Get a massage. Massage techniques and movements

Back massage is a great way to do something nice to a loved one. Through massage you can help your partner get rid of both physical fatigue, and from tension during stress and emotional turmoil, since kneading the muscles affects nervous system. It is not difficult to learn massage techniques at home. The basic rule is that if you want to please, do no harm. Therefore, during the procedure it is necessary to strictly follow some recommendations.

A back massage lasts on average from 20 minutes to half an hour. You can use aids: creams, gels, aromatic oils. This is a recommended but not required element of the procedure. A back massage is an intensive, full of energy, profound effects on muscles and nerve receptors. There is a scheme according to which muscle stimulation is carried out. Violating the rules in this direction can lead to harm to your muscles. From the spine and neck, move towards the armpits; in the lumbar region, perform manipulations towards the groin. Place the person on a hard sofa. The torso should be placed on a flat surface and not sunk into soft pillows. The massage will be more effective if you use gels and oils to allow your hands to glide freely over your back. However, at home, it is possible to massage over clothing, when the person being massaged sits on a chair. The first stage of the procedure is preparatory. In this part of the massage, active pressure and sudden movements are contraindicated. Hand manipulations are easy. You prepare the area for subsequent exposure, “introduce” skin with the touch of your hands. Then you need to warm up the subcutaneous layers, for which, with barely noticeable pressure, rub your back in the right directions. The second stage involves vigorous stimulation of the back muscles and is the longest. Adopt the following methods:
  1. Use your fingers to move the skin as if you were washing it by hand. Move your hand manipulations along the correct massage lines.
  2. Thumbs press firmly into the skin, as if pinning buttons.
  3. Perform tangible manipulations along the spine, making small sensitive pressures with your fingers.
  4. Massage your back as if you were kneading dough. At the same time, fix large areas of muscles in your fingers.
  5. Tap quickly with your knuckles, fists, and the edges of your palms, creating vibrations along your back.
The final stage is similar to the preparatory stage and is a calming session after exposure. Apply light, calm touches to the skin with your palms.

On the other hand, there is not always a desire to visit a professional massage therapist. There may be no need for deep massage. At the same time, you want to relax without leaving home. Master the basics massage technology not difficult. The effect of such a massage will certainly be far from professional version. But as a light version at home, it is quite effective.

Basic rules for back massage at home

  1. Massage is an alternation certain techniques in a given sequence.
  2. Each massage technique is repeated in full at least 3 times.
  3. The massage is performed without pauses, including changing techniques.
  4. The back muscles are massaged, not the spine.
  5. In the neck and beginning area thoracic spine (C4-D2), the applied force is reduced.
  6. The same applies to the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.
  7. Direction of massage – from lumbar region up to the shoulders and neck.
  8. Massage should not be painful. If pain is present, it is necessary to reduce the applied force or stop the procedure.

A fast rhythm (more than 60 movements per minute) has a stimulating effect.
A slow rhythm (up to 30 movements per minute) relaxes the nervous system.

Contraindicated for:

  • chronic heart and lung diseases
  • inflammatory processes
  • elevated temperature
  • damage to the massaged skin


Before doing a back massage at home, it is necessary to carry out pre-massage measures, including preparing the room, the massage therapist and the person being massaged.

The massage is done in a darkened room with an air temperature of 21-23° C.

The massage therapist's hands should be clean with trimmed nails.

The person being massaged should take a shower before starting.

If possible, the massage is carried out without the use of creams and oils. However, they should be on hand in case movements are perceived as uncomfortable without additional hydration.

Posture during the procedure: lying on your stomach. The head does not turn to the side and is in its usual position when we look forward. To do this, place a pillow under the forehead. Pillows are also placed under the chest and stomach. The purpose of pillows in this case is to absorb force, which without them can cause discomfort. The arms lie along the body, slightly bent at the elbows.

1. Stroking

Most simple trick is stroking.

  • Conducted in a slow rhythm.
  • Stroking does not require much force.
  • Hands should glide over the skin without moving it.
  • The degree of pressure should be changed when sliding: increase in denser areas, decrease in opposite areas.

