The technique of Swedish massage is quite simple. The procedure can be carried out even at home after studying the video instructions.

Conclusion: the effectiveness of massage

Ling's technique has won the love of patients due to its quick and impressive results. With regular massage, a person can count on the following improvements:

  • improves, lymph outflow accelerates;
  • the process of tissue regeneration is faster and less painful;
  • blood flow accelerates;
  • joints become mobile, flexible and elastic;
  • muscle discomfort goes away;
  • swelling subsides.

In addition, Swedish massage is effective against adhesions, scars and seals of various nature. Row regular procedures is able to completely rid a person of mini-scars, micro-tears and damage to the joints.

Swedish massage is a procedure used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. At the same time, it is a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that promotes relaxation, stress relief, complete relaxation and elimination residual effects stressful situations.

Swedish is a combination of Arabic, Old Russian, Greek and Chinese methods, has a very significant effect on the body beneficial effect. In this regard, this procedure is effective for eliminating many pathologies.

Swedish massage has a beneficial effect on joints. The procedure is also aimed at stretching nerve and muscle tissue. This is of particular benefit to those who have experienced severe stress or surgery.

The technique of these healing manipulations was developed at the beginning of the nineteenth century by Henrik Ling from Stockholm. The main task facing the doctor was to improve human blood circulation. Swedish massage, unlike many other types similar procedures, produce deeper and stronger. This helps to knead the seals and stretch the neurovascular bundles, as well as muscles, since intense manipulations affect deep-lying tissues. Currently this type massage is one of the most popular in Europe. If you contact medical office or a beauty salon, then this procedure will be carried out by highly qualified specialists. However, there are five basic techniques that anyone can learn to bring health to their loved ones.

Manipulations performed during a Swedish massage should not be harsh. Particular care should be taken at the beginning of the procedure. Slower movements promote better development of soft tissues and muscles. You should use special creams or oils. Massaging movements do not create friction, which does not cause the skin to feel burning.

The main techniques of the healing procedure are tapping and friction, kneading and rhythmic blows, as well as vibration. At the first stage of the massage, smooth and slow movements with the fingers should be made, as if getting to know the body. This prepares the back for tapping. These manipulations are also performed slowly. This uses the palm, fists and fingers. At the next stage, the body is worked out by kneading. The soft tissue is pinched between the fingers, pulled back, and only then released. Manipulations are also performed evenly and smoothly.

The next step is friction. At this stage of the massage, the body tissues are compressed and at the same time pulled to the side. After this, movements are made that lead to vibration. They must be performed rhythmically and quickly. The Swedish massage ends with fist blows. There is no need to be afraid of them. Manipulations are performed gently, rhythmically and do not cause pain.

Swedish massage, prices for which range from 1000 to 1800 rubles, can be done in medical center. Experienced specialist will perform a procedure after which the patient will certainly feel rested and rejuvenated.

Swedish massage is famous as one of the most effective types of health procedures. Its technology was first proposed by Per Henrik Ling (living from 1776 to 1839), who also became famous for his contribution to the development of physiotherapy. The innovative methodology was taught by him at the Stockholm Royal Central Institute gymnastics in 1813-1839 In his writings, Ling emphasized that the main goal during massage sessions should be to normalize blood circulation.

Indications for Swedish massage

The massage procedure according to the Swedish method allows you to effectively resolve adhesions, scars and areas of compaction in the joints. If Swedish massage is performed correctly, the patient can count on the following positive transformations:

  • - improving joint flexibility;
  • - relief from muscle spasms and fatigue;
  • - reduction and elimination of swelling;
  • - improvement of blood flow;
  • fast healing injuries;
  • - significant improvement in lymphatic drainage.

The essence of Swedish massage therapy

The Swedish massage system is divided into a number of separate techniques:

  1. warming rubbing (approximately 40-50% of the entire session),
  2. movement (about 30-40%),
  3. kneading (10-15% of the procedure),
  4. stroking (total 5-7%).

As for the special, exceptional characteristics of this technique, they are as follows:

Increased impact is applied. The massage therapist influences the most deep tissue client, up to palpation of the bone.

The purpose of massage is not to improve venous blood flow and lymphatic exchange, but a gradual stretching of the neurovascular bundles and rubbing of the formed compactions.

The main feature that qualitatively distinguishes the Swedish system from other types of massage is that such therapy is not limited to purely mechanical manipulations. This is also a serious thought process, because the massage therapist conducts sensitive diagnostics current state patient, identifies pathologies of his body. Accordingly, the conclusions drawn make it possible to work out vulnerable areas in detail and delicately before the massage of healthy areas of the body begins.

