Smallest breast implant size. How does a plastic surgeon choose breast implants?

Breast implants allow the modern woman to achieve the desired, seductive bust shape. They are prostheses made of high-quality material. During surgery, they are inserted under the skin or muscle. There are many types of implants, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed on present moment. Why undergo surgery, every woman has her own motives. To increase use various types silicone implants.

Before surgery, a woman must undergo tests and an examination to exclude possible contraindications. You should avoid breast augmentation with implants if diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, poor blood clotting.

Breast surgery is done under general anesthesia and can last up to three hours. The prosthesis can be installed in the chest either under the skin or under the muscle. During installation, incisions are made in the crease under the breasts, along the extreme line of the areola, or an incision is made through the armpit.

Modern breast implants are made of high-quality material, have a durable shell and do not react with adjacent tissues, therefore ensuring lifelong wear.

When inserting implants, you must follow all the surgeon’s recommendations. Recovery after surgery lasts approximately one month. During this time, you must wear compression garments, limit physical activity, anti-inflammatory medications and ointments may be prescribed for fast healing scars.

The consequences of mammoplasty may not always be pleasant. Hematomas can form, nipple sensitivity is lost, postoperative sutures become infected, and scars form. Sometimes the dentures themselves can become deformed, rupture, or become dislodged.

Breast implants are not placed during pregnancy. But if they have already been installed and pregnancy has occurred, then this will not have any negative impact on its course. The same cannot be said about the shape of the breasts. Against the background of hormonal changes throughout 9 months, the mammary glands enlarge and high probability development of ptosis.

The service life of breast implants has now been significantly increased. How long you can walk with implants depends on many factors. If you choose quality material, you can wear them for a lifetime, but there is no guarantee that over time the weight will not change, injuries will not occur, or other factors will not occur.

What are the best breast implants, description of varieties

To enlarge your breasts, you need to choose the right silicone. Which implants are best suited, you need to know their main characteristics. Breast implants differ in shape, size, and have differences in the quality of the filler. They also differ in surface features.

  • Breast implants are available in anatomical and round shapes. What does the bust look like after implantation?

With anatomical prostheses in the form of a teardrop shape, the bust will look as natural as possible in a sitting or standing position. Teardrop-shaped dentures can be chosen for women with very small breast sizes. But there are also disadvantages. With anatomical prostheses, silicone breasts look unnatural when lying down, are difficult to install, and there is a risk that over time the prosthesis will shift and the bust will become deformed.

Round implants have a spherical shape. They are capable of greatly increasing bust size and are easily implanted. However, breast augmentation with round implants does not bring maximum effect naturalness and there is a risk of displacement of the prosthesis.

It is advisable to choose round silicone implants if you need to significantly increase the size of your breasts, or there is severe ptosis or asymmetry of the mammary glands.

  • You can install dentures filled with silicone gel or saline solutions.

Salt fillers were the first to appear. They are absolutely harmless, a minimal incision is required and the condition of the implants can be corrected even after surgery. The downside is considered weak opposition mechanical damage. They have a limited service life and are unnaturally soft to the touch.

The latest advances in silicone gel are: hydrogel (natural and pleasant to the touch, but not durable), Soft Touch gel (elastic to the touch and does not leak when the shell breaks), cohesive filler (hard to the touch, but the durable shell does not allow leakage) contents to adjacent compartments if damaged).

  • Breast implant sizes are calculated in milliliters.

The choice of size depends on the individual wishes of the patient. It is believed that every 150 ml of filler increases the bust by one size, but the original size is also taken into account. For example, a woman with the first breast size, installing a 400 ml implant, will end up with a fourth bust size.

If a 300 ml implant is installed by a woman who has a second bust size, the resulting size will be number four.

The shape, filler, and texture that was chosen largely determines how much it costs to make silicone breasts. Round dentures are considered cheap. The price will be about 60 thousand rubles. Breast augmentation with anatomical implants will cost the most. The approximate price is about 110 thousand rubles.

  • For breast augmentation, dentures with a textured or smooth surface can be chosen.

The textured surface has small pores into which the connective tissue enters and does not grow around the implant. This reduces the risk of complications. Prostheses with such a surface rarely move and deform the breast.

Today, smooth prostheses are chosen less and less in surgery. After implantation, the connective tissue grows together around the prosthesis, forming a capsule. Silicone breasts becomes dense to the touch and may become deformed.

Breast prosthesis manufacturing companies

When choosing implants, you need to take into account the reliability and reputation of the manufacturer. Below is a rating of the most popular and good manufacturers of the new generation.

  1. America offers an extensive catalog of implants from Mentor. Mentor breast implants have an anatomical and round shape with a textured surface. The filler is a highly cohesive gel. Mentor dentures are the most durable and resilient.

Among other advantages of Mentor prostheses, the following can be noted: the elasticity of the structure allows you to make small cuts on the skin, the shell consists of three layers, which provides increased strength, tearing is not possible, and a long service life.