In the accompanying photos you can see correct position hands when massaging your back at home.


Superficial stroking is the softest, and the massage begins with it. It calms and relaxes, prepares the body for further manipulation. The palms are straight, move from the lower back to the shoulder blades and shoulders, drop down to the sides and then repeat again.


After superficial reception, they move on to planar reception. The position of the hands is the same, the pressure and variability of movements increases. Can be performed with one or two hands. General vector movement is directed upward. Movements can be spiral, circular, along or across the back.


Deep stroking logically continues flat stroking. Differs in giving extra effort by placing one hand on the other by a massage therapist. The same movements are made, in the same direction, with to varying degrees pressing.


A technique that completes a block of stroking. It is performed with both hands with the thumb placed to the side and the rest connected together. The hand clasps the back from the spine area in the opposite direction from it. We slide up without applying excessive force.
Without pausing, we move on to the next block of techniques.

2. Rubbing

Unlike stroking, when rubbing, the hands never slide over the skin, but always move and move it relative to the underlying tissues. It leads to increased metabolic processes and warming up, improves muscle elasticity and mobility.

  • Rubbing is carried out vigorously (60 or more movements per minute).
  • Can be done in any direction.
  • Delays in one place for more than 10 seconds are not allowed.
  • Performed with fingers bent at the phalanges and supported by thumb or on the base of the brush.


It is carried out using the end phalanges of the fingers by circular displacement of the skin. By changing the angle between your fingers and your back, you can increase or decrease the pressure. Also for this purpose, weights are used with the second hand.


A more kneading way. Performed by the second phalanges bent fingers resting on the thumb. Skin displacement can be circular or spiral. If there are grounds for this, it can be carried out with aggravation. After finishing and before moving on to sawing, we do several stroking techniques.


Rubbing as it progresses maintains increasing dynamics. Sawing is an intensive mode of action on the skin, preparing for subsequent kneading. Straight hands are located parallel to each other at a distance of 2-3 cm. The skin between the palms forms a roll. Sawing is carried out in different directions with both palms simultaneously. Provides excellent skin warming.

3. Kneading

Kneading is basic constituent element massage, which involved rubbing and stroking. In terms of its content for muscles, kneading is a simulation physical work in its passive form.

Schematically, kneading can be divided into three sequential components:

  1. Fixing the palms on the massaged area
  2. Squeezing the skin with both palms
  3. Rolling out, crushing
  • The pace of the massage is up to 60 movements per minute.
  • Avoid slipping your hands and pinching the skin with your fingers.
  • The method of making movements is smooth.
  • It is carried out in any direction from tendons to muscles.
  • Consistently, without jumping from one section to another.
  • To maintain the effect, it is necessary to increase the intensity of kneading with each procedure.

Longitudinal kneading is carried out along the muscle fibers. The hands make unidirectional movements, moving along the axis of the muscle.

Pepper kneading is a more commonly used back massage technique at home. The thumbs are placed on one side of the muscle being kneaded, the rest on the other. The hands are located at a palm's distance from each other. Displacement (rolling, crushing) is carried out in different directions: with one hand - towards you, with the other - away from you.

It is possible to perform a weighted version with one hand using the second hand.

4. Vibration

Small-amplitude vibration has a significant parasympathetic effect, slowing down heart rate and lowering blood pressure. It consists of delivering intermittent blows with the tips of the fingers, the edge of the palm, the back of the fingers, and the fist.

  • Avoid in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys.
  • In one area it should not last more than 10 seconds.
  • The force of impact depends on the angle between the contacting surface of the hand and the back of the person being massaged: greatest effect achieved at right angles.
  • When using both hands, the blows are delivered alternately.
  • It is carried out using the energy of the hand, the elbow bend is not involved.


It is carried out with the edge of the palm along the muscles with both hands alternately. The distance between the palms is 3 cm. The pace of movements is fast (about 100 beats per minute).


Produced with a clenched fist or back side brushes


The blows are applied with the front side of the palm with the fingers connected to each other in a “boat” shape. The air cushion formed between the back and palm prevents the occurrence of discomfort in the person being massaged, without reducing the effectiveness of the effect.