The Swedish massage procedure involves a completely different direction of movement. If in the case of the traditional Russian technique the master massages areas of the body from the center to the periphery, then with this technology the process is carried out exactly the opposite. The algorithm is as follows: when acting on lower limbs First of all, the foot is massaged, then the lower leg, and only then the thigh. Regarding upper limbs manipulations begin with the hand, then the forearm and, finally, the shoulder.

Unlike many other massage systems, Swedish therapy uses not only certain massage techniques, but also gymnastic exercises that reinforce the effectiveness of the procedure. They are hygienic in nature, while the exact duration and technique of execution depends on anatomical features muscles.

Swedish massage process

  1. The massage session takes place in complete silence and relaxing, slightly dim lighting. The most comfortable temperature is considered to be 24-25 degrees. It is no coincidence that many patients quickly fall asleep!
  2. Meanwhile, the massage therapist slowly and methodically probes each area on the body, carefully kneads muscle tissue and breaks seals. At correct distribution The patient does not feel the slightest pain. To prevent unpleasant friction between hands and skin during the procedure, the master uses massage oil or cream, not allergic. The techniques performed must necessarily be leisurely, and it is advisable not to interrupt contact with the skin even for a second.
  3. During the Swedish massage, it is extremely important to maintain an easy conversation with the client. Positive communication is a great stress reliever. At the end of the session, the patient feels a surge of strength and vital energy, ceases to feel fatigue and discomfort in the body.
  4. On average, the duration of a Swedish massage course is 10-15 procedures. The recommended frequency of sessions is no more than 2 per week.

Aids for Swedish massage

If special lubricants are not used, the patient will begin to feel a burning sensation from continuous rubbing of the skin. To avoid such inconveniences, massage therapists use oils, creams, lotions, or talc.

In the case of massage oil reasonable measures should be taken: excess product reduces therapeutic effect, because they interfere with adhesion to soft tissues. The accuracy of the dosage is determined by the type of oil, the current stage of the massage and individual characteristics skin.

Most effective means hypoallergenic massage lotion is recognized, while the most undesirable is considered ordinary vegetable oil- due to the specific “salad” aroma. Mineral oil also does not deserve attention in this case, since it tends to clog pores.

For dry skin, a cream with a non-greasy texture is quite acceptable. It will not leave behind persistent stains and will perfectly soften skin. In addition, the cream has a longer duration of action than, for example, lotion.

In some cases, liniments are chosen to act as a lubricant. They are alcohol-containing ointments supplemented with a small amount of oil. Liniments provide a feeling of warmth while stimulating blood flow. However, ointments require great caution: their contact with mucous membranes has extremely negative consequences.

It must be remembered that the Swedish massage system is unacceptable in the presence of any muscle injuries.

Who is contraindicated for Swedish massage?

This type of massage is undesirable for patients with ailments such as:

If you have one or more of the listed symptoms, therapy using Swedish massage technology should be considered with utmost care. Ideally, it is recommended to stop sessions until complete recovery.

The algorithm for performing a Swedish massage is not associated with serious difficulties. It is quite possible to carry out the procedure independently, at home - of course, subject to detailed study of the techniques.


Swedish massage is one of the types of wellness massage that brings positive effect For human body. Swedish massage appeared in the 17th century. Many students studied him medical institutes. The founder of massage believed that Swedish massage was the best for improving blood circulation.

Benefits of Swedish massage

Swedish massage gives good results when affecting adhesions, compactions and scars found in the joints.

At correct implementation patient massage:

  • Improves flexibility and mobility of joints;
  • are removed muscle spasms and muscle fatigue;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the nervous system is normalized;
  • lymphatic drainage improves.

Contraindications to Swedish massage

  • There are fractures or open wounds;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension 1,2,3 - degrees;
  • oncological diseases, blood diseases;
  • menstrual days, pregnancy.

Swedish massage technique

Swedish massage includes several massage techniques:

  • Effleurage;
  • body warm-up;
  • body friction;
  • vibration;
  • massage strokes.
Let's figure out how Swedish massage is done. There are many massage techniques, but we will look at the most common method. Before you start learning Swedish massage, you need to know that it does not tolerate fuss. It must be done carefully and patiently. Slow and deliberate movements improve blood circulation in the body. For a massage, your hands must be warm. The oil used for massage should be at room temperature. The oil does not need to be poured onto the human body, because it is needed to be applied to the hands.

First you need to make slow movements, sliding your fingers over the skin. The massage therapist gets to know the human body. After this you can start initial stage massage. It is better to start movements with your palms or fists. For massage you can use oil or cream. Massage movements should be done towards the heart, and not away from it. This improves blood circulation and relieves pain.