The Mentor company produces anatomical implants with saline filler, which allows you to adjust the shape during and after surgery. For those who are interested in how much Mentor implants cost, we can say that the average price is about 50 thousand rubles.

  1. France is famous for prosthetics from the Arion company. Anatomical and round endoprostheses intended for breast augmentation with silicone are filled with gel or hydrogel. The shelf life of implants is very long, and damage to the shell is minimal.
  2. Germany offers varieties of prostheses from Polytech. Gel-filled implants do not deform. The surface is textured or smooth.
  3. Implants from Motiva ergonomix are often chosen, which have an anatomical shape with a textured surface. The shell consists of two layers, which provides high resistance to tearing. Motif implants have gel as a filler.

Numerous studies and the experience of women themselves indicate that Motiva ergonomix implants are safe and serve for many years, perfectly correct and enlarge the breasts. Implants from this company cost approximately 200 thousand rubles. They do not need to be replaced even after ten years. “I got implants many years ago. There is no discomfort. The breasts are firm and natural and have not changed shape.”
  1. The English company Nagor offers a wide variety of shapes and sizes of breast prostheses. All of them have a long service life, are not damaged, and are safe. They mainly have a textured surface and a gel filler.
  2. The leading position is occupied by the company producing breast implants – Allergan. You can choose prostheses that take into account all the structural features of a woman’s body. The shell consists of several layers, the filler is biogel. “I’ve been wearing Allergan implants for nine years now. The breasts are still beautiful, attractively shaped and pleasant to the touch.”

Implants from these manufacturers will remain popular in 2018. The shape of the made breast becomes lush and voluminous. In most cases, it remains soft and natural to the touch.

Removal and replacement of breast implants

All women who are planning to or have already installed endoprostheses are interested in the question of whether they need to be changed after some time. High-quality implants can last a very long time, more than 18 years. Therefore there is no need to change after 10 years. Why might another surgery be necessary? Repeated surgery, when it is necessary to change implants, can be performed for several reasons.

  • A desire to change the size and shape of the breast.
  • Replacement with more modern material, from which the prosthesis is made.
  • It is necessary to make a correction due to a sharp change in body weight.
  • The reasons may be related to age-related changes in the mammary glands.
  • The fusion of connective tissues becomes a mandatory indication for changing implants. The woman begins to feel tightness in the chest area and pain.
  • Asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  • It is necessary to urgently change breast prostheses even if they rupture or become dislodged.
  • Development of deep folds or stretch marks.

It is possible to permanently remove breast implants, but understand that the appearance of the breasts will be altered. The shape of the breast after removal of implants does not change for the better. Stretch marks, folds appear, and ptosis is observed.

The reviews note: “I removed the endoprostheses after a long time of use. The skin stretched and the breasts looked saggy, so I had to.”

How difficult it is to change implants depends on the reason for the need for this procedure. If the implants are installed correctly, and the replacement is only for aesthetic purposes, then the procedure is easy. Since there is already a socket in which the old implant was installed, you just need to make adjustments. Rehabilitation will take little time.

If a repeat operation is performed due to complications, it is longer and more traumatic. The rehabilitation period is also long.

Hello, dear readers who dream of perfect breasts. Today we will talk about radical method dreams come true. ABOUT important step to this incarnation - what sizes of breast implants are there? And which one will be ideal for you.

The size of the implant is not equal to the size of the future breast

Maybe the statement in the title of the article surprised or puzzled you. Well, how can it be that we inserted a three-piece implant and wear size 3, what’s wrong? But not so much.

Plastic surgeons, in the fight against the results of surfing the Internet, have to explain how to choose an endoprosthesis so that the visual perception of the “upgrade” mammary glands satisfied you and what actually makes up the number of the new bust.

And it consists of a combination of different, seemingly sometimes not directly related to your volume of “little things”.

Shape of the glands

In plastic surgery, it is customary to distinguish 4 forms of the gland:

  • disk;
  • cone;
  • hemisphere;
  • papilla (mastoid shape).

In the first case, the mammary gland is small, has a wide base and short height. In the second, the bust has a relatively small base and significant height (high bust). In the third, the width and height of the glands tend to be equal. The latter shape resembles a conical one, but the nipple “looks” down and the breast is slightly lowered.

The shape does not affect the dimensions of the bust, but significantly affects their visual perception and.

Volume and curvature of the chest

How many milliliters you need to add to your breasts to make them noticeable depends on the width of your chest. On average, one size is 150/200 ml. How much you need to add depends on your body proportions.

If you are asthenic and have a narrow chest, a 300 ml end insert will look inappropriately large. And it will seem that with every step you risk falling under the weight of your own bust. We are no longer talking about beauty.

Women with a wide chest should not even undergo surgery to have a 300 ml prosthesis implanted. It will “smear” and will be invisible. If you think that your broad-chested friend has a beautiful size 3, check, most likely she “wears” a four-piece bust.