Produced by phalanges of bent fingers. The movements are similar to beating a drum beat. Renders not strong tension. Requires intensity. Ends the vibration block and active phase massage.


The massage cycle ends in the same way as it began - with strokes that soothe the heated skin of the back, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, and return consciousness to the surrounding reality.

Table. Approximate time, spent on each of the back massage blocks at home.

Watch a video of a back massage lesson at home.

Back massage at home is a procedure accessible to everyone, not only therapeutic, but also pleasant. Five thousand years ago, healers ancient China started using massage, and it is still one of the most effective methods natural medicine. It is not at all necessary to take long courses or always turn to a professional massage therapist. You can learn how to perform simple massage techniques quickly and with a minimum of effort. Your loved ones will be very happy about your new skills.

The main rule that should never be violated is that the spine itself cannot be massaged. Don't rub it, and especially don't put pressure on it. The area around the spine that needs to be massaged is not the spine itself. You should also not apply pressure or force on your back in the area of ​​the kidneys and between the shoulder blades. Only soft, calm movements of the massage therapist are appropriate here.

Traditionally, massage includes the following techniques: rubbing, patting, stroking, pinching and kneading. Cervical region need to be rubbed and kneaded more strong movements than the thoracic and lumbosacral. It is the cervical and shoulder regions that experience the greatest load.

The golden rule of a massage therapist is to listen to the feelings of the person undergoing medical procedure. It is necessary to perform a massage in a way that is comfortable for the patient, with one condition - do not violate contraindications.

What are the benefits of back massage?

  • Blood circulation improves, which helps cope with cardiovascular problems;
  • Cells and tissues receive nutrients faster;
  • Spasm of the spinal muscles goes away;
  • New capillaries open and oxygen-containing cells come to life;
  • Blood pressure returns to normal;
  • Stress and nervous tension disappear.

When performing spinal massage at home, do not forget that even gentle techniques may have contraindications:

  • Dermatological infections;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Vascular pathologies;
  • Injuries;
  • fever or fever;
  • Exposure to alcohol and other drugs;
  • Blood pressure problems;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Allergies, swelling;
  • Oncology;
  • STD.

How to prepare

Before the massage, wash your hands thoroughly. The palms need to be lubricated with special oil so that they glide well over the patient’s skin. Apply the oil to your hands and rub them together a little. This will ensure a pleasant temperature for human skin.

  • Read also: ?

The patient should take a comfortable position in which he can completely relax. There are two most popular massage positions.

  • Horizontal, on the stomach. Upper limbs located along the body and lie palms up. Head on side, better - towards the specialist. It is better to choose a hard surface. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible.
  • The patient sits on a chair facing the back. The arms are in a relaxed position on the back, and the head rests on them. You can put a pillow under your head to feel more comfortable.

The spine has three sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral. The cervical begins at the back of the head and ends at the top of the shoulder blades. Thoracic - from the shoulder blades to the lower rib. Lumbosacral - from the lower ribs to the coccyx. Any technique is first used in the waist area, and then moves up to the neck. Always pay attention to the cervical region special attention and caution. A massage session usually lasts from half an hour to forty minutes.

A good massage therapist should always feel when his hands are working on a healthy area and when on a more or less problematic area. Don’t be alarmed if at the beginning of practice you feel bad about the person’s body - this will come with time.

What techniques to use

All massage techniques should be performed taking into account the lymph flow: from lumbar region to the groin, from the lower chest to armpits, from the upper chest to the lymph nodes above the collarbones.


A session of almost any massage begins with stroking. It should relieve general tension from muscles and nerve endings, prepare the body for more strong impact. During these movements, the specialist runs his hands along and across the entire palm and in a circle in the area of ​​the shoulder blades . It is permissible to combine weak, barely perceptible movements from bottom to top with stronger ones from top to bottom. Massaging side surfaces, hands seem to clasp them. It is also worth ending the session by stroking your back - this calms the nerves and returns the body to its normal state.


This technique is performed slowly and in the direction of lymph flow. The peculiarity of squeezing is its rather deep impact. To enhance the effect, squeezing is used with weights - one palm is placed on the other, and the long and then the latissimus dorsi muscles are processed in turn.