Warm-up in Swedish massage is performed in this way: take soft fabric, which is pulled away from the body and then released. This is how you need to stretch your whole body. Although such movements may seem harsh, people can fall asleep while receiving a massage.

Friction involves pressing and pushing away soft tissues. The movements should resemble friction. You can make circular movements.

Vibration movements are performed by quickly tapping your fingers on the body. Such movements can stimulate the human body, which improves its condition.

The last stage consists of small taps with the fist. Light blows do not cause pain, so they are completely safe.

There are so many methods and techniques that you can not only get confused in the names and their implementation. If we're talking about about acupressure, hydromassage, classic, everything is clear. But Swedish massage – what is it? Where did he come from? How is it done? Let's figure it out together.

History of origin

Swedish massage, or the Swedish Massage System is unique technique for the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, problems with joints and muscles. No need to pick drug treatment or choose from a variety of techniques. Classic Swedish Massage works real miracles, healing the body from many ailments.

The time when the technique appeared was the beginning of the 19th century. Massage therapist and doctor from Stockholm Per Ling studied various techniques, paying attention to many of them, but in practice it turned out that something was missing from each. It is worth noting that the doctor himself suffered from rheumatism. The disease gave him the impetus to develop his own exercises and massages. therapeutic techniques, combining different techniques.

And after some time healing came. Ling realized that for successful healing it is necessary to influence the entire body, focusing on rubbing the diseased joints and stretching the muscles and neurovascular bundles. This is how the Swedish Massage System appeared. Later, Swedish massage began to be divided into subtypes: classical, holistic and others. Session duration is 40-60 minutes.

You can undergo training in the technique in St. Petersburg and receive a certificate at the School of Massage Masters. The technique can bring back the pleasure of every movement, so don’t miss the chance.

What does a Swedish massage give?

  • The technique copes well with adhesions, various seals and scars in the joints.
  • Diseased joints become flexible and mobile.
  • Puffiness disappears.
  • The muscles become toned and elastic.
  • Relieves fatigue and muscle spasms.
  • Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the limb are normalized.
  • Happening fast recovery after injuries.

Swedish massage technique

For massage, simple classic techniques: stroking, vibration, effleurage, blows, friction. During the procedure, the main emphasis is on rubbing and stretching. Up to half of the total time is allocated for rubbing, and up to 40% for stretching.

The course of execution is from the limb to the center. Massage is performed on all areas of the body that need it. The session begins with massaging the neck, then the back, arms, buttocks, and legs.

  • The patient needs to lie on the massage table with his stomach down.
  • The massage therapist applies massage oil to his hands and the client's body.
  • Stroking and rubbing are performed to warm up and identify compactions.
  • Massage your neck. Use pinching and rubbing.
  • Massage your back. They use fist rolls. Next comes rubbing with your palms.
  • Massage the buttocks. Squeezing, rubbing and popping are used.
  • Massage your feet. Use stroking and pressing.
  • Massage your toes and feet.
  • Perform stroking to relax and calm the entire body.

Swedish hand massage

Very often people of different ages complain of unbearable breaking pain in the hands, legs and feet. Will help with joint problems ShSM. How it is done:

  1. The fingers are massaged from the little fingers to the thumb. The bones and places with seals are thoroughly rubbed.
  2. The internal part is massaged first, then outer side brushes
  3. Stroking of the forearm and massage of the elbow are performed. You can spend about 5 minutes on this part of the hand. The elbow should be periodically bent and unbent while working on the area.
  4. Massage is performed without pauses shoulder joint. Attention is focused on painful areas.
  5. The session should end with stroking.

Swedish foot massage

Execution scheme:

  1. The toes are stretched.
  2. The heel is rubbing. Then, with a slight movement, you need to create a circular rotation of the heel bone.
  3. The Achilles tendon is rubbed.
  4. The knee is rubbing. During the process, it is necessary to bend and straighten it several times.
  5. The hip joint is carefully worked out.
  6. The massage ends with clapping and stroking.


The procedure should not be performed by people who have the following diseases and problems:

  • fresh fracture or wound;
  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • predisposition to increased blood pressure;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy;
  • hernias;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tuberculosis.

Swedish massage: video

You can get acquainted with the massage via video.

The maximum positive effect occurs if the patient regularly comes for a massage and combines it with gymnastics, exercise therapy, and swimming. P. Ling's technique deserves the attention of people with musculoskeletal problems. In addition to eliminating pain and discomfort when moving, a person receives relaxation, improved tissue regeneration, normalization of lymphatic drainage and blood flow.



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