But not only the girth of the chest, but also its configuration influences the recommendations of a plastic surgeon assessing the overall harmony of the body.

Preoperative bust volume

The amount of inherent bust tissue greatly influences how much needs to be added with a prosthesis. Consider a 300 ml running implant:

  • for ladies with a one, he will give a bust of 3 sizes;
  • for women with a pronounced two - will increase the bust of a four.

The dimensions of the future breast are made up of the preoperative amount of your bust tissue plus the volume of the endoinsert.


Height is included in the parameters for determining bust proportions, on tall body voluminous glands “look” seductively, while short women up to a four are not indicated.

Elasticity of fabrics

If a woman has a congenital defect (aplasia of glandular tissue), little muscle and very elastic skin, no surgeon will recommend large implants. First, the lower edge of the implant will be palpable. Secondly, your fabrics simply will not stretch to the desired volume.

Bra and Bust Size

Can I choose by bra? Choosing a bra is a separate issue. Oddly enough, not all girls know how to choose the right underwear. Moreover, you should not focus on the volume of the cups during endoprosthetics. Number on the label underwear- not an end in itself. The main thing is that the bust sat beautifully.

Moreover, having received a new breast, you will change not only the volume of the cup, but also the volume of the bra strap. Are you surprised? But this is a fact. If you were a modest size 2 with a girth of 68 cm, after augmentation to size 3 you will need a bra with a strap of 72 cm with a C cup. This is the kind of underwear you will feel comfortable in. And the support will be as natural, correct and convenient as possible.

You can try to squeeze a new bust into your favorite 68 cm, but then you will have to buy a four-piece cup. And it will still be uncomfortable. This is the arithmetic for endoprosthetics.

The opposite situation also happens; after augmentation, the bra number remains the same. At the same time, the patient is satisfied with the shape and dimensions of her breasts, and her main complaint to the surgeon is the same number of underwear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do installed implants need to be replaced? It depends:

  • on the quality of the end insert you choose;
  • careful “wearing” (damaged dentures must be mandatory deletion and replacement);
  • volume satisfaction;
  • a woman’s ability to maintain a stable body weight;
  • absence of diseases requiring removal of the implant.

On modern implants Manufacturers often offer a lifetime warranty. If your weight does not fluctuate, there are no new growths, you may not have to go to repeat operation. But usually, in practice, the period of use of prostheses is somewhat shorter than the patient’s life; implants are replaced every 10-25 years.

If silicone breast implants were installed before pregnancy, after changing your body shape, you may need to replace the prosthesis.

You will be surprised how many ladies, after augmentation, realize that their decision about the size and shape of their breasts is unsatisfactory and come for a second operation. To avoid this, try to evaluate the aesthetic aspect before the surgeon’s scalpel touches your tissues. Look at the photo and consult with your surgeon.

The maximum size of the implant itself depends on the manufacturer. Prostheses are produced in different sizes in increments of 10 ml, and generally the manufacturer stops at 525-550 ml. The maximum size is a completely different volume.

How much do modern implants cost? It depends on the manufacturer. The price of products with similar parameters may differ up to 2 times. Average cost for one product is 20-45 thousand rubles. This is the price of the implant alone.

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One of the most popular plastic surgeries today is breast replacement or mammoplasty, which has brought a real dawn to cosmetic medicine.

Statistics show that plastic surgeons perform more than 100,000 operations per year related to changing and correcting the size of the mammary glands.

What are implants?

These are endoprostheses made of high quality biocompatible material that give breasts larger size or changing its shape.


The advantages of using any endoprostheses include:

It is important to know that there are cases when, due to mechanical impact the implant still breaks, then it can be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer of this prosthesis. As a rule, this item is specified in the product document in the warranty section.


Disadvantages mainly occur when unforeseen cases occur, for example:

Implant classifications

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages can form a large list if we consider them by filler, installation options, shape or technical specifications. The information above refers to generally accepted factors.

By filler


The world met them in 1991. They look like a silicone bag with a multilayer elastomer shell and gel inside. The filler can be:

Why are silicone implants better than others?

The most natural and best breast implants are silicone. They perfectly imitate a woman's breasts and have a wide model range, look natural. Installation over the pectoral muscle is possible, as there is no wrinkling effect.

If the prosthesis is damaged, the internal filling will not enter the mammary gland, but will remain in its place. It is this factor that makes silicone implants completely safe. Therefore, they have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology medicine.

The disadvantages include a large incision when installing the prosthesis and regular (once every 2 years) magnetic resonance imaging to exclude the presence of an implant defect, since it is impossible to identify the problem by touch.


Working with anatomical shapes is more labor-intensive and they are more expensive than round shapes. This implant can move and distort the contours of the breast. But this can be avoided by giving preference to the textured surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that anatomical implants are quite dense in structure and even in a supine position the breasts retain their shape, which looks unnatural.