Next, we begin to rub the back muscles. When performing the technique, we move from the side to the center, towards the ridge. Most attention We focus on the cervical region and shoulder girdle. During the treatment, we move the skin, affecting the muscles. On long muscles, we begin to rub from the sacral region. Moving in a semicircle, they work on the area of ​​the spinous processes up to the neck. Having reached the back of the head, we begin to return to the sacrum in the same way. We repeat the process five or six times.

We “saw” the latissimus muscles with both palms, their ulnar surface. We start, as always, with the lumbar region. It is possible to perform the technique with fingers apart, this will make the movements more gentle.

We are working on the sides radial side brushes moving from pelvic bones up to the armpits. Having reached the area between the ribs, we rub from the spine to the sides. With your palms outstretched, as if you were using a rake, we move firmly along the spaces between the ribs.

Paying attention to the inner edge of the shoulder blades, the hands of the person being massaged are placed behind the back, with the elbows pointing down. At the same time, we slightly raise the upper side of the shoulder and rub the other side. Between the scapular area and the spine, it is better to use the most gentle version of rubbing - only with your fingers. Using rubbing, we smoothly eliminate salt accumulation, swelling and muscle spasms.


Then we warm up the back with both palms, and for the back we use smooth movements with the hands from the center to the side. We massage the left and right separately, kneading each side in turn. To enhance the effect, one palm can be placed on the other. You should start with the long muscles. You can knead in the following ways:

  • One thumb. It presses the muscles against the bones and makes circular movements;
  • With two hands. You need to move your thumbs in turn on both sides of your back;
  • Using the pads of all fingers except the thumb, making circular movements;
  • Phalanges of the entire palm, also moving in a circle.

Having worked long muscles, go to the lats. Move on from ilium to the armpits. Grasp the muscle, pulling it slightly and moving in this position, again, in a circle. While stretching the muscles of the scapular region, place one hand under the shoulder joint and lift it slightly. Knead all surfaces of the joint in a circle. The kneading technique improves blood circulation and helps cells and tissues get rid of accumulated metabolic products.

Slapping and Vibrating

We use our palms, slapping the patient’s back without touching the bones and unprotected internal organs. At this moment, your hands should act like springs, quickly, but without pain. This back massage technique is performed at home using your fingertips. They move in a circle from the lumbar region to the cervical region. The technique is aimed at removing muscle spasm and normalization of metabolism. Improves blood circulation and muscle contraction ability.

Massage of the cervical-collar area

How to give a competent massage in this area? Common problem here these are salt accumulations. If the patient can be given such a diagnosis, we will use the following diagram: we are working quite deeply scapular region, we develop the shoulder girdle and neck. We begin any influence by stroking. Then rub vigorously and knead intensively. At the end of the session, we perform vibrations and strokes.

While stroking, we use grasping straight movements across it. Then we move in circles and zigzags with the entire palm, the edge of the palm, and the tips of the fingers. By rubbing, we “saw” or spread our fingers and “scrape” the desired area. It is also permissible to rub with your fists, applying pressure with the heel of your palm or your thumbs. With great care, you can apply pressure to the area with your elbows.

The Chinese discovered the healing properties of massage a long time ago. With its help you can cure any ailment. The main thing is to know the principles. But besides the benefits, massage can also cause harm. Therefore, in case of serious illnesses, it is still worth contacting specialists in this matter.

Very often people wonder how to properly massage the back and neck at home. The massage will be performed correctly when after it you relax, relieve stress, and enjoy.

Basic principles of massage

In order to know how to properly massage the back and neck, you need to familiarize yourself with general principles massage, which consists of the following stages:

How to make a massage not only pleasant, but also effective.

In order to know how to properly massage the back and neck, you need to familiarize yourself with retraining. The quality of your work will depend on many factors. If you did everything correctly, but the client was lying on a soft bed, the effect will be zero. The massage should be carried out on the most flat and hard surface possible - if it is at home, then a hard mattress will be ideal. The head should lie on it without any pillows. The master's hands must be washed, after which it is necessary to apply oil so that the palms glide well over the surface of the skin.