Yes, and you will have to forget about corrective and breast-lifting bras. Even the best teardrop shaped breast implants often deform into a round shape!

Both shapes are available with different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high. The height is selected by the plastic surgeon after analyzing the client’s physique.

By size of endoprostheses

In addition, must be taken into account anatomical features patients:

  • natural breast size;
  • skin condition and tissue elasticity;
  • chest size (asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic);
  • body proportions;
  • breast density.

After analyzing all the data plastic surgeon advises the patient on the shape and volume of the implant, which will look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Even if the patient has a flat chest, enlargement will help to acquire beautiful shapes. Special measurements are carried out to determine exact size and volume of the prosthesis. To do this, not only the volume of the chest is determined, but also the thickness of the breast, the location of the nipples, and the distance between the mammary glands.

The nuances associated with the incision for the implant are also discussed. In modern clinics, you can simulate the result on a computer. Of course, the patient’s wishes are always taken into account, but the doctor has the final say.

Breast implant lifespan

Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in unforeseen cases. Repeated surgery may be required only if the breasts become deformed after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a significant change in weight and when a defect in the prosthesis is detected.

The manufacturer of endoprostheses gives a lifetime guarantee without harm to human health, and if the implant needs to be replaced, it will be done at the expense of the manufacturer!

Implant manufacturing companies

is a French company that produces anatomical and round implants with hydrogel and silicone filling.

Allergan— the American manufacturer offers implants with a special pore size of a textured surface. This allows the connective tissue to be absorbed deep into the prosthesis. They fit in the chest like a glove. They are filled with soft gel, which allows your breasts to look natural. The company also offers saline-filled implants.

According to reviews from plastic surgeons, implants from this company have a very small percentage of cases with complications, only 1-4%.

Nagor— British implants with a huge selection of shapes and sizes. Producing prosthetics since the 1970s. Over the course of 5 years, the percentage of gaps was 0%! The products are textured and filled with gel content. The product is distinguished by a special casing.

Polytech— implants with memory effect from Germany. A product with a highly cohesive gel practically does not change shape, and the shell consists of many layers. May be smooth or textured.

Mentor- The American manufacturer has been producing some of the elastic prostheses in both anatomical and round shapes since 1992. The shell is durable and textured, and is filled with a highly cohesive material. This company also offers saline implants, which can be adjusted during surgery.

A professional plastic surgeon in a good modern clinic will always help with the choice correct implant and will tell you which breast implants are the best today.

Breast implants can make a woman confident and attractive. For the result to match your expectations, serious preparation and a qualified surgeon are required. He will help you choose perfect shape and implant sizes.

Breast implants for the mammary glands: what they look like, how often to change, service life, pros and cons. Price. Photos before and after. Reviews

Breast endoprostheses are silicone shells filled with gel or water-salt solution. They differ in a variety of materials and shapes. The service life of implants is 7-13 years. Manufacturers do not limit the service life to a time frame, however, replacing implants is common occurrence.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • damage to the breast implant followed by leakage of gel or solution (very rare);
  • the occurrence of inflammation that cannot be cured with medication (rare);
  • desire to change breast size, its shape, replace old implants with modern and safe ones (often);
  • physiological changes: sharp jumps body weight, pregnancy and childbirth, natural processes aging (often).

The advantages of installing endoprostheses are the ability to correct severe breast asymmetry, sagging, and the moral satisfaction of the woman.

The disadvantages include possible complications(implant rejection, infections, long rehabilitation process). Even after a successful operation and recovery period, diagnosing breast diseases becomes more difficult in the future.

The cost of implants depends on the manufacturer and quality, as well as the company’s pricing policy. The starting price of one endoprosthesis varies between $600-900. If you choose a model made to order or with specific content, the price rises to $1500-2500 per piece.

Complications occur due to low level professionalism of the surgeon, improper adherence to recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Breast lift with implants

Mastopexy with endoprosthetics is a series surgical interventions, contributing to the creation correct form breasts Indicated if classic breast augmentation does not bring the desired result.

Reasons why a surgeon prescribes a combination surgery:

  1. Breast-feeding. During lactation, the skin of the breast is subject to stretching. After breastfeeding ends, the size of the mammary gland decreases and the breasts sag.
  2. Losing a lot of excess fat.
  3. The need to change breast implants. If you want to reduce the size of the breast and maintain its shape, the surgeon selects smaller endoprostheses. Therefore, he needs an additional mastopexy.

In most cases, a breast lift with implants is performed in two stages. Mastopexy is performed and after healing the breast is enlarged.

Much less commonly, augmentation and lifting are combined together. This requires a highly qualified surgeon. It is necessary to take into account that various kinds complications are unlikely to be avoided.

The most common are:

  1. Improper scarring. Thin, invisible seams are formed if no additional pressure is applied to them. The weight of the implant exerts this same pressure, as a result of which the scars “spread” and become excessively rough.
  2. Breast asymmetry.
  3. Ptosis. An incorrect calculation by the surgeon can cause displacement of the areola of one or both nipples, which looks extremely unattractive.
  4. Infection followed by necrosis of gland tissue. Due to multiple injuries after surgery, blood and plasma accumulate in the chest, which are a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogens.

Mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.The duration of the operation is 4-6 hours, and the cost is $5000-6000. However, not always high cost is a guarantor of high surgeon qualifications and quality.

Breast augmentation with implants

After passing necessary tests and consultation with the surgeon, the day of the operation is set.

Preparation for it should be carried out taking into account all the doctor’s recommendations:

  1. Exception bad habits a few weeks before mammoplasty.
  2. About all accepted medicines must be reported to the doctor.
  3. If you have allergies, try to completely eliminate exposure to allergens.

Before the operation begins, the doctor and the patient discuss all the nuances and possible complications.

To common negative consequences include:

  • formation of hematomas;
  • abnormal scarring;
  • capsular contracture.

Contraindications: diseases infectious nature, neoplasms, allergies, breast diseases. They are also not carried out for girls under the age of majority. After surgery, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations will eliminate the occurrence of complications by 80%.

Types, sizes, shapes of breast implants. Photos with implants

Silicone implants

Silicone endoprostheses are medical breast implants for changing the size and shape of the breast.

Surgeons prefer silicone for a number of reasons:

  1. Filling with cohesive gels of different densities makes the breasts tactilely indistinguishable from natural ones.
  2. Consistency and special properties gels. If the shell is damaged, they do not flow out of the implant. There is no risk of damage to the mammary gland.
  3. Due to the high density, it is possible to produce anatomical (drop-shaped) shapes. This is problematic when filled with a water-salt solution.
  4. By modifying the properties of the gel filler, it is possible to achieve a variety of its characteristics.
  5. Silicone implants are lighter, which reduces additional stretching of the skin.

Round implants

Subject to availability flat chest round endoprostheses, in most cases, will look artificial and unaesthetic.

There are several types of implant filler:

  • water-salt;
  • silicone;
  • combined – water and silicone gel;
  • biogel.

Round implants can be high profile (highly convex) or low profile (flatter). Some models have a volume adjustment function. This is convenient, since the surgeon can adjust the size and shape of the breast during the operation.

A relative disadvantage is the possibility of its displacement inside the mammary gland. Outwardly, this is practically not noticeable, but it can cause some discomfort in a woman.

Anatomical (teardrop-shaped) implants

Anatomical breast implants are recommended for women with an asthenic build and small breast size. They are asymmetrical in shape - the upper edge is thinner, thicker towards the bottom. Their appearance is as close as possible to the natural shape of a woman’s breast and resembles a drop.

Thanks to asymmetry, manufacturers produce models with a wide variety of shapes, profiles, and sizes. Maybe custom production.

A relative disadvantage is their denser texture (necessary to maintain the anatomical shape of the implant), tactilely little similar to natural breasts. During installation, displacement of the endoprosthesis is also possible.

The advantage of the teardrop shape is a scientifically proven, low percentage of capsular contracture formation, and the appearance of the most natural and natural breasts.

The best lifelong breast implants – rating, companies. Where to buy, how much they cost

Implants "Mentor"

Breast implants from the Mentor company are considered the safest.

The manufacturer uses developed and patented materials: Siltex shell and MemoryGel cohesive gel. Anatomical Mentor implants have an improved curve line. Even if you have breasts with minimal fat and glandular tissue they won't stand out.

Distributors in Russia are Clovermed and Implant Medical. More than half of women choose products from this company for mammoplasty.

You can purchase or order endoprostheses from official dealers via the Internet or by contacting them by phone. In most cases, implants are ordered directly from the clinic; one implant starts from $900.

Implants “Motiva Ergonomics” (“Motiva”)

The only company producing ergonomic endoprostheses. They are able to look natural in any position of the body, harmonious even in initially small breasts.

Widest choice volumes from the smallest to the largest: 4 types of profile, several types of viscosity, seven-layer shell, smooth, textured or micro-textured surface. The products are approved by the most significant commissions FDA, ISO, EN, CE.

You can purchase implants through the official website or through the clinic aesthetic medicine where breast augmentation will be performed. The cost of a pair ranges around $2000.

Allergan implants

Allergan implants are characterized by a wide range of sizes. This makes selection easier even in the most difficult cases– not only for mammoplasty, but also for breast reconstruction.

In addition to the standard single-component filling, endoprostheses are produced with combined filling of different densities. This allows you to achieve the necessary parameters of shapes, profiles and sizes.

It is possible to purchase implants directly through the clinic where the plastic surgery will be performed or from a representative of Family Health CJSC. The cost of one implant is about $750.