You can learn the technique of how to properly massage your back in 3 months. massage parlor for a reasonable fee. But basically everyone uses the old classical techniques. Why is this so? New massage techniques are not suitable for everyone. They have many contraindications. If, for example, the usual classic massage cannot be done with skin diseases, and pathologies of the spine in acute period, then reflex massage should absolutely not be performed during inflammation lymph nodes, increased blood clotting. That is, when going for a massage, you may not have such information. That's why specific types Massages, such as sports or reflex, are recommended to be carried out according to doctor’s indications and in medical institutions.

Features of collar area massage

Video: Massage lesson. How to do a back massage correctly

Great attention should also be paid to how to properly massage the back and neck, since very important events take place there. choroid plexuses And nerve endings. Massage of the collar area must be carried out separately. The patient must be in sitting position, and his head should be tilted down. That's the only way muscles posterior region necks will relax. After the massage, a person may experience slight dizziness, which goes away after 3–5 minutes. New, but enough effective look massage is acupressure neck. It is recommended for people with headaches and insomnia. In order to do it correctly, you need to know the location of the spinal points in the vertebral and paravertebral region. It is performed exclusively with the fingertips. The effect is both stimulating and calming, depending on the task at hand. The method of influencing the points is different.

Video: Relaxing yoga back massage for men. Relaxing yoga back massage for men

Now, knowing how to do a massage correctly, your relatives’ backs may not hurt, since you can repeat the same exercises on your loved ones. The technique is accessible to everyone, including the little ones. This massage has a very positive effect on children; they sleep better. Your family will be pleased, and you will gain experience and, quite possibly, in the future you will relieve them of back pain. Try something new for yourself.

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The article will introduce you to the basic principles of back massage at home based on basic lessons for beginners.

The reader will likely be inspired to dive deeper into this topic and consider becoming a licensed massage therapist.

So, we offer you these massage lessons for beginners at home .

The massage session should take place in a calm and pleasant environment.

The room during the session can be either bright or dimly lit. Create warm, calm, fresh environment : Turn on music, clear the room of distractions: phone/children/pets.

Required equipment:

  • comfortable hard surface(bed, massage table or futon on the floor, while access should be free from different sides);
  • auxiliary items(warm towel, massage oil, for example: olive or from grape seeds and alcohol, the latter is used to remove greasy marks).

Massage at home: basic instructions

  • Wash your hands before and after the massage;
  • warm up the massage oil/cream with your palms To make the touch warm, use a moderate amount, the friction will be better. If desired, a couple of drops of essential oil can be diluted with the main one ( this technique Do not use on pregnant women and children under 2 years old);
  • cover the parts you are not working with with a towel , it is important to maintain body heat;
  • matters feedback with massage : is it warm enough/comfortable/how are you feeling? If there is discomfort, place a cushion/pillow under your ankles/shoulders/head;
  • make sure you cover the entire area without straining own body(make a figure eight movement).

If you are interested in more than just technology home massage, but also issues of cleansing the body - read the article on how to use oats to cleanse the body (recipes and reviews of the procedure) at this link.

Beginner's warning: lesson number one - at home Do not risk a massage session in the following cases:

  • Cancer;
  • people taking corticosteroid drugs, narcotic substances;
  • high temperature;
  • shooting in the lower back;
  • obvious deformation of the spinal column.

There are a number of contraindications for massage

Important details:

  • due to the special flow of lymph ( from top to bottom and back), warm up your back necessary according to these directions;

  • another the movement must end where it began ;

  • easier work on each side in turn , it is necessary to maintain the sequence of actions;

  • practice moderate, calm movements ;

  • When working with your thumbs, provide support with your fingers;

  • do not apply direct pressure to the spinal joints;

  • give your back a massage 30-40 minutes , every move repeat until 5-7 times .

Step by step: massage lessons for beginners at home

Position on the stomach, head either turned to the side or face down, arms along the body, slightly bent.


In this way the massage begins and ends, thus muscles warm up and prepare for next steps or tune in to complete relaxation.