Sebbin implants

For more than 30 years, Laboratoires SEBBIN has been producing high-quality, premium breast implants that meet all international standards.

The endoprosthesis shell consists of 9 layers. The last layer is made in such a way that the risk of developing capsular contracture, statistically, does not go beyond 1%. The internal content is Naturgel gel, which comes in 3 types of density and is tactilely no different from natural female breasts. The company offers the service of creating implants based on individual measurements.

Each endoprosthesis is tested for possible defects. You can order implants on the official website of the company, or in the clinic where mammoplasty will be performed. The cost of a pair is $2000-2500.

Implants "Polytech"

The German company POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics, a leading supplier of breast implants in Europe, has been producing silicone implants for breast enlargement for 30 years.

Their products are characterized by an 8-layer shell that prevents rupture and penetration of silicone into the gland tissue. The top layer comes in 3 types. Microtextured is considered the most popular.

The filling is a non-flowing, high-viscosity gel. latest generation with shape memory. Not long ago, the company introduced the Sublime Line modular system, which helps in selecting an implant. It includes 4 categories, each with 4 profiles and 18 sizes.

You can purchase branded endoprostheses from the official distributor of Bonamed LLC or through the clinic where plastic surgery is planned. The cost of a pair starts from $2000.

Nagor implants

The Nagor company, a leader in the sale of implants in Ireland and the UK, has been developing and improving its range of endoprostheses for 35 years, including more than 200 items. The gel that fills the dentures is indistinguishable in density and tactility from natural breasts. The quality and environmental friendliness of materials is confirmed by European standards ISO 10993, BS EN ISO 14630, EN 12180.

The company guarantees, in case of damage or contracture, a free replacement of both implants. It is possible to select another model. You can order endoprostheses through the official website, from the distributor - the Medical Test company. The cost of one implant starts at $850.

Implants "Natrelle"

Natrel breast implants are a new line from McGhan. Represented by 140 models of silicone implants and 100 models with water-salt filling. Includes round and anatomical forms.

The textured BIOCELL shell is designed with such features that the flip of the teardrop implant or the development of contracture are reduced to zero. They are filled with cohesive gels of different densities (round) or Soft Touch gel (anatomical), which is able to remember the original shape.

You can buy endoprostheses at the representative office of the manufacturer ZAO Family Health. You can also purchase them through the clinic. The cost of a pair of implants is approximately $1500-1800.

Implants "Arion"

The French production of Arion implants is of high quality: a wide range of models, different types of gel densities, smooth and textured shells characterize the brand. The shell consists of 6 layers that strongly protect against ruptures.

Hydrogel bioimplants of the Monobloc system are considered the safest and most reliable, and do not interfere with X-ray examination of the breast.

You can purchase implants through the clinic or contact company representatives through the official website The estimated cost of a pair of implants is $1600-2000.

Installation and removal of breast implants – breast surgery. Implant installation methods

There are several options for installing breast implants:

  • Between the gland and the pectoralis major muscle. The method is suitable for breasts with a sufficient content of glandular and adipose tissue. Then the implant will not be palpable and its edges will not be noticeable.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Minimum painful sensations during the rehabilitation period. Fast recovery time.
  2. No further deformation or displacement of the implant, especially when playing sports.
  3. The most pronounced form.


  1. High risk development of capsular contracture.
  2. The likelihood of asymmetry, waves or stretch marks.
  3. Reduction or complete disappearance of breast sensitivity, especially nipples.
  • Partially between the gland and under the pectoralis major muscle. The most optimal and therefore popular method for mammoplasty. Suitable for most women.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Natural curve of the breast, absence of waves along the edge of the implant, stretch marks. Since it is supported not only by the skin, but also partially by the muscle.
  2. The risk of capsular contracture is minimized.
  3. No sagging, asymmetry, deformation or displacement.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Long lasting and painful period rehabilitation. Edema may persist for up to several months.
  2. If you do not take care of the décolleté area, the implants may move over time. It is necessary to keep the skin toned.
  • Between the pectoralis major and minor muscles. The method is characterized by installing an implant under a large pectoral muscle. It was developed as an alternative to the subglandular method of installation.


  1. There is virtually no risk of developing capsular contracture.
  2. No hints of the presence of an implant - tactile or visual. It is completely hidden under muscle tissue.


  1. Long recovery period with severe pain and swelling.
  2. The presence of an implant does not provide the desired volume and lift of the breast, as it is partially “damped” by muscle density.
  3. When playing sports or straining muscles, endoprostheses become deformed and can become dislodged.

Surgeons rarely use this method installations.

Removal of implants is carried out through the same hole as installation.

There are 3 options:

  • through a cut in the nipple;
  • through an incision in the crease under the breast;
  • through an incision in the armpit.

Where exactly the seam will be depends on the size of the implant, the structural features of the chest and the wishes of the woman.