  • spread the oil evenly over your back with smooth movements;
  • gradually increasing the pressure, move along the spine with open palms, observing the direction from the neck to the lower back and vice versa;
  • move up to your shoulders and down again, use your body weight to create additional pressure, do this smoothly without removing your hands from your back;
  • plan using your knuckles, being careful not to put pressure on bone structures spine and shoulder blades;
  • complete the stroking with alternating intense movements and a figure eight stroke.

Stroking - initial stage massage


In progress rake-like movements, hatching (rib and base of the palm, pads, tubercle large phalanx, crest and base of fists). The method can be transverse, circular, concentric, longitudinal. Rubbing the body is preparing the muscles for kneading.


Way continuous, intermittent manipulation: grasping and lifting muscles . The back is massaged with significant pressure using rotating, drilling movements in a transverse and linear manner. The thumbs and fingertips work deep in the back, so you can lighten the load by using the crest of the fist and the elbow. Reception of vibration is carried out by four fingers pressed against the muscle, the area is shaken for several seconds.

The concept of trigger points (TT)

This increased pain areab , TTs are formed in soft tissues; on the back they can be found in Shane and shoulder region . Their development is associated with static load of the body (forced same type of position for a long time). Usually, pain in TT is a massage therapist’s guide .

Trigger Point Location

Place your thumb on the painful knot and press, increasing the pressure. It will hurt, but it is not harmful, on the contrary, muscle tension will miraculously disappear. Rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10, hold the pressure for up to 5 seconds until acute sensation will not go down to level 4. Without releasing the point, loosen, repeat again.

End the session by stroking your back, shake your hands after the procedure, and warm up your hands.

Thus, massage lessons for beginners at home include and discuss basic techniques, important details and the concept of trigger points. You don't need to be a seasoned professional to give a deep relaxing massage.

But you should not experiment if the patient has medical problems– they should be left in the care of a qualified massage therapist.

Mastering massage and self-massage for beginners

There are several massage techniques , there are usually no more than seven, and strong reception alternates with weak.

Each technique is performed along the paths lymphatic system . The direction goes to the closest nodes. This means that the area is massaged spinal column. From hip to knee, foot to knee, from neck to head, belly to armpit, hand to elbow, elbow to armpit, fingers to wrist, from lower back to groin. These techniques should in no way cause the development pain syndrome. The massage therapist relaxes the muscles as much as possible. Lymph should not be massaged.

The arms and legs close to the massage therapist and those distant from invariant areas of the body (neck, back, pelvis, deep and oblique muscles) are rubbed, then the massage therapist switches to another part of the body.

Massaging the torso naked , in massage through clothing, the least number of methods is used - only those that provide the effect. Massaging can be done using a sheet.

Massage can be local or general

Massage lessons for beginners at home include: 2 types of massage: individual and cumulative.

IN own (district, local) massage rubbed single lobes of the body . This method is an individual massage of the upper vertebra or hand, muscle, joint, etc. The duration of an individual massage is directly related to a person’s problems. For example, increased sensitivity patient to the effects on the muscles and soft fabrics. Typically this procedure lasts approximately 12-15 minutes , but maybe more, depending on the method.

In session general massage rubbed the entire human figure without exception .

Session duration , in addition, is depending on many reasons , whether it is obesity, high growth and other characteristics of the patient, as well as the type of massage (“healthy”, “healing”, “sports”).

Water self-massage for beginners at home

Water massage performed using special means

Unlike the classic one, this type of massage is performed using special items: a plastic tip and an elastic hose for spraying water . At home, such a massage is comfortable and easy to perform, since everyone has these devices in their shower.

First, the massage is carried out gradually from the legs to the torso . How more pressure jets, the better, so that the tissues are massaged and filled with blood. It is also useful to change the temperature of the water to tone the skin.

This type of massage is considered the safest and easiest to implement.

What is a contraindication

It must be remembered that massage is not allowed in all cases.

Contraindications are primarily infections and body pain. Contraindications are also chronic diseases, spicy respiratory infection and influenza viruses. Secondly, these are various injuries that do not make it possible to fully carry out a massage due to pain patient.

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