Consequences of inserting implants - what breasts look like after 10 years

With a high-quality operation and correctly selected implants, breast deformation over time will be minimal. The tissues are stretched due to the impact of the mass of the endoprosthesis.

The age of the woman plays an important role - the older she is, the faster mammoplasty will lose its original appearance. This is why, after 10 years, breasts can look either amazing or not so beautiful.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with silicone implants?

Mammoplasty does not affect breastfeeding in any way. Even if the implant ruptures, silicone can in no way harm the quality of milk or its production.

Breast implants may partially interfere with feeding if the glandular ducts have been injured. Then the amount of milk will decrease, but its production will not stop.

Video about breast implants

Breast implants - what you need to know and think about:

Breast implants and the whole truth about them:

Since the dawn of cosmetic medicine, breast replacement has been considered the most popular to this day. plastic surgery. Breast implants are prostheses made from biocompatible, high-quality material that are placed under the muscle or skin to increase breast size or shape it.

Pros and cons of thoracic endoprostheses

The advantages and disadvantages of breast implants are usually distinguished according to their filler, technical classifications, installation options and shape. But there are also generally accepted factors that are relevant for any type of endoprosthesis. Breast implants have the following advantages:

  • Imitation of natural breasts. They imitate natural female breasts as accurately as possible, both visually and tactilely;
  • Biocompatibility and sterility. Today, implant fillers do not create inflammatory processes inside the breast and guarantee a minimum risk of prosthesis rejection;
  • Filler safety. Salt fillers are completely harmless to the body, and the highly cohesive gel does not shift even when the prosthesis is damaged;
  • Low frequency of ruptures. Breast implant ruptures occur mechanically, due to severe trauma or impact. When manufacturing prostheses, factories carefully test the tension before releasing the prostheses onto the market, this reduces the risk of damage to the implants. In the event of a rupture, the manufacturing company undertakes to replace the prosthesis free of charge, as indicated in the product warranty document.

Disadvantages of endoprostheses These include more unforeseen cases, but they still happen:

  • Tactile sensations. Breast implants can be sensitive to the touch, especially when installed under the gland;
  • Implant contouring. Most often, the contours are visible in a supine position and with the condition that the endoprosthesis is located under the gland. Placement under the muscle almost never creates a contouring effect;
  • Risk of fibrocapsular contracture - applies to prostheses with a smooth shell;
  • Wrong size choice. The size of the implants must clearly correspond to the woman’s natural breast size.

Characteristics of breast implants, their types and photos

Classification of implants by filler

Silicone filler. Dentures first appeared in 1991. They are a silicone bag (elastomer) filled with cohesive silicone gel (a dense gel, similar to the consistency of marmalade with distinctive feature, remember the shape of the implant), hydrogel filler or gel "SOFT TOUCH".

The elastomer itself can be completely smooth and have a rough, textured surface. If the integrity of the prosthesis is compromised, the filling composition remains in place and does not penetrate the breast tissue. Because silicone implants are absolutely safe. In modern cosmetic medicine, as a rule, they are used.

Saline implants. The oldest type of implant, which was invented back in 1960. Dentures are round bags made of silicone material that are filled with saline solution. Endoprostheses can pre-fill with a substance, or filled using the hole directly during surgery. When installing the second option, the doctor makes a much smaller incision. There are saline implants that allow manual correction after mammoplasty.

The main disadvantage is the tendency to damage the implant, its softness, the ability to tactilely determine the presence of fluid in the mammary gland; if the prosthesis ruptures, the shape of the breast is lost, and there is also a need for re-correction. Some women complain of a distinctive "gurgling" sound of fluid in their breasts. The main advantages of saline implants include the complete biological compatibility of the saline solution in the event that the prosthesis ruptures and the filler passes into the tissue. The physical solution is identical to plasma in the human body.

Minimum possible age To install saline dentures, you must be 18 years old. Today, saline implants are used less frequently than silicone ones.

Highly cohesive aggregate is the densest material that feels like marmalade. Anatomical prostheses are made from highly cohesive gel. Due to increased density implants are almost not deformed during wear and do not leak if damaged. The disadvantage of this filler is that it is not natural look breasts due to the rather pronounced property of the filler to remember its shape and the unnatural hardness of its consistency.

“SOFT TOUCH” filler is similar in characteristics to the filler described above. The difference is the smaller negative properties and lower density.

Hydrogel filler (bioimplants) are manufactured as an alternative silicone implants. The natural polymer carboxymethylcellulose is used as a filler. This filler is harmless; if it ruptures and enters the breast tissue, it biodegrades.

Silicone prostheses They imitate breasts as accurately as possible, are sterile, do not change the original shape and almost never contour. In addition, they are almost the same to the touch.


  • the traumatic nature of the operation, which is explained by the presence of a larger incision for installing the prosthesis;
  • need for an MRI every few years to detect damage.


Textured. This surface has small pores. Once in, the connective tissue does not grow around the implant and does not lead to complications. It is for this reason that many surgeons prefer prostheses with a porous textured surface. Another advantage - textured denture securely adheres to surrounding tissues, thereby reducing the risk of displacement.

Smooth. Today, cosmetic surgery considers smooth implants to be a relic of the past, but some doctors still offer this option to patients. After installing the prostheses, the body creates a capsule around them from connective tissue. Since the smooth surface does not have pores, intensive tissue growth in the mammary gland leads to thickening of the breast near the implant, and the prosthesis itself leads to deformation. This process is called fibrocapsular contracture. A disadvantage of smooth endoprostheses is also the risk of their displacement after installation, which creates breast deformation.

The advantages include thin shell of the prosthesis, which makes them softer, unlike textured ones, reduces cost and extends service life.

Forms of endoprostheses

Teardrop-shaped or anatomical. They are widely used to enlarge flat breasts, and in cases where the patient wants to maintain maximum naturalness and smoothness of the contours of the mammary gland. Anatomical prostheses are a little more expensive than round ones, and it is also more difficult for a doctor to work with them. Many surgeons are of the opinion that due to the enlargement of the capsule, teardrop-shaped prostheses acquire a round shape over time. In addition, the anatomical implant can move, from which the breast receives deformed contours. To avoid these nuances, when choosing anatomical prostheses, it is necessary to give preference to their textured surface.

Due to their high density, anatomical implants maintain the shape of the breast even in a supine position, which is quite unnatural. Difficulties also arise when you decide to adjust or lift your breasts with a bra.

Round. Most often used for correction and enlargement of breasts with severe asymmetry or ptosis. Round endoprostheses are suitable for girls who decide to make their breasts as raised and voluminous as possible. Several types of round implants are manufactured: high-profile and low-profile. They tend to turn over and do not create visual naturalness. But these prostheses are very easy to install, which is why many surgeons choose them. At the same time, round dentures have quite low cost.


The size of breast implants is determined by the physical volume of their filler, namely milliliters. There is a theory according to which 150 milliliters of solution or gel is proportional to one natural breast size. During mammoplasty, the original size is also taken into account. That is, by setting dentures with a volume of 400 milliliters, the owner of the first size will have a fourth as a result of the operation. There are also such concepts as:

  • Adjustable size - correction and filling occurs directly during surgery using a special hole in the elastomer;
  • Fixed size - dentures of a certain volume.

Choosing the right volume

The choice of the shape and volume of breast implants takes place at the first consultation with a plastic surgeon, usually for this purpose photos of operations “before and after” are viewed and, as a rule, the patient and the surgeon come to a general consensus, but it is best to leave the final word to the doctor. He takes into account all the anatomical features and chooses the size and shape that will create the girl’s most natural and beautiful breasts. The access (incision for the implant) is also agreed upon with the surgeon, taking into account the characteristics of the implant and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Main factors for choosing endoprostheses:

  • Chest volume;
  • Figure proportions and height;
  • Initial breast size;
  • Breast density;
  • Skin condition.

Breast implant service life and replacement

Today, companies that manufacture endoprostheses provide a lifetime guarantee of products without any risk to a woman’s health. Therefore, purely theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in extraordinary cases that are related to their integrity (in this case, the manufacturer undertakes to make a replacement at his own expense). In addition, augmentation mammoplasty does not interfere with breastfeeding. But there are other factors that can force a woman to undergo repeated surgery:

  • Defects that have appeared in the shell of the prosthesis;
  • Breast deformation due to breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • Significant weight changes.

Leading implant manufacturing companies

Nagor (England). Breast implants are characterized by a variety of sizes and shapes. Clinical trial results have proven 0% rupture of dentures over five years. Most implants have a textured surface and a gel filler.

Mentor (America). Manufactures anatomical and round prostheses with a textured shell. Used as a filler highly cohesive gel. Saline implants are also manufactured with the possibility of adjustment during surgery or after completion. Mentor dentures are among the most resilient.

Arion (France). Anatomical and round endoprostheses, filler - silicone gel and hydrogel. They are characterized by a monoblock connection between the valve and the prosthetic shell and a six-layer shell. Products have a lifetime warranty.

Allergan/McGhan (America). They are distinguished by the special pore size of the textured surface, which allows the connective tissue to be absorbed deep into the prosthesis. Firmly fixed in the chest. Filled with soft gel, good imitate natural breasts. The products also include saline-filled dentures.

Polytech (Germany). The breast implant is filled with a soft, highly cohesive gel, has a “memory effect” (it does not deform during any manipulation), the plastic shell has several layers. Shell - coated with MPC, textured or smooth.

If you have found the most modern clinic and a professional plastic surgeon, then you can be sure that the problem of choosing the right implant will be in good hands, and soon you will be able to enjoy your beautiful and new body shapes by comparing photos before and after surgery.



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